HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1999-031 RESOLUTION NO. 99-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ° " GRAPEVINE, TEXAS AMENDING RESOLUTION 98-16, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE GRAPEVINE TOWNSHIP REVITALIZATION GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE PRESERVAl10N, RESTORAl10N, REHABILITAl10N AND RECONSTRUCTION OF HISTORIC HOMES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ORIGINAL TOWNSHIP; PROVIDING FOR AN APPLICATION PROCESS FOR AWARDING GRANTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE TO ACT AS THE CITY'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE GRANT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on March 23, 1998, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas passed Resolution 98-16 authorizing the Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc. Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas has identified the _ need to encourage greater revitalization and preservation of the existing historic homes within the boundaries of the Original Town of Grapevine; and '�"" WHEREAS, the City Council has created the Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc., a non-profit corporation exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to assist in revitalizing and preserving the existing historic homes within the boundaries of the Original Town of Grapevine; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that amending the grant program will further assist in revitalizing and preserving the existing historic homes within the boundaries of the Original Town of Grapevine. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all matters stated in the preamble of this resolution are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into the body of this resolution as if copied in their entirety. Section 2. That the following attached documents are hereby approved: A. Guidelines—Township Revitalization Grant Program (Exhibit A). B. Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. (Exhibit B). ' C. Application (Exhibit C). D. Preservation Agreement (Exhibit D). ��:� x e E. Historic Landmark Subdistrict Application (Exhibit E). F. Design Guidelines (Exhibit F). �}" ' Section 3. That the City Manager, or his designee, is authorized and directed to act in all matters in connection with this grant. Section 4. That this resolution shall take effect from and after the date of its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEH CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS on this the 20th day of July, 1999. APPROVED: William D. Tate Mayor • � ATTEST: �� Lin a Huff City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: John F. Boyle, Jr. Ci�y Attorney �� RES. NO. 99-31 � ��EXHIBIT A�� EXH181T�., TO - Page _.L of GUIDELINES - TOWNSHIP REVITALIZATION GRANT PROGRAM �� 1. Purpose of the Grant Funds. The goals of the Grapevine Township Revitalization Grant Program are to preserve the cultural heritage of the original township of the City of Grapevine through the preservation, restoration, rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of historic homes in the original township. 2. Application Process. Applicants must complete a grant application form and meet with GTRP Staff to discuss the proposed work. Recommendations for grants will be presented to the Grapevine Township Revitalization Advisory Board for approval. 3. General Criteria. Grant funding is available for: ■ Owner-occupant residential uses: $10,000 max. with a $5,000 match (2/1 match) ■ Rental residential uses: $5,000 max. with a $5,000 match (1/1 match) Notes: Priority will be given to Owner-occupied grant applicants. If an applicant does not have the funding necessary for a match, such applicant may - request a waiver from the matching requirements. Said waiver will only be approved ��:.� by the Board of Directors. � �, � The Director of Development Services may increase the above stated amount in cases where existing conditions of the residence require additionat assistance or where the proposed work exceeds the goals and objectives of this grant program. The increase must receive final approval from the Board of Directors prior to becoming effective. After grant award, any increase or decrease in construction expenses, including cost increases, change orders and overruns shall be determined and assumed by the Owner. Grants are limited to exterior preservation, restoration, rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of historic homes in existing historic districts or homes determined eligible for Historic Landmark designation by the Grapevine