HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-21 Regular Meeting s � ; CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 21 , 1974, AT 7 :30 P .M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 413 MAIN STREET ? } � � I . CALL TO ORDER � II . INVOCATION [to be given by Councilman MUrphy) � III . CITIZENS REQUESTS AND/OR MISC . REPORTS 6 DISCUSSIONS IV. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES [April 23, May 7th and 14th) ; V . OLD BUSINESS A . Consideration of a zoning change and site location [Z-74-6] from "R-3" to "SP" Speci�ic Use Permit District �or a nursing home on a one acre tract o� � land in the Thomas Mahan Survey , Abstract 1 �50. The applicant is Mr. Aubrey Smith. The Planning 6 Zoning Commission has approved the zoning change and site location. B. Consideration of replat of Lot 18, Blk. 5, Section ; 1 , Grapevine Lake Estates Addition. This replat E reestablishes front and side yard building lines to conform with the City Building Code. The Planning 6 Zoning Commission has approved the replat. 5 4 C. Review bids taken on sewer connections. D. Consideration of salary and �ringe benefit adjust- ments �or city employees due to rising cost o� living. VI . NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of the Council to authorize the City Staf� to investigate possible methods o� obtaining Workmen's Compensetion. The City must stert this program by July 1 , 1974, under Senate Bill 283 as passed by the 1973 Texas Legislature. B. Consideration o� approval to participate in the Multi-City Microdisc Record System under the Texas Criminal Justice Grant. C. Consideration of Council to authorize spending of revenue sharing money to purchase the John Vilbig land, a 2. 76 acre tract adjacent to the sewer treat- ment plant. D. Consideration of the proposed expenditure o� F�evenue Sharing money for the year 1974-75 of $62, 346. 00. i' � E. Consideration o� Council to appoint Mayor Pro-Tem ; and : ' Electrical Board - 3 members Library Board - 2 members Park � Recreation Board - 2 members ! Planning 6 Zoning Commission - 3 members Board o� Adjustments - 2 members Civil De�ense Director F. Consideration o� the City Council to approve the � City of Grapevine and the Woodine Development Corp . ' to enter into an agreement with Leon Howard, to sub- mit an application t❑ the Corp o� Engineers to lease 700+ acres o� land below the Grapevine Dam �or a gol� caurse. i IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 6252-17, V .A . T.C. S . , AS AMMENOED BY CHAPTER 227, ACTS OF THE 61ST LEGISLATURE, REGULAR SESSION, 1968, THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA WAS PREPARED AND POSTED ON THIS THE 17TH DAY OF MAY , 1974, AT 4: 15 P ,M. � CITY SECRETARY � STATE OF TEXAS � COUNTY OF TARRANT O CITY OF GRAPEVINE � The City Council of the City of Grapevine , Texas , convened in regular meeting at 7:35 p . m. , on this the 21st day o� May, 1974, with the following members present, to-wit: William D. Tate Mayor Doil Dalton Councilman P1 . #1 -� Tommy Eidson Councilman P1 #2 C. D. Pittard Councilman Pl. #3 ' .- • Bob Murphy Councilman P1. #4 Thelma Conine Councilwoman P1. #5 Millard Dilg Councilman Pl. #6 constituting a quorum , and ' Floy Ezell City Manager ' Jim Hancock Assistant City Manager Kenneth Pritt City Secretary John Boyle City Attorney Mayor Tate called �the meeting to order. , The invocation was given by Councilman Dalton. The Mayor called for correction to the 'minutes o� April 23, May 7th and 14th. Councilman Dilg mede a motion to make a correctioh in the May 7th minutes, in the last page of the minutes , 7th paragraph, last line, as wrote : "felt that those of Mr. Hunt could be improved on. " Changing the sen- tence �rom Mr. Hunt to Mr. Howard. Councilman Eidson seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the fol- lowing vo te : Ayes : Tate, Di1g,Murphy , Datlon , Conine , Eidson, Pittard � Noes : None ' While the council read the remainder o� the minutes , the City Manager introduced the department heads. Councilman Dilg moved for the dispensa�ion of the reading of the minutes and that they be approved as corrected. Councilman Murphy seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the_ following vote : Ayes : Tate , Dalton, Murphy , �ilg, Eidson , Conine , Pittard Noes : None The next order of