HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-07-20 Regular Meeting • AGENDA CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS GOLF COURSE ADVISORY BOARD July 20, 2017 5:00 P.M. GRAPEVINE GOLF COURSE CONCOURSE BUILDING 3800 FAIRWAY DRIVE CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMENTS NEW BUSINESS 1) Summary of Golf operations 3th quarter (Russell Pulley) 2) Clubhouse Project update (Russell Pulley) 3) Instructional Program update (Jr Academy, Jr League Golf, GGR) (Robert Singletary) 4) Golf Course maintenance report (Merlin Tielkemeier) CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES Consider approval of the minutes of the May 4,2017 meeting and take any necessary action. ADJOURNMENT IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THIS PUBLIC MEETING AND YOU HAVE A DISABILITY THAT REQUIRES SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS AT THE MEETING, PLEASE CONTACT THE GRAPEVINE GOLF COURSE, Russell Pulley, 817-410-3377 AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS WILL BE MADE TO ASSIST YOUR NEEDS. IN ACCORDANCE WITH TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, CHAPTER 551.001 et seq, ACTS OF THE 1993 TEXAS LEGISLATURE, THE GOLF COURSE ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA WAS PREPARED AND POSTED ON THIS THE 17th DAY OF July, 2017 AT 5:00 P.M. Russell Pulley, Director of Golf Golf Board Golf STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF GRAPEVINE The Golf Course Advisory Board of the City of Grapevine, Texas met in regular session on this 20th day of July 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Grapevine Golf Course, 3800 Fairway Drive, with the following members present: Gary Davis Louis Capone Bryan Humphreys Tom Kormondy Robert Blalock Jonathan Wall Member Member (absent) Member Member Member Member Constituting a quorum, with the following members of the City Staff: Russell Pulley Director of Golf (absent) Mike Lease City Council Member Robert Singletary Head Golf Professional Merlin Tielkemeier Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Gary Davis called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. CITIZEN COMMENTS There were no citizen comments. ITEM 1— Summary of Golf Operations 2nd Quarter Russell reported on the 3rd Qtr. 2017 vs. the 3rd Qtr. of 2016. Highlighted were Rounds of Golf, Range, Green Fees, Carts, and Merchandise. All categories were up over 2016. Russell reported that there were a few bugs with the new POS system but that was to be expected. An update of annual pass holders was given: Currently have 85 annual pass holders, an increase of 13 over same time last year. ITEM 2 — Clubhouse Project The clubhouse project was discussed with, focus on the importance to get people out to vote for the project. ITEM 3 — Instructional Program update Jr Acadeffil, GGR Jr League of The Jr Academy had 12 kids through May, 6 in June. Tookvff July and August. Jr camps are expected to be full with 12 students already signed up for the first 2 camps, with 2 more camps scheduled for July and August. Referral from existing students are helping. Eric's Get Golf Ready classes are full,for every month with expectations of adding more classes. Eric has already added a Level 2 class based on demand and growth. ITEM 4 — Golf Course Maintenance Report Merlin discussed new Aerification process: This process (Dry Ject) is expected to decrease the amount of healing time over the old Core removal process which will increase rounds and revenue, more than enough than the cost of the process. Merlin reported that there has been good rain in June through July 4"', more than in normal years, resulting in a relatively easy summer other than having to keep up with mowing because o f growth of grass. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Consideration to approve the minutes from the May 41lr, 2017 meeting were approved with Robert Blalock snaking the motion to approve the minutes and Bryan Humphreys with a second to the motion. All in Favor: all All opposed: none ADJOURNMENT Tom Kormondy asked for a motion to adjourn, the meeting. A motion to approve was made by Gary Davis and a second was made by Robert Blalock. All in favor: all All opposed: none APPROVED: Gary Da v' - airman ATTEST: Russell Pulley Director of Golf PJ