HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-08-02 Regular Meeting Au�ust 2, 1966 The City Council met in regular �ession on th� abo�e date those present were Mayor Woods, Councilrae� Be�edict, Huber, ��a���� Vandeve�ter and Foust . Councilman Pirkle being absent. The mi�utes of the pr�ious meeting was read and approved as read. Tabulati ��s of bids for two sewage pumps was reviewed along wit� the r�commendations of Freeze , Nichols and E�dress, �o�stilting Engine�rs. The engineers recomme�ded that Bowl�s b Edens Be award the c�ntrsct. A motion by Councilman Benedict, seconded by Councilmar� Foust to award the corttract to Bowles & �dens to furr�ish two sewage pumps as per specifications for a sum of �71�}.L{..00. Motion carried by Cou�cilman Foust, Vandeventer , Huber and Benedict vot3r�g yes with � noes. Mrs Ann Carlson, P�ir. Agan and Mr. Taylor talked with the council about the �v���tugt�iig��iof a bui lding to house a recreation center, on Worth S�reet, to have pool tables and s�ooker tabeles. Mr. Agari operatad a recreation center in Euless for some time. He proposes to open the certter fran 10/30 A.M. to 11 :00 P.M. daiiy except Sur�day and if could be worked out he tivould open the center on Sunday whet� Chv.rch was not going on. A motion by Councilman Huber, seconded by Councilman Foust to table this matter until more inf'ormation could be obtained from person� 13ving in this area, etc. . And would try to let Mrs Carlsot� kno�r somethir�g by the next meeting night . Moti�n carried by Cot�nci lmen Berledict, Huber, Vandeventer and Foust voting yes with no noes. The Planning and Zorting B�rd held a public hearing along with the City Counci 1 in referertce to a rezonting request of Mr. Ed. Tharel at 516 Aust3n STreet asking that Lot 1 , Block 117, �ollege Heights be re2or�ed from t'A" Residential to "F" Local Business. The Zonir�g Board recommended to the coun�il that the zonigg not be changed fiut to issue a conditiot�al permit to operate a Day Nurs�y and if arld when this was not dor�e,to be used as it is zoped as 5itlgle Family dwelling. Amotion by Co�ntc3lma� Vandeventer, secc�nded by Councilman Benedict to accept the zonix�g board recom.mendation and for the City to issue a conditional permit to the operator of the Day Nursery b�zt not to rezo�te the land, it was to stay as "A'� Single �fami ly residential . Motion carried by Coun��lmen Foust, Vandeventer, Huber and Benedict voting yes with no noes. . � Mr. Fred H�yt and �if� pressnted a petitia� askfng tha� th�ir 6� acres �f Ia�d be a�nexed t� the C�ty af Grapevine, lacated i� th� BBB � CRR Survey lyip� �u�t east �f Mihters Chapel Road, amd Aerth of the city sewage �C#s,� Iift station. , .� motio�z by Counci lmart Huber, secc�nded b� Cc�unci lman Fc�ust to a�r�ex Fred Hayt ts 6� acres of lar�d by Ordinance No. 66-►2,� i�to the city ORDINAI�,iCE No. 66-25 .t�,N CFt D I AtANC E. R EC E I VI NC'x 1�ND .t�NNF.XI l�G TERR I TOR�' t�DJACENT �ND CUNTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE TEXA 5: PROVI DI NG THAT T�iE ti R FA DESCR I$EI} BELOW, SHAL�.. BECOMe; A PART OF THE S.�,ID CITY APdD THAT THE OWNERS �I�H} THE INHABITANTS fi�iE�tFAF SHkLL BE ENTITLED TO �aLL THE PRIVILEGES OF OTHFR CITIZENS QF SAID CIT"Y` ANi? Bv�iND B'�C THE xCTS .t�l�tt} nRDIIdx3�ES NOW IN EFFECT AND TCt BE HEREAFT�ft ADOYTEDt FUR?HER PR4VIDIl��r FC7R ttt410ENDII�r .F1ND GURR.�TII�kGG THE OFFICIAL BOUNDt�R IES QF SxID CIT1' HERETOFORE �►DOPTED 1�S �►MENI3ED, 1-�ND FROVIDII�r FOR Al�l' DECLARING AND EMERGENCY: Mc�tiB� carried by Cot�n�ilme� Ben�dict, Huber, V�r�c3eve�t�r a�d Foust v�ted ye s wi th nc► noes. H letter was tc� be writter� to ,BrowtZwood, the 'Telephoqe Cc�mpat�ys caffice, aski�g why we ara t��ab2e to get the Fir� x2erting S�rstem inst�,I�ed f4r av,r Fire Dep�a,rtment . .� mation by Can�tcilman Benedict, �econded by �our�cilman Hub�r ta ask for bids or� a 1966 mode2 car to replace *]acax�a�#�xQ�ta�fx'�k8 ane of the Palice cars, �umb�r 72. Sp�e3fieatiens �ras ta eQa�f4rm ' with th� ears that have b�en bought fcar the police d�partmer�t irt the past. Matior� carried by Caunciiman Fcaust, Var�devent�r, Huber and Bet�edict voting yes with nc� naes. srzf orceme n'� Disc�,ss�or� was given or� the �c�a���a[e:at� af the Dog Urdir�ar�ce � . ?he Mayor was to u�rite a�i artiele far the papers asking tl�e people to eanfc�rm to tha�e ordiriances.a�t�xi�c�Cx�cx� t�x�a The co�,ncil di�cussed havir�g a r�presentative ir� xustin duriqg the s$s:�a�2 of the Legislatur� so a� tfl k��p up with the progr.�ss of the proposed xirport that Dallas and Fort Worth are planr�ing to build ,�ust south of th� city. Cou�cil authorized Flay Ezell to �er�re as secretary tc► the Hcaugir�g xu�thor�ty c►f th� City af Grapevir�e. No fu�.er busine ,meeting ad,�c�un�ted. � -. . � .�x�i'�..-� �,---�-_. � /� ,� � �� � ,�_.._�. � .r� , cre ary yar �