HomeMy WebLinkAboutWS Item 02 - AM01-03 Zoning Ordinance AmendmentsITEM W�' �a - TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROGER NELSON, CITY MANAGER MEETING DATE: MARCH 6, 2001 SUBJECT: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS AM01-03—SECTION 55, PERFORMANCE STANDARDS RELATIVE TO NOISE REGULATION; SECTION 23, "LB" LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT, SECTION 23A, "GV" GRAPEVINE VINTAGE DISTRICT, SECTION 24, "CN" NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, SECTION 25, "CC" COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, SECTION 26, "HC" HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, SECTION 27, "PO" PROFESSIONAL OFFICE DISTRICT, SECTION 30, "RA" RECREATIONAL AMUSEMENT DISTRICT, SECTION 31, "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, SECTION 32, "BP" BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT RELATIVE TO THE 120 -FOOT SETBACK FOR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Council authorize staff to schedule the attached zoning ordinance revisions for a public hearing and take any other action necessary. BACKGROUND INFORMATION As the City continues to evolve, increasingly more commercial and retail development is occurring adjacent to residentially zoned property. In the last year, several problems have arisen as a result of non-residential uses being located near existing single-family structures. As it is currently written, the zoning ordinance attempts to alleviate these types of conflicts by requiring a minimum 120 -foot separation for all mechanical equipment larger than five horsepower from any residentially zoned district. For some non -residentially zoned properties this creates an extreme hardship without taking in to consideration the possibility of sound attenuation to reduce the noise impact on residential property. For example, the "CC" Community Commercial District has a minimum lot depth requirement of 120 -feet. For a conforming lot adjacent to residentially zoned property, no mechanical equipment larger than five horsepower can be located anywhere on the lot without a variance. Staff has attempted to bring about a more practical, working solution to this issue by proposing amendments to the noise regulations established in Section 55, Performance Standards. In this amended section, standards for measurement and permissible noise levels for daytime and nighttime activities have been established. These standards are based on the recommendation of an acoustical consultant and are consistent with the standards that exist in other cities throughout the Metroplex. In essence, if a proposed 0AZCU\memo.sec55 commercial development is located adjacent to any residentially zoned district, mechanical equipment may be located nearer than 120 -feet to the residentially zoned property provided that all the standards for noise regulation as stated in Section 55, Performance Standards have been met. See the attached ordinances. TH/ds 0AZCUVnemo.sec55 2 DRAFT COPY 2-28-01 SECTION 55 Section 55. Performance Standards A. In any district no land shall be used in any manner other than in compliance with the performance standards herein set forth. 1. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: ALL activities involving, and all storage of inflammable and explosive materials shall be provided at any point with adequate safety devices against the hazard of fire and explosion and adequate fire fighting and fire suppression equipment and devices, standard in the industry. Burning of waste materials in open fires in prohibited at any point. The relevant provisions of State and Local Laws and Regulations shall also apply. 2. RADIOACTIVITY OR ELECTRIC DISTURBANCE: No activities shall be permitted which emit dangerous radioactivity at any point or electrical disturbance. All applicable State and Federal Regulations shall be complied with. 3. NOISE REGULATION: T1 ordinance • • . sound originating within the limits of the Cily of Grapevine, Texas. It applies 24 hours of everyday of the week and year around. This ordinance does not apply to any moving vehicle or aircraft nor does it apply to sound emitted from • • • evice. This ordinance does not apply to the following activities as Iona as they are conducted 1 daytime hours as a normal• of perrnitted. conditional or special• the equipment is mai1 s in proper working • • •i ,•• • 11 l• •l• 1. • • 07 4WAT-=-JI-=1MM3tMWm=;1tt=•. • •' •- • • • 11 • . • • • . u • • �• •• •-• I • •- 1 -•M.M.••• • • • •- ''.• •'• • '• • . •: '• • • t • • • 0:\ZCU\0RD\SEC55.drf 040984 Section 55 DRAFT COPY 2-28-01 IMUT15ITTI •. MMM SECTION 55 "Imil- • M. • 11 • ' 11 • t ' • • I • • • - �� • • • - l Twill • _1 • • - t t 1 l • • 1 • . • • • • _ 1 t • arm• - Mort* 1 • - •. �• .11111.47.370.11=- • l Il ' y 1 • • _ 1 • • 1 - l 1 - • -111 -• ZoningDistrict 1t , Corrections for Character of Sound Applied to Table 1 valueg are as follows - /f Sound is Impulsive in Character— (hammering. Mping„ exploding, etc.) • 1. • - Y ♦ 1• •• 1. • • •: ••- .101M.1.791" • Note that for the purpose of this ordinance, a pure tone shall exist if the one-third octave band sound pressure level with the tone exceeds the arithmetic average of the sound pressure levels of the two contiguous one-third octave bands by 5 dB for center frequencies of 500 Hz and 0:\ZCU\ORD\SEC55.drf 040984 Section 55 DRAFT COPY 2-28-01 SECTION 55 Table -1 1=-FeqU9F;Gy r -anger, GORtaiRiRg G—Gtave band GGURd PF966UF9 6taF;daFd aGtave baREIG 1OV91 iR GleGibels iR GYG!96 P9F 69G9Ad Fe 0.0002 dyReiGFn2 MeifWVA X I Me!! M-WME•ym IA--l- 0 mmyr.". mn K r q Mr.r. 0 F.Tw"- Mr.nMr-ToMr-mg rgi.,awmill M• - ............... 