HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1977-046 ;� ,. ;.� � s GRI?TN_�NC:� N.<�. 77-�5 P.N QF?DIN_''NC� DETET:i��IN�NG �'�1D DECL,�'�RING TH�' Nt,C����-i?�TY Fn`? `?I�TP OrZ�ERING '�ND PRCVIDING F;�?? '?'HE P<'�VING ��ID IMPRCIV�MENTS �F PORTIONS OF C�r?T�TIlT STt?£��TS ZN THF_ C?TY Or Gx<�PFVINE 5 ,� • T:�'`�{.A� , �'O-L;TI v`': TI-I�, jr�rEST S ID; OF P_��=:K_ BL�ID. �,� F?;�M N.TV. H;�1Y. TO IX`VE R�:�?� :'1ND TN.� EAST SIDE OF PaRK :iL�.'D. F�R 2256 F�ET N�?RTH F"OA? TH�. I�i.:^?. Ht�tiY. �ZIf�HT-OF-'v;�.=1Y LTN�. APPR:i�I''NC' ?�L_aN.--hi ��IVD SPECIFICATICN:i F(�?' JTTCH t,'JC��'.K �TD I1�1�'ROVEM�N`?'S; D�Rk?CTiNG THE rT'a'Y ::NGINF..ER �F THE CITY Q� GR=IPEVINE, TEXf:S TO P�ZEYL�R� ESTINI�TES OF THE TOTAL COST C:F �L;CH ��JORK ��IVD �'N1F'ROV`�MFNTS; DIRECTING THE C';?TX Nt��.N���ER T�� .`1�Vi;RT.T_SE FC��? B IDS FOR StJCH IM- �'<OVEI�?�.�TT�; ATA�CING x'ROVIS IONS FOR TH�. L���_'�NG OF ���SESSMENT:� P.�.'?INST ��ST?'I��rING P�?GP�RT�' _�'D �; THF. C?;v'NE??S i:�ER�<_'F FGR A P}`1?�T OF TNF; t��;;T C�F � $ STJ(:H I1��IPRGVENi�14TTS; P�C�LTIDING F'Q: '?'�i�, COLI r�T?�Oi�t C�i" SLTCI-i rASSESSI�IE;NT:� _4�Tt� TH� ISSU.'�.NC� Qr �1S5Is�N- ��RLE '��R?'3 F'?C`�TES IN ETyTIDs NC�: T�iER'�CF ��vTD PR�VID- TN, ^C?t ;;iJ�TT?nY CTrIi::R 1�1.�TT�??S INCj:�`ENT ?'HEr?T'�1"Q; AN� D�CL.ARING AN EMEn;FNCY. �,�_.;, w�„� -.� � + "k ;tJf�iE''�A� , �lans and specificati.ons �'or the improve- �en�s nf the h2reinaft�r describe�! nc�rt_i.an o� Pa.r}< BoulPvarc? �°�av� been pr�pared and submitted �o th� Ci_ty Council 4f the C3t;J of Gra�ev�re ar�d '�?� s�?.r:i? haviz�� be�n exami_ned by th� Ci_+y C�unci.l o� the �it;� of Grape��i.ne �nCl founc� to be in all mattez-s an� things pxoper, said plans a�;c� specifications ha�c�i.ng bnAn prepar�� bS- the �ity� Engi.neez- of tt�� �i+;� �f GraiaPtTir.e ; �.,; � � IVO�,�v', T���:�:�F�t;�:, BE IT QRDai:vT�-;D RY T�tE C'ITY f:�'UNC;7I. G� '?'�-IE ''I�Y C?F GR-?Pi;VIl4��, TEX,-�.:': �EC'?'IC`N 1. Th� plan� and specificati..ons far all �f �k-?e im;�rov�me?:ts descriY-�ed in Sec,tinn :', herPof �rPpare�t k�;T th� �n�inee-c �� +he Cit�- �f GrapevinP an�? su�mitt�cl to the Ci.t;� �o�an�;i.]. �n� �zr�„<< nn fil� ufz+°� '�he �:ity Lo�z�ci.7, are ��.r.r-- ��7 �77�a.''C?�'P_C? �l3'l�'' c�=''r>Ip}Erl . :���C:T?�hI ?_,. Tl�af a pu'^lic rect ssity exzst� fo� th� �e-:rma�ent irrm�r_c-�vements of th�> :r v1�owincl �'E-�=-.� �_t�e� t ort ic�r; n� =ureQ�� in t?« �'a.t�• �f c,rapev:�nn , Tescas , sai� �o?-t�_Qn r�f =a.�d. �L'.�?a_1C �L1�F?f?� �)c�;..1"]� c1PSl�z't�u��r' ��'iC'e iiF=?.i 1_I�E'�� �j' .�.�;:?"£?P?- Ijl`17 + . �C3—Wt�:: T�i�TT`i�' T . '�^l�p ,.t)F�Gi' �Zrac-� �� Tsc�.L"l�. ?�1.L'r1 , frOI?2 hi.sj.'