business was the consideration of a zoning change and site location [Z-74-6) �rom "R-3" to "SP" Specific Use Permit District �or a nursing home on a one acr.e tract of land in the Thomas Mahan Survey , Abstr__act 1 �50. The applicant was Mr. Aubrey Smith. The Assistant City Manager gave a brief history of the application. The City Secretary read the cap- tion of the proposed ordinance [74-14] . The Planning and Zoning Commission had approved the application and site location on May 7, 1974, Councilman Pittard recommerlded that the application be considered on an emergency basis because of the number of times it had appeared be�ore the Council ; it was then put in the �orm of a motion by Councilman Pittard and seconded by Councilwoman Conine. The motion prevailed by the �ollowing vote : i Ayes : Tate, �ilg, Dalton, Conine , Murphy , Pittard, Eidson Noes : None ! ORDINANCE N0 . 74-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0 . 70-1 �, A ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GRaPEVINE , TEXAS, GRANTIiNG A ZONING CHANGE ON A TRACT OF LAND IN THE THOMAS MAHAN SURVEY , ABSTRACT N0 . 1050, IN THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS, AND MORE FULLY DESCRIBED F16FiEIN; AND ORDERING A CHANGE IN THE USE OF SAID PROPERTY FROM "R-1 " TO "SP" SPECIFIC USE PERMIT DISTRICT - NURSING HOME; CORFiECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ; PRESERVING ALL OTHER POFITIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUBJECT TRACT SHALL BE IN CONJUNCTION " WITH THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ZDNED BY ORDINANCE N0 . 73-44, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TWO TRACTS SHALL NOT BE '��EVERA�LE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MORALS AND GE�IERAL WELFARE DEMAND A ZONING CHANGE AND AMENDMENT HEREIN MADE; AND PROVID'ING A PENALTY ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . The next order o� business was the consideration o� replat of Lot 18 , Blk. 5, Sec tion 1 , Grapevine Lake Estates Addition. This replat was to reestablish front and side yerd building lines to conform with the City Building Code. The Assistant City Manager gave a brief history of the replat and explained that there were no dimensional changes on the lots. He �Urther stated that Mr. Wirtdsor , Building Inspector , had approved the replat. Councilman Dalton moved to accept the replet of Lot 18 , Blk, 5 , Section 1 , o� Grapevine Lake Estates. Counc�ilman Pittard seconded the motion and the motion prevail�cl by the following vote : Ayes : Tate , Dilg , Dalton , Conine , Eidson , Pittard, Murphy Noes : None The next order o� business was to review bids taken on sewer connections. The City Manager introduced a letter �rom the consulting engineers , Freese � Nichols , recommending that the � City accept the bid of Cowart Constriction Company because of the time factor involved. Four bids were presented: Birl V. Davis Inc. , Cowart Construction Co . , Texsun Construction Co . , and Feazell Construction Co . The City Manager explained that there was a great time element involved in this project and that time was one of the main areas o� consideration. It was stated that the work would be done on an unit-price basis. The City Manager assured the Council that the consulting engineer did stress the time element to the bidders. He also stated that Cowart would start immediately on the project. ' It was stated that the bid was based on 290 sewer connections, and the connections were to existing dwellings only and not to vacant lots. This was the cause o� some discussion by the Council because they felt that in some cases, the connections should be made to the vacant lots also , in order to save road repair work at a later date. It was estim��bed that tl�ere 40 vacant lots in the area discussed. It was also estimated that edditional vacant lots could be added at an additional cost o� $150. 00 per lo t. Councilman Eidson mede a motion to accept the recommendation o� the consulting engineers by awarding the con- tract to Cowart Construction Co. in the amount o� $44, 152. 