HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-13 Special Meeting I � , � � s � ; CITY OF GFiAPEVINE, TEXAS � � 9 � � c � � i � AGENOA j SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING � JUNE 13, 1974, AT 7:30 P .M. � COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 413 MAIN STREET i I i I . CALL TO ORDER o i ; II . INVOCATION - MAYOR TATE j i � III . CITIZENS REQUESTS AND/OR MISC. REPORTS � DISCUSSIONS � IV . OLD BUSINESS � i � V. NEW BUSINESS j 9 A . Consideration of the Council to establish departmental � � prioritieso � 's � B . � VI . ADJOURNMENT � i ; i i i i � IN ACCORDANCE WITH AFiTICLE 6252-17, V.A. T.C. S. , AS AMMENDED BY CHAPTER � 227, ACTS OF THE 61ST LEGISLATURE, REGULAR SESSION, 1969, THE CITY � COUNCIL AGENDA WAS PREPARED AND POSTEO ON THIS THE 10TH DAY OF JUNE, � 1974, AT 3:15 P .M. �' i j � /n � � � i TY SECRETAfiY � � i � � i i � z i i I i i I ( I i i � � � � k # f" g•: 3 fi :;� EMERGENCY ITEM =i= � � �. B . Appointment of a memb�r �o the Equalizatian 8oard. � � � � a � t � � � � e � � "r, i' �" i F e f i x � i IN ACCOFiDANCE WITH ARTICLE 62�2-1 �, V. A. T. C. S. , A� AMMENOEO � BY CHAPTER 227, ACTS OF THE 61�T �.EGI�LATUFiE, �iEGULAFi SESSIdN � 19E9, THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA WAS PREPARED AND POSTED ON THIS ` THE 12TH DAY OF JUNE, 1974, AT 9:45 A .M. � � � � �cf�C/�., �'f`_"' `` � s' CTTY SECRETARY ; 4 r � > b � E 3 S � Iy fr 4 S a � � i � s # 8 � % Y t i � � � � S t � �f t � i � I t 9 � � t i I i : j STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF TARRANT � CITY OF GRAPEVINE � The City Council o� the City o� Grapevine , Texas , conven�d in a special meeting at 7:55 p . m. , on this the 13th day o� June, 1974, with the �ollowing members present, to-wit: William Tate Mayor Thelma Conine Councilwoman Tommy Eidson Councilman C. D.Pittard Councilman Doil Dalton Councilman constituting a quorum, with Councilman Murphy and Councilman Dilg absent, and Floy Ezell City Manager Jim Hancock Assistant City Manager Kenneth Pritt City Secretary Mayor Tate called the meeting to order. The Invocation was given by Mayor Tate. The Mayor made a short introduction of what the meeting was to consist of. He stated it was a meeting o� departmental priorities for the next three years. The City Manager stated tFia t he hoped the meeting would be able to create effeciency within the depart- ment and service for the citizens. The first dep artment introduced was the Police Department. POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief James Lilly 1 . O�fice space. It was recommended that a building be erected north o� the present building until the Municipal ��� Complex is completed. 2. Equipment. A. automoblles - the department will need additional cars each year. They are asking for additional un- marked cars as well as regular patrol cars. The number will increase each year. It was the feelings of the Council that the purchase of the cars be staggered to relieve the problem of too much mileage and wear on a f ew cars. 3. Personnel. There will be a need �or additional men each year. It was recommended that a man be assigned to the Dallas Metro-squad which deals with organized crime. A jailor will be needed in the future to supervise the prisohers. A matron will also be needed to search the �emale prisoners. 4. Dog Pound. It was recommended that the plans �or the dog pound be started as soon as possi�le. There was a discussion of the types of tires that are used on the police cars. LIBRARY : Mrs. Gibbs 1 . New library building. 2. New books. Mrs. Gibbs stated that she would tell what she had accomplished during her employment with the City. She stated that she had placed approximately 1 ,422 books on the shelfs not counting paper back books. There are 43 periodicals in the library. She has start- ` ed six story-telling hours through the winter months and two in the summer. There is a reading club during the suMme-: She promotes inter-library loans. She stated that the budge� she is working with this year is $18,500 and the budget Por 1974-75 will be $23, 424. She requested a �ull time clerical helper. She stated that the only increase on the budget is books purchases. She said that Tarrant County gives the library $2, 000 a year for the purchase of new books. She stated that this given on a 30� per capita basis on the 1970 census. She is in the process of trying , to