HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1979-014 RESOLUTION N0. 79-14 WHEREAS , it is necessary and advisable that the City enter into the water supply contract , hereinafter authorized, with Trinity River Authority of Texas . � THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE , TEXAS : � Section l. That the Mayor and City Secretary are authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to date, sign, seal, and otherwise execute a water supply contract with Trinity River Authority of Texas in substan- tially the form and substance attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes . " Section 2 . That , upon execution, said water supply contract shall be binding upon the City for all pur- poses . Section 3 . That this Resolution is effective immediately. �=� PASSED AND APPROVED on this the ,s'G/day of , 1979 . VV � Mayor ATTEST : City Sec tary APPROVE AT TO FORM �_: � City Attorney -==-�.;`� CERTIFICATE FOR RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT � THE STATE OF TEXAS . COUNTY OF TARRANT . CITY OF GRAPEVINE . We, the undersigned officers of said City, nereby certify as follows : 1. The City Council of said City duly con�-ened in � REGULAR MEETING ON THE 1�TH DAY OF ?�iAY, 1979 , at the City Hall, and the roll was called o= the duly ccnsti- � tuted ofiicers and members of said City Council , to-wit: � Shirley Armstrong, City Secretary William D. Tate , Mayor Aulton Mullendore David Florence, Mayor Pro-tem Larry. Oliver William Shafer Charles Dunn Ted Ware and a11 of said persons were present, except the �ollowing absentees : � thus constituting a quorum. Whereupon among other business, the iollowing �eas transacted at said Meeting: a written RESOLUTIOTI AUTHORIZING A COrITRACT was duly introduced for the consideration of said City Council and read in full. It was then duly moved and seconded that said Resolution be adopted; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the adoption of said Resolution, prevailed and carried by the following vote: AYES : All members of said City Council ' shown present above voted "Aye" . � NAYS : None. 2 . That a true, full, and correct copy cf the aforesaid Resolution adopted at the Meeting described in the above and foregoing paragraph is attached to and follows this Certificate; that said Resolution has been duly recorded in said City Coun- �"� cil' s minutes of said Meeting; that the above and foregoing para- graph is a true , fu11, and correct excerpt from said City Coun- � cil' s minutes of said Meeting pertaining to the adoption of said Resolution; that the persons named in the above and foregoing paragraph are the duly chosen, qualified, and acting officers and members of said City Council as indicated therein; that each of the officers and members of said City Council was duly and suffi- ciently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the time, place, and purpose of the aforesaid Meeting, and that said Resolution would be introduced and considered for adoption at said Meeting, and each of said officers and members consented, in advance, to the holding of said Meeting for such purpose; and that said Meeting was open to the public, and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said Meeting was given, all as required by Vernon' s Ann. Civ. St. Article 6252-17 . 3. That the Mayor of said City has approved, and hereby approves, the aforesaid Resolution; that the Mayor and the City Secretary of said City have duly signed said Resolution; and that the Mayor and the Ci�y Secretary of sa�d City hereby de- clare that their signing of this Certificate shall cor.stitute the signing of the attached and following copy of said Resolu- tion for all purposes . SIGNED AND SEALED the 15th day of May, 1979 . � City Secretary Mayor (SEAL) ---------------------------------------------------- I, the undersigned, City Attorney of the City of Grapevine, Texas , hereby certify that I read and approved as to legal�ty the attached and following Resolution, prior to its adoption. City_ Attorney "_'u� ST�Ty OF ^�.�5 . COUNTY OF TaR�.��'�T . `T'?�1J C�iV2't�C�?' (herei�af��r call�d "C.^.ntract�� � �d��Cl 3I1� en�er�d i�to zs o� ��e 25th day of APRIL, 1975 , by and be- �ween `?'.=1i11�V .Q1Vn� �.�1t�"?Oi"'_�.V OL �'2Xd5 � d governmen��� acency and a body oolitic and cor�or�t` , cr�a�ed and iunctioning under CY1dDL�r �18 , acts of the R�gular Session ot the 54tn � Legisla�urz , as a�er.