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ORD 1977-047
b� r O:tDII�IAIVCE NO. 77-47 �,.N CF;DINfLN<'� :�Pr''r:GVIN� AI�T� :4�PTING Ti-I� ?��PC?�?T C��? �_T._��TrMrNT OF '?'HE �ITY �NGIN�.EP, C�F TI-�';; C,ITY CF (��?.:�:-'EVT�E �F TH� r�STI�`•'I�TES nF' THE ?'OTA.L. CC��T � OF PaVrNG t`�l�'D TM�c'?nVE1�1ENT n� P•'?RTIC�NS QF CE�?- ,�; , T�'�IN STRE�TS TN THT� CI'T'X J�' Cr�'�.�'EVTNE, TF;IAa , TO-`:vIT: ?'?-iT; �'.?FST SI?�F ��r� n.;�RK SGULEVARP F�4M l�T.[�,T. �-P:';'Y. '�'O '�`tTl_ R(�,'1�,� �ND TH�' �.��T `�TD� QF DA�'.K 3i.:V??. F{,�' ^2.56 FEET NC�R'l'H rRQi�? THE N.�;'J. H`dYY. R?GHT-C>�-:°�'41Y Lr�1�; ?�ETERMIN�NG TI-rF r'C;�TS r'F �UC?� IP�rp'?OV�'MEN'T'S ?.N� THE A'��C.IU;�TTS PEn FRr?NT FC�T P1;QPrJ�ED Tt� :3E A�SP;SSE� A�_�1-�TNST P.�UTTING PRC;PE,,TY A1Vn THE C.t:V�'d�r�� TNEr:::O�'; �',PDEF?ING E�.NJ SETTING :, I�?EARIN� 1�T 3:c�n C3�C',�'�'•CK P.r�!.. ON TNE 25TI-3 DAY �:�F` C�CTn3LR, 1�77, Iiv THF, ,^_TTY COUNCTL �OC.:M, CI'?'Y rL-�d3..i,; �:13 '�'L'�ZN STI:EET; GRAPEVII`�,'�'�_.� T��'AS , A;i T�iE T����� 4�ND i'i,r?CE �Fr?'� .�. �tJk3T,,IC �-+E.�RTN�.� OF THE R�.'�L AN1� TRUE C?+��fvT�RS �F THE PROT'ER'C'Y � , �3UT'?'T_NG UI'ON �aID �TREET� �?� CO�TCF_RNING SA7� :3`�SE:;�'�?ENT� g pnrlrEFI�iING.`; AI�T:� XM;�RC?VEMEN'''�; DI??�CT- Ii�TG THE CITY SE�'�:ZET_'�!ZY TO �IV'� r?!�TyCr �?� v�'�T� €-?��'�RING AS R�!:_>T.JIT'��n BY ?A:,r� ,'1I�T'? DEC:.�RIN(' �Z�1 EMF�:?G�NCY. ,�-�. ��� �. '�„�-?�:?�Aa, th� Ci.1=y Counci.l of tre Ci_t�� of GYap�vine has he.retc�fore orderec� th�t Pach of_ tc�� her�inaf+er c�escribe�� r�or.�:�_ons af streets i:� tt�p �:.1_tv of G.ran�vi.^e b� im�Yave�l. in accc�a:_danc�� vaith the Citv Co�.i:^czl ; anc-a ,�,�I�ER�A.S , the Cit;- �ngiz��er o� th� C;_ty� nf <;rape�,�ine has �r��ar��? arc� fi.lec� t-vi t;� th� City Cou^cil �ai� estiiY►atc� �f t�e tc�ta.l cnst of �uch i.mpro�:Temen�!-= and estimat�s or the ar�oi�nt� per frnn+ f��t proposnd to be ass�_=..s�� anainst *:�� ahutting � propp rty anc� +he o��;ne Y� t!��x-�of; aFzd, �, ., °�«.n�--Ir�pT�:>� , r�e C�.ty C!�,anr.il has he.r_etofoze c��term�red the r���nssit;J of levyinc� a:� a�spss:n�rt �.gainst th:� �ror�erty anc� the oi�vnPrs thereo.f. ab;�+tin� t.�pon +.he he.reina�te.r described stre�ts ; _ NOG•I, Tt��TZEFOR.E, BE IT Op�jaIN.F.,`? SY THE �IT`I COtJIvCIL OF TH� CITY .`�.�r G2<�P�V?NF, T�;XAS; SECTIC�N l. ?'hat the re�ort or statemeni c?f ��timates fil�� uri.th the City Council by the City �n�ineer of the City o_€ Gr.apevinP �f the total cost o.f s�kch im�.r.�trPm�n+ anc� the amounts �er f�ont f.00t pYop�sed i:o be assessed a�ainst the abiztting �xoper�y an�� the owners thereof having been r1ul�:T exam;ne�. i� her_e��� appr.ovec� anca ad�}�ted. S:.'CT7�N 2. That it is her.eby :C�ut�� and �let�rm�.n�d that the costs of improvements of the hereinafter ::i.esczibed s�reets �+.��.¢.:� ihe �snau:lts l�er fron� fo�t �roposec� to k�e ass�ssed i or sach impr�veme7�s arainst abuttin!; praperty an,� ti,� c�v,rners the�en� are as fol�ot�irs , t�-.