HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 13 - Green Ribbon Project MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: BRUNO RUMBELOW, CITY MANAGER ��� MEETING DATE: JANUARY 17, 2017 SUBJECT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SERVICES CONTRACT RECOMMENDATION: City Council to consider awarding a Landscape Architecture contract to Schrickel Rollins and Associates, Inc. (SRA) and appropriate funds in the amount of $118,000 for the landscape&signage master plan and construction documents for Phase I II, authorize staff to execute said contract and adopt the attached appropriation ordinance. FUNDING SOURCE: Upon approval of the ordinance and transfer of funds from the Quality of Life, funds will be available in the Grant Fund in an amount not to exceed $118,000. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Several areas throughout the DFW Connector corridor were not included in TXDOT's landscape plan for the project. These are highly visible areas where supplemental landscaping will enhance the look of Grapevine. Staff presented the idea to Council at the July 16, 2013 meeting to hire a Landscape Architect to design several areas of the Connector project. A fully comprehensive plan that is phased and vetted by the City Council will facilitate budgeting and grant applications as well as promote a more uniform theme throughout the corridor. Since 2013, SRA has designed Phase I and Phase II. Recently, Phase I was completed, with limits from Main Street west to William D. Tate Avenue. Staff has received positive comments from citizens, visitors, and merchants along the SH114 corridor. Phase II construction from Main Street east to Texan Trail will begin in February 2017. The Landscape Architecture Services contract is Phase III, from William D. Tate Avenue to State Highway 26. See attached proposal. Staff recommends approval. �..'"�l��i' �r,�rrr� Exhibit A Scope of Services � Grapevine,Texas Phase III—S.H. 114 Landscape Improvements TXDOT Green Ribbon Project December 16,2016 l. Scape of Praject The project cansists of the Preliminary Design and Construction Documents for landscape impravements.The City of Grapevine is planning and developing a multi-phase project that consists of landscape improvernents and gateway signage within the TxDOT R.O.W.The areas of the improvements include SH 26,SH 114,SH 360,FM 2499 and I-635.The prirnary purpose af this project is to announce the amval into the City of Grapevine,which is bordered by DFW Airpart and six other cities. The sense of arrival will be reinforced by the use of landscape enhancements,irrigation{Green Ribban Funded items}and possible unfunded items.The first two phases of the City-wide gateway initiative cansisted of landscaping,mow strips and irrigation between William D.Tate and Texas Trail Bridge.Phase 3 will extend the landscape narth fram William D.Tate Bridge to the Bridge over SH 26. (Please see the attached schematic plan for the scope of the project.) The project budget for construction exclusive of fees for professional services will be$1,550,000.If the project budget is modified during the course of the project, related professional services fees will be adjusted proportionately.No adjushnents wiXl be made to budget ar fees without prior written approval by the Owner. 2. Topagraphic SurveytBase Sheet Preparation Topographic and existing utility information{visible above ground)for the area will be provided by Schrickel, Rollins and Assaciates,Inc.(SRA).Existing trees will be located and identified if the tree is three inches(3")in ; caliper or greater.Spot grades of adjoining hard surfaces and median curbs will be shown,This is for median and parkway anly.Deed or boundary research will not be pravided,nor will boundary lines or right af way line ties. Right af way lines will be pravided by the City.City of Grapevine plans will be shown and identified by objects located above ground. 3. Review Existing Plans Collect and review applicable existing plans and studies relevant ta the project area to define preliminary issues, to identify conflicting findings,and to identify supplemental data reqnirements.This effart will include a review of the existing carridor master plan,raadway improvement plans by TxD4T,and related ordinances. 4. Data GatheringlField Qbservation The Landscape Architect will perforrn a detailed site inventary and phato documentation of existing conditions, including existing infrastructure and existing development adjacent to the site, City staffwill help locate existing utilities and irrigation s�rvice within the praposed landscape area. Grapevine—Phase III,S.H. 114 Landscape Improvements—Green Ribbon Projeat 3467i Scope of Services Page i �.."'�l��''i' �....�.. 