50, and that the City Manager be instructed to study the additions that should have additional taps supplied to vacant lots ; and " that they be added to those lots as the work progresses. ,., Councilman Dilg seconded the motion ahd the motion prevailed by the �ollowing vote : Ayes : Tate, Dilg, Dalton, Conine , Eidson, Murphy, Pittard Naes : None � Councilman Eidse,n requested that an update on the progress of the project be given at each Council meeting. ; � , t � � a May 21 , 1974 Attention : Mr. Floy Ezell , City Manager Re: CUStomer Service Lines ; ' Northwest and Northeast Sewer Systems t � Gentlemen : 3 9 Bids were received and opened at 2 :00 P . M. May 17, 1974 �or � the constructian of suctomer sewer service lines �rom sewer meins to property lines in the Nothwest and Northeast areas. , Four bids were received and opened with results as shown on the enclosed tabulation of bids. � � You will note that the low bidder Birl V. Davis did not enter the unit prices as called for in the proposal and his com- a pletion time was indicated as being 150 calendar days. It is 7 important that the unit prices be used so that the quantity could be increased, or decreased, as constructibn progresses and we believe the City desir�es to have the work done at an early date. , You will note that the second, from low , bidder was Cowart Construction Co . of Hurst, Texas. His proposal in the amount ; � o� $44, 152. 50 is $4, 279. 50 above the lowest bid. Cowart pro- x posed construction time at 90 calendar days. � We have studied the bids and the low bidder quali�ications and s are hereby o��ering our recommendations. We recommend award of contract to Cowart Construction Co . , of Hurst, in the amount o� $44, 152. 50 because his bid was in correct form and his con- struction time apperas to better �i� the needs of the City. Cowart ConstrUCtion Co . is owned by E. J . Cowart who formerly was construction superintendent �or the Municipal Service Company at Euless. We are on the opinion Cowart has the ability to satisfactorily construct the proposed service lines and he advises us that he can start work at an early date. Mr. Cowart epparently acts as his own superintendent. We are ready to proceed as per your desires and actions. /s/ James C. Sells , P . E . The next order of business was the consideration of salary and f ringe benefit adjustments for city employees due to rising cost of living. The City Controller gave an introduction and presentation to the Council o� in�ormation that was requested by Councilman Eidson at the Council meeting of May 14, 1974. The City Controller presented the sources o� revenue and status of our �inencial standing through the current reporting period pf April 30, 1974. He presented detailed in�ormation of the revenUe and expenditures o� the City. He �urther stated that theCity had not received the Franchise Tax from Lone Star Gas which is approximately $70, 000. 00 and it was stated that a meeting would be held on May 22 at 10: 00 with Lone Star Gas to discuss the franchise tax. He further stated the City is projecting an over-budget figure o� over $230, 000. 00. The question was presented to the City Controller as to what it ' would cost the City to give a 7% increase to certain personnel such as : all persons excluding department heads, City Manager, Assistant City Manager , City Secretary , City Controller , and Assistant Chief of Police. The department heads included: z Parks 6 Recreation , Tax Assessor , Building Inspector, Police Chief , Fire Chie� , and Water Superintendent. $159, 309. 80 was the figure given that would represent the salary For the five month period remaining in the �iscal year. The 7% increase would be an additional cost of $11 , 157. 92. 00. Councilman < � 4. Ei�son stated that he felt that he was �or the 7% increase due to the cost o� living but that certain classifications are jobs of inerit. He wanted to Pxclude these positions �rom the cost of living provision only and make an immediate stUdy of each of these positions. He Purther stated that another study should be made o� each individual clasification with some possible up- grading to be done. It was suggested that the study o� the excluded positions be made with the results to come be�ore the Councii on the 4th o� June. He �urther stated that he f elt that a committee should look into the salary , classifications , and fringe bene�its of the City employees. Councilman Pittard stated ;� that he felt that the cost of living percentage shoUld be 10% instead o� 7%. Councilman Eidsoh made a motion to grant the 7% cost