HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-03• ►! - • A #jaWKt#jjfl Is • ! ` IV. NEW BUSINESS A. BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTV= TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT CASE BZA 90-31, SUBMITTED BY DUNCAN, DICKSON AND TAYLOR, A TF-,(AS PARTNERSHIP ! CONSIDERATION OF • 7 B. BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT CASE BZA 90-33, SUBMITTED BY DANNY TOSH ARCHITECT AND CONSIDERATION OF SAME. C. BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE • BOARD OF • fi ADJUSTMENT . 90-36, SUBMITTED BY MARYKARK HOMES AND CONSIDERATION OF THE SAME. D. BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE • BOARD OF •' ADJUSTMENT a r A • SUBMITJIED BY D. K. BLACKBURN AND CONSIDERATION OF 1 BOARD E. OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT • ! , • -• DAVID RELATIVE TO BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT CASE BZA 90-38, SUBMITTED BY BAGWTLL COMPANY AND CONSIDERATION OF SAME. V. MINUTES BOAND OF • ADJUSTMENT • CONSIDER THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 4, 1990, AND OCTOBER 1, 1990, BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S., AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 227, ACTS OF REGULAR SESSION, -•A-! OF • ADJUST�,= REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WAS PREPARED AND POSTED ON THIS THE 29TH DAY OF NOVEM3ER, 1990, AT 5:00 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF GRAPEVINE The Board of Zoning Adjustment for the City of Grapevine, Texas, met in regular session on Monday evening, December 3, 1990, at 6:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers, Room #205, 307 West Dallas Road, Grapevine, Texas with the following members present to wit: Raymond Truitt Vice Chairman Gerald Thompson Secretary John Dorety Member Patti Bass Member Randy Howell 2nd Alternate constituting a quorum with Chairman, Charles Giffin, and 1st Alternate, Andrew Quinn absent. City Council Representative, Gil Traverse was present with the following City Staff: H. T. (Tommy) Hardy Greg Wheeler Joy Carroll Marcy Ratcliff Ray Collins Roger Beecham Gerrie Anderson 141.,1291KOJUS aling Community Development Director Building Official Administrative Aide Planner Planner Attorney, City Attorney's Office Administrative Secretary Vice-Chairman, Raymond Truitt called the meeting to order at 6:12 P.M. Ley-AVOIK63 Vice-Chairman Truitt, administered the Oath of Truth to those of the audience who wished to speak during the meeting. NEW BUSINESS The first item of new business was for the Board of Zoning Adjustment to consider BZA90-31, submitted by Duncan, Dickson, & Taylor, A Texas Partnership, who is requesting variances for the Westwood Subdivision located north of Dove Elementary, east of Hood Lane and west of the Marina Del Rey Apartments. Mr. Doyle Cameron spoke to the Board and explained that he needed one more month to prepare for the meeting and asked if the Board would consider tabling the case until next months meeting. Patti Bass made a motion to close the public hearing. Gerald Thompson seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 3, 1990 PAGE 2 Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Patti Bass then made a motion to table the action on Board of Zoning Adjustment Case 90-31 until the January 7, 1991, meeting. Gerald Thompson seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn BZA90-33, DANNY TOSH ARCHITECT (CHEVRON) The next item of business was for the Board of Zoning Adjustment to consider BZA90-33, submitted by Danny Tosh Architect who is requesting a variance to Grapevine Zoning Ordinance 82-73, Section 53.H.2.b., Landscaping regulations for 2040 West Northwest Highway, Lot 1 of the Park and Wall Addition. A five foot variance is being requested to allow a five foot landscaped setback. Joy Carroll stated that Staff does not recognize a special condition because other solutions rather than reducing the width of the perimeter landscape are available to accommodate truck driving lane circulation. Ms. Carroll explained that the request is in conjunction with Conditional Use Application CU90-14, requesting to amend the existing approved site plan for a Planned Commercial Center. The City Council, as recommended by the Planning and. Zoning Commission, tabled the request to the December 18, 1990, hearing to enable the applicant to resubmit an amended site plan with one drive realigned mid way between the two shown. Chuck Bradley of 4100 Alpha Road, Dallas, Texas, representing Chevron, explained that the variance to the landscape setback would be to allow for greater ease of traffic for tank trucks that enter the site through Park Boulevard and out to Northwest Highway. Mr. Bradley noted that the 161 foot lot depth makes the site hard to modify the layout. Raymond Truitt asked if the gas pumps could be placed parallel with Highway 114. Chuck Bradley explained that the pumps were placed for the convenience of someone pulling right off the street to the pump. Marcy Ratcliff added that the lot does exceed the amount of open area, just the location of open space does not meet the requirements. With no one else to speak either for or against the request, John Dorety made a motion to close the public hearing. Patti Bass seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: BOARD • ZONING ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 3, 1990 PAGE 3 Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Chuck Bradley agreed to place trees and photenias between the Church and the site. After further discussion Gerald Thompson made a motion that no special condition exists and to deny the variance to Grapevine Zoning Ordinance 82-73, Section 53.H.2.b. Patti Bass seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass Nays: Dorety, Howell Absent: Giffin, Quinn The variance was denied by majority vote. M all The next item for the Board of Zoning Adjustment to consider was BZA90-36, submitted by MaryMark Homes, who is requesting a variance to Grapevine Zoning Ordinance 82-73, Section 42.D for "R -7.5 ", Single Family regulations, a fifteen foot side yard requirement when adjacent to a street. An eight inch variance is being requested for 2156 Brookgate, Lot 24, Block 5, Winding Creek Ii. Mark Whiffin of 5151 Haydenbend, Grapevine, explained that the setback inspection had passed but did not know until the final survey that the