HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-14 Special Meeting ► � . � � i � Crl'Y t�' t�APEP�� Z'E7CA$ � � A�DA � n SPECIJ� � CITY (�CIL 1�Eti'INa � NOV�R 14 1974 AT ?s30 P.M. � ca�te� c��s �- �i3 �t s�r � � � � 3 I. CALL T� O1tDER � � II. �VOCATIO� to be given by Councilwoman Conine � � � � � III. CITIZ�JiB �S�STB A1+ID/OR �SC. RSPORT3 b DISCUSSI�iS � , � A. Leonard Russell to appear before the Couucil. � ! I�. COHSIDERATIO� OF TF� �3 (Oe�ober 15, 22, a�d November 7) � � V. OLD BIIB�ESS � A. City Couacil to discuss the possibilities of repairing streete � in certain areas of the City where sewer construction has cawsed ; street damage. � ; B. City Council to a�asider a mass gathering ordinuce. � C. City Gouscil to co�usider a texi franchise ordinance. � D. City Council to �,point five m�embers to the Aotel�l�otel Board. E. City Council to consider the amendment of Title 7, Ct�apter 3, ' Sectioa 6 (A), of the City Code to comply with applicable rate ' sc�edutes of Title 7, Chapter 3, 3ectios 3, of the City Code , Book. This will be to clearify the correct charges for apartmen�s � and trailer courta that wae one Water meter. � � , F. City Council to consider �he amendment oP Title 7, Chapter 2, Section 2, oY the City Code Hoc�k. This w3.11 be to clearity t�e � rates and wording in that section. � vi. �w Bvs�ss ° A. City Council to consider the review of a costract between the City of �rapevine and the Trinity River Aathority relative to sewage treataeat eervice provided to the City. � ; B. Citq Council to coasider a replat of lots 3 and 4, Hlock �, of the i B].a�eid pe�3.asul.e Addition. ; C. CitT t�►cil to review bide reaeived for aoBStruction af the - ' animal shelter. � IN ACCO�CE WITH A�ICLF 6252-17� Y.A.T.C.S„ AS AME�ID BY CBAP'PER 227� AC'PS f�I+' � 61ST LEaISLATtJItE� RE(ifTLlIR SE5SI0�� 1969, T� CITY CO�CII� A�A WAS P�PARTD A�ID POSTED C� TffiS T� 11TH DAY OF H�VF.l�ER� 19?�� AT 3:� P.l�i. �� .,�� c sECx��r � �' 3, # i � F4[ Y g £p E t � � �� � G�� � � � � A�A � SPECIAL PLA�Q � ZOI�INt4 t�+QSSIUH 1�ET�tQ � �iOVF.t+�EB 1�, 1974�l AT 7:�4 P.M. � CoL�TCIL CgA�ID$R3 - 413 ]N�-3Tf�ET � 1 � € s � � I. GALL TO OF�D�R � � � II. IItVOCATION to be given by Commissioaer Sed Ware. � � III. OLD BUS�SS E F �,y* A �Qe 3 i•• � Y��iMiiYV } A. PI.A�I� b 2A�IFG �SSION to consider a replat of lots � 3 and 4, Bloek 4, of the Placid peainsula Addition. � � i i s � � x � � � i 3 i 1 � e 9 � ] � � � 5 C 5 F €# 94 S i 1 � s I� ACCt?�A�C� WITS ABTICLB 6252-17� V.A.T.C.B.� AS AI�ND� BT � ex�rra a2'T, Acrs t��' � 6is� �tast��, �attr�,R sBSSrAa, 1969, ; 'P� � PLA�IlfIl�i & ZO�1I8Qr AC�FE�+iDA WAS PREPARED A]� POSTED � � �IS � 11TS DAY 0� �O�R� 1974, AT 4s15 P.M. � � ¢ s � � fi C � . � .