HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1968-003 CEKTIF:L��A'i'E FOR. ORDII�ANCE AUTHORIZING THl? T,SfiUAN�E 0.� �.�.EVE1Vt1E BpNDS THE STATE OF TEXA.S . � COUNTY QF TARRI�NT . - � CITY OF GREI�'EVINE We, the undersigned o�'ficers of said C�.ty, hereby cer�.i�y as fUllows : 1.. The City Council af said City conven�d in �` SPEC7AL MEETING ON THE 26TH DAY pF FEBRU�iRY, 1968, � a� �he City Hal1, and �he roll was called of the duly consti�u�ed � officers and mem.bers o� said City Council, to-wit : James L. Hancock, Ci�y Secretaary Ira E. Woods, Mayor Doil E. Dalton Gus S. Benedict Herbe�t E, Huber Willis Pirkle J. E. Fau�t, Jr, and al.l of said persans were present, except �.h� following absen�ees : NONE , th«s constituting .a quarum'. Whereupon, among o�her busir.ess, the fallawing was transacted at said Meeting: a written ORDI�TANCE AUTHORIZING TI� ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS was duly in�roduced �or �Ghe considera�ion o� said Ci�y Council and read in fu11, It was �hen cluly mov�d ai�d seconded that said Ordi- nance be finally passed on one reading, as an emergeney measure, to be ef�ective immedi�tely; and, after due discussion, .said mo�ion, carryin� wi�h it the final passage af said Ordinance, preva�iled and carried by �he following vote: AYES: Al�. members of said City Council shown preseni. above voted „Aye,�. NAYS: Nane. �" 2. That a �rue, �u11 and correct capy o� �he a�oresaid Orcli- . nance passed �.t the Meeting described in �he abave and faregoing � paragraph is attached �o a.nd follows �this Cer�zfieate; tha� sa�.d Qrdi.nance has been dul� recorded in said Ci�y Council's mirzu�es of said Me�ting; that the above ancl foregaing paragraph is a �rue; full. and correct excerp� �ram said City Cot�nczl 's minutes of sa�d Mee�ing . per�a�.ning to the passage of said Qrdinance; �hat the persans r�arned in �Che above and fc�regoing paragraph are the duly chosen, qualifiecl and acting of_�icers and members o� said Ca.ty Counci�. as zndica�ed therein; thai� each of �he offieers and members of said City Cauncil. was duly and sufficien�ly notifi�d official�y and personally in ad- vance, of the time, place and pz�rpose of �he aforesaid Mee�ing, and that said Ord�nanc� c�ould be introduc�d and consi�ered far pas�a�e a� sai.d M�eting, and each of s�id ofr�,.cers and members cons�nted, in advance, to t��e halding of said I�Feeting �or such purpose ; and that sa�d Mee�ing was open ta the public as required by �.aw. . 3. �`hat the Mayor of said City has approved, and hereby a�- , proves, the afaresaid Ordinance; that the Mayar and the �i�y Secre- tary of said City have duly szgned sai.d Ord�.nance; and tha.� �he Nlayor and the City Secre�ar.y of said City he�eby declare tha� �heir sa.gning of this Certificate shaZl. consta_tut� �he signino o� �he !"�""' a�tached and �ollowin,� cagy of sa�.d C7rdiz�ance for a11 purpases . ;,�,..� SIGNED AND SEA.LED the 26th day of F�bru�.ry, 1965 . , . � . � - . -. f . �-.. -.~ � - ." �r �.�'.. %== _ £' ; �, � _��" , Ca.ty Sec e uary � Mayor (SE�T,) _________________.._____________-----.._______�.____��...___ x, the ct�derszgne�., Ca�ty Attorney af the City of Grapev�.ne, _ Texas , �:ereby cer�:i.fy �hat I appraved as �o �.�ga�.i�y �he at�:ached and f�l�.c4��.n� Ordinance pr.a_�r ta ' ass�.�e. as a�oresaa.d. � i�}� A�:toriiey