5. Preliminary i}esign The Landscape Architect will prepare the Preliminary Design far the entire length of the project based an the project budget. The Landscape Architect will hotd a rnaxirnum of four(4)maetings with the CITY's representative and other designated representatives throughout the Preliminary Design developrnent to communicate progress and discuss pertinent issues.The Preliminary Design will be revised at the directian ofthe CITY's representative.A rough opinion of probable cost will be prepared at the campletian of the Preliminary Design. The Preliminary Design will consist of an opinion of probable cost and an averall plan view. 6. Construction Dacuments Based on the approved Freliminary Design and any further adjustments in the scope and quality af the project or in the construction budget autharized by the CITY, construction documents consisting of drawings and speeificatians will set forth in detail the requirements for the construction of the project.The Landscape Architect will advise the CITY's representative of any adjustments to previous apinions of construction cost indicated by changes in requirements or genera]market canditions. The Landscape Architect will submit documents and opinions of constnaction cast ta the CITY's representative at intervals af 30, 60 and 90% of completion for review. The CITY's representative will respond with written camments advising any changes ta be made. Specifications will be written to reference TxDOT standard specifications. The Landscape Architect will prepare a list of eonstruction bid items and compute estimated quantities. The opinion of probable cost of construction will be carnputed based on current unit prices and estimated quantities. The Landscape Architect will provide general notes,specifications and special provisions,which are applicable to the praject. 7. Bidding This Landscape Architect will providelperform the fallowing Bidding Services. A. The Landscape Architect will attend the Prebid conference if requested. B. Assist CITY staff in preparing the advertisement for bids. C. Answer questions from Bidders and prepare addenda as necessary. D. Assist CITY as required in opening bids, E. Provide bid tabulatians and bid analysis as reyuired by TxDOT. F. Evaluate the lowest bidder.Bid evaluation will include the cantractor's: 1. Past work history; 2. Financial resources;and 3. Physical resources to produce the project. G. A summary af the bid analysis will be provided to CITY for use in selection and award of the construction contract. H. Compensation for Bidding shall be approximately three(3%)percent of the lump surn fee shown in Item 12-Fees. Grapevine--Phase III,S.H. 114 Landscape Improvements—Green Ribbon Project 3467i Scape of Services Page 2 L�."'�l��i►' �>t�� 8. Construction Administratian The Landscape Architect will pravidelperfarm the failowing Cansiructian Administration services.Said services to be provided after execution of a cantract between CITY,TxDOT and the Contractor selected by TxDOT.The Landscape Architect will provide information relating ta review af submittals,shop drawings,and requests far inforrnation. A. Landscape Architeet will provide/perforrn the following Canstruction Administration services: 1. A total of three(3)meetings/site visits with owner/contractar including: a. Preconstruction Canference. b. Field observation/construction progress shall be provided for the purpose of ascertaining for the CITY that the work is in substantial or general conformance with the cantract documents and design intent; i. Shauld nancanfarming ar defective work be observed,the Landscape Architect will endeavar to irnmediatety inform the CITY's representative that confarrning or rernedial actian is required. ii. A schedule ofkey construction observatian visits will be developed for approval and reference by CITY. iii. Canduct coordination meetings with contractors,TxD(JT inspection personnel,and CITY representative ta discuss strategy,problern areas,progress,and any required coardination. Prepare a summary af these meetings and distribute them ta both CITY and the contractor. c. Placement and layout of improvements; d. Field abservation/construction progress; 2. Review submittal information for the purpose of ascertaining conformance with the design intent and construction documents. 3. Provide written responses ta requests for information or clarificatian. 4. Prepare and pracess change orders,if required. S. Assist CITY in conductin�the substantial completion and�nal completion observations. 6. When camplete,recommend final acceptance of wark. B. Landscape Architect's status during construction: Landscape Architect will not be responsible for Contractor's means,methods,techniques,sequences, pracedures or scheduies of canstructian ar the safety precautians and programs incident hereta. Landscape Architect will not be responsible far Contractor's failure to perform or furnish the work in accordance with the construction docurnents. Landscape Architect will not be responsible for any detays in the execution of the woxk caused by the Cantractar. 