� t . ..... - . . - 4 . . _. . . � � :t i CITY SEC�TA�C ; ; ! � 1 � i i � � � t STATE OF TEXAS CO@1R7C OF' TARxAIYT CI'1'Y OF aRAPEV�� The City Council o! the City of t}rapevine, Texas, convened in special meeting at 7;50 p.m., on this the 14th day of November, 1974, with the following members preseat, to-wit: William D. Tate Mayor . Thelaw Conine Councilwoman Doil Dalton Council�man Zbmm�}► Eideox Couacilman C. D. Pittard Couaci].man constituting a quorum, with Floy Ezell City Manager - Jim Hancock . • Assistant City Manager - Kenneth Pritt City 3ecretary John Boyle City Attorney Mayor Tate called the meetiug to order. The Invocetioa was given by Couacilwoman Conine. Mr. Leonard Russell, who was to appear before the City Council, Was not present at the meeting. Mayor Tate stated that Mr. Russell had notified , them that he would not be preseat. -. The next order of business u►as for the Council to aonsider. the minntes oP October 15, 22, and November 7th meetings oP the City Council. Co�ancilman Dalton made a m�tion to dispense with the reading of the �3nutes and approve them as presented. Councilwoman Conine seconded the motion snd the motion prevailed by the Pollowing wte: Ayes: Tate, Coaine, Dalton, Eidson, Pittard Roea: 8oae Absent: Dilg, M�u�pY�y , T'he next arder of business xas Por the Cowaeil to consider the possibilities of repairing streets in aertain areas where aewer installation has caused street damage. The Mayor stated that this item had appeared on the last a�enda and that the Council did not hear from eny of the eitizens that were present at that meeting. He aeked for ths City Maaager to give a brief report. The City Maaager stated that he had compiled the figures that the Coua�il had asked for at the last meeting. He stated that it wottld cost the City aa estinated $30,000.00 to do all of the street work in the Shore- Crest Additioa which would include base material and asphalt paving. A total of $80,000.00 to $85,000.00 would be needed to complete all of the streets in these areas. The Mayor then stated that the Council would hear anyr citizens from the sudience that would like to speak on this sub�ect. The following persons appeared before the Council; Mr. Iiarold Turnbo of 2610 Evenrude Drive in the Placid Peninsula Addition appeared before the Council. He stated that the roads in his area are dirt roads and that there is no crown in the road; causing water � to drain down the road itself. He further stated that he would be happy if gravel would be placed on the roads. The City Manager explained that he meaat�an inch-and-a-ha]S of-overlay asphalt when he referred to "temporary" roads. Mr. Turnbo then stated that this would be �re than adequate. Mr. Paul Yerburg of 2630 Evinrude appeared before the Council and . � stated that he would be heppy if the City would repAir the streeta with a inch-and-a-half asphalt overlay. No other peraona appea7�ed before the Council and the Mayor read a petition that he received from some residents o� the Placid Peninsula area. The petition was as follows: To the Mayor and Members of the Council City of tirapevine, Texas Dear Sirs: Whereas, the roads in the second �section