HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-21 Regular Meeting� � � f P CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS � � AGENDA � `" REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING � ! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1978 AT 7: 30 P.M. � COUNCIL CHAMBERS-413 MAIN � � � � � � I . CALL TO ORDER � � II . INVOCATION p, � _ III . CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES (Feb. 7, 1978) �. IV. CITIZENS REQUEST AND/OR MISC. REPORTS { � { V. NEW BUSINESS � A. City Council to consider awarding the bid for � purchase of a two-ton sanitation truck and if � necessary, a resolution relating thereto. ' r � B. City Council to consider an ordinance calling ;' an election for amendments to the City of Grapevine Charter. ; ;: VI . EXECUTIVE SESSION � A. City Council to recess to the conference room $ to discuss personnel and pending litigation � pursuant to Article 6252-17, Section 2, Sub- } sections (e) and (f) , Texas Civi1 Statutes . � � B. City Council to reconvene in the Council �' Chambers and take any necessary action relative � to personnel. � C. City Council to reconvene in the Council Chambers to take any necessary action relative to litigation. VII . ADJOURNMENT � E � 4 � P X; 4 f � � #, � �' f E In Accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A. T. C. S. , as � amended by Chapter 227, Acts of the 61st legislature, � regular session, the regular City Council Agenda was , prepared and posted on this the 17th day of February, � 1978 at 4: 00 P.M. � ; }: ; f. � 1 � City Sec ta � � i #. S r � g � �" � �' �i I h i ! i i i I : ¥ s & � � F CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS ; 4Z t � REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING � a EMERGENCY AGENDA ITEM � TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1978 AT 7: 30 P. M. � COUNCIL CHAMBERS — 413 MAIN STREET � � � f g. 2 t V. NEW BUSINESS F :P t C. City Council to consider a resolution calling > for the City of Grapevine to receive $3,000 � from Tarrant County to provide fire protection � outside the Grapevine City Limits . ; t THE EMERGENCY ITEM WAS PLACED ON THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AS IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NECESSARY TO INSURE THE HEALTH, SAFETY, AND GENERAL WELFARE OF THE CITIZENS OF GRAPEVINE, $ TEXAS. � � f � IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 6252-17, V.A.T. C. S. , AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 227, ACTS OF THE 61ST LEGISLATURE, � REGULAR SESSION, THE EMERGENCY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA $ WAS PREPARED AND POSTED ON THIS THE 20TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, � 1978 AT 9: 30 A.M. _ � � � �. � � . �: � � CITY SEC ARY � � �' t' � l' f k 1;- E } � t i I „ X � � STATr OF TEXAS � CC�UNTY �?