. T'7����. +r� rJo��,> �'�ar a:::.3 tk�e East si_�'e c�r ?'ark �Iv�� . �r�.r ?��iF �P_P_t :����"{'�'? f"r4_^„ �'�E` �. , . ��L'"�'. Y1.y�'�—n�—?`d�.17 �_J_;?F? � T1_i� r1.r:'�tT� {joc�?'�17F�C''. ':)C�s"t�.0°'?� Clf c,d1C' ��1tT';��.-!-c; ch%�.�._�. . . . ` . £?�.C'� i..�� �Y���'n5.7E?Ca h�� ?^d�-�1.'��` f ji?C'�.1_?7Ct �':':� f E.�_�. ?.l"?j t�"2-C' �u�i;�2 ,,, '' � c1T1!� ��' COI1.�t;itl�f7:1� i`�^Y£'r?',`; �SL��l=slf' i3d�.'�Ti':E'Y:*' � CC):�t`rP1"� �t�3"�7S d.Tb_`' yLL��P_�S � arlcl St'O Y'71 SE�'�N�'aS 1X: d�CO'�'��c?i?c;f� 1".�1+:": }�'2(_' 1.?t'_— +w.,'= �1'�V�TIl£?"lt� :�PS�^T'`Y?�.:_� .�r?� L�dCi1 UI']1'1t' 'f;:'�,�PU:"?�'i i � +t"` ''?f?C"L'S-c�.Z'�/ 1?�C�C,E??��:c`��...�'� c�.l:� �.�nT,1.:'�'n'^�a^xCP_S . dS S�'n�-�tTI OYl �..'1e n�.?.?'?S �u11C� `� _ 'l<_]„_ �n,' L• +h�? i..]_fy �r�?�rC^1�. .��ecifica�ion= t?�erefc�Y r-�r � e .�.t.. ..s `��:CTIC�N 3. The cost �.f the imp.rnv�ments zn �ach ��.�±�.t shall. he �ai�' f�?.r as fr�l].�us , to-w�t. (a) Thp ahuttine� nroperty and. the ov�rners therPof �hal1 be assessed �r� pay f_or all �f the cost of �c�ncr.ete curb_ o�:' ��z.r.bs an� �vitter.= an� �lri=.:-n��Jays , an� save and ex- ceg+..ing the.r_eTro^� all a+�u a*�y part of trP c�st of �torm �ewe.r anc'; dra�_��s . Th� ^ast of such im�rc�ve�ents shaJ 1 b� z�ss�sse�?. a�ai_nst sa�._d �wners an� trezr. ,,Y�ner+3T r�specti.�rely, a._n �.�;cnr.�ance u��th wh�t �s kr_o��r as t:�e "Frr�n�«Ro�t :'lan" , i.^ �rnnoxtio� as -f:he f.r_onta�e of �}ze �r_oge.r_ty �f eac,�� nj.vner i� to th� whole ��or.t?.g;� i:��grov��d; pr�vi��c� that i.f the appl�ca�ion of th� above anentioz�ed rule ;�� a�pc?rtionment b�=tv;reen �ro�erty ocvners ��ot,:.ld ir_ the c�pzn.ian o� th� C�.t,� Co�z:�cil i_:z pazticular cas�s �y unjus+ �r unec�ual, it shall t?e t?�e d-�zty o_� the Ci.ty Co�incil. to assess anf� ap;�o=tion :�aic3 c��.�ts �.n �uch �nanner as i.t m{�y ,� ,, :�ee^� jus-� anci e�u�ta�le , ha.vin� i:� v��tiv tnE =.r�pc�aZ. �er�ef.i 4s �.n enhancer; va'u� to ce recei-��c1 byT ea�h o;+m�sr_ oF �ur_,h �ro�erty, t�:e equiti_�s o� the eti�TMzers , and tY�e ac�juyt;:,e;?t ��f '�`� ��,ch apNor.tianment, so as t� p:raduce a �.u�.�stanta_�1. �nual.ity of be�nefits r.eceivec� bs� and bu.rdens �_m�;c�-ed �p�n s��c'� ��vner� . Th� az����r:ts to b� p�:i�' by the abuttin� p.r�Perties and t:�e o�A.ne�� t?>�teof s�al.l be assessed ar�a�.nst t'�e abu+ting pron�rties an:� +h� rea.l and tr,ze o���ners thereo�, vrh�thc�r said ott:mers be corz2:-t.ly namer? therein nr not, ard the amoants �ayable �a3r the a�utting pro;�erty and the osti1ners thereof �ha�.l t�e assessec? against such pr_oper.ty an� against the Yeal ar.d true o�vners thereof a:zd shall t�e a £irst and pri�r lien upon t:ze property upon which assessments are levied, except State, County, School 73istrict and City ad valorem taxes , and a pexsonal liability of the or.