HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1966-019 u�tD i Nt�Nch �i. 8,..6.!s 4 � / � �/ � �`a ARi OKUII�TAI�C-.�"s �Z��:EIVil� ANU A:SiR.EXIAIG Ti:R.'?ITUItY l�DJACENI' �#�'Cr CUNTTGt7Tt�I1S TC1 'TI�i�: C:ITY vh GR�1f'uVIK�, TE�ASa �'Rt�VIliING 'I'HAT T�I� �1�tEA L�BSGRIB`�I} F3�L�►�, SI�iALL �ECJME A �'t�RT aF Tf�i': S�iD CII`Y �1;�'I3 T�I�T TH� Oti�t�VEERS AIrU 'T'Ei,� INHAI3ITF1;�;'TS Tiil;Ft�Ut� SHALI. B� �;i"�'i'II�:.:.TJ Tt7 ALL TH�. i'IZItr'IL��fs'S i;t'� �;�.'N;.:R "t::ITIZ�'l�tS Ut= SI'�1L) C:3T�t l�ivll �3C�UlYt) BY THFs t��"TS �NI� �'tlllt�tlNCES P�iUti°U IN �t+t��:t�T i�P�;, ,�.�u, I3E HLftEA'r'T�R :�Uu�'TEi�: t=Uf�TH t;R :'�2vV Ili ING ���?R 11�.L;tti� ��t; ?;�;l: CUk�t'r;(;TI hG T�ii.; t�rF�It,;IAI. 4�i,.iUNll��it I s.:S %;t� .`�:;fi lt.a C tT� k�fiE{.�`i"::;- .-, . NOt�G �I7�:Ji'T`ED fa� Ah���Nlltsll� r�rtil, �'kuVIllIP3(� N4%ft l�t�i ll.�CL�'sit ►I�iG IIP�i �h�1:kGL•NCY: � iti4��;N,EAS, a petition for �nne�ting has been du3y signed anc acknowl�d�;ed by the i�dividua]� owning the fo114win� tr�.cts of land;. �rant, Sell �a�d Convey unto the said i�oone Lipscomb, of the t,aunty of T'K:.rrant, and 5t�te of I'exas, all trio�e certaiza 1c�ts, tracts or pa.rc�ls of land� l�ing az�d being situated in the Lounty of �"arrant, State of 'TexaS, and de�cribed as f�+llow�, to-wit: rLt�T TRACT. E3eing � �art of the I�cKinney ai�d tdiili�..m� 277 �cze Survey, az�d a par# of thc i. F. �3yrd 320 acre Survey and more p�rticularly described �.s foilows, to-wit: i3f�:GI�'�`IvING, at a stone, J. IV. Ro�;e�s South E�st C:orne�, wt�xch st�nd� 15b vara� North of the South :�ast corne� of th� I. F. t3yrd 320 �.cre Surv�y; E- T 1'"h� Vaf = � B d�t with �d Ro r S h '.';'�9 J. . ge s out line ':: .. vara� to a stane, I' ,J. �J. Roger� South MiCst carner; I � TH.ENC� South 336��v�ras to a stak�; � T����E ��st 239 vara$ to �. st�t��� G. W. Ragers cc�rn��� 'Tti�NC:& South �rith G. �v. Ro�;ers �ast 3ine 528 varas to a ston� , H. Sug�;s �vorth �v�st corner; T�fLiVC:E East with �ug�;s NUrth line to a �tane S�uth �ve�tt of ad�. ��ruton � 6�0 �.cre Survey; i T'H1itr�C;:E Ivorth with }3ruton's a�est lir.� 863 varas ta th� beginning, ar�d c�ntaining 1S3 �c�es, Less three acres which ha� h�retofore � beer� conveyed to J'. t3. t;a,te. S�=CU�'�i TRAC'Tz �3ein� a part of the i��cKinney and �lilliams Survey: ��;�inning at the South �ast Cor�er of the J. 0. t�:�,te �ome plac�; TftEPr'CE 1y��t 84-3/4 v�ras to a st�k�; THEhfCE North 214-if5 v�.ras #c� a �stak�3 T�1�s11K:B East 84-3/4 varas to a �ta�e; THENCE South 21�3-1/5 var�� ta pl�c� of be�innin�� �nd c�nta�.nin�; 3 �:cres of land, morE or les�, THIRI3 TttAG"T. }3e�inning at � stake in East 1.3ne of � survey in , the natne flf Hen,ty Sug;�s 396 var�s South of t���e North Fast cc�rner e�f said survEy; ' 'TE-IENCE Y�est 1139-3/4 varaa a stake� Tfi.