HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11 - Denton Creek Park /Trail MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: BRUNO RUMBELOW, CITY MANAGER �� MEETING DATE: JANUARY 17, 2017 SUBJECT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SERVICES CONTRACT FOR : DENTON CREEK PARK/TRAIL RECOMMENDATION: City Council to consider awarding a Landscape Architecture contract to TBG Partners in the amount of$166,435 for the conceptual landscape plan for Denton Creek Park/Trail. FUNDING SOURCE: Funding for this purchase is currently available in account 171-48810-0-0-17001 NE for a total amount not to exceed $166,435. Kubota donated funds for park development. BACKGROUND: Staff sent out an RFQ for design services to landscape architectural firms in Texas. The scope for the project is a linear park/trail along Denton Creek. Ten firms submitted RFQs in April to the Parks & Recreation Department. After evaluation by the multidepartment team, five firms were selected for interviews. The five firms made presentations to the evaluation team. The team selected TBG Partners due to their process, team structure, and experience. Please see the attached contract. Staff recommends approval. KM � � December 15,2016 Mr. Kevin Mitchel{ Grapevine Parks and Recreation 1175 Municipal Way Grapevine,Texas 76051 Re: Denton Greek Park ' Grapevine,Texas TBG Project#D16178 Dear Mr. Mitchell: The Broussard Group, Inc. dba TBG Partners (TBG) is pleased to submit this propasal for professional design services.This dacument serves as a scape of services for Denton Creek Park in Grapevine,Texas. TBG has prepared this scope af services ta be used in a team approach with prafessionaE cansultants,TBG will act as the prime consultant antl wiU coordinate and manage the following sub-consultants, including VERDUNITY(civil engineer}, Biohabitats(fluvial geomorphoiogy consu{tant},and HR+A Advisars(ecanomic development strategies). The extent af this project may be generally described as park site analysis,master-planning and schematic design and ultimately design development, construction documentation and construction phase services for Denton Creek Park. Piease refer ta Exhibit A & B for site, iocation,and stakehaider's adjacency. This propasal is for landscape architectural services, civii engineering services, fluvial geomorphology engineering,and econamic development strategies. THE SITE This project cansists of Denton Greek Park,a 32+J-acre park situated between Grapevine Mills Parkway, Lakeside Parkway, Camden Riverwalk Apartments and the 185 acre masterplan praject, reference Exhibit A. The team wi11 alsa take inta consideration pedestrian cannections to the entertainment tract. Our approach takes inta account design of amenities, fixtures and finishes commensurate with the exclusive nature of this masterplan and includes a level of design service required to fully realize the u�ique opportunities presented by this project and the associated site. THE PROJECT 2001 8ryan Street, Suite 1450, Dallas, Texas 752d1 TE!214.744.0757 WEB www.tbg-inc.com Mr.Kevin Mitchell r December 15,2106 � z TBG will prepare and develop the conceptual park master plan and schernatic design to inclutle the f4��4Wi11�: A. Qenton Creek Park program,masterplan and schematic design including any hartlscape and saftscape impravements discavered during the analysis and programming phase B. Denton Creek geomorpho(ogy assessments and implementation strategies for future develapment and creek restaratian. C. pevelopment af existing and future drainage conditions within the extents of the floodplain. ; PROPOSAL INCLUSIONS AND EXCLUSIONS TBG assumes the fallowing for the basis of this proposal: A, TBG will caordinate with other project consuEtants for their wark scope as they relate to the landscape architectural design elements within this project (architect, lighting designer, structural and MEP engineers},however,na fees far tFrese consultants have been included in this scape of wark at this time.As schematic design and design develapment progress,we will make recammendations far additianal sub cansultants if needed. B. The Client will provide 2' GIS contours, stakeholder site development plans, surveys, record drawings, geotechnical investigations and/or other such investigations that TBG may request to proper{y execute the work. C. The Ciient will review and provide comments on drawings and outline criteria provided by TBG. TBG excludes the falfowing for the basis of this proposal: A. Accessibility permitting, submissian, responses or wark scope management. it is assumed that this service is provided by the Owner or other consultant. If required, TBG will respond to camments generated by the initial submittal to the Registered Accessibility Cansultant�RAS}. B. Work associated with major redesign value engineering tasks due to inconsistent project budgets provided by the client. C. As-built documentation D. irrigation detailed design and documentation #or systems supplied by reclaimed ar auxiliary water systems,e.g.well water,rainwater/candensate harvesting,and Type 1 reclaimed water E. Zoning effarts F. LEED documentation can be provided as additional services. G. Hydraulic mode)of proposed design H. Assessment of water rights,property ownership,or other legal issues that may be associated with the project I. Any requested work involving items related to information required for permit applications or involving regulatory agencies such as the U.S.Army Corps af Engineers,U.S.Fish and Wildlife Mr.Kevin Mitchell r December 15,2106 � 3 Service,Texas Department of Environmental Quality,and City of Grapevine that is not explicitly identified in the task descriptians will be assumed to be permitting-related services and wi41 