HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1984-016 s ` � * ,� , 1 CITY OF GRAPEVINE ORDINANCE NO. 84-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 82-73, THE _ CITY'S COMPREHENSNE ZONING ORDINANCE BY AMENDING AND RENUMBERING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SECTIONS ONE (1) THROUGH TEN (10); BY AMENDING SECTIONS RELATING TO EXISTING ZONING DISTRICTS; BY ADDING NEW ZONING DISTRICTS, NAMELY PRD-6, PRD-12, PCD, PID, GU, DFW, HC, CBD, HCO, AND LI; BY ADDING NEW PROCEDURAL AND SUBSTANTNE SECTIONS DEALING WITH PLANS AND VESTED RIGHTS NAMELY MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SITE PLAN APPROVAL, CONCEPT PLAN AND VESTED RIGHTS; REPEALING SECTIONS ESTABLISHING FOLLOWING DISTRICTS NAMELY C- OU, MFW, AND IPAR AND PUD AND OTHER RELATED CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS INCLUDING A RENUMBERING OF SECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $1,000.00 AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED UPON EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EMERGENCY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTNE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 15, 1981, by the passage of OraiRance No. 81- 61, the City Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission adopted Update 1980 of the 1974 Comprehensive Master Plan; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 1982, by the passage of Ordinance No. 82-?3, the City Council, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission approved and adopted a new Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission, pursuant to the directives and mandates contained in the above described crdinances have proceeded to take all necessary steps to implement the �.�mprehensive Master Plan; and WHEREAS, after Public Notices were given in compliance with State Law and Public Hearings were conducted, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended certain amendments, additions, changes and deletions to Ordinance No. 82-73; and WHEREAS, after due deliberation and consideration of the advice of the Planning and Zoning Consultants retained by the City and all of the information submitted during the Public Hearings, the City Council has concluded that it is in the public's best interest and in support of the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the City that Ordinance No. 82-73 be amended accordingly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS: Section One. That all of the matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. , � � Section Two. That the 1982 Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 82-73 of the ity o rapevine be and it is hereby amended in its entirety as follows: A. The following Sections of the said 1982 Ordinance be and they are hereby renumbered as follows: New Section No. Old Section No. 5 50 q 6 g 47 g 27 11 56 12 51 13 through 18 7 thro 5h 11 19 20 . 14 21 through 22 12 through 13 22A 16 24 through 25 18 through 19 27 1? 30 21 31 23 42.A 28 42.B 29 42.0 through 42.H 3i through 42 43 44 49 25 50 30 53 through 58 31 through 36 60 Section 9 of Ordinance 70-10 � 64 43 67.A 48 . 67B through F. 52.A through E. q0 54 73 57 B. The follo�uying Sections of the said 1982 Ordinance be and they are hereby amended in their entirety: 1. Section 3 is amended in its entirety so that it will read as follows: SECTION 3. The City of Grapevine is hereby divided into the following zoning districts, which districts are shown and described on the Zoning Map of the City of Grapevine, which Map is incorporated herein by reference. R-20 Single Family Residential Districts. A zone designed to accommodate single family development on lots that are a minimum of 20,000 square feet in area. R-1`L.5 Single Family Residential Districts. A zone designed to accommodate single family residences on lots that are a minimum of 12,500 square feet in area. R-7.5 Single Family Residential Districts. A zone designed to accommodate single family development on lots that are a minimum of 7,500 square feet in area. R-5.0 Zero Lot Line District A zone desibned to accommodate single family de��elopment at a density of not more than eight dwelling units per gross ncre on lots that are not less than 5,000 square feet in area and on which the residence may be located as close as one foot to one lot line. R-3.5 Duplex Residential Districts. A zone designed to accommodate development with resi- dential buildings containing two dwelling units in each building, at a density of not more thAn ei�ht dwelling units per gross acre. R-3.75 Fourplex Residential Distcict. A zone designed to acco�modste develop�ent with residential buildings containing four dwelling units in each building at a density of not wore than ten dwell- ing unit• per gross acre. R-TH Tcwnhouse Residential Distcict. A zone designed to scco�modate develop�ent with town- houses at a density of not more than nine dwellings per gross acre. RMH Mobile Home District. A sone designed to sccommodate developn►e�t with planned ■obile home packs at a density of not more than five d welling unita pec gross acce. R-1�ZODH Modular Home District. A zone designed to provide adequate space and site diversification for single-family detached modular home subdivisions. This district recognizes modular homes as a specific form of housing and provides appropriate standards generally consistent with the R-7.5 Single Family Resi- dential District. RMF-1 Multiple Family Residential District. 11 zone deai9ned to acco�amodate multiple fsmily ceaiden- tisl development at a density of not �ore than tvelve dvelling units per gross acre. RMF-2 Multiple Family Residential District. 11 zone deaigned to accom�nodate �aultiple faaily residen- tial development at s density of not ■ore than twenty d welling units per gross acre. LB Lisited Buaineas District. A sone designed for sites not largec than one acce in size to accommodate neighborhood convenience �etail shopping facilities and pcofessional and buainess ofEi- ces that ace pciwarily enqaged in providing services to residents of the iwAediate neighbochood. CN Neighbochood Commeccial District. A zone designed to provide locatione foc the local neighborhood shopping and pecsonal secvice needs of the sucrounding acea. CC Community Coiamecce Development Disttict. . 1► zone deaigned to accos�nodste grnecal retail shopping facilities including community and segional ahopping centeca. CBD Centcal Business District. A zone designed to accommodate the types of business and como�rcial uses thst have historically been located in the Grapevine centcal busineas area. 8C Highwsy Commercial District. A zone designed to accom�odate busines� and comaercial uae• that depend upon high vieibility, convenient sites on arterial highwsys in order to attract customers. PO Pcotesaional Office District. � � so�e desiqned to accow�odate Low intensity business or professionai office• that are designed and aited to be cospstible with nearby residenti�l uses and vhich pri�arily provide services to r�aidents o� the cow- •unity. 8C0 Notel Corpocat� Ottie� Distcict. � sone deaiqeed to �cco��odate the developwent of hotels, •otels, cestaurants, and other uses that are i�cid�ntsl to th� function oi providing loaging, �ood, and aervices to transients and to encouraqe the loca- tion of planned oftice co�epleses and corporate head- quarter tacilities in Grapevine on tracts of not lesa tKan three acres in sise. LI Light industcial Diatrict. 11 sone designed to acco�nmodate industrial developme�t in accocdance with pecformance stsndards designed to ensure that such uses will have little oc no impact on the area around them. C-N Commeccial-warehouse District. A zone designed to sccommedate warehousing and related businesses, such as •otor freight terwinals, that will generate siqnificant volumes of tcuck ttaffic. planned Developanent Districts PRD-6 Planned Residential Low Density District. �► zone designed to accowmodate development with a vari- ety of types of residences in accordance with a master development plan aKd in Mhich residential uses predomi- nate and the resi�ential density is not more than six d welling units per gross acce. pRD-12 planned Residential Medium Density District. � ]1 sone designed to accoa��nodate development with a vari- ety ot typea of cesidences in accordance with s �aastec development plan and in which residential uaes predomi- nate and the cesidential density is not wore tfisn twelve d welling units per qcoms acre. PCD Planned Commerce Oevelopment District. 11 zone designed to sccowmodate mixed uses in which the preaominant usea are [etail business and coma�eccial developa�ent in accordance with a �aastec development plan. pID planned industciel Developa�ent Oiatcict. l� zone deeigned to acco�w�odate industrial development in accordance Mith a •aster development plan. Special Distcicts G� Governmental Use District. This diatrict is intiended to apply to those landswhere national, •tate ot local governmental activitiea ace conducted and whece title to such lands are held by a yovernmental body. !p Flood plain District. An overlay district referenced to the floodway and flood boundary maps as �repared by the Federal Emer- gency Management Agency dated November 17, 1982. OPN Dallas-Foct wocth Aicport Diatcict. 1► sone designed to include the entire area of the Dallas-Fort liocth Regional llirpoct. A8 Airport Height District. 1►n overlay distcict designed to provide additional special height li�itations on structuces in �he vicin- ity of the Dallas-lort Morth Regional Airport. J►N-11 �-e �►irpa=c Noss� ni�c�ioes. �-c 11I�1-D Overlay districta designed to pcovide �dditional regu- lations tor pcoperty in the vicinity of Dallas-Foct North Regional �►irport that will ensuce cowpliance vith the land use compatibility guidelinea and noise insula- tion tequice�aents of thc A, B, C, and D Land Use Guid- �nce Zones. in classifying the area within the corporate limits of the City of Gcapevine in the vacioua diatricts set out above, the folloMing criteria shall be consideceds ' 1. The land use reco�a�nendstions and policies contained in the Msster Plan of the City of Gcapevine. 2. The existing developAent on the site and the density and intensity of use in such develop�ent. 2. SeMion 4 is amended in its entirety so that it will read as foilows: Sec. 4. Official 2oning Map (Revisedj . Official 2oning Flap. - The City is hereby divided into the diSttict5 listed in Section 3 of this Ocdinance as shown on the Officiel Zoning Map which, together with all explanatory matter thereon, is hereby ndopted by reference and declared to be a pact of this ocdinance. The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor attested by the City Clerk, and bearing the seal of the City under the following words: "This is to certify that this is the Official Zoning Map referred to in Section 4 of Ordinance Number 82-73 of the City of G�apevine, Texas," together with the date of the adoption of this ocdinance. ' If. in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, changes are made in district boundaries or other matter poctrayed on the Official 2oning Map pcom ptly after the amendment has been approved by the City Council. No amendments to this ocdinance which involves matter portrayed on the Official Zoning Map shall become effective until after such change and entry has been made on said map. No changes of any nature shall be made in the Official Zoning Map or matter shown thereon except in conformity with the procedures set forth in this ordinance. Any unauthocized change of whatever kind by any pecson oc persons shall �be considered a violation of this oidinance. Regardless of the existence of purported copies of the Official 2oning Map which may fcom time to time be made or published, the Official Zoning Map which shall be located in the office of the City Clerk shall be the final authority as to the current zoning status of land and water areas, buildings, and other structures in the City. C. The following section of the said 1982 Ordinance is amended in its en- tirety and renumbered to read as follows: 1. Section 5 is renumbered as Seetion 6 and amended in its entirety • to tead as follows: Sec. 6. General Provisioru A. Tetritorial Application These regulativns and restrictions in this ordinance shall apply to all buildings, structures, land and uses within the corporate limits of the City of Gcapevine. B. Genecal Application Aftec the effective date of this Ocdinance, all buildings and structures erected, remodeled, altered and relocated and any use of land, buildings or structures established shall comply with the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. Existing buildings, structures and uses of land not comp].ying with the provisions of this Ordinance may continue subject to the provisions of the noncomformities section of this Ordinance. C. General Prohibition No building or structure; no use of any building, structure or land; and no lot of record or zoning lot, now or hereafter existing, shall hereafter be established, altered, moved, divided or maintained, in any manner except as authorized by the provisions of this Ordinance. D. private Agreements This Ordinance is not intended to abcogate, annul or otherwise interfere with any easement, covenant or private agreement; provided, however , that where the cegulations of this Ocdinance aie more restrictive or impose higher standacds or requirements than such easements, covenants or other private agreements, the cegulations of tfiis Ordinance shall govern. E. Othec Laws and Regulations The provisions of this Ocdinance shall be considered the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, morals and general welfare. Whece the provisions of this Ocdinance impose greater restrictions than those of any stature, other ordinance or regulation, the provisions of this Ordinance shall be controlling. Where the provisions of any statute, other ordinance or regulation impose greater cestcictions than this Ordinance, the provisions of such statute, other ordinance or regulation shall be controlling . F. Applicability-Existing Variances and S ep cial Permits Variances granted prior to the date of this Ocdinance shall remain valid provided the use authorized by such variance has been established.. Any building, structure, or use for which a Specific Use Permit has been granted pursuant to Ocdinance No. 70-10 oc for which a Site Plan District has been appcoved pursuant to Ordinance No. 82-73 shall be deemed to be a lawful, permitted use and shall have the same status as that of a special or [ovaded�nhowever ,�tnorsuch pursuant to this Ocdinance; p building, structure, or use shall be altered, changed or expanded unless a Conditional or Special Use Permit therefor has been granted pursuant to Section of this Ordinance. Buildings, structures or uses allowed by variances or special pecmits which cannot be issued under this ,�rdinance may continue subject to the pcovisions of Section `j of this Ordinance relating to non-conforming uses. �, Applicabili�-Buildinq Permits Issued Prioc to Effective Date This Ordinance shall not invalidate any unexpiced building permits properly issued prior to the effective date of this Ocdinance pursuant to which construction has commenced, provided , however, that if any building, structure or use constructed or established pursuant to such building permit does not comply with the pcovisions of this Ordinance, such � • building, structuce or use shall be subject to the provi- sions of Section 43 of this Ocdinance relating to non- conforming uses. H. Applicability-Pending Applications From and after the effective date of this Ordinance, the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to all pe�ding applications upon which no final decision has been made, subject, however, to the provisions of Section 69 related to vested rights determinations. D, The said 1982 Ordinance be and it is hereby amended by adding the following new sections: l. A new Section 10 to read as follows: Sec. 10 Water Areas. The Watec surface and the land under the water sucface of all rivers, waterways, ponds, lakes and other water areas in the City of Grapevine not otherwise zoned and hereby placed in the same zoning distcict as the land on which such water areas abut, as shown on the Official Zoning Map. Where the zoning distcicts shown on the Official Zoning Map are dif- ferent or opposite sides of a water area, then the zoning district boundary shall be at the center line or mid point of the water area. 2. A new Section 26 to read as follows: SECTION 26 HC HZGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT PORPOSE: The HC District is e�tablished to provide adequate space and sfte diversification for commercial uses which depend upon hiqh visibility, coavenience to arterial hiqhways and wili 1Avolve developaent that msy be objeationable to other commercial districts and adjacent xesidential uses. �1. pERMITTED OSES: No land, buildiaq, structure or part t er�o , s a be �rected, altezed or used in whole or in part, !or other thaa oae or more ot the lollowinq specified uses: l. !►uction sale, new or used qoods. 2. Brick, marble, tile, or concrete block sales. 3. Lumberyard. 4. Plumbinq supply and building supplies. 5. Pipe storage, metal or coacrete to include culverts and ' similar material provided that acreening is provided in accordsace with Section 50 this Ordinance. 5. Public or private storage qaraqes, yards or lots. 7. Public utilities as required to serve the district. 6. Storage ot sand, qrav�l, sock or earth, provided that such storaqe shall b� cca►plet�ly encompassed by a blind feace or Mall at least seven (�) �eet hiqh and provided that materials stored shall be stacked no hiqher than one toot below the top o� the f�ace or wall. g. Ambulaace service. 10. Automobile washiag business; automatic, coin-operated or moving line wash. 11. Automotive body shop, surface sequized; exluding salvage and/or Mrecking yards. 12. New automotive parts and accesaories, sales and instal- lation, provided that any storage ahall be complctely encompasaed by a blind leace or wall at least seven (7) feet high and provided that materiala stozed shall be scacked no higher than one foot below the top of the fence or wall. 13. Automotive sales and service, new or used cass and tsucks, and rental. All vehicles must be ia an oper- atinq conditioa and all open display os storaqe areas �uat be aurfaced and developed in accordance with all applicable ordinances of the City. 14. Commercial amusements such as golf driving ranges, mini- ature golf, arcbery. 15. Restaurants, iacluding drive-in restauraats. 16. Drive-in motion picture theater. 17. Gasoline service station. � 18. Taxi dispatch yard. � 19. Truck or trailer rentai. 20. Business sesvices and merchaadise displayed ia an unen- closed or incompletely eaclosed area. 21. Boat and marine sales �service. 22. Camper aales and campes trailer sales and service, lease and rental. 23. Furniture or appliances, new and used. 24. Mobile home sales, storage or repair, lease and rental. 25. Mortuary and tuneral homes. 26. Nursery or greenhouses. Z7. Aetail stores. 28. Swimmiaq pool sales or display. 29. Commercial laundry or dry cleaning establishments. 30. Cazpeater and cabinet shops. 31. Home equipment rental. 32. Job printing or newspaper establishments. 33. Opholstery shops. 3�. Os�s permitt�d in tbt CN and CC Districts. 35. Sale of heavy machinery and equipment. 36. Signs, in accordance with the provisions of Section 60 of this ordinance. 8. ACCESSORY OSES: The follow nq uses shall be permitted as accessory uaes to a principal use provided that aoae shall be a source of income to the onwez or user of the principal use: l. �ccessosy uses permitted in the CN and CC Commercial Districts. 2. Mechanical equipment no neares thsa oae hundred tWenty (120) teet to aay residentially soaed district. 3. Scseened qarbaqe atoraqe, on a concr�tt pad ao aearer tlua thirty (30) teet to any residentially soned dis- trict. . �. Of!-street parking, provided that all areas devoted to • the parking ot vehicles or the aale and display of iner- chandise, except aurseries, shall be surtaced in accor- daace with Section 58 of this Ordinance. 5. Provisions for the parking of automotive vehicles within sixty (60) feet ot any resideatially zoned district shall be separated trom said lot by a blind lence or wall at least six (6) feet hiqh. 6. Other structures or uses which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to the permitted use and/or structure. 7. Signs, in accordance with the provisions of Section 60 ot this Ordinance. C. CONDITIONAL IISES: The tollowinq conditional uses raay be perm tte prov ed they meet the provisions of Section 48 and a Conditional Ose Permit is iasued pursuant to Section 48 of this Ordinance: l. Truck stops. 2. Commercial oft=street parking lots. 3. Buildinq trades contractor with storage yard for mate- rials and equipment on premises. 4. P�erqency services. D. LIMITATION OF OSES: Residential structures aad uses are express y pro i ted in the SC Hiqhway Commescial District. Facisting sesidentials may remaiA as aon-conformiaq uses, but it is intended that new residential construction not be allowed in this Cistsict. � � � E. pLAN RE UZREMENTS: A Site Plan shall be sequired ia accor- nce w t t e provisions of Section 47 0! this Ordinance. F. DENSITY RE OIREMEt�TS: The following deasity sequir�ments s'�iilTipp y a t e�C District: 1. Maximum Densit - The maximwn lloor area satio shall aot excee . . 2. Lot Sise - Lots tor any permitted use shall have a mini- mum reai oi not less than 5,000 square �eet in area. 3. Hinimum O�en S ace - Each lot shall provide minimum open spa ec-equiva ent to tifteen (15) percent ot the total lot area. 4. Maximwn Buildin Covera e - The combined area occupied by a ma a an accessory buildings or structures shall not exceed sizty (60) percent of the total lot area. 5. Maximum Im ervious Area - The combined area occupied by a u inga, atructures, otf-street parking, loading and paved areas shall not exceed eighty-ffve (65) per- cent of the total lot area. G, AREA REGLTLATIONS; The lollowing mini�num staadards shall be require : l. Lot Width - Every lot shall have a minimum width not ess t an fifty (50) teet. 2. Lot De th - Every lot shall have a minimum depth not . ess t an one hundred (100) teet. 3. Front Yard - Evesy lot shall have a front yard not less t an twenty-five (25) feet in depth. No parking, out- sidc stosage or building, except tor siqns, shall occur in the troat yard and this area shall be landscaped in accordaace with Section 53 of this Osdinance. �. Side Yard - po side yards are zequired, except that when prop-erty in an HC District abuts propezty in a district ia Mhich a side yard is required, a side yard o! �quiva- lent width shall be provided in the HC District. 