�:�'C� South 396 varas a stakr� �,nd ��rth �^�est corn�r of �. �v. :�3a?�er's 8Q acre subdivisian of s�.id survey; I � ..:� . . ��., . � . . � . . . . � . k�:4 d � p�" �� �- :� m r t�,��a�'�.s '� i r,�6*` ��* �� �#��f��°rt'�¢� t �`� �: . ,#'s�" :a ♦ -� �,: �� F � r� �� �s � , � � sY� d " � . g 1'* � �',� ^� ,rry� j�� � y�a �, � . ✓r " '�1 �� �d , r y,s r .: t"#� ,��,re��'�. �� Y � �. � y�,�,.� . ^''e ,a�,, �. ,�. r � ��%r >: x � '� i �` �� � � .'Y . , � �� ��� �r a` � �, . > , , i , .. , . , , .. ��� x, . , �_ � , . � ,. . . t . -_ . . : _ , ; . , _ < .. . .. . . , ; . . . . � , .,, ... � . , � ., _ ,� � , � ..�: � � - .. .�� � ����rs`�,+�a��.'^��fa "�s;•..wx t; *r<�.^"�"�� , � f . . . . . . "' . , . ar ,.�,: �. �.., �,, �,� +`,,.i k 4 y 'I"c�l� .�ast 123�-�f� ��t� � �►��cam��.� �►at line��o a�i��t sua�v�a��' �, . _. , m cr�,���� _:� TH,B� Abxth 394 v�rai to the bt��QG�A$: COUt13�11pg $Q a�res � out of tAe H. Su�gs i'�vtv�y, �od �hi�b �n.s fa�beritec! bp C��►,r�s � ` �. H., 8aker a� an heir at 1� of his f�►t�e�c C�arles 8ike� , a� �rhi�J� was conveyed to hit by Charlea T. [arnts aad �rife oa the 311tt� d�►y ' of D�cewbar, A. D.1854� aa4 rscoraea �n Hook IG, psje 118, aa the ZQth day of ,lznpsry, A. 8. 1879. . POCRTH �tACTY 6eginning •t the �outh�reat co�ner of the H� Suggs 3ZU acre Survey, THBNCB Bast 760•1/4 vuas a staaca and southMest corner of G„ 1�� Bak�t 80 acre SubGivi�ioa; THENCB North 394 varas a ataket; . THBNCB Mest T60-1/4 varas a atake in Bsst line of Be L, Clxry Survey and Southweat cort►er of Lucretia 8aker 80 acre Subdiviaionp THHNC�i South 594 v�rss to the plact of btginniag, contiining 80 tcces of �land out of the H. Suggs 320 acre 8urvey, �ESERvIi�G how�- evet� . one acr�s out of the Soutbaast corner of the sbov� des�ribed �and here*ofore deeded to G. W. Bskes• FIFTH �C7s Beginning at s stske 200 vsras the Nartheast coruar of B� C� u�►'s i�uvey; T1i8�B Bast 9�4.� var�,s to a stake iA prairi�; 2HBNC6 South 47S.a vuas to s stal�e in praisie; _.__ THBN�B t�ie s t 9 50.4 var�ts t o � s t a1Ge sta t l�e Bas t �iae of asi�i Snrve�r f "hlE1�B North xith the �ast lina �f said lurveY 273 vuu to its Northcist cor�s, ia all 47?.Z vuas to the Deginuing, conxaiaf-s� e ighty acres, �wd Fateate�! to Q�ule s Baker� A�ai�qee of A►ndare�r 1�„ Andarsao, by virtue of Certif icate I+b. 333, iasued by th�e Corws�ssioaers of Petet Cb1oa�► on the 8th dsy of IYoveotbes, 193a, and trsnsfe�cxsd xo Q1srl.e� Hsker S+�Qte�bet 14, 18�34, and b�questhed to �ja.w+es 4,. Baket by Dis f�,tber. Charlas Hakes, by 1�ti11 duly re�ord�d . i� Boo�r G, page 410� 41d B�tat� ReCorda fc�r Tas�ra�lt County , Texa,�, SIXTH ZRACr� Hsiog a part of the Henry �uggs Snrve�w Beginning at the South Bast corner Qf I�lx�s L. Baker a 80 acre tr�tq TNBNC� Bast S70 ♦aras to s stske in Bast line of the