of Placid Peninsula are unsa�e Yor any kind oY travel - be it foot, bicycle or car, and Whereas these "roads" are a disgrace to the area and the City of Grapeviae as well as a danger, and Where�as, we are ast�d to have fxieads or relatio� visit us for fear they will aot ku€�r haw tca skil3Ptally puddle �w�aPs d�.tch swerve, and dip dive. the bua�p� and ruts ae we have, unfartunatel,�r, had tc� learn otrer the yeers oi theae terrible coaditione iu order to avoid braaking o�r neek�, legs, etc. and aur ear axles, a�q.d Where,�e, we ta�cpayit�g eitizens da feel we are orphans a� far as roads or mast ather "bezet'its" trom our ta�ce� are �s�acerned; Theref'care, we the ai.tizens of the aeeond �ectioa of Placid penin�nle in the City o�' tiragevine, Tarrant Cowa,tp� 8�tte of. Texas do re�ctful.],y and earnestly pttitian that yo�a praeeed im�edietelrq to see �hat we �ve decent roads ia this are�►. i�avember �4, 1974 �s� Y'irg#.aia Kimbell �s� Betty Pavelski �e� T].izabeth Ki.mbel �sf 4. M. Perry /a/ Fate Turnbo �s� Yicki Perry /$1 aa� e�ok /e/ �sr�►� �i� zv /s j L�ann �tuel.�.er �s� Catk�rine Yerbnrg �$l �,,v aa�.�ego� /s j �. welch /s/ kerita Prichard ,/s/ Paul Pavelski f�j L. L. Pat�ersaa fa� Yivian Tribble �s� Isla�am Kimt�ell, Jr. �s� $t�te Joaes /s/ dohn C. 2ribble faf �r. �i Mrs. Jobn �. �vart8 /s/ E�eorge E. priaY�ard �e� P, L. "�erburg The City I��tager then ma►de a report as to possible f'3x►ancing oP the repair w�c�rk for these streets. 8e stated that revanue sharing maney af �5,�.4t} c�czl.d be used and thst there was $��0,000 i� the $treet Departmeat buulget for repair r�rork. Gouacti3.men 8idson stated that� he lalt the �itg should take advantage af the lo� 3a�erest ra�te av�ilable iQr loans i�hrough our d�posi.tory coatract. 8e stated tYtet tha revenue sharing moneY ($45:OQ0.44� sl�auld be diverta�d aad that the County cou].d save ns �15,C�OO.t10 by laying a base in the Shorecrest Addition� This would mean that the City would ha:v� to borro�r �20,OOQ.00 to $25,004.40 to cw�plet� t�e rep�ir �rork. He further �tated that he felt th� $4Q,t)04.t94 in �he budge� wo�l.d be needed to do repair work on other streets in ather �ectio�� of the C3.ty. There was a le�t�r di.s�uassion of hc>w io�tg it wauld take tc� do th� complete �ob. 2he Council wa� also concern�d th+�t if the Str�et Depas�ment was co�sent�rating on these are�s, that there xould aot be eso�wgh �a to do �pair work in otl�er sectiona ot' the Gity. There was a ahart d.�,sQUSSion of the possi- bility .of hi.rix�g �:emparary persrr�ne2 to speed up the regair work. Caunailman Eidson ttun mad� a mcrtion to call e specia], meetiag next T4ttrsday# Nov�ember 2i, and t'or the City Manager to l�ave a poaitive work plan and any infc�rmation that wcauld be needad tor the Gounail to take some type o�' 8ctioa. Cou�cilaan m►ltoa se��tonded the mation aad the mation prevailed by the �'olicnring votet Aye s: Tate, Ccsniue, �a ltoi� Pittar�, i�idac�n Noe s