Historic Preservation Commission. The residence must be located within the boundaries of the original township (refer to attached map)and all proposed work must comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Properties-see attached. Grant funding is NOT available for purchase or rental of tools, machinery, equipment or Owner's time spent on work. Each application will be evaluated on its merits as a viable project and on how it relates to the Township's goals. Applicants must describe the project and include drawings, specifications, photographs (historic, where available), budgets and schedule. Owner agrees to sign a Preservation Agreement(see attached). Owner agrees to designate their property with "H"overlay zoning designation through a �-� Historic Landmark Subdistrict(see attached application) in accordance with the City of Grapevine's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 39. A Historic Landmark property will be subject to Design Guidelines (see attached guidelines)for future exterior modifications. Page 1 EXMIBIT 1� � TO " "EXHIBIT A" Page �— Of The Applicant shall comply with all zoning and permitting requirements of the City of Grapevine Code of Ordinances and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. 4. Funds �;.� Grant funds must be used within 6 months from the date of the agreement, or the grant becomes void. Grant funding is handled on a reimbursement and matching basis. Funds will only be disbursed when receipts of completed work are submitted for reimbursement and approved by the Township Coordinator. The Grapevine Township Revitalization Program reserves the right to observe and monitor the project prior to payment and/or to make payment directly to a Contractor(where payment is not on reimbursement basis). One hundred percent(100%) payment of the grant will be disbursed only when: ■ there is evidence that the project is completed, such as receipts for work completed (inciuding copies of paid receipts)are received and approved by the Township Coordinator; and ■ the work passes inspection by the City of Grapevine Building Inspections Department (where required); and ■ after the property owner has submitted the Historic Landmark Subdistrict application form; and ■ after non-conforming work is modified where required by the Grapevine Historic Preservation Commission and/or the City of Grapevine Buildings Inspections Department �`� " (for achieving final inspection). �.�:� Payment may be withheld if the work fails to meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Rehabilitation of Historic Properties. 5. Repayment. Grant recipients must repay all the funds if any of the following circumstances occurs within three (3)years of completion of the project: ` The building is not maintained to City of Grapevine Building Code. * Historic Landmark designation is removed. " Property changes from residential use to another. " Owner performs or arranges for other work(not under this Agreement)materially detracting from the historic character or fabric of the exterior of the house without a Certificate of Appropriateness. 6. Required Submittals A completed GTRP Grant Application with necessary signatures and budget where required on the application. A completed Historic Landmark Subdistrict Application form with necessary signatures, notarized where required. p Proof of ownership, copy of deed. If application is submitted by someone other than Owner, please submit documentation establishing Owner's permission to work on property. Proof of insurance, casualty,fire and federal flood insurance, if applicable. Page 2 ,�EXH(BIT A�� EXNiB1T�.1'. TO ���'�. ' ' Plans and speciFications{if avaiEable or needed}of praposed work. Page ..,�._. of����� " Historic documentation. Historic phatographs(if availabls)or other documentation (i.e. drawings, skefches}. ldentify approximate date pf documentation. �,�� 7. Miscellaneous. Those who have projects published agree to acknowledge the support of the City af Grapevine and the Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc. It is also understaad that the Grapevine Township Revitalization Program may seek public recagni#ian for its contribution to any grants funded project. Applications are available from Hugo A. Gardea, Grapevine Township Revitalization Program, inc., 20q S. Main, Grapevine, Texas 76051. TELEPHONE:41Q-3197; FAX:410-3125. Aii materials subm9tted become the property af the City of Grapevine. �-.� �.:w� Page 3 ` ~EXHISST Brt �;�Ni3iT� TO ��� r' P��e ._...,..,�... �# ...L..�. �.