�ed (�he "Au�hority �ct" ) �ursuant to . �rticle XVz� . Section 59 of the Constitution of .Texas (herein � �`"" � called "Authority" ) , and the CITY OF GRAPEVINE, Texas, a . . city duly incorporated uncier the laws of the State of Texas ` (the "City" ) . . � �t...Y .. . � � . - . �- . _- - - � : _ .. . . _ . . .. . . . W I ..T �N:.E S S E T H'' -� . . . . . _ . . . �v�-iEREAS , the �uthority has cons�rLcted facili�ies in Tarrant County ror tne purpose or supply �=ea�ed watzr to citi�s and o�he rs; and WHERE�S , City owns ar_d o�erates its wa�er distribution sys- tem and is ir_ need oz an a�ditioral �ourcz or water supply; ar.d WHE�AS , t:�e �u�nority nas �erz�oLcre enLered into water sLpDly cor_trac�s , eac:� dated Ja�uary 22 , -1972 , and �rnended as of January 22 , 1975 , wiL�-� �h� Ci��es o= B?c`ord and Eul�ss , which are de=ined as _Contracti�g Par�ies i:� said cor.tracts , which permit �he Autnority to cont_ac� with Additional Cont=act- ing ?arties , as ��si:�ed in sai� contracts; ar.d WHERFAS , tne City of Grapevine is such an Additional Con- � tracting Party und�r said c:ontracts and will become a Contract- ing Party under this coatract; and �� WIiEREAS, contracts similar �o this Contract are being eY- ecuted with otner cities wnich are Additior_al Con�ractin� �ar- � ties under said contracts and will become Contractir_g Part�es as deiined in this Contract; ar.d ti�HEREAS , City and Authori�y are authorized �.o er_ter in�o Lhis Contract pursuant to tZe Authoritv �ct, V=rnon ' s Ann. Tex . Civ . St. Article 4413 (32c) , and oL'nzr dDD�icabi� lacas ; a^c WhEREnS , �u�hori�y p�oposes �o issu� i�s Bonds fo� tnz pur- pose of const_uc�.ing iacilities �o enable i� to s�pply =reat�d water to City and to ot'r!ers , iz accor�arce wich a repo_t of Knowlton-Ratli�i-Eaglish-Coll�r.s , Consultin5 �n5ir.eers , entitled R��ort Ori Pr000sed 3ed�ord-Eule�s T�vater SVS�2ST1 �O T2'1.111�V R1�'2r Authoritv of Texas , dated July, 1971 , as su?plemen�.e� by a docu- ment dated �ugust, 1978 , enti+�led "Supplemer_t to Lhe Er_qineer�ng Re�ort on �roaosed Bedrord-Es1�ss ���ater Svs��.*� which was Da�ed Ju1v l , 1971" , preparzd by Kncwlton-English-Flowers , Inc. , Con- �ul�ing Engin�ers , and as zurtner supplemen�ed by a cocu�ent _____ �a�ed April, 1979 , entitled "'^r�nity �iver �li�noritv of T�xas Tarrant Courtv Wat2r Projec� Trars�niss_on =acili�i-s ror Ser�inQ Cclleyvill� , Graoevine , anC �or�,h R:icrlan� Hilis " , by Kr.owiton- �:C'j. 115�".-Flowers � IT1C. , Cons�ilt=��c �ngineers � dI1Q �S tl1� SO'_'c''�O- ing repor� and SL1I�P�2'_T.l�?1tS :naj� be amended or �urni��nented prior to the executioa of cons�ruct�an c�ntracts ar_d a� changed b1 � c:�ange arders enter23 a�ter cor.�truction cont=ac�s have b��r EX2Clit2L�� 02' dS SllCi7 r?T�OT'� 31.�i �'L1PDiEiit?r?�.S nay be zmended C=" cuDpler.iented to prov; d2 ex�an3ed servic� ir_ t:�e ��1Lll�"c^ (h�r�in collectively ca?1?d "Er.ginP�rinQ R�pert" ) ; ar_d Trl�?ER.EAS , it is desirable and nece�sary �o �_ty that Au�?-_or- ity suppiy water to City; -1- NGW, •I'H��FO'Z�', in consideration o� �:e nutual covenznts dI1Q 3Qre�men�s fl�'r?1.'1 conrair_eci, all`1'lOi 1��7 c.'Qr��S r� �YPZ:7Q tne �roject in accordance witn the Engine�ring Report and �o supnlv water to City,. and Ci�y acrees �o pay �uLhori`y for wa:.�r supp?�ed uppn terins and condi�.ions hereir�a�tar se� forth, �o-�Ni t : Section l. DEFINITION OF TERNIS . Tzrms and �x�r2ssions . as used in tn�s Contrac� , unless tne context cle?rly shows . . . . otn.erwise , snall :�ave .��e .follow�ng. mean�ngs�: : .. . . � . . . . . � � . � �.. _ "Additional Contract.ing ,ParLy" . �r�eans an_y party not ce- .. . � � fined as a Contracti�ig- Party with wnom au�noriLy �akes a con- . , . � � . tract for supplying �.reated water� �nrougn L'ne Proj zct. � � _ � . . . . • . . -� � _ � .. . . • -. . . . : . . . . � . . . . . . . �. . B�. "Adjusted Annual Payment" means �he A�nual Paynent, as adjusted dLe to service to Additional Contrac�ing Parties and/or as required during or aiter each r�scal Year . C. "Annual Payment" means the amount of money to be paid to AL�nority by Ci-ty as it$ proportionate share oi the Annual Requir�ment. D. "Annual Requirement" means the total amount oi money requirzd ior Authority to pay all Operation and �?aintznance Ex- pense of the Project, to pay t:-�e debt servic� on i�.s Bonds , and �o pay any anounts required to be G'��D051L2f� in any s�ecial or reserve iunds reQuired �o be establisned and/or maintained ny tne provisions oi the Bond Resolution. E . "Bond Resolutions" means tne resolutions o� Authority which authorize the Bonds . F. "Bonds" �eans the revenue bonds neretoTore and herea��er issued by Autnority, whetner one or more issues, and tne intere'"� coupons appertaining thereto, in connection with the acq�:isitio construction, inprovement, betterment, and ext2r_sion oi tne Prow�rr ject, and any bonds issued Lo refund any Bonds . The outstanding Bonds hereto�ore issued are Lhe Autnority ' s Tarrant County P=o- ject Revenue Bonds, Series 1975 and Series 1979 . G_ "Contracting Parties " mear_s tne Cit�es of BedLord, Euless , Colleyville, Grapevine, and North Richla�� Hills . :�i. "Fiscal Year" means the �iscal year oi �utnority, which is Decem.i�er 1 througn Novamimoer 30 . I. "Operation and Maintenance Ex�ens2" means all costs of operation