HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 1994-013 � RESOLUTION NO. 94-�3 � A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS APPROVING THE LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS THAT WILL BE USED TO DEVELOP A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN PURSUANT TO WHICH A WATER AND WASTE WATER IMPACT FEE MAY BE IMPOSED; DIRECTING THAT THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN BE DEVELOPED BY FREESE AND NICHOLS, INC., IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW GOVERNING IMPACT FEES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, on April 19, 1994, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas (the "City") held a public hearing, after proper publication of notice as required by Section 395.044 of the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395, to consider land use assumptions that would be used to develop a capital improvements plan pursuant to which a water and waste water impact fee may be imposed; and �°�� WHEREAS, at the public hearing, all members of the public were given the right to appear and present evidence for or against the land use assumptions; and � WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to approve the land use assumptions; and WHEREAS, this resolution is being adopted within thirty (30) days from the date of the public hearing at which the land use assumptions were considered. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the matters in the preamble of this resolution are hereby incorporated into the body of this resolution, as if fully stated herein for all purposes. Section 2. That the City Council hereby approves the land use assumptions, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit"A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, that will be used to develop a capital improvements plan pursuant to which a water and waste �� water impact fee may be imposed. Section 3. The City Council hereby directs that the capital improvements plan be �+ developed by Freese and Nichols, Inc., in accordance with State law governing impact fees (Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395, Sections 395.001-395.080). �r�,. RESOLUTION NO. 94-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS ESTABLISHING APRIL 19, 1994 AS THE HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC NOTICE OF THE HEARING IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE / WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 3 � 395.080, provides a procedure for enabling municipalities tc '�'`�° WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine �� � �� �� heretofore appointed an advisory committee in accordance � ,Z������ the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395; and WHEREAS, the City intends to impose water and waste water impact fees and hereby desires to establish a public hearing date to consider land use assumptions within the designated service area that will be used to develop the capital �� , improvements plan. � � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS: Section 1 . That all of the matters in the preamble of this resolution are true and correct and are hereby incorporated into