�ers of sai.d p.rope.rty. �bj The cost o� any im�rovnm�nts constructed th�t abut � on any �ro�e�-ty owned by the City of Grapevine sha_11 be paic� for �;� th� C;3_ty �f Gzapevi.ne. ;� (�) 4a'Y�en the im�ro�,TPments are �c�mpleted and �.c:cepted by the City of Grapevine on a particular unit, the sums assessed against the D�O�P_�ty� abuttir.g ug�n sucn complete�. and accepteci ur.i.t shall be and became payable in f�ur (4) equal .in.stallments as follaws : The First Instal�mer_t shall be c'sue and pa�rable on or before ter_ �10) days aftex- the �ate of_ the compl�tian and acceptance of such unit, and a like installment sha11 be �ue an� payable on �r bpfore one ( 1) , t�va (2) and three i3) years f rom the date of the comple- t ion anc? �ccex�tance af such unit. The entire amount assesseci against the par�icular parcels of property �ha].l bea.r interest from the �.ate af. such com�letion and acceptance of the improvements on the unit upon ��rhich the partici_�lar property ahuts at the rate of seven per�ent (7%) per annum, payahle annaally Pxcept as to interest c�n the fir.st �.nst�llment , wha-ch shall be due an� payable on the �ate sai�1 installment matures , pr,oa�i.�?ed that �ny o�niner shall h..ve the riaht to pay any an�3 a.11 a� Guch in- stallm�nts at any time �ef�r.e maturzty byr paying princi.pal, �vith the interest accrued t� the date of pa,�ment, ane? furth�r provided if �efault be mad� in �*he pay�rer.t �f ary installm�nt '�'" prom�tly as th� sane matures , then at the o�tion �f �h� Cit�.= or assicns , the enti .r.e amount of t�e assessment shal.l �� ar.d � become immediately dae and payable; but it is specifically� provic��d that _r,o asse=sm�nt sha?_1 ip any case be !�ac�e ac�ainsf any� propPrty �r an,T �cvn�r th�reo�' in excess of the sx�ecial b�n�ia_ts to t�r�Pr. ty ir th� enhanced value there�f by �nPan= of sa�_d im�Yovernents -�n the �..anit ugon �l�i�h the r,�artic:a.lar property abuts , as ascer.tainc�d at +h.e hearing nr�vided by the lava ir_ force in the Ci_t�,T, nor shall any ass�ssme::+s be made in any case unti� after notice and heari_rza �s provi.�ed by lav�T. Said assessm�nt= agai^=t the respective lot� an�l parcels c�f property an�3 t?�e owners therenf shall be evictenced by the M�.yor and�or C�_ty M�r_aa�.r in the name os the City of Grap�vine, Texas . ���'�'T?C)N �'r. The a�sessments �cainst the respectzvp lots anci parcels �f pr.opert,� and the our.