and maintenance of the Project including (�or greater certainty but without limiting the generality of the ror�going) repairs and repla�cements for wnicn no special =und is cr�atad in the Bond Resolutions, the cost os , raw water, util�`�es , supervision, engine�ring, accounting , auditing, legal serv�ces , and any other supplies , sersices , administra- tive costs, and ecruipment necessary _or oro�er operation and ma?ntenance o� �he Project, and payments made by Authority in satisiaction o= judg�ents resul�ing �rom clzims not covered by Au�.hority ' s insurance or not paid by a Contracting Par�.y or `�'"" Par�ies arising in connection wiLh tize ooera�ion and ma_nt�n- ance o� tRe Project. The �erm also inclu�es t�e c:-�arges or �.ne bank or ban.ks where the Bor_ds are payable. �� J. "Project" means all water supply facili�ies dzscribed in tt'�e Engineering Report. . - Section 2. QtiANTI'I'Y, QUALITY, POiNTS OF DELIVERY, ��SIIR- ING EQU��ME�IT, UNIT OF yIEASliRiN��NT ��ID DE�IVE�y pP.iSSliRE . -2- � A. QUP�vTITY . Futhori`y agr2es to s211 and to celiver �o Ci�y at �ne Deliverv Point or Points :�er�ir.af ter orovid�d , a�d City agre�s �o �urchase and tak� at such Delivery Point or Points tre��zd water r2Qulr�d by City during the period of tnis agr`�ment for its own use and �or distr�bution Lo the customers served by Ci�y ' s dis�ri�u�ion sys��m, to the extent and in t':e amount prescribed in Section S (g) of t:�is Contrac�.. Autnority will use its best e=forts to r�main in �osition to . . , . .. fur�ish. �aat�r: su�s�cient for the: r�asonable demands of Gity, .. ,�� � but i�s obliga�ions shall be limi t�d �o �he al-nount �of wa;er � aVailablz to i.t under . its raw water_ supoly. contract. w�L'n. Tarrant , County� Wa�er Control and Improv�ment Dis�rict NL:mber One, el�zc�- � � ` ive April �2� , _ 1979•, ( the, "Raw t�Tater� Contract" �_., . and by its � � � � � eommitments �o other` Cont�ac�ting Par�ties and Additional C�on�~ac�= ing Par-ties , and further by the provisions oi L'ne AuLho�ity ' s other water supply contract, ef�=ective July 27 , 1971 , with �he aioresaid District. B . QUALITY. The water to be delivered by Authority and received by City shall be potable treated water meeting appli- cable purity standards of the Texas Depar��nent of Health Re- sources . City nas satisfied itself that such caat�r will be suitable for its needs. C. POIi�1TS OF DELIVERY. The Point or Po�nts oi Deliverv into City' s distribution system shall be as designated in tne Engine�ring Report. D. MEaSURING EQliIPMENT. (a) Authority shall furnish, install, ope=ate, and maintain at its own expense the neces- sary metering equipment of standard type for measuring properly the quantity o� water delivered under this agreeraent . Such metering equipment shall be located on Authority ' s supply main at a location to be designated by Authori�y. Sucn meter or meters and other equipment so installed snall rzmain the property ��� of Authority. City shall have access to such main metering equipment at all reasonable times , but the readizg, calibration and adj.ustnent thereof shall be dor.e only by the employees or agents of Aui�nority. For the purpose of tnis agreement, the original record or reading of the main meter shall be the journal or otner record book of Authority in its office in whicn tne records of the employe�s or agents of Authority who take the �-2ading are or may be transcribed. Lpon written re- quest o� City, Au�hority will give Ci�y a copy of such journal or record book, or permit City to have access to tne sal-ne in the of�ice o= Aut.'�ority during reasonable busil^ess hours . (b) Not more than once in each calendar year, on a date � , as near the end of such calendar year as practical, Autnority shall calibrate its main meter or meters, if requested in writ- ing by City to do so, in the presence oi a r�przsentative of City, and the parties shall jointly observe any adjustments which are made to tne meter in case any adjusunents snall �e r.ecessary, and i� the cneck meter here�na_ter prov�ded ror nas � been installzd, the same shall also be calibrated by CiLy in the presence oT a representative of Auti±ority and L�e par�ies shall jointly observe any adjust.-nent in case any adjus�ment is necessary. If City shall in writing rzquest Aut�ori�y to cali- brate its meters and �uthority shall give City written noLice �"'�'"'� o� the ti�e �.�hen any such calibration is to be �ade and a repr2- sentative of Ci�y is not presznt at the ti�e se�., �L'L'tlOr1�y may proceed witn cali.bration and adjustment in tne absence - o� any repr2sen�ative of C�ty. (c) I� zith�r party at any time observes a variation be- tween a mzin delivery meter and �he c'r.eck meter, i� a�y sucn -3- I' , .. _ . . _ _ , , . _. . � . - . :" , . ch�c}c neter� sha_1 be i_.s`ai l�d, such oar�y wi�i p�omp�ly no�i=y �Ile ot�er �z�'"tV , and �'.^_2 Dc�Y'��25 'lE�2�O Sh3�� �;e?1 :.