be charged on a Time and Materials basis. J. Scope af work daes not include identificatian or remediatian of hazardous,taxic or radioactive waste. • K. This praposal exciudes stormwater analysis and design of the Camden Apartments and entertainment tract. BUDGET ' T66 will work with the Cfienfs cantractar andJar construction manager to prepare and cnanage the development budget starting at Schematic Design. TBG wiil only proceed with each subsequent task af service upan receipt of the OwnerJClient's authorization, based upon design documents and contractor/CM prepared budget, TBG will maintain conformance within each task of seroice of al) documents with the budget. Should the budget be reduced or increased in excess af 10°Ifl between the time of campletian of schematic design and construction documents,TBG will have a basis for consideration of additianal services. SGOPE OF SERVICES TBG utilizes a design pracess that allows projects to move from an idea to implementation,which includes Discavery, Development antl Delivery. Basic Seroices A. Discovery — To research, analyze and understand aii af the site cantext as wei! as programmatic opportunities and constraints 1. Task One:Cansultant Coordination and Management 2. Task Twa: Background Studies 3. Task Three:Site Analysis and Evaluation/Opportunities and Constraints. 4. Task Four:Develop Enviranmental Condition Assessment 5. Task Five:Jurisdictional Waters Determination B. Development—To develop the project vision and begin to craft the project's form and function 1. Task One: Master Park Program � Z. Task Two:Schematic Design �tional Services Tree Survey Expanded Services Ito be negotiated after approval of SGhematic Desianl A. Development—To develop the project visian and begin to craft the project's form and function Mr.Kevin Mitchell r December 15,2106 � 4 1. Task Three: Design Development Z. Task Four: Construction Documentation. B. Delivery—To implement the vision through the construction task with attention to tletail 1. Task One: Bidding and Negotiation Assistance 2. Task Two: Construction Observation. BASIC SERVICES DISGIJVERY-DURA710N: TWO MONTHS TASK ONE: CONSULTANT GOORDINATION AND MQNAGEMENT TBG will,as a means af managing the prajeet and team,provide the following se�vices: A. Define the team's scape of work and manage roles and responsibilities of the design team. B. Manage all aspects of design responsibility/accountability,work assignments and quality cantrol. C. Coordinate the sharing of all work protluct between the design team,owners antl stakeholtler group. D. Be responsib{e for preparing bi-weekiy project updates E. Schedule Management F. Meeting Notes from Client meetings&Stakehalder meetings G. Presentations to city staff and council. TASK TWO: BACKGROUND STUDIES TBG will,as a means of becoming familiar with the property and the opportunities,provide the following services: A. Visit the project site and became familiar with overall characteristics and relatianship to the surrounding regian;observe and document existing site conditians. B. Meet with the Client ta discuss the general range af develapment opportunities and expectations C. Review available existing pertinent data,in the form afi base maps,aerial photographs,engineering information and controls,area redevelopment plans,hydrologic antl hydraulic models,native riparian plant composition,etc.for adjacent and internal site developments. TASK THREE: SITE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATtON/OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS As a part of this task,TBG will consider and evaluate the follawing: A. Base Data 1. Phatographic image studies to"benchmark"this development against other nationally recognizetl urban districts and characterize praposed design concepts far specialized spaces 2. City Department analysis and meetings to understand programming needs,maintenance,storm water management goals,and other�ecessary City input.This will be facilitated in a ane(1}day meeting with all departments caordinated by the Client. Mr.Kevin Mitchell � December 15,2106 i 5 3. Meetings with adjacent property stakeholders(developers)to untlerstand their user input and program desires,including:Kubata,Mercedes,Camden Apartments,TSTO,Potential Development Tract,and JLB.This will be facilitated in a one(1�meeting with all stakeholtlers coordinatetl by the Client B. Physical Factors: 1. Required detention and drainage work provided by project engineer ' 2. Property canfiguration 3. Municipal boundaries 4. Relatianships to adjaining land and parcels 5. Ingress/egress potential 6, Easements,zaning controls 7. Existing/Future development on the site 8. Views,visual characteristics and scenic factars 9. Utility location,availability and easements(in conjunction with the Client) 10. Recreation and open space. C. Natural Factors: 1. Tap�graphy{2'cantours},slapes ar�d arientatian 2. Soils and geological factars 3. Hydrolagy,drainage patterns and flood plain extent 4. Creek morphology and flows a. Geomorphic characterization of Denton Creek b. Identification af restoration needs along with site constraints and opportunities c. Evaluate available hydrologic models and reservoir management to determine peak and low creek flows and historical data. 5. Tree cover and vegetatian,wetlands,areas ta be remavetl and maintained a. Characterizatian of riparian and upland vegetation communities,including nan-native invasive species and dominant flora and fauna b. ldentification and defineation of wetlands on site and other enviranmentaily sensitive areas c. Characterization of site soils and landscape d. Identification of site constraints and oppartunities to enhance vegetation and wetlar�ds. 6. Climate and wind factors 7. Nabitat evaluatian ta assess the presence of federally and state listed threatened andlor endangered species.