0:\ZCU\ORD\SEC55.drf 040984 Section 55 DRAFT COPY 2-28-01 SECTION 55 2. A disti;iGt de6ignat-e-d- fa-4-ituFe residential develerp1ment ;R the plan. 4.3. VIBRATION: No vibration shall be permitted which is discernible without instruments at the points of measurement specified in Subsection B. 5.4-. GLARE: No direct or sky reflected glare, whether from floodlights or from high temperature processes such as combustion or welding or otherwise, so as to be visible at the points of measurement specified in Subsection B. This restriction shall not apply to signs otherwise permitted by the provisions of the ordinance. fi.5-. LIQUID OR SOLID WASTE: No discharge at any point into any public sewer, private sewer disposal system, or stream or into the ground, except in accordance with standards approved by the State Health Department or standard equivalent to those approved by such department, for similar uses, of any materials of such nature or temperature as can contaminate any water supply, interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment or otherwise cause the emission of dangerous or offensive elements. B. In order to determine if actual violations are involved, certain measurements are necessary for the enforcement of performance standards herein set forth pertaining to noise, vibration and glare. These measurements are as follows: Twenty-five (25) feet from the source of origin at the closest lot line in any district. C. Qualified expert consultants may be employed for analysis if, in the opinion of the Building Official, the proposed uses may cause dangerous or objectionable emissions. These reports shall be presented without delay with a copy for the applicant. D. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of application or in case of a required expert consultant's report, within a reasonable and mutually agreed upon period, the application shall be reviewed by the City Council, after which the building permit shall be issued, refused, or granted subject to modification of plans. E. In case of alleged violations of performance standards, the Building Official shall investigate and report to the City Council on any deviations from the performance standards. The City Council shall analyze the report with the help of qualified experts, and after public hearing, shall determine whether or not a violation is established otherwise by the City. 0AZCU\0RD\SEC55.drf 040984 7 Section 55 DRAFT COPY 2-27-01 SECTION 23 "LB" Limited Business District Section 23. LB Limited Business District PURPOSE: The LB Limited Business District is established to accommodate individual retail stores, personal service establishments and professional or business offices which primarily meet the local neighborhood shopping and personal service needs of a limited surrounding residential area. Retail stores permitted therein are intended to include convenience goods which are normally a daily necessity for a residential neighborhood. USES GENERALLY: In a LB Limited Business District no land shall be used and no building shall be erected for or converted to any use other than as hereinafter provided. A. PERMITTED USES: The following uses shall be permitted as principal uses. Retail sales in completely enclosed buildings limited to stores and shops for the following: bakery, books, confectionery, dairy products, drug, delicatessens, florist, gift, jewelry, hobby, music, pet, tobacco, newsstands, wearing apparel, toys, and camera & photo development shops. 2. Personal service establishments including beauty, barber, dry cleaning and laundry pickup, shoe repair, self-service laundromats, and express or mailing offices. 3. Medical and dental offices. 4. Restaurants excluding drive-in or drive-through restaurants. 5. Public utility uses required to service the district. B. ACCESSORY USES: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses in a LB Limited Business District provided that none shall be a source of income to the owner or user of the principal structure. Off-street parking in conjunction with any permitted use in this district. Provisions for the parking of automobiles provided that such provisions within sixty (60) feet of a residentially zoned district shall be separated from said lot by a blind fence or wall at least six (6) feet high. 2. Signs advertising uses on the premises, in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance. 3. Mechanical equipment located within 120 feet of any residentially zoned 0:\0RD\MechEquip\Sec23.DRF 071800 Section 23 DRAFT COPY 2-27-01 SECTION 23 "LB" Limited Business District district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55, Performance Standards. M8GhaRiGal 9qWiPFn9Rt - ReaFeF than GR9 hURdF9d UVeRty (120) feet te aRy r-esideRtially zoned diStFiGt-. 