HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1966-009 C�'�')I 1'3A�C:�: �IG. 6 b-� � � �--t . � 46�R�'�,, .�. �Rt C:�i I 1�3AFdC: :;:��C�;I't/I P'�`s 1-1N� AI'�iT�I'�:':�I�r T:1??�:I Tt)?;Y' !�DJ�C�NT �ND GOI"�T'I�tU�3US �'G �'H�� CITY CF G�?..F1Pr'VI l`d:;: T=�`�15: i'RUVI�I�' THAT fiHx.� �1P%� D��;$C;:IB�J $uLO�=�, 5H,�1LL E3:?CC3PJi: � PART dF' TI�; :�AI:� CITY :;ND TNAT TH� c�4'YN�.�� .�-1P3t�. TH�' IPdHA�ITAI�PI'S THi.��`C7F �H�1LL B�� �VTITL�,r) Tc� �1LL T�i�. FT�I'l1't.,;S��:� G�' CTH::�2 CITI?:�Pd:� �'F ���I� CITY /�I� BC�t T�JD ,BY TH� �iC T' �ND QR;.)I AI.��:�:� i�'Ci'J I N �:F�'_:'t.;fi �;3� 'T'C� B_: H:�'E�,�'Z'�� t�70PT��.'�: FURTH:_�' �.:ntti��ING FC�R ^�.�::TV�`�I I� !1 RtL? C OFt??P;CT I�1G TH'� C�F�I C 1�1 L 13�7UP1D1�t I::� C�:� v::^,I J CITY H:�?�TGI`f��T':: 4;X.�P`I':.� j",`� I�P.i ::�d::��u, r1i�i� P:�CU�- �1'I�lINr'� �'�'R �N� �::CL�RING �1V ':PA��"tG��NCYt Y'�'H�'R�:�S, petition� for annexing h�es been duiy sic�ned an� acs;.r��Fti�ed�ed by the individuals c�wning the fa�lo�wtnc� tract,s of lanc�; Lot 7 :�ectior� 3, Lats 1 ,'":�,6 and the '.;e�t h�i� of lot 2 ir� �1ock �, Lats � �rid 7 in Bivck 5, Lots �,6 ,7,��9, 14, 11, i2 and 1� af �31ock 11, i.ots �,7, 2C, t7,�G and 22 iz� Block 7, �.€�ts 3,E-;-:�,6 , 11 , l�, 1?, and 1)�; in B1oGk 9' Lots 1,2��,I,.,�:6 �7��is9: �0,, l I , I2, 17, I�, 1�3,2(}�,2I ,�?�2�„2�i,_,26} �7, and 2� in �1ack 1�, in th� Grapeviri� Lake ;states .'���itia�. ?�ot � ir� $lack 1� of Placid Peninsul� ��c3di ti�tr2 and Lot `� in Blo�k �, Lots ?,��,artd ,� in �lock �, Lc�ts 2 ,2,3,9, l�, l�, lb, Z9,2D,22,22,�?,Jr at�� 25 is1 $lt>ek 7, :...ots 3s�-�-a5aE= s7s�,9: 10, 12, 2?:, 1�-, l.�'s 16, 17 ar3ct lE; irt ntoek �3, �.ots 3,',-,5,7 �,g, �.0, 12, 12, 13, �1�., ts, �6, �7, �8, �9,�� ana �� it1 B1t��k �}} l.ots ��5s���s��9� 20� I1 ' 12� 1�:� 1�;-� 15s 1� ' 1,7, and18 i�1 �ZOcI: 10, I.c3t� 1 ,?,Lt.,,r�,b,7',�3s�a ��s �I, 12, 1�, 1t;.. �t�u' I,� it1 Bloc�e 11, also 1"-.?_;_� acrs af la.nd i�t th� ',Ihitman �urv�y, ,,bstract >'1�9�, 1;nat�n as Taaet 2C2 in �lacid F'enfn�ula Ac�ciiti�t-t. Y.---- . > tr�e� of land d�s�rib�d as fcalla�rss B�c�fnn�rt� at th� ��auth�ast cornur af Lat 1�., �2ock 21 , �ectior� 1 b�` CFrapevin� Lake �stat�s, said begiranin� poirt�. also b�ina the inter- �ecLion of the P3Qrth 2in� of �'ir�ball i oac? an� th� '�.�st lfn� of La1�G- V�2W '_�T�V�f �erac�, T3flrth, alonn and with sai� :��sL line of Lakevi�w �riue and an :�tst li�3e of said Gra��virt� Lake ��tates �39�, feet, more or less, to a gvint ir� the ::ast I�rte af Lot 5, �lock 11 , ��ctiar� I s�� said Grapc�vine Lak�r �st�t��, said pcstnt beincr due ':'Je�t of the �outhwest corr�er of Lot 2fi�, �lock 10, �Pctior� i.� of sa�d Grapevir�e Lal�e :�;states; Th�r�+c2 , :a�t, alor�a and wi th the ;Vorth 1 in� of For�st H� l ls ?-'.oad �rz� � "�outl�l.is�� a#' said Grapevine I..ake :sta}.�s, 1��7p fe�t, �or� flr ie�r , to the �ast rirl�t of way Iir�e of `�-�ove Loop �.oad; Thert�e, :�c�uth, alang und with th� '.'1�st l�.ne of :�ove Loop :;c�ad , i-!-7,� fe��, mQre ar Iess , ta t�+ � ''�4 � t�� �t�ztes Governm�nt Lacac�; , Th�ncv, along and witn th� r��and4rin� lir�e of th� Urtit�c� :�tat�s Gc�vernr?