(Refer to Task Four for a detailed tlescription.) ' D. Products: TBG will summarize significant data from the above in the form of compasite sketch plan�s), diagrams and charts.This data wili become the pragram and framewark�f the averall park development. 1. Environmental Assessment,inciuding technical memarandum detailing stormwater management analysis 2. Opportunities and Constraint maps bassd on environmental and physical factors Mr.Kevin Mitcl�ell M December 15,2106 � � 3. Park Program feedback(City and Stakeholder partners) 4. Select preliminary past construction BMP strategies and optimal locations within each sub-basin 5. Develop existing antl future conditions tlrainage area maps,inciuding floodplain extents 6. Conduct a preliminary geomorphic assessmentJcharacterization of Denton Creek, including identification of restoration needs and opportunities/canstraints 7. Provide technical memorandum detaiiing geomorphic assessment of Denton Creek 8. Meeting minutes. ' TASK FUUR:ENYIRONMENTAL GOND1714N ASSESSMENT A. Conduct a site recannaissance of the praposed develapment praperty ta assess property condition and environmental features.The dominant flara antl fauna present on the site will be identified, overall ecalagical health of the proposed development area wil4 be evaluated,and Enviranmentally Sensitive Areas(ESAs)nn the project site will be characterized.The City of Grapevine follows the , ll.S.Army Carp of Engineers Guidelines for ESA's,which this team will follaw. B. Canduct a habitat evaluation to assess the presence,or likely presence,of federally-antl state- listed threatened andlar endangered species potentially occurrir�g at the site.The habitat evaluation will include a site visit ta determine the likelihood of occurrence of each of those species at the site.A protected species list for Tarrant and Dailas Caunties will be obtained from the Unitetl States Fish and Wiltllife Service and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department prior to the site visit.The evaluation wili consider the habitat pravided by the site compared to the locatian o# critical habitat and habitat preferences of the listed species. C. Qne(1)electranic copy of the ECA wil(be submitted.The ECA report will inciude: 1. Fauna and flora species onsite,averall ecological integrity/health of the site,and a map showing existing environmental and wiidlife habitat elements at the site. 2. �esuits of the habitat evaluation and conciusians as ta the likelif�aad of occurrence of each of the federally and state listed species. 3. Best Management Practices to minimize land disturbance and modificati��of natural land forms to protect,canserve,and/or restare any designated Environmentally Sensitive Areas. 4. Prapased measures ta maintain any ESA`s lacated on site. Mr. Kevin Mitchell � December 15,2106 � � TASK FIVE:JURISDICTIONAL WATERS DETERMINATION Perform a site visit to conduct a field evaluation of the subject property to determine if any portion of the site is potentiaily subject to Corps of Engineers jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.Specifically,the site assessment wilt include an evaluation of vegetation,soiis,and hydrology in a manner consistent with the Corps of Engineers guidance to determine if the site includes "jurisdictional"wetlands or other"waters of the U.S."A report will be submitted to provide conclusions of the field evaluation antl a map showing approximate locations of any jurisdictional waters identified on site. DEVELOPMENT-DURATION:TEN WEEKS TASK ONE: MASTER PARK PROGRAM—1 DAY DESIGN MEETING A. Purpose The purpose of this task is to develop approved framework of the Master Park Program, while working collaboratively with the Owner and other design consultants in a one(1)day design meeting to begin design refinements for the entire park. B. TBG will, as a part of this task,address the foltowing program and site elements in terms of planning and design: 1. Hierarchy of trails and public open spaces : 2. Parks/open space systems and program elements 3. Preliminary creek assessment information and areas for improvement 4. Environmental management strategies 5. Overall Water quality and water detention/retention concepts 6. Proposed park engagement options to surrounding development and urban loop road. C. Products 1. Park program and bubble diagram showing proposed uses and relationships 2. Overall character images to shows potential of proposed uses 3. Key cross-sections showing program and land manipulation of the site 4. Hi-level storm water management strategies. TASK TWO: SCHEMATIC LANDSCAPE DESIGN(SD) A. Purpose The purpose of this task is to build upon the Master Park Program and create a unified design from Task One above and work collaboratively with the Owner and other design consultants to begin design refinements for the park. This will establish design parameters and standards for the development and aliow for coordinated engineering with all consultants. Mr.Kevin Mitchell � December 15,2106 E � B. TBG will, as a part of this task,address the fallowing program and site elements in terms of planning and design: 1. Layout of trails antl public open spaces — establishing landscape standartls that incnrporate existing trees and materials while propasing enhancements and additions 2. Schematic site landscape and nardscape design for the public realm, including enhancement recommendations for the vehicular arrival areas and vehicular/pedestrian interface areas 3. Pedestrian circulation systemJhierarchy throughout the development—establish standards and design parameters for promenades, walks, trails and other pedestrian enhancements, with ; parkicular emphasis an waikability,pedestrian comfart and clarity of way finding 4. Parks and open space systems and program for improvements 5. Site and landscape lighting cancepts 6. Landscape planting concepts 7. Site furnishings 8. Creek corridor and park area enhancements 9. Creek corridor and park grading and drainage concepts 10. Stormwater quality management concepts 11. Enviranmental cancepts af creek and park re-establishment. C. Process-as a part of the Schematic Landscape Design task,TBG will: 1. Develop p{ans, sectians, elevations and sketches to establish the overall design standard and aesthetic far the development for 7BGs scope items. Design recommendations will be coortlinated with the City to ensure consistency of brand and image. 