HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1966-030 t��D I ivT:�;VC� :�T(). 6 6�+3 0 �,i`v JRUIN:'-.tir'.E 1'ROVIDING FQR T?-�1, R.�Gi1LATIO'�'S n� I3ILLI:�I'�D Hr'�LLS; DLFINING TER�1S,•. PROVTilI�G FJR TFiT ISSUA�'CE Qi' SILLI�RD HAI<L LIC;LNSE•,. PROVIDING FOR REVOCATIVN;, PRC?VIDII�G ��'P. F�i,S; P1�7VIDII�TG FC�i2 RL'ZES GOVE:2"`ING �ILLIF,FtI� H11L,LS;. RrPEALING �I.L CQNFLICTI:�'G ORD��T:1'�'CES; PR()�'IDINU �, ��V�I�BILITY G'LAi;S� .A:'�'I� PE:�?ALTY'; A'�� D�CLqRING A,t�' E�2�C��EN(:Y. � ' ARTICLE S. I N G'�'�.T'�,'#L '�� ���i ION I. P.LF I'dITION: F�r the pur�ose c�� th is Chapte r th=� f c�1.1c��Ni�z� words and Phras�� :�hal_1 have the zneaninas res}�ectf�.�lly ascrihed t�� them bg� this Secti�n: BILL,IARD TABLES: �hall m�:an and a.ncluc�� any ta��.e surround�d by a led�e ox cushian with or ti�lth!?Llt pockets ixpon c�rhich balls are imp�lZed t�y a �tick or t�;�e , and ��h�re the play�er therec�n do�s nc�t o� is not rQquireci to make a coin depasit ca�zsing an electrical cc�nnection af any �z�.ture or kin�i hpf�r� such aame may �e a�ttially comrr��nced. BILLI��RD H,A,LL: sha11 me�� �nd inrlude a,ny buildin;, rc�om, place or estahlish��ent of any natu�e or kind ��uhatsQever, ar�d by wh�tevc�r n�.�me� c�11�d, whQze billiard tahles are op�xated for pr.nfit �vheather the �a?ne he c���rateci in corzn�ction with a.ny other l�,wfu� busi�ess c�� �ic�� � save an�3 expect relibic�us, charitahl�� c�r eciucational or.ganiza4ic,��, aiith�r_ized under the la��v� <,f tre St�.�� c�f T�:x:��o �11.I.Ir`�kli HALL OP�R�T�RS: sh�11 mean a^d incl.ucie Fz�ery �e:i°scar,, firm, a:�s�Gaa.tica�� of persons, cornor�fanr�� and e�rery= otrer cr.��.r.s7at:io�1, �=3.�-e �sad Fx�P�?� re�a�iou�r char.i.ta.ble or educa:tic�na.1. o��;r niz�ta�ns, authori�E�d un.de� the 1aw� of the �tate o£ Te�tas, oe�vning, lcasir��;� �°°� i�lan��i nv or in an�- zrann�r_ c�ntrall � ng the oper«t;i�n of a ba1 1 i.ar�� ha�,l, i � GE:1�1:t�L LICI�,'SE: shal.l mean a lic�n�e issued to opera.te a nilliard hall ��t��7cen thE ho�..rs of e�.ght <�:OQ? t�,. A��. �nci elcven C11:OQ) �'. r�. rioncia.y thr�u�;h Friday, eight C8•. l30� A. I�".. until 1-��el.t-e (1�:f�Q) m.i�r.'l,i�ht on Satt�rday and one C1-::C`0 ) P. :�".. until six (�:�C?; P, R1. c�n ���ncla�s. �ECTI�\ �. S�COPE: The Jac�n�_�ng and regulatang rrnv,i�ions cf tt�a.s Cha�ter cic� nc�t appl�� to: C�+.i billiar� tables kept in privat� resi.d�r�r.c�s o.r, e3��3t"tTrP..rtS a.nd urtci with�ux charge by memLers �f the famil1� c�r hon�: fi�e ���e�ts: {B) billiarci tahles prov�ded on ti�e premises of r�l.igi.o�.ls, c�ara.tahl.ey edi.�catiuna�, �r fraterna], or�anization� fc�r th� use of inem��ers �r th�ir guests, ar�c� r�ot for rrivat�: }�.r.c�f�# , altho�zyh � ch�r��v is *��cie £or p1aSTi�.�;, (C) bill.ia.rcl. tabl�� pr.�v7Ced on. the prer�i_ses ef bv�a fid� cZi.b� cr Cacial crbaz�izatz�z�c, not of�erated far. pr.av�te profit alutrou�h a ch�r�� i� rr4�clF for �la4Ting�, which p���Ti.de othPr memrersha� pravale`�s �.nd act�vities tzstial in h�r�a fidA ��x-ivat� c.lur� ,�r�-az3i7ec1 f�r tt�e proznation of �om� common object arid �a�hose: meml��rs mus� L�e passed ,�=.