Lucretis �alcet 80 acre tsact; , � THSlVC'�8 Nortb 396 varas to tha beginaiag, coatainin� 40 scres cf lsnd9 �ore or less, v t o t fso� a ct ta�ia w.rraatr ncea aataa MOZE: Abo � descri 3 A 4an s Q M� � Febru�ry 89 1886 (in whiCh deed above tract M�s dQ�scsibed ss th� � Secoad or izst tract in s�iQ daad) ia rbieh J. S. Hacta�ll and wif�� Fannie Bati12 conveyed cer#sia property to H. D. Lipacomb, s�id 4eed --- r+s�corded in Voi. 62. pages 318 and 219, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Tex�s, to which 4Nstd aad tbe recard t2►er�of referen�:e ha �1Cr! 011fsen gBVBNTt� TRACt:: Being a awall strip thirty feet wids �+hich is ,; delu�:t+�d from land coaveyed to K�sy L. M3ggi�s by 8aone Li�pscomb � u.d wif�,, Bun.ice Lipsco�, and H. D. Lip3coab, and �ont�ining � Z scraa� aore or less. • � s n � � 4 t �, �, 4 a � � �' �I' a� • r � ..d,�._,y..� .� ��r�..d.u::� Grant,5ei1 and Convey un#o the said Boone Lipscomb, af the County of T�.rrantt State of 'I'exas, all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and I�eing situated in T'arr�nt i.:ouxity, Texas, on �rapevine Yrairie, same being a part of ttie I. �3yrd 320 gcre Survey, described as €ollows, to-wit: �3i�GIN:'�ll�l� at a �tone, the �ortheast corner of tiie said �yrc� :�urvey; THENGfi �roest 48�.2 varas to a stake J. G. Uoyle's Narth�ast corner; T!-IE�C:E South with Doy1e's �ast line 79A varas a stone in the L. J. M�ddox North line; Ti-ii:P�i�� �:ast with s�id lir�e 982.2 varas to the Maddox �ortheast corner in the ��im. �3ruton �Nest 1ine; 'f'"-iEN�_�E North with ±3urton's 'e�est line 794 vatas to the place of L�eginning, containing I38 acres, mor� oar l�ss, �AV�, ��1: F::�+:i:��T a 5 �cre tr�ct deeded to R. E. ,'��orrow off of the 4tie�t sid� af �ai.v 138 acr� tract by Deed dated January 11, 1936� recorded in �3ook 1275, p�.�e 219, Ueed �.ecosds, Tazrant Caunty, Texas. To Ha�� ancl to Hold. . . .untr•� the said �3oone Lipscomb, his heirs and assi�ns f r�rever. . . .�d�a�x ant and t�arev�er Defend. . . .unto the said 'c3ocsne Lip�comb, his heirs and assi�ns. . .. lleed £rom Eunice Lipscomb, widow, to State of T�xas, ac:tin� by and through th� State Highway c:ommission, dated 2-9�61, r�corded in Voleune 3533, pa�� 383, i�eed Recorc�s of ''arrant County, Texas, conveying 43.375 acres of land, mare or � .ss, L?eed from �unic� Li�scomb, widow, to l�lpha Levelopment c:orporation, dated 9-21-6Sw recorded in i�o2um� 4125, page 522, :�eed i��cords, Tarrant c.:c�unty, Texas, conveying S1.735 acres of 1and, sn�r� or less. Reference to which deeds is here made for further descriptior� and all purposes. tt���ERL11S, �aid tr�.ct is contiguau� and ad jacent anci in the extraterritarial jurisdiction of #he City of Gra�evir�e . Texas, 4�IiLFti:.AS, s�id petition u�as duly, lawf ully and properly present�r� ta the Ci#y Council and, W��E1t�:AS� �.fter htaring ,�ueh petition and the :r�uments for and ��ainst the same, the City r.:ouncil has una�i:�,ausiy voted to �ran� such petition, and to annex said tract to the Ci�y �f Gr��.