2. TBG will nave regular reviews with the Client of tlesign recommendations before preparing final SD graphics. Basetl upon comments received,TBG will finaiize SD work product. 3. TBG will caordinate a{) design and planning recommentlations with the Owner antl a41 design consultants. As a part of this task,TBG will coardinate conceptual gratling concepts to ensure ali possible oppartur�ities to affect design aesthetic through grade reconciliation are realized, including preservation of select tree groupings. ; D. Products ; 1. Plans, section antl/or elevatian graphics and images to establish options far the overall schematic designJlandscape theme and character 2. Colar renderetl schematic site plan for the entire site 3. Finalization of the pedestrian circulation system, including hierarct�y of promenades,walks ar�d trails by size antl finish 4. Candscape lighting concept to begin ta quantify location, type and electrical requirements far coordination with City regulations 5. Planting "systems" design, including creek system, apen space systems and major public realm systems. Detailed selections of species will nat occur until the subsequent phase of service�DQ in Extended Services}. 6. Photographic image studies to"benchmark"this development against other nationally recognized urban districts and characterize proposed design concepts for specialized streets and spaces Nlr.Kevin Mitcf�eN ' � December 15,2106 � s 7. Up to three �3) color-rendered enlarged plans to illustrate more detailed design concepts throughout the develapment and at entries and/or edges 8. Two(2►Perspective renderings of view areas selected in collaboration with the Client 9. Design grading cancepts in coordination with the civil engineer and fluviai geomorphalogist 10. Irrigation system master planning parameters, including controi system options, main line routings antl water pressure requirements. Speciai delivery parameters will be determined during this phase,including pumping systems. 11. Opinion of probable cost for the project. E. Meetings 1. TBG will attend up to four (4) project meetings thraugh completinn of Schematic Lantlscape Design. 2. It is intended that SD will only extend fnr a periad of no more than six(6)weeks following receipt ' af natice to praceed{at campletian af Task One—Master Parks Plan�. OPTIi�NA�SfRVICES TREE St1RVEY Conduct a tree survey in accardance with the Gity of Grapevine's Tree Ordinance.The tree survey will include recording of the location,species,and the diameter at breast height(dbh)of each tree on site that is on the City of Grapevine's protected tree list and is greater than ar equal ta 3"dbh.In addition, KBA will note whether the tree is'"protected", "specimen",or'"historic"as defined by the City of Grapevine's Tree Ordinance.Each qualifying tree will be tagged with numbered aluminum tags and flagged accarding to status.A cover letter and Excel spreadsheet noting the species and size of each qualifying tree will be generated that will detail the findings of the survey.The tree survey will be sealed and certified by a registered landscape architect or registered arborist as required by the City of Grapevine's Tree Qrtlinance. EXPANDED SERVICES TASK THREE: DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - TBG will work with the Client and consultant team to further develop the design concepts far the project based an review and camment to the schematic design package,project budgets and the Owner's comments.This task will serve to finalize the site plan and selection of materials,grading concepts, stakeha{der integration,stormwater facilities and environmenta4 graphics for the praject It is intended that the DD documents will be advanced to the level that allows the Owner to obtain a Guaranteed Maximum Frice. Mr.Kevin Mitchell � December 15,2106 M 10 TASK FOUR: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION TBG will prepare construction tlrawings antl specifications to properly describe the scope of the project. These documents will be suitable for review and for competitive bidding purposes. DELIVERY TASK pNE: BIDDING AND NEGQTIATIQN ASSISTANCE TBG will work with the contractor and consultant team ta issue supplemental instructions and clarifications as r�eeded during this task as well as during the schematic design thru construction documentation tasks. We will also assist the Owner and contractor in reviewing bitl tabulatinns and make recommendations regarding qualified subcontractors. TASK TWO: GONSTRUCTIQN t}BSERVATION AND ADMINISTEtAT10N TBG wiil visit the site during constructian and be present far the Owner's meatings as indicated below. We will observe the work of the contractor ta generally determine the contractor's performance and quality of the canstruction as related ta the intent of the construetian documents and specifications. We will observe grading, hardscape, planting and soil placement as well as irrigation installation. TBG will assist in the determination of tne contraetor's substantiai