get an increase based upon the growth o� the City. � � � � � � � � � €; She stated that she would like for the Council to give her $1 , 000 � above what the County gives her . The Mayor stated that he felt y that the City of Grapevine should at least match what the County � gives the library �or books. Mrs. Gibbs stated that since her �' arrival , she has issued approximately 1 , 022 library cards. Coun- � cilman Eidson stated that he would like to see the figure of $9, 000 be changed to 10,500 for the County Auditor. Councilman F Dalton stated that the City cannot wait until the new building � i is erected be�ore we buy new books. He �elt that new books � � should be the ultimate goal of the library. � FIRE DEPARTMENT : Chie� Greener � � 1 . Personnel. Asking for �our additional men for the � � next budget. � 2. Ladder truck. The chie� stated that the City was � required to have a ladder truck. He further stated � that he was considering a telesquirt. This telesquirt � woUld cost a little less than a ladder truck but � : could be used �or the same purpose. The cost on this j was estimated at $1 , 000, 000. Zt woUld take between 12 ' to 15 manths to get the truck. � � 3. Sub Station. It was stated that the City will need a sub station in the near f uture. It was stated that ' i this would be located in the northwest cornor of town. ; This would include a building, a pumper, and various { eqUipment at an estimated cost o� around $2, 000, 000. ; The Mayor stated that this department was particularly � : important in the three year plan because it takes so � long to get the equipment. He further stated that the � City Secretary add to the agenda o� the next meeting, i the hiring of an additiohal employee for the Fire Depart- � ment to fill the vacancy on one of the ehif ts. Council- � man Eidson stated that all departments should submit a written report to the Council so it can be studied in more detail . STREET DEPAFiTMENT: Bob Zuber 1 . Streets. A survey was made o� the streets in the City ' and there was found to be four different types : � A. 100% Rebuilt: where the streets have to be com- � pletely torn out and replaced. There are 4. 85 i miles o� such streets in the City. There are three of these streets under bond issue: Dove Rd, Oallas Rd. , and Mustange Dr. . This would leave four streets that would have to have this 100% rebuild. The cost of this type of street is about $z5 a lineal foot. The other streets are S. Pine , Vine St. toward south to dead end, W. College from Dogwood to the frontage road, E. Wall �rom Wood to Eckely, and Hood Lane from the school property to the Corps o� Engineers land. B . 80% Rebuilt: where curb and gutter can be lef t in but you tear out the existing asphalt and roadbed. You put back a inch and a half of type D asphalt- concrete. The cost of' this is 16 to 20 dollars a lineal �oot. There are 13 streets listed under this category and comes to 1 . 80 miles. C. Inch and '/z overlay : Use hot-mix asphalt concrete. This work can be done by the City Street Depart- ment. The City does have the skeleton of equip- ment needed to do this type of job. There are 1 . 65 miles o� such str^eets. TI-iere are a �ew of these streets that have been completed. This is at a cost of $7. 50 per lineal �oot. �. Seal Coat: The City usually buys the material and the County will seal coat the streets. There are 30 streets under this category and 17. 88 miles. This would be at a cost o� 212, 400 dollars. 2. Epuipmen�: Mr. Zuber s��ted that his department hes lacated a maintainer that is large engugh to do the type job �hat is needed to grade t�e streets and to puL_l ditches. This machine cauld be purchased through Highway at a price o� $12,500. If the City pay� far it in the month of Octaber , Highway will deliver it naw and will not charg� us in�ere�t. The Mayor instructed �he City Secretary to add to �he �genda the emplayment o�' an ex�ra employee For the Street Department. He also in�tructed ti�e City Secretery to add ta the agenda the purchase oP the maintainer. 