�` TARRANT � CITY �F GI�APEV�NE � The Cit�� Ceunci.l o.f the Cit,y of Gra��vine , Texas met a.n ?-e�ular �essic�n on thzs tk�e 21st da�r of, F�bruary, .].978 , at 7':30 P.M. with the foZlowinq members pxesent to-wit: tA?i.11iam �J. Ta�n Mayor Dail Dal�~�n Mayor Pro-tem Charlu� L�ux�n �c�unci�.man t-Villis Pix?cle Coczncilma�, ��.vi.� Fl�rence Councilman T ar:ry Olz�Ter Co��ncilman Crarl4s Giclt�oz� Cc�unc�l:�an consti tuting a nuo.r�,zm �vith the followin� city }±a:�f members : Jarnes L. Ha:�cac'c Ci��T fl�lanac��r John F. Bo;�le , Jr. City A�torney Shirley �rmstron� Ci�y S�crc�ary �",.ALL. T!� OP,DEn Mayar Tate called the meeting to e?�cl�.r. INVOC:�T.r.c�N The �nvocatian ���as delivered ?�y Courcilman Charles D�,�nzz. i ?�3Tn?UTF..S i T:�e �ir:at ox�er of �usin�ss zti�as cc�nsiderat�.�n of the minutes o_f February 7, :l973. Councilm�.n Dunn mad4 a motio:� �c� cAaait�e the r_eacl.ina of the mi��utes a:�d acc�pt w�ern as ;�xintec3. Th^ mo�tion taras seconded by Counc�1ma��. Pizkle a:.d pr_e�ra;led by the fol�ow�.ng vote : Ayes: Tate, Dalton, Dunn, P�zkle, Oli.ver, FlozencP R� Gid�on 1�?ays: None RT�} <�.4�T.1-�P� _ `_t"•JC_�rt�N T'�LTC'r,S.A.T,II2.�TIQN Tize n�x� orde� o,f �tzsi�ess �r��as �o� th� vity Counca.l to consa.der an� a�tiTard �he bid ;�or 4he r�urch�s� of a two-�on �anitatzon �ruc?c arxct if necessar�T, a resoltztian .relatin� � th�r_eto. Thn City Manage_r annauneecl tha� t�vo bids hac? b�en rece�_tjec� �.s fcrllaivs : Payterz :�7r�.ght Fo.rc? Sal�s $9,99�.99 �-?ud�_bur� Chev�olet $9,9�'S.OI The City I��anager a�?v,.�ed t}�at becau�e of th� ava;libi:Lity ' o.f s�iv�_ce , a.nd t?�e small c?a.f�'^rence in th� t��.=� t?i.c1s , that zt was the recommendat�on of the City �taff that the bici � �e acva.r�ed tc� �'�.y7ton �v'?-z�ht �ord �ales in the amau.nl: af ��.�r�Q�c�c�. Thn r�ty ���r���ry :�ot��l th�t i:: the event the Cou�ncil a�var,�?ec? �:�e con-�ract `.o t'�e '�irh ??�.c��.uer, tl�zat it t+rc�ulr� n��d t� be cion� ir. the r.�solution .for:n. �he then ex�lai.;.;�� 4�c ~:ont�n±s of th� �.ronocec� .rnscrlut:ion. Counc�.lm�.n �'li.v�r ;;,ade a moti_on t� acr�pt thP recarm�cnc.�ati�;� ��F the City a±a�:� anc� a�n�a.�:-? t?�� bi�i t� PaS�ton-�v'Yi�h± a_� th� c�,Ti:OUT:� C?� Y����C},t�(�. T�:n 17;C1�lOXi ?"Ic�S S�'CCI'1C��'C? '�J �t7Lt2:C1.�.Plc�:?'? C;iu'�c�n and prev�ile� by tY?� follot^.��_z�±r vote • !?��es : T�.te, Da�.ton, Dunn, Pir1=�1e . !�1_i�r�Y, Flor�ncp & G;�eon Nat.r�; iV't-�*�� J _� R��CLt.TTT,nl�? NO� 7R_� •4 � �. R��C>L��TI<?N ST:�.'?'ING TH.<"1T RIPS t1FERE F'.2GFER�,Y AJVERTISED AND RECEIVE�7; D�'CLA.RINC_; TH11T BE,- ��TT�E C}F ?�IT!'TZ_<:RILZT3.' OF ;:>�R�IICE �N?� ;N�:�:I.L DIFFE?;ENCE TN THE RIP, IT WA� IN THE REST INTE�FS'?' OF THE CITX OF G�`iPEVINE TQ !�YV?�RD THF BID FOI� � `I'�aIO-TO1V SANI`':.'ATIC�N 'TRUC.K. Tu' Pf�YTC�N-M�v'IZTCH'f' F�RD. C'R?�IN_ANCE-C�'�L�INC� C'H�XTEP .�.MENUMENT �I.?