completion and prepare a pu�ch list initiating the contractor's maintenance and warranty obligation. PROJECT SCHEDULE it is estimated that failowing receipt af written notice ta proceed that DISCOVERY services will be complete within eight (8) weeks, exclusive of the Client's review and approval periods. For DEVELOPMENT,it is estimated that services be complete within ten(10�weeks foliowing approvai of Task One and receipt of written notice to praceed. Optional Services timeframe will be established if needed and approved by the City. GONSUlTANT TEAM The TBG consultant team will include: A. Civil Engineer—VERDUNITY B. Fluvia#Geamorphology Consultant—Biohabitats. Mr.Kevin Mitchell r December 15,2106 � ii COMPENSATION Each task below has been written an a lump sum fee basis. The fee far this basic Scope of Services will be billed monthly based on hours completed for each task as follaws: Scope Description BASE SCOPE FEE BASIS SERVICES Discovery Task 1. Gansultant Goordinatian and Nlanagement $ 5,630 Task II. Background Studies $ 21,320 Task 111. Site Analysis and EvaluatianJ Qpportunities and Canstraints $ 38,430 7ask IV. Develop Enviranmental Condition Assessment $ 5,000 Task V. J�risdictional Waters Determinatian $ 1,7Q0 Development Task I. Master Park Pragram $ 18,955 Task II. Schematic Design $ 75.400 Total Fees: $166.�35 Estimatetl Reimbursable Cast(outside of total fees►: $ 13,315(8%of Fees) OPTIONAL SERVICES Tree SuNey $7,000-$14,000 EXPANDED SERVICES—(TO BE NEGOTIATED Ah fER THE APPROVAt OF SCHEMATIC DESiGN� Development Task III. Design Develapment TBD Task IV. Canstruction Documentatior� TBD Delivery Task I. Bidding and Negotiatian Assistance TBD 7ask II. Construction Observation TBD REIMBURSABLES The following costs shatl be reimbursed at cast plus ten percent and are not included in the fee for professional services: : A. Cost of copies for drawings, specifications, reparts, cost estimates, xerography and photographic reproduction af drawings and ather dacuments furnished ar prepared in cannection with the work of this contract B. Travel associated with the praject, including, but not limited to, mileage ($0.54Jmile}, airfare, automobile rental,hotel a�d meals C. Cost of postage and shipping expenses other than first class maii M�.I�evin Miichell � December 15,2106 12 D. Lnng-distance telephane and facsimile charges E. Photographic services,film and processing F. Cast of tligital scanning G. Cost of printing far small and large format p{ots black and white as well as colar plots H. Cost of models, specia! renderings, promotiona) photography, special process printing, special equipment, special printed reports or publications, maps and documents approved in advance by the Client I. Fees for additianal consultants retained with the approval of the Client J. TAS Pian Review and Inspection Cost. Mr.Kevin Mitchell � December 15,2106 ts If the above scope af services and compensation outlinetl above meet with yaur approval,please sign below and retum one copy af this proposal for our fiiEes. We loak forward to the opportunity of working with you. Please do not hesitate to call if you nave any questions ar neetl additional information. ' Sincerely, Mark T.Meyer,RLA Principal Accepted: Gity Manager BY DATE Accepted: Director of Parks and Recreation - BY DATE The Texas Board of Architectural Examiners, 333 Guadalupe, Suite 2-350,Austin,Texas 78701,telephone(512�305-9000, has juristlictiort avar individuaCs iicensed under tha Architects Registration I.aw, Article 249.a, and the Landscape Architects Registration Law,Article 249.c,Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes. Proposal copyright OO 2016 by TBG Partners. No portion pf this proposal may be copied or distributed without the written permission of TBG Partners. Mr.Kevin Mitchell � December 15,2106 � 14 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. Effective Date This agreement shall become effective upon its execution by the Client or when the Client provides written authorization to TBG to begin its work. 6. Standard of Care TBG will perform its services in accordance with the standard of care expected of landscape architects doing projects of similar scope in the State of Texas. In performing these services, TBG cannot ensure perfection and therefore does not make any warranties,either expressed or implied,as to the quality of its services or of its drawings. To the extent that TBG is relying upon documents supplied to it by the owner or the owner's consultants, it shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of those documents in preparing its drawings. C. Guaranry of Certifications Unless specifically provided for elsewhere in this Agreement, TBG Partners makes no warranties, representations or guarantees that the project will actually achieve or receive any certification by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System of the U. S. Green Building Council, or any other similar state, local or national environmental building program. Similarly, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, TBG Partners makes no warranties, representations or guarantees regarding the energy use or operating costs or expenses of the project. D. Parties to this Agreement This is a professiona) services agreement that TB6 is entering into for the exclusive benefit of the Client.There are no intended third-party beneficiaries of the agreement, and both TBG and the Client agree not to assign this agreement or any causes of action that arise under it without the express consent of the other party. E. Instruments of Service The drawings,specifications,computer files,electronic media,field data, notes and other documents prepared by TBG Partners for this project are Instruments of Service for