s �'4ne Absentt Di18� �B�Y M�,yor T'a�� stated t3ut apgerently, ssver�l citixens had bean confused �s to rrhen t�e meeting was and that these pereons cotU.d be present am the 21st to appear before the C.ouncil. �he n�ct order of business was for the Council to aonsider a sass gatherf,ng �rdinance. The City� Secre�ar�r read the c:agtian. The City Attorne� stated tlxat '�his was basiaally the s�ne ordi�tnce that� was previ4usly before the Cotm�il, He st.ated that the baaic ��iPf'erenae was tl�►at �his ardiwknee prt�vides Ycar tlle City Manager to }aave th� authority to reguire the pramotear te pc>st a bpad that �c►t�id cover expenses entailed ia aleaning up the premises aPter �he gathering was over. There wa�s little diset�tssiaz� and Cou�mtcil.man Eidson made a mation to adopt Ordiaance �o. 7�#-39 as read on an emergenay basis. Cownci.].mian Pittard seconded the mo�ion and the motion prevailed by t3u fc►12cwing vr�te: Ayess Tate, Dalton, Pittard, Eidson, CaniQe �'oes: �o� Absentt Dilg, Mur�Y�,y � � ; ��ii4'Y�YlI AD• 1��J� i. t'�if ��i.qCli1MC1 ��i.Cxii iil7ti/�TA t1�7 lACi �1Vi�ii� �7lSSi7 �1$�IRa.A{T �;. � 41�L3S1�iC�j .I�RA11I1)� D�P'I�iT'1�It11�S; PRQ3IQ$I?� MA�S $AT�iQS �' WS7S(W�' A P8� I38UED BZ T� C�TY OF BRAPEVIli�� T6XAS3; x P�I�4 API�LTCA2ION �'6�I�F'�tTB; PR4VIDTI+iGF FOR Alt ?.�VESIt,�A- � 'FTOR t�' ALL AP�'LICA'PIt3�S; PR£tY�tIAt'� t�i.TtLUEL1�8S FQR GRA�TI�t� � 48 D�ti A �; PROVmI�tGF FfDx 1�EROGKTI08 OF P�TS; � PROYI�Il�G� Ft1R AP'P�!l1S; �'R�?Y�IAa A PEl�AL2'Y; PRQ�YIDI�[f� A � SEVS'RABII.ITY QrAiTBR, l� �CZAR;[Ni� A� Eb�RQF�GY. _` � The neut �►rder Qf business was for the Cauncil to coasider a tag3 franal�se # prdivance. Th{e Ci�y Secret.ery read the caption, �e City Attorney descr3.bed ; the ordinana� and stated that tha ma�or dif'#'erences between the ord3nance and � the present ardiaance is tha�: �l) the new ordinance requires a Franchise, � (2} the new ordinanae provi.des PQr a � fra�tchise �ax. There wa� little discussia�a and Counc�7.rnan Eidson made a matian to adopt 4rdinance No. 7�-�0 � as read oa an eraergency basis. Gavnci].man Pittard aeconded the a�►tion and � tt�e �nctit�n grevailed'by the following v�ote t � �yest Tate, Dalton, Conine, Pittard, Etdson E �oeat Aone � Absent; DilBs �P�►' � � �RUII�A�CCa �10. 7�!-$4 � � At� aRDII�CE �UTATIl� �3 PHOYIDINa � T� QrRAI�'t'IFE3� 4F � TAXI�AB F&►�T�S BY �� CT�Y' 4F QRAF'EYI11E� TEXA3; �QLTIRI![t� � THAT ALL TAXI�ABS BS OF�RATl�D tA�DBR AU`ffiOR�T"Y' 4F A TAXZCA�i ; F1�t�iIBE; R�TI�3 1'�E f�PERATIOif OF TAXICA$S IN TSE CI'�,7[ � OF G�APEYII�E; DE�'INTNQ A TAI�IC�B A�tD PRUYIl?I��r FUR SKCSPTIt�t3; � A� PAQYIAI�'a: t?�"LY Q�ALISI$➢ DRIVERS S8l1LL H� ffi+�IA"YE�s ` D$LIYEI�Y BUSI�iESS SI�ALL 8�T E1�QAt� I� TAICICAB HUSINE88 s 4]�Y � �'RA� TAXICAB 1�dAY BE �(�A4ED s FRANCHISE R8� FQR ALL , TEiICICAB�s ]� EXCT�� TAXIG,t#B �'Ii�CHIB� SFtf�IS� SE t�RA�1T��3 ; �'RAHG'I�SE �E� SHAIS� R4T HAVB A� IIRTEREST II� Al�'0'�R TAXICAB CAI�"ABYs A'P'P7�ICATION S�ALL �E MADE FOR A TAXIGAB FHA�CHISE: �P�'LICAN'� 3HALL t�IYB �A7'� Il�!'URMATZ{?