3. Personnel : Mr. Zuber stated that he would need an additional �our persons within �he next year. He sug- g�s-teci that he would F�ave two crews, each working on one ha1� on the City, They would share equipmeht ahd would merge for bigger job�. UTILITY : Jesse WiZliamson Mr. Williamson that-iked the Mayor �nd the Council for their consid- eration in givir�g him �nd his men a pay raise anc) additianal fringe benef i ts. " 1 . Persot-�nel : Mr. Williamson s�ated that he i� st-iort in one particular area which is waste water. He ha� triecl to find a certified Qperator bu� has been unsucces�ful. Ne statecl tF��t he is asking For an �dditional Five men for the next year. He s�ated that tl-�ere had been a lot of capitol addi�ion� within the last year with more to come. The p].an�� that have been in�talled are plants �Ghat re- quire con�ideratbe m�intenance. Fie needs additianal meh in the treatment o� waste wa�er. He stated tha� he will need a ct��mist in tl�e fu�ure tc� da our analysis For �.ts. He �urther stated thet he needs �ome filter plat�t operat�rs. `: It wa� felt tF�at he would have -�o go to aroun� -�he clock , ;� �or opera�ion� for the weter treatment plant. It w�s sugge�ted tha�G we are at the point where we need a lab- oratory technieian. 2. Equipment: Mr. Williamson a�ked for twa pick-up trucks, to tracle one piok-up , a je-t �ewer cleaning machi.ne, a 5 yard becl dump �ruck, and trade a �lat-bed truck. It ; was s�ated that �he dump truck could serve �wo p��trposes; for the s�ree� depar-�men� arid the utili�y depar�ment. He el�o a�kec! �or two cement mixers, ane for tl�� Ci�y and one to replace the one presently used that is not owr�ed by the Ci�y. 3. Connect water main: T(-ii� is a 8 inch water main on west- northwest Higl-�way to Wes� College Street and al�c� West Wall Street. TI-ie estimated oost of tF�is pra jeat is $21 , 600. Also a 500 Foo� line �rom Dove Road to Man- chester needs to be installed. 4. Enlarge w�ter treatment plan�: During periods a� inFil- l�ration, there i� a serious problem of almost flooding a hou�e. TI-iere i� a proposecl 12 inch line �rom tha`� area �to the P,each Street plant. The es�imated cost of this project is $50, 000. Our plant is a million gallon a day plaht with a overload capacity o� 500, 000. Al1 0� tl-�s major parts o� the plant will be needed to be enlarged or added onto in order to have a 4 ar 5 million gall.on plant. 5. Water was�e treatment: It w�s recommended �o enlarge aur - existing plant at Bear Creek. TI-iis is a 200, OQ0 gallan plant with a 400, 000 gallon overload cap�ci�y. At pre- sent �he City is running about 9Qto98, 000 gallons per day. There is quite a large amoun� of construction on Mustange Drive and there i� an Additian o�f Timberline Dr. that is tying onto tl�e same line. 6. Sewage in 0 'de11 Court area : The people in thi� area are presently on �ep�ic tank�. They are no� too far from the sewer plant arid �hey sl-iould be able to �ie ohto lines with �he City. � � � �' � � � � PARKS 6 RECREATION : Bill Wilton � € �. 1 . Personnel : Mr. Wilton stated that he needed to add one � Parks Superintendant and one Recreation Superintendant � and �our �ull-time employees. ; 2. Equipment: He stated that his department needs two new � trucks and a new tractor with a new flail mower. There ¢ will be a need for new playground equipment also . � 3. Acquire additional park : Mr. Wilton stated that one o� � his first priorities wes to purchase one acre of land � from Mrs. Cluck on Turner street. This would provide � the people in that part of town with a playground and � a basketball court. This is suggested in order to � relieve some o� the tension between dif�erent racial � groups at the Ball-Wall park. 4. Lighting : Lighting the new tennis co urts on Dove Road was stated to be this de artments second priority. � It was also stated that wind screens and a backboard � will be placed on the courts under the present budget. � 5. Sprinkler System : It was sugges�ed that a sprinkler system ; � be placed on the �two main parks , Ball-Wall and the park i .:i beside the pool . This would aid in maintenance and would i allow for flowers and shrubs that need this type o� wa�ering. ; 6. Permanent Picnic Tables : It was stated that this department i needs 10 to 15 new picnic tables. There are additional j � i , tables needed at Ball-Wall and at the pool park. ; � 7. Resutrf ace o� tennis courts : It was suggested that the j tennis courts on Ball-Wall need resur�acing and that if � they are resur�'aced before the next two years , it would � save the cost of laying down new base material. It was � also stated that the lighting needs to be improved on these 9 co Ur ts. F � 8. Offices : It was stated that the Parks � Recreation has no ; offices or