HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-11-21 Special Meeting � G CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS � AGENDA i SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING ' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1974 AT 7 :30 P.M. ; COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 413 MAIN STREET � i I. CALL TO ORDER II. INVOCATION to be given by Councilman Dilg III. CITIZENS REQUESTS AND/OR MISC . REPORTS & DISCUSSIONS � IV. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES (November 14) ; V. OLD BUSINESS f � A. City Council to discuss the possibilities of repairing E streets in certain areas of the City where sewer installation € has caused damage to the streets . ' i B. City Council to review bids received for construction of the ; animal shelter. � ; VI. NEW BUSINESS A. City Council to consider an ordinance amending Title 4, Chapter 15, Section 7 of the City Code. This will amend that section that states : "No individual or entit� shall i sell or serve alcoholic beverages for on premise con- # sumption as holder of a mixed beverage permit except in = a restaurant, cafe, ca.feteria or eating estableshment is � herein defined as a business whose gross sales from the a sale of food on an annual basis represents at least fifty ; percent (50%) of its total sales ." This is in reference ? to the clubs located in the terminals at the airport. 's � fj I i i S i � I � t i � i 1 i i IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 6252-17 , V.A.T.C .S. , AS AMENDED BY CHAPTER 227 , ACTS OF THE 61ST LEGISLATURE, REGULAR SESSION, 1969, THE SPECIAL CITY ' ` z COUNCIL AGENDA WAS PREPARED AND POSTED ON THIS THE 18TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, ` 1974, AT 4: 15 P.M. � � . $ i � � r�.t.v�>_ � ,sL S CIT SECRETARY � 3 i i i 3 s�,sr o� �� � �70tniTY OF TARRA�iT � CITZ OF a�APEVItIS . The City Coun�il of the City �P arapevi.ne, Te�cas, comvened in special meeting at 7:�5 P.�., on this the 21st day of l�ovember, 197�, with the following members present, to-�it: William Tate Mayor . Thi,lma Conine Councilwoman Doil Dalton . Councilman l�illar� Dilg Councilman � : Tom�qy Eidson Councilman C. D. �ii�tard Couacilman Bob IKurphy Councilmea conatituting a quorum, with Floy Ezell City lifanager Jim H�ncock Assistant City Manager Kerueth Pritt . City Secretary 1Kayor Tate called the meeting to order. The Invocetion was given by Councilmaa Dilg. The firet order of business wt►s �or the City Council to consid�r the minutes of ]�oveaober 14, 197�+. Councilman Eidsen �aade a motioa to waive the readiag of the minutes And aecept the miautes as preaented. Counailwemen Conine secc►nded this motion end the motion prevailed by the following vote; . Ayess Tate, Conine� Daltoa, Dilg, Eidaon, Pittard, �rphy 8oe 8: 2�one �e next order of bus�ness wss to discuss the possibilities of repairing streete in eertain areas of the City xhere se��er installation has caused damage to the streets. The City Manager gave a su�mary of the Citf's position on the streetis. Iie :.�troduced tlre possibilities of the City nsing the Rerenue 3harins money (7�45,OW.00) aloag with some additional money from a street bond issue passed - t�t 1971. The Mayor then called Yor persons in the audieace to make any preEenta- tions or direct any questions to the Council. The following persoas appeared before the Counail: . �. A. D. Mullendore of 1928 Sheffield Street appeared before the �ouncil. He etated thet Iae was represeating.th� rasidents o� �he Caaterbury Addition. He further stated that the homeowners in this addition �ad held a meeting to discuss the �treets and other poiats of interest in their addition. Mr. Mullendore stated that : he exp].