5. Rear Yard - A rear yard equivalent to the adjacent or Con quous district shall be provided. 6. Distaace Between Buildin s - The minimum distahce etween pr ac pa or accessory buildings on the aame lot shall be not less thaa ten (10) feet. . / 8. HOFFER AREA REGULATIONS: Whenever an HC Distsict abuts a resi entia str ct, appropriate buffezing and sczeening shall be provided ia accordance with the psovisions ot Sec- tioa 50 ot this Osdi:unce. I. SEIGBT: (s o principal structure shall be erected or altered to a heiqht �xceedinq thirty (30) teet. � �b� heiqhteexceedinqutitteenh(15)�eetected or altered to a J. LANDSCAPING REQOIREMENTS: Landscaping shall be required in accos ance w t ect on 53 0! this Ordinance. R. OFF-STAEET PARRING: Otf-street parking shall be provided in accor ance wit t e provisions ot Sectioa 56 of this Ordi- nance. L. OFF-STAEET LOADING: Off-street loadiag shall be provided in accor ance wit t e provisions of Section 57 of this Ordi- nance. 3. A new Section 28 to reed as follows: SECTION 28 CBD CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PURpOSE: The CBD Central Business District is designed to accom- mt rically beeyn locateduinnthe Grapevine Cent al Bu inesshareahis- A. PERMITTED USES: No building or structure or part thereof, other thanroneeor more of �the following sp cif edi usesrt, for 1. Personal service � establishments including beauty and barber shops, cleaning, shoe repair, art and instruc- tional studios, photography, and newsstands. . 2. Drug stores. , 3. Offices, including professional, business, governmental and administrative. 4. Retail stores and sales, including antique, art supply, automotive accessories, sporting goods, business machine shops, clothing, dry goods, music, 't'V sales and repair, cards, home appliances, jewelry, leather goods and lug- gage, linens, fabrics and draperies, optical goods, wallpaper and paint, dairy supplies, carpeting. 5. Furniture, including office furniture and equipment. 6. Restaurants, delicatessens, and bakeries. � �. Auto service station. , , g. Clubs and lodges. � g. Museums. 10. Movie theaters and opeYa houses. 11. Publicly operate8 parking facilities. B. ACCESSORY USES: The following uses shall be permitted as accource ofsincomeatortheiownersorPuseraof thetprincipallusee a s 1, Uses norn►ally incidental to the above permitted uses. 2. Off-street parking in conjunction with a permitted use. � 3. Signs, in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses may be permitte provi ed they meet the provisions of Section 48 and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to Section 48 of this Ordinance. l� Alsuedlin cco danceswith Section ofa thPscOrdi ance.t is is D. LIMITATION OF USES: No uses, other than uses exfsting at the ate o t is r inance, which require extensive off-street parking shall be permitted unless a8equate off-street parking, consistent with Section 56 of this Ordinance, is provided. E. PLAN REQ_UI,RE,MENTS: AnY new development in the CBD District sha� require a Site Plan in accordance with the provisions of Section 47 of this Ordinance. F. DENSITY RE UIREMENTS: The following density requirements s�ia�I3 aPP Y� • 1. Maximum Densitv - The maximum density within the CED District shall not exceed a floor area ratio of 3.0. 2� minimum area oftfift enahundred (1500) usquareafeetave a 3. Minimum Open Space - None required. 4. Maximum Buildin Covera e buildin�sbandastructuresPmay by al main an accesscrercent of9the tota l lot area. cover one hundred (100) p 5� Mlxlbu ldings�,lstructu=es', Toff streetaparkingcandlpaved a ercent of the total aeras may cover one hundred (100) p lot area. �. p,REA REGULATIONS: The following minimum standards shall be required: 1. Lot Width - Every lot shall have a minimum width not ess than twenty (20) feet. Z. Lot De th - EverYfive (75)lfeet Ve a minimum aepth not ess t an seventy- 3, Front Yard - None zequirea. 4. Side Yard - None required. 5. Rear Yard - None required. 6. Distance Between Buildi_nas - None required. H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: None required. I. BE�GHT: (a) No principal structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding thirty (30) feet. (b) No accessory structure shall be erected or altered to n height exceeding thirty (30) feet. J. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: None required for individual lots. R. OFF-STREET PARRING AND LOADING: Due to the development nature o the CBD, t s recognized that conventional off- street pnrking and loading for individual lots may be dif- f icult to provide. Any new uses proposed in the CBD shall present a plan for parking to the Planning and Zoning Commis- thenamount and method ofnoff treet parking to bea providedlfor this District. . � , . 4. A new Section 29 to read as follows: SECTION 29 HCO HOTEL AND CORPORATE OFFICE DISTRICT p0_pSE: The HCO District is established to provide areas to accommodate hotel-motel development and is also intende8 to encourage the location of planned office complexes and corporate office parks in the City of Grapevine. HCO Districte are intended to include extensive open space and landscaping and should be located in areas which can take advantage of the proximityatoethe Dallas Fort Wor h Regionals Airport.in zeasonable A. PERMITTED USES: No building or structure or part thereof, shall be erected, altered, altered or used, in whole or in part, for other than one or more of the following specified uses: 1. Hotels and motels. 2. Banks and financial �institutions. 3. Educational institutions, public and private. 4. Offices for business, professional, governmental and administrative use. 5. Religious institutions. 6. Libraries and museums. � �. Laboratories for scientific, educational and industrial � research and develop�aent. g. Medical and dental laboratories; hospitals and clinics. 9. Office and studio facilities for zadio and television except for broadcasting towers. 10. Public facilities and utilities including easements and rights of way. 11. Parks and playgrounds. publicly owned. 12. Golf courses, public and private. 13. Professional and business SCho015. 14. Private Clubs, exCluding alcoholic beverages. g. ACCESSORY USES: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses to a principal use provided that =°ncipallusee a source of income to the ownez or user of the p 1. Off-street parking in conjunction with a permitted use. 2. Signs, in accordance with Section 60 of this OrBinance. 3. Indoor and outdoor swinuning pools. 4. Tennis courts, health clubs and related recreation � facilities �provi8ed they are for the primary use of tenants, customers or persons associated with a prin- cipal use. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditfonal uses may be permitted provided they meet the provisions of Section 48 and the following minimum standards: l. Hotels and motels�having seventy-five (75) or more units , may have restaurants, nightclubs, dining rooms and bars. 2. Hotels and motels having �efso alrservice�shops�roffices may have retail stores, p and similar uses; 3. Office buildings in excess of twenty thousand (20,000) s�uare feet of gross floor area may have restaurants, dining rooms, personal service shops and similar uses. 4. All of the above conditional uses shall comply with the following minimum standards: (a) Serving of alcoholic beverages shall require a Special Pezmit in conformance with Section 42.B of • this Ordinance. , �b) Such uses shall be located in the main building and shnll be of a design and size as to cater primarily to the guests or occupants of the main use. (�) Access to such conditional uses shall be limited to the interior of the building and there shall be no direct public access from the exterior of the building, provided that doors foc exit purposes or fire and safety purposes may be located in the exterior walls of the building. (a) For each street front, one (1) sign not to exceed fifteen (15) square feet in area shall be allowed for each two hundred (200) feet of stteet frontage oi fraction the=eof; but in no case shall�=hes�=eet of such signs exceed two f2) signs p frontage and such signs shall be used =estaurantse the following conditional uses: dining rooms, and cocktail lounges. (e) There shall be no show windows or displays relating � to retail stores, personal service shops or offices on the exterior of the building or visible from any street or adjacent property. D. LIMITATION OF USES: None specified. �� E. PLAN RE UIREIMENTS,: A Site Plan shall be required in accor- ance w t the provisions of Sectfon 47 of this Ordinance. F. DENSITY_ REQUIREMENTS: The following density requirements sha app y: l. Maximum Densitv - The maximum density within the HCO � Distr�ct shall noE exceed a floor area ratio of 3.0. � 2. Lot Size - Lots for any permftted use shall have a min"Timum area of two (2) acres. . 3. �o�amumot area scall be devotedhtotopen�spacecent of the 4. Maximum Building Coveraae - The combined area occupied y a main ana accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the total lot area. 5. Maximum Impervious Area - The combined area occupied by all buildings, structures, o�-stree erce tlo the total areas shall not exceed sevent (70) p lot area. � G. AREA REGULATIONS: The follow13ng minimum standards shall be required: l. Lot Width - Every lot shall have a minimum width not ess t an two hundred (200) feet. 2� Less Dt an four hundredt (400)lfeet e a minimum aepth not g. Frcnt Yard ,- Every lot shall have a front yard not less than i ty (50) feet in depth and shall be utilized as a landscaped setback area. The front yard shall not be used for any building, structure, parking or stornge acea and shall be planted With grass, shrubbery and treess and no part shall be paved or surfaced except for minimum driveways and walkways for access. 4. Side Yard - Every lot shall have a side yard on each si e, eac of Which shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet in width. 5. Rear Yard - Every lot shall have a rear yard not less than forty (40) feet in depth. 6. Distance Between Buildin s - The minimum distance lotseshall be ot less thanstwenty (20 ifeet�� adjacent H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: Any development, in excess of ten (10) acres shal ma nta n a buffer yard at least seventy-five (75) feet in width around the perimeter of the property. Such buffer yards shall not contain buildings and structures, parking or loading areas and shall be landscaped with trees, shrubbery and grass. Whenever a perimeter buffer is required, no additional yard requirements shall apply. I. HE_ I�HT: (a) No principal structure shall be� erected or altered to a height exceeding one hundred (100) feet except that whenever a builaing exceeds forty (40) feet in height the minimum yards or perimeter buffer yard, as the case may be, shall be incceased by four (4) feet for each ten (10) feet or fraction thereof by which the building height exceeds forty (40) feet. �b) No accessory stru�Went $�20�lfeet ected or altered to a height exceeding Y ��� All structures shall comply in all respects with the restrictions on height pontained in the DFW Regional � Airport Zoning Ordinance.�� J. LANDSCAPING RE UIREMENTS: Landscaping shall be required in accordance w th Section 53 of this Ordinance. K. OFF-STRECe wi�KINt e provi ions of Sectiona 56 of thisaOrdin acc�r nance. y. OFF-STREET LOADING: Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with Section 57 of this Ordinance. 5. A new Section 31 to read as follows: SECTION 31 LI LIGST INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT PURPOSE: The LI Light Industrial District is designed to accom- modate light manufacturing, assembly, research and wholesale activities that are entirely within a building with strict limitations on outdoor storage. A. PERMITTED USES: No land shall be used and no building or structure or part thereof, shall be erected, altere8, or used, in whole or in part, for other than one or more of the following specified uses: l. Manufacturing, assembly or packaging of products from previous prepared materials, such as cloth, plastic, paper, leather, precious or semiprecious metals or stones. �� devicestursuch aseC televfsions eC radio and rpho ograph equipment. � 3. Manufacture of food products, pharmaceuticals and the like, except that such uses shall not include production like, or� the rende i g ort refiningkofufats and aoils, the 4. Other manufacturing, research, wholesale or storage uses provided that such uses shall be contained within an enclosed builaing, exce t that such uses shall not include saw and p an ng mills, manufacturing uses involving primary pro8uction or storage of wood, metal, or chemical products from raw materials, construction • materials, batching yar•ds, foundry type opezations, material or auto salvage �nd/or wrecking operations. g. Printing, 1Lthographing, publishing or similar estab- lishments. 6. Retail and repair establishments for sale and repair of new an8 used automobiles, �notorcycles, trucks and tractors, mobfle homes, boats, automotive vehicular parts and accesBories, heavy machinery and equipment, farmliesiplumber andibuil8ingisuppliesf�monuments, fand supp similar uses. �� packagingeand�food and dairylmarkets hinusfully ienclosed buildings. . g. Service establishmenti catfrei9ht�movers.Cecommunicatio including linen supp y. 9 services, business machine services, canteen services, restaurants (including drive-in restaurants) , hiring and union halls, employment agency, sign company. automotive aervice and truck stops, and similar uses. 9. Vocational, trade, technical, or industrial schools and . similar activities. 10. Medical clinic in connection only with industrial activity. 11. Miscellaneous uses such as express office, telephone exchange, commercial parking lots an8 parking garages, motor bus, truck, train, or other transportation terminal and related uses. • 12. Construction trade office and storage yards. 13. Offices associated with any of the above permitted uses. 14. Warehousing completely within an enclosed building. B. ACCESSORY USES: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses elsewhere than within a front yard and no nearer than thirty (30) feet to any street right-of-way: 1. Mechanicl equipment no nearer than one hundred twenty (120) feet to any residentially zoned district. 2. Provisions for parking of employee and customer motor ' vehicles within sixty (60) feet of a residentialla blind district shall be separated from said lot by fence or wall not less than six (6) feet high. 3� nornearer than thi ty (30)9feet�to9a es dentiallye zoned district. 4. Outsfde etiorage, provided that such storage shall be completely encompassed by a bliad fence or wall at least seven (7) feet high and provided that materials stored shall be stacked no higher than one foot below the top of the fence or wall. g. Other uses, including retailandl clearly Sincidental hand are customarily accessory subocdinate to the permitted principal uses an8 struc- tures; provided, however, that no residential' facilities shnll be permitted except for watchmen or caretakers em�lo eesk who uwill besitempo=ar lyhequartered on the P Y premises. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses may be perm tted provided they meet the provisions of Section 48 and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to Section 48 of this Ordinance. 1. Bulk storage of flammable liquids associated with a permitted use subject to the provisions of City and/or State Fire Codes. 2. Railroad yards, areas for car storage, and switching .facilities. 3. Aviation ground schools.. 4. Central mixing plants for asphalt concrete or other paving materials (batching plant). �_ D. LIMITATION OF USES: � The following uses shall not be permitte w thin th s District: 1. Dwelling units (including motels and hotels) exc.ept as provided under accessory uses; hospital or clinics (except clinic in connection with industrial activity) ; nursing home and similar uses; private or public elementary or high schools; churches; yards or lots for scrap or salvage operations or for processing storaqe, display or sale of any scrap, salvage, or second-hand building materials and automotive vehicle parts. 2. Wrecking yards (including automotive vehicle wrecking yards) and junk yards. 3. Chemical and fertilizer manufacture. � 4. Explosives manufacturing br storage. 5. Pap�r and pulp manufacture. 6. Petroleum refining. - �. Stockyards or feeaing pens. � g. Slaughter of �nimals. g. Tannery or curing or storage of raw hides. �0. Any other uaes or structures not specifically, provi- sionally, or by reaaonable implication permitted herein. ��, Any use not conforming to the performance standards set , forth in Section 33 of this Ordinance. E. PLAN REQUIREMENTS: A Site Plan shall be required in accor- dance with the provisions of Section 47 of this Ordinance. F. DENSITY REQUIREMENTS: The followfng density requirements shall apply: • l. Lot Size - Lots for any permitted use shall have a m n mum azea of twenty thousand i2�.000) square feet. 2. Minimum Open Space - Not less than fifteen (15) percent of the total lot aren shall be devoted to open space. 3. Maximum Building_Cover,�a ,e - The combined area occupied y a main an accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed fifty '(50) percent of the total lot area. 4. Maximum Im ervious Area - The combined area occupied by all bu ldings, structures, off=street Pa=kerce t aofathe areas shall not exceed eight-five (85) p total lot area. �, AREA REGULATIONS: The following minimum standards shall be require : 1. Lot Width - Every lot shall have a minimum width not ess than one hundred (100) feet. 2� less than one hundzed�fiftyl(150) feet minimum depth not , 3. Front Yard - Every lot s:�all have a front yard not less than thi=ty (30) feet in' depth and shall be utilized as a landscaped setback area. The front yard shall a=kine used for any building, structure, fence, wall, p 9 or storage area and shall be planted with grass, facedbeexcept foreSminimum� dri eways land p alkways Sfor access. 4. Sidel Y�ach ofEwhichlshall be not lesssthan fift en (15) feet in width. 5� tban tha rty (30)tfeettin depth.�ve n rear yard not less 6. Distance Between Buildin s - The miniinum distance lotseshall be ot less thansthiity (30)ifeeton adjacent H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: Whenever the ML District abuts a i residentially zoned district, a landscaped buffer zone of not less than twenty-five (25) feet in depth shall be provided from the lot line. No buildings or structures, parking, . loading or storage shall occur in the buffer area and such area shnll be landscaped to provide visual and acousshall � privacy to adjacent property. In addition, screening be provided in accor8ance with the provisions of Section � of this Ordinance. I. HE�Ts �a) No principal structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding three (3) stories or fifty (50) feet. �b) No accessory structure shall b o=thrity (30)lfeeta to a height exceeding one (1) story J. LANDSCAPING RE4�I��''�NTS: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. K. OFF-STREET PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 56 of this Ordi- nance. L. OFF-STREET LOADING: No off-street loading is requized in the ML District. • t . li. A new Section 34 to read as follows: Section 34 PRD-6 PLANNED RESIDENTZAL DISTRICT A. PREAMHLE. Th� PRD-6 District is desiqned to accom- modate loM d�asity residential development in tccosdance vith the Comprehensive Master Plan. The Distsict provides tor two methods ot developenent: l. Standard �Developtaent permita single family detached residential use at deasities not exceeding four (4) dwelliag units per gross scre subject to the same restrictions as apply in the R-7.5 District. 2. Plaaned Development is an optional form of development which may be permitted provided an applicant submits and the City Council . appzoves a !laster Development Plan !or the p=operty. In a planned development mixed , resideatial uses are permitted provided tht predominant portion of the land is developed with single family detached residences and the over-all density does not exceed six (6) dwelliAq units per acre. H. PORPOSE. The purpose of the staadard form of development in the PRD-6 District is to pesmit aa owner, as a matter of riqht, to develop detached sinqle tamily on lots not less than 7,500 square feet in area. The purpose ot the optioatl Planned Developmeat method is to promote tlexibility in design aad planned diversification in the type and location of stsuctuses; to promote the etticient use of land by aore economic arrsaqement ot buildings, circulation systems, land use and utilities; to preserve to the qreatest exteat possible usable open space recrea- tion tacilities aad community facility areas, existing landscape teatures and natural site condi- tiona; to combine aad coordinate architectural atylea, building forms aad buildinq relationship and to assure a quality ot construction commen- surate with surroundinq residential development. C. 