of living increase to all personnel excluding the City Manager , Assistant City Manager , City Secretary , City Controller, Po�ice Chief, Assistant Police Chief , Tax Assessor, Building Inspector , Fire Chi�� , Water Superintendent, and Park � Recre- ation Director; to be granted netro-active to the �irst day of May , 1974. Councilman Dilg seconded the motion and the vote prevailed by the following �ote : Ayes : Tate, Dilg , Dalton, Conine, Murphy , Eidson Noes : Pittard Councilman Pittard stated that he voted nay because of the percentage used in the salary increase. The Mayor appointed a three person committee made up o� Councilwoman Conine, Councilman Eidson , and Councilman Eidson , to work with the City Staf�. At this time , the Mayor declared a ten minute recess. The meeting reconvened with Mayor Tate presenting the next order of business which was the consideration of the Council to autl-iorize tf-ie City Staff to investigate possible metl-iods of obtaining Workmen's Compensation. The City must start this program by July 1 , 1974, under Senate Bill 283 as passed by the 1973 Texas Legislature. The City Manager introduced the sub- � j�ct and the possibilities of obtaining it through Texas Employ- ers of the Texas Municipal League or a local insurance firm. He also stated that the liability and automobile insurance pol- icies were void after the June 21 , 1974. Mayor Tate instructed the City Secretary to put the listing of bids �or the insurance on the emergency agenda �or May 23, 1974. Councilman Dilg moved to authorize the City Staff to investigate methods of abtaining Workmen's Compensation. Councilman Dalton seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the following vote: Ayes : Tate , Dilg , Dalton , Murphy , Conine, Pittard, Eidson Noes : None The next order of business was the consideration of approval to participate in the Multi-City Microdisc Fiecord System under the Texas Criminal Justice Grant. The City Manager introduced the Microdisc Sustem to the Council . He stated that the Texas Crimiinal Justice Grant would pay for 75% of the initial cost and that they hope to get the State to participate in the program by �inancing 10% o� the remaining 25%, making a total of 85% in grant. He stated our Pirst initial cost would be approximately $3, 500. 00 ' and that there is a maintenance cost of $1 , 400 to $1 , 500 per year. He �urther stated that the center of operations would be in Euless and that all o� the cities would have available to them the police records of all the other participating cities. It was stated that the total initial cost of the system would be $163, 000. He fur- ther stated that only a letter o� intent was needed at this time to show our interest in the program. Police Chie� Lilly stated that the system could include storage o� other bypes o� records as well as police records. He stated that Oallas and Fort Worth were no t part of the system at this time. The cities included in this system are : Hurst, Euless , Grapevine, Haltom City , North Richland Hills, Bedford, and Colleyville. No other cities in Texas presently have this system. It was stated that the Nor-th Texas Council o� Government was involved in the program. There � � f � f' was no idea how many people would be needed to run this project. ' Councilman Dalton moved to write a letter of intent to show the � City' s interest in the program. Councilman Pittard seconded the motion ahd the motion prevailed by the following vote : Ayes : Tate, Dilg, Dalton , Eidson, Conine, Murphy , Pittard Noes: None The next order o� business was the consideration of the Council T to authorize the spending of revenue sharing money to purchase x the �ohn Vilbig land, a 2. 96 acre tract adjacent to the sewer treatment plant and the consideration oF the proposed expendi- tures of Revenue Sharing money �or the year 1974-75 of $62,346. The City Manager stated that the City lacks about $10, 000 in ,: the 1J73-74 Revenue Sharing money to purchase the 2. 