�ers thereof shall b� e��a_c?encP�1 by cer_+ificates of special asses=mPnt , which sha�1 be execut�c'x '�y t.he h"ay�r and�ar �ity Manag?r i.n the namP of the Ci�y of. Gr_apevin� , Texas , anc� the ti..i.ty Sec.re�ary shall attest the same an�i i:-�press t.he corpOrat� seal Of vhe C�t�T ther��� , anc' �^which may ha.ve attacY;ed ttzeretr� cou�on= i:� evidenre �f +�e seve�al i.nstallm€�:-its , or i.n �v�_dence of any �f. the in�tallments in av�icY� thP assess�ent �_s paya�le , ""�"' which certificat�s shall �e helc? by the Cit;� of �.�a�eva.ne �.;_ as�i_qn�c�, sha11 rQcite +?�n terTn= and the tim� oi payment, th� amount of the assessmc.nt , the c�escrix�ti_on of the �rapert,T, and the name of the o��mers , a_=. far as kr_o�vrz, a�d �h�ll contai.n st�ch other r2citals as may be pertinent theret�, and shall fuzther recite substar,tiallt� t�at all praceedinus wa..th reference to the makinc� of suc� improvements have beer. Yegularly har? in c�m�liance �,vith la�v, anl:' that all_ pre- requisites to the fixinc� o_f_ tre assessment linn acainst the �ropPrt�� ;lescr�_b?d in said certificates an� the persor.al l�.ability o� the o���ners tnereof, h�.ve b�er. regexlarly had, done and performed, and such recitals shall be prima �acie eviclence of the matters sa rAcited, and no `ii.rther proo� tl?ereo� s�all be r.ev,ua_rec� in any court , and the said certi- fi_cates shall p�ov:id� su.bstantially that if. �3efault be mac'e i_� t?-ie payznent of any instaJ..lment pramptly as the same matures , then at th� c�ption af saic? City, or its assic�n= , the entir� amcu..t �f tl�,e a=ses=anent shall be and �ecame imr�e�.zately due an_r.: payal�le , to�ether ti��ith reasana��le attor��;,Ts ' fe2.j �.nd costs of collecti.on if in�urrPd, all c�; :�,-hich as w�ll a� tHe �r�ncinal anc3 �.n 4erest on ti�e �sscss- ment, sna�l be a. {irst ancl prinr lien against the prcpeYtya superzar to a]�I other. li.ens an�] c?aims excent 5tate, Counvy, �r ScY:ool �)i.�tr�c-t anc! C�-�y ad valor�m taxes . T�10 er.ror or mi>- *ake in naming any ativncr or. i.. c'�Pscrzb�_r:� any proper+y or. �_n any �ther �a�++er or +hin�, s�:all inval.i clate any �.ssessment �r a�-_,� cer_ti�ir�te iss�urd in evir':ence thereo.f, the o.�mission of improvemerits c�:i any parti.c?tlar uni� or ir. front �f any property e�,empt �l� 1a�� f�c�m tt?e ]�ien o� s;�eci.al assessment for str_eet �mProvA�nents shall r..�t i..~�vala.c�ate ar.y a=sessment levi.ee�. The cer��.Fic�`es refer.r�d ta nee�-' r.;�� con�aar recit<�ls in exac+ly the �n�or�s a'���.-e p�'�vicie� �or_ , ��# the s:ibst�nc� thereof s;^all su.ffice, anct t.e�r may ��Tlt<'?7_T: Of;�'i2Z an� a�di tional r.�citals pe�t�:��r',: ther2tc�. 5�;t"�'���N S. T?�e improve�?er.ts provided �o� `�erein sr�all �.,., __ �e ma.�e �rz�' ��n�tructpd, notice g�z�ren, heaYi:�n held ard asse�s- me:�ts le�Tie�' anc? �11 *�rc�cepdings taken and had in ��.ccor_c?an.c� wi_th an� �znder the term= of Lhe pc����.rPrs anc� r rovi.s;.