� {� APP'LICA�I41� FflR FRA�CSG4E t APPLZ�ATitJ�' 1�`t}R A FRANCHI� SHALL SE � ZC� 'T$E CA7C QOt�CIL F�?8 IliYEBlIAA'�I41�; GERTAIlQ ; FACTS BE Ct�9'SI�lE� IA 61�AHT2� OR Dffi�7C�'Q A 1�RA�CHI�E: '�HAT � A P�Bi,IC H�AR21�G SAALL BT � t1� A�Y RE�ST F4R A� FRA�CBISE s � HB�ST 1�`OB A T'RA�i�'ER �` A �"I�ARG'HI�E� QR A �TAL OF A FA�CBISE: � THAT FR�[G�E 88AI►L H� DISPLA"X8g t A PSR1t�P SAALL 8� �StTED 1K�R EACS TAXICAB AtT�t3RIZ�� BY FFiAR�: 2A�CCAk1 PEI�ITS SBAIS� BE � TiISPI�A'A�: FRAIt(�iISE 1�IAY �OT BE AS3I� W� BS]�4 AP�'RE�VED � 1�Y CTTY t�@t�iCII�; ADDITIt�AL TAXZC�ABS MAY B� aRA� �ER A F � F1�ABC�I�E 3 �AXI�AB_FRt�� I�Y SE SUSP'BJtT)F33, R89'0� OR CA�C�LED z T�AT �QTI�'E OF BU�P'�3I4A, OR ClIHCELLATI4IT SIiALL < BE tiIYEIt z FRAITCHTSB HQI��1?FR SH'ALL PAY MQ1+�Pffi�' F� 4F �r OF ' �R43� R�,''�T,�JES �4 � CA`Y; T�T �`RABC�S� �t3LDERS SAAZS �'ILE �(iTI�II.Y � b'TA�' t�F RECEIPTS WITK CITY SSCI�ETA�': 8041�EP� SYS�EM T£� B�E ? MAI�4TAZP�D 8Y �'&�G�iISE SOF�ERS s FFtA3�tCHISE �C} B� Ai�l'�'?MATI�ALLY � S�En FOx FAILURE TO PAY FEES t}R 1�II� STA�MG�"PS t TBAT I�AHCE � SHALL � CARR7� BY ALL FEiA1�tCHISS �+OLU8R3; TSAT TA�RS S�'ALL � B� RE@UYR� 03� ALL TAXSCABS OF S'E�CH aIZE A�[D I?SST� AS APPRdY�? � BY C�17'Z BEC�TARIC t F�R T8E RA3'�:S Ta BT CBARt�ED BY 'PAXICABS; _ PRE)gtSITI�TG CRUISIAa� �4I,TCITI�iC� PA�NA4�� TRl1yiSP0� PASSE�EBS � FOH. P'tJ�P't� OF P�S�'ITUTItB QR 4T�A L�LAWFUL PtJl�tP�S�RS; MAKII� � I2 U�LA�F't1L TC? I�FF�:#E Tt3 pAY' '�AXICAB FA�tE; PRQYILtIIia FCaR TAXICAB j S�S AP�3 C�l7:z H0�3; RFQ�T'tRIl�a A FIX�U P'I�ACE (�' BUS�ISSS 1�OR ALL ', T�1XI�AwB C4d�'AI�S; REQt�lR�4 TAXI�AB3 2(� �E �' t31�' FRIP�►F� PR��E� W� H42 I� USE; P1t4VI�I� FOR Ii�3PECTIClR OF TAXICABS BY ? � '� t� 4F POLICE �` T� CZ"PY; PROVIDI�F �'t3R MARI� ON T�IXICAHS i ; RE�t� DRI�TExS OF TAICICABS T4 SSG't� P�2S �'t? I?RTVS ''�A7QGABS � FR4�+i � CHI�' C�' Pt}LIC� OF 2`ffi CTTY; RS�I� A� AP!'LS�AA1'Ifl� Fax A PE�i'IT' TO �RIVS A TAXI�AB A1�D PR'ESCR��a A 1�&E T�1^�7F; � ; RG�Il�a A.DAILI ]�lA14IF"EST; REt,�TIRI1�r EXISTZ�fC�4 TAXI�AB C�t?MP�9IES � 'ZCt AI'PZY FClR FRA�'C�SE; PF�Q�331� THAT IT S�'AI,L ftOT 8� NECE�3ARI ° �t3 1�Et�AAT3'V� �XCF�TIt}l� A�3 E�TIO�S II� C(�'I,AI�TS Al� PR���S: � PRO�VIDII�tQ TBAT CATCFII�E" AA'E NOT PART 4F 4RD�GS; PROYIDII�+t� FQR � A SAYI�q3 C�,AUBE;.PAQ'�Igntt3•F€?R A F"E1�TAT�TY t�' FAA� Q1iS I�E3LLAR TO TWO �R� I3fyLZ�ARS; AIID DECLARIl�t� AN �CY. � _ , � � R £4 @ � €F F � {: � Tke neat order of buainese was Yor tlte Conacil to appoint members to the Iimtel� �tel Board. This Bo�rrd vrould acnsist of two (2) me�bers from the industry, three �3) citizens and one (1) ex-olficio meanber from the Ch�ber of Co�merce and oae l) ex-ofPicio member from tlte City Staff. The City MaaaQer stated tl�tt��r. Ruckenstein oY the Airport Meriia Hotel �as willing to serve on the Board. It also �i`s stated