� Ltpon a.r�� �1 F�cted aG incia��zcltz�.l �, t�� � r. c�r�mittee. or t�oarc] ro�d� of m�mY�crs c�f tt�� club ar�d its affa..ir� and mana�;enz�:rat sha.].1 hc; c�nc�.uctFd , t�v a boai•d of c�are�tor�, e�e�,�tive corrmit# ee or. simil_ar rc�ciy� che�ex? �`` bs, the memt�ez's �.t �hc�a_r �nntzG�.l meet�r��. rT',CI'I�,�' 3. �"=?::�1C;RS:. :�'c� nQrson �:Ya�irr the a;e of eis�hteen (18) years w.il]. t�e pe.xma.tt�d ta atterld� an�� rillaar� haal duri.z��7 a �ir�� th�t thf� �uhli.c sch�o� � i.n the City of Gr. w�e��.ine are ir� session. �L(��'TIC`;ti Q. PCLICE OPFIC�,RS; RIr`i�T � I?�:SPECTIC??�T: Cfficers nf tr�e Police Pepar�ment on �f£icial di�t� ar.e },.rrehv aiithorizecl ancl empntil1ered t�� �nter_ a� �arr}� tin�c: fc�r the �tir.pos�s of insnect�on and for th� �•NFs�rv�ti�n of law and orclt��-, ar>�• h-illiar.d hall within the Caty°. Si:CT IGI� S. ���'EFZ.E�TOIt S TC� C.'CA9PLI' Tn�'IT�� Gs�APTFR: Th e ope x ato c�; of ariy bill i ard h�,].1 shall nat pe rmi� the v��] atien of any of the terms of this Chapter. , and any violation cf the pr.ovisiora� of this Chz�:�t�r ir, tre �pezatiQn of a hill.iard ha..l1 srall re �rounds f. c�� .rcv�c�tiaii c�£ th� licen��e ther�for. SI:CTIO�ti fa. R�A?EDII�S T::. I,E CL?��L'��'�TIV�: �.ny remedy prescribed by this Cha�ter. for thc: enfc�rcer�cnt c�f th�s Cha�?te.r shal.l. be mcrely .�- c��mizlativ� ancl sl�all not preclud� resort ta any other rFmecty �xo�'a.c?ed k�y l�w. �"� AEt'i TCI.I: ��1. : I.,ICi:`�SES �iLTIO'� �: I.ICE^;SE REQj:IRI�D; EXCiPTI��.?S: It sral.l be un1.�i�ftil. tc c�per. a#�c � bi.11iar.d h�] 1 a� defined herein �ntithin the �ity unless az�ci iar�til �aid balli{�rc9 hall srall fa rsi- have been licensed for st�cli pur.pases; ;�rovic�e:d, th�i: tnis C:hapte.r s}�a11 not �.p�11}� to: (�) Billiard taY�les kept in pr. j_vate residenc.es c�r apar.tm� nts and i.ised wi thout cl�ar�e bv mf�mt�ers of the f�i l Sr or t�ona f�,cie gue sts� (B) k�a_lliarcl tahles provide� on the premi�es �f r.eli�ic���s, char.ital�l�;� �d,_rcational or fr,aterna� organiaations for the use af inemLers or thPir �;uests anfl nc�t for priv�te profit, alti��ou�h a charge is mad� for p1aS�ting; or <C) billiard tabl�s providecl on the premises af bona fide clt�t�� or sc�cial �rganizations, nct ope.ratFd for private �rofit although a charge is made f�r playing, w'�ich �rotric�� other znemhership �rivileae� and a�ti�Tities ustial irl bona fide � it'ate clubs or�ani.zed far the promc�ticn of some common object and whose memhers must b� passed u�on ar:ci �l.eeted as inciivi.duals, by a ec»��mittee or board mad� ef � ,,q me�nhers af the cl.ur and its affai�s and management shall bc conciucted by a b�ard of directc�rs, executive con:mitte�� or sia.!ilar b�dy� clzosen by the members at thel_r anntxal meeting. �.,r� SECTILi� �: APPLIC:�TION; GE":ER�ILLY: ,�ny pez-son, firm, associ_atian� ��rtnersh�p or corpor2tion deszrin{� a l.icense to operate a billiard ha.11 as her.ein de£ined sha1,1 file with th.e Chief of Police a �vritt�ri sw�r.n a.�plic�iian for such license , which a.