HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1966-029 ORDINANCE NO. �F'"�� AN t�t DINANCE EST�IiLISHING TT-IE POLICY �?F T'IE CITY (�F GF?APEVINE, CONCERNING WRECKER AND T'OUJING SERVICE, STORAGE, AND IMPOU':VI)N�NT OF VEHICLES WH�N REQL�ST.ED BY THE POLICE DEPaRThIENT UF THE CITY OF G�:ai?EVINE, REQUIRING CER�'AIN EQUIPh1ElVT ON WRECKERS: REQUIRING A STANDARP OF SERVICE PROVIDED SY SAID COa�1PANY ENGAGED IiV TH� BUSINESS OF TOtiJING, STORI?�G A��iU IMPOUNL)ING VEHICLES:: PitOVIDING FOR A RUTATION SYSTE�4 IN SAID t�tRE(:KER SERVICE AR�IUNG S:'1Ill VVF?ECKER COMl'ANIES: PROVIUING A PENALTY FOR �°"� F?�ILURE TO COMPLY W1TH T�iE PROVISIONS UF THIS C�R�IitiTANCE: A:VD DE(�LAR I NG AN E�'I�:RGENCY: �,,;� 13E IT ORDAIN.�ll BY TI�E CITY CUUNCIL OF; 1HE CZTY QF� UR�,PEVI�1�, TEXa,S: SEC.'TION I. All Wrecker �ompanies desiring tQ be called far wrecker s�rvice b}� the City of Gra�e�rine �'olice Department shall make application, in writing, to the Chief of Pol.ice of the City � of Gra��evine , and upon said application, shall list the coznpany's qualificatiQns, sche.c�ule of charge�, and equipment for providing said service. SECTION II. A, After application is made , a committee composed of tf�r�e mem�ers ap��ointed t�y th� Cit y Council, shall ins�ect th� equipment pf the company, makin� the application and sha11 classify that equipment according to the standards and specifications as set out in the body of this Ordinance. ,�,.a The Chief of Police shall notify all applicants complying ; with the provisions of this U�dinance that their name ' has been placed on the a��proval list. Applicants not �''�' coznplying with provisions of this �rdinance shall be noti- f ied in writing stating the reasan for the re jection of the application. T'he Corrunittee shall have the right to ins�ect the equipment of all companies providing wrecic�r service t2nc�er the provisi�ns of this Ordinance. Said inspection to be made at any and all reasonable hours and places. The Committee, after inspection, may authorize the removal of a company' s name from the list for failure to operate and maintain its equipment in an e£ficient and said manner. F3. ,During tlle month of September each year the wrecker companies in the City of G�apevine that desire to have their name retained or placed on the list authorizing thezn to answer request for wrecker service by the Gr.apevine �'olice llepartment shall make such request, in writing to the Chief of Police. SECTION TII. All wrecker or towing equipment desiring to be called by �-T� the City of Grapevine Police Department shall have the following minimum equipment: � All towing units or wreckers shall be equipped with a doll y, winch, line , boostPr brakes, a.xe � towbar� spare chains, blinker lights, emergency light , working light, broom, flar�s, whe�l cliocks, hydraulic jack and fire extin�uisher, in addition to the other staildard equip- ment on �vreckers. SBCTION IV. A11 Wrecker Companies shall carry standard liability insurance in lim�its ot not less than the following s�ums: a. For damage arising out of bodily injury or t� death of one person in any one accident $10,000.00• b. For damage arising out of bodily injury to or death of two or mor_e pe rsons in any one accident $20,000. '� c. For injury to or destruction of property in any one accident $ 5,00�.00 • � d. 911 Wrecker Companies who h ave storage yards shall carry suff icient insurance to cover theft or vandalism from said yard. SECTIUN V. All yards and storage areas for damaged vehicles which are to�ved in by wrecker companies sha11 be fenced in order to prouided protection for the vehicles in custody. When a wrecker company has towed a vehicle and stc�red the same , whetl�er at tt�e request of the Gr�.pevine Police Department or some other individual, anci has stored said vehicle and kept the same fo r a period of ten (10) days, without having been contacted by t��e owner or custodian of such vehicle and secured the name or �uch owne� or custodian, then such individual or company shall notify the G�apevine Police Department that they are in possession of si�ch vehicle and by what authority the y are holding the same in stor�:ge. A�.1 drivers for said wrecker companies shall be required to r�gister with the City of Grapevine Police Department� and a drivers Iicense report from the Department of Pub.lic � Safety shall be requested. �; SECTION VI. ?Nhen a polic� officer investigating an accident determines that any vehicle which has been involved in a collision or accident upon a public street is unable to proceed safely under its ocvn power, or when the owner thereof is physically unable to drive such vehicle , such officer shall request the owner to de�ignate on wrecker selectio=�� �arm the wrecker company the owne� desires to remove the vchicle . Such designation by the owner shall be indicated on such forrn by writing in the blank spac� provided, the name of the company selected, and the form when completed shall be signed by the owner. The police officer sh all give a copy of the authorization ttius made on the form to the owner and shall return for record the original thereof. Upon leaving duty on the same day the police officer sr�all place such original in a well-bound book in the Police Depar.tment provided f or that pu.rpose. When the ocvner has de�i�nated the wrecker Company desire.c�, t�ie police officer shall communicate the fact immediately to Police Department Headquarters, and it shall be the duty of the Officer receiving such information at H�adquarters t� call the designated campany to send a wrecker to the scene of the accident or collision. �,.