the body of this resolution as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. That a public hearing date to consider land use assumptions within the designated service area that will be used to develop the capital improvements plan for water and waste water improvements shall be held on April 19, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Municipal Court Room #205, 307 West Dallas Road, Grapevine, Texas. Section 3. That the City Secretary, or her duly designated representative, shall provide public notice of the hearing in accordance with Section 395.044 of the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395. ,�„ Section 4. That in accordance with Section 395.043 of the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 395 on or before the date of the first publication of the notice, the Department of Public Works shall make available to the public during normal business hours the City's land use assumptions, the time period of the projections, and a description of the general nature of the capital improvement facilities which may be proposed. .� Section 4. That this resolution shall take effect from and after the date of its passage. � PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS on this the �9th day of April , 1994. APPROVED: �� � William D. Tate Mayor ATTEST: `-1 �,��i�." �-.° J di C. Brown ssistant City Secretary ��>�� APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sta r - A 'stant ttorney � � RES. N0. 94-13 2 , � EXHIBI i � TO ��� �' ��`�- � ' Page � of ��' �� � PoQulation and Land Use Assumptions for the City oC Grapevine An Update of the Water and Wastewater I�npact Fees �, �. �.� A pri I t�4 Prcpat-cci I3}•: Planning Rcuxirccs Group � � ' �,' Gl y' —� 3 EX`ilBl i � j0 �� `" n Page _-� �f -� � Citv of Grvuevfne Land Use Assumutions Anril 199J �r Purnose Thc piirpose of I:u�d use assump�ions, as n:yuired by the Sta�e Inipact [=ee l.crislalion, is to scrve as tl�e hasis lor projccting thc capital iinpro�•cmcnts that �vill tx: ncccssary' to scn�c the (:ity c�f C',rapcvine Cor thc tcn ��e;�u })I:LI!]ltir pericxl of 1��3 to 20(�. "I�hc land usc assumptions :uc cstimates and projc;ctions of gro�i�th in thc residential and commercialiindustnal arc.ts of tlic cit�� that ���ill create a demand on the City's water and ���astr���ater faeilities. 'Thesc increasuf demands will iu son�c instanccs uecessitate i►npro��ements or up�rades to thc cxistin� systcros. Au:uratc projections of thc increascd dcntand caii hc utilizcd to tdlocale the majont�� of thc costs �Lsscx;iatcd ���ith nccsssary improvcmc.ti�ts to tlic nc��� n:sidents or busincsscs that �4•ill creatc diosc nccds. �1'hc passing ol� thcse ��sts on to ne��� dcvclopment is acco�nplisiird b�• me:�ns of :in li�ipact rce. •��'r"1PT10N NO 1• Existing Po�uiation (.lan. 1. 19941 Cucrent cfforts dir��cted to�vard Uie de��clopmrnt of aii cxisting �wpulation c:siim�ile l�or Jan. 1, 1��� ��'crc c:ondiictcd independenUy i�rom any prc�•ious �x�pulation eft�ort. �lficreas pre�•ious po}�uialion esumatcs ��•crc �.,.,�. obtained from building pciviit rrc:ords and utili��ed trend projections �o determine future prc�ja:tions, d�e current stud�� has fcx:i�sed on actu�il housinr counts to detern�inc e�istinC popiilation. Tl�e population estimate Cor Jan. �� 1, 199�dcvelopeci in the cttrrent effort is 31.