�..,, The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for fhe Rehabilitation of Histaric Properfies �=� REHABILITATt4N IS DEFiNED as the act ar process of making possib/e a compatible use fora property fhrough repair,atterafians and additions while preserving fhose portions or features which convey its historrcal,culfurai or archifectural Yalues. 1. A praperty will be used as it was historically or be given a new use that requires minimal change ta 'sts dist3nctive materia�s,features, spaces and spatial relationships. 2. The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteratian of features, spaces and spatial reiatianships that ct�aracterize a property will be avoided. 3. Each praperty wiSl be recagnized as a physicaE record of its time, piace and use. Char►ges that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or elements frorn other histaric properties,will not be undertaken, 4. Changes ta a praperty that have acquired historic significance in their own right will be retained and preserved. 5. Distinctive materials, features,finishes and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship tha#characterize a praperty w"s1I be preserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deteriaratian requires replacert�ent af a distinctive feature, the new feature wil{ match the o1d in design, color, texture and where possible, ma#erials. Replacement of missing features wiii be substantiated by documentary and physicai evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate,will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments thaf cause damage to historic materials wi1S not be used. �..., 8. Archeological resources will be protected and preserved in place. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigatian measures w'sll be undertaken. 9. New additians, exterior alterations or related new construction will not destroy historic rnaterials, features and spatial reSationships that characterize the property. The new work will be differentiated from the old and will be compatible with the historic materials, features, size, scale and prapartiart and massing ta protect the integrity af the proper#y and its environment. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction will be undertaken in a such manner fhat, if resr�oved in th�future,the essentiai form and in#egrity of the historic prope�ty and its environment wauld be unimpaired. ��:.� �°EXHIBIT C� EXNIBIT_,�� 10 a���f.�-..� Page _._L� of .�,�.. � , APPLICATION TOWNSHIP REVETALtZATIQN GRANT PROGRAM ��,r,� Date: Applicant: Owner af Property (if different from above): Owner Address: Zip: Owner Telephone{s}: Historic House Name: Project Address: Zip: Date building was built: Please check, if lacated in ane af the befow: National Register Historic District ` College Street Historic District Other �,.:_� Brief Descriptian of the Praject: Applicant must summarize the proposed praject in this space. (If desired, applicant may also a#tach an additiana! sheet more fully explaining fhe reason for the grant request ar if available, drawings indicating the scope of work). Descrip#ian of Project Expenses Your Share(1J3) Tawnship Share{2/3} TOTAL C$ � � � „ Anticipated Project S#art Date: Anticipated Project CompSetion Date: ��-�� Is this a phase of a larger project(s)? Please explain: "EXHIBIT C" EXNIBIT� TO ' Page _s� of � Have you entered into any contracts relative to this project? Piease list: �•� Have you, within the last two (2)years, completed or arranged to have completed, any previous exterior work relative to this residence? If so, please expiain and list the costs of the work completed. Is your property mortgaged? Yes No If yes, provide information on mortgage holder. Do liens exist on the property? Yes No If yes, describe the liens and amounts. �. � Return this application to: Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc. 200 S. Main Street Grapevine, Texas 76051 I certify that all information contained in this appiication and all information furnished in support of this application is given for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance in the form of a grant and is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Applicant Signature Date "EXHIBIT D" EXHlBtT� TO ,��r��-� P�fijB ,___.�._ {�'� _��.