9. Optional Additional Services The Landscape Architect will provide services nat identified in this Basic Scope of Services upan receipt af authorization frorn the CITY's representative.Additional Services will be provided on an hourly rate basis with a mutuaiiy agreed"nat ta exceed"total. Such Additianal Services may include the following ar ather services: Design Phase A. Design of facilities beyond the ariginal scope and/or budget identified in the description of services. B. Lacation of underground utilities,SUE. Grapevine—Phase III,S.H. 114 Landscape Improvements—Green Ribbon Project 3467i Scope af Services Page 3 L''���i` �...•� C. Establishment of the boundary lines and Right of Way Lines. D. Design of Signalization Systems and/or traffic studies. E. Representation in arbitration,mediation,litigation,depositions or similar legal processes. F. Environmental assessment or environmental impact study. G. Permits H. Public/Stakeholder meetings I. Electrical Engineering for primary power to irrigation system. J. SWPPP K. TxDOT Administrative Tools 1. Scope Development Tool 2. Biological Evaluation Form 3. PCR for Historical Studies Construction Phase A. Preparation of Change Orders as required which expand the original Scope of Services. B. Site observation visits. 10. Exclusions The following services are not included in the contract: A. Geotechnical Testing and Recommendations. B. Drainage,Hydrology and hydraulics studies. C. Right-Of-Way Map D. ParcelInformation E. Deeds and/or easements F. Title Insurance Policies G. Coordination with FEMA and USACE H. Value Engineering I. Letters of Authority J. Bonding& Insurance Grapevine—Phase III,S.H. 114 Landscape Improvements—Green Ribbon Project 3467i Scope of Services Page 4 �."�l��''i` �.�..,.� 10. Reimbursable Expenses The following items,if provided,shall be cansidered reimbursable or additional ta this cantract. A. Permit or filing fees. B. Frinting and other reproduction costs beyond those set forth in this contract. C. Special courier services. D. Review and inspection fees related to Texas Departrnent of Licensing and Regulations. 11. Services Provided by the Owner The City will provide the following services in the performance of the project. A. The City will rnanage the TXDOT Plan Development Review Checklist and Process which includes: 1. Scape Development Taol 2. Bialogicai Evaluation Form 3. PCR for Historical Studies B. Provide any existing data the City has on file concerning the project,if available. C. Provide any available as-built plans for existing facilities,if available. D. Assist the Consultant,as necessary,in obtaining any required data and information from locat utility companies. E. Provide Standard City Details and Specifications in digital format. F. Assist the Consultant by requiring apprapriate utility companies to expose underground utilities within the right-af-way or easements,when required. G. Give prampt written notice to the Consultant whenever City observes or otherwise becames aware of any developrnent that affects the scope or timing of the Cansultant's services. H. The City will secure the services of an independent laboratory for Construction Phase Testing. I. The City will assign with a staff person who will serve as the project manager,liaison with TXDt.7T, and Lacal Gavernment Representative who will manage the project and coordinate the praject with TXD4T. Grapevine—Phase III,S.H. 114 Landscape Improvernents—Green Ribbon Project 3467i Scope af Services Page 5 �."�!��'i' �r.a a�r� 12. Fees A. Basic Prafessional Planning and Design Services including: (Based on a construction budget of approximately$1,SS0,000) Construction Documents 30% $20,000.00 60°fo $20,000.00 90% $30,000.00 Final $I4,�00.4Q Bidding $ 2,800.00 Meetings(2}Required— $ 1,500.04 Canstruction Adrninistration $ 4,500.00 Reimbursable Expenses 1 OQ4.Q4 Total Basic Planning and Design Services $94,500.00 The Basic Services fee a.f$94,500.00 is for the descrrbed project with a maximum Construction Budget of appraximately$1,55�,OQ0.0�. The Basic,Services fee shall be increased or decreused proportionally based c�n the Construction Budget authorized by the Ciry. The proposed fee will be adjusted if the budget is increased by more than 5%or decreased by Iess than 5°fo of the Construction Budget stated herein. Reference Preliminary Sehematie plan for limits of planting estimczted. B. Optional Additional Services(upon request) Tapographic Survey $ 16,Qq0.00 (2)Added meetings-hourly including prep time (Cost not to exceed} $ 3,OQ0.40 Electrical Engineering far prirnary power $ 12,504.00 (Currently project is estimated for solar power) Environmental Documentation for TxDOT $ 7,SOOAO Scope Development Toal,Biological Evaluation Forrn,and Assaciated Documentation Cultural Resources Abbreviated Desktop Evaluation Total Optional Additional Services $39,0OO.OQ Grapevine—Phase III,S.H. 114 Landscape Improvements—Green Ribbon Aroject 3467i Scape af Services Page 6 [.."