�ODCr3 i=.� L� procure dIl 1Tu'T12Q1d �� Cd�1�i 3=1071 t�SL dI1C'1 ]OiTl� 0�52L'VdL10I7 O� any acjust:nent and t�e �nain meter shall �..��en be adjus��d to accuracy. Eacn party shall give tne o��er �ar�y iorty-eignt �48� �'1011TS � � '10�1C� Oi �^�? �=i�i12 OL any �2St OL �2�?2' SO L�7dL ��2 ot:�er party may conveniently nave a r�oras`ntative present . (d) Ir, upon any t�st, tne percen`a5e of. i�ac�uracy oz meter�ng equi�ment is rounc to be in 2:YC2S� oz ���o.. peYcent ���� � r'�gi�s�ratzon LR�r�OL Si`7d1� �De COr'=�C'.�f� LOr d Der10C� � ' � � - - 1- - . ' ` � ex�.er.ciing back to �he �i�-ne �Nnen sucn ir_acc.�racy ,�ecan ,. ir . sucn . . • • � t1iLi2�'1S " aS�Ce1'�3�Z1db1E�' dI1(3�' 1L�� SLIC�T �iiile 1S` ilOi •�SC�r�dllld'Dlc'' � . then. for a _period. ex�ending back one-nal= (1/2). o� ��e L��e - ` . - eiapsed sinc� �ne.�. �.asz d?te oi ealibra�aor_; flut� in� no��ev2r_t -��� � �"�'�'�" �artner back �nan a period o� six ( 6) �onths . I; , =or any reason tne main neter is out of servic� or out of re air so , P that �he amount of water delivered cannot �e ascertair_ed or computed from the reading L�er�o=, the water deliveYed, tnrougn the period such meter is out oL service or out of repair, snall be estimated and agreed upon by the parties tnereto upon the basis of the best data available. For such purpose , the bes� data availabl2 shall be deemeci to be t`�e reQistra�ion oi anv check meter if the same nas been i:�stalled and is accura�ely regis�ering. Otherwise, t'�e best da`a availzble shall be ce�m- ed any o�her meLers in �he �ransmission lir_e or trzat:�,ent plznr which c�n be related to the main celiv�ry r�eter. I= no other meters in the svstem are operational whicn will allow det�r- mination of delivered quantity, tnen tne amount of water de- livered during such period mav be es�il-nated (i) by correcting the error ii the percen�agz of error is asc�rtaina�le by cal- ibration tests or mathematical calculation, or (ii) by esti- mating the quantity of delivery by deliveries durir_g the pre- ceding periods under similar conditions wnen Lhe meter was registering accurately. - �i (e) City may, at its option and i-cs own expense, install and operate a check meter to cneck ihe meter installed by �u- thority, but tne measurement oi wa�er for �:e purpose ci �his agre�ment shall be solely by the Authorz�y ' s �neter, except in tne caszs her�ir.above specific=lly �rovide� �o the contrary. Such cneck meter snall be oi standard �ake ar_d sha11 be subject at all reasonable times to inspection and exa�ination by any employe� or agent of t�.e �uthority, but tne r�ad;ng , calibra- tion and adjust�;ent thereoi sha'_1 be mad� or_ly by t'r_e Ci�y, exczot curing any period wnen a cneck �ne1er �ay be llS2C1 undeY the provisions nereof =or �neasu=ing the amount oT water deliv2r- ed, in which case the reading, cali�ration, and adjust�er.t thereof shall be nad� by Authority with like eziect as ir sucn check meter had been furnished or installed by Authority. E. �-NIT OF Mr.ASi.;t'2F.i`^�NT. The unit oi measuremer_r �or water delivered hereunder s��all be 1 , 000 ga�lons oi wat�r, ti.S . Standard Liquid Measure. F. DELSVERY PP,ESSURS. The Ctid�2T' sna�1 be celiver�d by Authority �t the point of celivery a� a �ressurz sur_ic�ent Lo transmit the water i�to �he Cit ' s distribu�ion svs��*n. Y _ '""a"� Section 4 . FISCAL PROVISIONS . A. riN�VCING. 3u��or- ity will pay ior the cost of �Y�ar_dir_g tn� PYojecT anc w; 11 issue it Bon ' y- � � r - � - r �- -� s as in amoun �.� �.ec�ssa_v �o �a � z . �� a�sicn o_ suc� _ � r ir. accordance wi�n the E� i:.eerinc R��or�. 5 B . tLN1�IIJc'�,L �QI.1 T�l�.iT�' . T t 1S zCiC?lOW!?Ci aC� dIiC� 3 =�2fi 5-- S t�±at paymen�s to be madz unc�r t.ziS COi7�r3C= �P_C simi��� con- tracts wi�h O=i'12?" Contractinc Partizs a:.d additiona� Ccn��act- lI1C, Parties T.J11� �e t.}`ie only SOLl?"C� dV���?�12 t0 �ll:.=10r?LV t0 -4- DrOV1G� t7� �n_^.L'dl �equ���menr� ?nQ -Zd� _^� _�ll��Or1�V �dS d � �- S�atlltory� duty • to- �stablish and =ro� ���ime �0 �1:I12 LO '_"2V?S2 �:12 ci:ar�25 iOr S2�ViC�S �O De r��ce�zd 'c.i1G� :i1ZC` ava_labl2 �O Cl�V nereunder �O �i'ldi. ��12 annual ReQL'1��?Tl�_^.L 5�'�ll dt dl� L�:i'.eS be :�ot less tnan an arioun� su�rici`nt �o pay or D?"'OV1Q� -0r ti�e payment of : (a) All Gperation and `�ainte*�anc� E:��ense; (b) the prir_cipal of and t�e in`er�st on tne Bonds , as sucn principal and ir.�2rest �ecome � . . . - du.e�, less�. in�.erest .to be pa�d out �oL 3ond.. - . . - �"°" proceeds as� pe?-�nit�.ed by ��'�e Bond Resolutions ; � � . . - • . . . (c)- .-during �e?ch Fiscal yea:Y, . .�.ne aro�ortionaz� . .