HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1977-014 ORDINANCE NO. 77-14
An Ordinance by the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas,
approving Resolution No. 74-59 and 74-60 of the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional
Airport Board, which amend Resolution No. 71-172 (known and adopted as the
Code of Rules and Regulations of the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport), pro-
� " viding for the amendment of Section 2 entitled "Traffic Control Installations"
by amending $ection 2 relating to "Airport Security"; Providing for the operation
of the code only within the bounds of the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport;
Providing for the retention of the sovereign and proprietary authority of the City
of Grapevine; Providing a Penalty, a Severability and Savings Clause, and de-
claring an emergency. A breach of the terms of this Ordinance will subject the
violator to the infliction of a penalty by a fine not to exceed Two Hundred
Dollars ($200.00) per day and each day of violation shall be considered a separate
� The full text of such Resolution is on file in the principal office of the •
Board located at Administrative Offices, East Airfield Drive, Dallas-Fort Worth
Regional Airport, Irving, Texas, where the same may be read by any interested
party and on file in the office of the City Secretary of the City of Grapevine,
Section 1 . That the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas does
hereby adopt and approve Resolution No. 74-59 of the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional
Airport Board, which amends the Code of Rules and Regulations of the Dallas-Fort
�,: .
Worth Regional Airport (adopted by City of Grapevine Ordinance �72-40), which
resolution provides for the amendment to Section 2, Chapter 2 entitled "Traffic
�� Control Installations" in its entirety, a copy of which Resolution is attached hereto
and incorporated herein as if copies in its entirety.
Section 2. That the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas does
hereby adopt and approve Resolution No. 74-60 of the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional
Airport Ba�rd, which amends the Code of Rules and Regulations of the Dallas-Fort
Worth Regional Airport (adopted by City of Grapevine Ordinance #72-40), which
resolution provides for the amendment to Section 2, Chapter 2 by adding paragraphs
(b) and (c) in �ts entirety, a copy of which Resolution is attached hereto and
��; - i ncorporated herei n as i f copi es i n i ts enti rety.
Section 3. That the Code of Rules and Regulations of the Dallas-Fort
� Worth Regiona) Airport shall only be effective within the bounds of the Dallas-
Fort Worth Regional Airport which bounds are within the City of Grapevine.
Section 4. Provided however that nothing herein shall be deemed to waive,
abbrogate or surrender the sovereign governmental power and authority and pro-
prietary ability of the City of Grapevine to pass ordinances, to exercise its police
power, and perform all necessary governmental and proprietary functions within
the City Limits of the City of Grapevine, which City Limits presently encompass
a part of the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Airport.
Section 5. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council
� of the City of Grapevine that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and
phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence,
� paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional such
unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining phrases,
clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or sections of this ordinance, since the same
would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this
ordinance of any such unconstitutional or invalid phrase, clause, sentence,
paragraph or section.
Section 6. The fact that the present Civil and Criminal Code of the
City of Grapevine, Texas, does not adequately regulate conduct at the Airport
�,,,,� creates an emergency that this ordinance shal I become effective from and after
its passage as the Charter in such cases provides.
GRAPEVINE, TEXAS, on this the �day of yy� �,,� , 1977.
, ` p � � - ��';��.
///i- .-" �., /� ' _
City $ecretary
�,; ;,
City Attorney
�, :n
� - � �soLU�rION �To. ��-60 � .
• . � .
"SECTION 1 . That Chapter Five of the Code of Rules and Regu��tions of the
Dall�s-Fort 1Vorth Regional Airport Board, dated Septerr.ber, 1971 , being
� Board Resolution i�Io. 71-172, entitled "Procedures" be amended by deleting
and repea ling Section 2 thereof, entit:ed "Airport Security" , so that such
Section shall her�after read as follov�s: - �
° � - 'Section 2. �rport Security _ ' • _
. • � '(a) Airport Police. The primary responsibility for police, �
�"� � ' fire and health security and for the enforcement of regulations ,
. ' and fo� the performar.cz of inspectio^s and services vJithir. the
� • boundaries of the Da11as-Fort �ti'orth P.ecional Airport sha11 be
- . - � vested in the Dalias-Fort VJorth Regional Airport Board ar,d in .
•' • � the Polic� force ar.d such health officers as may from time to .
- ' .' - . time be duly appointed and commissioned as such officzrs by
� . . . the Dallas-Fort 1�11orth Regional Airport Board . .� _
� � � .. . - '{b) Special Officers . The Exzcutive Director, or the : -
� person, officer cr e�ployee design=�t�d '�y hi;n shall h3V2
' .. � fhe authority to appoint Special O�i�cers fo: specitic �uties
' . � . at the Airport upon the follo��,ing con�itions: _ - - :
- � � � _� • � . _ '�{1) The ab�Iity, backrrounc� , mo:al charaGter, ex-
. _ � " - perience and other pnr�inent infcr::z�tien re?a�ing to each ac�Ii- �
� : _ : . - cant for sucn position shall be investicated �y tnz Chief of tr,e �
. : � �cpartment of Public Safety of the Airport. Such invzsfiyation
� �` "� '� � may be conducted as deemed necess?ry and any questionnaires
. ' ' � or information�l forms may be required to be completed by �he . .