�n� property Zin� t,o fts ir.tnrsection ��ith the ncrth richt o#" ���ay lir�e of ?:irib�ll ��oad; Thence, r��cst alcr�g the �orth ri���'L af way lfn� of �,fmbell roa� tv its �r��ersac�.ion with Lake V.c>w r;rive anc� the p�c� of b�ti:,ir�nin� , f ne lu�i nc� a�prox�r�at� ly 29.8`' aer�5 a.f land '�I�;� �yn.�., �aid tract�. ; are cont� �uous and ad,jac�nt ar�d in �h� ^xtr�a- territariaZ ,jurisc; Iction of th� City of Grapc�ain,e , T�xas, '.��'���'?:��>, said petitions v��re du1�t, lawfu2l�` at�d prap�rly pr�c�s�rttcc: to the City Cauncil and , r°TH.�:?��`�, �fter hearing su�h pet#��.an� ar�d arc�u�ents fQr a�tr� �.�aihs� th� saMu , t,ie �i�y �ounci 1 has urtanimo�siy �t�d to gr$nt �u�h p�titians, and to arznex said �ra�ts td th� City of Grapev�n�, ��:xas, 3l'it� i '��'H_,^;��1`�., all 2ecza3 rc�quiz�emer�ts for the �nn�xatiar� flf said tracts have f��er� h�re�.ofor� du�.y, tiri�ly, ar�d properly p�rfarMe� �ne'; �c�n�; a Yl t�, '.'�H �''�%�:�, IT iS for the aenera� �relfar°�, a�nd fc�r ar�d ta th� �dva��tac�� o�' the pubiie to hav� fire and �o2�c� prat�ct�an, �.r�d to �h� :�ene.fit of th� Cfty of Cxrap�vi�t�, 'Teaas, �.nd af and �'ar s�i� t,ract�, t.h�t s�m� be ns�v ann�xed t:,� t3�� City of Crr�p�vic�e , Texas; T'dC;°-;� 3�i:��?::F��?� B� I i C>R;�iIP1;::7� �iY T'i-�? C�TY GC�JI`3CII. i7�` TH': CITY' t��` I G^+J�F �VIPZ:_:, �' �'�,�`'a: That �h� saic3 tr�:�ts of Iar�� , as aba���: dcscrihed, b� an3 th� sa?�e are hereby ar���xed to th�c �i ty af C����pevi rte , i n 1'arrant Cc�urtty„ T�x�s, and 'that �h� �aura�ary 1 imits of th� Ci ty af Gra�evi rte , �;�x��, �s a�d the sam� �r�e her�b� �xt�nd�d to include th� abov� describGc3 tracts �vtthin tha City Li�ts of Gragevir�e, Te�:a�, a �;;ur�fci�a� ce�rp— or�ztior�, ar�d said tracts of 3and , and th� fuLurc i�habitants th�reof �ha21 h�:r�aft�r be tintitl�ct te� rfc�hts and �rivil��es of other ct�izer�� af the �-ity of C�rapevf n�, Taxa�, artci , th�y shal l �� hereafter baur�d :�y the acts �.nc� ord i�anc�s of s�i u �;i ty. It beir�g s��cessary for tha gubli� �relfare �hat Lhfs orc?it�ance o�" annexation b� rta�a pass�c3 i� that saic� t�rritory to b� ar�nex�� is �ri�hout ad�qu�te pal�ca and ff r� protec�.irin creates ar� emerc�er�cy �nd pu?�li� r�ecessity tl-�,t the rul� rcquirirtq this ordinar�c� b� r��.d Qn te�o sev�ral r�ays be dispens�r� �ri�h, anc� Lhi s ardinanc� shall , accard i ng I.y, be r�cxur p2aced on i ts s�cond a�tc? f i na 1 r�adi nc� �o it s pas��c�e ar�d saMe sha21 2�� in full forc� arl� �fiec� fr4� and aft�r its p�ss�.c�e ar�c� approval. Pa�seci by �rt affif rr:�tiv� vot� of al I m�r�ber� prLs�nt of �h� City Cour�c i 1, Lhi s the �d�y of $.A�ay , 19b£�. , :�PPP.t�V�:�: .�'i"I'�,STt >:� '� � E::ayor ,:�. ��.:� , � -�_ . ��n��"'�".3"'�:"�`""�'c r e �.r y - . s�ppr�ve� as tv forr an=:' 1 --:..�, � � ty: � • ` �r - orn�y i �� � H o �� w � �� ,� � � � O H¢ �*� M � H � • s''..' U �"� .N �+ ,� � H W � �u a.�i (�t�—H �- f tu�, n� Q O U � (-`�'r (.a V �" �M r t " � � � 4�-► � � � �s. J '—� ` ,-� Q c� �C W �, � � � W t A H E-+ aQ, ,� ..., � .a¢ � � 3 tx +� � O t� c7 � U w t� ". . I I I I � , � t. � Jl�1V 1 '7 1966 ��'a� �. , A J U iV �z� 19Ei6 g:6.5 �- �.aag . ,�i ,�'.�-- „ � ' �. ., . . � v . � _. ._.. .�. . �