- . �' - �� part � of any-� s�ecial or reserve �unCs requir= . : � � ' �_� � � " � � ed� to be �estab�lished arid/or mair_ta?ned by the �' �� � � provisions of the Bond Resolutions ; and (d) an amount in addition �hereto su��icien� to restore any de�iciency in any oz such zunds or accounts recruired to be accumulated and maintained by th'e provisions or the Bond Reso- lutions. C. �AY_�1ENTS BY CITY. (a) For services to be r�ndered to City by authority nereunder , City agrees to pay , az Lre �i�e and in the manner nereiZ providzd, its pro�ortiona�e share of the Annual �eqLire*�er_�, whicn shall be dete �� ir.ed �s follows and snall constitute City' s =�nual Payment: (i) ror the Fiscal Year 198� (the iirst year of opera- . tion or �raction thereof) , the Ci�.y ' s proportionate share of the Annual Requirerrient s�nall be a percent- age obtained by dividzng City ' s estimated annual treated water requirerne:�t by the Lotal estimated volume �o be tre3ted and used by alI Contracting Parties . The rollowing tabulation shall apply Lor the Fiscal Year 198T :. � Estimated Percentage 198T of Contracting Pdr�V Usage Total Euless 4 . 1 MGD a5� Bedford 2 . 5 �IGD 27� Colleyville 1 . 0 �?GD 11% Grapevine . 8 �IGD 9 0 North Richland �ii11s . 7S �!GD 8 0 Total 9 . 15 MGD 100% City ' s Annual Payment for the Fiscal Year 1981 shall be calculated by multiplying City ' s �ercentage from the above tabulation times tne Annual Requirement. City ' s Annual Paymenz snall be made to authority in �:aelve equal ���onthly ins�alll-�ents . In u'�e event �uthority is unable to oT-zr szrvice under �his contract to CiLy for t.he complete F�scal Ye3r o� 198� . the por- tion oi City ' s �1-!nual Pay�ent aLtributaDle to Ope=a�ion and '�ain�enanc� Ex�ense shall be racuced to tne Drorata portion oi t�e riscal Year for which servic� is nrovided. Such �ayments snall be �ade in accordance w��h and at �ne ti�es set _oTth in � a Schedule oT Payments ior 1981 Which will �e supplied to City . At the close oi tre 1g81 Fiscal Y�ar, 3uthority snall det�r,nine City ' s �ercentage by dividing Ci�y�' s acLual �et�r�d usage �y the total ac�ual -ietered usage or t�e Syst�m by all Con�.rac�.inc Parties. Ci�y ' s AdjLSLed A�nual Payner.t sna11 be czlculat�d by mulLiplying CiLy ' s rene�e�il-:ed �ercen�agz t�mes �ne 3nnual � -5- Reaui=��en� . `^:�e c�ir��?`2I1C2 u2L�.JE�P. LP� ^_G�JL'St.�G� 'aP_I'illdl �3v- .TI'`?7t 3r1^. t.;.-^_ ��''_P_Ld� ���men� � 1; �:1V� Wilc`':7 �2}2rP.i I`ACl� S�ld�i D2 zl�P'1�2'.1 zS d CZ'2G''1�' O�" d Cj2Jl� LO Ci�V � S account with all- thori�y and shall be cr�cited or debiLed �o Citv ' s nex� sub- sequent �on��ly staL`ment. , (ii) ror the Fiscal Year 1982 and e�cn succeeding =�.scal Year �:121"2d_L�r, City ' s propor�iona`� . � � snare o� �he annual ReqL:ir2ment shall be a per- - _ . . -.. . _� - c�ntage�:ob�ai�eC bY dividing Ci�y ' s estimated: �: ' �. � L?"�3L2C1 Wd��T r'�QL'1rz-�er.t =or SllC i �%cdi by Lrle � : . . . . - • . ���d�, 2S�.1IT1��2C� t�Z'nd�2� WclL-L'�r �2(7ll1r2ment OZ d�-�.� ' . . , - . . Contract�.�g Parties ror sucn year . Calculation . � � � _� oi . Annual� Paymerit: and Adj usted �nnual. Paymen� . ._, �_ _ . �"�"�'P`� � � �� " for 1982 and each. succeeding Fiscal Year �nere-. � after shall be determir_ed in �he �anner describ- ed in (i ) above. (b) I�, during any Fiscal Year, Authority begins provid- ing services to an Additional Contracting Party or Parties , City ' s Annual Payment for •such Fiscal Year shall be determined in the �ollowing manner : , (i) Sucn Additional Contracting Party or Parties es�i�nated �.reated wat�r re�uire�:er�L �or sucn year, or portion tnereo� , snall be de�er�r�ined by Authority; {ii) CiLy ' s proportior_a�e snare of the Annual Reauir`- ment shall be a percen�age, redetermined by di- viding City ' s estimated �Z"e3ted water requiremen� by the total annual est�mated �reated water re- quirement by all Contracting Parties , including that estimated for the Additional Contracting .� Party or Partizs for the remaining portion o= such Fiscal Year; � (iii) Au�hority shall rzdetermine tne �nnual Require- - ment , taking into cons�deratien any cos�s incurred on account of the Additionai Contractir_g Party or Pz�'t].?S ; (iv) Ci�y ' s Annual Pati-nent snall be rzdeLe_m�ned by nulti�lying City ' s redete �� ined oerc�ntage times �}'1� �eLi2�2n11i?eC� Anr_ual R2C�lllramc�•1`� (v) Followi�g the �irs� Fiscal Year or �art ther�o� oi service to an Additional Con�racting Party, City ' s Annual Payment shall be determined annually in the manner set �orth above, incorporating t�e Additional Contracting P�=L�7 in the calculations on the same basis. as all parties being served by the System. (c) City ' s �.nnual Pa�er_t shali also De recete?-**�ined, in t�e manr_er. set out above , at an_y time duri:.g ar.y Fiscal Year i� : � {i) �dditions , enla�ger,�ents, or i�provemen`s to the Project are conszructed by autnority �o provide continuing service which in turn T'�C1111�@S a re- �� ce��rnination o� �ne �nnual Requir�r,:er_t; or (ii) lir_usLal or extraordinary expe�d-Lur�s ior main- te�ance and operation a�e re�uired w'r_icn ara not proviced for in the Annual 3udget or in tne Bond Resolution. -6- . . �.