4. Screened garbage storage on a concrete pad and no closer than fifty (50) feet to any residentially zoned district and not located between the front of the building and any right-of-way. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted provided they meet the provisions of, and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to, Section 48 of the Ordinance. 1. Alcoholic beverage sales provided a special permit is issued in accordance with Section 42.13 of this Ordinance. 2. Drive-in and drive-through restaurants. 3. Schools and studios for art, dancing, drama, music, photography, interior decorating, or reducing. 4. Food and convenience stores, including prepared food carry -out service, that provide additional parking needed by that service. 5. Professional and business offices. 6. Banks and financial institutions. D. LIMITATION Of USES: All activities of permitted uses except automobile parking lots, shall be conducted entirely within a completely enclosed building. 2. No individual retail store or personal service establishment shall have a floor area open to the public, including display, service and sales, greater than twenty-five hundred (2,500) square feet. E. PLAN REQUIREMENTS: No application for a building permit for construction of a principal building shall be approved unless: A Plat, meeting all requirements of the City of Grapevine has been approved by the City Council and recorded in the official records of Tarrant County. 0A0RD\MechEquip\Sec23.DRF 071800 2 Section 23 DRAFT COPY 03/01/01 Sec. 23A GV Grapevine Vintage District 8. Dinner Theaters. 9. Art galleries and museums. B. ACCESSORY USES: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses: 1. Mechanical equipment located within 120 feet of any residentially zoned district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55. Performance Standards. 2. Screened garbage storage on a concrete pad no nearer than fifty (50) feet to a residentially zoned district and not located between the front of the building and any street right-of-way. 3. Off-street parking to serve permitted uses, provided that any off-street parking or vehicular use area within sixty (60) feet of a residentially zoned district shall be separated from said lot in accordance with Section 50.C.1. Screening Alternate A. 4. Signs advertising uses on the premises in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance, with the exception of pole signs. Pole signs shall not be allowed within the Grapevine Vintage District. 5. Other structures or uses which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to the permitted use and/or structure. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted, provided they meet the provisions of, and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to, Section 48 of the Ordinance. 1. Winery with alcoholic beverage sales, with on -premise and off -premise consumption, provided a special permit is issued in accordance with Section 42.13. of the Ordinance. 2. Wine tasting facility with alcoholic beverage sales with on -premise and off - premise consumption, provided a special permit is issued in accordance with Section 42.13. of the Ordinance. All alcoholic beverage sales shall be consistent with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code. 062194 2 Section 23A DRAFT COPY 3101/01 Sec. 24 CN Neighborhood Commercial residentially zoned district. 2. Mechanical equipment located within 120 feet of any residentially zoned district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55. Performance Standards. MeGhaniGal 9qWiPFA9Rt R9 ReaF9F thaR 9R9 huF;dFed tweRty (420) feet te any Fe6ideRtially zeRed d-StFiGt. 3. Screened garbage storage on a concrete pad no nearer than fifty (50) feet to a residentially zoned district and not located between the front of the building and any street right-of-way. 4. Off-street parking to serve permitted uses provided that any off-street parking or vehicular use area within sixty (60) feet of a residentially zoned district shall be separated from said lot by a blind fence, berm, wall or landscaping at least six (6) feet high. 5. Signs advertising uses on the premises in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted provided they meet the provisions of, and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to Section 48 of this Ordinance. 1 Alcoholic beverage sales provided a special permit is issued in accordance with Section 42.13. of this Ordinance. 2. Tire, battery, and accessory stores located within a planned shopping center. 3. Automotive parts and supplies completely in an enclosed building. 4. Drive-in or drive-through restaurants. 5. Gasoline services. 6. Private clubs and service organizations. 7. Veterinarian including veterinary hospitals where small animals are kept overnight. 