96 acre tract. He further stated that the City has already received the �irst a quarter o� the 1974-75 Revenue Sharing money is $62, 346. The City has to make out a report stating what the City plans to do with this money. It was suggested that the City use $19, 000 of this 1J73-74 money to help purchase the Vilbig land. He f urther stated that he felt that $15, 000 of the 1974=75 money should be used �or Public Sa�ety which would include the building of a dog pound. $10, 000 could be set aside �or the purchase o� � additional land, $17, 346 �or sewer lines , 15, 000 set aside for maintenance shop , and $5, 000 for a personnel study which would include salary scale and job classi�ications. It was stated � that there is a grant that will pay Z/3 of the cost on this personnel study. Councilman Eidson made a mo tion that the Council authorize the spending o� $19, 000 out o� the 1973-74 Revenue Sharing money and $10, 000 or the remainder required from the 1974-75 money to purchase the John Vilbig land of 2. 96 acres. Councilroan Pittard seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the following vote : Ayes : Tate, Dilg, Dalton, Pittard, Conine , Eidson , Murphy Noes : None The Mayor then asked for further discussion on the proposed expenditure. It was explained by the City Manager that $15, 000 0� the 1974-75 Revenue Sharing money would be set aside to move the maintenance building. Mayor Tate suggested that this �:� item be considered in more depth to see if the building should � be moved or a new building should be erected. The City Manager explained that any or all of these allocations o� money for the Revenue Sharing can be changed, but that the Ci-ty is restricted ;� as to what areas the money can be used. Mayor Tate then made a recommendation that we allocate this $15 , 000 in another area, possibly in the sewer area , changing that total �rom $17, 000 to $32 , 000. The City Controller informed the Council that the in�ormation must be submitted to the Treasury Department by the 24th day o� June, 1974. Councilman Murphy made a motion to originate a letter to the Treasury Department stipulating our expenditure o� the Revenue Sharing money �or 1974-75 as �ollows : i $5, 000 for a personnel study , $15, 000 for Public Sa�ety , and $32, 346 for the sewer lines. Councilman Eidson seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the �ollowing vote : Ayes : Tate, Dilg, Dalton, Conine, Eidson, Murphy , Pittard Noes : None The next order o� business was consideration of the City Council to approve the City o� Grapevine and the Woodbind Devolopmetit Corporation to enter into an agreement with Leon Howard, to submit an application to the Corp of Engineers to lease 700+ acres o� land below the Grapevine Dam �or a gol� course. The , City Manager stated that the Woodbind Corp . are to �urnish ` the f unds �or the gol� course but they need the approval of the �- City to employ Mr. Leon Howard to make preliminary sketches of the area and making the application for the lease o� tf�e land bolow the dam from the Corp oF Engineers. Councilman Eidson made a motion to approve the appointment o� Leon Howard to submit an application to the Corp o�' Engineers �or the lease of 700+ acres o�' land located below the Grapevine Dam. Councilman Pittard ' seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the following vote : 4 Ayes : Tate , Dilg, Dalton, Conine, Eidson, Murphy , Pittard Noes : None 3 The Mayor informed the Council that the Corp of Engineers have approved a lease for 62 acres o� land on a 50-50 cost sharing besis. This land is bounded by Dove Loop on the West. The next item of business was the consideration of the Council to appoint Mayor Pro-Tem and other vari�d Boards and Committies. Councilman Pittard nominated Councilman Doil Dalton for the position of Mayor Pro-Tem. Councilman Murphy moved to close the nominations and Councilman Dilg seconded the motion. The motion prevailed by the following vote: `� Ayes : Tate, Dilg, Conine, Eidson, Murphy, Pittard Noes : None Abstaining : Dalton Councilman Eidson moved to appoiht Doil Dalton as Mayor Pro-Tem by acclimation , and Councilman Murphy seconded the motion. The motion prevailed by the �ollowing vote : Ayes : Tate, Dilg, Conine , Eidson, Murphy, Pittard Noes : None Abstaining: Dalton Councilman Dalton stated that he appreciated the cdnfidence placed in him by the Council and he expressed his intent to do the most he could �or the citizens of Grapevine. F Appointments to Electrical Board: The City Manager stated that the Building Offi.ciai had recommended that Preacher Florence , Manuel D. Anda, and Jim Burger be reap- pointed to this board to serve the