. - .-�PPlicant prior to appointnen�; . . ' - � . . . �_ `
�;r. . . . . .
• - "�2j There is hereby fix�d z iee of fifty dollars ($50)
" � - - for the issuance of a perrr2it to any firm, person or corpora�ien
furnishing Special Officers far operation at the Regional Airport
and a' fee of ten dollars ($10) for the issuancz of each p?rmit �
' issued to a Special Officer, which shall be collected by the _
• � Department of Public Safety of t�e Dallas-Fo;t �"�'o:tn P,�gional � -
. Airport Board at the time of the issu�nce of such Perrnits; . '
� •(3) The Special Officers' authority to ca;ry arms _
� sh�Ii be restricted to definite premises and at prescribed
' . ` - locations;
�:�N .
. �` `' ����__ __- _-1 ____ . • .. _ _ _- �_ -i •
� � ' who may c�quire any and all necessary v„itten or oral re�o:-ts on
, a periodic basis from such Special O_ficers; the requi;ed pEria3 •
of traininq Lo: suc'� Saecial Oifice:s sl:a�l not be less th�n th�t
require�i by the or�inances of the cities of Dallas and Fort ti"✓orth
- whicnever is greater; . . . •
' � '(5) The appointments of Special Officers by the Executive .
Director s�-�all be made in cor.formance v�ith all applicable la�vs ,
ordinances and Administrative Rules relative ihereto; - �
. '
'(6� The ap�ointments of Special Officers shall be revok-
� able by the E:�ecutive Director upon t?�e recomm�nuation of the
Chief o` the •i�. epartment of Public Saf��y, or such other lesser
disciplinary action rnay be taken as the Executive DirEctor shall dEem
necessary.` � �
�. _ . _ . .. _ .
"SECTIO�T 2 . That the pravisions of this Resolution shall �e deemed to
be severable, and if any of th� Sections , paragraphs , sEntences , clauses ,
ghr�scs or �vords oi tnis Reso�vtior. snall bE neld to be invalid o: uncon-
. stiiutional by th� judgmen� or decree of.any cour� of compet`nt �u::sdiction,
- such holcir.g snall not aifect any of the remain�er of this Resolution, and " .
_ the rer:aining po.tions thereof shail b� unaffected fherEby and bz in full
� _ force and effecto . � - _�
'-� "SEC�I^�T ' T::=} �r.y r�rso^, firm �: ccrncra_io:~i who s?-��11 p�r�o-m or �
�./a �J• u 1, u
atter,��t to oFrf�rm �ny of the duties of Special U`fice: �vithin the cenfin�s
of thE Airport tivitraut co:nplyin.g �vith �he terms o� this Resol��ion shall bE
• . deEmed guilty o� a misdemeanor, and Lpon co:�viction shall bc punish�d by
a fin� not t��ExcEed tcvo hundiEd dol3ars ($200) , ar.d each day sucn violation
' shall continue shall b� a separaie off�nse. .
"SECTIO�T 4.� That this P.esalution shall. take effect upon approval by O;dinaaces
� of the City Cauacils of Dallas and Fort Worth. " � _ . '
�: . - . - . . . .
. - � . STATE OF TEYAS . � . - � - � . -. .. . . � . - _ _ .
COUi�T� OF DALLAS " � =• - � �- ' ' : � _
� ' COUI�rTY OF TARRAI�iT . .. .
� I, Geneva I�II. Duncan, Staff S�cretary of the Dai_las/Fo:t VJorth
• Regianal Airpc:C Bo3rd do here�y certify tt��at th� above and ' -
� fo:egoing is a t:uc and ccrrEct co�y of RESOLUTIOi�t NO. ?�-60 �
� � Adopted by th� Dall�s/Fort `'Jorth Region�l �lirpo:t Eoard on �
january 8 , 19�4 .
- DAT,I.f>;/I'CZT 1�.�C��:Tf: RrC iO;:r,? �IP.?C!:T EO;RD,
this the 25 d:y o� J�r.�.:aryA .i�. 1?i� .
. r__..�-��-�-�..�-�,..f _
. . r�--���.�..�.____�__: • .
- StafE Scccet�ry
Dall�s/f'ort ��, ort!-i Rec�i��r.�l llir�ort' Boa;d
.-,x._._ -- -
- � t RESOLUTION NO. 74 -59 � - �
B .
"SECTiOti' l . That Chapter 11vo of The Co�c of Rules and Regulations of the �
- Dallas-Fort Zr✓orth Regional �lirport Board, Cuted September, 1971 , being
go��ri �tesolution I`o. 71-172 , entitled "Re9ulation of Vehicl�s" , b� amended
by ac;ding P�ragr�phs (b} an3 (c) to Section 2 thereof, entitled "Traffic ControZ
Installations" so t}iat such Section sh�ll hereafter read as follo�•�s:
�,� :� � 'Section 2. Traffic Control Installations � _
" '(a} It shall be unlar:ful to diso�ey any traffic cor�trol de-
� .� vice� sign, signal, mar�:ing or insignia erected, install�d or '
_ placed by authority of ihe Airport Eoard. This shall apoly,
�. ti��hen appiic�ble, to both vehicular and pedestrian traf�ic.