� l��i' �.� .�... SCNE[}ULE OF CFiARGES-2017 BILLABLE SALARY RATE&EXPENSE CHARGES RANGE OF BILtABIE SALARY RATE CLASSIFICATION: LOW HIGH PRINCIPAL $151 $2�� ASSOCIATE 92 1 fi$ $ENIOR ENGINEER 14fi 178 ENGINEER�{I 1O$ 1�}7 ENGINEER II 81 10$ ENGINEfR-IN-�RAINING{EIT) 7� �2 SEMCJR LANDSCAPE ARCHITEC7 1 1� 20O LANDSCAPE ARCNITECT(11 87 12.ri LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT II 7O J$ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAC ItJTERN S�} H1 ARCHITECT �7 147 A�er-uTECTUr��IrvrERN 54 81 DESIGNER S4 yH SURVEYOR(RPLS) 98 141 $URV[Y COQRDINATUR 76 1 13 SURVEV TECHNICIAN E�S 1 OS ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN �i5 yH P�ANNtNG TECNNIC{AN 54 H7 GIS PROJECT MANAGER 90 12O GIS Arva�vsr 75 100 �,IS TfCHNiCiAN �i(} '�{)Q PRODIJCTEON COORDINAT4R 7C� 1�I� CALI OPERAT(7R/DRAFTER 111 65 98 CAD OrEw+raa/Dr�a,FTER II 54 76 CAD t'3P�w�TOrz�DRnrfER I 49 65 SENICSR SfCRETARYfSPECIFICAT10N5 COORQINATQR 4� $7 SECRETARYfWdRD PROCESSQR 3$ 7O CLERK 3S 49 The ranges and individual salaries are adjusted annually. OTHER SERVICES: SURVEY F1EED PARTY $135 $1�S PRINTING 8c P�OTTtNG SERVICES: In-house printing and plotting services will be charged at the market rate for commercial printing plus 10%. In-house capability includes color plots and a variety of inedia,including bond,vellum and mylar. In-house Xerox capies pravided at$0.06 per single side copy or$0.12 per double side copy.Cotor capies provided for$O.bO{8'hx11}and$1.0�t�1x17}per single sheet, OTNER DIRECT EXPENSES: Other direct expenses are reimbursed at actual cost times a multiplier of 1.10. 7hey include outside printing and repraductions expense,communication expense,travel,transportation and subsistence away from Arlington and ather miscellaneaus expenses directly related to the work,including costs of laboratory analysis,tests,and other work required to be done by independent persons other than staff inembers. 1y siu-�. CfiY OF GRAPEVIt� (�ffN Rl80N MtO�(.T .., � � � � � � � e z � g r � : � � _ s�TM►�uEw000s a :�fi - ' 10 w+tU�a 1Ah � � ur�c��wc�ns � � ,.,_. �g - ,,,,,�,,,,,,,m,�„ PHASE-3 •£ �� ��.�..r r�W q � ,� � � L7 �— � � �;,.� .,,o. � rann� 4.��.�"p E � r�w E � ORDINANCE NO. 2017-002 AN ORDINANCE 4F THE CITY COUNCI� OF THE GITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE APPR4PRIATI4N OF FUNDS FROM THE QUALITY C)F LIFE FUND AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO THE GRANT FUND FOR LANQSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SERVIGES FOR THE STATE HIGHWAY 114 GREEN RIBBON PRtJJECT — PHASE 111, AND PR4VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, a Master Agreement befinreen the City of Grapevine and the State of Texas was adopted by Resolution No. 20{}0-fi0 on November 21, 2000 and the agreement states the general terms and conditions for transportation projects develaped thraugh this Local Transportation Project Advance Funding Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Texas Transportation Commission passed Minute 4rder 114213, that provides for the development of, and funding for, landscape improvements of State Highway 114 from the Ira E. Woods Avenue to William D. Tate Avenue in the City of Grapevine; and WHEREAS, the landscape architecture firm af Schrickel Rollins and Associates, Inc. (SRA) has designed Phase 1 and Phase II of this project; and WHEREAS, all constitutional and statutory prerequisites for the approval of this ordinance have been met, including but not limited ta the Open Meetings Act; and WHEREAS, the Gity Council deems the adoption of this ordinance ta be in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare af the public. NQW, THEREFQRE, BE IT 4RDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCI� OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS: Section 1. That a!! matters stated hereinabove are faund to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the City Councii af the City of Grapevine approves the appropriation of $118,0OO.OQ in the Quality of Life Fund to be transferred ta the Grant Fund for the landscape and signage master plan and construction documents for the State Highway 114 Green Ribbon Project— Phase III. Section 3. That this ordinance shall becorne effective fram and after the date af its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS an this the 17th day of January, 2017. APPROVED: William Q. Tate Mayor ATTEST: Tara Brooks City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: John F. Boyle, Jr. City Attorney 4rdinance No. 2017-002 2