use solely with respect to this Project. TBG shall be deemed the author or creator of these documents and shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright.All Instruments of Service produced by TBG shall be released to the Client as Adobe PDF files, and not in the native format availabie through programs including,but not limited to,InDesign,AutoCAD or other proprietary formats. By execution of this Agreement, TBG grants to the Client a limited, non-exclusive license to use the Instruments of Service provided to the Client for purposes of constructing, using,antl maintaining the Project, provided that the Client substantially performs its obligations, including prompt payment of all sums when due, under this Agreement. In the event of nonpayment by the Client of any sums due for more than sixty (60) days, this license shall automatically terminate. The license provided under this Agreement shall not extend to the use of the Consultant's Instruments of SeNice on any other Project, nor does it grant the Client any rights in Instruments of Service or other tlocuments or files t Mr. Kevin Mitchell � December 15,2106 � 15 not specifically provided to the Client, including without limitation the Consultant's electronic files used in the development of the Instruments of Service,such as AutoCAD or InDesign files. Upon completion of the services and payment in full of all monies due TBG, Client may retain copies of the Instruments of Service provided under this Agreement. Such documents are not licensed for,or intended or represented to be suitable for, reuse on extensions of the Project or on any other project. Additionally, any reuse of such documents without written verification or adaptation by TBG for the specific purpose intended (for which Client shall pay TBG compensation at rates mutually agreed upon) will be at the Client's sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to TBG, or TBG's independent professional associates or consultants. F. Indemnification/Release of Drawings In the event of termination of this Agreement, in which TB6's services are not continued through the completion of the Project for any reason, the Client shall be permitted to use the Instruments of Services prepared by TBG and providetl to Client,under the following conditions: 1. With the release of TBG's documents (inclutling any electronic files►, TBG and its consultants shall have no liability in connection with the drawings and specifications. 2. The Client shall (and shall require any other design professionals engaged by TBG to complete the improvements on the property to)release,indemnify,defend and hold harmiess TBG from any and all losses, claims, expenses or liabilities arising from (i) the use of TBG's Instruments of Service as may be used, revised and/or aitered and (ii) the compietion of the improvements on the property;and 3. TBG and its subconsultants shall have been paid in full for services, materials and reimbursables provided through the date of termination. G. Statements and Payment Fees for professional services and reimbursable expenses will be invoiced to the Client monthly based on the percentage of the work completed for each task. A task-by-task description of work performed will be submitted with each invoice at the Client's request. TBG reserves the right to suspend services in the event that invoices exceeding a total amount of $5,000 remain unpaid for more than thirty(30)days. H. Termination The Client may terminate this agreement upon written notice to TBG, in which event the Client shall compensate TBG for all work performed by TBG prior to termination. TBG may terminate this agreement upon ten(10)days'written notice to owner after the occurrence of any of the following: 1. The Client's failure to pay TBG's invoices within thirty(30)days; 2. Suspension of the project for more than sixty(60)days; 3. The Client's material default of any terms of this agreement;or 4. The Client's failure to execute this agreement. Mr.Kevin Mitchell r� December 15,2106 t6 1. Risk Allocation TBG will be responsible only for its �wn wark and not for tlefects in the wark tlesignetl or built by others. TBG will not be respansible for consequential tlamages either to the Client or to other members of the construction team, including without limitation damages for delay or for construction inefficiencies for any cause whatsoever; in no event shail TBG be liable for damages to the Client, assignees,the contractor or its subcantractars for any cfaims or damages in excess of the amount of the fees paid to TBG by the Client. J. Dispute Resolution As a condition precetlent to either the Client or TBG's filing of any claim in litigation,the President af TB6 and the Ciient shali meet within thirty(30�days of a request by either party to attempt to resalve the dispute. TBG will not be required to participate in any mediation or arbitration praceeding with any parties other than the Client without TBG's consent.ln the event of a dispute,�either TBC nor the Client shall be entitled to the award of attorneys' fees. Venue for any tlispute arising out of the se�vices provided by TBG under this agreement shall be in the District Court of Travis Caunty,Texas. Any applicable statute of limitations shall commence to run and any cause of action shall be deemed to have accrued not later than the date of substantial completian af the project on which TBG's services are provided. K. Revised Project Budget If the project budget definetl by the scope of services is increased or decreased by more than ten percent(10°10)after the designjdevelapment task,the time and effart required to redesign the project within the new budget will be considered atltlitional services ta this agrssment. L. Additional Services Adtlitional services are services that may be needed by the Client, but which are not includetl in the 6asic services.Additional services wil) be provided anly with prior approval of the Client,and include but are nat limited to the fallawing: 1. Preparation and presentation of graphic exhibits other than thase described in the basic scope of services. 