+%ita L?N3�' �TP,EET STr?T�nT Ci?�R �,; TQ'►'�`�I,, r rj?'+',;a.F Tx�,:) �iT 7';�'rt?P rtio. �: I ,�-�2�7,Our7. l? $12.,73£�.0�? .��2_�,531.7" y3'�,2�?O.�fJ I� i.s ;_,ro�oce�l that t'=:� adj�in;_n� prnn�r;:y o�^rnQr.s be ass^ss�c� as fol.lotArs ; :�or �'.ront ::urr� and �ut�er 6 ,�95 I,i:�eai fe�t ;'; ,;^.6S �ew font ---- $25,53� .7� }� . ------- r'lznount �f estim�zte to b� nai� bZ� the Ci+y of GrapeLr�.n� , Texas---------------------- 12,73�3.n�i ??m�unt nf �stimate +a '�e �s�e�sed ��ai.n=t abt�tt:_n7 ynr�per.ty �[41?";PY'5-------------- 25,5�1.75 SFC'T'?.ON 3. Tha-�: a hearyng sha]_1 be c�iven to s�.id o�njn�°r� o-� �.buttin� prGperty an� all persans irt��rPs+..ed i.� s�ic� ��tt�r as to t�� bene=�f.its to sai c: nYcperty ?�y rcaso� .n� sawd irnprov�m�-.r:t� , or any other_ rr�atter. or thi.ng in connecti�z: ther�i��ith, v�rtiich �zear.in� , shall bo held r��fore tL.e C�_�yT C'ouncil n{ the Cii:�,- c�� G��nev�_ne , '?'wxas , in t�ie Cit;,� Co:.�..acil �hamber, City }3a11, 413 ?7ai:� St_r_e�t , ��a��-.;;:ae, Texas , �;: �. , 8:�0 P..h1. on the ?5�th ��ay o� r?�t�Y��x�, 1977, at �^��z��� t�r;e �1�1 !JE �'r�i'� G[?'i�,F'.YS � w�'2�'�..� c7^y2Y?�S OY ut:tOT'.^.F?y'S Or C+hs?,r' j_�?tc�7'�St£'�i �e;-s;�r.� a.�e not:tf ie�� t� appear a.nc? �e ?:.�arc-? , �nc said a�ear�_r:r� �"`� sha.l�. be a�journPd i��.�: �'a.;r to �a;T un til fu?�ly accc�m�J ishe�. Surh h��ar�.na t� �e h��l� �.:r.de� the act pass�d �.t th�� �'i:cs'� Cr-;ll�ci :>e�si.nr. o{ �h� Forti.eth :.���s�a�?�:�e �� th� Stat� of '� .=? + � �l�?�� i.F?t:� • �.�r' ?�'Si v�3.�.�.=,.-� �aS=l�:t� Pd�� ���� EX3� � C �_S �._ �7' 37 �hai t�r �'�f• , alGo k��=o�vr as _'�rti.cle 1.?05�� o{ Ve�non�s 're�as Ci t-�.l ��a+ut�s . .� . k '� :���TIt?N �. The Cit,� Sec.r.etary of the City �� G.r.npe��in� is hereb;r di.re�te�l �o ri�.�n notice of the t�_m� an� place of s�ch h�ar�ng an<.� �� n�h�r_ matter� anc� �'a�ts i_n accoreian.ce �A�i �h tha +..�r:-�� ar.ca rrn�>i_sicns of the act �asseci at ttae First Call.��' Sp�sion af the �nrti_�tn. Le,:.sl��:��.r.c�• of the �tat� of TPX4S , '��cts 1�27, �-0th i�.^, . , �ir.Gt Calloc? , Pa�e 489, Ch�;�t�r 105 , als� k:.n�vr as :?rti�le l.l�n�r af Ver:^on �s 'r�xas C'a.vi.l Stat-w�es . <',�'r"rIG�? 5. 'I'he fact that the st�ee+s a��l p�rti_or.s . <.,.,�_ �, there�f to b� ir:~�prave�? as hc�rein provi.ded aze in n�e.� of bei_n3 improvec-1 without delay �reates ar. uv�ency anc em�rgency� ;�,:� for the imm�c�i.ate pr�cPx_vation o� th� p�;;�hlic peace , h�al�h ��:�� saf�t;r ivt��_ch r�qu�.r�s that this Or�in�n�..n �-,e passed �n an emerg2ncy measure ard �h;�.t tni� C�r�inance takP ef�Fect f.r_ozn and �.fter its �assage, anc: �_t is �.ccoxdincly =o orciered anc?. oz:c�ained, _ PASSEI? AN� �?PP�>.,C?`,��L� BY THE C�ITY C:UNCI�. OF TNE CITY O� GR:�PTVINE, TEY,�'1�, t:�is 27th day� oT Segtem�er, :'1.J. � 1977. �-- M'� ����. .�'TTi:ST: . ^ � CITY cECf AR �-,� APPROVED .�5 TC� F'C�`�P�i• ��____��.a:.� CTTY �'?'T�'�NE.Y �-.. io�:;