8. Planned Commercial Centers. Section 24 2 DRAFT COPY 03/01/01 Sec. 25 CC Community Commercial 13. Furniture stores. B. ACCESSORY USES: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses: 1. Private garage. 2. Swimming pool no nearer than one hundred twenty (120) feet to any residentially zoned district. 3. Mechanical equipment located within 120 feet of any residentially zoned district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55. Performance Standards. 4. Screened garbage storage on a concrete pad no nearer than fifty (50) feet to a residentially zoned district and not located between the front of the building any street right-of-way. 5. Provisions for the parking of automobiles provided that such provisions within sixty (60) feet of a residentially zoned district shall be separated from said lot by a blind fence or wall at least six (6) feet high. 6. Signs advertising uses located on the premises in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted, provided they meet the provisions of, and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to, Section 48 of the Ordinance. 1. Public storage garages, including mini -storage warehouses for storage purposes only. Caretaker or watchmen residential facilities having accommodations for and occupied by only one family may be permitted as an accessory use to public storage garages or mini -storage warehouses. No more than three (3) persons unrelated by blood or marriage may occupy the caretaker or watchmen residential facilities. 2. Wholesale office and business completely within an enclosed building, but excluding warehouse storage. 3. Commercial parking lots. 071800 2 Section 25 DRAFT COPY 3/01/01 Sec. 26 HC Highway Commercial a principal use provided that none shall be a source of income to the owner or user of the principal use: 1. Accessory uses permitted in the CN and CC Commercial Districts. 2. Mechanical equipment located within 120 feet of any residentially zoned district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55. Performance Standards. M9GhaniGal equipmeRt neaFeF thaR eRe huRdFed tweRty (129) feet te aRy FesideRtially Z9RGd dirtFiGt. All GuGh equipmeRt E;hall 198 GGFeeRed 49M PUbIiG Vi 3. Screened garbage storage, on a concrete pad no nearer than fifty (50) feet to any residentially zoned district and Northwest Highway. 4. Off-street parking, provided that all areas devoted to the parking of vehicles or the sale and display of merchandise, except nurseries, shall be surfaced in accordance with Section 58 of this Ordinance. 5. Provisions for the parking of automotive vehicles provided within sixty (60) feet of any residentially zoned district shall be separated from said lot by a blind fence or wall at least six (6) feet high. 6. Other structures or uses which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to the permitted use and/or structure. 7. Signs advertising uses located on the premises in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance. 8. Used car sales in conjunction with new car sales provided that used car sales do not exceed more than fifty percent of the total sales for the automobile dealership in a calendar year. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses may be permitted provided they meet the provisions of, and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to, Section 48 of this Ordinance. 1. Commercial off-street parking lots for passenger vehicles less than one ton carrying capacity. 2. Retail sales of building materials displayed in an unenclosed or incompletely enclosed area with outside storage. 071800 2 Section 26 DRAFT COPY 3101/01 decorating or reducing. Sec. 27 PO Professional Office B. ACCESSORY USES: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses, provided that such use shall be located not less than twenty (20) feet from any street right-of-way: 1. Mechanical equipment located within 120 feet of any residentially zoned district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55. Performance Standards. eqWipMeRt no 2. Screened garbage storage on a concrete pad and no nearer than fifty (50) feet to a residentially zoned district and not located between the front of the building and any street right-of-way. 3. Parking of automobiles, provided that such facilities are within sixty (60) feet of a residentially zoned district be separated from said lot by a blind fence or wall at least six (6) feet high. 4. Parking garage. 5. Signs advertising uses on the premises in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance. C. CONDITIONAL USES: 1. Restaurants, including alcoholic beverage sales provided a special permit is issued in accordance with Section 42.13. of the Ordinance. Drive-in and drive-through restaurants shall not be allowed. 2. Funeral homes and mortuaries. 3. Personal Care Facilities. D. LIMITATIONS OF USES: None specified. E. PLAN REQUIREMENTS: No application for a building permit for construction of a principal building shall be approved unless: 1. A Plat, meeting all requirements of the City of Grapevine has been approved by the City Council and recorded in the official records of Tarrant County. 