�p].ic�.ti�n sha].1 state: (A) The locatian b}� street and nt�mber of the pla.ce, or l�uilding, and th� nanie arid address of t}z� ap�lzcant. (B) If th� ap�licant is an individual, that he is a lativ-abidi_ng t�.x-paying citi2.en �f the State ef �exas; that he has not been convictErl of a fel.�n�r, c�r , if he ras, the na ture ef the o�fen�,e , a��d th� l�ngth of h;s re�3dence in thc City nf Gr.apej`ineo (C) If a firm� assoc�.atian or partnershi�, a].l the infcrmati�ri pr. escribed in para�r.a�>h B as to each in�iividual com��osinU the firm, assc�ci�tic�n o.r, partne.rshi�. (p�) If a corp�ration, that a�plicant is o.rganized and chart�red under the cor.�or.a.tinn la�nl� o£ this State. appli.cable tc s�:c'� cor.poration� c�r , if a for-ca.Un cor_roration, that such h�s r_orn�lieti �.,;:... t�.;ith. the 1.ziv:� of thzs State ap��l.icabte to such corp�rati.on and the same infor.matian tvith refe.r?nc� �'c� the ope�ator cr person xn charge cf the ope�ation �f the hilli.ar�i ha1.1 to he l.icensed as is prescribed w�.. in paragra�h B. In addi.tion the�Ftc, a statzj�ient as to the names of the iz�cor�oraiors or stocl:h�lciers, and ameunt �f interest ownea by e aGb. CL) Previcus occupation o.r employment of the ap�licant for a periocl of five <5� years next precedin" the filing of his applic,ation. CF) Such �tY�er and additional information as the governing body may from time to tir!c deem rrope.r_ and necessarv. (C') Th� irTfcz-n.�ltion �=iven in such application is f�r. the pu.rpc�se ol determining whe ather or nc>t th e a��pli c�nt is a fit and nr,oper per.son to operate a bi] l iard hall, and it sh all be ur.lauaful t� mis- represent the kind and character of a billiard hall to be ope.rated, or any other fact or statement made in sa.id application, and a:ny misrepr_esentation of any person, persons, clur or or�anization for the purpose af avoidi.ng the provisions of this ordinance sha11, in addition to the othe r. penaltie s prescribed by law, be ca.use for the revocation of the license ir� t�.e mode and manner hereinafter provided for. � (H} The licens� herein provided for shall stat� on its f ace ta whom �� it is issued�, the date it will �xpire � the acidress and lcca.tian of such billiard h all, wheathex the lic�ns�s ic a.uthorized to opera�e,� and conciuct a billiaxd hall. It shall he signed and sealed ry the :1sse:�sor ar�d Collector of Taxes� and posted by the licensee in a canspicuous pla.ce at or. near the eritrance and in such a pla.ce and position that it may l�e easily re�d at any time of d�.y ar ni;ht. (J) No license to oper.ate � billiard hall sha11 be �;ranted u�less the premises sought to he used for such purpases are in an area where such use is �permitted under the Zoning Code of the City of Gr.���evint , and further unless the premises are so constructed th�. t� �the c�ntire �laying �r�� be viewahle frc?r� th� street. (I�) i�o lic�nse shall be gr.ant�d hereunder LiIl.l�'S� i#� �.h�1 � :���car uI.