�F33. A hre:il:don�n oC this total into residential types is .0 foiloa•s: l.o�v Densit�•: Z`i,23'JS persons \4edium l�ensity: t?OS rx;rscros }Iigh L�nsity: 6,�3 Fx:rsons In addition to proviciing a population estimatc fc�r Jan. l, 199� for thc Ciq° of Grapevine proper, thc po��ulatious «�en: also disaggregatcd into sen�ice plaruiing area.r (SP:'1s). SPAs uc areas of laud that represcnt a p:uticular drainage area w•ithin the City of Gra{x��ine. Various delined c;haracteristic;s of' the SPAs allow thc cnCincc.�s to dctcrmine �vatcr dcrn�tds and �.•astc��•atcr 17ows whicli �+•ill subscque�itl�� deline pipeiine sizes and othcr improvcmcnts necds. Thc disaggrc=alcci to<<il po4ndation i'or thc City of Cira�cvinc is provided in thc fin.d Impac:t 1��x: rc.�ort. ASSUMPTION NO l• Ultimate Buildout Pooulations I�ulurr Ex�pulatiun Prc�jcctions for thc Cit�� of Grqx:�'inc acrc oht:�in��cl h�• dctcrn�iniu� the n:sidrntial status ol' �•<K:utt land <wd appiyin� appropnatc unit {x:r a�Tc aud persons �xr unit multiplicrs. I)ata oht<unexl frc�m !he huilding ins��ccticm dcpartmcnt of the Cit� pm�•idcd :�� accoun�ing of resid���ual lots th�it ha��c Fxcn piattcd hut '� not �•et build u�xm. In addition. thc <uca of undevclo�xxi r��sidential IanJ ����u obtain��cl from 1"=60O' sc.ile maps rcuntl�' pr��arcd by I�rc�c :md '.�icl�ols. lnc. � 1 i � EXH181T � TO �= '' �'�—/3 Page —�� of �_ � A varicty of residcntial zoning clistricts cxists ��-i�(un Gr.►pcvinc. Ihhnsitics var� from onc (I) d��•cllin� unit Fx:r acrc for thr I:-2O lt��sidcnti.il district to cight (8) dwcllin� wiits per acrc for tl�c }t-� Rcsidcntial district. '1'hc � predominatc residcntial zonin� district, rcgarding �o�al arc:i, wi�hin thc Cit}' is it-7.5. '1'his dis�rict pc,�rniits a maximum of four (�) dwellivg units per ac,7c. f{owc�•cr i� is important to notc that r<zrc1�• does <m�• residetui�il distnct ac:tually yicld dic ma�imum lots per acre after de��elopmcnt. 'I'he Cit}� of Grape:��ine I�ep�wncnt of Commuiuty Development llas ec�nducted studics that indiu�te thc avcra�c densit}' oC R-7.i de��elopments to be approzimately 3.4 units per acrc. Sinu the majonty ol' devciopabic land area is eithcr r.oncxi or planned for residential dc��elopment comparable to thc R- 7.� zoninr distnct, U�e 3.� unit pe,-r acrc fi��re w•as used to detenninc the numhcx of u�uts to bc allocatcd to a!! land planncxl for singlc Camily rc�sidentiai pur�x�ses, rc�ardless of cuirent zonin�. Similariy, thc unit p�:r acrc for multi-famil� uscs w� assiunecl to be ci�htcx:n (18) units per acrc. ��'hich is comparable to thr }Z!�•(I=-2 (multi-family) zoning distncf. 1n addition, persons }xr unit figures for singie (amily residcnti:il use �+•as also oblained from the I�epartment of Communit�• De��e3opment. 1'hc multiplier used to determine populations for singlc family use was ?.S persons pe:r unit. Alth�ugh tl�e City provided a muluplicr used for multi-famil}� usc (1.75), I'lanning Rcsources (iroup used a muitipiier of 1.9 persons pe.Y units. Couv�7sauons with representatives of North Central '1'cxas <;ouncil of Govc�rnn�ent and thc Grape�•ine Dcpartmcnt of Communit�� Ih:velopment ���cre in a�recment that this �,,.