�. � SECTION VII. In the event the owner of a vehicle involved in an accident or collision is physically unable to designate the wrecker company desired, or refusEs to designate one the investigating officer sh all communicate that f act immediately to Police Department Headquarters. The C3tt� of Grapevine Police Depart- r�ent shall maintain a wrecker rotation list in alphabetical order which shall contain the names and addresses of each wrecker s�rvice company that complies with th� provis,ions df this ordinance in order that said company might be called upon for wrecker service by the Police De�aztment. The Police Officer receiving a call. at the Police �-leadquarters for wreck�r service shall call the first wr�cker compa�iy o.ri tlie list �o tow the disabled VEh1CIP or mov� the same fram the publi� st:�e�ts of the City. Aft�r the company �t th� top caf the lis� r�ceives a call then the compaziy's name shall be p2aced �t the bottom of the list and th� next company sha.11 be moved to the top of the list and it sY�all receive calls. �his p�ocess sh�ll �e rep�ated until each company providing wrecker service under the provisions of this ordinance has received calls. The Police I.)epartment shall nc�ti�y �ach wrecker company in sti£ficzent tim� � pgicar to its rendering s�id wrecl�er service in order that th� company might adequa�-ely provide the necessary men and equipmerrt ta answ�r said calls. �di� S�t�1I0IVT `JIII. In the �vent a wrecker service company is requested by the Police De�artment to make a call. and the cnmpany �grees to mak� s�id call then the company shall �roceed zmmedi�tely t<� the scene where it is direeted and shal� lae given a reasnn��1� length of time in �rhich to ��ach s�id loca�tion. If the wrecker Gervice c��mga.iy ans`�vering said call has n�t reach�d �aid locati�n �vithin a reason- able length af t�.n.� then the officer at thP sren� may proceed t� call th� ne�t wrecke.r serj�icE company on the list �i��? tl��.t c�mpany sha].� ha�� �rit�rity over that particular ca11. Tn the event that the wr�cker s�rvice com�any called fails to coanply ��ith �hE, provision� of this ardin�,nce by proceeding to the dcsibnated �;lace h=ithin tl�e time :���ecified ahove then thiy ti.irLcke� :�r:rvice c+ampany shall t,�r; rzmovPd f ram tl�� tol of th e l i st �ild place� at th� ?�ottom of the lis�t, This secti�n �h�ll not apply? wher� the comnasi�%ts name a� the tc�p Qf the 1.:ist is callf�� a.zid tl�� y° ad`Yis� the �fficer r�questing the wrecker service that �k'.1Ry� will. l�� uii�ble to ma?c�: said c�ll nar wi1.1 it a�pl.�� ��he�� th�, re has h�en �. delay caused �y same act or cominission of another person �th��: ,�_,,,„ �hat the wrecker company of it' � employees ��' t�S° �ri act of Go�3. SECTION IX. � No person shall solicit in any manner, directly or indi.rectly on the str.e@ts of the City the business of towin� any vehicl� which is wrecked or disabled Qn a purlic street, regard2ess of wheath�r th� solicitation is fo.r the purpose of soliciting the bu�,iness of towing, removing, r�pair.ing, wreckin� storing, tradinz or purchas���a such vek�icle . SECTION X. If any section, clause or sentence of this ordinance shall be held invalid then such invalidity sl��ll not effect the �ralidity of the r�mainder of this ordinan�e. SECTI�N XI . Any person �irm or corporation violating Section TX of ti�i� ordinaiice sh �l.l. be deemed guilty� of a misdemeanor an�i sh�ll �e runish�d t�y a fin� of nat le�s than Five D�llar�: ($5.C10) nor mor�; than Tw� Hundrec� Dolla.z� (;�2QQ.(��). Fa�h �faolatic�n shall be deemeri �. s�parate �ffFnse. SECTIUN XII. .� A1.1 �rdinanc�s a.iid resolt�tians iri conflict witli any of the provisions af this ordinance ar� her.eL�y ex�r�ssly� repealed. SECTIUN XIII. The fact that this ordinance will facilitate a more orderly wreck�r servicz in car�nection with such service needed by th� P�lice Department of the City of Grapevine , and the further fact that more efficient wrecker service will expedite accident investiga�ions and reporting, constitues an�1 �mergency and an imperative public necessity th at the Charter Rul� r�quirin� that ordinance be read at two several days ot th� City Council be suspended and said rule is hereby '"'� suspended and this ordir�ance shall take effect immediately its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED �ND �PPROVED at a regular meetin� of ttze City �ouncil 9f th� Ci ty of Gra�e vine , Texas on the 4th day of Oct�ber 1966, with all memebers pres�nt voting "aye" or the p�ssage of sam�. r" � - �,=-� i � ,,-`�`-�' `, b9AYOR �.,w \ ATTEST: .-�''".- � � 1 ;'- ,% , .._.;,��1' T�'.,4��. .���I /f .`Iyi .. '�.��.',.. CITY SBCR�TARY �,-� �.,,� APPROVED: Y 0 EY ,�,�., �