� . Preservation Agreement Township Revitalization Grant Program ���� Whe�eas this Preservation Agreement(Agreement}is entered inta between the Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc. (Township) and (Owner); and Whereas the�wner will use funds made available through the Township Revitafization Grant Program (Program)for exterior preservation, restoration, rehabilitation and/or reconstruction (Work)of the historic_ House,which is owned by the Owner; and Whereas the purpose of this agreement is ta set fo�th the respansibilities of the Township and the Owner in the payment, canstrucfion and reparting of the Work; and Whereas the Owner has made application under the Pr�ogram for financial assistance for Work to the House,which is Iqcated at an officially designaked landrnark or property eligib(e for designation as a Nistoric Landmark Subdistrict in the City of Grapevine; and Whereas such application was recommended fior$ by#he Township Advisory 8aard an . 1998; and Whereas the Owner will commence work on or about now therefore, Be it agreed by the Township and the{3wner as follows: � � � � � � Term ��� �������� � �� ��� �� .� ,: � � The term of#his Agreement shall commence on the latest date af execution shown hereon and shall terminate three (3)years fallowing fhe date af campfetion af the Work. �..:,:x Amaunt and Scope The Township shall pay to the Owner$ far the Work which shall consist of: Any increase or decrease in the construction costs, inc{uding cast increases, change orders, and overruns shall be determined and assumed by the �wner. Payment to the Owner shall be made as foiipws: ■ after the Work is completed (copies of paid receipts are received), and � after the Work passes fnal inspection by the Gity of Grapevine Buildings Inspections Department (where required), and ■ after the praperty owner has submitted the Histaric l.andrnark Subdistrict application form, and � after non-confarming work (if any) is corrected where required by the 7ownship and/or the City af Grapevine Building Inspections Department(for achieving final inspection). ,.,. , Maintenan�e of Zoning ,�a.:.� The Uwner agrees to initiate and designate their property a City of Grapevine Historic Landmark Subdistrict irt accordance with Section 39 of the Gity of Grapevine Camprehensive Zoning 4rdinance. If #he residence is already a Historic Landmark, the Owner shall maintain the historic landmark status of the_ House. ��EXHIBIT D�� EXHI8IT� TO ' Page _� of �.�- �.._� Repavment , � The Owner shall rom tl re a all amo nts a' t e� n � . � t � �i � P P Y P Y p � ���� �� ���� 9 �=�» agreement: �> � � 1. The residence is` � � ai fain�d to City of Grapevine Buiiding Code. 2. Historic Landmark designation is removed. 4. Property changes from residential use to another use. 5. Owner perForms or arranges for other work(not under this Agreement) materially detracting from the historic character or fabric of the exterior of the house. Insurance Liabilit�and Indemnification The Owner is prohibited from expending funds made available through the Program to purchase any insurance regarding the Work under this Agreement. The Owner shall carry casualty,fire and federal flood insurance (if applicable). The Owner acknowledges that he/she has read the guidelines for the grant program included with the application and agree to all of the terms and conditions contained in the guidelines and further agrees that any contractors hired for this project will hold contractors licenses for the City of Grapevine. The Owner acknowledges that the Township is merely granting funds in connection with the work or project, and that neither the Township, the Grapevine Historic Preservation Commission or the City of Grapevine is or will be responsible for satisfactory performance of the work, or payment for the same beyond the grant by the Township. The Owner also acknowledges that he/she is solely responsible for selecting any contractors hired in connection with the project and in requiring satisfactory performance by such contractor. The Owner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Township, the Historic Preservation Commission and the City of Grapevine, its agents, servants, employees, and officers against losses, costs, damages, expenses and liabilities of any nature directly or indirectly resulting from or arising out of or relating to the �V� Township's acceptance, consideration, approval or disapproval of this agreement and the issuance or non-issuance of a grant. Notice The Owner shall provide the Township with at least two (2)weeks notice of any intended transfer of title, any encumbrance on title or pending legal action which may result in foreclosure of property. Notice or correspondence shall be sent to: Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc. 200 S. Main Street Grapevine, Texas 76051 Acknowledgement The Owner shall, at Township's expense, allow for installation of a durable sign visible to the passing public that identifies the house and acknowledges that assistance has been provided through the Township and City of Grapevine. Assignment The terms of this agreement shall be binding on the Owner's successors and assigns and shall run with ' the property for the term of the agreement. - Executed this day of . 