� multiplier «�as a rcasonabie mpresentation c�C occupanc�� for muiti-familt• residential uni�s. ;�,, l?tiliang tlie units pc:r acre figures described above to deteimine the total number of single famil}• r+nd multi- t�amil}• units and thc persons �x.r unit multipliers for tl�esc uses, a tot��il population at buildout was determined to be 49,1�I� persons. 'I�he ultimate (buildout) populatiot► for the Cin� of Grapeti•inc �.•:u disaggrega�ed in to SP.4s in order to dMcrnnnc the cstimat� loadin� and dcmands required for �vastcwater and water facilities. Tlie disaggregate ultimate population for thc (:ity of Grapevine is pm�•ideci iii in the final Impac:t l�ee report. ASSUMPT[ON NO. 3: 2004 Pooulation Estimate It is estimated that 3r39 single famil�� uni�s «�ill he consiniued bet��-een Ja�i. 1, 1��=3 and tiltitnatc buildout. l3uilding pennits ha�•c averagcd at �5(i per year for thc timc peciod betwecn 1�)1 and 1993. Thc 1991 Impact I=cc Popidatiou C`ixiatc stud}� pmjec:tcci 4(x1 ncµ tuiits to hc conswctcd uutil thc availability of singlc i':unily residentiai land ��•as absorberl. It is rcasonable to e�pect tlic cuirent building rate to continuc. 'I'hcrelore, it is .usumcd tli.it the Cit�• of Cir.ipc�•ine «�ill r.ontinuc tc� issue -F.�(i siu�lc l�amil�� n;sicicntial b�uldin� �rnuts annually for lhe ncxt sc�•en (7) ��cars, n7th thc ci�hth (8th) ��e:u� u�ntaining thc renuniung :i32 units, as sh���•n in 1'�hle I, Sinklc h�anrrl�� Absorp�io�:fo� the Cit�• uf Gruperrnc. :1s IIl(IIC.1ll`(I in 1'ablc 1, sin�lc 1�a�nily resid��t�tial buildout is e��x�ctcd to oc:ca�r in y�:ar 2UU1. �ew � � EXNIBI i !� TO ��-•, `��%- � � Page << of .�_ � "f'ablc I yt„^ Sin�lc/•umily Ahs��rp�ion f�r r!►c Cir1�nf Grupc�•i��e "'"'""' Ycar t!nits * Cumulati�•e I?nits Cumulative Pcrsons 199:� �56 =�SG t.271 199i 4.56 91? 2,�2 1�9fi ��(i 1368 3,812 (99'7 �i6 1,824 �,0$3 1��3 -�5(i 2.280 635� 19'�) ��6 2,73fi 7,62> 20(X) 45Ci 3,1�2 8,89(� 2001 332 3.539 9.�59 * t'IllIS tIICIUdC lo�v dcnsit�� and mcdium dcnsity residc.7itial SIIIll�1II)�, Uic buildout datc of multi-famil�� utuls «�as dctcrrtiined b�� projcc:tin= thc cstimalcd absorption oC inulti-famil�• units, at a �ivcn ratc, until thosc muts ���erc cxhaustcd. "I�c t��l [mpact [�cc Population [Jpclatc stud�� pro�•idcd an absorption ratc for multi-f<vtuly units. 'nc� (.irape��inc Dcparunent of Cortununit�� Devciopment has indicatcc! that thc ratc shown in ttiat study is appropriate for fut�uc developmcnt. I�owever, :xijustmcnts sho�dd be made. It is unlikel�� tliat multi-f'amily de�•elopmcnt ���ill occur prior to }�car 1�6. '1'hercforc thc first ycaz that multi-Camily uirits will t� assigncd populau�n is 1996. [n acidition, thc tot:il �^¢-� numbcr of multi-family units should he adjusie� dowt�ward from _5,770 uiuts, as si�own in Uie 1991 study, to �,07�3 units resuiting for new c;alcuiations from thc cucre�u smdy. Thc reduction of multi-fa�nilr• units is �i r� �, c�pltincd, in part by tl�c rczoning of a substantial amount oC multi-family land to singlc l:�unil�� n:sidcntial. As indicated in 'I'abic 2, Multi-Famil�•Absurptiure for the Cit�• nf Grape��ine, multi-family residcntial buildout is e�pected to occur in pear 200�. ' '!'ablc 2 Mu[ti-Family Absarption for the Cirn of Grape��r�ie Year inits Cumulativc tJnits C'umulativc Pcrsons 19� 0 0 0 1995 0 0 0 199(i 2(X) ?00 380 19�"7 �00 C�lxl 1.140 19�� i(� I.100 2.09() 1999 G()Q 1.70Q 3.230 200U �t1p 2.1(� 3���� 2001 �(x) '.