�� ...J �.._ _ �..." __.._.._. _ __.�. - '-'- . -"7 - .. ,. _�_.....� .._ �.._�..., JCC�lOIl ZC � 1 �. 1J aQ����i I L�ld L � _:7 ?CG1�10i! =0 C 1 �V � S a:?1-:1:Z1. ?3�i:^�!7L � d�G dS ii:�:i:2'_" COi:S1..�=3�_CIl =0'r i�?r' �2=ViC� =0 �2 su�pl_zd ^�'_'�l1?7�2r � C1�V snali �dy �O �llLRO�� ��J d Sll'_"C:z-��j2 or : � fi) 3 :7 cents per_ 1�, 000 gallons of k�a.ter deli�zered �ta . � � Ci�y untii City has paid tc nu��-�cr��y $340 , 916 either under tnis clausz (, i) or �n CG�;� , wit:� suc:� �ay�nz.�s �einS necessary to �qual�ze �ne ca�i�al costs al��ady invol�ed in t�e Project , plus (ii) seven cents ( 7�) per 1 , 000 gallons or Wdt.2.r (3�11V2?"2C1 `O C1-V during �i1P �2?"iil Oi �i113 COIl�.r?C� � W1�;1 SllCIl Dd, ii �31�S C211'1C� nec�ssary .:2C?L:S2 Oi L:i� C=`3L2r COS� Oi raw Wc���r t0 De fllY'P_15ii2C� t0 i�'1� C1��7 ll7?G�2r �:1� c'�.ZW jJd`�Y' COi- �idCt; �rOV1.:2Q Ll�"1?� 1� �n2 Wat2r r3��S �r� lI7C'_"�?S2C� Oz' de- . cr2ased under� t�e Raw Wa�er Contract in 1980 or '�ollcwing any . � f ive year per�iod tnereai tsr; �s: �rovided and'� �er�ni��.zd i:i: =:�e�� � :,s�, , - Raw Gva��r Cor�z�act, � tne surchar�2 ur_d2r tilis C�dL'S2 � ii)_ . sna.11 . . . . be adjusted up _or� down. ir• propor�io_n� �o a��y.- such: inc��as� •or �.e- � • crease . It iS `11��._^_2?" 3Cr��G� �'Ildt, li� lI1 �:12 _L'tllr�� , L:'12 �ll��0'_"- �"`� • � � ity. snould ex�cute a: contract wit;n. .any,...�:�dditional. Cont._act�r.g : � � � - � � Party, �s�uch con�ract wi11� contaih provisions siriilar to tl'ie �ro-� . visions of ti�is subsection (d) except that the surcnarge and� total amoun� szt iorth un�er clausz (i) , above , shall be �i�zd in a zair and equitable manner, as deternined by �ne Authority , to reflec` such. party ' s partici�ation in the Project , witn the result that the amounts payable by t:�e otner cities to which a surcnarge applies will be proportionately �-eadjus�ed. P_11 pay- ments due from Lhe City under this subsec�ior_ (d) shall be bill�d separatel_y irom �ach Anr_ual Payment , but snall be paid each �cnLn at the san� �ime tne. otner monthly �aymer_�s a�e due . All pay��n�s under tnis subsection (d) sha11 be apol�ed to �he pavmer.t oz �..�at part of each Ann�al peauir�r�ent which ot:�e�aise -,�ould be paid by the Cities oi Bediord and �uless , and shall =educe , to sucn ex- tent, the annual aggregate amount o� each annual Payment �o be made by t�ne Cities oi Bedford ar.d Euless . (e) On or besorz November 1 0= each year , Autnority shall furnish City. with a schedule oi the monthly oayments to be mad� by such City to the Authority �or the ensuing riscal Year. City hereby agrees that it will make sucn payraents to tne Authority on or before the lOth day of eac� month or such Fiscal Year. �. If the City at any time disputes �he amount to be paid by it to Authority, City shall nevertheless promptly make the payment or payments determined by Au:hority, and, if it is subsecuently determined by agreement, arbitration or court decision that such disputed payments made by Ci�y sho�ld 'nave be�n less, or more , Authori�y snall promptly revise and rzalloca�e the charges a*�ong all Ddr'�12S then beir_g szrved by au�hori�y in sucn �nanner that C1��7 W111 recover 1�S overpay:�ent Or' �llLi":0�1L�7 T.J111 r�cover L�12 �r►ount due i�.. ' (f) If CiLy ' s Ar.l^ual Paynent is re�eter:nined as is :.erzin provided, Authori�.y will promptly =u�nish City wi�h an updatzd schedule oi monthly payments reilec�ing such redetermination. Section 5 . SPECIAL PROVISIONS . (a) Au�hority will pro- ceed to iinanc� and ex�and tne Project to the znd tha� i� will be able to daliver trea�ed water to City beginning on �une l, 1981. {b) Title to all water su�plied �'?2'_"2l_�?C�`r s�all r�raair� in �uthority t�rough tne Poin�. (s) o� Delivery, a*�d upon �assing � t�rough �:�e Poin� (s) oi De�ivery, sucn �i�.le to �ine wa�er snall �ass �o City. Each oi �he part-es h�re�.o agre�s �o savz and nold the other aarty 'P.d?"i�l�`ss �rom all clz�ms , c�7nancs, ar.d i�,,,,,� causes o= action whicn may be ass2r�zd Dy anyone on accou�� o� the transpor�ation and delitiery oi szid water whiie �.i�le r�- mains in sucn party. (c) It is expressly uncers�.00d an� aQreec `nat any obli- gations or_ the part os Au�.nority to comple�e `...he zxpansion o� �he Proj ect and �.o provide watzr to Ci�y shall be cor_�i tior.ec upon �^2 allt}'102'1tV � S �b1�1�.�7 �O ODt31I7 dll nec�ssary i11z��r1 '�i r la�or, and eq�ipment and uaon �.ne abili�y oi r�L'LIlO?"1ty �o =i- nznce t:�e cost oz sucn e�aansion tnrough the actual sale o= �uthori�y' s Bonds. -7- (d) Authority shall never have the right to d�mand pay- � ment by City of any obli�ations assumed by it or imposed on it under and by virtue of this Contract from funds raised or to � , be raised b taxes levied b Ci � . Cit s obli ati Y Y ons und Y Y g er t�is Cor_tract sna�l ^ever be co^s�rued �o be a de = r' bt o_ .. _�e Citv o� such ki�d as Lo r�cuire � = u� -� i - �%, ' � --L � � _ �. :�c�.r t:e _aw o� �__�s S ���� �o l�L ar_d collec'- �� '- d� L � _ y � a �x �o _scnarce �uch obli a - 5 �ion , i � ce ing ex�r�ssly unders�ood by ��` �ar`ias R�?'2t0 �na� a1 1 aa - _ v ;nenLs Cue by Ci`y ^er�un�er ar� to be made =rom wz�er and sewer ravenues rec?ived by Ci�y . , � (`) City repr`szn�s a�d covenants ��at all pay:�ents to � - . � � - - be nade 'nereur.