1998. Roger Nelson, President Property Owner Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc. House "EXNIBIT D" E�����T� TQ PacB �,�, Of � _.. Approved as to Form: �.�� John F. Boyle City Rttorney �::.,. �;::f °�xHie�r E^ EXNISiT� TO r � -�1 P�c�e �_._.. of --�'�-- ��,..� —�--�_ �i�� ��� �T E � a s CiTY �JF GRAP�VINE ��*�'� H�STORiC LANDMARK SUBDISTRI�T APPLiCATIaN ���f SUMMARY OF HISTORIC LANDMARK SUBDISTRICT REQUIREMENTS A. Complete applicatian with notarized signatures o€owner and appiicant. B. Address and legal description of property. � , C. Twa copies of Design Guidelines recommended by fhe Historic Preservation Commissian. �w; .� DIRECT QUESTIONS TO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF AT (817)410-3155 FAX NUMBER {817}414-3018 Delivery Address Correspondence Address Develapment Services Development Services Pianning Division Pianning Di�ision 2Q0 S Main Street P C1 Box 95104 Grapevine, Texas 76051 Grapevine, Texas 76099 r - CITY OF GRAPEVINE ��..-.� HISTORIC LANDMARK SUBDISTRICT APPLICATION 0:1ZCUIFORMS�APPHIST 1 11�9 vvww.ci.grapevine.t�c.us "EXHIBIT E° EX�i1BIT � fa ����=�.r Pac�B _��. ot _.�.. ��:� 1. APPL.ICANT/AGENT NAME COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY/STATE/ZI P WORK PHONE FAX NUMBER 2. APPLICANT'S INTEREST IN SUBJECT PROPERTY 3. PROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME ADDRESS CIN/STATE/ZIP ° WORK PHONE FAX NUMBER �� 4. RDDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION LEGA� DESCRIPTlON: LC?T , BLOCK , ADDITlON SIZE OF SUB,lECT PR4PERTY ACRES SC2UARE FEET M�TES & BOUNDS (ViU�T BE DESGRIBED t�N $ 1/2" X '19" SHEET 5. PF2ESENT ZONING C�ASSIF1CATl4N 6. PRESENT USE QF PR4PERTY 7. SIGNATURE T4 AUTHORI�E A ZONE CHANGE REQllEST AND P�ACING A HISTC}RICA! LANDMARK SUBDISTRICT REQUEST SIGN ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. �� THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF WILL DETERMINE THE AGENDA FOR EACH OF TN� O:\ZCU\FORMSIAPPHIST 2 1/cc www.ci.grapevine.tx.us Ex�-1(B1T�_ TO � � °EXHIBIT E° P.G,c�g ��_ Of PUBLIC HEARING DATES BASED ON THE SIZE OF THE AGENDA YOUR APPLICATION MAY BE � 2ESCHEDULED TO A LATER DATE. � APPLICANT (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE OWNER (PRINT) OWNER SIGNATURE ���.� �� 0:1ZCU\FORMS�APPHIST 3 1/G0 www.ci.grapevine.tx.us "EXHIBIT E" Ext�tatt� Ta ��".�L � PG�� ---,�-- af �—_. The Sta#e of County of Befare me on this day personally appeared known to me (ar proved to me on the oath of or through (description of identi#y card or other document)to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknawledged ta me that he executed the same for #he purpases and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , A.D. SEA�. Notary �ignature �. . �� The State of Counfy of Before me on this day personaily appeared knawn to me (or proved to me on the oath of or through (description of identity card or other documen#) ta be the persan whose name is subscribed ta the foregaing instrument and acknawledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , A.D. SEAL Natary Signature �� O:�ZCUIFORMS�APPHIST 4 119° www.ci.grapevir�e.tx.us E;�li1BIT_.� TO " ��� "EXHIBIT F" Pw98 �-.. Of �..� Design Guidelines Recipients of �. � Revitalization Grants Grapevine, Texas Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc. City of Grapevine 200 S. Main Grapevine, Texas July 6, 1999 E;tH13lT� TO -.�1 Page .. '� .._. o# � Tabie of Contents ��� PREFACE 1. SITE = Setbacks ■ Driveways, Parking Lots ■ Service and Mechanical Areas 11. BUIk.DING FABRIG � Preservation � Exterior Finishes ■ Windows 111. EMBELLISHMENTS ■ Awnings-Canapies �- - ■ Exterior Lighting � . IV. NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ■ Infill ■ Additions to Historic Buildings �,..� Page 2 of 8 l �Xyl�it� T4 j��. '� P�:ce _S� o#���..._. k Preface �..� An architectural and historical description af the significance of your residence is described here. Photo of histqric home. ��� Page 3 of 8 �xy�atr�" so -�r Pw�e _,_..�.., of 5�.w.