�0 '�.?�1 2002 �U 2:XH) j,a10 20()3 -100 3 3U0 (�?7() ?(x3� -{(Kl 3.700 7,O:if1 2(x)5 3'78 �.07R 7,7�li � 2(XXi 0 0 7.7� � � 3 , `�, .� T 0 F�-=� G�`�=�� EXH131► - �..;rs •=% of J ,�.. '(ltc cortthi��aUon o( thc singlc f<u►ii(�� and inulti-f�unily unit ah5orplion Cicures allon�s the }c:u 20(14 popula�ion to tx: deternuneci. Tahle 3, R�r.cidentiul Ai�sarptinn fur r/�e Cit�• oj Grupevine, comhines tl�c singlc (amily and � mulu-family absorption n�unbcrs �id indic:atcs that thc �pulation for Gra{�cvinc in 20(}�3 to lx; 4li,�72 persons. Tabic 3 Residential Abs��rptinn far the CitV vf Grapevrne Singlc I<unily '�4ulti-facnily '1'otal Annual Cumulativc 1'ear l�iuts " Units Units Po�ula�ion Pc��ulation Be�nuning Population ;��� 194� �5(� 0 -��G 1?71 32.H� 199� �X� 0 ��fi l�71 3-�,12� 19'�6 �5(i 2(� fiS(i 1.G�0 3$,77_5 199'7 ��G 4t)0 K�6 2.031 37.li()6 l��J�i -�5(i � <)5(i 2.�21 -3(),U27 19� ,}5(, G(� 1.056 2.411 �2.�323 ?ppp �S(i � 8SG 2.031 �.�(>9 �pp 1 �32 =�(X) 7-�7 t.732 =3ti,l 92 20(p_ 0 � -t0U 7E� ----�6,952 �, � 2(p3 0 400 �100 7E� �7.712 20(l� 0 �00 �(X1 '7G0 =#3.-�72 �,.:� 200.5 0 378 378 718 49.19� �� � � p 0 ��.190 TUTAI.S 3,�1� -t,078 7,G17 17,G07 * Units includc lo«� density and m�ium dcnsit�• nsidcntial. As shown in Tahle 3,buildout for Gra�evine is expected to cx:cur in ycar 2�05. Alio«•in� for growth to a:c:ur in 2005, it wouid bc a�propriatc to placc ultimatc buildout a� J:ui. 1, 20(�i. It is likch� that therc �vi11 always bc some "infill" �ind ndcvelopmcnt occ:urring, lio�ti•evcr, de.�clopable l:uid for both single fviuiy and multi-famiiy is espccted to tx: absort�cd by year 200G. In addition, it is also likcly that thc ratc of ahsc>rption will decrease the closer that buildout is approach. 'T'hexefore, it can hc assumed that b�uldout «riil be significantly achicved within thc ten �•�r planning period (1994-20(14). Bet��•een the �•ears 20(}4 :u�d ?OOG tl�e oni�• residential units rcm:u�ung to tx: ahsortxd ��'ill hc multi-famil�� units; :md th�xe account for c�nl�� 378 multi-f�unii�� u�rils or 718 pc,�rsons. ASSUMPTION NO 4• Cxistina Non-Residential l,and Use in orci�r to �:sumatc the impact of n<m-residci�tial I:uid use on ��•atcr dcmand anJ ����utc�ratcr loads, thc arc:+ of � ncm-r�hid�ti�ti<il land usc ��•ithin thc Servicc 1'l�uming Arws �+':u devclo�x.�ci. 'lltis eiata �ti'.i� dc�•cloa�eel rom �:nal phcxogr<+pl»� data thal �vas rcprcxiuccd h�� c:ouiputer as "planimetnc" mapping. '1'lus mapping indie:ated r thc Icx:ation of biuldings ai�d parking facilitics. Hicld im��:stigations and ams�dtation with the Ik�arunent of � -� %� %-' �XHIBIT � TO �`� �'��'�� � J � � of � '�``"' (:ommunit� Ihevclopmcnt Pr���ided u�xlated data, ���liicli hr��u;ht thc c�isling no�i-resiclentia! dc��cio��metit �,. current to January t. 1���. ` � .