�iaed to these ho�►eowners exactly what the City is tr•ying to do to repair the streets. He asstu�ed them that they w�uld have . te pass through the winter with only patchi�tg being done in �ertafY areas. He further stated that there were some drainage problems in the addition. Mr. doe Kenaedy of 1855 Anglers Plaza in the Sborecreat Aeres Addition was ttie next area repzeseatative to appear before tbe Comcil. Ha stated tbat he knew the City was aware o! the street prob�:ess in this addition and �e than�c�d �he members of the Couacil for their interest. Counciluas Dilg request�d that the list of priorities be read to th� audience. The Cityrl�anager then �ede hia final presentation and recommeadation to the CEauneil concerning the streets., He stated that all work would be done by the Qrrapevine 3treet Department, and�that the Street Department will rent three j additional try��c to haul aspmal�.,ter the paviag machine. (iravel to be used as baae material '�ill be deli.�l+erdd �t=�he �ob by KTG trucking. The Street Depart- �ent wil be aplit into t�ro sections: one working on the base material and eetting up the road bed; and the other putting topping on the stxeets. The reeo�►ended priority, time, a�nd cost is as follows: : � � t A. Shorecrest Addition � � 1. Completed by Jan. 15, 1975 $30,610.00 � B. Placid Peninsu].� - lst 8ection � 1. Completed by �eb. 5, 1975 $11,223.95 : C. �eed Addition - Part I c 1. Completed by l�erch 10� 1975 �13,080.50 � � D. Peniusula - Part II � l. Completed by April 10, 1975 $19�118.75 � T. �rttebury Village � 1. Com�pleted by May 5, 1975 $13,259•�5 = � F. Reed Addition W. of Lakeview = 1. Completed by June 1, 1975 $�,993•35 �- � 3�+,06j F�. street . ,2 5. 0 � Councilman Eidson stated tY�tt he felt the program vras well laid out as was the ; fi.nanci�g of the pro�ect. $e further stated that he was for �ving as soon as ; possible. Councilman MurpY�r stated that he concurred with the statement oP � Couricilman EidBOn. Councilmaa Dilg stated that he also concurred and l� �ede� � a motion to adopt the reconmiendation of the Citr Msaager. Counailmaa Pittard seconded the motion and the motion prevailed by the followiag vote: �' Ajress Tate, Conine, Dalton, Dilg, MuxpY�y, Pittard, Eidson : Roe s: 3�one � The next order of business was Por the Council to review bids received for Construction of the animal ahelter. The Assistaat City Manager made a presen- tation to �ie Council. He read off th� list of bidder� and stated that the areh�tect reccmmended to accept the base bid of J. 8. Strait, prior to reference ; chec�cs. The Assistant City �io�nager etated that he had ran tl�e checks and Y�ad ' received high reaomcr�ndations from the referenees given. He tben recommended f thet the Council award the contract to the low bidder, J. R. Strai.t, for ? $13,105.00. Councilman Eidsen �ede a motloa to accept the recomm�endation of ; the Assistant City Menager and a�A�ard the aontract to J. x. 3trait for �13,1t�j.00. Councilmsn �alton secoaded the �otion and the motioa prevailed by the following vote t Ayes; Tate, Conine, Dalton, Dilg, Eideon, Murpl�y, Pittard Roe s s l�o8e The �ey�or stated that a third item on .the published agenda wottl.d aot be con�idered because the ordinanee was not available from the City Attorney. : He f"urther stated that this would appear on the ne� ageAda. ; The I�layor then asked the �ity Menager to make a report to the t;ouncil •conaerning � �i.s recent trip to Auatin. The City Manager gave a brief swn�nary of the trip. � He stated that he was l�ery optimistia that the City would attain some or all of the �t5,�00 acre feet that we have applied Yor. �e further stated that the heariag ; ha3 benn recessed. ? The I�ayor �tated that he felt there had been good preparation made for the htaring. I� also stated that he was very optimistic abont the City's cl�aaces of atta�ining ' �dditional water. . ' i � � There beiag no fnrther business, Cout�cilman Tidson made a motion to ad�ourn the mee�ing. The �otion was seconded by Couacilman I�irp�y, and all present voted < aye. 2'he �meeting was ad,journed at 8:35 P.M. ' PASSED ARD APPI�OVED� thi s the 3�e� day of Ee� .ND Lr/e , 1974. � ,..: ..,.. 7 • i ATTESTz � � ; CI SECRETARY j � ' ; � s � $ p 3