071800 2 Section 27 DRAFT COPY 3/01/01 Sec.30 RA Recreation/Amusement 1 Off-street parking in conjunction with any permitted use in this district. Provisions for the parking of automobiles provided that such provisions within 100 feet of a residentially zoned district shall be separated from said lot by a blind fence or wall, berm and or landscaping at least six (6) feet high. 2. Signs advertising use on the premises, in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance. 3. Mechanical equipment located within 120 -feet of any residentially zoned district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55. Performance Standards, WGatiRg, Y941atiRq aR GGRditiG neRt RG ReaFeF thaR 120 feet te ai;y FesideRtial iieRiRgg diStFiGt. 4. Screened refuse and garbage storage on a concrete pad and located no closer than 100 feet to any residentially zoned district and not located between the front of the building and any right-of-way. All refuse and garbage storage shall be landscaped and screened in accordance with Section 50.13.3. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted, provided they meet the provisions of, and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to, Section 48 of this Ordinance. 1. Amphitheaters. 2. Amusement parks (indoor and outdoor operations). 3. Auto racing tracks. 4. Baseball stadiums. 5. Batting cages. 6. Conference/Convention Centers. 7. Go-cart tracks. 8. Horse racing tracks. 022195 2 Section 30 DRAFT COPY 3/01/01 11. Welding repair. Sec. 31 LI Light Industrial 12. Retail establishments for carpet sales, farm supplies, lumber and building supplies, and similar uses. 13. Retail establishments with the repair of new and used cars, light trucks and vans, motorcycles, and boats. All vehicles must be in operating condition; and all open displays or storage areas must be surfaced and developed in accordance with all applicable Ordinances of the City. 14. Retail establishments for the sale of new vehicular parts and accessories. 15. Building trades contractor within a completely enclosed building and no outside storage for materials and equipment. B. ACCESSORY USES: The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses. No accessory uses shall be allowed within the front yard: 1. Mechanical equipment located within 120 -feet of any residentially zoned district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55. Performance Standards. HeatiRg, Yentilating, 2. Provisions for off-street parking of employee and customer motor vehicles within sixty (60) feet of a residentially zoned district shall be screened in accordance with Section 50, Alternates A or E. 3. Screened refuse and garbage storage on a concrete pad, and located no closer than fifty (50) feet to a residentially zoned district. All refuse and garbage storage shall be landscaped and screened in accordance with Section 50.13.3. 4. Other uses, including retail sales and structures which are customarily accessory, clearly incidental and subordinate to the permitted and conditional uses; provided, however, that no residential facilities shall be permitted except for watchmen or caretakers whose employment requires residence on the premises. 5. Bulk storage of flammable liquids associated with a permitted use, subject to the provisions of City and/or State Fire Codes. 071800 2 Section 31 DRAFT COPY 3/01/01 Sec 32 BP Business Park Provisions for the parking of automobiles, provided that such provisions within 100 feet of a residentially zoned district shall be separated from said lot by a blind masonry wall meeting the screening requirements of Section 50.C.1. 2. Signs advertising use on the premises, in accordance with Section 60 of this Ordinance. 3. Mechanical equipment located within 120 -feet of any residentially zoned district must meet the standards established for noise regulation as stated in Section 55. Performance Standards. HeatiRg, WRtilatiRq, and aiF GeRditiGRiR9 8qWiPFn8Rt leGate_d Re r.,IOE;eF thaR 420 feet te aRy F-A-G-WIP-Ati-Al 79RiRg diGt 4. Screened refuse and garbage storage on a concrete pad and located no closer than 50 feet to any residentially zoned district and not located between the front of the building and any right-of-way. All refuse disposal and garbage storage areas shall be landscaped and screened in accordance with Section 50.6.3. 5. All other mechanical equipment shall be located within a completely enclosed building and shall meet the masonry requirements of Section 32.M.4. 6. Retail sales, day care centers and personal services which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to office buildings. C. CONDITIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted, provided they meet the provisions of, and a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to, Section 48 of this Ordinance. 1. Planned Business Parks in accordance with Section 32.N., Planned Business Park Provisions. 2. Alcoholic beverage sales, provided a special permit is issued in accordance with Section 42.B. of the Ordinance. 3. Retail gasoline sales or gasoline service stations and related convenience store and automated car washes. 4. Restaurants with outside dining. 