�cccxding to d�e e�istin� land usc an:il��sis, 730.3 non-residential acres have hcen de�•eloped within the Scr��ice ['lanning Area. "lliis dcvciopmeiu indudes 53�.7 acres of a�mmcrcial J industri:il use, 29 acres of I lotcl/Corporatc Officc uscs, and 16G.6 acres of govcrnmcnt<►I i�sc (c�ccpting the I�/f-��' tirFx�rt and t�.5. Corps of rngineers areas). A description of total ezisiing de��elopn�ent is provided in Tahic �, Descriptior: of Lund Use hy Acres fnr tlte Ciry of Grapevr�:e. "fablc -� De.rcriptia�t af L.a►td Use 61•Acres fi,�rhe City nf G�apevi►te t�escri�tion Acres C;ommcrcia! � Industriat 534.7 r�c. l iotc3 ; Coi7x�r�tc Officc '_'9.0 Ac. Go�•ernmentat lfi(i.6�c. In order to determine thc impact ol' non-residenti�il dcvclopment tc� thc �+�atcr dcmands and �ti•aste«�atcr ivacis, the acxes ha�•e heen di�aggregateci into the Servia: Planning .�reas, ai�d are pro�rided in the final [mpac! Fee �,..ri Rcport. +��.,. � ASSUMPTION NO. 5: Ultimste Non-Residentisl Land Use (irape��inc h.1s a substanti�! quantit}� of lanci an;a a��ailabic I'or non-residential usc. l.ntimatc dcvclopmcnt would support :ipproximatel�� 3,570 acres of rnmmcrcial / industnaJ property, 416 ac:res of Hotei / Corporate OCGce propertt•, and 312 acrp of Governmcntal use propert)�. In addition, a�roximatcl� 12,415 acres is ail<x:at�i for li.S. Corps of Ln�incers and D.'t��l' (nternation:il Airport. A majorit�� oC tlie area loc;ated «�ithin thc commerci�l I industrial and hotel ' corpnrate oCficx land uses is also located �vidiin the limits of aircral't approach 7vnes and noise zones. 1'he properh� loca�ed +vithin those ��nes n�ill likci�� e�perienc.�c a much lcss aggr�si�•c ratc of absorption than the rcmaindcr of non-residentia( property. [t �Fx:ars that thc Cit�• of (ir��evinc li�s planncd for mi c�ccssi��c quantit}� c�f non-n�sidcntial land uscs. Ilo�+•cvcr, thc fact is that thr pro�x:m• within thosc zoncs is not appropriatc for residcntia! land uscs and th� C:it�� has ��cr�• litUc choicc rc�*ardin�* appropriatr us�� of thc 1<u�d. ASSUMPT]ON NO. 6: 200�3 Non-Residrntiul Land Use �"` �lic :v`orth Ccntril Council of (io��crnmcnts (:�iCl'(:(K;) pro��id��ci ciata that assistcd in dctcrmining thc qu:u�tit�� c�f non-r�xideiuial land a�c alloc;alcd for }�c:�r 2(x}4. f:mplu}�mciu ��stim:►tcs and projcctions �vcrc uscd t� detcnninc the quanUt�• c�f futwc convnercial dcvclopmcnt. It a•a� assumed that thc unployment ix�putation � � 5 /. Gi"i j� EXH18lT � TO '� -� � Page %' of � �,,, <uid the nwnF�r of non-residcatial acres are dircctl� related. Eixistin� non-rctiidcnti�i land use ���as detenninul to hc 73O.3 acxrs fc�r.laiivary I, 1���4. "I�hc ti(:"i'CC)<i hati indicatcd that tlie 1��3O cmploymcnt �x>pulatiou for Grap�:vinc �ti'as �?G7 Jx;rsons. [ncluded in this amount wa5 16,9( I Fx:rsons that are asscx:iated with U��L'. '�+ '1'otal cmplv}Tncnt, ctcluding l��F•�;', w� cstimatcd to tx 6.3� persons. Similarly, \("I�CC)G indic:ated vi employmcnt �x�pulation, e�cluding I�i1-�', for 20(0 as 15,035 persons. 'I�he �CI'COG clata indic;atcs a �.4�� averagc annual �roK�th ratc. l)tiliung this �ro��•th ratc, thc 19��-i and 200-1 cmploymcnt populations can bc detcrmincd, �•tueh arc 7,�j0 }x;rsons and 11,613 �x:rsons r�..