HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1966-011 ORDINtiNCE NO. 66-11 .._....._ ,� .. AN ORDIRIANCE PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL R�TIREMENT SYST�M BY THE CITY OF GRAPEVI NE, TEX�1S, PROVI DING FOR AI�ID ELEC TI NG TO HAVE ALL OF THE EMPLOYEES OF DESIGNATED DEPART- +� �= MENTS OF THE CITY GOVERNMEIVT, PARTICIPATE IN SUCH SYSTEM; AND ACCEPTINC'i ALL OF THE OBLIGATIONS AI�'D BEI�tEFITS OF SUCH SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the �onstitution of the St2.te of Texas was amended on November 7, 191�.�, by the addition of Sectioq 51-f, I�rticle III , which authori2ed the Legislature to establlsh a state-wide retireme�lt and disability pe�ision system for city employees; . WHEREA�, Chapter 75, Acts 50th Legislature ( 19l�7) as amended, established the Texas Municipal Retirement System, and authorizes the governi�g body of each city or town to elect, at its optiorl, to have one or more of the city departments particiate in such system; arzd WH£REAS, the governing body of the City of Grapevine, Texas, finds that it will be in the public interest for the city to have its employees, participate in the Texas Municipal Retiremerlt System as hereir�after provided; No�u, therefore, �..�, BE I'I' ORDAI NED BY THE C I TY COUl�I F� OF GRAPEVI NE, TE3�A5: Sectior� 1. That, on behalf of the City of Grapevine, T�xas, the �� C ty ouncil hereby exercises its option and .elects to have the city and all of the employees of the following departments of said cfty, viz, Administrative and Police participate in the Texas AAliuunicipal Retirement System as provided in Chapter 75, l�cts of the 50th Legislature, as amended, (Article 6243 h of Vernonts Civil �tatutes of Texas) ; ar�d aIl of the benefits and obligat3ons of such system are hereby accepted as to such employees. Sectior� 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to notify the Boar ot rustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System that the City of Grapevine, Texas, has elected to participate and in sai d 'System. �ection 3. Each person who becomes an employee of any participat- ag epar ment on or after the effective date of participation of suc h department shall become a meinber of the Texas �unicipal Retirement �stem as a cor�dition of his employment. The city of Grapevine, ���xas may in the fv.ture refuse to add new departme�ts or new employees to such system, but shall never discontirlue as to any participants. ""�� �ection !�. Ia accordance with the provisions of the statue, the �.._.� deposits to be made to the Texas Municipal Retirement System or� account of current service of the employees of the several ;�,,, par�icipating departments are hereby fixed at the rate of 5 per cent (5.0�) of the earnings of each employee of said departments, and in determin►ing the deposits to be made on accour�t of such service the full earnit�gs of any employee of any such department, with no salary limitation, shall be considered. �ection�. The City Secretary is hereby directed to remit to the Board of Trustees of The Texas Municipal Retirement 5ystem, at its office in �ustin, Texas, the cityts contributions to the System and the amou�ts which shall be deducted from the compen— �s sation or payroll of employees, all as required by said Board , under the provisions of Chapter 75, Acts of the 50�h Legi�ature of the State of Texas, as amended, and the sa3 d Ci ty Secre tary is hereby authorized and directed to ascertain and certify "'�" officially on behalf of the City of Grapevine, Texas, the prior service rendered to the said municipality by each of the employ— ees of the participating departr�ents, and the average prior service compensatio� received by each, and to make and execute all prior service certifications and all other reports and certificatior�s which may be required by the City of Grapevine , Texa�, under the provisions of Chapter 75, Acts Regular 5ession, 50th Legislature as amended, or in compliance with the rules ar�d regulatiorts of the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retiremer�t 'System. Passed and approved this the7th. day of June , 1966. APPROVED: .�� ATTE�T: _ ayor � - - � _- — : � . -- - �}�.-�,�' �_-� P �k� -- y ecFe ary Ac ng Approved as to form and lerality: 1 � f �' ...._ ,.... ;:, f � !1 � � 4.-.Y t _ j,. i�y A orney � �,.,., � ����