HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1966-027 ORDIi��;�,iVCE i�?O. 66-27 ,�-,a AN ORD I Nl�NC�, ADOPT I�.TG TI-i;� .�3UDGr,i FOP, THE C I TY OF '°�°'" GRAPzL"l,�II�JE, TL«l-1S, rrJ:', T�'� i ISCI^,L YTr�:F, B�,GIiV�tIPtG oCTOBiR �., 1966, I:�l�T� L.�tDI���G S�PTL^.iBEPt 30 9 1967 : LEVYING T.lIXi.S FOR THE YEI`,R 1c66 TO U'L ASSi,SSED CN lyLL TAX�;BLE PROPEP.TY �'JITHI�i THE LIi�JIITS OF THE CITY OF GT�APLVINE, T�;J�S: I':1;TD PP�OVIDIIV'� PEN��LTIES I`,ND INTER;c,ST FOR DELINQUE�TT T�';r:i:S, AND PROVIDTNG FO� THE INTi�l-, l-�,i�iD INTER-DEPI:P.TT,IIENT 1^-,1�ID FUND TRf1iVS- F;'�RS, I�ND PROVIDIi�TG FOR. THE Ii�TVESTP,I�NT OI' IDL� FUNDS: i,',rHEREl-�.S, notice of a public h�arirtg on the Budget for tne City of Crrapevinc9 Texasf for the fiscal ycar9 1966»67 was hereto- fore published at least five days in advance of said hearing , and UJH�REI,S, a public hcarina u�as duly h� ld and al1 interested persons were given an oppo;tunity to bc heard far or against any item �Lherein, i`dOUJ, THrRLFORE, �3E IT ORDAINED BY TH� CITY COUl� IL OF THE CITY OF GRI`,P�VIi�Ti,, Ti:;�`�S: �3b SrCTI0i1 1 . '"�_� That a tax is h�:reby levied upon all taxable property in the City of Grap�vin�. , Texas, for the year , 19�6, at the rate of `� 1 .00 per One Hundred Dollars (;�100.00} valuatior�. 5��C T I ON 2. That there sha11 b�, anci ther�� is hcrEby levied the following tax�s on each one hunclred (:;;>100.00) doll�rs v�.luation on a11 tax�ble proper �y withi� th� City of Grap�vinU9 T�xas, to be assessed and colleci�cd by thc las� :°,ssessor and Collector for the year 1966, and said taxes arc to be ass�ssed and coilectcd for the purposes her��inafter stipula�ec': , to-wito (a) For �he General Fund levicd ori the ';>100.Q0 v�. luatit�n � •b�- (b) For the Interest and Sitlki �g Fund �6 levied o�Z the ��100.00 va.luation �� • . TOT�,L L���'VY ._. x.f�=.1T ,00 ,� ,, �:,.= � -. S�CTIO:: ,3 , Th�t, the City Ntanager be a�d is hereby authorized to make �,,,,� intra and inter departm�r�t and fund transfers during the fiscaZ year as becones necessary, in order to avoid over axpenditures of a particular accout�t. SECTION 1_!_. That the City P/lanag�r is authorizcd to invest any funds not needed for curr�;nt use, whether operating funds or bond funds irt United S�ate� Treasury BiIIs, Certificates of Deposit, Savings rlccount� and�or Time Deposit Open Account in Official City Depositari�s. Interest accrucd from such investments may b� depasitee to the General Fv.nd. s��c�rzov 5. Taxes levied by this ordinance shall be due and payable on Octe2�er 1, 1966, and shall become delinqucnt on the first day of �'ebruary 195'� , if ut�paidy upon tax�s becoming delinqv.ent, a penalty of 1070 of such delinqucnt taxes sha11 accrue on the first c�ay o� Fc�bruary. Intcrest upon delinquen;t taxes and pcnalti�s sf�all accrue at the rate of 6� per annum commencing irom th� dute of d�linque�tcy. The City of � Grapevine is her�by authori2ed to adopt any and all legal remendi�s provided by the �?esis�d Civi1 Statutes of the State of Texas �nd the Grapevinc City Charter as providcd �' in Article �, Saution 9.25 for the purpose of collecti�tg delinquent taxes. S ECT I Ol�l �. The fact that the iiscat year begins on �ctober 1, 1966, re-* quires tiZat this ordir�anc� be effectiv� upon its pas�age and adoption to pres�rve the public peacc , properi,y, health and safe�y, and the rules rcquiring ordinancEs be read and passed on two s� �arate dates is hereby suspetlded and this ordinance shall '�e in full �'orce and efi��ct fro� artd aftcr its passage and adoptiort . PASSED .�ND APPR�V�D THTS TH?� 6th c]ay of Se�tember:_, 1g66. 1^�PPROVFDa t--_ , � ; �j'�.� ff �. .. " Y. s � t-.L.s�a..a+i�.ai..t.sw�:W��..�r�u'-_,a._�+'.�_:s.,i ................� NIayor - �^.TTEST: : , , . �- , : - ..��.r� � � � �� � ���_���,�:, ,� ,, C"i�y '�.,c r e t a ry ��:..�. 52