>�n investi�ation by tY;e Chief of Police , the Lhief of tne Fire Lepartmen.t and the Building Inspecter� �hat the �.remises desired to be used fc�r the purpose aef a billiard hall comply with the laws of this State axid the regulatior�s of the City of Gr��pevine , and such offi.cers shall� in their respective ca.pacitie s, note their an�>r.oval or disappr�val upon the applicatz.on.. SECTION 9: h1ISREl'kiSi.P�T.�:TIC:.�?S T� BE GRC)UI�DS i�OR REVOCEITICI�T: � , Thct� information given in su�h a�>plica�ion is fcr the purpase of d�te.rmining wheather. ar not the applicant is a fit and proper �ercon to operate a billiard hall. It shall be unl�wf ul. to ma.srepresent `'�'"� the kir�ci ancl c�b�.racter of tailla.arci hall. ta hP operated� c�r an}� other fact or statPment made in such application, and any misr�preseritati�ri �f any persan, clut� or orbanizatic�n for the purp�se of avoiding the provisions of this Clra pter sha11, in addition to the other ��nalities prescri�ed by la�nr, be c�.use for revocation of any 1�censE issued pursuant to this Chapter. SECTI�N 10: FEE SCHEDUT.Ef The £o].lowing fee shal.l be char.geci for each licens� issued under the terms of this �ap�er. CA) For a billiard hall as defined in Section �.�: � th� Fee shall be �';'�5(� � (B) :�ach billiard hall operating in e�cess of fifteen (15) tables sh�.11 pay an additional fee of tu�a dallars and fifty cent� C�2.50� each for these tablE=s over fifteen (15)„ SECTIO;V 11: VLSTEL� t�IGHTS NO'T C'RL-'�'TED [3�' ISSUANCE: No licenS� �ra.nted under the terms of this �:hapter sha11 be dee.med the granting of a vested rightf, but such license sha.11 remain subject to the ternzs and provisions of this Chapter. �nd �urject to such f��tua-e regulations ,�,,,,,,„� as shall be promul.gated by the govern.ing body by C)rdi.nance. SEC.'TIUP� 12: R:�F>I'SnL TU GRANT A LICE\?SE•, APPIAL FRCI�4: In the event +� the Chief of Police shall refuse to grant, a general license to any a,pplicant hereunder�, the action of the Chief of Police shall be final unless the applicant shall, within ten <lCl) days after refu5al to grarit such licens�., file a written appeal with the City Secretary� addressEd to the gc�verning body of the City� r�qu�sting a hearing by such governing body upon the quFstion as to whether or nc�t h�.s applic�.�ion sr,all be granted. In the event such �.ppeal is f iled, the Chief a£ Police st�all provide the governing body with a xecord of all proceedings thereto£ore had tivith refer.ence to th� a�+plication� incl���ing the written appl.ication� together with the action �f ttie Ghief of �'olic� Gnd the t-c zsons f or such action,. The governing body shall within thirty days� gran� � hearing thereon to determinE. the correctness of the action �f the Chief of Polic�, at which hearing the governin� body may make such ins�cs��igation as it may see fit, wh�ther all the pe xtinent facts appear in the applicati.on or not, and it shall be discretianary with the governing body as to whether or not a license shall be grantedy and such action as th.e governing body may take thereon shall be final and concl�.sa.ve. S�CTIGN �3: REVUCATIJN Or LICE�iSEf APPEAL; NOTICE REQUIR�;D: If billiard hall licensed her�unde� is not being conducted in �° accc��dan�� with this C:hapt�r� the laws of the State of Texa�, or The