HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1973-018 �RDINANCE N0. 73-18 AN QRDSNANCE AMENDING aRDINANCE NQ. ?0-10, A ZQNING 4RDINANCE OF THE CITY QF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS� ; GRANTING A ZONING CHANGE G1N A TRACT QF LAND IN THE PAYTON R. SPLANE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 14,�3, IN 2HE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS, AND MtJRE FULLY DESCRIBEI} HEREIN; ORDERING A GHANGE IN THE USE OF SAZD PROPERTY FRC7M "R-3" TCl "C-2" G4N[h�ITJNITY FiUSINESS DISTRICT; C4RRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZC7NING MAP; PRESERVING ALL flTHER POR2I�NS aF THE ZQNING ORDINANCE', PRQVIDTNG A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DE2ERMIlVING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, I+�RALS ANI} GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND A ZONING CI�IGE AND AMEIVD- � A�ENT HEREZN MADE; AND FROVII}ING A PENALfiY; ANI) { DECLARIr+TG AN EMERGENCY. 1 S � WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity fo�' the zoning change, that the public demands it, that the public interest clearly requires the amend- ment, that the zan:ing changes do not unreasanably invade the rights of those who bought or improved propexty with reference to the classifa.cation which existed at the ti.me their origina]. investment was made; �.nd, WHEREAS, the C�ty Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas , does find that the change in zoning lessens the congestian in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic and c�ther dangers; promotes healtk� and the general welfare; provides adequate light ar�d air; prevents the over-crawding of land; avoids undue concentration af population ; facilitates the adequate provisians of transportatian, watez, sewearage, schools, parks and other public xequirement�; and, yJEiE.REAS�, the City Council of the City of Gxapevine, Texas, has d�termined that there is a necessity an,d need for this change in zoning and has also found and determin ed that there has been � change in the conditions of the property surraundi.ng and in close proximity to the property requested far a change since this property wa� or�ginally classified and thexefare feels that a change ir� zoning classification for tt�e particular piece of property is needed, is called far , and is in the best intexest of t:he �ublic at large, the ca.tizens of the City of Grapevine, Texas , and helps parc�mote the general health, safety and welfare of this communitY; NOW, THEREFORE, , y`e. �. t.,..�.� .. ... .,.�ra.a,„W.:S..^,a d£ •:;�- .,,. .i- �,.;.tnh,. �4x.:wr z�:..an�iw� „ ..,,,«���W:ua.��« :` 4�-;. BE IT QRDAINED BY THE CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAFEV INE, T�.S: SECfiION 1 . That Ordinance No. 70-10, a Zaning �rdinance of the City of Grapevine, Texas, passed on April '7, 1970, be, and the same is amended ar�d changed in that the use of the follawing described property, to-wit: A tract of land out a� the Payton R. Splane '"� " Survey, Abstract #1453, ir� Taxrant County, Texas , and being described by metes and bounds as �..�, fo I.lows: Beginna,ng - a� a point ir� the centerline of a lane, said point being the Southeast corner of said Splane Survey; Thence - N. 00� 03 ' W. along the centerline af said Lane and the East 2ine of said Sp2ane Survey, 625.5 feet to a pr�int for corner in the 5outh line of Coanty Road No. 3C?3�; Thence - N. 89° 40' W. alt�ng the South line of sa.id road, at 12.5 feet a�n iron pin, in a31 55�.4 feet to an iron pin for ccarner; Thence - S. Oa° �3' E. b30.3 fee� to an a.ron pin far carner; Thence - N. 89� 49' E�. at 535,9 feet an iron pin, in all 552.4 feet to the POINT OF' BEGTNNING and con�taining 7.96 acres Qf land. which is p�resently zoned �'R-3�t under Clydinance 70-10 � .. is changed to "C-2�" Community Busines� District. �.,..., � SECTION 2. The City Manager is hereb}r directed to corzect i the official zoning map of the City of Grapevine, Texas, to reflect the herein change in zaning. SECTION 3. That in a11 ather respects the use of the txact ar tracts af land herein above described shall be subject to all the appiicable regulations contained in said City of Grapevine zonin g ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances of the City of Grapevi.ne, Texas. � 5ECTION 4. That the zoninr3 regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plant for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. Tt�ey have been designed, with respect to bath present canditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future, ta lessen congestion in the streets; ta secure safety fxam fire, panic, flood and pther ciangers; provide adequate Iight and air; to prevent over-crowding af Iand, to avaid undue cancentration of population; facilitate the adequate provisions af trans- � portation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and ather public requirements, and to make adequate pravisions for the normal business, commercial z�eeds and development of the community. They have been made with reaso�nab3e consideration , among other things of the character of the district, and its peculiar suitability far the particular uses and with a view of canserving the value of buildings arid encaurac�ing the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 5. This ardinance shall be cumulative af all other ordinances of the City of Grapevine, Texas, affecting zoraing and st�a�1 not repe�l any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those lI1S��I1GG3S where provisians of those ardiz�ar�ces which are in direct conflict with the prc►visa.ons of this ordinance. SECTION b. fihat the terms and �rovisions af this ordinance shall be deemed to be severabl.e and that if the validity of the zoninc� af.fectinc� any portian of the tract ar tracts c�f land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shali not aFfect the validity of the zoning af the balance of the tract ar tracts of land described herein , SECTION 7. That any person, firm ar corparatian violating any of the terms and provisions af this ordinance shall be subject to the satne penalties pravided fox in Ordinance No. 70-1p, Zoning Ordinance of the City af Grapevine, Texas. SEC2ION 8. The fact that tY�e present zoning ardinance and regulatians af the City of Grapevine , Texas, are inadequate to properly safeguard the health, safety, i morals, peace and genexal welfare of the inhabita�nts af the City of Grapevine, Texas, creates an emezgency —� for the immediat�e preservation of the public business, property, health, safety and general welfare of the public which requixes that this ardinance shall beccsme effective from and after the date of its final passage, as pravided by the Charter of the City of Grapevine, Texas, and it accardingiy so ordained. �9 . . . ..._. ..'a..�@Far PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS, ON SECOND AND FINAL READING, on this the 15th day of May , 1973. �:> �_� ��___ �--�' ��'�--E'Z.-:w..�. MAYOR ATTES T: • � r-, .:: _ �, `� ,1 � e CITY SECRETARY � �`�, �. .; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND �LEGALITY: G � CITY ATTORNEY � .� �