�evine , Texas, and, d�Hrt.�tEAS, sell 1ega1 requiresnents fc�r the �nnexatian af said tract have been heretofore duly, timely, and prop�rly performed and done ; and, e�fi;:It�:AS, it is for the �eneral welfare, �.nd for and t� the ad- vanta�e of the public #o �av� f ire a-nd police protectiun, a� to the benef it of the i:ity of �ra��evine, Texas, and c�f anci ��r� said tract, that �ame be now ac�itexed to the Gity of Grapevine, Texas� 1�1�,a'� TH;�REFt�ls; �3�: IT v1tUA1N�D BY 7'H3.:; t:1TY Cuu�c:1L vt� THi:; t,1TX' t�� GI21�i �V i t�.:, T�:XAS: That the s�.id tr�.ct o� land, as abov� describQd, be ancl the same �.re hereby an�7exed to t:ie City Uf Grapevine in T�rrant, Caunty, Texas, and that the bounciary limits of the City of Grant, Sell and �onvey �nt� the sa�d �uane Lapscn�b, of the c:ount af Tarrsnt, �tate of Texas, ai1 t��use c�rt�in 1ot�, Y tracts or parcels c�f land iying anci being situated ir� th�k C;our�ty of 'Tarrantf �tste of :exas, �.nd particular2,y described �y metes and bounds as fo2iowa�: I'Iiz�T 7:Rr:�.T: �3eing 35 �cres of land in the Isi�.h ��. �3ya�d 32q acre �urvey described by metes anc� b4unds as �ai�.o�rs; �uGI�T.�ING at a stane mound, the `�:outhwe�t corner caf a tract c�f la�nd convey�d by J. �. ��ogers ta ��V. C. Gql�m�n; Tiiti'VCE Ivorth 397 var�s a stake; i"��i,I�.;E 'r�e�t 24 varas ta a. �tone; T�i°,rvC:E, :�arth 3�7 varas a st�ne; T�f�:�:i;E �'Yest 230 varas to a stone; 'I".t�:i�i.� South 422 varas to a stane ; . I":::::��i:� ��'est lb-1/2 varas to �t �tone ; l:i:c��RC4: South 375-1/2 var�s; T�i;:;NC� E�.st 270-1f2 varas to be�;inrz�*� , ce�ntaininf; 35 acre� af I�.nd� mor� c�r less, the sar�e t�eing the lat;�: c�escribed in deeci f'�r�m �melin+� Cottrell to John �3. Cat�, dated x':u�us# 30, 1901, �.nd alsc� bein� c�nveyeci to R. �. M�rrow by �i. S. Lipscomb as�d wi�`e, ltilb�rt�. Lip�comb, by deed c3�,ted .'vec��be� 31, 19�0, a1u.�� w�.t:� ofihEr lan�is a�s that dat�, and said L►e�d recorc�ed �.n Vc►lum� �.129' �aag� 475, lieed Kecc�rds, Tarre�.nt t:.�unty, 'Tex��. ;���C���J Tl��'�CT: i3eginning at the �outheast corner oi a 35 dcre tract c�f l�ncf in the Is�i�th F. :�yrd Surv�y� which tract together with other lands, v�as �anveyed to Et. :. '<�c�rrcn�,r by ;�. �. I.ipscomb and wife, E�Zberta i.�.�scomb, by I�eec? r��teci i�ece�i��r 32, 1930, vahi�ch deed is recorc3ed in E3ook 1I19, �r�.�� 475, i�eed It�cords f c,r Tarr.ant C.ounty, 'Texas ; T:4u;�'Ch North �rith t:�e Last line of saad 35 acre tract 1I�3�-3/4 feet a stake; Tt-�z:i'�C:E ��est wi#h a North line caf s�id 35 acre�, 66-1/3 f��t a �take; TiiC�NC:.