that lft. tiary Iirkland oP the Mnstang �hhtel on E. Dallas �oad would probably serve. Councilman Eidsos nominated Richard gakins as one of the citiaens for the Board. I�ayor Tate noninated A�a Carlsoi and A. D. I�].lendore. bir�. Day was nominatad as the ex-officio member fro� the Ch�mber of Commerce. Mr. �.,, Ezell was nominated as the ez-o!licio me�ber Prc�m the City StaPf. There Mere no ' other nomit►atioa�s and it was stated that there would be dr�Wi�g at a later date to ? detex�nine the staYfered terms of these persons. Cou�cilman Eidson mada a motion � to appoiat the array o! n�mee aomiaated aad hold a draxins •t a leter date �o establish the term that eac1� pereon will serve. C��aneilme� Pittard seeonded the notios ud the motion prevailed by the folloxing vote: Ayes: ?ete� Couae, Eidson, Pittard, Daltoi Roeas None Absent: Dilg� MEtrp�y The seist order of business was for the Council to consider an ordinance atending Title 7, Chapt.er 3� 3ection 6(A) of the City �ode Boor. The City Secre�ary read the caption. The City l�nager steted tLat this was only to clarify the �ording in that section. There was little disEUSSiog and Cot�neilman Dalton made a motion �o adopt �r�inas�ce �o. 74-�1 on ax emergenay basis. Couiaci].ran Conine see�nded the u�tion and the motion prevailed by the Pollowitig vote: �yes: �ate, Daltoa, Pittard, Conine, �idsoa �oes: �one Absent: Dilg, Murphy , O�I1UUfCE �0. 74-41 A�f ORDIBAIICE AI�IDII� T1� CM? QODE 0!' TIiE CI� OF aa�v� Bz ��a sECria� ?-3-6 �� � � CAARt� PER t�tIT 1P4R WATER SUP�L� TI�EyfI�H t� I�'TSR A8D DECLA�ia AI� Eb�R�. The aext order of business was �or the Council to consider �n ordinance amending Title 7, Chaptar 2, Section 2 of the City Code nook. The CitT Secretary re�d the c�ption. The City Mianager stated tlut this would i�tclude the proper wording in the se�rer section of the City Code Book. There was little discusaion aad Council- �a Dalton made a motion to adopt �rdinance No. 74-�t2 es read om an emexgenoy basis. Councilman Pittard aeconded the motion and the mptio� prevailed by th� � foilorring v�ote; Ayess Tate, Dalton, Coniae, Eidson, Pittard Aoes: Aose Absett: Dilg, �rpl1Y ox�r�u,acs �ao. 74-42 Al� O,�II�l1liCE A!�/DIIt� SBCTI�H 7-2-2 0!' T� GRA'PEYI� CITY CODB RSLlITII(G TO SAI�ITARY �gWSR RATES BY t�A�SOLI- DATIAG FOB C()DIFIGATI(� PEJRPbSES T� P�VIOtTS P�OVISIt�B C0�►II�D nit O�INA�CB N0. ?�-3�► AND OR��CE 1i0. 7�+-37 A�TD �Y ADDII� PRUVISIONS �STABLISH�Ta A �W RAAt� OF RATES FOR RBSID�TIAL A�D COI!�RCIAI, 3S81RCSS AND DECLARIx(� Al� ffi�R�St�CT. � _ Mayor Tate deelared a ten �inute re�ess. _.� ,�. ? The meeting recoav�ried at �9:�.5 P.lt.