'lNTENT. • The PRD-6 District is designed to provide for developmeat as a matter of right in conformity with , the regulations and restrictions in the A-7.5 Singit Family Residentisl Distzict, or, alterna- tively, to provide for development with a variety of housiag types at s density not exceedinq six (6) dwellinq units per acre in conformity Mith a Master Development Plan, approved by the City Council pursuant to Section �6 of this Ordiaaace aAd the standarda and restrictioaa in this Sectioa 34. For this reason, the proposed inclusioa of s misture of typea o! dwelliag uaits in a PRD-6 Planaed Develop- a�at shall aot be a ground �or disapproval of a proposed Master Development Plan. The PRD-6 Dis- trict is not intended to provide an aiternative set o! development� requlatioas that may, throuqh tbe rezoning process, be used interchangeably with the R-7.5, R-12.5 aor R-20 District requlations. The PRD-6 District is specifically desiqaed and intended to provide a more tlexible classification, with a broader range of development options, for those properties on vhich greater residential densities were permitted under the 19�0 and 1982 Zoning Ordinances of the City, as amended from time to time, but on which the pezmitted resideatial denaities must be reduced so the zoaing sestric- � tions will be in contormity with the tecommendation in the Comprehensive Master P�an. The PRD-6 segulations are desiqned to espand the uses to Which property that would otherwise have been reatzictively reclassitied in the R-7.5 zone may be devoted aad thus enhance the range of economically viable uses �or such parcels of land. The PRD-6 regulationa are not iateaded to be used to supplant the regulations !or the A-20, A-12.5, and it-75 Districts, and the PRD-6 regulations shall not be used ss a substitute foz such classilicatfoas oa property that hsa previously beea so classitied. Nor ase the PRD-6 r�gulatioas iateaded to be employed as a means for eseating standard, qsid subdivisions of lots that are smaller than 7,500 square teet. The PRD-6 requlations are inteaded to � encouraqe imaginative and aesthetically pleasing developanant deaiqaa utilizing smaller lots. To that ead, the PRD-6 requlations•are designed to encouraqe the clustering ot sinqle lamily lots that are smallez than 7,500 square feet and the incor- pozation of laad that vould othervise be devoted to private yards in passive sad active commoa open sense. D. STANDARD OEVELOP1rlENT OPTION. Any use permftted in • the R-7.5 Sinqle Family Residential Di:trict shall be permitted as s m;tter of right within the PRD-6 Distsict. In the event the standard developmtnt option is chosen by the landowner, all development shall be segulated by the criteria establiahed in Stction 15 toz the R-7.5 Single Family Residential District. E. PI,p,NNED DEVELOPMENT OPTION. Opon approvtl of a Master Development Plan ia accordance with Section 46 of this Ordinance and in compliance with the following development standards, the City Council may authosize an applicant to utilize the planned develop�ent option within the PRD-6 District. l. Conditions tor Application aad Approval: The followinq conditiona and procedures shall qovera the application �or, and spproval of, a planned development within the PRD-6 Dis- tsict. No building permits or other develop- ' ment approval ahall be issued for any develop- ment activity except for standard development permitted under Section 34.D. ot this Ordi- naace, until the folloafng conditions have been satisfied: �a� p�„in�_ r_ip; An application for approval of s Master Development Plan, under the • Planned Development Option, may be filed by a per�on havir►g a legal interest in the property to be included in the Master Development Plan. Fos the purpose ot this Section 34 and Section 46 ot this Ordinance the pezson liling such an application shall be knowa as "the appli- cant." In order to ensuse unflied plan- ainq and development of the property, the applicaat shall provide evidence, in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney. prior to linal spproval of the Blan, that the psoperty is held in single ownezship or is under sinqie control. Laad shall be d��med to be held in siagle ownership os undes sinqle control if it is in joint ' tenancy, tenancy ia common, a partner- ship, a trust, or a joint venture. The Master Development Plan shall be liled in the name(s) of the recosd owaer(s) of the property, which shall be included in the application. (b) Approval of Maater Developenent Plan Required: Onder no circwnstances shall an applicant be granted development � approval under the Planned Development Optioa until a l�taster Development Plan is appzoved by the City Council in accor- - daace with the provisions of Sections 34 sad 46 ot this Ordinance. (c) Site Plan Aeciuired: No buildiag pezmit shall be issued tor aay developmeat under the Planned Developaient Option until a Site Plan, consistent with the approved Master Oevelopment Plan, is approved in accordaace with the provisiona of Section 41 of this Ordinance. (d) Minimum Parcel Size: A Master Develop- ment Plan shall aot be approved unleas the aite coatains not less than 25 contiguous acres of gro:s area. (e) Minimwn Mwunt of Single-Family Detached Resi�ential Development: No Master Development Plan shall be appzoved !or the PRD-6 District unless at least sixty (60) pescent of the total land area ' Within the development is to be 8eveloped �ith single tamily detached dwellinqs. ' (f) Opoa the ccnveyaace of tny part or all of the property within a planned development the seller ahall provide the buyer with a copy of the approved lrlaster Develcpment Plan and of any restrictions or condi- tions related to that plan. 2. Permitted Uses: No building or stsucture, or part theseot, shall be erected, altered or uaed, in whole or in part, under the Planned Develo�nent Option, tor other thaa one or more of the followinq uses: (a) In the sinqle family areas, any pezmitted use ia the R-20, R-12.5 aad R-7.5 Single . Family Residential Distzicts. The maximuni density of sinqle family detached resideaces shall be tour (4) dwelling uaits per acre, provided, however, that the maximum density ia single tamily aress may be increased to six (6) dwelliag units per acre it the smaller siaqle tamily lots thereby required are clustered in a laahion that preserves as common space an area that is at least equal to the product of 7,500 square feet � minus the average single lamily lot aize multiplied by the number of aingle family lots in the proposed development. (b) In the multiple family areas, any pez- mitted use in the R-3.5, R-3.75, A-TH, RMF-1 and RMF-2 Residential Diatricts subject to ali requirements and/or • requlationa in those respective districts and to the limitations contained in Sec- , tions 34.E.1(e) and 34.E.9. 3. Accessory Oses: Any accessory use permitted withia the R-7.5 District for single lamily dwellinqs and aay accessory use permitted withia the RMF-2 Dfstrict 8 or duplexes, quadplexes, townhouses oz apartments shall be permitted as accessory uses to sinql� aad multiple family principal uses, respectively, psovided that Ao such accessory use shall be a aousce ot income to the o�mer or occupant of the psincipal use. �. llaximum Deasity: The �ossimum residential deasity stull aot �xce�d six (6) dw�lliag units per qroas acre. 5. Open Spaces Op�n space, r�creation areas and landacapinq are deemed to be aa esseatial com- poneat of aay approved planned developmeat vithin the PRD-6 District and shall be pro- . vided in accordaace Mith the �ollowinq stan- dazds: (a) Mlinimum Oc�en Space Azea: Not less thaa torty percent (�Ot) of the total qros: area of the pltaned development shall be devoted to open space, iacludinq private � . yards or individual lots. Opea space slull not include. areas covered by dwelling units, accessory buildinqs, parkiaq ar�as, drivsvays, •ad iaternal sts�eta, or any part ot an iadividual lot on vhich a buildinq, or part th�reot, could lawtuliy be erected. (b) osable Common Open Space: ttot l�sa than twenty-five (25� perc�nt of !h� miaimum open space area ahall be devoted to planaed and permanent usable commoa open space. The �nount aad qeaeral location ot the amount o! co�moa opea space shall be aboMa oa the ltsster Developmeat Plsn. The �sact delineatioa aad aature o! tb� cammon open space may be deterred . until an applicatioa is tiled for approval o! a site plan. (c) Maiateaaace: No Master Developanent Plan shall be approved ualess the appiicant has submitt�d an appropriate leqal instsument Mhich makes proviaioa toz the permaaent preservation o� ali common open space areas, r�creational tacilities and communally owaed land. Such instrumeat shall be appsoved by the City Attorney as to leqal torm aad ���ect and the Planninq and Zoainq Commissioa as to the suit- ability et the proposed use of common open space sreas. Commen open spac� �oay be d�dicat�d to the City, it the City aqrees to sccept such dedication, or may be deeded to a home- owners or condominium assoai�tion, or to a trustee tor the use aad benetit of the oMAers aad r�sidents ia the develop- a:nt. If co�snon .opea space is to be asintain�d and/or deeded to a haneowners' or condominium associatioa, or a tsustee, no site plan shall b� approved until the applicaat for site plaa spproval shall luve tiled a declasation of Lhe covenants and sestrictions that Mill qovera the associatioa or trustee. Such declara- tioas may, but need not, be liled pzior to tinal approval o� the Master Develop- aent Plan. The covenants and restric- tions, when submitted, shall provide for establishment of the homeowners' or condominium association or trust prior to the sale o! any part ot the property; ' that cpen apace r�strictions and main- ttnaace must be perman�nts that the aasociation or trustee shall be responsi- ble toz liability insurance, taxes, and perpetuai maintenance= that membership shall b� aandatory !or esch homeowner and any successive buyer; and, that each homeowner, at the time oi purchase, shall • be luraished vith a copy o! the approved !lsster Development Pian and any restric- tions or conditions r�lat�d to that plan. The sinqle lamily r�sideace por- tions ot a sit� iaclud�d in a Master D�velopaent Plan A�ed not b� subj�ct to such coveaaats and r�strietioas unless tbe co�emon open space is provided and , aaintained �or !b� b�nelit o! the owners and occupants of th� sinqle tunily resi- dences. In lieu o� lorminq a hon�owaers' � or condominium association, the applicant may satisty the sequirements o! this subsection by providinq for the ownership and maintenaace ot common areas and tacilities to be v�st�d in a funded com- ounity trust. 6. Landscaping: Landscapinq ahall be required in � accordanc� with the provisions o! Section 53 ot this Ordiaance. A statement with sespect to the 9eneral laadscapinq arraa9ement that is cont�mplated tos the sitt shall be submitt�d as past ot the Mastes Development Plan applica�ion. A detailed landscapiaq plan, showiny spscinq, sises and specitic tppes ot landscape ssterial, shall b� subaitted as part o� the application !or Sit� Plan r�vi�w, except that a landscapinq plan shall not be required tor detached sinqle tamily lots. 7. Maximum 8uilding Coveraae: The combined area occupied by all aain and acceasory buildingg and structuses sball aot escetd forty-five (�5) p�rcent ot th� total site area. 8. Mazimum I�oervious Surlace: The combiaed area occupisd by all buildinqs, stzucturea, o�f- street parkinq and paved areas (except public streets and riqht 'ot vays) shall not exceed si:ty (60) perceat of the total site area. 9. Perimeter Bulter: No Mastez Development Plan shall be approved tor pzoperty that is adjacent to or acroas a •treet from property that is soned lor, or developed with, sinqle tamily zesidenc�s unl�ss a perimeter buffer is �sttblished by one ot the followinq methods: � � (a) Nithin tMo hundred litty (250) feet ot the �zt�ricr perimeter that poztion of Lhe planned dev�lopment that is adjacent to or acioas a str�et �rom property zoned !or or developed with sinqle tamily dwellin9s th� use, setback, hei9ht, yard and lot coveraqt r�quiremenLs shall be at least as sestrictiv� as tbe R-7.5 Sinqle Family Resideatisl Distsicts .or (b) A landscaped butter arsa, not lesa than one hundzed (100� teet in Midth, shall be cseat�d alonq the exterior ptrimeter ot that portion ot the planaed develo�aent • adjacent to os laciaq sinqle tamily uses os soainq. Sueh butfer ar�a shall aot coatsin buildinqs, structures or parking aad slull be desiqaed, landscaped, and, i! necessary, bezmed to psovide reason- � abl� visual aad acoustical psivacy fcs adjaceat sinqle f�nily development. 10. Heiqht: The heiqhts ot the buildiags within a planned development shall not exceed the maxi- mum heiqht that vould be permitted tor such buildiaqa ia the most restsictive zoninq dis- tsict in which the buildinq would be permitted as a autter of ri9ht. Multiple family dwellinq units that abut a portion of a planned development that is developed with siaql� lamily detached dweiliaqs shali not e:ceed the heiqht of !he existing, abuttiag sinqle family dwellinqs. 11. 11r�s Ae9ulationss Any part of a planned development that is devoted to single tamily eetached residence nses shall cpmply with all of the requlations and requirements tor the most restrictive district in Mhich the lot or lots would siso compiy vith the einimum lot ar�a sequirem�nta, �xc�pt that ia a sinqle lamily ar�a in a Piaaned Develop�ent r�siden- tial lots may b� ciustesed so as to create usabl�-common op�a space in reasonable prox- imity to all sinqle lamily lots, and providing the �ollowinq conditioas are met: (a) Th� masimum gross density !or the sinqle Lamily ar�a shall aot exceed six (6) dwellinq uaits pez acse. (b) Minimusn lots sises shall aot be less than 50CG square teet. (c) Those sreas withia 250 teet of R-7.5, R-12.5 or R-20 SF districts shall be deve- loped to the same develop standards as ase r�quised in the R-7•5 distsict. All other sesidential buildiaqs shall comply with the minimum yard, lot Midth, and lot depth requir�meota in the most sestric- tive soninq diatrict ia Mhich such buildinqs would otherwise be permitted by this ordinsnc�s provid�d, howeves, that the niaimum yard sequirements, and lot width aad depth sequir�meats vithia th� portions o� a plaaned d�velopment that ase not to be d�vel- oped with single family d�tached dw�llinqs aiay be waived by the Planninq and Zoning Commission, �Ycept tos thost artas adjscsnt to or faciag �xistiaq or soned sinqle tamily resid�atiai aseas, aa required by Section 34.E.9(a) upon fiadinq that: (a� the ninimum distance between buildinq: is aot less than tweaty (20) �e�t, except tor zezo lot liae developmentt (b) the dev�lopment plan stull provide seiaonable visual and acoustical privacy tos sesidential dwellinq uaits; aad � (c) the proposed lot dimensioas are qeaerally consfstent with the limitstions set out in other residential soainq classitica- � tions !os areas ot similar density aad use. (d) The maximum number ot dwellinq units within the multiple family area shall not exceed the followiaq number ot dwellinq uaits per acre: (1) Duplexes 8 d.u./acre ' (2) �our pl�:�s 10 d.u./scre (3) Town 8ouses 9 d.u./acre . (�) 1►partaosnts 20 d.u./acre (e) J111 buildiaqs shall be set back at least _ litteen (15) �eet trom any parking lot or driv�way. 12. Trat�ic Circulation: The traffic circulation �lemeat ot a plaaned development shall cor►form to the follovinq staadardss r (a) Psiacipal vthiculsr access points shall b: d�si9aed to p�rmit �ttici�at traffic t1oM with aontsoll�d tusniaq oovements and siniaum bazssd to vehiculir and pede- stsian tratfic. (b) Minor or local str�ets vithin the planned developmeat shall aot bs connected to esternal ststets in such a vay to eacour- a9t throuqh tzaltic. � (c) Access from individusl lots to collectoz or artesial stz�ets, or to major thorouqhfares, shall be prohibited. (d) 1►11 planned developments shall have access to a collector or arterial street, as detiaed ia the Compreheasive Master p::n. 13. Masonr Re uirements. All structures, except single amily homes on 7,500 square foot lots or larger, shall be of exterior, fire resistant construction having at least eighty percent (80%) of the total exterior walls below the first floor plate line, excluding doors and windows constructed of brick, stone or other masonry or material of equal characteristic in ac- cordance with the city's building code and fire prevention code. !. OFF-STREET PARRING• O!f-street parkiaq shall bc provided !or each use in accordance with the provi- sioas o! S�ction 56 0! this Ordiaaace for such use in tbe nost r�stsictiv� soninq district in �hich it Mould be a permitt�d us�. G. OFF-STRELT LOADII�IG• �o ot!-stseet loadinq is r�quired in the PRD-6 Oistrict. ;, A new Section 35 to read as follows: Section 35 PRD-12 PLANNED RESSDENTIAL DISTRiCT A. PREAMBLE. The PAD-12 District is desiqned to accoaunodate medium density residential development in accordance with the Comprehensive Master Plan. The District providea for tpo methods ot develop- ment: 1. Standard Development permits single tamily, duplex, triplex, quadplex aad townhouse zesi- deatial use at densities not exceedinq nine (9) dNelliag units per qross acre subject, reapectively, to the same restrictions as � appiy in the R-7.5, R-3.5, R-3.75 and R-TH Diatricts. 2. Planned Development is an optional torm of ' development vhich may be permitted provided an applicant submits and the City Council approves a Master Development Plan for the psoperty. In a plaaned development mixed sesideatial usea are permitted, including single tamily detached residences, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses, and apart- ments provided the over-all denaity does not exceed twelve (12) dwelling unita per acre. H. PURPOSE. ' The purpose of the standazd form of devalopment in the PRD-12 District is to per�it an owner, as a matter ot riqht, to develop those uses permitted in the single timilp sesidence districts and the R-3.5, R-3.75, and R-TB Residential Districts in accordance with the develop�ent standards in those respective distzicts. � Tbe puspose of the optioaal Plaaned Development sethod is to promote tlesibility in design aad planaed diversification ia the type and location of stzuctures; to promote the efficient use ot laad by more economic arraagement of buildinqs, cizculation systems, land use and utilities; to preserve to the greatest extent poasible usable open space recrea- tioa facilities and community tacility areas, existing landscape festures and natural site condi- tionss to combine aad coordinate architectural styles, buildinq forms and buildiaq relationship and to assure a quality of construction commen- surate with surrounding residential development. C. INTENT The PRD-12 District is specifically designed to , provide for development as a matter of right, in conformity with the regulations and restzictions of the single fan�ily residence distzict and of the R-3.5, R-3.75 snd A-TH Residence Districts. It is also intended, subject to submission and approval ot the l+laster Development Plan pursuaat to Sec- tion 46 of this Ordiaance that this District be utilized to implesnent planned and mixed resideatial development at densities not to esceed twelve (12) dwellinq units per gross acre. Foz this seaaon, , the proposed iaclusion of s mixture of types of dvellinq unita in a PRD-12 Planned Development ahall aot be a qrouad !or disapproval of a proposed Master Development Plan. � . The PRD-12 District is not intended for application to any area of Grapevine that is desiqnated as low density zesidential on the tuture Land Qse Map o� the Compreheaaive Master Plan and shall be re- stricted to thoae areas of the City which are desiqnated as mediwn or high density residential on the future Land Oae Map ot the Comprehensive Master Plan. The PRD-12 District is specifically designed to apply to those properties which Were classified as high density, multi-family in the 1970 and 1982 Zoning Ozdinances of the City, as amended fzom time to time, on which the permitted densities have been reduced to medium dansity residential by the Com- prehensive Maater Plaa. D. STANDARD DEVELOPMENT OPTION. My use permitted in the R-20, R-12.S,R-7.5, R-3.5, R-3.75, aad R-T8, Resideatial Districts ahali be pezmitted as a mat- ter ot riqht Nithia the PRD-12 Distzict. In the •vent the standazd development optioa is chosen by the landowner, all develop�ent ahall be requlated i by the criteria established in the respective soning districts fa Mhich the proposed development would be a permitted use. E. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OPTION. Qpon approval of a Mastrr Development Plan in accordance with Section 46 of this Osdinance and in compliaace with the tollowing developmeat standards, the City Council may suthorise an applicant to utilize the planned development option Within the PRD-12 District. l. Conditions for Application and Approval: The folloWing conditiona aad procedures shall govern the application for, and approval of, a planned development within the PRD-12 Dis- • � trict. No building pezmits or other develop- � ment approval shall hr issued for any develop- meat activity eYcept for standazd development pera►itted under Section 35.D. of this Ordi- nance, uatil the followinq conditions have been satistied: � (a) Ownership: An application for appzoval of a Master Develop�ent Plan, under the ; Planned Development Option, may be tiled ; by a person having a leqal interest in � � the property to be included in the l9aster i f Developmeat Plan. !'or the purposes ot thia Section 35 and Section 46 of this Ordinance the persoa lilinq such an application shall be known as "the appli- , cant." In order to ensure unified plan- ninq and development of the property, the applicant shall provide evidence, in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, psior to final approval of the Plan, that the property ia held ia single ownership � or ia nnder sinqle control. Land shall be deemed to be held in single ownership or undes ainqle control if it is in joint tenancy, tenancy in common, a partner- ship, a trust, or a joint venture. The Master Development Plan shall be filed in the name(s) of the record owner(s) of the property which shall be included in the application. (b) Approval of 1Ylaster Developanent Plan Rec�uired: IIndez no cizcumstances shall � an applicant be qranted development approval under the Planned Oevelopment Option until a !�laster Develop�nent Plan is approved by the City Council in accos- i � dance vith the provisiona of Sections 35 aad �6 ot this Ozdinance. I ' (c) Site Plan Rec�uized: No buildinq permit shall be issued for any development undez the Planned Deveiopment Option until a , Site Plan, consistent with the approved !�laster Development Plan, is approved in ( accordance with the provisions of Section I 47 of this Ordinance. (d) Miaimum Parcel Size: A Master Develop- ment Plan shall not be approved ualess the aite contains not Iess than 15 conti- quous acres of gzoss area. (e) Opon the conveyance of any part or all of the property within a planned develop- ment, the seller shall provide the buyer with a copy of the approved Master Devel- opment Plan and of any zestrictions or conditions related to that plan by the developer. 