�t'TI�N The next orrler a�' �u�zn�ss �+ras �ar_ the Cit,r Co�.;�rrcil ta con�ic?er a� ordinance ca11�_n� the electior_ faY amen�.ment� to ±he Ci_ty caf Grat�c�tTine Ch�rtbr: - Th� C�ty Secretary rea� th� ca��ion of the pr�po�ry� ordinance. Cour.ci.lman Flo.r.e�c� , Chairman o .f t<<e Char-�er Amendment Committee ex�la;ne�? each �Yop�ased change in the char-�-er. He r.oted that z.n addi±�on to the Char 4pr :lmenc�men± chances , 4he Comrnittee also =uggesteci -�hat campensatic�n of thQ �Iayor an� Cou�cil bP :i.nc reaseri. C�uncilmar_ Dunn !~:ade a motion to accent ±he recorunendation of the Charter Ar.�endmer.t Comm�.ttee an� ap��rove th� ordinance ' call�ng the �?Iection. The mation ?vas �econded by Councilman C�liver arad pxevailed by the follo?va_n� ti�rote: Ayes : Tate, Dalton, Dunn, Cliver, Flo�ence, Pirkle & Gid�on Na�*s: None URDINANC.E NC�. 78-9 A]�T ORDIN.�NCE QF THE CITY OF GRF_PEVINE PJ�OVIDING FOR ' THE SL7�3MISSION OF AMENI�N£EN'1`S `r'�7 THE GRAPEVINE CITY CI-�1RTER AT THE REGUT AR CITY ELEGTION TO BE HELD ON APRZL l , 1�378; BY SLJBMZTTING i�N ��ENDMENT T4 SECTION 3.01, ARTICLE 3, CALI.ING' FOP TH�: INCREA�E I1�1 TfI�. TERNI QF THE I�'[AYQR A�TD EACH MEMBER OF 2HE Cl2Y CC�UNCIII FROM T�110 YEARS TO THREE YF.,�RS , BY SUBMITTING A_N AMEIZ?DM�'NT TO SECTION 3.1].A C,'iF AR2ICI,E 3 Tn PROVIDE FOR ?� THREE-FOIIRTHS (3 J�) VOTE C�F MFMBERS OF THF COUNC I L TO EN1�CT AI�1 C?RL�INANCE ON AN �MERGEl�?CY BAS I S, ' BY PFZO�lIDING F�R AN AMEhTDMENT TO SEGTI�N 5.Ol , !`}�CTICJ�E 5 TO RF_QLJIRE NOTICE OF THF PEGULAR CITY ELECTICN TO BI� PUBI_.ISHED NQT MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE (25) A.ND NOT LESS TH.AN EI,,EVEN (11) DAYS BEFC?RF THE ELECTIQN, 3Y PROVIDING FC?R AN 1�MENDMENT TC� �ECTION 5«04 ART ICLE 5 TO RE,t�`��U I RE THF B:'�T_,LOT FOR THE RE(�Ui..A R CITY ELECTIf)N T4 BE PREPARED !�T LF1��T lt7 Dl1YS �3�FORE THE ELF_CTION, BY PROVI�?ING A�1 �:MENDMENT TC> SEC`?'IE�N 5.05, A�TICI,.E � T(? REQL7TRE A RUN-OF'F ELECTION TO SE HE.LD }3E- TC�tiTEEN FOURTEEN {�,Q} TO TWEN'�'Y-EIGHT {28) DAYS .�.FTEiZ ANY EI:ECTION, BY �ROVIDING �1N AN[ENDM�NT TO �ECTION 9.08 , ?�R`?'IGLE 9 BY !�D�NG THE IJC?RD "�:�"V�NLTE" � B� PR�V�I}�NG AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION lO.t�9, ./�IZTICLE 10 BY ADDING THE UT�RDS "rJTNER INFC}RI�I.ATIC)N �� '�`HE CIT� CC?UNCIL" , :AND PRC?VIDING AN 41�1�NDM�;NT '1'O SEC'�.'TON 10.1�7B, ARTICI.E .10 I3Y ADDING THE �•JflRD "�AM�" , PR<_?VIDING FG�P, NC?'?'ICE QF THF �?��CTTC>N T��7 BE GIVE:N BY PiJRLIC,�.TION IN ACCt">R:�:�'�NCE vJITH STA.TE I!LG7; pRC- VIDING �C?I2 TI-TE FC�RM CJF THE NC7TIC�'; PROVIDING FC�R THE FOP,M OF THE BAL3�T; �ND D�CI.�,R�NG AN EMERGEN�`Y. � I ,� € 1 � ; ! ':: �r�lvjp�l�T;;A-rTnN - ?�'IAYOF, R� COUI\TCIt. ? i � Cnuncilman Flor^nc� ±h�n mac-i� a motior +hat the a_te*n j r�lativ� tn a cnrnr>�r.�ation incrAase fer the P�ta;*�r ar_d � =a C,'���r_c;_1 Mem�ers ?