� wi'�h�'the following members preaenti ' Wil�ui Tate D�Ieyor Tltelaae Conine Couricilwoman , Tom�y Eideon CounaiLnas C. D. Pittard Councilman Doil Daltoa Councilman � 3 E � � � � The next order of business was for the Council to consider the revi�w of a costract � between the Citr of Grapevine and the Trinitq River Authority reUtive to 8ewaga treatmeat service providad to the City. T�e Cit� �eauger gave a brief histor� and atated that Z�r. Bob �tiahols of Freese & Nichols - eonsniting esgineers, had � examined the contraet. Mr. 1Pichols indicated thet this contract wa►s basically � � the same as cc>ntraats that TRA has with other eities. Iie also indicated that f the City tr3r to get TRA to drop t�e garbage shre8ding provision of the draft $ coatract. The City l�anager stated that lte would l�ave to check on the tee that � is in�rolved to get on this s?stem. He elso atated thet the City Conncil r�eeds � ta �uthorize him to pro�eed with the contract and noti�'y TxA of our intent. � Couacilman Dalton a�ede a motion to authorise the City �6anager to proceed Wi�h = th� contract. Councilwoman Coniae seconded tlte m�tion and the ffiotion prevailed ; by the following vote� E s Ayes: Sate, DAlton Pittard, Eidsoa, Conine Noes: �one Abseat! Dilg, Murp�y � � The next order of bnsinesa wes to consider a replat of l�ts 3 and �+, Blocl[ $, of � tYu Plaeid Pesinsula Addition. Mayor Tate stated that t�is item has been dropped € from the agenda becauae th� replat request was withdra�n. ; � The aext order oY bnsiness was to review bids received Yor coastruction of the E animal shelter. The tabulation of the bids `rere as follows: � k Cardinal Builders Iac: $14,600.04 � wright Coastruction Co. 1$,�03•55 � J. x. 8trait Co. 13,105•00 r Tate Custom Builders 15,220.04 � A b Ii Contracters, Inc. 22,990.00 ; Y € Tne City l�anager stated that the architect that made the plans for the animal � shelter had reviewed tye bids and had recommended that the J. R. Strait Company be awarded the costraet prt�vidiug that a reYerence aheck had aot been made to date. Councilmsn Eidson made a metion to have the reterenee check made and have the item on the aaenda !or next Thursday. Cou�cilman Halton seconded the motion t�ad the motios prevailed by the followfng vote: Ayest Tate� Dalton, Conine, EidBOn,Pittard �,. Aoes: �ona Abeentt Dilg, l�irp�y � £ The Mayor asked the City Attoraey if he was proeeeding with an ordinance to correct � the "3P" condition on the pr�v�ta clubs at tke Aiiport. Tha City Attorney stated ° � th�t he would give the ordin�nce to the City Se�retary. 7,'he Mty+or requested �he � City Secretary to notify the persons iavolved of tl�e action takea. ; , z The City Iianager stated that the ph4tographer �ottld be able to take photograpbs � whenever all m�embera of �he Council would be present. The meetisg of December ; 3rd was set es the meeting for the photographs. � There being no further busineBS, Counai]�ean pittard made e motio� to ad�jonrn the = meeting. The motion was secoaded by Couacil,man Dalton� aad tll prasent voted � � eye. The meeting was ad�ourned at 9:30 P.M. � � PASSED AFD APP�tOVSD� this the I S� day o ���_, 1971�. � s �(��..4��'��� i �lAYOR = i � A'lRE3T: � � i -� , �'� . . � C SECRETARY t � F � i � � � � � � . �