2. Permitted IIses: No buildiaq or structure, or part theseof, ahall be erected, altered or used, in whole or in part, under the Planned Deve�o�neat Option, for other than one or more of the followinq uses: (a) 1►ny pezmitted uae in the R-20, a-12.5, and R-7.5 Residential Districts, subject ( to all requirements and/or requlations of those respective districts. (b) Any pezmitted use in the R-3.5, R-3.75, R-TS, RMF-1 aad RMF-2 Residential Dis- tricts, subject to all zequirements and/or requlations of those respective � districts and subject to the limitations in sections 35.E.1(e) and 35.E.9. (c) Commercial uses permitted ia the CN Neighborhood Commercial Dfstrict pro- vided: 1) the planned development contains 200 dWelling units or more; 2) the total amount of commezcial floor area does aot exceed 30 square feet for each approved dwelling unit; - I I 3) the total acreage devoted to co�- mercial use does not exceed four (4) � scres; and 4) fitty (50) percent or �ore of the total dwelling unita are coastructed prior to approval ot a site plan and the issuance of buildinq pezmits tor the ca�mercial development. ; Nhenever commercial developmeat, consistent � vith the above limitations, occurs within a � PRD-12 District, such development shall comply I vith the staadards of the CN Neighborhood � Commercial Distsict. 3. Acceasory Oses: Any accessory use permitted . vithin the R-3.5, R-3.75, R-TH, RMF-1, and RMF-2 Diatricts shall be pezmitted as acces- �ory uses to a principal uae provided that no such accessory use shall be a source of income i ' to the owner or occupant of the principal use. 4. Alaximum Density: The maximum residential deasity shall not exceed twelve (12) daelling units per qross acre. 5. Opea Space: Opea space, recreation areas and laadscaping are deemed to be an essential com- ponent of any approved planned development within the PAD-12 District and shall be pro- � � vided in accordance with the followinq stan- dards: � (a) Minimum Oven Space Area: Not less than torty (40) percent of the total gross area of the planned develop�ent shall be � devoted to open space, including private ; pards on individual lots. Opea space shall not include areas covered by dwell- ing units, accessozy buildiaqs, parking � areas, drivewtys, and internal atreets, • or any part ot an fndividual lot on whi�h a building, or part thereof, could law- fully be erected. (b) . Qsable Common Open Space: Not less than - , twenty-five (25) p�rcent ot the minimum open space area shall be devoted to planned ind pezmaneat usable coaunon open space. The amount aad general location of the amount of common open apsce shall be ahown on the Master Development plan. The exact delineation and nature of the commoa open space may be deferred until an application is filcd �or appro- val of a site plan. (c) Maintennace: No Master Development Plan shall be approved unless the applicant I has submitted an appropriate legal inatrument which makes provision for the permanent preaervation of all common open • space areas, recreational facilities and communally owned land. Such instrwaent shall be approved by the City Attorney as to leqal form and ettect and the Plannfng ; snd Zonin9 Commission as to the suita- bility ot the proposed use of common open space areaa. Common open space may be dedicated to the City, if the Cfty agrees to accept such dedication, or may be deeded to a home- • ownera or condominium association, or to a trustee for the use and benefit of the ownezs and reaidents in the develop- meat. If common open space is to be _ maintained and or deeded to a homeowaers' or condominium association, or a trustee, no aite plan ahall be approved until the applicaat for a site plan approval shall have filed a declazation of the covenants and restrictions that will qovern the , association or trustee. Such declara- tions may, but need not, be filed prior to final approval of the !rlaster Develop- ment Plan. The covenants and restric- tions when submitted, stull provide for establishment of the homeowners' or con- dominiuia association or truat prior to the sale of any part of the prvperty; that open space sestrictions aad main- teaance must be permanent; lhat the asso- ciation or tzustee shill be respoasible ' tor liability insurance, taxes, and per- I Ipetual maintenaace; tbat membership shall � be eandatory for each homeowner aad any � successive buyess aad, that each bome- owaer, at the time of purchase, shall be furaished with a copy of the approved 1�laster Development Plaa and any reatric- tions or conditioas related to that plaa. The single family residence por- tions of a site iacluded in s Master Developmeat Plan need aot be subject to such coveaants and restrictions unless the common open space is provided and maintained tor the benetit ot the owners and occupants ot the single family zesi- deaces. Zn lieu ot forming a homeowners' or condominium association, the applicant I may satisfy the requirements of this subsection by providinq for the ownezship aad maintenance of common areas and faci- lities to be vested in a funded community trust. 6. Landscaping: Landscapinq ahall be required in � accozdance with the provisions ot Section 53 ot thia Ordinance. A statement vith respect . ; to the qeneral landscapiaq arranqement that i: � � � contemplated for the site shall be submitted I as part ot the Master Development Plan ippli- Ication. A detailed laadscapiaq plan, showinq � i spacing, sizes and specitic typea of landscape aaterial, shall be submitted as part ot the application for Site Plan zeview, except that , a landscaping plan shall not be zequired for siaqle fasaily lots. 7. Maximum Huilding Coverage: The combined area � occupied by all main ind acceaaory buildings ! and stsuctures shall aot e:ceed thirty-five ; (35) percent of the total site area. i I8. Maximum Zmpervious Surface: The combined area � occupied by all buildinqa, structures, off- street parking and paved areas (except public stseets and right of Ways) shall aot exceed sixty (60) percent of the total site area. 9. Pezimeter Huffer: No Master Developmeat Plan shall be approved !or property that is adja- ceat to or icross a street �rom property that is zoned tor, or developed With, sinqle family residences unleas a perimeter buffer is esta- blished by one of the followinq methods: �a) Withia two hundred �ftty (250) feet of the exterior perimeter of that portion of the planaed development that is adjaceat ; � to os acsoss a street tzom psopezty zoned ( lor, or developed with, sinqle tamily dvelliags, the uae, setback, heiqht, yard and lot coverage requirements shall be at least as restrictive as the R-7.5 Sinqle � Family Residential District; or (b) A laadscaped butfer area, not less than one huadred (100) feet in Width, shall be creatad aloag the exterior pezimeter of - that portioa of the planned development adjacent to oz tacinq siagle fan►ily uses or zoning. Such buffer area shall not contain buildings, structures or parking and shall be desiqned, landscaped, and, if necesaary, bermed to provide reason- able visual and acoustical privacy for adjaceat single family development. 10. Height: The heights of the buildinqs within a planaed development shall not exceed the maxi- mum heiqht that would be permitted for such buildiaqa in the moat restzictive zoning dis- tsict in which the buildiaq would be permitted as a matter ot r3ght. Multiple family dwell- inq uaits that abut a portion of a planned development that developed vith sinqle family detached dwellinqs shall not exceed the height ot the existiaq abutting siaqle fuaily dwell- inqs. 11. Ares Reaulations: Any part ot a planned development Llut is devoted to sinqle family ' resi8ence uses shall comply with all of the � regulations and requirements tor the most restrictive district in which the lot or lots ' � would also comply with the minimum lot area Isequirements, except that ia a siagle family I area in a Plsnned Development resideatial lots ' may be clustered so as to create usable common open space in reasonabie proximity to all sinqle tamily lots, and provided the following conditions are n►et: (a) the maximum gross deasity fot the single family area should not exceed six (6) daelling units per acre; (b) minimum lot sizes shall not be less than 5000 square feet; and (c) those areas Within 250 feet of an R-7.5, R-12.5, or R-20 single tamily district shall be developed to the same standazds as are required in the R-7.5 District. All other r�sidentfal buildinqs shsll comply Mith the minimum yard, lot aidth, and lot depth requireaients ia the most restsictive zoninq district ia Which suah buildinqs would otherwise be permitted by this ordinance; provided, however, minimum yazd requirements and lot width and depth requirements within a planned developenent may be waived by the Plan- ning and Zoninq Commission, escept toz those � azeas adjacent to or tacing existinq or zoned sinqle lamily sesidential areas, ts required by Section 34.E.9(a) upon �indinq that: (a) tb� minimum distance between buildiaqs is aot l�ss than tMeaty �20) feet; �xcept tor sero lot lin� developmentj (b) the develop�eat plan shall provide r�asoaable visual and acoustical privtcy for sesidential dwellinq units; and (c) the proposed lot dimensions ar� 9enerally consistent with the limitations set out in other sesidential zoning clsssitica- tions for areas of similar density and use. (d) The maximum number o! dwelling units within the multiple tamily area shall not exceed sixteen (16) dwelling units pez acre. 12. Traffic Cizculation: The traffic circulation . elemeat of a planaed development ahall conform to the followiag staadards: (a) principal vehicular access points ahall be desigaed to permit efticient traftic tlow with controlled turning movements and minimum hszard to vehicular and pedestrian tratfic; . , (b) minor or local stzeets within the planned developmeat shall not be connected to � externil streets in such a way to encour- aqe throuqh traftic. (•c) Dizect driveway access from individual resideatial lots to collector or arterial streets, or to major thorouqhtires, shall be prohibit�d. (d) Al1 plaaaed developments shill. have access to a collector or asterial street, as defined in the Comprehensive Master Plan. 13. Masonrv Rec�uirements. All structures, except siagl� tsmily homes on 7,500 squase foot lots or larqer, shall be of est�rior, fire resis- tant constsuctioa havinq at least eiqhty per- cent (801) ot the total �xterior walls below the first tloor plat� line, eYcludinq doors and windows constructed of brick, stone, or other masonry or matesial ot equal charactez- istics in accordance with the city's building � code and fire preveation code. F. OFF-STREET PARRZNG. Ott-stseet pazking shall be provided for each use in accosdance with the pzo- visions of Section 56 ot this Osdiaance or such use in the most zestrictive zoninq district in which it • would be a permitted use. G. OFF-STREET LOADIt�1G• No ot�-street loading is. requis�d ia the PRD-12 District except in eonjunc- tioa with sny commercial use that may be included. 8. A new Section 36 to read as follows: SECTION 36 PCD PLApNED COMlLERCE DEVEI�OPMENT DISTRICT J1. pREAMBLE: The Plaaned Com�erce Development (PCD) Oistsi�t is �s qn� to acca�odat� co�m�scial, noise-proot industrial and co�mercial aad lov inteasitp ottice-coomercisl develop- �ent in accordsac� vith the Co�pr�hensivs Master Pian. The Distsict providea !os two a�thods ot dev�lopment: l. Standard Devel ment permits eommercial d�velopment • su �ct o t • aam� s�strictions aa appiy ia the CC Communfty Coomercial District on tsacts ot at lesst two (2) aores in sise. 2. Planned Dev�lo ent is an optional losm o! development v c may e ptsm tted psovided aa applicant submits and the City Council approves a Master O�velopmeat Plan for the psoperty. Ia a plaaaed commercial developenent, sixed co�merciai dev�lopmeats are permitt�d. 8. P�RPOSE: The puspose of the staadard torm of developa�ent in �e ff�$ Distsict is to permit an owaer, as a matter o! siqht, to develop reLail spac� and commercial uses on lots aot less than two (2) acres ia az�a. The purpose o! the optioaal plaaned development method, vrithia the PCD Distsict, is to provide t method tor the coor- diaation o! r�tail, otfice, hotel, commercial, and similar uses in a pask-like settinq. Approval o� the Plaaned Devel- opmeat option will pzovide a eechanism to achieve developa�ent Mhich vill contsibute to the divessification ot the City's ecoaomic base ia s aianaer consiatent vith the Comprehensive Master Plan. The purpose ot .the PCD District ia to psovide a uaique aew sone !or tbe coordination ot iadustrial, s�tail, otfice, aommercial, and qov�rnm�nt v�es and limited residential use in a parklike settin9. These s�qulatioas •s• also desiqned to facilitate a mix of land us�s not psovid�d tos ia oth�r soninq distsicta. It is iatended thst th�s� se9ulatioas psot�ct adjacent dev�lopment lrom adverse impacts assxiated Mith �conomic dev�iopment, aad promote etticient aad �cono�mic lsad us�. Th� distsict r�quir�ments achi�vt this thsouqh phpsical desiqa atandarda chatactetise� bp: a landscaped settinq, e:tenaive open space, lor+ qround covera9e of buildinqs, aad coos�iaated desi9a •itmeats. Mastes Development Piaa and Site Piaa approval la r�qu ired tor tbia Distsict. Development intea- •ity will be limited to a �loor area satio ot 1.5. C. ZNTENT: The PCD District is desiqned to prcvide for retaii, commercial and ottice development, ts a mattes o� right, for thoae uses pssmilt�d ia th� P0, CC, �CN and 8C0 Districts, or alteraatively, to provide for development with a vasfety of naployment 9tnezatiaq us�a in aoafor�itp Mith a Mastes Devel- opm�at Plan, approved by th� City Council pussuant to Sec- tion �6 ot tbis Ordinance and the staadards and r�strictions in this 8ectioa 96. The PCD District i• psiaarily desiqned aad iat.na�a to applp to thos� as�as o! tbe City vhich are locat�d Mithin �irport Noise Eoaes s os C aad are desi9aated �or iadustrial, aoise-proo�, iadustrialcommercial snd low 1Atensity ot�ice-eommercial on the lutare Land Ose Plan !oz tbe City o! Grapevin�. it ia the intent, under the plaaaed d�velopment option, to allow a variety ot employ�ent oppos- tunities, coasistent Mith tbe Aisport �oise Ov�rlay stand- ards, to occur in a siAqle staqe or in appsov�d developmeat phases provided thes• development staq�s or ptuses are coa- sistent with an appsov�d Master D�v�lopmeat Plan. D. STANDARD OEVELOPMENT OPTION: J1ny use permitted in the PO, , or Distr cts a a11 be p�rmitt�d as a �atter of riqht withia a PCD District. Ir► tb� �vent the standard devclopaient option is chosen by the landowa�z, all develop- eent shall be sequlated by the crit�ria established in the aost zestrictive zoninq distsict ia which the particuiar use vould be pesmitt�d, psovided, however, that �ach auch use shall be located on a lot aot less ttua two (2) acres ia sise. E. PLJ1NrTED DEVELOPMENT OPTION: Opon approval ot a !laster Devel- . op�ent an n accor nce with Sectioa �6 0� this Ozdiaance . aad in complisnce Mith the �ollowiaq developeneat standazds, the City Council may authorise aa applicant to utilize the planned development option vithia the PCD District. 1. Conditions Los A lication and A rovals The followinq con t ons an proce ures s qovesn the appiicstion lor, and approvsl ot, a plann�d develop�ent Mithia the PCD District. 1�10 buildiaq p�rmits or otiher development approvai sball be issu�d tor any developaeat activity exc�pt �or •tandard dev�lopm�at permitt�d under Sec- tion 36.D. ot this Osdinance, until the folioainq con- ditioas have been satislied: (a) Ormershi : J►r� applicatioa tos approval ot a Master ve opmeat Plan, under tbe Planned Devtlopment Option, aay be liltd bp a person havinq a leqai intertst in the property to be inclu��d in the � Master Developa►enL plan. In order to tasure uni- tied planniaq aad development oi the property, the applicant shall provide evidence, in a tosm satis- lactory to the City Attosney, prior to �inal approval o! the B2an, that the property is held ia sinqle ownership or is under sinqle contsol. Land shall b� d��aed to be held in siaqle oNnership or under ainqie controi i! it ia ia joiat teaaacy, ter►aacy in common, a partaership, a tsust, or a joiet ventust. Th� Maat�r Devtlopment Plaa shall be filed ia the name�s) ot the s�cord oaner(s) of th� psop�rty, vhich ahall be included in the appii- catioa. _ (b) A soval o! Master Dtv�lo ent Plaa Re ired: n er Ao c scumstaaces s a an app cant e qranted dev�lopmeat appzoval und�r the Planned Developnent Option until a Master Development Plan is approv�d by the City Council in accordance with the provisioas ot 8ections 36 and 46 of this Ordi- aaace. (c) Site Plaa Re ired: No buiidinq permit shall be ssu� or any evelopmeat uades the Planned Devel- opment Option until a Site Plan, coasistent Mith the approved Master Development Plan, is approved ia accordance Mith tbe provisions ot Sectioa �7 of this Ordinance. (d) Minimwn Parcei Si:e: A Mast�r Development Plan s a no e approved ualess the total site con- taina not less than tweaty-�ive (2S) contiquous acres ot qross area, provided, however, the Plan- ain9 aad $oninq Coaamission eay r�commend and the City Council aay approve a PCD Maater Development � Plan �or a •ite containinq less than tMenty-tive ' (25) aczes if they liad that unusual or unique characteristics o� the sitc or its viciaity eake d��telopment pursuant to a Master Developeaent Plan advisabie and i� th� proposed developmeat of the site is coasistent Mith the puspose and intent ot tbis SecLion. (e) Contormaace vith C r�hensive Kastes Plan: All �ve opa�e�t act v ty aA propose an uses within the PCD Distsict ahall be consiatent vitb the qoals, obj�ctives and policies o� the Comprehensive Master Piin and aay area proposed !or a Y�I� Dis- tsict •hal2 be substantially Mithin the szea shown on th� lh�tuse Land Ose Map as b�ia9 locat�d Mithin J►irpost �loise �ones B aad C. �!) Perimetes suiler Yard: Each PCD District shall, as � pazt o t e ipprove Master D�velopment Plan, pro- vide s p�timeter butter yard in contormance with Section 36.4(j) ot this Osdinance. (9) Lach property omer vho iaitially purc2uaes prop- erty vithin a pCD District sball be provided vith a copy o! the approved Naster Development Plan aad any restriction� os coaditioas related to tlut plan by tbe developez. th) J►11 induatrial dev�lop��nt activity shall b� capa- bi• of coator�inq to the Pestossaace Standards establish�d in Sectioa 55 ot tbis Ordiaance. 2. P�rmitt�d �ses: Tl�e pCD Diatrict is intended to acc�- �te s :� use aommercial d�velopment vhere the varfous land uaes aad d�velopa�nt eomponenta ase physi- caliy and tuactionally iot�qsated. P�rsitt�d us�s are inteaded to incorporate co�muaity and seqionsl co�omer- cial aetivitiess protessional and ccrporate ottice developmtntf hot�l and �otel us�ss li9ht mnutacturinq aad r�search; aad limited biqher density resideatial uses. To psovide tor compatibl� laad use associations, specitic pesmitted uses Mithin the PCD Distsict ase cateqorized amonq �ive land use qsoups, vhich may be permitted ia certain locations eonsisteat with a Master Development Plaa !or tbe �atise prop�sty. The l�laster Dev�lopment Plaa shali qen�rally direct the tollowinq land us� qroups ia �ubaectiona 2(a) thsouqh 2�b)' below, to particu2ar areas ot the •ite. Mhenev�s an ar�a is indicat�d �or a particular land uae qroup, the oth�r use qroups aap be inte9rated into Lhis area provided that the primary use so desi9nat�d ihall occupy a aiaimum of � . seveaty-live (75) pescent ot tbat laad asea. No buildinQ or structure, or part tbereo�, shaii be erected, altered os used, in Mhole or in part, under the Planned Development option !or oth�r than one or �ore of the folla+inq uses: (a) J1ny use permitted in th� CN Commercial Neiqhborhood aad CC Co�munity Commercial DistricLs (Group 1). (b) Ar�y nse p�rsitted ia tbt BCO 8otel Corporate Otfice District �Group 2). (c) Aesy use permitted in the PO psofessioaal Ottice District (Gsoup 3j. (d) ?!ie lollawinq uses that sre permitt�d in the .LI Liqht Induatrial District slull be permitted pro- � vided that such uses do Aot occupy sore than tit- t�en (15� percent of the totai site area vithin the PCD District and auch uses contorm to the Perfor- aance Standazds established in Section SS ot thia Ordinance (Group �). (1) Nanutactusinq, assembly os psckaqiaq ot pro- ducts from pr�vious pr-epared matesials, such as cloth, p2astic, pap�r, leather, precious or . sesips�cious aetals os stoaes. �2) llanufactuz� ot electric aad �l�ctronic iastru- unts aad devices, auch as t�levisioas, radio aad phoao9raph �quipment. �3� anduthetlike,��sceptpthatcsuchpusesaslullcaot iaclude production ot tish, or meat products, sauerkraut. viae9ar or the iike, or the ren- derinq or sefiaiaq ot fats and oils. (�) l;xp�riaental and testia9 labosatories. ' (5) Research and developmeat scwiti�s. (6) Multi-tamily housinq provided that the fol- ' lowiaq conditions are oet: (Group 5) a) appropriate scs��niaq, landscapinq aad butfers are provided between residential areas and aon-resid�ntial uses. b� the total amouat o! land desiqaate8 for reaidential use shall aot txeeed five (5) p�rcent of tht total site area and msxi- oum residential density do�s not exceed , LMenty (20) naits per acre. �� •;� Sinr;?e :,tmi'�' �iei��-'�e� c��v�:::?i,:_ �i�:-,i: r.�.,, , _. . ere^ier. d) all resideatfal stsuctuses shall comply Mith tbe applieable Noise stteauatioa standasds it they are located in an Air- _ post �oiae Zone. 3. Accessor Oses: J1ay aco�isory use pesmitttd within the and CC Distsicts shall be permitted as accessory uses to a psincipal use provided thtt ao such accessory use shall be a sousce of iacome to the owner er occupaAt ot the principai use. 4. Lot Atta and Densit Re ulations: Each lot or parccl o an create w t n an approv�d PCD Distirct shall comply vith the tollowinq requirmentss (a) Minimum Sises lCach lot cr�ated within a PCD Dia- t'�ct sFaI�luve minimum land area of at least 20.000 square teet provid�d that the averaqe of all lots or parc�ls ot lind cseat�d vithin the total PCD Distsict shail have aa averaqe lot sise ot at least one-tuif acr• lxcept that resideatial uses eay b� developed oa lot• ot not less tlun 10.000 squar� leet in area. . , (b) Miaimum Lot lronta e: Each lot or parcei ot laad s a av� s n sum rontaqe ot 100 leet on an spprov�d public or pzivate street. 