HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1972-010 _ ,. r• . • - � ORDINANCE 72-10 CONSTRUCTION SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE . � AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MAXIMUM LEGAL SPEEDS UPON � CERTAIN HIGHWAYS AND STREETS .OR PARTS THEREOF WITHIN ' THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF TFiE CITY OF GRAPEVINE ; �,n,� �EXAS� �►S SET FORT�I IN THL ORDINANC� �.I�T� �ROVx�xNG � . A PENALT'Y OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200 FOR THE VIOLA- TION OF TNIS O�RDINANCE. WHEREAS, Section 167 and 169 of Article XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, • Zi.form AcC Regulating Traffic on Highways, provides that whenever the ,,.rverning body �f the City shall der_ermine upozt the basis of an ��ifii- � neering ancl traffic investigati�n that any prima facic spced thercin set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or eafe under the con- ditions found to exist at any intersection or other p�.ace or upon any . part of a street or highway within the City, taking into consideratiori the width and condition of the pavement and other circumstances- on such , portion of said street or highway, as well as the usual traffic thereon, said governing body may determine and declare a reasonable and safe �rima < �ucic �peed limit thereat or thereon by the paseeg� of an c�rdinancP, �r�ich ahall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected ,at such intersectione or other place or part of the atreet • or highway, now therefore, ` • � � BE IT ORDAINED by the Cfty Council of the City of Grapevine , Texas: � , � SECTION 1. The following prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated � . for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe; and such apeed limita are hereby fixed at the rate of speed in- ' dicated for vehicles traveling upon the named atreeta and highways ° or parts thereof, described as followa: , . Control 353-03 , State Highway 114 � ,' Tarrant County ' ' ' ,J . • � Fram Station 444+00 (approximately 1650' east of Spur 103), easterly 2.409 miles to Station 571+18 (Dallas County Line) at 44 miles per hour. . • � � . �+ . jV�r�, , , .. �. , , ' , � , . � , . , 1-3 , . . • f- , • , � ' CON5TRUCTION SPEED ZONE ORUII4ANCE ��:,, SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of _ Grapevine declares and fixes the above maximum ageed l�miCs an8 th� Districe Fnginerr �' is hereby authorized to proceed with the erectian of the apprnpriaCe signs, SECTION 3. It is hereby declared Chat the construction project on StaCe H��,hway No. 114 has necessitated the enactment o£ this ordinance for the ° sa£ety of those traversing State Highway No. 214 a.n the City of _ Grapevine Therefore, the abave regulations shall be in • �ffect af.ter the passage of•this ordinance and the erection of the proper � signs; and, this sha11 remain in effect until the compleCi.on and acceptance of the said construction project by the Highway District Engineer or until such time as the construction project has progressed Co a stage whereby, in , the opinion af the Highway District Engineer, traffic map safely travel the • ° . construction project, or portions thereof, at the raCe of apeed pasted prior to the construction. The Highway Distzict Engineer will have the authority , to rep2ace the construction speed �ane signs with speed zane signs reestab- ° lishing the sp�ed zoning prior ta construction and the �lacem�t�G A� su�h �3��r�� �ha�,�, b� �va.d�nc�� �� th� ��v�re�it�g ep�+�d ��n� �r �ecne�. T�►e �cmnpi+��#.+�� .. ancl/or accep�ance of Che said conseruction project by the Highway District Engineer shall cancel the provisions of this ordiaance and the Kighway Dis- . � trict Engineer shall be authorized to remove all such signs used in compli- , ance with regulations set farth in this ord3.nance. ' � , SECTION 4. Any ardinance or any part thereaf in direct conflict with this � ardinance is hereby superseded and the part of the ordinance in canflict : y„�, herewiCh sha7.1 be null and void so long as this ordinance is in effect. Hpw- ever, any ordinance or part of an ordinance superseded by this ordinance shall autamatically be reinstated 3.n farce upon the date of coympletion and/or acceptance of the said construction gro,�ect, when this ordinance is no longer . in effect. SECTZON S. Any persan violating any o£ the provisions o£ this ordinance shall be deerned guilCy of a misdemeanor and upor► conviction thereaf shall • be fined in any sum not more than two hundred do2lars ($200} . SECTI4N 6. If any part of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional ar ' / otherwise void bp a caurt of campetent ,jurisdicCion, such decision shall in " no way affect the vali.dity of any of the remaining parts af this ordinance unless the part held unconstitutional ar void is inseparable from, and indi.- spensable ta, the operation o� the remaining parts. The City Council hereby decl:ares that it would have passed those parts of th3.s ardinance which are . valid and wauld have omitCed any parte which may be unconstitutional or void, � if it had knc7wn such parts were tmcanstitutianal or vaid at the time of the. passage of this ardinance. r � . �* �.r , „ , , + , ��� . ' � , , ' . CONSTRUCTION SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE ° � �.:� � � PAS$ED AND APPR4VED THIS �thDAY OF March � 19 72. APPROVED: �� c c'_- !' . _ ����r ATTES'�: Mayor � . . - � �7 ( � �" �'�„�.���_,.�-���' � City SecreEary . . . � > I, C.W. VanDeventer � City Secretary of the City of � �+ Graaevine � , Texas, hereby certify that the above and foregoing ia a true and correcC copy of an Ordinance`duly pasaed by � the City Council at a meeting held �or March 7th � � 19 72, � , , E`=-.