�e nla��d on ±he n^xt a�,�rda for �on- ` � =-i_�jF�rati_on. The mn+;.or_ vaas secon�.ed by Cc;�ancil*�an = D��nr_ and prevailed by thA fo17.o���i,n� �r�t�: ' AS�es : Tat�, Da?.t�n, Dunn, P�_rkle , F)_�rence , C?li�reY R- Gi_�eor. � Nay� , Non�� a � . � RESCI.UTTON $3,OO�l, FTRF.� pUTSTDr CITY LTMIT;:, € � � � The n�x_t c�r_�er o.r r��.si�?e=s zvas for. th� Ci_±y Cour.ci7. �!-� � - � �nl'?C'1CaC,'Y' a r�solut�_�� C3II.1Tlt� FO:' fNlo C�l±y� �?f Cir'��1��'l_nc? � � to _r^ce�vn $3,0!�O fYom Tarrant Coun±;• ±o prov�.�?c t._r� f k cF??'V1C2 OLitSl'a.2 trl° CY'�?,nt.'7.�F' �lt't•,> T.i!T11+'- . Tt-`P r�i,t�T � 5 ?^� r c� ��� +�hc� ± !'� +�-; + ' r Sec��.ta�., vT�l.ai n`. .._ , cor .ents e� .,� �' ?"�SOZLL �1�r? ar.�? g ;�n±c�r? tti?cit %?. COI1t�dCt dCjYC?f�7RL�:7�" T:i?OLl�_C1. :2"P_.C� �G' })o c�.y;-;r?G3 G �ij' '�r?P rnayor 111 +1-1!' f?Vent �"�"I� �PcOltzt1011 1"T�S 2L7T�3"O�'F?C� . y _ � E rOLlt'1C11??'l�_71 �'� rk1.6' maca� 3 Fr.p-r"?C�p' t?-��± t}'� r-Z.'cpl.l.l±'On �2 t � a�?.opte�'. Tre ^:otwon ��:as secor.ded by Co�.:ncil�:an Daltor: � �n� n,-����li�� �y ±�� {o]_lc��.���n� vot� : � ; � } Aye= : '?'ate , Daltc�n, Florer�ce , Oli.vF��, G;<<eo:;, Dun:: � Pirkl� � � 1�T��,� o �T;-,ne � " : � � RES��I UTION Nn. 78-6 f. � z ; A '?rSC=I.UTION C�.T_�I,II`JG FO:; THF '�'I'rv r1� �;n_yp�z,rT�,TT: " � - -rr� rE`�Tt,n„ �3!00(� Ft70M TI�R��1T CC�?mTTV TO PROVID,'=; x' � �'IR'' SE'�',V?C�' �C?TSIDF TH� CT�ry t `r�T-rJ r�!- r;��,nFVTN�? �. � -.;T;,T T -� �� r n T x� � r F � . H_N _ R�;� ,,OI�_�_R�:_ DIST��C_.,. � r:}',E�[T�?'IVE �:�SSION - LI?'IGATInt�� ? pEnSn;VNrr "'h� nc-x_± or�F�r of �usi:�ss t�,Tas fcr the City Ccuncii `o r��ess to the C�r_fer_en�� Room tc �isc��ss persor:r�l a�c� � ; n^�di.na lit�_�at?�n r_�ursu�.�?t �o Article 5252-17, Se�±i_on ` 2.. SL'.�SP_Ct10?"1S (e) an�� (�) , Texas Ci�,-i? Sia±µ±�� . � - � � 4 E $. ° ?.s_?'IG�TION - JA(�K JnF-II�TSON SE?�.'FR C?ATI�1 � 4 �'..�� 4 i � T�n (�(1 l YP n oT"��rl !- n (' i _.. unci � co__v� , in _h_. �ou.nc.il Chambers after_ �; c?yJT_1fOX�_??'_c�,�E`1�1 ':r?17'+'i.j' Zll'_?:L1t�S ?_ . �X�?CLlt]_V�? 5£?SS10I1 c�.il!� - tn�2c '-h2 fp110�-�'i?1t� ?Cti.On. `' roun:,i_lman F10rP_?�CP_ made a r:oti.on ±hat the City r.eim- �Ls.Yse Mr. Jack Johnso:� ir. �2:� amount of $185.04 r_elative � to a ser�Pr bac'_�c-u;� clai_m. 'Th.e motion �vas C��onded. by `° Councilman Gic��on and nrevaile� hy ±he � � ol1_owi_n_c� vote : : � i �ye� ; T�tP_ , Dalton, Dunn, Pi.rkle, Oli.ve.r_ , Florence & G?de�� � NayS : Nnrin } �?nJOU�rr�ENT ' '�'herc� �eirg no fur±her busir.ess to co:ne before the Co�_ir.ci�, ' Co>>.ncilman C�livPr ma�� a_ motion to ac�o�arn. The motion �,�ras secnnde�. ry C;o�?.nci_lman ?�unn anc� all present VOt2Cj a,��. ,", . � s: PASSED AND !�F'.FiROVED L3Y T?-�F CI'?'Y COLTNCIL OF GR�PEVIN� ON 't'HIS THE �A:i D�Y OF , 197R., ,1.1,�-r Ma • f= ATTES'T': ; �,,� S <'���-;� .-ecr t r�T � ,