1lhenevez a lot or pssc�i o� land isoats on a cui-desac or similsr str�et cusv�s Mith estraosdiaary �eatures, the a�inimum lot tsoataq� �ay be s�duced to SO leet provided that any buildinq or structuze crested on stid reduced lot froataqe shall have s minimum Midth o! 100 leet at the tront buildiaq setback lint. �c) Maximwa Densit : The assimum density tor a PCD b�str ci s a not exc�ed a tloor area ratio of 1.5. (d) Maximum Lot Covers e: The msximum lot coveraqe by pr n�pa�T' u �gs aad other structures shall not �xceed the tolloviaq percentaqes of the lot area for tach land use qroup provided that the develop- oent seets all butter yards, open space and aetback . s�quiremeats. Group 1 - Commerciai uses 50� Group 2 - 8ottl-Corporate Ottice �0• Group 3 - Professional Office 30t Gsoup � - Liqht Iadustrial Ose 50t Group 5 - Aesidential Ose SO♦ (e) Minimwn en S ace Lotss Al1 lots crested vithin a D str ct s a �a ntain a minimum open space area �qual to thirLy (30) perceat ot the total lot ar�a. No buildinq structure, accessory use, parkinq or loadiaq azea or stora4e aseas shall be included in the calculstion of the minimum open apace area. Landacapinq of these areas shall be in sccordaace with Section 53 of this Ordinance. (L) Distance Between Huildin a: No two builaings on t e aame parce say e ocated closer to one another than a distance equal to the hei9ht of the lowes buildin9. (q) ximwn Im ervious Azea: The eazimum impervious asea o any ot cr�ate vithia the PCD Distzict shall aot exc�ed ��venty-tive (75) percent o! the total lot area. The cumulativs impervious are tor the �ntis• PCD District shall not esce�d seventy (70) perceat. � �h) Minimum Yard Re isements: �ach lot or parcel of an create w t a a Distsict shall conform to the yazd requirements of the sicst restrictive soaing distsict in which the buildiaq would be permitt�d as a aatter ot siqbt. Mini�wa yard requirements of 1Aterior lot• oay be vaived by the Planniaq aad Zoainq Commissioa provided that ali lots shall have a �ront yard o� aot lesm than twenty-five (25) teet. (i) Maximum 8eights No buildiaq or structure shall be erect�or a�ered to a heiqht exceedinq torty (40) t�et ualess additional fzoat yazd space is pro- vided. �or �ach additionalthree (3) leet of tront yard, ia excess of twenty-live (25) leet, the heiqht ot the buildiaq may be iacressed by ten (10) feet provided thats all aliovabie heiqhts shaii ccnform to the Aizport Heiqht District sequlations; ao buildinq shall �xc�ed 100 l�et in heiqht; and no • buildinq vithia 200 leet ot aay sesidential dis- trict shall exceed torty (�0) t�et in heiqht. No building devoted to resfdsatiai use shall exceed lorty (�0) leet in heiqht. (j) Perimeter But�es Yards: Lach PCD Distsict shall �a nta n a u er yar arouad the entire perimeter o! the property. The perimeter butter pard shali be at least one hundred (100) teet ia Midth ss �easured lrom the property line. J►s an altesaative on any side the 100 loot wid• pesi�etes butfer yard nay be seduced to 60 feet ia Midth provided a three loot hiqh besm is within the 60 foot Mide bu�ter yard around the •ntire perimeter ot the property and the bern is landscaped vith qrass, trees, shsubbezy and similar isndscaped elements tbat are sutficient to protect adjacent views. po bLildinqs, accessory buildinqs, parkinq and loadinq areas, storaqe areas os othes principal users shall be permitted vithin the pesimeter buf- fer pards. Boaever, perimeter butfer yards may contain pazks, vaterways, stormwater detentioa and set�ntioa areas, lake�, nature traiis, picnic areas aad aatural aress. Railroad riqhtarot-vay aad soad riqhtsot-vay tor the purpose of inqress and eqress to th� PCD Distsict �sy csoss peri�etes bu��er yards provided such sosds and riqhts of vay a�ini- mise the amount o� bultes yard devot�d to such use. The Midtb o! a aide or seaz butt3r yard auy be reduced by th� Plaeuiinq and �oninq Cc�siasion und�r th� lollo�riaq circuaistaaces: tbe a�tected butter yard is adjacent to and abut• a ts�e�ay or limit�d access biqhvap vitb a siqht-ot-vay ot at least tvo huadred (200) ltet ia vidth= the •tfacted butfer pard is adjac�at to aad abuts an electric tranamissioa or other utility siqhtot-May at leas. one huadred li�ty (150) l�et in vidtht or, tbe atfected buff�r yasd is adjaceat to and abuts an existinq or sontd noa-s�sidential ar�a and lurther psovided that the uses ia th� adjoiafng areas are o! a c�patible nature. 1► primary purpose of the perimetes butfer yards is to maintsin a park-like •�ttinq for PCD Districts and to assure that potentially adverae at�ects associated wfth commercial developm�nt is miti- 9ated. Therefose, the pezimeter bu�ter yards shall be appropriat�ly landscaped with qrass, trees. ahrubbery, btrms and similas landscape elements. Natuzal areas that may �xist vithin the desiqaated perimetes bu��er yards, shall b� aaiataiaed Mhen- • ever posaibl� sad incorporat�d intc th� landscape desi9n. �k) Screenin�t�som Ad acent Residential Areas: Mhen- ever a g��Diatr ct s crsat� a acent to an esistin9 oz son�d s�sidential asea, that portion of the periaetes bulfes yard abuttiaq the s�sidential area shall be desiqntd to res�en ettectivslp the adjoininq residential ar�s. Such •crteainq az�a ahall have a siaia�um beiqht o! three (3) �eet and �ay consist ot trees, shrubbery, ev�sqr�ea plantia9 �atesials, Malis, berms, lences (�:cept that chaia link tences shall be prohibit�d) and similas mate- riala that will losa an opaque acseen ot at l�ast •eventy-tive (75) pesc�at Mithia tvo (2) y�azs �ro� time of plantin9. Aftes a PCD Distsict is appsoved, any resideatial soning district that is creat�d adjacent te or abuttinq any boundary ot the PCD District •lull pzovide the tollowiaq: (1) no s�sid�ntial structure shall be �s�cted �ithin s�veaty-tive �75) t�et ot the PCD Dis- trict bouedary. (2) llny side or s�ar pard t2ut adjoias or abuts tbe boundazy liae o! a PCD Oistrict shall coAtain a landscap� bulter stsip of at lesst tv�nty (20) ��et in Midth and shall be appro- psiately landscaped Mith ts��s, ahrubbery, berms, everqreea plaAtinq �aterials or walis. (1) ltiaimum en 8�ce: Lach PCD Distsict shall sain- a n aa area equ�alent to not l�ss than torty (�0) percent ot the total laad ar�a o! the Distriet in open apic�. This minimum opea spaee my iaclude the perim�ter 'uit�r Yard and tho�e portioas of required pard ar�as aot devoted to urban use pro- vidtd that esch individual lot or parcel vithin the PCD District �sintaia a 4inimum open space area equivsl�at to thirty (30) perceat of the total laad area o� the individual lot or parcel srea. This minimum opea space ahall have the lollowing ehazac- tesistics: The miafmum opea spa�ce ahall not be improved with buildiaqs, stsuctures, driv�ways, soads, parkiaq or loadinq sreas, outdoor storage or aimilar uses. Minimum op�n space areas may include active and pasaivs recreation areas, park areas, Materwaya, laqoona, zetentiondetention ponds, tlood plains, nature tsails, picnic areas, landscape • areas and opea spsce ia natusal coadition. Land desiqruted as minimum opea ipsce shall be appro- priately landscaped with qsass, trees, veqetation, op�n spac� in aatural condition and similar land- scape �lementa as requir�d by S�ctioa 53 of this Ordiaance. Th� own�r(s) and/os developer(s) ot a PCD District ahall tile an appropriate 1e9a1 instrument, satis�acotry to the City Attorney, providing !or th� coatiauous miateaance of the oinimum open spa ce sreas vith the PCD District and restrictinq said �inimum open space area pespe- tually. Such iastruments shail be bindin9 upon the developer, its successors, and assiqns and shail coastitute s cove�ant zunniaq with the land and be in recotdable torm. F. OFF-STREET PARRING: Oft-street paskinq shall be -provided in � accor ance w t t e provisions ot Section 56 of this Ordi- nance. G. OFF-STREET LOADING: Ott-street loadinq shall be provided ia accor ance w t t t provisions o! Section 57 of this Ordi- naace. H. PRNATE STREETS: Private Streets shall be allowed within the PCD District, to be constructed in accordance with applicable City standards and requirements and subject to the approval of the City Council. � . 9. A new Section 3? to read as follows: SECTION 37 PID PLANNED I�iDOSTRZAL DEnELOPMEIBT DISTAICT J1. PAEAMBLE: The PID District is desi9ned to accommodate iadus- r a , noise-proo! iadustrial aad co�aerciai and low intea- sity ottice-coeederciai d�velopmsnt in accozdance with the Compseheasiv� Nastes Plan. Tbe Distsict provides tor two ■�thods ot d�velope�nts � l. Standard Dev�lo ment permits liqht industrial develop- aent subjec to t • aame sestrictions as appiy in the �I -Liqht Induslrial District on tracts o! at least three (3) acre� ia sise. 2. Plaaned Develo a�ent is aa optioaal tozm of dsvelopment v c may e ptrm tted provided an applicaat submits and the City Couacil approves a Master Development plan for the property. in a plana�d iadustrial dev�lopa►eat mixed industriai aad commercial deveiopm�nts are permitted. B. PORPOSE: The purpose ot the staadard tosm of develop�aent in �t�C District is to permit aa ownes, as a mstter ot siqht, to develop liqht iadustrial uses on lots not l�ss than three (3) acres in ar�a. The purpose o� the optional planned develop�aent method, within the PID District, is to provide a unique soae for the coordination of iadustrial, ot�ice, botei, commerciai, and similar uses la a park-like •ettin9. Approvai o� the Pianned . D�velo�nent option will provide a sechanism to achieve indus- . trial development vhich will contribute to the div�ssi�ica- tioa ot the City•s ecoaaoic base ia a manner consiatent with the Comprehensive Mastes Plan. A turthez purpose of the PID District is to al1oW developmeat Mith a compatible aixtuse ot land uses not pzovided tor in other industrial districts in accordance with a specific plan o! developa�ent. The PID Di�tsict s�9ulations are intended to provide a oethod tos protectinq adjaceat development from adverse impacts associat�d Mith �conomic dev�lopm�nt Mhile psomotinq elfici�nt and •conomic land use aszanqem�nts. The BID Distsict se9ulations contemplate the use of hiqh staad- ards o! physical desiqn vhieh s�sult in developmeats clurac- tesi:ed by: a landscaped settinqt extensive open spice; low qround coveraqe ot buildinqss and coordiaated desiqn slemeats. � C. INTENT: The PID District is des34ned to provide �os iadus- ria developa�ent, ss a �atter of riqht. !or those uses per- mitted ia the LS Light Industrial Distsict, or altesnatively, to pzovide for developmeat vith a vari�ty ot employment qeneratinq uses in contormity with a Master Develo�aent Plaa, approved by the City Council pursuant to Section 16 of this Ordinance and the standards and r�strictioas ia this S�ction 37. The PID Oistrict is psiaarily deaiqn�d and intended to apply to thos� aseaa of the City vhicb ase locat�d Mithin 1lirport Noise Zon�• s or C and as• de�iqAated !or industriai, aoise-proof, industsial-commercial and loM iateasity ot�ice- commercial or the luture Land Qse Plan tos the City ot Gsapeviae. It is tbt intent,� nader th� planned developaeat option, to allow a vari�ty o! �mplopaent oQportuaiti�s, con- sisteat Mith the Aizpost �loise Ov�slay standards, to occus in a ainqle staqe or ia approved developm�nt phases provided th�se developmeat staqes os phas�s ase coasistent with an approved Mast�r D�v�iop�nt plan. D. STIINDARD DEVELOPMENT OPTION: J1ny use permitted in the LI q t n ustr a str ct stsall b� permitted as a matt�s ot riqht vithin a PID Oistrict. Ia the ev�nt the staadard development option is chosea by the lsadowner, ali develop- aent sluil be requlat�d by the czitsria estabiished ia Sec- tion 3T for the LI Liqht Iaduatsial District �xcept that the miaimum lot sise shall be aot less ttua three (3) acr�s. g. PLANNED DEVELOPMEPIT OPTION: Opon approval of a !laster Devel- o�ent an a accor sace Mith Section 46 of this Ordiaaace . and ia compliance Mith the �ollowinq development atandards, the City Couacil wy authorise an applicant to utilise the planned development optioa wiihia the PiD Distsict. l. Conditions !or A licatioa aad A roval: The �oilowing con t ons an proce ures s a overa the application ' tor, and approval ot, a planaed ��velopa�eat within the PID District. lio buiidinq permits or other developanent approvai sball be issued fos any d�velopment ictivity except tor' standard developaaent p�smitt�d under Section 94.D. o� this Ordinaace, until the tollowinq conditions bav� been satisfied: : (a) Ownesshi : M application tos appsoval ot a Mastes ve opment Plaa, under the Planned Oevslopment Option, eay b� liled by a persoa bavinq a leqai interest in the property to be iacluded in the ltaster D�velopment plan. In ordes to ensure uniti�d planninq and developenent of the property, the applicaat shali provide evideace, in a torm satistactosy to !h� City Attorn�y, prios to final approval ot the plan, that the property is Deld in sinqlc cwnesship or is under sinql� cot�trol. Laad shall be d�emed to be held in siagle owiiezship or under sinqle control it it is ia joint tenancy. tenancy in common, a paztnership, a trust, or a joint venture. The l�lastez Development Plan shall be liled ia the name(s) ot the record owner(s) of the property, Mhich stull be included in tbe appli- cation. (b) A roval of Mastsr Develo ent Plan Re ir�d: n er ao c rcumstaacls s a an tpp cant qsanted d�velopment approvai uad�s the Planned Dsvelopm�at Option until a llaster Dev�lopeaent Plan is approved by the City Couacil in accordance vith the provisions ot S�ctioas 37 aad 46 0! this Osdi- naace. ., (c) Site Plaa Re uired: �to buildinq permit •hail be �e� or any evelopment under the Planned Devei- openent Option uatil a Site Plaa, consistent with the approved Mastes Developmeat Plan, is approved in accosdance Mith th� provisions of Sectioa �7 of this Ordinaac�. �d) Minimum Parcel Sise: J1ltastez Developmeat Plan a a aot e appsoved ualess the total site con- ' taias not i�ss than 20 acr�s ot qross ar�a, pro- vided, hoaever, the Plaaniaq snd Zoninq Commission may recommend and the City Couacil asy approve a PID Mastez Development Plan tor a site contaiainq less than 20. contiquous acres if they tind that uausual or unique clusact�ristics of the aite or its viciaity toake developanent pursuaat to a Master Development Plan advisable aad it the pzoposed development of- the site is consisteat with the purpose and inteat ot this Section. ' �e) Conformance with Com rehensive Master Plan: All eve opsnent act v ty an propose an uses within the PID District shall be consistent with the qoals, obj�ctives and policits of the Comprehensive Mast�r Plan and any ar�a proposed tor a PID Dis- trict� shall be subatantiaily withia the area shown on the �uture Laad Dae Map as beinq located within Aizport l�oiae Zon�s B and C. (t) Perimeter Butfer Yard: Each PID Distzict shall, as part o t e approve Master Developmeat Plan, pro- vide a p�rimeter bulfer yard in conformance vith Sectioa 37.4 0! tbis Ordinance. (q) Each property owner who initially purchases psop- tsty Mithia a PID Distriet ahsll be provided vith a copy o! the approved Master Develepment Plan and any sestrictions os conditioas selated to that plan by the developer. (h) 1111 development activity shali be capabl� ot con- lorminq to the P�rtos�ance Standards established ia Section 55 ot this OsdiAaace. 2. Permitt�d Oses: The PID District is 1Atended tos uses re at� to n ustrial activity and asaociat�d eoploy- aent, Mh�r� the various uses and developmeat compoaents ar� physicaliy and luactioeuily inte9rated. Peraitted uses ase Sat�nded to incorposate a Mide ranqe o! tradi- tional li9ht industisal us�s and a varitty ot non- • industriai activiti�� Mhich eay support os otherMise selate to the �conomic development ot the ait�. ineludinq Mholesalinq and var�housiaq, construction services, traasportation activities, p�rsoaai aervices, tiaancial and ottice dsvelopneat and co�mercial use. To psovide tor compatibl� laad use a�sociations, specific permitt�d uses vithin th• PSD DistricL are cat�qorised amonq tive land use qroupa, vhich aay bt permitt�d ia certaia locations consistent with a Mastes Dev�lopmeat Plan !or the entire property. The Mast�r Dev�lopment Plan shaii qeneraliy disect th� �ollowinq land use qroups in subsections 2(a) throuqh 2(b), below, to par- ticular ar�as o! the sit�. Nhenever aa area is indi- cated tor a particular land uie qroup, the other use qroups may be inteqrat�d iato this area provided that the primary use so desiqnated ahtll occupy a dinimum of seventytive (75) perceat of that land area. Mo buildinq os stsucture, or part thereot, shall be . erected, alt�red or us�d, in vhole or in pazt, under the Plaaned Development optioa ior other than one or more ot the tollowinq uaes: (a) J1ny nse permitted in the Li-Li9ht Iadustrial Dis- trict, (Group 1) (b) Narehousin and vholeaale distribution tacilities com ete w t a an enc ose u in an a r r! 9 L OtMii Aq. rOup ) (c) J1ay use permitted in the 8C0-Hotel Corporat� 0lfice District provided such usea do not occupy aore than twenty (20) percent ot the total aite as�a vithin the pID District. (Gsoup 3) (d) llap use permitted in the PO Profeisioaal Office District. (Group 4) (e) Any use permiLted ia the CC Community Commercial District provided that the total amount ot land desiqnated �or commezcial uses ahall not exceed tifteen (15) percent ot the total aite area and no , com�escial parcel shail escted twenty (20) acres in sise. (Group 5) 3. Accessor Oses: Any acc�ssorp �ise p�rmitt�d withia the . , and CC Districts ahall be permitted aa acc�ssory us�s to a principai use psovid�d that ao such accesaory us� shali b� a source o� income to the owner os occupant o� the priAcipal us�. �. Lot l►sea aad Deasit A� ulationi: f.ach lot os psrcei o an cseite M n an approved PID District ahall comply with the lollovinq requir�meats: (a) Minimum Sis�s Lach lot creat�d within a PID Dis- r ct s a have siaimum land area at at l�ast 30,000 squase tset provid�d that the avera9e ot all � lots or parcels ot land cr�ated within the total PID District shall bave an averaqe lot •ize ot at least one aere. (b) Minimum Lot !'ronta e: Each lot or parce:. ot land s a ave m n mum rontaqe ot 150 teet oa an approved public or private street. i�Thenev�r a lot or parcel ot land fro�ts on a cul-de-sac o= �imilar street curves with •xtra-ordinary teatures, the minimwn lot froataqe may be r�duced to 50 tert provided that any buildin9 or structure creat�d oa said reduced lot tsontaqe shal2 have a miaimwa , width ot 100 teet at the lront buildinq setback liae. (c) Maximum Densit : The �oa:imum density for a PID sts ct s a not exceed a �loor azea ratio of 1.5. (d) Ma:imum Lot Covera9e: The sasimum lot coveraqe by pzinc pa ui�d�s and other atsuctuses shall not exceed the tollowiaq percenta9es ot the lot area !or each land use 9roup provided that the develop- eent oeets •11 butter yards, open space aad aetback sequirementa. Gsoup 1 - Li9ht Industrial Oses 60°,6 Group 2 - Commercial-WarehousiAq 60t Croup 3 - Hotel-Cozporate Otfice �Ot Group � - Prote:sional Otfice 30t Group 5 - Commercial 50t ... � - These standasda aay be iacreased tor oertain uses such as varehousiaq or other biqhly automat�d industry in industrial la�d use qroups 1 aad 2 upon seca�mendation by the P1aaAinq and zoain9 Commis- �ion. A lindia9 wat be �ade that these uses will 2uve a �sisum �quivalent o! S lull time �mployees per �cr• aad requis� cotrtspondinq lower demands !or o!!-ststet parkioq, loadinq aad storaqe ar�as than other iadustrial uses permitted ia these use qroups. Onder ao circu�stances should tbese stand- ards be varied to incrtas� lot coveraqe �ore than 75t. J111 uses �rhich luve lot cov�raqe staadards iacr�as�d eust aeet all butt'erarea, opea spac�, and setback sequir�ments. (e) Miaimum O�a__Space Lots: All lota creat�d within a �'fb'�s�s�i 'al��aintafn a minimum opea �pace area �qual to thirty (30) p�rcent ot the lctai lot asea. 1to buildiaq stsucture, acc�saory use, park= ing or loadinq ar�a or storsqe areas shall be included in the caleulation ot the miaimum open apact arta. Landscapia9 ot theie ar�as shall be in accosdance Mith S�ction 53 ot this Ordiaaace. (t) Distance Hetween 8uildia s: No two buildin9s on e same parce may e ocated cioser to one anothes than a distance �qual to the heiqht ot thc lower buildiaq. � � (g) Maximum Im ezvious Area: The masimum ia�pervious are�any ot Cseate xithia the PID District shall not exceed seventy-five (75) pesceat of the totai lot ar�a. (h) Minimum Yard Re ir�mentss �ach lot or parcel cf an create w t n a District shall qenerally coalosm to the yard s�quis�menes o! th� a�oat r�strictiv�_soain9 distsict in which the buildiaq Mould be pe raitt�d as a a�tter ot ziqht. Miaimum yard s�quisemtat• a�ay be waived by the Planninq and zoninq Commission psovided that all lots shall have a fsont pard o� aot lesa than tMenty-tiv� (25) leet. Nhere the lot liaes ot uaes in industrial � 9roups 1 and 2 abut sailrosd siqhts-ot-way or sidinqs, no siaisum yard is required. (i) Maximum Bei hts po buildinq or structure shall be erecte or a tered to a heiqht exceedinq torty (40) feet unless additional tront yard •pace is pro- vided. !'or each additional ths�e (3) teet o! �sont yard, ia �xcess ot twenty-[ive (25) teet, the heiqht o� the buildiaq may be iacreased by ten (10) o - teet provid�d tbat: ail allovablc h�iqhts shail contorm to tht Aisport 8eiqhi District r�9ulations; no buildinq shall ezeeed 100 i�et in heiqhtt and no � buildiaq Mithin 200 t�et o! any resid�ntial dis- tsict shall �xceed tosty (�0) t�et ia h�iqht. (j) p�timtter sutt�r Yardss �aCh PID DistsiCt slull aa n a n a u •r yar around the eatise peri�eter o! th� psop�sty. The p�siaeter butter yard •hall be at least one buadr�d (100) ��et la vidth as �easused irom th� psoperty liae. 11s an aiteraative on aay side, the 100 loot �ide p�rimeter buf�er yard �oay b� rtduc�d to 60 l�et ia vidth provided a ths�e toot Diqh bezm is vithir► the 60 foot Mide buft�r pasd around th� �ntis� perimeter of the property and the bezm ia laadscap�d Mith qsass, tre:s, •hrubbery and similar landscaped elements that are sulticient to protect adjac�nt views. No buildinqs, accesaory buildinqs, parkiag and loadinq az�as, storaqe areaa or other principal users shall be permitted vithin the perimeter butter yarda. 