� North with the l;�.st line of said 3S �cre tract i102-�3f4 feet, a St6�e; �'K��vCi: �ast with the �torth liu� �f the C=. �. Colem4n Zac�d 13U t�@t S StB�t�i Till::tdC:3: South 2205.5 fe�t t:� a stake in the �'.'orth 2.is�e aF, th� �3oon� Lipscomb lanc� an the �outh �ine at thL �:. s�. !:��.��,=�ax 1and; T�l�.lti���; ���st with said Lipsco�b and C:Qleman lirriee 7� f�e;t to �t�e ��ace af beginning, �nd containin�; S a�res out of the T. F. Eiyrd Survey� and b�ing the saer�e land conveyed to ft. �. A�o�rc�v� by �:. P. �oleman and wife� Viola C.olem�n, by lleed dated ,�anuary 11, 15�36, reeorcled in t3ook 1275, �age 229, lleed ti��ords for Tarr�.nt County„ TexB,�. z:xrapevine. Texaa, be and the sam� �re hereby extended t� includ� the above dtscribed tr�ct �ithin the �ity Limits of Gr�pevine, Tex��, a municip�l corpor�tian, �nd said tracts of land, and the future inh�bitant� thereof �ha1i hereafter be entitied ta rights and privileges of uther cit3.zen� af the C=ity of ��ra�evine, Texas, and, they sh�11 be her�a_. teg b�unc� E�y t�e acts a��cj �rc�inances of said City. It being necess�.ry tar ttie �ublic welf�re that this ordinanc� af �.n.�exatiosa t�e now passed in tt�at �aid territc�ry t�a �e anne�ed is without, adequate �c�lice ancl f ire protection cre�tes an em€r�;ency ana pubiic nec�ssity ttiat the r�a�.e requirin�; this ordinance be read on two several days be �ist:�nsed wzth, anc� t�is ordinanc� shall, �.ccordirigly, ��� �ow piaced on its se�ond and f inai r��ding to i�s p�►ssa�;e and sazue b� in f ull £orce anc� �f t ect frr�m and �.ftes it �assag� ax�d ap�rcaval. �'���ed bp a�n affirmative vate of all �cmbers present af th� City Louncil, this the 21th d�y of June � 19 66 . ", Ai'4'k�VE]C?: �� .. y� . , , �:.� �. �p#� 4 �` j/��/� .. .r ��"'\l-j cr ' .... ,-...,.. �niZ.nl� I�tSyot AT:f`�57�.� �; o��.��' ��� , - �` `� �;�`s �F . ���in� C. ty� `�e etary A,pproved as ta f arm �nd le�;�lity: r . "' ity tturney I I i I �� I � � I 3 � %.,,> , !� ��~ • � � _,��,�_--s. �" 'j e �-.. ��-„r ; t _ �.,, 4� ~d C� ro b � O H � � , � � ,� , rn c+ v► i O ' , ' � �`� u�i ��-3 �,`+\_ � W � C�J %� � �� co � ,, ; � p j �-+ O � � �-s cv ��• ; `` H � � �W� c�o 0 ot� � � o T- � ►3 �; t"' tT1 ,..j.�b n s�., ,� r. a s� o"' �N � � � � � ' dn � � � o � . � � � � � � 1 � s'"���.T°" --`�.�w� - . - ' . � I � _ _ �' , t$• f.��...-�-�, `�- � . . .: .`��; � � , �: .� � .. . . .. �.. , Tc,����< Y . '.� g�?;.z..i.,v 1'ts A� ..��.E , . , . . . . . ' ., . . . . .. . ' . � . .. ..t1 a r ,a t.�' ,._< JUL 6 1 a � .-' , . ___ 19�fi � . :� ��_��y , ���.. J .l ��17JLF'�'. _. +'� ...,.�/ . . . ' � ,! .._F. /� . .���� � l� <, j . . : .�, _ _ � __ _ . _r. � ��. , . � .. � � � � . ..��e, a' . ,,: ,. }��� r,� � � _ , / ,,. . , . . . � , _ " . � � `' �� ,ar ���'��iG''l�''�'" �, , � ... ;____ __ ___ _.___--....___..^__. � ,;.+.:.� . ,.a !7 t"_