`��"���� �-�_� _� ' � � -- City S�cxetary . • ' I , 1 0 � � t � ' ' � ' 3�3 ` __ __ __i - • ' ORDINANCE 72-10 A , CONSTRUCTION SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE � • ., ��� A:� ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MAXIMUM LEGAL SPEEDS UPON � • � CEnTAIN HIGHWAYS AND STREETS OR PARTS THEREOF WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE � ' TEXAS� AS SET FORTH IN T1�E ORUxNANCE AND PRf3�Y�XNG �""` A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200 FOR THE VIOLA- ' ' , TION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, Section 167 and 169 of Article XIX, R.C.S. 6701d, . �Tniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways, provides that whenever the governing body of the City shall determine upon the basis of an engi- neering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein � . set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the con- • ditions found �to exist at any intersection 'or other place or upon any . , part of a street or highway within the City, taking into consideration � the width and condition of the pavement and other circumstances on such ' . portion of said street or highway, as well as the usual traffic thereon, said governing body may detennine and declare a reasonable and safe prinia facie speed limit thereat or thereon by the passage of an ordinance, • which shall be effective when approp�iate signs giving notice thereof , are erected ,at such intersectiona or other place or part�of the atreet or highway, now therefore, "'�"' BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Grapevine , Texas: � o ' � . tr.+w � , j SECTION 1. The following prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and ' safe; and such speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed in= ' ' dicated for vehicles traveling upon the named streeta and highways � ' • . or parts thereof, described as followa: ' Control 353-07 ' � • � State Loop 382 � Tarrant County e ' . Fram Station 1289+00 (near proposed Loop 382) southeasterly 1,.084 �niles to Station 1231+78 (intersection with existing'State Highway 114) at 40 miles per hour. � • ' � � � � 1-3 � , �,.: . . _ %, / • • ,: CONSTRUCTION SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE / • � � . ,� . . SECTION 2. The City Council of the City o£ � Grapevine � r�+ d�clares snd fixee tihe above maximum apeed limits and the Diatrict Engineer ; is hereby authorized to proceed with the erection of the appropriate signs. SECTION 3. It is hereby declared that the construction project on Loop Highway No. 382 has necessitated the enactment of this ordinance for the safety of those traversing Loop Highway No. 382 in the City of _ Gravevine Therefore, the above regulations shall be in effect after the passage o£•this ordinance and the erection of the proper signs; and, this shall remain in effect until the completion and acceptance of the said construction project by the Highway District Engineer or until , such time as the construction project has progressed to a stage whereby, in . , the opinion of the Highway District Engineer,, traffic may safely travel the construction project, or portions thereof, at the rate of speed posted prior to the construction. The Highway District Engineer will have the authority to replace the construction speed zone signs with speed zone signs reestab- lishing the speed zoning prior to construction and the placement of such signs shall be evidence of the governing speed zone or zones. The completion • and/or acceptance of the said construction project by the Highway District Engineer shall cancel the provisions of this ordinance and the Highway Dis- , trict Engineer shall be authorized to remove all such signs used in compli- �,,, ance with regulations set forth in this ordinance. . • SECTION 4. Any ordinance or any part thereof in direct conflict with this • ` ordinance is hereby superseded and the part of the ordinance in conflict • �'"" herewith shall be null and void so long as this ordinance is in effect.'How- , ever, any ordinance or part of an ordinance superseded by this ordinance • shall autamatically be reinstated in force upon the date of completion and/or acceptance of the said construction project, when this ordinance is no longer in effect. . SECTION 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance • � shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall " be fined in any sum not more than two hundred dollars ($200) . ' SECTION 6. If any part of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or otherwise void by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no way affect the validity of any of the remaining parts of this ordinance . unless the part held unconstitutional or void is inseparable fram, and £ndi- spensable to, the operation of the remaining parts. The City Council hereby� declares that it would have passed those parts of this ordinance which are • valid and would have amitted,any parta which maq be unconstitutional ,or void, � if it had known such parta wexe unconetiCutional or void at the time of the passage of this ordinance. 1' � �. � � ' � r . 2-3 � �• • ' CONSTRUCTION SPEED ZONE ORDINANCE � ,�"` ,' , . t � PA$S8D AND ApPRdV'�D THIB 7th DAY OF March ' � 19 72�• APPR0�IED: ' t t. / -r�',, ATTESTs Mayor ' ' . � , - �, � [ � _�.���1�1�,.:----_.`� . ° � City Secretary ° ` , , , . � � I, _ C.W�. VanDeventer ,'City Secretary of, the City of +�w Grapevine , Texas. hereby certify that the above and foregoing ie a true and correct copy of an Ordinance duly pasaed hy • the City Council at a meeting held or March 7th � � 1g72, � ,�, , , , , • , - i � e � / . . ° �_�--������.�=.�-�:� . , City Secretary • • � . . ° , � . � t .. � � , , hr� r � . J