8owev�s, peripeter butfer yazds may contain pasks, vaterways, stormwates detention and seteatioa ar�as, lakes, aature tsails, picaic areas and natural areas. Railroad si9hts-ot-way and soad riqhtsot-way !or the purpose of inqress snd eqress to th� PID District �ay asoas perimeter buffez yards provided such rwds and ri9hts of vay mini- . eise the amount of bulfer yard devoted to such use. The rridth o� a side or sear butter yard may be reduced by the Planninq and Zoninq Commission under rhe follovinq circumatances: the affected buttez yard is adjacent to aad •buts a lz�eway or li�it�d access hiqhway Mith a riqht-ot-Nay ot at least tao Auadred (200) tett in Midths the atfected bufter para is adjacent to and abuts aa electsic trans�nission or other utilitp riqhtot-vay at least one hundsed litty (1S0) �eet iA Midth; or, the atfected but��r pard is aaiaceat to and abuts an �xiatinq or soned industsial ar�a aad turth�r pro- vided that the uses in the adjoiain9 iadustzial areas are of a compatibl� nature. A primary purpose o! the pesi�aeter bu�fes yards is to aaintain a park-like settinq tor BID �Diatricts and to assus� that potentially adverse atfects associated vith internal industsial d�velopmeat is mitiqated. Therefore, the pezimeter buffer yards ahall b� appropriately landscaped Mith qrass, trees, shrubbery, berms and similar landacape ele- nents. Natural areas that may exist vithin thr deaiqnated perimet�z butfer yards, shall be min- tained whenever poasibl• and incosporated into the landscape desiqa. (k) Screeaiaq lsom Ad ac�nt Aesideatial Areas: IPhen- evez a sts ct s cs�a e a acent to an e:ia- tinq or son�d stsideatial ar�s, that portioa ot the periset�r bul�tr yard abuttinq the sesideatial area ahall be desiqned to acs�ea �glectively the adjoia- iaq r�aidential ar�a. Such scr�reniaq area shall have a sinimum hei9ht o! ti�ree t�) leet and aay eoasist of tr�es, shrubb�ry, everq:�en plantinq aatesials, valla, berss, l�nces (�sc+ept that chaia link leaces ahall be prohibited with }�esmanent v�qetation) and aimilar �atesials that �ill iorm an opaque scr�en ot at least a�venty-tive (')5) percent vithin two (2j y�ars trom time of planting: Atter a PZD District is approved, any residen�ial soniaq diatzict that ia created adjacent to or abuttinq any bouadary o! the PID District shall pzovide the lollowinq: (1) ao sesidential structure shall be erected Mithin seventy-tive (75) leet of the PZD Dis- trict boundary. (2) 11ny aide or rtas yasd that adjoins or abuts • the bouadary line ot a PID District shall aontain a landscape bu��er stsip o! at least twenty (20) ftet in width and shall be appro- priately landscaped with trees, shsubbery, berms, ev�rqreen plantiaq materials or walis. (1) Kinimum Open Space� Each PIO District shall main- a n an asea equ valent to not less than forty (40) percent o� the total land asea of the District ia op�n spaE�. This aiaimue� open space ssy i�clude tbe P�rim�tes 8uff�r Yard and those portions ot ztquirsd yard az�as not devoted to urban use pro- vided that each individual lot or parcel vithin the PiD Diatrict maintain a sinimum open space area •quivalent to twenty (20) percent o! the toLal land area ot the iAdividual lot or parcel area. This ainimu� open space sAall �ave the follovinq charac- teristics: The �iaimura open space ahall aot be improved with buildinqs, structures, driveways, roads, parkinq or loadiaq azeas, outdoor storaqe or •imilar uaes. Minimum open space areas may include active and passive recreation areas, park areas, - waterways, laqoons, retentiondetention ponds, tlood plains, nature traila, picnic areas, landscape - � - areas and open space in natusal condition. Land desi9nat�d as miaimum op�a apace stull be appro- priately landscaped with 9sass, trees, ve9etation, open space in natusal eonditioa and similar laad- acap� elementa as s�quired by Section ot this Ordirunce. The own�r(s) aAd/or developer(s) of a PID Distsict sl�all lile an appropriat• leqal instsuwent, �atisfactorp to the City Attorney, providiaq tor tbs coatinuous aaiatenance o� the , minimum op�n spsce ar�as vith the PiD District and reitsictiaq said sinimum open •pace area pespe- tually. Such instsumeats shall be biadinq upon the developer, its successora, aad assiqas and shall constitute a covenant ruaainq Mith the land and be in secordable losm. F. OFF-STREET PARlCZI�1G: Otf-stzeet paskiaq shall be provided in accor ance wit t e provisions ot Section 56 of this Ordi- nance. G. OFF-STREET LOADING; Otf-street loading shall bs provided in accor nce w t t e provisions ot Section 57 0! this Ordi- naace. H. PRNATE STREETS: Private Streets shall be allowed within the PID District, to be constructed in accordance with applicable City standards and requirements and subject to the approval of the City Council. ll;. A new Section 38 to read as follows: SECTION 38: GU Goverrunental Ose Distzict PURPOSE: The GU Governmeatal Ose District is establi:hed to ap�to thoae lands where natioaal, state, os local qovernmental activities are conducted and where qovers�meats hold title to such lands. Any lawful qovernmental activity is permitted in these districts. it is aot iatended to clasaity all lands owned by qovernment into this diatzict, but only those lands particularly and peculiarly related to the public weltare. It is generally intended to utilize this district to implement the Comprehensive Mastez Plan. A. Permitted Uses: No building or structure or part thereof, s a e erected, altered, altered or used, in whole or in part, for other than one or more of the following specified uses: 1. Parks, playgrounda, and recreation areas. 2. Government administrative and judicial buildings. 3. Public schools, hospitals and libraries. 4. Other public facilities of a like nature. B. Accessory Uses: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses to a principal use provided that none shall be a sousce of income to the owner or user ot the priacipal use: l. Oses and structures which are customazily accessory and are cleazly incidental and subordinate to the permitted uses and structures. C. Conditional Oses: The tolloain9 conditional uses may be permitte provi ed a conditional use permit is issued pur- suant to Sectioa t8. 1. Goverruaent maintenance lacilities. 2. Public utility tacilities. 3. Jails, detention facilities or work camps. 4. Public incinezators. 5. Sanftary landfills. D. Limitation of Uses: None required. E. Plan Re uirements: A site p2an shall be required in accor- ance with Section 4? of this Ordinance for all conditional uses. F. Density ReQuiremeats: None. G. Area Reauisements: The yasd requirements shall not be less t"Fian the requfrement: ot the most restrictive abuttinq prop- erty. H. Buffer Azea Re ulations: Whenever any conditional use that �s a owa e in t is istrict abuts a residentially zoned district or a PO District, a landscaped buffez zone of aot less than twenty-five (25) feet in depth shall be providtd between the lot line and any building structure, or activity area. No buildinq structure, parking, loading or storage shall occur in the buffer area and such area shall be land- scaped to provide visual and acoustical privacy to adjacent pzoperty. In addition, screening shall be provided in accor- dance with the provisions of Section 50 of this Ordinance. I. 8eight: Nc restrictions. J. Landsca in Re uiremeata: Laadscapinq shall be required in accor ance w t ection 53 of this Ordinance. K. Off-Street Pa�zki�a : Off-street parking shall be provided ia accordance wft►�f�e provisions ot Section 56 of this Ordi- nance. L. Off-Street Loadin : No of!-street loading is required in the U DiStriCt. 11. A new Section to read as follows: Section 40. Dallas-Fort ��'orth Regional Airport District Purpose. To continue the close working relationship between the Cit` of Grapevine and the Cities of Dallas and Fort �Vorth as owners and operators of the Dallas-Fort �rorth Re�ional �irport located �vithin the City of Grapevine in the construction, planning. development, regulation and operation of such Regional ?►irport. District Boundaries. ?►11 of the proQerty owned and controlled jointly by the Cities o ellas and Fort �vorth designated as the Dallas-Fort ��-orth Regional �irport that is located within the city limits of the City of Grapevine. A. Permitted L'ses snd Regulations. 1. �,11 Zoning �pplications for the sale, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall be processed in accordance with Section 49, S-P, Site Plan District. 2. All other construction, planning, use and development shall be subject to, in compliance with and pursuant to the 19unicipal ?,irports Act, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 46d-1 through �6d-22 and all rules, regulations, leases, agreements and ordinances adopted thereunder; the Airport Zoning �et, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 46e-1 through 46e-15; all building end construction standards heretofore jointly adopted by the City of Grapevine and the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport Board and the lawful . e�cercise of the police power. i`, A new Section 45 to read as follows: CSAPTER 45 CONCEPT PLANS A. PURPOSE. The Concept Plan is intended to provide the anninq and Zoninq Commission aad the City Council with the information and data that is necessary to assess the merits of requeats for rezoning. • B. wHEN REQUIRED. The Director of Public Works may zequire t e s mission of a Concept Plan in connection with a request for rezoninq of any specific parcel of land. No Concept Plan shall be requized when the zequest for rezonia� is filed by the City of Gzapevine. C. CONTENT OF CONCEPT PLAN. A Concept Plan shall include the 0 owinq in ormation and documents: 1. The applicant's name, addzess and telephone aumbez, and his iaterest in the subject property; 2. The owner's name, address, and telephone number, if different than the applicant, and the owner's siqned conseat to the filinq of the application; � 3. The names, addresses and telephone numbers of all � professional consultants advising the applicant with respect to the proposed rezoninq; 4. The leqal description of the subject property and ita general location; 5. The zoninq classification and present use of the subject propezty; 6. A map of the property pzoposed to be zezoned showing the qenezal location of the principal vehiculaz circu- lation systsm and access trom existinq streets and roads, the qeneral location and size of all usable common open space, snd the qeneral location of resi- dential and non-residential land uses. � ' � 7. The Comprehensive Master Plan land use recommendation for the prcperty. 8. A qeneral statement and/or grnphic materials, demonstratinq that the proposed rezoninq is con- sistent with the Grapevine Master Plan; 9. A general statement showiaq the public facilities that are available to serve the subject property, oz how such facilities aze to be provided; 10. A qeneral statement indicatinq the water and sewez facilities that are available to serve the subject property, and if such facilities are not available, a statement as to how they will be ma8e available; 11. A qeneral statement with respect to how surface water drainaqe is to be manaqed; 12. A qeneral statement or plar► showing how buffering oz screeninq will be provided to separate non- residential fzom residential areas; 13. A survey, certified by a zegistered land surveyoz, showing property boundary lines and dimensions; available utilities; and easemtnts, roadways, rail lines and public rights-of-way crosainq nnd/or adjacent to the subject property; 14. A graphic rendering of the existinq site conditions, which depicts all siqnificant natural, topoqraphical and physical featuzes of the subject property includ- ing contours; location and extent of tree cover; . location and extent of water courses, mazshes and flood plains on the subject property= and, existing drainage patterns; 15. A map depictinq the existinq development of the sub- ject property and all land within 200 feet thereof and showinq .the approximate loeation of existinq streets, property liaes, easemeats, watermaina and storm and saAitary sewers; 16. The proposed use or uses and a qeneral description of th� proposed develo�,ment; 17. The computation of th� pzoposed number of dwelling unita asid the total acreage for zesidential use and the approprfate square tootaqe of bufldinqs by type " for aon-zesideatial buildinqs. D. EFFECT OF CONCEPT PLAN. Al1 subsequent site plans shall con orm to the Concept Plan submitted with the zoning application. l:t. A new Section 46 to read as follows: Sec. 46 APPROVAL OF MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLANS A. AUTHORITY. The City Couacil may approve from time to t me, by osdinaace duly enacted, planned developments ia the PRD-6, PRD-12, PCD, and PID Districts; provided, howeves, that no such develop- ment shall be approved except in accordance with procedures established ia this Ordinance. B• PORPOSE. Develo�nent withia a Planned Development s�str ct, other than with such uses as are per- mitted aa a matter of riqht, shall be permitted only in accordance with an approved Master Develop- ment Plan. The Master Development Plan shall clearly indicate how the proposed development would comply with the City's Comprehensive Master Plan and would be consistent with the standazds and purposes of the district applied for. In addition, the !�laster Development Plan should be designed to ensure that the followinq general qoals will be achieved. (1) Residential planned developments shall not exceed the density permitted by the adopted comprehensive plan. • (2) The plaaned development shall be of such desi9n that it will sesult in a development achievinq the stated purposes of the planned deqelopment district more than would develop- .ment uader a conveational soninq district. (3) The ptanned develop�ent ahall �tficiently utilize the available land, and shall protect and preserve Lo tbe extent possible all scenic asset• and natural l�atures such as trees, streams and topo9raphic features. (4) The planned developmeat shall be located in an area in which transportation, police and fire. protectioa, other public tacilities and public utilities, includinq seweraqe, ar� ar will be available and adequate tor the uses proposed; provided, howevez, that the spplicant may make provision foz such lacilities or utilities which aze not preaently available. The Master Development Plan is intended to provide the opportunity to submit a plan which will enable the City: to assess the desirability of particulaz development; to determine whether adequate public facilities can be provided; and, to measure the , impact on present and future development in a given area of Gztpevine. It is also intended to allow the developer to request approval for a master plan of development without incurring substantial plan- ning and engineering costs. A public hearing is required psior to any otficial action by the City . to tllow the public the opportunity to comment on the pzoposed master development plan. C. CONTENTS OF A MASTER DEVELOPlr1ENT PLAN. In ordez to assist in t e review o app ications for pinnned development districts, the developer shall be required to submit a l+iaster Development Plan, in accordance with the procedures established in this Section 46. All maps or plans submitted as part of a Mastez Development Plan shall be at an appro- priate scale of not less than oae inch to two hun- dred feet and shall be presented on a sheet having a maximum size of 24" x 36". An 8-1/2" x 11" reduced copy shall also be filed. If presented on more than one (1) sheet, match lines shall clearly fadicate where the several sheets join. The Master Development Plaa shall include the following, in addition to any other information that the City or the developer may deem necessary to evaluate the , impact of the proposed development on the surround- ing areas. (1) The applicant's name and address and his inte- rest in the subject property. (2) �Tht name and addzess of the persons or firms that have a tee simple interest in the subject property, if different than the applicant, and the owner's, or ownera' , signed consent to the tiliag of the application. (3) The names and add=esses of all professional consultants advising the applicant with zes- pect to the proposed planned development. (d) The aames and addresses of any person whose interest ia the applicant or the property in question would be a conflicting interest within the meaning of the provisions of 1983 Tex. Sess. Law Serv. , Ch. 640 at 4079 (Vernons) , Tex. Rev. Stnt. Anno. , Art. 996B (Vernons) . (5) The legal description- of the subject property. (6) The zoning claasification and present use of the subject property and the Planned Develop- ment District classification which is requested by the applicant. �7) A survey, certitied by a registered land sur- veyor, showing property boundary liaes and dimensions, existing stsuctures, available utilities, and easements on the subject pzo- ' perty. (8) A statistical tabulation and summary of the following information: (a) the maximum numbez of dwelling units propoaed by type of structure; (bj the maximum amount of square feet of building floor asea proposed for commez- cial use and for industzial uses, by general type of use; (c) total land area, expressed in acres and as a percent of the total development azea, proposed to be devoted to rtsiden- tial uses by types of atructure, commez- cial uses, industrial uses, public and ' pzivate open space, streets, and off- street parking and loading areas; (9) An aerial photograph at a scale of 1"=200' showing the boundaries of the proposed devel- opment distsict. (10) Map(s) deliaeatinq the existing physical characteristics of the site, iacluding: (a) topography at contours not more than ten (10) leet; (b) slopes of 15 percent or more; . (c) water courses, drainage ways, ponds, lakes and bodies of water; (d) vegetation and tree cover; (e) marshes and flood plains, ir►cluding the delineation of 100 year flood plain, if applicable; (f) drainage patterns; (q) othez physical features that may affect the development of the property that the developer may wish to provide. (11) A mapped and writttn description of the pro- posed Development Plaa describing the follow- ing features of the Project: (a) a general land use plan with a descrip- tion ot the type, location and nature of land use within each area of the develop- ment; (b� proposed traffic circulation concept which illustrates both external and iaternal trafficways related to the deve- lopment, including proposed right-of- ways, travel lanes, and other transporta- tion improvements; (c) generalized layout and description of water service, sanitary sewezage, utili- tiea, refuse collection, fire protection and si�ilar es:ential aervices. � (d) a generalized landscape plan for the butfer and perimeter areas of the devel- opment; (e) a delineation and description of the minimum opea space areas, including the buffer, and perimetes area; (�) a descript3on ot screening aad berming adjacent to existinq residential azeas; (12) A wsitten state�ent 9enerally describing the proposed planned development; its relationship to the Comprehensive Master Plan; and how the pzoposed planned development is to be designed, arranqed and operated in ordez to comply with the intent and policies of the � Compreheasive Master Plan. The statement shall include a description ot the applicant's planning objectives, the approaches to be followed in achievfnq those objectives and the rationale governing the applicant's choices of objectives and appzoaches. (13) A statement of the applicant's intent with respect to the ownership, sale and leasing of the various ccmpleted unit�, structures, spaces and areas within the proposed develop- ment. (14) If the planncd development is ptoposed for construction in stages oz units during a period extending beyond a single construction season, a schedule for the development of such stages or units ahall be submitted, stating the approximate beginning and completion date tor esch such stage or unit, the proportion of the total public and pzivate open space and the proportion of each type of proposed land uae to be �provided or constructed duzinq each such �taqe; and the overall chronology of development to be follcwed from stage to atage. (15) A proposed schedule for the pzovision of the required minimum opea space, buffer, and peri- meter areas. (16) Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the subject propezty to effec- tuate the proposed planned development, inclu- ding a statemeat ot all legal, beneficial, tenancy and contsactual interests held in or � ' affecting the subject proptrty and includinq an up-to-date certified abstzact of title or conuaitment for title insuraace. (17) Whea the proposed planned development, or stage Lhereof, includes provisions for public or private open space or service facilities, a statement describing the provision that is to be made for the dedication or care snd main- tenance ot such open space or service facili- ties. It it is proposed that such open space be owned oz maintained by any entity other than a qovernmental authority, copies ot the proposed articles ot incorporation and bylaws, of such entity ahsll be submitted. (18) Copies ot any restrictive covenants that aze � to be recorded with respect to property included in the Final Master Development Plan. (19) A traffic impact analysis conducted by a licensed professional engineer or qualified traffic engineer indicatinq the estimated amount of vehicular -traffic that will be 9enerated by the development, the capacity of external roads to handle site traffic, and a description ot the traffic impact of the pzo- posed development. (20) A aritten or qraph�c statement indicating how adequate easential services will be provided for the development. Essential services will include such itema as roads, storm and surfact drainage systems, potable water service, wastewater treatment and disposal service, solid waste disposal, emergency medical ser- vice, police service, and fire protection sezvice. These, and similaz essential ser- vices, shall be available pzior to occupancy of any buildinqs and structures within a Planned Development District, and shall have adequate