�er b.y it shall consti}ut� "Operating E:�penses " � . Oi 1LS Wd��?''r10iiCS dIl� 52�Ner' SVS�.�I11 ZS Qer'_i eC1 1!7 -'�i?"t1C1 � 1113 � • .� . � � . �� � o%. .tne: Revised�� Civi:�1` SLatut�s of Texas ,� -as a��ended ; � and �tnat��" all such pay�ents will cons�itu�� ope-ra�ing �x�enses oi City ' s � - �. . . waterworks and sew2z: .svst`ir... ... . . . . � _ . . . _ . �. . `,,�' (f) City acr��s to fix and collec�. sucn rates and charges for water and sewer services to be supoli�d by i�s waterwor'{s and sewer system as will produce r2venues in an amount suf�i- cient to make all payments due under this Contract and to com- p1y with provisions of all ordinar_ces authorizinc its revenue bonds now or hereafter out�standing . (g) I� is agr?ed and unders`ood �hat `nz Authority w� ll Su�C.1V � �rid C1ty 15 obliga�2G� t0 �d:{e di`?Cl shall tdk2 , dn?�!udlly under ��1?S -COIl�Z'3C�� an diIlOLZ1L OL �.JZ�2r 2Clldi LO tne dII10llIlt Oi all wa�er actually required �o szrve a11 0� the City ' � water customers in the area of the City describec as Tollows : All area within the city limits of the City of Grapevine (1) south of the St. Louis-Southwestern Railroad (except that area within the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport) and (2) west of a north-south extension of Park Boulevard be�ween Grapevine Reservoir and State Highway 121. �owever, it is understood �nat in order �or tre City to supply � water to all of its water customzrs throuS;�ou� the City, and in certain instances to meet tne limiting ratio oi maximum day ' s use to average annual �se stipulated in tne h2retorore � described Raw Water Contract between author�ty and Tarrant County Wa�.er Control and Improvement District Vu�-nDer One (Lhe "District" ) , the City will utilize other sources of water supply available to it for such purposes . �:lso, at such times as oeak demands on the City ' s water may �xceed �ne capabilitizs oz �n2 Authority � S idC111t125 t0 d21.LV�r �ieated Wa`�r', Or 3� SllC�'1 � times as the ALthority ' s racilities may be Lotally or partially out oi szrvice , the City shall ut�lize such ot:�er sources oi water supply . (h) AuthoriLy shall not be liable to CiLy ior any damages occasioned by the inability of Authority to supply all water required by City if such inability is caused by the inability o� District to deliver all water recuired by �uthority to m�et i�s contractual obligations . (i) In the even� �ut�ority is sued or is placed on no�ice oi demand for payment o= a c1a__n or cla�ms not cover�d by au- �nori_y ' s i�:surance or claims zo� oaid by a Contractir.g Pa=ty Or' Pd?"t'_�s zrls=ng 1P_ connecLi0I1 �11�P �.fiE' ODe�'3�10I1 3,':� i[1d1I1- �► tenanc� o� �he Proj �ct, tnen in any oi said zvents , �ut�-�ority shall =orthwi L�1 IlOt1iV C1��/ 111 W2'1 L1i7('j. �5 �O L:?2 :7dtll�2 rJL �i:2 claim or litigat_on wnich could resu�� in an incr�asz i� opera-�:.:� tion and maint�nanc� expense . Ci�y shall have t�n (10) days Trom �"aC�1D� Of �llC�': WY'ltten ilOtlilCd�.1Gi7 ?*1 ',�It1'Ci'1 �O dG�J1.S2 Zlld COIilIi1221t �O �ll��lOr'.�17 COI1C2r'?1ng dIl�% C�Z_I1� Sli1� OY' t�2 i?�,'1C Tor paynent and auti:or=ry �hali duly consicer Ci�_v ' s aCvice and comments in any rinal cisposition or saic claim or ��enand :or pay;aent. Section 5 . r ORCE M�JEU� . (a) Ii by =�ason oi io=c� majeur� either ;arty i�ereto snall be rencered unaDlz wPollv or in parL �o carrv out its oblications un�zr �.':i� Contract, other than t�e obligation or City to make the �ayne^`s requir�d under (b) or this section, then if such party shall give notic� and -� - �u11 �articulars O` SllCn �OrCA �d]2L'.r� 1� wr1�1�� �O �h� 0-_^.�r �zr�jl ��nl'thin a reasonabl� L1i?lA d.i��r' OCCll�Z'2nce Oi L'_':2 2V�:?� or cause reli�d on, the ob�ication oi �'�` �artv givir.g such not�.ce, so �ar as i� is a`�ect�d by such =orce� majeLre , s�.all �e suspended during L re continuar.ce o= �ne � :�abil�ty �.Zen cla�med, but ior no longer period, and anv sucn �arty sna11 enceavor to ramove or overcome such i�abili�y w�tn all reason- able dispatch. ^_'he �er:n "Force Majeure" as e�aioved �erein s:-�all nean . acts oL God, ��rik`s , lockouts , or otner indus�ial dis�urbances , acts os public eneny,. o_r�ers .of zny k� nd o� t^e .. , . � • � � G�ver�ir,en�. o` �.:.e lini'��� j�d�?S .Or t:ln J�3�� Oi `�'�YdS � Or 3'1V . C1V11 O� _[t11i i_.3?"V ?L�l'lOZ"i�.yT'� =1'15llr��C`ion, r�O i=.S � c�D1Cc�'_CS �. . . �- lancsllC�?S� 11G�7�_?