2. Revisions and changes in drawings, specifications or other documents previously given by the Client,or the preparation of alternates or deductive change arders requested by the Client. 3. Preparation of record drawings or of ineasuretl drawings of existing conditians. 4. Providing prolonged constructian observation should the construction time 6e substantially extended through no fault of TBG. 5. Providing services if, in Guaranteed Maximum Price{GMP� projects,the construction budget far TBG scope items is reduced through no fault of TBG. ► fit.'a.�`• y i� EXHIBIT B: STAKEHOLDERS 4640 V 14.i 40§iii 1 , 0101,:i/ A/ " IPA w , + j .moi,.,4 s MERCEDES �- o f�! i i lc 4 L , Al • i Y110p/`/tttkrwF\"11[1F LTI?'T ,.h I - ,': :: CAMDEN e i y r t RIVERWALK ;/ ,L •• r.� APARTMENTS -,••• -1 y a r., \. ' ' /• .8 f r 1,.r.,.% • igt S r 1..- • • ' t= _ , x� 1, , •KUBOt ' A } i It . JIA Ah ; k.,w . `PRIVATE...'• 4.-e, ..-- ...,,.. - , e •:',,-,, %, ' `4 "$NVE}APMEN1, r ` If • A: 'i *,.: _tet,' DET . : / '. '.. t pp,* . _ „Ito ) . , i i ._ ,-,s_k_ As _ _ , _ _, 4 47 i ins Y, ir. % � .+ % , - j -�-T— 2, r ` 1Pt 1 !", IliIr' r �' —. _1 •-GRAPEVI JE • ,I= .-4-mini _'r,,� DENTON CREEK PARK TBG PARTNERS Function Code Senior Principal Associate Associate Staff Staff Total Hours Total Cost Contract/Budget Rate $140.00 $110.00 $95.00 580.00 560.00 DISCOVERY TASK ONE:CONSULTANT COORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT 1. TBG TO COORDINATE AND MEET WITH SUB-CONSULTANTS 8 22 22 0 0 52 $5,630.00 TASK TWO:BACKGROUND STUDIES 1 VISIT PROJECT SITE 8 8 8 8 8 40 $3,880.00 2 MEET WITH CLIENT ON DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES 4 4 4 0 0 12 $1,380.00 3. REVIEW ALL DATA AND CREATE BASE MAPPING 4 8 12 16 16 56 54,820.00 TASK TWEE:SITE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION/OPPORTUNRES AND CONSTRAINTS 1. ANALYSIS EXISITNG SITE 3 4 16 16 8 47 $4,140.00 2. OPPORTUNITEIS AND CAONSTRAINT MAPS BASED ON ENVIRONMENT 3 4 16 16 16 55 $4,620.00 3 PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGE STUDY TO BENCHMARK NATIONAL RECONIGE 2 2 4 16 8 32 $2,640.00 4. MEET/40TH CITY DEPARTMENTS(ONE DAY( 6 8 8 0 0 22 $2,480.00 5. MEET WITH PROPERTY STAKEHOLDERS(51 4 4 4 0 0 12 $1,380.00 6. MEETING MINUTES 2 2 8 0 0 12 $1,260.00 DEVELOPMENT TASK ONE.MASTER PARK PROGRAM 1. 1 DAY DESIGN MEETING 8 8 8 8 8 40 $3,880.00 2. CREATE OVERALL FRAMEWORK AND PROGRAM BOOKLET 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 TASK TWO:SCHEMATIC LANDSCAPE DEMON 1. DESIGN AND RENDEERED SITE MASTER PLAN 4 8 16 16 16 60 $5,200.00 2. PLANS/SECTIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF PROPOSED PARK 2 8 16 16 16 58 54,920.00 3. TRAIL AND PEDESTRAIN HIERARCHY 2 4 4 12 6 28 $2,410.00 4. LANDSCAPE LIGATING CONCEPTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 5. LANDSCAPE PLANTING CONCEPTS 4 8 8 16 16 52 54,440.00 6. IMAGE STUDIES SHOIMNG FEEL AND LOOK OF PARK 2 2 2 16 8 30 $2,450.00 7. 2 COLORED ENLARGED SITE PLANS 4 3 16 16 16 60 $5,200.00 8. 2 PERSPECTIVES SHOIMNG CRITICAL DESIGN AREAS 0 24 0 0 0 24 $2,640.00 B. RRIGATION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN PARAMETERS 1 2 2 8 4 18 $1,570.00 10. OPNK)N OF PROBABLE COST 4 8 16 16 0 44 54,240.00 11. 4 PROJECT MEETINGS WITH CITY 8 8 8 0 0 24 $2,760.00 TOTAL-ALL PHASES 84 154 198 196 146 726 $71,950.00 VLRDUNITY-CIVIL ENGINNERING TOTAL Urban EIT//r CAD/GIS SUB HOURS PIC/QA Sr Eng Civil PE Dsr/Plnr Planner Tech Admin CNSLTNT TOTAL (DISCOVERY I I I I I I I [ I I Task 2: BACKGROUND STUDIESIIII ,, 42.0 2.0 8.0 4.0 0.0 24.0 0 0 4.0 SO 50,000 2.1 Site Visit 12 , 2.2 Team Kickoff Meetings 8 - 2.3 Data Collection and Base Map Creation 22 .i l..3: SITE ANALy56 SANOCONSTRAINTS ' ''' '62.0 2,0 20.0 4.0 0.0 36.0 0.0 0.0 50 58,000 3.1 Stakeholder Meetings)1 day) 12 2 3.2 Public Works and Development Services Meetings(1) 8 4 I 3.3 Utility and Draiange Easement Review 6 a 3.4 Envrionmental Protection Plan(KBA EnviroScience) 0 3.5 Existing and Future Conditions Drainage Area Map 20 2 4 I. 3.6 Detention Volume Requirements 0 3.7 Coordinate Development of Composite Sketch Plans,Diagrams,and Charts. 12 4 .114 ENVIRONMENTALLY 55,000 4.1 Site Reconnaissance 4.2 Habitat Evaluation 4.3 ECA Report _.. . ., _ - ... - , .. ,700 5.1 Jurisdictional Water Determination/Site Visit 0.0 0.0 32.0 0.0 4.0 50 58,000 1.1 1-day design meeting 24 4 8 8 4 1.2 Coordinate Development of Key Envnonmental and Water Quality Strategies 12 4 8 1.3 Coordinate Development of Conceptual Master Plan. 24 8 16 2.1 Coordination on layout of trails and public open spaces 42 6 4 8 24 2.2 Coordination on site landscape and hardscape design 12 4 8 2.3 Schematic design for regional detention areas 0 2.4 Schematic level park grading quantities 32 4 4 24 2.5 Prepare OPCC 24 4 4 16 2.6 Provide information for final deliverable documents 24 4 4 16 2.7 Attend up to 8 Team/Staff meetings 16 16 314.0 14 84 20 164 32 ieBiohai3itats loBitthabitar, - /Biohabitats Biohabitats Fee Calculator:WATER INFRASTRUCTURE/REGENERATIVE DESIGN PROJECTS Notes. fin Cokularo.Template Revlsed:R.29.14 0' PM and QA/QC Tone should be included for any project phase wt•ere they wayld apply Standard P.M Tone.loll of each task Check Totals for Design&Construction Phases versus colonel constructed work,at bottom. Project Manager:U . ' , Update Task Name&Numbers as needed Technical lead Vrico s,1 11 2, Update Subtosk dermas needed;re.check columns that[weevers/king teem,.