next two years. It was stated that they have been very active and have taken a great interest in the Board. Councilman Eidson moved to reappoint the t�ree mem- bers to another two-year term. Councilman Murphy seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the �ollowing vote: Ayes : Tate , Dilg, Dalton , Conine, Eidson , Murphy , Pittard Noes : None Library Board: The Library Board was the next ot be considered. The City Manager stated that there were two members whose term was expiring ` Frances Halstead and Nancy Armstrong. He f urther s-tated that the librarian had recommended that these persons be redppointed to serve an additional two-year term. Councilman Murphy made a motion to reappoint Frances Halstead and Nancy Armstrong to the Library Board. Councilwoman Conine seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the following vo te: � Ayes : Tate, Oilg, Dalton, Conine, Eidson, Murphy, Pittard Noes : None � Park � Recreation Board: The City Manager explained that the term o� Mr. Sid P .ruitt was up and that there were two vacancies on the Board. The Parks 6 Recreation Director recommended Tom Walker to Fill a two-year t vacancy. Councilman Pittard nominated Gerald Thompson, Councilman Dilg nominated Tom Walker, and Councilman Murphy nominated Ira Hemphill. The Mayor called for a majority voite for the two two- year terms and the vo ting was as follows : G�rald Thompson - 7 votes Ira Hemphill - 4 votes � Tom Walker - 3 votes Gerald Thompson and Ira Hemphill were elected to two-year terms by a majority vote. Nominations were now in order for the one- year lerm lef t by the resignation o� Councilm�n Murphy. Councilman � Eidson nominated Dennis Robbins and CoUncilman Dalton nominated Tom Walker. Councilman Eidson withdrew his nomination of Dennis Robbins , due to the remommendation of the Parks � Recreation Director who f elt that Mr. Walker would make an excellent Board member. Councilman Dalton made a motion that the nominations be ` closed and that Mr. Walker be appointed by acclamation. Councilman Pittard seconded the vote and the motion prevailed by the following vo te : Ayes : Tate, Dilg, Dalton, Conine, Eidson, Murphy, Pittard Noes : None E � 7 Planning � Zoning Commission : The City Manager explaihed that tl-iere were three appointments to be made ; one vacancy which would expire in 1976, and two three- year terms tha t were expiring that were those of Mr. Ted Ware and Mr. Harlen Joyce. The City Manager further explained that he had no recommendations. Councilman Eidson made a motion to � withhold any nominations to the Planning E Zoning Commission t at this time. Councilman Pittard seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the following vote : Ayes : Tate, Dilg, Dalton, Conine, Eidson, Murphy, Pittard Noes : None �= Mayor Tate asked that the members of the Council introdUCe the names of the people that they would like to have considered for a position on the Planning � Zoning Commission. Councilman Murphy introduced two names : Mr. Conrad Heede and Mr. Dan Heath. Councilman Pittard introduced the name of Betty Yancey and Councilman Dalton introduced the name o� Mr. Charles Dunn. Board of Adjustments : The City Manager stated that there were three members to be appointed to this Board. The three vacancies o� Floyd Deacon, Thomas Taylor , and A. J. Harper. It was recommended that these persons be reappointed to the Board. There was some imquiry � into the activeness o� this board and its members. It was felt that this Board meets around six times a year. Councilman ' ; Dilg moved to reappoint Floyd Deacon , Thomas Taylor, and A. J. { Harper to the Board of Adjustments. Councilwoman Conine seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the following vote : Ayes : Dilg, Dalton, Conine, Eidson, Murphy , Pittard Noes : None ? Abstaining : Tate Civil De�ense Director : After some discUSSion as to who would be qualified for this position , Councilman MUrphy was appointed to be the person to submit names to the Council for this position. There being no further business, Councilman Eidson moved to adjourn the meeting and Couhcilman Oalton seconded the motion. All voted Aye and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p . m. ; PASSED AND APPROVED, this the � day of ` 4.(� _, 1974. � � MAYOR ATTEST: `� , .s�G' G TY SECRETARY