��:ctfull�•, as show'n in "I'ahle �, Citr nf Grapevine F.mpin��ment Projertinns. In addition, an cmpioyce E�r acTe firurc o( 10.3�t c;an hc obtaiucd b} di��idin� U�e 19��1 employment population b�• thc tcu:il ac.rrs of non-residen�ial land usc (7550 ' 730). Finall��, thc ycar 2(�1 cmploymcnt population can hc uscd to ��timatc thc a�prc�ximatc ac:ns to bc utili��:d b}� non-residcntial land usc, bcing 1.123 acres. This represcnts u� incrensc in de�cloEx;ci non-residcntial uscs of �3"'c or 39:i ac.Tes. "l'ahle 5 Citv nf Grapevi�ie Employment Proje�tic»is }:mplovmcn� 1:mplormcnt i;ui�lo��mcnt 1'car 1'ot�ulation 1'car Pogulation 1'c.�r Po��ulation I y9() 6 356 199'7 8,�91 2004 1.!,613 ,�. .� 1991 6.t�6 19� 8,9(9 200; 12.123 199? fi>27 I��I9 9 3(�3 ?(X1G 12.Gi7 � 1��93 7.232 2000 9.77C� 200'7 13.2I3 199�i 7,550 2()Ol lO,ZOb 2(� 13,795 19�5 7.2382 2002 10.6:5> 2(�) t4,�t 199(� 8.229 2(x)3 t 1.123 2010 1>,U35 Assucning the additional non-residential land use tivill tx i�tili��J propc�rtionally to existing non-residcntial land use, hut not to excz:eci the tot<�l land araa a�'ailablc, thc distribution into the categories sho��•n in l'ahic 6, Arreage of�.xisring mid ZU04 No►i-resideruiaf Gand Uses, may be detcrn�incd. f�io�vc��cr, it was also assumc:d thal tt�c �o�•crnmcntnl usc ��•ould not cxu-cci ti(1".•'o rotal dcvciopmcni, tx�causc of pl:►c arcas, practia: iiclds and open areas associa�ed ��•itl� that iwtic. 'I'ablc C� AcrcuKe u/'r:risri►�X and 21X14 Nu�i-Reside�itia! Lu�td U.res Ihhsc,_ 'til�tion l:sis�im� :lcres 20(1� �\cr��s Commcxci�d � Industnal 53�3.7 r�c. K?� :�c. I�otcl Cor{x>ratc Ot'fic:c: 29.0 Ac. �O Ac. G<�vernmeni.�l I(�G.G Ac. 25U Ac. � '1'ot1! Acres = 73O.3 Ac. 1.123 :1c. � (� 1 � c x�t(�i[ '��' I 0 ��� �, ��y'/- Page of �_ Land Usc Assumplions fc�r City of Grapevinc Impact Fec Updalc (Apnl S, 1994) � Assumation: E�istin� Pc�pulation Jan. i, 1�4 population = 31,SH3 persons Lc�w Densi�}�: 23,895 Mcdium Dcnsit}': 1,205 High Dcnsity: F�,483 Assumption: Ne��• Residential Uni�s fbetwcen 1�4 and buildc�ut & ?0(}4) Residential Buildc�ut wiil cx;c:ur in ?(X)5 Additional res. units from existing platted locs : 1,589 units = 4,449 persons Additional units from unplatteci low �iensity res. : 1,�3_51 units = 5,18'_' pers�ns Additionai uni�s fram unplaued medium dcnsity res. : 99 uni�s = ?28 persons Addi�ionai units from unpiattcd high densit�� res.: 4,�78 units = 7,74K persons Totai new uiti�nate units = 7,617 7'otal new uitimate persons= 17,607 '� Totai new units by 2004 = 7,239 Total new persons by 2004 = 16,889 � Assumption: Ezisting Non-residential Land Use � Commercial/Inciustrial = 534.7 Acres Hotel/Corpc�rate Office = '_y.0 Acres Governmental (Excluding D/FW and Corps. property) = 166.6 Acres Total Acres= 7303 Acres Assum�tion: ?(?Q4 Non-Residential L.and Use (Excfudins� D/FW and Cc�rps. propem�) Employmcnt (as per NCI'COG) /Total Non-residential Land Use= 10.34 empl/acre 1�4 emplo��ment 1'igures extrapolateci from NCTCOG fi�ures = 7,SSU employces ?(X�empio�'ment Ggures cztrapolatcc3 from NCTCOG I��ures = 1 1,C 13 emp(oyceti Potenti:il f�uture non-residential ac:res in ?(xk�= l,1?3 acres or Additional ncm-residential acres bet���een 1��4 and ?(X�=393 acres Commercial/Inciustrial = H'_'3 Acres Hcxcl/Corporatc Off�icc= 5O Acres �'' Go��ernmental (F�cluding D/FW anci Cc�rps. prc�peny) _ ?50 Acres 'I'ot;il Acres= I,(� Acres �