_-'1C3�- �d�i..i;Gll���C2 � � r1?'`S � '1Lr�1Cd712S � S�.O��S � . . •. • . LIOOC�S � WdSP011Li.S � G�011L}15 ;. ar��S�.S � '. L"�S���_=1L O� c30V2YP_Il2Ilt. : . . . . . anc� people,:�.c.ivil�� disturbances , explosions , breakage or acci-� � �. - " dents �to macninery; pipelines or canals , �artial or entirz � railure of water supply, and inability on part o` Au�nori�y to �eliver water 'r:ereunder ror any r�ason, or �he CiLy to =eceivz water hereunder �or any reason, or on account o= any other causes not reasonably within the control o� the �ar�y clai:�- ing such inability. (b) P.ecognizing that the �utnority will use pay-�ner_ts i�C21J2C� by Ci�y and others �.o pay, secure , and �inance the i�suance of the Bor_ds , it is here�y agr�ed tha� upor_ �ne issu- ance and sale oi any Bonds by the Authori�y to provide Lu_.ds �or �he Proj ect, Ci�.y shall be ur_condit�onall_v OD11c���@�1 to �ay its proport�onate sharz of the debt service on such Bor_cs , regard?ess of whether or not tne Authority is aczually deliver- ing waLer �o City hereunder, or whether or not Ci�.y actually takes water hereunder, whether due to Force Majeure or other- wise. Under such circumstances , the amount due to Authority from City shall be a percentage of tne Cebt service on the Boncs ior �he period oi any such failure of service hereunder. �uch percentage shall be the last percentage us2d by Authority in � determining City ' s �nnual Payraent prior to any such �ailure of �' service, and, in the event service is not begur. hereunder, such percentage shall be tnat specif�ed in tne table in Section aC (a) (i) hereof. This cover_ant by Ci�y shall be `or the benetit oi the nolc�ers o� the Bonds . � Section 1 . LIMITATION OF AliTHORITY OBLIGA^�ON . This con- �ract is in a?1 things subj ect to the P.aw tiva�.�r Con �r_act ar±d ��?e Ot::�?' Wd��Y' SllDDl�7 contract, �i_�C�.1V2 July 27 � 1971.� }J2- tweeT� E�L�Il<�ri`�� dT?Cl Tarrant C^lll�y 'aat�r C�.71�?'Ol d21� Tii1�rOV�- iil2llt �15Li 1CL NLnber One . �V L}1� �X2Cli�iCI1 �i �"?1S COIl��3Ct.� City acknowledges that it nas received and reviewed t�ue co:;ies oi sLch contracts . City agrees ti�at it will �ake no action+ which would cause a violation of Authority ' s contract with � said Di�tr�ct. In the event tnat the amount of water avail- able to Authority under its contracts wi�h said District is in- sul�icien� to SLDpl�7 all requiremer.ts o� Ci�y, City may util�ze water `rom otner sources to ful`ill its ne�cs in ar.oun�.s which �uthori�y is u�able to supply . Sectyon 8 . T�RM OF CONTRACT; '�IODIr TC�^IOti; �1CT�CLS . a. TERM OF CONTRACT. This Cor�`ract snall be e�=ective upon execution hereo� azc shall continue in :o=c� an� e�=ect � �or a per�od oi ��ir�.y-five {35) years =ron t`�e dat� or t�is Cont=act and thzr�a=ter sha'1 continue in eT=�ct unt�l all 3onds and 1'�:llriG�ir.g bo:�ds issued in 1i�u o� ��e Bonds �ave been �aid. B. �ODIFIG�TION. No change or modi�icat�on oT this Con- � trac� shall be nade which will ai�ect adversely �he �ronpt nay- �ent when due o= all �oneys recui�zd to be paid by City u�der -9- �.i.E? ��?":T:S OL L_'?1S COi?Tr3C� d7'.0 ii0 jllC}1 Cr3iZC2 jiZZl,�. D` �r:�C�_V� T.JI71C11 Fi011l�. CdllSC� d 'J101dLi0?7 0- 3IIy DLOV1Si0IIS OS hcly '_"�SO�ll- �ion of �utnori`y� au�:no_iz�r_g ��e �ssuar_ce oi Bonds or any bonds issued to =��ur_d zny o� `he 3o:lds . , C. NOTIC�'S . �11 no�ices o�- communica�,ions provided Lor he�ein snall be in writing ar_d s��a11 be ei��er delivered to. Ci�v or Au�hority, or, ir mailed, shall be s2nt by � registered . � . Zid?� �' t70S i 3CC UZ'�paie� d�C1r2SS2Q� �Q C1�y or Au�norit�' dL t1121i'� ' - . . respective addr�sses . �� - - � � L7. SL,�/r.�t3!T,1'''_'Y . 1112 DdrL12S �2.r��O 3C'j r�o t.'17d� ?� any � ,�,,. o� �tile provi�sior.s oi . �his Con�zact snoul3_ be :or be, held ..to be: .� � . � invalid or t�o contravene the laws of this S�ate, or the linited States , such fact shall not invalidat� tne whole acr�ement� DllL it sha11 be corstrued as �hough not cor.tair.ing �nat par�icular provision, and �he rights and obliga�ions of �':e parties snall be cons�rued and remain in force accordincly. E. CONTINUED SERVICE�. The parties hereto agre� �hat upon th� expiration oi tniS COIIL?"ac� that Citv shall have tre rig�-�t to continue� sersice for an additional period o� �ifty (�0) years , or ror such other Lime as may be agre�c, upon ex- ecLtion o= an �TJD1'ODZ'�d�2 agr�emen� betwe�r. City and �illLl'?OZ'1L�7 . IV WI^NESS TririE�OF, the parties hereLo acting under au- thority of L�-:eir respective governing bod;es have caused tnis Contrac�. �o be 3ulv executed ir_ several counterparts , eacn of which shall co�stitute an original , all as of the day and year �irst above wri�ten. TRINITY RIVER AGT:iORITY OF TEXAS � . �Y � General Mar.ager ATTEST:� Secre�ary (AL;THORITY Sr.AL) � CTTY OF GRAPEVI23'c', T��AS BY Mayor A1^TEST: Citv Secretar�� """*' (CITY SL�I,) �� -10-