personnel for clerical or secretarial duties. � Mr. Wilton suggested some things that will be needed in the near f uture; some o� these are : one riding mower, 3 to 5 push-mowers, one edger, welder, work-benches , and storage cabinets. There was some discussion concerning o��'ice space �or Mr. Wilton. The Mayor instructed the City Secretar,y to add to the agenda for the next Council meeting, to consider leasing additional o�fice space � in tk�e building adjacent the the City Hall. ; INSPECTION : Steve Winsor � i Mr. Winsor gave his presentation to the Council in general terms. He stated that he would need an additional man and automobile in the � next budget. In the third year of this projection, he stated that ' he would need another man and automobile. Along with this he will ' need additional space. It was stated that an additional inspector is greatly needed right now. Councilman Pittard inquired about suf�icient help to inforce existing ordinances such as old cars and old buildings. It was stated that with the additional one man that some o� these ordinances could be enPorced. FINANCE : Ed Crouse ' Mr. Crouse gave his presentation to the Council in general terms. He stated that his departme t is in need �or an additional man to help with clerical and bookkeeping. This person should be either an Accountant I or II and should have some experience with the ; operation and programing of computers. Mr. Crouse discussed the possibilities o� changing brands o� computers in the near �uture. ;; It was stated that the present system of posting is behind and that i� someone would want to have a trial balance of ell accounts it would be impossible to do. It was the �eelings o� Mr. Crouse that this is poor practice and that it should be corrected. It was suggested that the City could purchase a new machine and still retain the present machine to be used for some of the posting and billing. 3 ;� CITY SECRETARY : Kenneth Pritt The City Secretary also gave a general type presentation. He stated that the City was presently in the process o� applying for a grant to conduct a personnel study. It was the opinion of the City Secretary that one o� the major �indings o� the study will be the splitting of this department to two departments. The new department thet will be �ormed will be that o� Personnel. He �urther stated that he would like to become the new personnel director as opposed to City Secretary. He further stated that there would be needed additional of�ice space and personnel. TAX DEPARTMENT: Cecil Burks Mr. Burks suggested that the title of Tax Department be changed to Department o� Revenue. This department would be cnncerned with the assessment and collecting o� ad volorum taxes ,collection and billing of water and sewer pro ratus� collection of liquor tax, franchise tax, and any forms of money other than building permits and utility �unds, He further stated that he had budgeted for an additional clerk in the next year he also stated that he was to add an additional assessor or appraisor who would work under his direction. He f urther stated that his goal for the next three years would be to expand on the ideas mentioned in the Department of Revenue. The Mayor stated that he f elt this meeting was one of the best and most fruit�ul meetings held for awhile. He also stated that he was appreciative of the department heads �or preparing their presen- tations on such short notice. Councilman Eidson stated that he would like for the City Manager to give his comments as to what his thoughts are on the line of what the department heads have said. It was suggested that the City Manager update his own report or give general comments on each of the recommendations o� the � department heads. Councilman Dalton made a motion to table the remaining item on the agenda to the following meeting o� the Council. The item was to select a member to the °.r-���'U " T�eh�3��-�-��3ss�e��. Councilman Eidson seconded the mo tion and the mo tion prevailed by the following vote : Ayes : Tate, Conine, Dalton, Eidson No es : None Absent: Pittard, Dilg, Murphy There being no further business, Councilman Eidson moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilwoman Conine seconded the motion, all present voted aye and the meeting was adjourned at 11 : 05 p . m. . � ;� PASSED AND APPROVED, this the � day o� u-('� , 1974. MAYOR ATTEST: � � ,�J � su- ! CI Y SECR TA Y ;