capacity to provide for the needs of the development. These essential services may be staged in accordance with the approved phased ateps of the development within the Planned Development District provided that each stage, or phase, ia adequate for that level of development, and coaforms to an overall plan for essential aervices for the District. If existing capacity is unavailable, condi- tional approval may be granted by the City Council it the applicant of the Master Devel- opment Plan can demonstrate that (1) there is a teasible plan to expand the capacity of the attected essential services so that the enlarqement or extensioa of such syatems will aot result in a higher net public cost or eariier incuzsioa ot public cost as delineated in the City's Capital Improvements Proqram; or (2) i! the applicant will provide private facilities, utilities or service�, approved by appropriate public agencies, and assure their satisfactory and continuinq operation until similar public utilities, facilities and ser- vices aze made available; or (3) make provi- sion acceptable to the City for otf-setting any added net public cost or early commitment ot public funds made necessary by such devel- opment; or (4) the applicant can demonstrate that essential services will be available prior to theiz request for a building permit. D. PROCEDURE. (1) Initiation. An application for an amendment to rec assify property in a PRD-6, PRD-12, PCD os PID District and to approve a Master Devel- opment Plan tor such property may be filed by the owner ot, or any person having a ccntrac- tual interest in and the consent of the owner of, the subject property. (2) Pre-a lication Conference. Prior to filing any app ication or approval of a reclassifi- cation amendment and a Mastez Development Plan, the prospective applicant shall by let- ter request a pre-application conference with the Director of Public Works and the City staff. Such request shall include a brief and general description of the nature, location and extent of the proposed planned develop- ment. The puzpose of the pre-application confezence shall be to assist the applicant in prepazing a request� for Preliminary l+laster Development Plan approval that conforms as nearly as pos- sible to the requirements of this Ordinance and the other ordinances and requlations of the City that will be applicable to the pro- . posed development. (3) tional Concuzrent Submission of a Site an. The app icaat may, at is opt on, sub- m t a Site Plan tor the proposed planned deve- -" lopmeat simultaneously with the submission of the Master Development Plan. In such case, the applicant shall comply with all provisions ot this Ordiaance applicable to submission of the Master Developmeat Plan and to sub�ission o� a Site Plaa. The Planning and Zoning Com- mission and the City Council shall consides such plans simultaneously and ahall graat or deny Master Development Plan and Site Plan approval in accordance with the provisions of. this Ordinance. (4) Certification of Application. Opon receipt of an appl'icat on or appzova of a Master Devel- opment Plan, the Director of Public Works shall review the application to determine whether it is complete and if it is, the Director shall certify that the application is complete. If the Director determines that the application is not complete► he shall notify the applicint, in writinq, of the respects in which the application is deficient. (5) Statf Review and Comment. Opon certification y t e irector o Pu ic Work that an appli- cation foz !rlaster Development Plan approval is complete, the Oirector ahall request review and co�aent on the proposed development by the , City ataft and any othez federal, state, county, oz local goveznmental agencies as the Director may determine to be affected by, oz potentially interested in, the proposed deve- lopment comments on the proposed Master Deve- lopment Plan shall be filed with the Director within 30 days of the date of certification that the application is complete. The Dizec- tor shall transmit all such conunents, together with his comtaents and recommendation to the Planning aad Zoning Commission within 45 days of the date that the Mastez Development Plan application has been cestified to be complete. (6) Public hearin . A oint public hearing before t e ann n and Zonin Commission and t�ie— t ounci on t e propose Master Deve op- ment P an s all be :et, advertised and con- ducted by the Planning and Zoning Commission • in accordaace the provisions of Section 67 of this Ordiaance selatiag to amendments within � 45 days after the Director of Public Works has certified that the application is complete. At such public hearfng the applicant shall submit the proposed development plan tor � revie� by the Comtaission together with such supporting testimony and documentation as he may believe necessary or desirable. The mem- bers of the public shall have the opportunity to comment on Lhe pzoposed plan and submit such testimony and documentation with respect thereto as they may believe to be necessary or desirable. (7) Action b Plannin and Zonin Commission. it in ays o owing t e conc usion of the public hearinq, the Plannfng and Zoning Com- mission shall consider the application and all comments, recommendations and submissions with respect to it and shall transmit to the City Council its findings and recommendation that the proposed Master Development Plan eithez be approved, be approved subject to modifica- tions, or not be approved. Such recommenda- tion shall be accompanied by the comments and recommendations of the Director of Public Work and all other comraents with respect to the proposed development that have been filed with the Director. In conaidering the Mastez Developeaent Plan aad formulating its recom- mendatioa, the Planning and Zoninq Commission shall be guided by, and shall in its report specifically address, the standards made applicable to the proposed planned development by the tpplicable Planned Development District requlations of this Ordinance. The failure of the Planninq and Zoning Commission to act within 15 days following the conclusion of such heazing, or such longer period as may be agreed to fn writing by the applicant, shall be deemed a recommendation for the approval of the Master Development Plan as submitted. (8) Action b�� Cit Couacil. Within 15 days fol- �owing tfie receipt o the report of the Plan- ning and Zoainq Co�unission, or its fnilure to act as above provided, the City Council shall either refuse to approve the proposed Master Development Plan; shall refer it back to the Planninq aad Zoninq Commission for further consideration of specified matters; oz, ahall, , by ordinance duly adopted, approve the Master Development Plan, with or without modifica- tions to be accepted by the applicant as a condition of such approval. An application for approval ot a Maater Development Plan shall not be denied solely oa the qround that it contains a mixtuse of ditfereat types of residential �nits. In the event the City Council shall fail to act Withia the time limit hereia specified, or the applicant declines to accept the modifications requested by the City Council, the Master D±velopment Plan shall be deemed tinally denied. In any . case Nhere the psoposed Mastez Development P�an is resubmitted to the Planninq and Zoni�g Commisaion, the Commission shali undertake further consideration of the plan with the applicant and lile ita further recommendation with the City Council pursuant to Subsection D.7. above within thirty (30) days of such resubmittal. (9) Notice of Action. Within seven days of the City Counca s action, or its failure to act as above provided, the Director of Public Works shall mail notice thereof to all parties of record to the publie heariag. (10) Aea lication Aftez Denial. If the City Coun- ci as re use to approve a Mastez Devel- opment Plan, a subsequent application for approval of substantially the same plan may not be refiled until at least twelve months have elapsed since the action of the City Council in zefusing to approve the said Master Development Plan. E. RIGFiTS OF APPLICANT (1) Action b a licant. In the event a Mastez Deve opment P an is approved, or approved with modifications acceptable to the applicant, the applicant may proceed to file a Site Plan in accordance with the pzovisions of Section a7 of this Ordinance. In any case where a Site Plaa has been submitted for proces�ing con- currently with a Master Development Plan and approved, the applicant may proceed to submit a subdivision plat and make application for such other permits as may be neces�ary for grading and for installation of utilities for stzeets. � (2) Effect of Mnster Develo ment Plan a roval. a ess t e app icant ai s to procee wit development in accordance with the approved Master Development Plan or in any othez manner fails to comply with any condition of this Secticn or any approval qranted pursuant to it, a Master Development Plan which has been approved, or approved with modifications which have been acceptcd by the applicant, shali not be �nodified, revoked or otherwise impaired by aay action of the City without the consent of the applicant. � F. ACTION BY APPLZCANT AFTER APPROVAL. The approval o a lsaster Deve opment P aa or a planned develop- ment shall not be considered to be fiaal until the appiicant has, prior to filinq an application for � site plan approval and building permits, tiled with the Public Wozks Director a written statement agreeinq to proceed with the pzoposed development according to the approved Master Development Plan and any conditions attached thereto, and to bind the successors-in-title to any commitments made for Master Development Plan approval. Opon receipt of such Wrftten statement, the approved 1+laster Devel- opment Plan shall be filed in accosdance with Sec- tion 46.G. G. FILING AND RECORDiNG. When a Mastes Development an s spprove , t e Public Works Director shall, within 10 days of its approval, file a copy of the entire Master Development Plan ia the permanent records of the Department of Public Works of the City of Grapevine and in the deed secord office for ' the couaty in which the pzoperty is located. All fees in connection with such filing aad recording shall be paid, in advance, by the applicant. H. DESIGNATION OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ON FFICIAL ZONIN MAP. o owinq apprcva o a Mas- ter Deve opment an, the Director of Public Works shall cau�e the property included in the Plan to be shown on the Official Zoninq lrlap as "Planned Resi- dential Distsict (or Planned Commercial or Planned Industrial District, as the case may be) No. approved by Ordinance No. ." I. TIME LIMIT ON MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL. Wit in t rec ( ) years a ter t e approva o a Master Development Plan, construction shall com- mence in accordance with such approved plan. If � • construction does not comcieace within three yeazs, the City may rescind the approvai ot the irlaster Development Plan, or, on request by the applicant, may e�ctend the time tor commencement of coastruc- tion for an additional year. If the applicant, or his successor, tails to comcneace constructioa withia tour (`) years the approval of the Master Development Plan shall expire. It approval of a Mastez Development Plan expires or is zescinded, any permits issued pursuant to the Plan shall be zevoked by the Director ot Public Norks. In the event appfoval of a Master Development Plan expires or is revoked, the property shall retain its plaaned development distzict classilication but except tor such development that is pezmitted as a. matter ot right, no development shall take place unless a new �aaster development plan has been approved. J. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. Master Development Plan approva s a e n inq upon the applicant, the owner or owners, and theiz successors in interest. K. INSPECTIONS DOttING DEVELOPMENT (1) Ins ctions b Director of Pubiic Works. 0 ow ag Master Deve opment P an approval of a planaed development, or a stage thereof, the Director ot Public works or his deputy shall, at least annually until the completion of development, review all permits iasued and construction undertaken and compare actual development with the approved plans foz devel- opment and with the approved development sche- dule and file his report with respect thereto with the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commiasion. (2) Action b Director of Public Works. If at any time t e irector o u ic Works finds that development is not proceeding in accordance with the approved schedule, or that it fails in any other respect to comply with the Master Development Plan, he shall immediately notify the City Council of such fact and issue an order stoppiag any and all work on the planned development until such time as any noncom- pliance is cured. (3) Action b Cit Council. Within 30 days of suc not ce, t e ouncil may: (1) after a • public hearinq has been hel8 pursuant to Sub- sectioa D.6. above, revoke, by ordinance, the Master Development Plan approval; (2) take such steps as it shall deem necessary to com- •pel compliaace with the Master Development Plaa as approved; or, (3) require the owner oz applicant to seek an uaendment of the !+laster Developa�ent Plan, as provided in Subsection M below. L. REGULATION DURING AND FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF EVEL P NT. o cwinq Master Deve op:aent Plan approva , the Master Development Plan, zather than ' any other provision of this Ordiaance, shall con- stitute the soning regulations applicable to the subject property. M. At+IENDMENTS TO MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN, An approved Master Deve opment an may e amea ed, varied or altezed in the same manner, and subject to the same limitations, as that established by this Section for its original approval provided that site plan review and approval puzsuant tc Section of this Ordinance shall be required in connection with any such proposed amendment, -variance or alteration. N. DEDICATION AND RESERVATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC USE. Such an as may e require or pu ic streets, parks, schools and other public uses shall be dedicated in accordance with the requirements of the City Subdivision Code, adopted Comprehensive Mastez Plaa or other City plans or policies that may be applicable. � The land to be dedicated shall be clearly identi- fied on the Master Development Plan and any subse- quent site plans required as pazt of this Ordin- ance. Whenever such dedication is a condition of Irlaster Development Plan appzoval the applicant shall be credited with the density associated with such dedication and the City shall permit tzansfer of the density to zemaining portions of the subject site. In the event any area is dedicated for pub- 2ic park purposes or other public open space, that � area shall be czedited to the minimum open space requirements requised in the planned development distzict in which the property is located. la. A new Section 47 to read as follows: SECTION 47 SITE PLe�,N REVIEW. A. APPLICABILITY. Site Plans, prepared and aporoved in accordance with the provisions of t:�is section, shall be requized to assist City administrative of�icials in the review of certain applications for building permits, to assure compliance with all applicable requirements and stan�ards of t'�is Ordi- nance, and in such other instances as :nav be reqvired by the terms of t!�is Ordinance. Whenever a Site Plan is required by this Section, or any ot?�er arovision of this Ordinance, the City shall not issue any building permit until a Site Plan, which is in compliance with t:�e ap�licable zoning district regulntions, is approved. 8• AUTHORITY. 1. The Director of Public Works shall subject to the proceduzes, standards, and limita- tions hereinafter set forth, review and approve � site pinns for those uses listed under Section4'r C.1-C.5 of this Ordinance. Any persoa aggrieved by any decision of the Director of Public Works with reapect to a aite pinn may, within ten (10) days of such decision, appenl to and hnve a determina=ion made on the matt=rs in dispute by the Planning and 2oning Com- �ission by submittinq to the Secretary of the Plan- ning and Zoninq Commission and the Director of Public �orks, a written statement setting forth t�e statute, ordinance, stnndard or other require�ent alleged to have been violated or improperly ncalied by the decision of tye Dizeetor of Public Works. Any applicnnt or adjoininq property owner, within 200 feet of the subject site, who is aqgrieved by the decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission may, within ten (10) days of such decision, appeal to and have a determination made on the matters in , dispute by the City Couacil. Durinq the peziod of appeal, no building pezmit shall be issued. 2. Any Site Plan that is required by Section 47.C.6 of this ordinence shall not be approved until: a) The Director of Public Works has reviewed the Site Plan and made a report to the Planning and Zoning Commission; with respect to whether the plan complies with codes and ordinances of the City; b) The Planning and Zoning Commission has re- ceived the Site Plan and made `a recommendation=� �tOthe City Council with respect to whether the Site Plan is in substantiel conformity with the apQroved Master Development Plan for this property; and c) The City Council has reviewed and approved ���-' Site Plan as being in substantisl conformity with the aQproved Master Development Plan. C. DEVELOPMENT AND OSES REQIIIAZNG A SITE PLAN. Site Plnn review and apnroval, in accordance with t!�e provisions of this section, shall be required for the following developments and uses. 1. Any per:nitted, accessory, or conditional use in t:�e followinq residential distzicts: R-5 .0 , R-3.75, R-TH, R-I�, liMF-1, and RMF-2. 2. Any per�it.ted accessory, or conditional use in the fcllowing cammercial distzicts: LB, C*t, CC, HC, P0, and 8C0. 3. Any permitted, accessory, or conditional use in the follcwina indust=ial_ 3istzicts: LI, IG and C-W. 4. Any development or rec�evelopment within the Airport �oise Overlay Districts. 5. Any deve2opment or r�develoDment invol��inq t:�e construction of any building to '�e constzucted, owned, leased or operate� by any unit of the national, state or local govera- me�t, or the use or 3eveloament of any land to �e owned, leased or operated by any suc:� unit of goveznment. 6. All development in the PDA-5 , PDR-12, PCD, and PID districts except single family detached dwellings and their related accessory uses and structures. Any site plan issued in connec- tion with a planned development district must be in conformance with the approved Master � Development Plan for that district. D. �XEt�T DEVELOPMENT. Notwithataading any other provision of this Ordinance, t:�e following ac=ivities and uses shall not require compliance with this section. 1. Construction of a sinqle famiiy dwelling on an . existing or platted single fnmily lot. 2. Constzuction of any aer�i�te� accessary use to a sinqle :amily dwelling on an ex:st=ng or planned single family lot. 3. Deposit and contouring of �ill on land pro- vided other requlntions of the City of Grape- vine are met. 4. Additions to any buildings or uses, legally existing at the date of this Ordinance, when such addition does not exceed 200 scuare feet or one-third (1/3> of the gross floor area of the existing building or use, whichever is qreater. 5. Any pesmitted use of a temporary nature for a period not to eaceed one (1) year. E. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN. If the location, design, , size, potential impact or other special oroblem of a proposed development warrants, the Director of Publ'ic Works may require an applicant to file a preliminary site plan application in accardance with Subsection I1 below prior to filing an application for final site plan approval. In all other cases, the applicant has the option of :iling a preliminary site plan application prior to filing an applicat:on for final site plan apprevnl. F. CONTENTS OF SIT� PLAN APPLSCATION. Whenever a Sit� Plan is required under Section 4"c above, the application for site pinn approval shall include • the fcllowing information and material: 1. Submission Reauirements: Preliminnrv Site Plan. a. Legal description and a suzvey, certified ,' by a registered land surveyor, showing property boundary lines, diminsions, and easements. b. Applicant's name and address and theiz legal intesest in the subject property. c. Ownez's name and address, if different fzom applicant, with owner's signed con- sent to the filinq of the application. d. Zoninq classification and preseRt use of � subject property. � e. Land use Designation as cantained in the Comflrehensive Master ?lan. . f. Conceptual representation of proposed use. g. Cenceptual representation of vehicular cizculation within the subject aita. h. Conceptual representation of points of cennection to the puclic riqht of way. i. Computation of pzoposed number of dwell- ing units and the total acreage for resi- dential use and the approximate sauare footage of building, by type, for non- residential uae. j. Conceptual landscapinq and buffer plan. k. Description of how essential public , services, including water, sewer, drain- age and solid waste, will be provided. 