HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1989-085 C�'Y'Y OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS : ORDINA,NCE N0. 89-85 AN �RDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCTI, OF THE CITY OF GR.APEVINE, T�XAS TAKING 0�'�'ICIAL A�TION TO TAX TANGIBLE PERSONAL PRaPERTY QTHERW�ISE EXEMPT PURSUAI�T TO ARTICLE VIII , SECTIONS 1-j pF THE TEXAS CQNSTITUTION AND QVERRIDING CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NQ. 5, WHICH AMENDMENT ADDED SECTION 1-j T0 ARTICLE VIII OF THE T�XAS CONST�TUTION; PROVIDING A � S�VERABILITY CT�AUSE; PROVIDTNG AN EMERGENCY CLAU5E; AND PRQVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE W'f�EREAS, Conetitutional Amendment Na. 5 (the �"Amendment" ) waa approved by the votea�� of Texa� on November 7, 1.989 , which Amendment exempts from taxation defined peraonal property which ia tempo�a�'ily withiri the State; and WHEREAS, thi� exemptian could re�ult in a loss a� �ube�tantial tax revenue �o the City of Grapevine, a Home-Ru3.e Gity; and WIiEREAS, the Amendment authori2es municipalitieB, including Home Rule muni.cipalitiee �uch a� the City of Grapevine, to adopt an ordinanc� which overrides the exemptian �nd permit� th� City to tax prQperty �hat is tempararily within the City; and WHEREAS, l�y the adoption af thi� Ordinance, the City hereby take� official action to tax the tanqible pereonal property that is otherwi�e �xempt pursuant to Article VIz� , Sectian, l-j , af the Texas Con$titutio�. �,, NOW, TH�R��'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED HY THE CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAF�V�NE, TE1�ASt Sectian i . The recitation� �cantained �.n the preamble to this Ordinance �re hereb�r adopt�d by the City Council and incorporated herein for all purpo�es. Section 2 . For the purpb�eaa of this ordinance, the fol�owing Bhall applys a} tangible peraonal property shall include aircr�ft and aircraft parts ; and b) property imported to th1.s Stat� artd City �hall include property brouqht inta this State and City; and c } prbperty forwarded outeide this State and City �hall include property tran�ported outside this State and City or to be affixed to an al,rcra�t to be ' transported outside thi� State and City; and � d) prope�ty detained in this State and Cit� for as�embling, storins�, manu�acturing, pro�essi.ng or f�bricating purpases shall include property, aircr�ft or "�"" aircraft parts brought into th,is State and City or ��quired in this State and City and used by the pezson who �cquired the property, aircraft or aircraft part� in ar wh� br�ught the property, aircraft or aircraft parts into th�.� 6tate nnd City for the purpose of repair or � maintenance of aircraft operated by � certificated air carrier. 0342c/43 SeCt�on 3 . In additian to all o�her pezsonal and real property that �s taxable by the City, the City hereby takes officim� action to tex the following tangible personal praperty, to wit: qoods, ware�, merchandise and all other tangible personal property and ore� . Se�tion 4 . The praperty identified in Se�x�on 3 of this ordinan�� �hall be taxable for the tax year 1989 . Section 5 . The tax as established by thi� ordinance �""* �hall he levied against the proper�y described in Section 3 of thie ordinance for eaah and every tax year frvm and aft�x the paseage and adoption of this ordinance. Section 6 . If any �ec�ion, article, paragraph, sentence, clau�e, phra�e ax word in thie ordinanc�, or applicat�on thereta any pe��an or circ�mstances is held invalid or un�o��t�tutional by a Court af campetent juri�diction, such holding �hall not aff�ct the validity of the remaining port�ons af thi� ardinance; �nd the Citp Council hereby declare� it would have passed such remaininq portion� af the ordinance despite such invalidi�y, which remaining portions shall remain 1n full force and effect , �eGtion 7 . The fact that the presen� ordinances �nd regulatiane af the City of Grapevine, Texas, are inadequat� to properiy safequard the , health, �afety, moral�, peace and general welfare af the lnhabitants of the City of Grapevine, Texas, create� an emergency for �he immediate preeervatian o� �he publ�c busine��, property, hea�th, safety and qeneral we�fare of the public which requires that this Qrdinance shall become effectiv� from and afte� th� d�te of its pa��age, and it is accordingly so ordained. �„r.� Secti�n 8 , Th�s ordin�nce shall be in full f�rc� and effect from and after i�s passage, and it is accordingly �� ordained. � P�S5ED AND APPROVED HY THE C�TY COUNCIL pF TH� CITY OF GRAP�VINE, TEXAS, thi� 5th d�y of December , 1989 . `, . �_ .. Mayor, City of Grap�vine, Texas ATTEST: � Ci� Se tary, City af Grapevine, Texa� [SEAL] �,.�. a� APPROVEA AS TQ F�RM: City Attor ey, City of Grapevine, Texa� -2- 0342c/44