� SITE Retain the historic relationships between buildings, landscaping features and open space. Avoid i'B�tF�tl�ltl� ��l£ S{f8 by moving ar removing buildings and site features, such as walks, drives and fences, that help define the residence"s historic value. SETBACKS Building setbacks shoufd be consistent with adjacent buildings ar with the style of the building. Setbacks are an imporkant ingredient in creating an attractive stree#scape. Buildings should be set back to a line that is consistent with their neighbors and land use. For example, a residential setback should retain the setback af adjacent and nearby structures, with landscaping along t�e street right-af-way. Residential buildings with a commercial u�e in residential areas shauld be set back in a manner consis#ent with setbacks af neighboring or similar residen#ia1 � = structures. = b Maintain building orientatian pattern, with the frant facade facing the street. Maintain spacing patterns between buildings. DRIVEWAYS, PARKING L.OTS AND VACANT SITES Driveways shoulci be located perpendicular to the street; no c'srcular drives shall be allowed (unless proven with historic documentation) in front or corner side yard, so that the character af the landscaped yard can be reinforced. New parking areas for cammercial uses should not be located adjacent to sidewalks in the district. Off-street parking should not be allawed to interrupt the continuity of landscaped front or corner side yards. This is important to both the preservation of historic character, and to the strengthening of the residential district. Screen existing parking from streets and pedestrian areas in khe Historic District. Existing parking lacated adjacent to streets and sidewalks may be screened ta the height of car hoods. This will provide a certain level of continuity of the building fa�ade line; it wi11 screen unsightly views; and it wiil pravide a level of security by ���' allowing views to and from the sidewalk. Page 4 of 8 E;�;{t�iT...� TO —�� �'� t� ofi�� PG,,B `y _ �.E,.� �x� SERVICE AND MECHANICAL AREAS , Service and mechanical areas and equipment should be screened from the street and other pedestrian areas. All garbage and equipment storage areas shouid be screened from the street. Mechanical equipment, including satellite dishes, shall not be located in front or corner side yards or should be set back from the edges of roofs, and screened so that they are not visible to pedestrians and do not detract from the historic character of buildings. BUILDING FABRIC PRESERVATION Preserve, stabilize, and restore original building form, ornament and materials. Any missing or severely deteriorated elements may be replaced with replicas of the original. Ensure that roof, window, porch and cornice treatments are preserved, or when preservation is not possible duplicate the original building element. When rehabilitating, remove non-historic alterations. Often, "modern" renovations conceal the original facade details. If not, the original style may be recreated through the use of historic photographs. Where replication of original elements is not possible, a new design consistent with the original style of the building may be used. Reconstruction of building elements should reflect the size, scale, material and level of detail of the original design. Preserve older renovations that have achieved historic significance. Older structures or additions may have, at some time, been renovated with such care and skill that the renovation itself is worthy of preservation. Usually, such renovations may date from before 1940. # EXTERIOR FINISHES ���� Original wood finishes should be maintained and painted or, when necessary, Page 5 of 8 J E��1�31T ^~ TO ���� � � F�:�� _.�, g� .���� �«4 � replaced in kind. Modem synthetic siding materials such as vinyl or metal bear little resemblance to historic siding materials. The applica#ian of such modern synthetic materials aften involves the removal of ariginal decorative elements such as cornice, corner boards, brackets, window and daor trim, etc. New synthetic siding shall not be installed; removal of existing such materials is not required, but strongly encouraged, to restore historic patin�, finish and appearance. Uriginal asbestos siding should be maintained and painted, or when necessary, replaced with synthetic siding to match the existing asbestos siding. The removal of asbestos siding over existing wood siding is not required, but strongSy encouraged, to restore historic patina, finish and appearance. Original masonry surfaces should be maintained and not be painted, unless severe deterioratian of the brick or stone can be shown to require painting. ff the color or te�cture of replacement brick or stone cannat be matched with existing, painting may be an appropriate treatment. Paint colors should be complimentary to each other and the overal{ character of the house. When possible, research the ariginal paint calor and �nishes of the building's historic period; the right coiors respect the historic building. The Historic Preservation Commissian shali adapt, as necessary, a paint palette(s} appropriate to the