Cod� of the Ci�y of Grapevin� , or is being conducted i.n vi.olatic�n '� �f. the Iaws of this Stat�,, tl�e Ghief of Police may at ara.y time give notice in writing to the o�erator, liccnsee , mariager, or other persc�n in. cantr�l.. of the operation and maint�nance of such billiard hall� that the permit or li�ense issued for the op�ration and maintenance of said billiard hall has be�n revaked and cancelled, which said notice of revocation and cancellation s��all become a £inal revocation and cazicellation after the e.xpiration �f ten (10) day-s from th� date of the se.r�rice of sam� upon the operator, lice�s�e , manager or ather person �.n charge of said billiard ha11 unle ss on ar bef c�r� the �xpiration of said ten (10) days t11e lic�nsee , �aperator, rnanager or other person in charge of said billiard hall shall f i.Le with the City Secreta�y a written appeal addressed to the govcrnin� body of the City in which it is requested that the governing body gxant him a he�rin� upon the c�uestion whethPr or not the permit or licEnse issueci by the City shall be cancelled a.nd revoked, which said appeal if znade and f iled as p rescri�ed h�rein, shall operate as a stay or post- ponement +�f���xfrx��t�xxsx�g�g�xa���x�����:��x�i���;�x���x��e�x�t�x�x�:�:��y �rx��fs�g����m��3tx� said revocation and cancellation of the permit issu�d until such time as the ;�verning bocly shall grant a he aring anu make final adjudication upon the question whether or not such permit shauld be can�elled, such hearing to be held v�ithin thirty days af ter the date of the f iling �£ such appe al, aric� 5L1CI1 ac;#:ioa� and �--ry judgm�nt of the govex.1in�; body,, after hearin� �11 the evidence and f acts, sha.11 be f inal ar�d ct��lclusatre �s to a11 partie s. `�`"`" SE�TIU�V 14: REF UND; TRANSER; NOTICE REQUIRED WH�N CURPORA'TE LICENSEy IS Ry�RGA'�'IZiIJz :Va refund of an�� license fee paid in accordance �ith Section ;�,�, � sh�.l.l be made Uy 'tzie City for any caus� whatso�ve�. Licenses issued pursuant to this Regulation shall be deemed persunal �o the licens�e and shall riot be assignaUle;: provid�d, hawever, that licenses issued heseund�r may he transfe.rrecl from ane lc�ca�tion or pl�.ce of busi.zi�ss to anotller location after the Chief of Police sha11 h�.ve been given fivc� C5) days' riutice �f such nroposed tran�Eer for investigat.ion anci thc; Chie£ of Pal:.ce ha.s �;ven c.onsent thf�xet�a; pxo��id�ci fu..r. th�r� th�.t if any corporation having a license is re�r�a���z�d or has a. chazzge in manabment� suc� licr;n.�e shal.l not c�c�t inu� in force urxtil th� Chief of Police shall hav� reen given five C5) days' no�ice of such reorga.iization or change of managm�nt �, and izntil he s}iall hc�.v� made ar� invest�gation �f such rear�anization and chang� in rnana�emc�nt and given h.is consent for the c�ntinuatian of the licens� attc�r dete�nining that the personel of the new manage7nent is fit and proper to operate a billiard hall within th� terms of this Ghapter. SECTION 15: RITLES GOVER�'INr B ILL Z.ATz.I� HALLS: It sh al_1 be unl.ac�rf ul f or any person ta c�per.a�:e a b:�lli�r�? '�al � at any h�ur othe�r than those ,,,�� h���r��t�f�r� stated in Section N�. 