HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-05-03 Regular Meeting Nt�y 3, 29bb The �ity CAUnci 1 me t in r�gu.lar sessi�a� or� the abcave date those prese�� v�rere IUi�,yc�r Wcae�ds, Ca�nci lm�r� Be�edict, Pirkle, Huber, llandever�ter and Foust. The minu'tes Qf the previous meetitig was read an,d �proved as read. The �onittg Bsard recommer�ded ta the cnnnci I t�.�.t t12e rezcar�ing request of Alpha De�velc�pmex�t Corp. aad Mr. Paui R. Ger�try tract crf land cc��2tai�ting 51.6g� acres in the Isiah Byrd Surve� be r�zaned f`r� "A" Reside�tisl to"J-K"� Industrial. A matio�; by Cou�ci lman Vandeventer, seco�ded by Counci Imat� Faust tca accept the �c�ning bosrds recommendatior� and to r�2ar�� the Alpha D�ve2opment Corp. attd Mr. Pau2 R. Gentry 51 «69� acres c+f 2a�td it1 the I. Byc�c� Survey from "A�' Residential To "J-K" I�du�trial. Mat�crr� carried by Cour�ci�m�ta� Fo�cst, Vandeve�ter, Pirkle, Hixber and Ber�edict vot� �res vrrith no r�oes. ��Q �t��q 1VIr. Jerry� J�ardan, Mr. Arnold Dobecka reprc�entir�g the Ja�cees and � Mr. Lc�u HI21ffian represer�tir�g the Chamber of Gammerce discs�ssed �ri th � the cc�t�tc��I on the Chamber Qf Commerce �no�rir�g t,he�,r office aqd �asing the Civic Ce�ter building with the Jaycees, which are r�ow gsi �tg the bgilc�tag. The Chamber c►f Ccammerce was to take car� of th� ,��itari�2 ser�rice for the buildi�g ar�d ta pa�► the �tility bills on the buildi�►g. The Chamber c�f Commerce a�d the �a�rcees �n2d w�rk tc�-gether i� using th� bu3ldr�g apd Ietti�g the building o�t ta gro�ps ar c�ther axg=�tts�t�at c►rgat�i�atic�r�s needi�tg to use the bui2ding. A moti��z by CQUrtci2ffiar� Pirk2e, s�conded by Co+��tcilman Be�edi�t tc� appro�re the turo grotaps usir�g the Ci�*ic Center Bui Iding ,�c+iAtl.y. M�tic+rt carri�d by Counci lmen Hta,ber„ Var�deventer, Firkle, Benedict, at�d Foust vc�ting yes with rtc� �ves. A motior� by Ca��tcilmar� Bertedict, secondec� by Cc�unci].man Fc�ust to plaee casing under State Highway 11�. Business ro�te tca accomadate a IC?'� Cast Zron Water 2ins, this wi I1 require a 36�' pipe made 4f 18 Gage Stee1. The Cost will run f'�r the casir�g canly,approximately ��Oq.�� to 1, 1�4.t?0« Mcati+��t carried b�t Ccrunci lme� Berzedict, Feust, Vande�e�tsr, Hubera�d Pirkle vcatit�g ye� wit� �,o �oes. A matfet� b� Cauricilman Pirkle s�conded by Cc��.nci2man Fc�nst tc� a�thc�riae tl�e City �anager to pay up to a�td i�:clude �3,50C1.�0 for tY�e tr�ct crf la�d aet�oining t�e City pr4pert� or� the East a2ar�g Hudgin street next to the city �rat�r urell. Motion carried by Co�ttici lma� Foust, Vandeve�3ter, H�aber, Firkle, ar�d Benedict vati�g ' �es �rith no noes. Councilma� Huber �ominated Cou�cilr�an Pirkle t0 ser�e as Mayor Pro-tem. Cauncilma� Vandeve�ter made a motion that the �omi�atio� cess� a�d elect Cou�cilman Pirkle by acclamation, motio� �as saco�ded by cou�cilman B��edict. Motio� carried by Cou�cilman Benedict, P�rkle, �ber, Vandeventer and Fonst �oting yes with no noes. A motion by Comncilma� Fonst fmr the city to participat� i� th� Mid-Cities Water Developme�t Cau�cil prvposed �ater study for the Northeast Tarra�t Cou�ty area to be made by Forrest and �ottoA, I�c. CAnsglti�g Engi�e�rs if the other ��mbers of Mid-Cities Water D�velopmeRt C�qeil take part ip the co�t. Tt�e cost to the City of Grap��it�e �ri i l b� $370.00. �oti on carried by Counci i�en Fo�st, Va�dver��ter, Huber, Pirkle and Benedict voting yes