district's character, which may be proposed and approved through the Minor Exterior Alteration application process. Any colors �j ` propased outside the adopted palette may be reviewed by the Commissian in the regular Certificate of Appropriateness process. WINDQWS Original window framing and {ites (panes af giass} canfigurations should be preserved and maintained ar replaced in kind. When replacement is necessary, do so within existing historic apening. Use s�me sash size ta avoid filling in or enlarging the original opening. If drop ceiling is installed in the interior, be sure that it is slanted up at the windaw so that it will not cut into the window opening. Ciear or very slightiy tinted window glass may be used. No refiective or heavily tinted glass shall be used. Should the owner wish to insta!! security bars, they should be installed an the .#� - interior of windaws and daors. �,,,,,� Storm windows. The use af interior storm windows is encouraged. Storm Page 6 of 8 E;��1l3�T� TO a��:���L_ P�:�e _1.._ of __�___... �:_..� windows are available which can be installed on the interior of windows. This helps to preserve the exterior historic character of the building. ��� Should storm windows need to be installed on the exterior of the historic windows, storm windows constructed of wood and configured to match the historic sashes (i.e. one over one sashes) are recommended. If inetal storm windows are installed, paint to blend with surrounding elements. EMBELLISHMENTS AWN(NGS-CANOPIES New awnings and canopies should not be installed above windows or doors. EXTERIOR LIGHTING Lighting is an important element in residential areas. Fixtures should be consistent with the historic character of the house. Appropriate incandescent light fixtures to the style of the district should be used. �µ V Avoid exposed lighting of any kind unless part of a historic fixture. NEW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION INFILL The Secretary of the Interior's guidelines for new buildings in historic districts encourage similarity of form and materials, but not actual replication. New construction proposals and the rehabilitation of non-historic buildings will be reviewed based on these Criteria. Judgement will be based on the compatibility of the design within the context of the property's adjacent and nearby historic buildings. The design of new buildings should have key elements of the building's historic period (circa ____), including massing, scale, fenestration and materials. � � Infill buildings should not be absolute reproductions, and appear as clearly contemporary. Only when a previously demolished historic Grapevine building ��-� can be accurately replicated may a reproduction be considered. Page 7 of 8 EXH4�;T_.� i 0 - F�:;� p���� � Infill buildings between histaric buildings should be similar in setback, roof form, cornice line and materials, to one of the adjacent buiidings. Relate height of new , building to the heights of adjacent structures. Avoid new buildings that tower over existing ones. Horizantal woad siding (either novelty, tongue and groove, shiplap or equivalent} and brick are appropriate exterior buiiding finishes for the historic house. Fake brick or stone or gravel aggregate materiais shail never be used. ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC BU1�DtNGS Addittons ta histaric buildings shauld replicate the style of the mair� buiCding if possible; otherwise they should adhere to the genera) style with simplified details. As a minimum, new additions should refiect the massi�g, raof shape, bay spacing, cornice lines and building materials of the primary structure. All new wood or metal materials should have a painted finish except an some 2Q�' century buildir►gs where the use of unpainted aluminum or steel was part af the � - original design and should be maintained. �..:. A new addition should, if at all possible, be located at the rear of the historic building. if #his is not possible, the additian may be added ta the side if it is recessed at least 18 inches from the historic building facade or a connection is used ta separate old from new. New vertical additians should be set back fram primary facades so as not to be readily apparent from the facing street. � When replacing elements that were originally part of a historic building they should be repiicated when evidence of the actual detail has been documented by photographs, drawings, or remaining physical evidence. If no evidence exists, elements typicaf of the architectural style may be used. Nistoric photographs can provide infarmatian on the origina� elernents of ti�e building. � Page 8 of 8