071800 3 Section 32 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROGER NELSON, CITY MANAGER MEETING DATE: MARCH 6, 2001 SUBJECT: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS AM01-04—SECTION 24, "CN" NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, SECTION 25, "CC" COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, SECTION 26, "HC" HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, SECTION 27, "PO" PROFESSIONAL OFFICE DISTRICT, SECTION 31, "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, AND SECTION 32, "BP" BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT RELATIVE TO HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Council authorize staff to schedule the attached zoning ordinance revisions for a public hearing and take any other action necessary. Similar to the hardship that exists with mechanical equipment, a comparative hardship exists relative to the height of principal structures on commercially zoned property when located adjacent to an "R-20," "R-12.5," and "R-7.5" Single Family District. For example, as the ordinance is currently written, in the "CC" Community Commercial District, the height of a principal structure when located contiguous to a "R-20," "R-12.5," or "R-7.5" Single Family District is limited to 25 -feet. However, the height of structures in the respective single-family districts is limited to 35 -feet. Staff has drafted proposed amendments that would allow an increase of up to five feet to the height requirement for principal structures when adjacent to an "R-20," "R-12.5," or "R-7.5" Single Family District upon approval of a conditional use permit. THlrls 0:2Mmemo.height DRAFT COPY 3/1/01 Sec. 24 CN Neighborhood Commercial 6. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: The minimum distance between detached principal or accessory buildings on the same lot shall be not less than twenty (20) feet. H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: Whenever any C -N District abuts a residential district, an appropriate buffer and screen shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Sections 24(M)4., and 53 of this Ordinance. In addition, no building or structure shall be located nearer to any residentially zoned property than a distance equal to one and one-half (1-1/2) times the height of such building or structure. 1. HEIGHT: 1. No principal structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding thirty (30) feet. except buildings Principal structures located adjacent to an R-20, R-12.5, or R-7.5 Residential district shall not exceed one (1) floor level or twenty-five (25) feet in height, however an increase up to five (5) feet to this requirement may be granted upon approval of a conditional use request by the City Council. 2. No accessory structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding fifteen (15) feet. J. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 53 of this ordinance. K. OFF-STREET PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Sections 56 and 58 and shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. L. OFF-STREET LOADING: Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 and 58 of this Ordinance. M. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: The following design requirements shall apply in the C -N District: 1. No outdoor storage, except for refuse disposal, shall be permitted. Refuse disposal areas shall be landscaped and screened from view. Section 24 _V DRAFT COPY 3/1/01 lot. Sec. 25 CC Community Commercial 6. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: The minimum distance between detached principal or accessory buildings on the same lot shall be not less than forty (40) feet. H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: Whenever a CC District abuts a residential district, an appropriate buffer and screen shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 53 and 25-(M)4 of this Ordinance. In addition, no building or structure shall be located nearer to any residentially zoned property than a distance equal to two (2) times the height of any building or structure. HEIGHT: 1. No principal structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding fifty (50) feet. 9XG8pt buildiF;g6 Principal structures located contiguous to an existing R-20, R-12.5, or R-7.5 District, height shall not exceed one (1) floor level or twenty five (25) feet in height, however an increase up to five (5) feet to the above stated height requirements may be granted upon approval of a conditional use request by the City Council. 2. No accessory structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding fifteen (15) feet. J. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. K. OFF-STREET PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Sections 56 and 58 and shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. L. OFF-STREET LOADING: Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with the provision of Section 57 of this Ordinance. M. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: The following design requirements shall apply in the C -C District: 1. Outdoor storage and refuse disposal shall be landscaped and screened from view. 2. Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioning units, shall 071800 6 Section 25 DRAFT COPY 3/1/01 Sec 26 HC Highway Commercial LOT WIDTH: Every lot shall have a minimum width of fifty (50) feet. 2. LOT DEPTH: Every lot shall have a minimum depth of not less than one hundred (100) feet. 3. FRONT YARD: Every lot shall have a front yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet which shall be utilized as a landscaped setback area. Front yards shall not be used for any building, structure, fence, wall or storage area, except that signs may be permitted in this area in accordance with Section 60. Front yards shall be landscaped with grass, shrubbery, vines, or trees and no part shall be paved or surfaced except for minimum access, driveways, and sidewalks. Provided, however, the front yard set back for lots fronting on the south side of Northwest highway, between Jenkins Street and Dooley Street, shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet and may be used for off-street parking, drives, and sidewalks. The ten (10) foot front yard for this area shall not be used for any building, structure, fence, wall, or storage area. 4. SIDE YARDS: No side yards are required, except that when property in an HC District abuts property of a district in which a side yard is required, a side yard of equivalent width shall be provided in the HC District. 5. REAR YARD: A rear yard equivalent to the adjacent or contiguous district shall be provided. 6. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: The minimum distance between detached principal or accessory buildings on the same lot shall be not less than ten (10) feet. H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: When an HC District abuts a Residential District, an appropriate buffer and screen shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 50 of this Ordinance. HEIGHT: 1. No principal structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding two (2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet. -; eyGept buildingE; Principal structures located adjacent to an R-20, R-12.5, or R-7.5 District shall not exceed one (1) floor level or twenty (20) feet in height, however an increase up to five 071800 7 Section 26 DRAFT COPY 3/1/01 Sec 26 HC Highway Commercial (5) feet to this requirement may be granted upon approval of a conditional use re uq est by the City Council. 2. No accessory structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding fifteen (15) feet. J. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. K. OFF-STREET PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 56 and 58 and shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. L. OFF-STREET LOADING: Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of this Ordinance. M. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: The following design requirements shall apply in the HC District: 1. Refuse disposal areas shall be landscaped and screened from view. 2. Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioning units, shall be designed, installed, and operated to minimize noise impact on surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from public view. 3. Lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any adjacent residential area. 4. Whenever an HC Highway Commercial District is adjacent to any residentially zoned district, a buffer strip, at least twenty (20) feet in width shall be provided between the two (2) districts. A wall, fence, or berm shall be erected to effectively screen the HC District from the residential area and no streets, alley, vehicular storage area or use shall be permitted in the required buffer strip. 5. The Masonry Requirements of Section 54 shall be met. 6. All sales, display, or outdoor storage areas shall be surfaced in accordance with Section 58 except those areas of nurseries and garden center where living plants are located. 071800 8 Section 26 DRAFT COPY 3/1/01 Sec 27 PO Professional Office be not less than ten (10) feet in width. 5. REAR YARD: Every lot shall have a rear yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet in depth. 6. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: The minimum distance between detached principal or accessory buildings on the same lot shall be not less than twenty (20) feet. H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: Whenever a P-0 District abuts a Residential District, an appropriate buffer screen shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 53 of this ordinance. In addition, no building or structure shall be located nearer to any residentially zoned property than a distance equal to two (2) times the height of such building or structure or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is greater. I. HEIGHT: 1. No principal structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet. except build44gs Principal structures located contiguous to a R-20, R-12.5, or R-7.5 District, buildings shall not exceed one (1) floor level or twenty (20) feet in height, however an increase up to five (5) feet to the above stated height requirements may be granted upon approval of a conditional use permit by the City Council. 