-,,,.,3-.r.7.. QA/QC LeadMT.,I ie.,i.Gui P.ter Iteirnbumbles estimate at bottom in summary area. SubConsult•nt Marto. 10% 1 Mike/Erin Vinn Susan And: Claudia Other Staten Promo fluvial Ecolognt/ Landscape Water Adnan Principal Manager Engineer Geornorph Biologist Architect Resources '‘ 225.1015 17500$ 1501.00 5 150.00 5 125.00$ 95.C44$ 135.0) $ 6500 MOMS I ME I SUBTOTAL nap 1 Discovery 1.1:Background Studies , Site Visit 2 0 Li 8 0 18 5 2,55010 Meeting with Cay and Team 2 0 4 4 0 10 $ (45000 Site Research and Data Renew 2 4 4 4 2 16 $ 2.240 co Travel Tune 0 0 0 0 0 5 O 5 , . .. O 5 - O 5 Contingency-desegn/chent I, 0 0 5 • 44/0C it...... 0 $ IPPA twee 0 5 - S AM0.00 TOTAL STAFF NOUNS 0 4 4 14 1, 14 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 Subconsultant I Inl er comments on breakdown of sub In,d applicable) $ - Subconsultont'Enter comments on breakdown of sub fee,d applicable) • Subeonsultant'Enter comments on breakdown of sub lee,d applicable) $ - Sun.:wheat 5trertetrel= $ - Subsennhant Markup a 10•6 $ ASOMMAISAMIS Reimbursable Teta• 1 1.04040 1.2:S•R•^RhOI•ev•VOPOR•Constraints One Meeting rich Stakellettem U 1 0 0 $ Meet with Cny to Better Understand Their Goals I ic 0 0 16 $ 2,45001 Assist FBA wall Sae Assessment and EPP 16 4 0 22 S 2,7301.0 Preliminary Geomorphic Assessment 16 0 20 $ 3,100.00 Assat wrth Preliminary IMP St ral egies 0 0 0 $ Assist nth Development of Graphics 8 4 2 I. 0 18 $ 2,750.00 Technical Memo tot Geomorphic Assessment 12 4 20 $ 2,88000 Lead Thought Content on Integrated Stormwater 0 ., 0 $ Travel Time 2, II 0 5 . •-- __., 0 5 COM.0.0-desopikinot It , " , , 0 $ CIAAX&vier 0 0 5 PM trete U, 0 $ - $ 13,910.00 TOTAL STAFF MOORS 0 14 12 42 Is I 0 0 0 0 0 0 oe Subconsultont(Inter comments on breakdown of sub fee,il applicable) $ • Subeonsultant it nt el comments on breakdown ot sub fee,rt applicable) $ - Subconsultont[Enter comments on breakdown ol sub lee,d applicable) $ Subconsult Subconsultant total. • Subconsult Subconsottent Markup T TO, $ AEMAINAMMLES Reimbsicsabk Total T 121140110 5548 11755100 Xi5X l.‘U/l./.0.home 1 AppData\lora!\terep‘Bleebearn lortware13754309 elm h 1 Prohaeq.11/2.2016 2.PM BiohabitatsBit;habitan _�—.--r- gf3PhabiPI'S Phase Development -- 2.1:Master Park Prog-1 Day Design Meeting • 1 Day Design[barrette 1 2 10 ID 03 $ 3,305.00 • Assist with Environmental&WO Strategies 0 0 0 00 0 $ Assist with Development of Master Plan 2 4 12 3 0 0 6 5 3,750.00 5 Travel lime 0 0 0 $ • Contingency-devgn/than 0 0 0 0 0 5 - QA/OC Review 0 5 PM tone $ S 7,075.00 TOTAL STAFF FLOORS 1 4 6 22 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r Subconsu0ant[Enter comments on breakdown of sub lee,d applicable] $ SubcensuOmt[Enter comments on breakdown of sub fee,0 applicable] $ - Subconsu0mt[Enter comments on breakdown of sub fee,A applicable] $ - Saw...brATat_a $ - Sc bconscAtam Markup• 10% 5 REIMBURSABLES Reim bur sable Total. $ 1,306.30 2.2:Schematic Design Coordinate Creek and Riparian Restoration 2 0 0 18 $ 2,092.00 Provide input for Integrated Stormwaten Strategies 0 0 0 $ Schemata Design of Creek and Riparian Area 4 0 24 24 8 60 $ 8,060.00 Schemata level Grading Plan for Creek&Riparian 2 i 26 $ 3.510.00 Opinion of Probable Cast for Creek and Riparian 2 4 a a 14 $ 2,050.00 Attend Three Meetings with Team B City Staff a 0 3.1 44 $ 6,450.02 Trove)lime 0 0 0 $ 0 5 • COnttngencp-design/clitnt 0 0 0 $ • OA/OC Renew 0 5 PM time 0 $ $ 22,560.00 TOTAL STAFF NOM 0 14 4 02 44 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 Subconsultint linter comments on breakdown of sub lee,if apphcableI $ • Subconsultant Biter comments on breakdown of sub lee,if apphc able) $ Subconsultart IE nter comments on breakd own at sub fee,d applicable] $ • nn an Total v $ - Su6co,wWfwnMarkupv 10%$ - REIMOURSAOLES Reimbursable Total- $ 2.250.00 PROJECT TOTALS 1.00 a0.o0 24.00 162.00 16.00 a.00 • - - - - - $ 43,70500 $ 57,75500 SUBCONSULTANT TOTAL,BEFORE MARKUP $ - SUBCONSULTANT MARKUP 10% $ - SUBCONSULTANT TOTAL WITH MARKUP $ 2 of 6 13754300.4,.C:\Ums1.Lba.eWpDet.\Laaf\Temp\Yuebeam Softwane13tS4309.nha (C)Kiobabi fats 0/26/2016•-1:00 PM ikg Biohabitatc BiohabitatsBiohabitats P/MST REIMBURSABLE CRECUlATION5 Denton Creek Pori Enter pro�erted reimbursable amounts,stoffmg and estimates here.This a the master table that populates the rest of t 8/25/2016 SURCONSULTANTS Repro/ StNN5 fee Trawl flight Car/Day Hotel/Day food Tai Nes9.. Reimbursabks SWronsukanl SWM.4. TOTAL %elC.O.net Meta Postage •Trp R Peeple Days Total$ EDD 1$ SS1$ 70015 201 1.1:Ntrkground Studies 5 6,240.W $ 1940.00 $ - $ - 5 8,116.55 14% $ 100.00 1 2 2 $ 1,200 5 110$ 400 $ 80 1,2:515.Analysts&Iral/Opps&Const rants S 13,910.55 5 1.09000 5 - 5 - $ 15,800.W 27% $ 100.00 1 2 1 5 1.200 5 110$ 400 5 80 2.1:Mater Park Frog-1019 Desgn Meeting $ 7,025.00 $ 1.890.0) $ $ - $ 5965.00 16% 5 100.W 1 2 $ 1.200$ 110$ 400$ 80 2.2:Schema.Design $ 22,560.00 5 2.250.W $ - $ - $ 24,810.55 43% $ 10000 3 1 $ 1.160$ 110$ 255 S 40 0$ - $ $ - 5 - $ - 0% 5 - 0 5 - $ - $ $ 0$ 5 - 5 $ - $ D% 5 - 0 5 - $ - $ - $ 0 S • $ $ - 5 5 - 0% $ - 0 5 - $ - $ • $ - 0$ - $ - 5 - 5 - S - 0% $ - 0 5 - 5 - $ - 5 • 0$ 5 - $ - 5 5 - 0% 5 - 5 - 5 - $ . t$ 43,71555$ 7,575.55$ - $ - $ 57,755(0 MX $ 400.03 6 I$ SAO$ 45.$ 1.400 2PD C herk Sum•$ 57,755.00 5 57,755.00 EeAPtNal 43.4316511 CMd.51aR A/e sof[asvu3Non Ee8NwN ACTUAL TARGET/BALLPARKS ENTER(SMUTTED COST Of CONSTRUCTION= % coIOTRURioN lar et% OESRSN-PHASE FEE= 5 49.785 CO 1% 5 84.010 CONSTRUCTION PHASE FEE• 5 0% $ 35.010 REPAIRINSANES• S 7,970.0) 1.14% 1 $ 1.000 TOTAL PM 5 57,7855 4% $ - Note:TypirolN Design Phase fee should be'%7-. 'of total ronsttoruon 3 of 4 13754709..43.1\Dsns\lodrlwuuUppwlaU«.RTemp\&aebeam soltwa,e1375a359.ah. ICI Ratubuats 8/26/2016••2:40 PM