�rs of C?�ant�r ln6 of +'�a� Ac+s of ��e �'i.lrst ralle� Sessi�n c�f the F�Ytieth Leczslature o� the State o` '?'Pxaa , now kno�ln as �"�rt;.c1.� 110.5'� of VeYne�n �s Tc>xa�= Civ�_1 Statutes , under which l�_w tl�.e=e nr�ceec3in�s are tak�n and h<�d, wni�.� .�ct can=titutes � ;��Y�- �f th� Charter of tre City of Grap�v�nn , T�xas . � Si.CT�TC)1'1 F. E�ch �,:ni.t a�ov� de�cYi�ef� s�all '�e ar<d c�r_stitt.xte a sePaYat� an� in��epen��en U �.zr_i_t o� im�ro�rement and � t�e a=sessr�er+ h�re:_n prnvide,d f�r shal.l. be madp for t�e im- provem�:�t� �r, c�ach un�_t acco�dir� tc� the cQst o� the. improv:�- mert� zra that una_t and accordi^c� to the benefits aris�.:�g from +he impr_ovem,nts in that unit arc3 ir.depenc�ent c�f the cost of the bennfits ari_sing .fr_c�m -�-he �ninrov�z�^nts ir. ��ny oth��_r_ u:.it. SECTIC`T�T 7. In makir.�+ assessm�nts , if the name o� t';e �:w?:e� �e �ar•k�joi-�m, it shall be s�.fficier�t to so sta+e th� �'act, ar..cl i{ ar�y proper+y be �v.med by an estate or by any �irm or cor��rations , it s?�a,ll bE suf�i.c�ent to so state , anc� it shall r.ot be ?�2CE,'SS�Zyr to give the ca.r_re�t name r�f tho otivn�r, b�.zt th� real an�. true �Un^er� of th� ta.r_og�rty mer:+ioned shall be liable a*�d t��p assessmen�s against th^ n.ronn.rty shall be vali.c�. S�C�'TON 8. Tr.e �ity Enrineer of the Cit�� �f C�rapevine , Texas , be and he is hersby �rder�d and c�irected +o fi_le ti,+.i�.+:i t?��Q Ci�;� CounciZ estimates of the cost �f such improvements in each urit . SECTI�;N 9. Th� �ity Secreta:r�� is dir_ected to prepare , and f�_le with +he Cotznty Cl�rk of Tarrant Co�.nty, Texas , a �,,, no�ice in accordan�.e �a:ith the p_rovisions of the Act �assed at the tiifth Called Session ef the Forty-FiYst Legislature of the State of Tc�xas as sho�vn as �'':an+.er 21 c�f the 11cts of Said Session, said .ct having been passed in th� year 1930, �"'"' and now being known as t�rticle 12?..Oa of V�rnon �s Texas C�vil �tatutes . SECTION 10. The f.act thar the st.reets and portzons th�reof to b� impxoved as herein �rovided arg zn need �f �eing improved with�ixt d�say creates an urgency a�d emer�en�y for th� imm�diate preser��ation of the public peace, healtr and sa�f_ety which require= that this Ordinance be passed as an emergency measur.e and that this O.rd�_nance talce ef.fect irimeclia+..ely from and a�ter. �ts passaae, and i�t is according- � ly so or�lered and ardainec?. � P��SEL :'L�1J :�1PPROVED BY TF�E CITY COUNCI'. �F� THE CITX Or GP,APE�'�NE, T�:�,'..�5 , t?�is ?7th �ay �f Septem�er, -'1_.D. , 19?7. ��` F r�2."lvS jt) ��TT��T: � � �s__ � �.� City ecret ,� APPROVf'.D :1S T(? �'ORM: �� � � City :'�ttorriey � �r�,r