2. No accessory structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding fifteen (15) feet. J. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 53 of this ordinance. K. OFF-STREET PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 56 and 58 and shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. L. OFF-STREET LOADING: Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of this Ordinance. M. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: The following design requirements shall apply in the P-0 District: 071800 4 Section 27 DRAFT COPY 3/1/01 in depth. Sec. 31 LI Light Industrial 6. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS - The minimum distance between buildings or structures on adjacent lots shall be not less than thirty (30) feet. H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: Whenever the LI Light Industrial District abuts a residentially zoned district, a landscaped buffer zone of not less than twenty-five (25) feet in depth shall be provided from the lot line. No buildings or structures, parking, loading or storage shall occur in the buffer area and such area shall be landscaped to provide visual and acoustical privacy to adjacent property. Screening shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 50 of this Ordinance. In addition, no building or structure shall be located nearer to any residentially zoned property than a distance equal to one and one-half (1-1/2) times the height of any building or structure. HEIGHT: No bwIdiR9 9F principal structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding fifty (50) feet. , ex%pt buildiROG Principal structures located contiguous to an existing R-20, R-12.5 or R-7.5 Single Family District shall not exceed one (1) story or thirty-five (35) feet in height, however an increase up to five (5) feet to the above stated height requirements may be -granted upon approval of a conditional use request by the City Council. J. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. K. OFF-STREET PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Sections 56 and 58 of this Ordinance. L. OFF-STREET LOADING: No off-street loading is required in the LI Light Industrial District. M. MASONRY REQUIREMENTS: The masonry requirements of Section 54 shall be met for all buildings and structures. N. ADDITIONAL BUFFERING, SCREENING, FENCING, & LANDSCAPING. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and the City Council may require buffering, screening, fencing and landscaping requirements on any zone change, conditional use, or special use case or concept plan in addition to or in lieu of buffering, screening, fencing or landscaping requirements set out specifically in each use district when the nature and character of surrounding or adjacent property dictate a need to require such methods in order to protect such property and to 071800 7 Section 31 DRAFT COPY 3/1/01 Sec. 32 BP Business Park Parks permitted as a conditional use shall meet the requirements of Section 32.N.1. 5. REAR YARD: Every lot shall have a rear yard of not less than twenty five (25) feet in depth. Planned Business Parks permitted as a conditional use shall meet the requirements of Section 32.N.1. 6. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: None Required. H. BUFFER AREA REGULATIONS: Whenever a BP Business Park District abuts a Residential District, an appropriate buffer screen shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 53 and Section 32.M.5. of this Ordinance. In addition, no building or structure shall be located nearer to any residentially zoned property than a distance of one hundred (100) feet. Any use other than open space or off-street parking proposed to be located within the one hundred (100) foot buffer shall be permitted as a conditional use meeting the requirements of Section 48. 1. HEIGHT: No bUildiRg 9F.principal structure shall be erected or altered to a height exceeding fifty (50) feet. -, exGept buildiR96 principal structures located adjacent to an R-20, R-12.5, or R-7.5 District shall not exceed one (1) floor level or twenty (20) feet in height, however an increase up to five (5) feet to the above stated height requirements may be granted upon approval of a conditional use request by the City Council. 2. For buildings or structures exceeding fifty (50) feet, a Conditional Use Permit must be obtained. In addition, the building height granted under a conditional use permit shall not exceed one-half (1/2) the shortest distance between the structure and the nearest adjacent residentially zoned district. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS: Landscaping shall be required in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. K. OFF-STREET PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 56 and 58 and shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 53 of this Ordinance. In addition, the following shall be required: 071800 6 Section 32