� Insofar as possible, all such devices , signs , signals , mar-
kings or in�ic�nia shall conform to �he Manual and Specifica-
. � tions adopt�d by the State Highway Ccmmission of the StatA _
of Te>_as , as set forth in Sections 29 �nd 31 0� Ar�icle 6701d .
� of thc fi�vised Civil St�tutes of the S�ate of Texas . . �
- . . _ i`(b) Excep� for s;�zed lirnit siqr.s, all firaffic con�rol de- .
� Vl.^.L'S� S1C,�T1S, sign�ls , mar':).t1CyS �cTlC3 1:7S1CjTlld GS p:"GSC:1t1S'
� Iocated, erected or ;r.st,ll�? on t}:� �r2t71�S�S of the TJallas-
: � . � Fo�-f: �f�'orth P.�gional �1�irport, are hereby adopted,�affirmeci and
- ' - . � ra�ified. Her�aiter, the �xecutit�e Director, or the persan,-
- � �officer or employee desir,nated by him, shall conduct studies
-. and investiga�ions relating to all such traffic contrc�l devic��, --�
� '� ' si�ns, signals , mar}.�ngs �nd ins;�nia , and in acco:dance �•ri�h
�� � . such sfudics and deterr;iin�tions shall make slich char_ges as
. �are deemed necessary in the in�eres� of traffic safety< Such - _
. �•changes, ��,rhen effecte�, shall b� entered upon an official map
`� or dra��ring either by words and/or by legend, vlith the not�tien:
- "Change effective cn , 19 (date) , and -
certi f ied by (na me a nd tii:�L of
� desiqnated person, officer o: employee) . " .
� " 'Provided, ho�vever, the delegation of authority }:erein
� granted s)i�Il not e}:tend to establishing or chariging s�eed � .
� . limits, �v}�eti�cr ma>:imu�n or minimum, but s�me sll�ll be
- �- -- --est3L�li�I�ec3 by thc Board according to �he reqt�irem`nts of �
� Sfiate Law �s delec,ated to cities by Legislati�•e enactment. �
�: ., � • ,
� _ '(c) Based upon the authority vested in the Cities of '
Dallas and Fort Wor-th by Scctions 169(b) and 170(�) of
Article 6701d of Vernons l�nnotated Civil St�tutes ; the speed
limits upon the streets , v�•ays , passages �nd vehicular � . '
routes.�vithin the bound3ries and canfines of the Dallas- � .
- Fort �Vorth R�gional Airport are set, affirmed and ratified �
as sho�vn on the map o: plat attached heretc�, and as de-
scribed in the attachment. . '
'In compli�nce and in obedience to the above authority,
-��,;#_ . the I7allas-Fort Wo:th R�gional Airpo� 3oard has determined
upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation �
that the prina f�cie maximum s�eed limits herein set forth -
��.,:,�, are reason�Dle znd safe under the conditions found to exist at
� all intersections and o�her places and upon any part of the .
� � airport road�•�ay systern, having ta}�en into consideration the
width an� condition oi the pavement and other circumstances •
. on such portions of said airpor� roadway system as �vell as
. the usual �raiiic spe�d limits �hereat and thereon, tvhich
limits �vhen appropriate signs giving notice thereoi �re
- . � �erected shall be ef�ective at any such intersection or ather � .
- place or part of thE airport roadtivay system at all times .
� during hours of dayli�ht or darkn.ess� or �t such otner ta.mes �
� as may be de�ermined.' � . � . • � - �
"SECTIOiV 2. Th3t �he pT�avisions af �his P.esolution shall be deemed to be
" severabiz, and if a:�y of the Sections , paragraphs , sentences , clauses,
� phrases or��Jords of this Resol�.�tion shall bz held �o be invalid or uncon-
stitutional by �h6 judg;r�nt or decree o� zny court oi competent ju�isdiction, �
sucn hold�ng shall not affect aay of the remainder of this Resolut:en, and the
�, remaining portions thereof shall be unaffec�ed thereby ar�d be in full fo.ce and
effect. � � .. � � _ - � � . _ _
�„;,� "SECTION 3. Tha� any person, firm or corporation wha sh�ll violate sub�
paragraph (a) hereof shall be deer:ied guil�y of a miscemeanor, �nd upon con-
viction sh�ll be p�:nished by a fine not to e�ceed t�•ro hundred dallars ($20Q) ,
and each day such vialation shall continue shall be a separa�e offense. .
"SECTIOiJ 4 . That this Resolution shall tai:e e�fect upon approval by th� City .
� Councils of Dailas and Fort `�Vorth." � ,
��. �
. STAT� 0� �:�.115 .
- CG'vi:TY 0�` D�„i,L�S � . .
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COli:tTi 0� T..hx;.f��1 -
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