with qo naes. Councilmat� Vandeve�ter explai�ed to the comr�cil �q some mismnder-a�a standi�g that had occt�red between the F�d�ral Housing Agency a�d the s�pposed Chair�naa of the f�rapevi€�e H�esing A�thmrit�. Mr. Vande�enter was to talk with Ms�. �entle� of Gorda�-Be�tley Associates and get t�ei r advi se on how tv a�A=��kt�cRxi�te�ta$uat�ai�aRati��tgxa�ci� go abo�t advising the Federal Housiqg AGency� that the Grapevir�e Housir�g A�thority was definitel� interested in Public Housing. An�exatio� Ordit�a�ce �o. 66-8 was read a�d the caption is as follov�s: ORDINHNCE 1V0. 66-8 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HFREII�IAFTER DESCRIBED TERRIZ�ORY T�0 THE CI'T1'�"'OF GR�PEVINE, IN TARRANT CO�INTY, TEXAS, .AND F�'TENDI 1�'r THE BOUND�IRY L I IUII TS O� SAI D C I'I"Y, SO A S Tt� INCLtJDE SA�D HEREINAFTER DESCRiBED PROPERTY �IITHIN THE CITY LIMSTS. T�e described property is Placid Pe�i�sula, Grapevine Lake Estat��, �nd Lake Forrest Additio�, and ad,jacent areas. A motion by Councilman Pirkle, seconded by Cov.n�ilmar� Benedict to adopt and pass Ordinance I�o.bb-8 on its second and final readirtg as of this date. Motion carri�d by Councilman Benedict, Pirkle,� Huber, Vandev�nter and Fot�st vo�it�g �es with no noes. Complete Ordinance on file i�z the City of Gra�evines Official Ordinaace books. A mctia� bp Counci2aan Benedi�t, �eco�ded by C�u�cilman Foust tQ aec�pt the petitiot� for ann$xatie� of aIi lots and tract� vf la�d as des�ribed in Qrdi�aace �Q. 6_+�. Metion carried by Cou�cilmaz� Benedict, Pirk2e, Huber, �ande�en er a�d Fnnst ��ti�g yes �ith n� �oe�. 4rdin$nce N�. 6b�� ..r........_ AN C�2DINAA�E RFCEIVII�"ar AND AI,TN.E?CTING TERRITC�tY ADJ.ACEI�TT AI�tU CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY pF GRAPEIJ"INE, TE�tAS: PRQ1tIDING THAT TH� AREA DESCRIBED $ELaW, SH�LL BECOME A PART �F THE SAID �IT�C AND THAT T�iE QV�NNERS A1�lD T�iE INHABI TAI�'I`S T�iiF.RE4� SH�LL BE ENTITLED T� ALL T'IiE PRIVLEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF �AID CITY AND $(?�33 B�l T�iE ACTS AN'D ORDI�tA1�CES AtOW Il�i EFFECT AND `IYJ HE HEREAFTER �1DOPTED: FURTHER PR,t�VIDII+� FOR AMENDII+tC"r AND CC)RRECTIMG � THE OF'�'i C I.�►L BOUAiDAR IE S OF S�AI D C I TY HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS AMENDED, AND PROVIDII�I�C'ar FOR AIV DECLARING AN E1t�1ERG�Y: � motier� by Councilmat� Pirkle, secor�ded by� councilman �'uber to trar�sfer. �9�-�.bb the �m+�u�tt af �oney left in t�� 19Zl�.-2b Si�zging � Fund after alI bo�ds and int�rest h�ad beer� paid tca th� Ger��ral Fund. lUiotic,n carried by Counciimert Foust, Varzdeventer, Huber , Pirkle and Benedict vot�n;g yes with no �toes. A ffiQtion by Cca�nciiman Benedict, secc�t�ded by Cou�ciima� Pirkle to adopt Speed �one Ordit�ar�ce No. 66-10. Motf�r� carried by Cc►ut�cilme� Ber�edi�t, Pir�le, Hia.ber, Vaddever� er artd Faust �ro'tic�g ye� arith nc� t�aes. ORDINANGE N0. 66-10 .._...._._.. AN ORI}II�ANCE ESTABLI.SHI1� MAXIS�iE1�tt LEGAL SPEEDS UPON CERTAIN HIGHT�VAYS AND STREETS OR PARTS THEREOF WITHIN THE C�3RPORATE LIMITS aF THE CIZ`Y 4F GRAPE1tINE, TEXAS, AS 5ET FORTH IN THE ORTJINANCE AAtD PROVIDING A PE1�+LT1'` £}F A FINE NOfi TC} EXCEEU ��{�4.4f3 �QR THE VIQLA'TI4N Q� THIS ORDIPdANCE. �liayor Wcaods was select�d tca repres�nt the City of' Crapeviue in North Texas Caunci 1 of Goverrim�r�ts. lrto further �usines� meeting ad,j4urr�ed. _. . ' G�,r--,--- Ac' , t� . , T e�,ary yor �