house was encroaching at the corners. With no one else to speak either for or against the variance, Gerald Thompson made a motion to close the public hearing. Patti Bass seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Patti Bass made a motion that a special condition did exist and the special condition is that the encroachment is no fault of the applicant. Gerald Thompson seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Patti Bass made a motion to grant the variance to Grapevine Zoning Ordinance 82-73, Section 42.D. requiring a 15 foot side yard when adjacent to a street, allowing an eight inch variance. BOARD • ZONING ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 3, 1••0 PAGE 4 BZA90-37, D. K. BLACKBURN The next item of new business was for the Board of zoning Adjustment to consider BZA90-37, submitted by D. K. Blackburn who is requesting a variance from Grapevine Zoning Ordinance 82-73, Section 15.G.1 for "R-7.511, Single Family, thirty foot front yard requirements. Mr. Blackburn is requesting a three foot variance, allowing for a twenty-seven foot front yard for the existing house at 2031 Harwell Street, Lot 2, Block 1, Pecan Gap II. Mr. Don Blackburn of 1370 Randol Mill Road, Roanoke, TX, took the Oath of Truth and explained that he first submitted the plat with a 34 foot front yard and then had to shift the house toward the front and to the right side of the lot to meet the 25 foot rear yard setback. Mr. Blackburn explained that when this happened, the required 65 foot width across the front was reduced to 63 feet. Greg Wheeler noted that when the inspector saw that the front setback was the required 30 foot, he did not realize the width would be less. Tommy Hardy noted that the applicant needed a 3.8 foot variance instead of 3 foot. With no one else to speak either for or against the request, Patti Bass made a motion to close the public hearing. John Dorety seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Gerald Thompson made a motion that a special condition did exist. Mr. Thompson further stated that the special condition is that the house is existing and already completed. Patti Bass seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Gerald Thompson made a motion to grant the 3.8 foot variance to Grapevine Zoning Ordinance 82-731 Section 15.G.1, in order to bring the house into compliance. Patti Bass seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn MOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 3, 1990 PAGE 5 The last item of new business for the Board of Zoning Adjustment to consider was BZA90-38, submitted by the David Bagwell Company who is requesting a variance to Grapevine Zoning Ordinance 82-73, Section 15.G.5 for "R-7.5"., Single Family, 100 foot lot depth requirements. A 2.24 foot variance is being requested. The David Bagwell Company is requesting the variance for Lot 21, Block 2 of the proposed Westover Addition, in conjunction with the application for the preliminary plat scheduled for the November 20, 1990, City Council and Planning and Zoning public hearing. Joy Carroll noted that Staff recognizes a special condition because no additional property is available for the applicant to provide additional lot depth due to the City requiring the extension of Valleywood Drive through the subject property. If the lot were reduced in width where the depth requirement exists, it will then meet all City Ordinances. George Field, representing the David Bagwell Company, explained that the house would be built on the eastern side of the lot where it is wider. Tommy Hardy stated that The Meadows only had one entrance and the extension of Valleywood Drive will provide another outlet. With no one else to speak either for or against the request, John Dorety made a motion to close the public hearing. Randy Howell. seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Patti Bass made a motion that a special condition did exist and the special condition being the necessity to extend Valleywood Drive to Heritage Avenue, making the minimum lot depth impossible to meet. Gerald Thompson seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Patti Bass then made a motion to grant the variance to Grapevine Zoning Ordinance 82-73, Section 15.G.5 to allow a 2.24 foot variance and a 97.76 foot lot depth. Gerald Thompson seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn BOARD • ZONING ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 3, 1990 PAGE • MINUTES Next the Board of Zoning Adjustment considered the minutes of the September 4, 1990, and the October 1, 1990, meetings. Gerald Thompson made a motion to approve the September 4, 1990, minutes. Patti Bass seconded the motion which' prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn Next Patti Bass made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 1, 1990, meeting. John Dorety seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS AND/OR DISCUSSION Joy Carroll introduced to the Board, Ray Collins, Community Development's new Planner. Greg Wheeler explained about the problems with form surveys. Gil Traverse added that part of the problem was the surveyor sets the pins and the pins will shift and change locations. He expressed that the way the form surveys are checked is working, because there have been less cases before the Board. Gerald Thompson suggested that the surveyor be required to attend the meetings when there is a case that involves his work. Roger Beecham stated that if a State licensed Surveyor's work is consistently in error, the City may refuse to accept it for a certain period of time. John Dorety asked if there could be a blanket variance if encroachments are only one or two feet. Tommy Hardy stated that there could not be blanket variances because State law requires that all variances have to be heard before the Board of Zoning Adjustment. ADJOURNMENT With no further information, Gerald Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Patti Bass seconded the motion which prevailed by the following vote: BOARD • ZONING ADJUSTMENT DECEMBER 3, 1••0 PAGE 7 Ayes: Truitt, Thompson, Bass, Dorety, Howell Nays: None Absent: Giffin, Quinn The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 P.M. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING UJUST NT OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS, ON THIS THE ........ .. DAY OF 12J 7 1991. ATTEST: SECRETARY z/