1. Descriation of any proposed grading, regzadinq or fill that is proposed on t�e subject site. m. Number of pazking spaces. n. If the property is subject to a Master Development Plan, tye date such pinn was approved and a statement showing the proposed use substnntially conforms to � t�e Master Development Plan. 2. Submission Reauirements: Final Site Plan. a. The applicant's name and address and his legal interest in the subject oroperty. b. The owner's name and address, and, if diffezent than the applicnnt, the owner' s siqned consent to the filing of the application. c. Street address (or ccmmon descziption) of the property. d. The zoning classification and present use of the subject property. e. The particular provision o� this �r3i- nance requiring site �lan aparoval. f. The Comprehensive Master Plan Land 'Jse recommendation for the propertv. g. The proposed use or uses an� a general description of the pr000sed development. h. A survey, certified by a registered land use surveyor, showing flroperty boundnry lines and dimensions; and easements, roadways, rail lines and public rights -of- way czossing and adjacent to the subject property. i. If the property is subject to a Master • Denelopment Plan and a Pr�liminary Site Plan has not been filed, a statement showing that the �roposed use substan- tially conforms to the Master Development Plan. (j) Aay propoaed grading or re-qradinq of the subject property; any signifi:ant natural, topographical or physical features of the property, inclu8inq, at least, existing soil conditions, �aater courses, marshes, trees in excess of 4 inches in diameter, rock outczoppings and existing contours in excess of 2 feet in 100 feet. (k) Map(s) ahowinq the location, size, use and arranqement of all proposed buildings and computations showing height in stozies and feet, floor area ratio, total floor area, total square feet of ground area coverage of proposed and existing buildings which will remain, if any, and number and size of dwelling units, and number of bedrooms in residential uses, and building separations. (1) Minimum yard dimensions and, wheze rele- nant, relation of yard dimensions to the height of any building or atructure. (m) Location, dimensions and number of all vehicular and pedestzian circulation elements, including streets, and road- ways, driveways, entrances, curbs, curb cuts, pazking stalls, loading spaces and access ai�les; sidewalys, walkways and pathways, including slope and gradient of nehicular elemeats; and total lot cover- age of all :irculation elements, divided b�etween venicular and pedestzian ways. (n) The location and size of existing and proposed water and sewer public utilities on and adjacent to the si=e and fire hydrant locations. (o) All existing and orocosed svrface and subsurface drainage faciliti�s, inc?adiag culverts, drains and detention ponds, showinq size and dime�sions of flow. (p) Location, size and ar:angement of all outdoor signs and the location and inten- sity of all outdoor lighting. (q) Location and height of fences or screen plantings and the type or kind of build- ing matezials or plantings to be used foz fencing or screening. . . (r) Preliminary aketches of pzoposed struc- tures. `(s) Location, desiqnation and total area of all usable open space. (t) The location, use, and height in stories of structures and ot�er land nses on properties with:n 200 feet of tye sub�ect property. This information aay be shown on a current aerial photoqraph nt scale at 1-200. � (u) a preli�inar� p.lat of subdivision when :ecuired by t�e applicable Texas statutes � or the ordinances of the City of Grape- vine. (v) A detailed landscnping plan me�tina ttie provisions of Section 53 of this ordinance. (w) A soil erosion contzol plan for the period during which construction will be taking place. (x> In the case of any use requiring a special use permit, any information necessary to demonstrate compliance with all conditions imposed on the proposed special permit use by this Ordinance. (y) Any other information that may be � recuired by t:�e Director of Public Works to detezmine that the application is in compliance with the codes and ordinances of the City. (z)- Such other and furt!�er information oz documentation as the Director of Public Works may deem to be necessary or appro- priate to a full and proper consideration and disposition of the particulnr appli- cation. G. PROCEDURE FOR PROCESSIyG SITE PL?,NS. The followina procedures shall qovern the �rocessina and approval af site olan applications. 1. Pze-Ao�lication Conference: ?rior to filing a for�al site glan application, t::e aaclicant •. may request a pre-aaplication conference with the Director of Public Works or �is designee. The purpose of the pre-application conference shall be to assist t'�e applicant in bringing the site plan into conformity with these and other regulations applying to the subject property and to define the specific submission requirements for site plan applica- tion. 2. Application: Applications for site plan � approval shall be aubmitted to the Director of Public Works in eight (8) duplicate copies. All maps and gzaphics, submitted as part of the fihal Site Plan application, shall be to scale-and not amaller than 1"=50' . A non- refuadable application fee, as established fzom time to tia�e by the City Council, to help defray adminis:rative costs and costs of a hearinq, shall accompany ench apnlication. 3. Certification of Completeness: Wit�in seven (7) days upon receipt of a Site Plan Applica- tion, the Director of Public �orks shall notify the applicant, in writina, whether t�� application is complete. Sf certified as complete, the Directar shall aroceed to rs��ie�a t�e applicntion in aecordance wi:ti this Ordi- • nance. If the Director finds the apalication to be incomplete, he shall notify the appli- cant in writing, specifying those elements or standards needed to complete the applica- tion. The Director of Public Works shall not process any site plan Application until said apalication is certified as complete. 4. Action bv Director of Public Werks: Within thirty (30) days following certification bv the Director of Public Works of a completed application, or suc� longer time as aay be aqreed to by t�e applicant, the Director s5a11 cause such application and the attached site plan to be reviewed, in terms of the stnndards established by Section 47Id 5elow, by quali- fied City personnel �i»C thc Site Plan 1Leview Committee. He shr�ll then either: ,lj up�rove the A�plic�tion; ��j aFprovc it subject to the appiica.nt obtainir.�• further specifieci tzpprovuls purst�ant to ihe �i•ovisio:�s of this Ordinance; (3) on the basis of written findings in accordance with Section 47.H below, approve it subject to specific modifications; or (4) on the basis of such findings, decline to epprove the applicafion, provided, however, that in the case of Site Plan Applications required by Section 47.C.6 , the Director of Public Works shall not approve said AQplicetion but shall submit them together with his report thereon to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Imme- diately upon concluding his review, the Director of Public Works shall return one copy of the Applicant's pians to him marked to show either approval. apQroval subject to further specified approvals, lack of approval, or approval subject to modifications, which modifications shull be clearly and permanently marked on such plans. The failure of the Director of Public Works to act within said 30 days on any Application except one required by Section 47.C.6, or such longer time as may be agreed to by the applicant, shall be . deemed to be approval of the Application and plans. 5. Conferences nnd Modifications Durina Review. While reviewing such application, tbe Dizector of Public Works or his delegate may, or at the tequest of the applicant shall, meet with the applicant for such conferences concerninq the proposed site plan as may be appropriate and may accept amended plans in substitution of those originally submitted. 6. Action bv Plannina and Zonina Conunission. If t�e Dizector of Public Works declines to approve t�e application, or approves it sub- ject to modifications which nre not acceptable to the applicant, such action shall aot be deemed final administrative action but shall entitle the applicant to have his application referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and decision of such matters as remaintd unresolved between the Director and applicant. Such review may be secured by the applicant by filing a written request therefor with the Director of Public Works. Upon receipt of such request, the Director shall ' immediately refer the apolicant and his report thereon to the Planning and Zoning Commission, which shall review and act upon the applica- tion i� the same manner aad subject to the anme standards and limitations as those mnde applicable to the Director of Public Works, except that the Commission ahall hane 30 days from :he date of such referral within which to aCt. The decision of the Planning and 2oning Commission shall be final. H. STAND:�RDS FOR STTE PLAN REVIEW. 1. Standards. The Director of Public Works shall not refuse to approve, and the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall not disapprove Site Plans submitted pucsuant to this Section except on the basis of specific written findings dealing with one or more of the following standards: (a) The application is incomplete in speci- fied particulars or contains or reveals niolations of the 2oning Ordinance or other ordinances of the City which the applicant has, after written request, failed or refused to supply or correct. (b) In the case of a site plan submitted in conjunction with a planned development, a s�ecial or conditional use permit, or any � ' district regulations in this Ordinance that contain specific development stan- dards, such as the PRD-6 , PRD-12 , PCD, or PID Distzicts, the site plan fails to meet adequately specified standards rtquired by tria Ordinance wfth respect to auch develo�nent or special use. (c) The proposed site plan does, or wil�, intezfere unnecessarily, and in speci�ied particulars, with easements, roadways, rail lines, utilit�es, and cublic or private rights-of-way. (d) The ar000sed site plan does, or will, unnecessarily, and in speci�ied Qar- ticulars, destroy, damaae, detzimentally modify or interfere with significant natural, topograph:c vz ahvsical features of the site. (e) The circulation elements of the proposed sit� plan unnecessarily, and in speci�ied particulars, create, or will create: hazards to safety on or off ttie site; disjointed pedestzian or vehicular cir- culntion paths on or off the site; undue , interference with and inconvenience to pedestzian travel. (f) The screening of site does :.ot, or will not, pronir]e adecuate shielding from oz for nearby uaes with which the proposed use may be incompatible. (g) Based on recognized atandazds, the pro- posed site plan makes inadequate provi- sion for the crention or preservation of open sgace or for its continued a�ain- tenance. (h) The proposed site pinn does, or will, unnecessarily, and in specified paz- ticulars, create drainage or erosion • problems. (i) In the case of site pie�s for devclopments in the PRD-6, PRD-12, PCD and PID Districts, the proposed site plan faiLs, in specified particu- lars, to eonform substantielly to the approved Master Development Plan for :;�e �roperty. 2. Alternative Aporoac!�es. I� ci�ing any of t:�e foregoing atnadards, ot:�er than those of su5- paragraph 1(a) , as the basis for declining te apgrove or for disapproving a site �lan, the Dizector of Public Works shail suggest al�er- nate site pinn aparoaches ahich couid be util- ized to avoid the apecified deficiencv or shall state the reasons why such deficiency cannot be avoided consistent with the apeli- cant's objectives. • I. EFFECT OF STTE PLAN APPROVAL. If the Director of Public Works, or the City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission approves the application or approves i:s subject to further apecified apflrovals or to modifications which are acceptable to the applicant, such approval shall not authorize the establishment or extension of any uae noz the denelopment, constzuc- t`_on, reconatzuction, alteration or moving of any building or structure, but shall authorize only the preparation, filing and processinq of applications for any further per�its or appzovals which may be required by ���e codes and ordinances of the City, including approvals such as a building cermit, a certi�icate of occupanc_�, or subdivision approval. J. LZMITATIONS ON SITE PL.�,N ?,PPROVAL. No si�e plan approval shall be valid for a oeriod longer t'�an one year from the date such approval is issued unless a building permit is issued and construction is actual�1 5egun within that oeriod, and is t'�ere- af:ez �iliaentiv puzsued to completion or an oc�s- pancy �er:ait is obtained and a use com;nence� ���i�:�in . that period. K. AMENDMENT. An aperoved site plan may be amended at any time in the same mannez and subject to the same standards and limitations ns provided in this Sec- tion for original site plan approval. L. SITE PLAN RE�REti' C0;17MITTEE. There shall be a Site Plan Peview Committee compose� of the Director of Public Works, the Buildir» Official, a member o�.the Plunning b: Zonin� Commission designatea by the Commission, and � member of the City Cotincil uppoir,tec� by the 1�ayor with the conseni of the Cot:ncil. The Site Plan P�eview Committee snall meet not less frequenily than bi-weekly�, �nd morc i:•cc,uent��� �vher. �ecessary, to revieti� �nd commc:�� t��o;: site plans st!bmitted pursuant to this �ectior. 4 r. The comments of the Site Plan P�eview Committee with respect to proposed site plans shall be reduced to "writin�;" and transmitted to the Plannin,r�, & Zonin;; Commissiot; and the City Council. 16. A new Section 69 to read as follows: SECTION 69. -- DETERMINATZON OF VESTED RIGHTS A. Upon application the Boud of Adjustment may authorize, as a special exception to the otherwise applicable pzo- visions of this ordinance, the issuance of buildinq per- mits for a specific pzoposed development that is not permitted by the tezms of the zoninq ordinance whenever the Board finds that the applicant has demonatrated that he had a pre-existing, investment-backed, qood faith expectation that he would be permitted to commence and complete a apecific propoaed development that has vested under the standards set out in Paragraphs C, D, and E of this Section 69. B. 1) For the purpcse of this Section G9, an "investment- backed expectation" is defined as the expenditure of subatantial sums of moncy which cannot be recovered oz an irreversible change of position that imposes on the applicant an obligation to expend substantial sums of money in the future. C �- 2) For the purpose of this Section 69, the "date of notice that rezoninq is in progress" shall be Auqust 2, 1983, foz a property included in the "moratorium area" by Resolution No. 83-34, passed and approved on September 6, 1983, as amended. In the case of all othez properties hezeafter zezoned, the "date of a notice of rezoninq in proqresa" shall be the date that a notice of a public hearing on the pzo- posed rezoniaq ia first published in the official newspaper of the City of Grapevine. C. In considering whether a development expectation has vested, the Board shall consider: 1) Whether there has been an act of the City of Gzapevine or an officer or agency of the City upon which the applicant in qood faith has relied to his detziment in a manner that makes it inequitnble to enforce the terms of the currently effective zoning regulations with respect to the applicant's property. 2) The extent to which Lhe applicant has, prior to the � . date of notice that rezoning is in proqress, made a substantial commitment of money or resouzces directly associated with physical improvements on the land such as qradinq, land balancing, installation of utility infrastzucture or other public improvements, or for the desiqn of specific buildinqs and improve- menta to be constzucted on the site. 3) The �xtent to which the applicant has secuzed permits for, and commenced oz completed, the constzuction of subdivisicn impzovea�ents and building• in pazt but not all of a developtaent that was conte:aplated to extend over a period of mcnths or years. 4) Whether Lhe applicant prior �to the date of notice that rezoninq is in proqreas haa made contractual commitments to complete buildinqs and deliver title thereto or occupancy thezeof. 5) Whether prior to the date of notice that rezoning is in proqress the applicant has incurred financial obliqations to a lending institution which, despite a thorough review of alternative solutions, the applicant will be unable to meet unless he is per- mitted to proceed with the proposed development. 6) Whether enfozcement of the terms of the currently effective zoainq requlations will expose the appli- cant to substantial monetary liability to third per,sons; or will leave the applicant completely unable, after a thorouqh review of alternative � solutions, to earn a reasonable return on the property. 7) i�Thether the riqht of the applicant to oom�aence and complete the pzoposed development may have veeted only with respect to an identifiable and discrete portion of the proposed development. D. The riqht of the applicant to commence and complete construction of a �pecific proposed development, oz a portion thereof, ia vested if the applicant can demon- atrate that: 1) He owned the parcel proposed to be developed on the date of notice that rezoninq waa in progress with respect to such parcel and the specific develop- ment proposed for the parcel was then lawful and per- mitted. 2) Applying the considerations aet out in Paraqzaph C of this Section 69� the development expectations of the applicant were reasonable and final when � formulated and were investment-backed. 3) Requirinq that the applicant'� property be developed in accordance with the currently effective zoning reatrictions will, considering the inves tinent of � applicant prior to the date of notice that rezoning is in pzogzesa, deprive the applicant of a zeason- able rate of retuzn on his investsnent. In determin- inq the reasonableness of the projected rate of return, the followinq categories of expenditures shall not be iacluded in the calculation of the applicant'� invest- ment: - a) Expeaditures for professional services that are unrelated to the desiqn or constzuction of the improvements pzoposed for the projected development. ' b) Expenditures for taxes except for any increases in tax expenditures which reault from qovern- mental appzovals or the construction of improve- ments on the property of the applicant. c) Expenditures which the applicant has allocated to the particular proposed development but which the applicant would have been obliqe8 to incur as an ordinary and necessary businesa expense (for example, employee salazies, equipment rental, chattel mortqaqe psyments) had the plan for the particular development not been formulate E. The fact that property has been or is in a particular zonin classification under this ordinance, or any prior zoning ordinance of the City, shall not, in it�elf, establish that aa applicant's riqht to develop has vested. g, p,ny petson, firm, or corpozation havinq an ownership intere in property may file an application foz a determination tha the ziqht to com�nence and cono�lete a specific development on that property has vested. Such spplication shall be filed with the Board of 1Wjustment, shall contain a recital of the facts which are claimed to support the vested riqhts claim, and shall contain such other information as the City Manaqer may specify. ' G. A public hearinq shall be held by the Board of Adjustment on an application foz a vested riqhts aetermination. At least fifteen (15) days notice of the date, time and place of such hearinq shall be published in the official news- papez of the City of Grapevine and shall be sent to the applicant and all other per�ons who are owners of real propezty, as the ownership appears on the last city tax roll, lying within two hundred (200) feet of the property which is the subject cf the application. H. A stenoqraphic transczipt of the public hearing and the deliberations of the Board of Adjustment on vested riqhts application� shall be kept. I, Within thirty t30) daya after the public hearinq on an application the Soard of Adjustment shall file its written findings of fact and conclu�ions and serve the �ame by certified mail on the applicant and each person who filed an appearance in the public heariaq. J. 1�r�y determination made by the Board with respect to the vestinq of development riqhts shall be the minimuta neces- sary to provide the applicant with a rsasoaable rate of return on 2►is investment made b�fore a notice of rezoning in proqres: with respect to bis property. K. A determination of the Board with respect to vested riqhts under this Section 69 shall expire and be of no further force or effect unless constructioa is actually conm►enced within one (1) year of the date the determination is made. y. Any person, fina or corp�ratioa claiminq a vested riqht to commence and complete a specific proposed development who does not file an application for a determination undez this Section 69, within six (6) u►onths of the effective date of an amendatory ordinance rezoninq his p=operty �o as to pzohibit his propo�ed development shall be deemed to have waived his riqht to seek such a determination. f E. The following sections num bers are reserved for future use: 23, 33, 39, 41, 44, 48, 51, 52, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 70, 71, 72 F. The following section numbers of the said 1982 Ordinance be and they are repealed: 1. Section 20, COU, Community Outdoor District; 2. Section 22, M-FW, Freeway District; 3. Section 24, IP-AR, Industrial Park-Airport Related District; 4. Section 26, PUD, Planned Unit Development District; 5. Section 45, Completion of Existing Building. G. Sections 46, 53, and 55 are renumbered as Sections 74, 75, and 76 respectively. Section Three. Any person who shall violate a provision of this ordinance shall be gui:ty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one thousand ($1,000.00) and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs. Section Four. That the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases o this ordinance, are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, the uncon- stitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted without the incorporation of any unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section Five. The fact that the present ordinances and regulations of the City are inadequate to properly safeguard the health, safety, morals, peace and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City creates an emergency for the immediate preservation of the public business, property, health, safety and general welfare of the public which requires that this ordinance shall become effective from and after the date of its final passage and publication as provided by law, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of April � 198 4 . �A �� � Mayor, City o Grapevine, i'exas ATTEST: kJ �� Cit ecretary APPROVED AS TO FOR.^7: City Attorney