1 � It shall be unlawful for the c�perat<�r oi any bill.iard ha11 ta pc�rmii arl�� �F=��rarzt t� be pres�nt �t s�ach est�.blishment. � The opea�ator of Lilliard hall sha11 iiot �errr.it th� �-i�lati�n of �riy ca� the te�ms of �kt�is uh��t�r. SECTION Zh: EX.�IRATIUN: A11 licenses issued under the provisioais of. this Ci�.a�ter sYiall terminate onn ��P�r £rem tl�� date of suc;� issuance � pravided, how�ver. , th�t annual continuous licenses for a billiard ha.11 may� b� secured upon the p�yment of a fee oi thirty� seven dollars and fifty cents C�37.50). Such continuous licenses sh all be a permit not to exceed fifteen (15) billiar� taUles, he shall pay an additional fee of two dollars and fifty cents C$2.5Q) per table over fifteen C1�) as pr�vided for herein. S�C'lION 17� ���L'�t�3LI'VG; LI�L?C)R: :LTo person �vhile in a L�illiai�d hall shall �a�nt�le , or make aup Let, c�r drink or haX�e in k�is possessivn a�iy �.ntoxica��.n� liquur, beer or wine , nor shall any �ersorY L)e uncic;r thc influence of any intoxicatiYig ]_iyt��r, becr, ar wine. S�CTTON 18:. COAIPLI�:v'G� 1v'ITH ZJi�I�x7 ?:�i^dS. tio 1ict�nse sliall �c �;xa��t�:d urid�r th� terrns of t �is Lhapter for tlie loca.tioix of any i�illia�d ha11 other than in aii area zon�d for such use except aftcr a public heaxin� before th�; City Plan rol7mission and the ;xantina vf '� a �����rmit therefor ?�y� the (�ity Gouncil after a public t7earin�; tilex�ori. ,� SLL.IION 1�: I'�N<'1LTY: �1ny per.s�n� persor�s, r1u1�, �orporati�n, o�er�.tc�r or lacens�e whca sl�all �T:io.late antT o£ th� �?rc�visions of this Chapt�:r sh�,ll l�u dee:med ;ziilty �f ^ misc��n�cano.r anci s'�all , upnn �onvictioti tt-�ereof, t�e fine�d not less than t?aen�y fivc dollaxs C��v.nn: n�ar r,ior.� thai� t�,ti=o hu�c9red cloll.�rs C�:OJ,nO) f�r e�cli s,.zch c��fe�:s�. S�CT�'.��' 2{?: S�:�rER��3ILITY; If �.n�� �•:;ction or pravasion c�: t���.a C���pt�r Shall be declared inz�al.id ry �. c.ourt oi c�mptc���t juri�- ;�ic�ic�i�, sl.�ch a�ijudicati.on s`�a] 1 z1�t affect the r��ainin� Sectic�rl �r pcirtians �f tnis Cl�a�t�r. Si?LTIn'�' �1:. :�l.t c�nfl.ictin� �.�r���n:��zce Repealec3: All. Orc�inariccs a�ici �?�z-ts of ordinanc�; zi��°ons��t�;i�t ar, in conflict hert��vith ar: � her.eb5� repea�.�d. S�C'I'Iu�� �:: E'�'I��RG��::�'Ci' CL"�,L'SE; LuE� to the fact that r>�-Gs�:txt 1aTN� a��d Urdina�ces �.re ��ot clear but ar� c���ue anci unc�rt�in at�d it is irnp�arativ� t�lat r,esi�r_ ictic�ns h�'� infc�rce, otherztixi's� , th� heal:th �:Ild 5,�ti�l.fare of said C:ity �� i11 ti�c� advers�ly� wffect:.�d a�ld such co�zr.i�_tic�r� cr;:��t�:s an e���Tr�:.r:ry �Iicl this Or.dinaric� s11.z11 be in for�E a�zc� r£frct on and a£ter it;; plx?�2ic'4�ti:�ri. � r'A1S5ED t�,.'�I� .1ilC�PTED l3Y UN,�1t�iIJLTS �'i`T�:.' �.�1� �1f_L COI'^:��L�'i::'�r 1';:t:SE'�T GN � T:i IS T[IL 4 tti L).�Y Oi� nG"I'Oi3_R, 1966. AP i�R(��'�1�; :������-�--_----�-� + �, I��<'�YOR !�T'1'EST: , % / )"��� ���,Yr,�.. ..�.-./' ., �CITY SrGKET�RY APPR OVED: I J��� �� . �` ,, , '7 _ _ % � � T./l.l CXTI' ATTQRN�Y � �;.� �