HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1976-014 (�l:l )11�'�"� ;��t '1•: ':O. 76-14 �t� N Ultl )1:�:'� 1�:��1? ,���i��ii-:T�I)1;�'�� "I 1�1 I .I�: '�, ( ;lli+l'�1 1=R 3 ��1� '113E �;l"1 Y (;(�l�l: Ol; (�RAI');V]T�'l;, "11-:`;i'�S, 1�Y ]:1=(;ULA'1 11��G '1131: Sl')�.1=.1� Ol� V)'.l 31( ;T�1':S (�N CONTROL 363-1 and 364-1 STATE HIGHWAY 121 (BUSINESS) TARRANT COUNTY � PROVII�Ii�'(� I�UIZ '1lll; lZl-;l'I;AT, Ul� (_;(�N1�1�1(��1 lN(, (�l11�11�',�1�C�}; 1'IZC�\'1Sl(�NS A1�'l� 1;OR "l I�l? Rl:l'1=A1� Ol� (;Oi�1;I.1(�"1 IN(� P}ZUVJSIUNS Ol� "11�1? CI"1 Y (�(�1)1? C�l� vlZl�l'1:V1N1?, '1�1,;�'AS; YIZUV1llIN(; 1�OR SI(�NS; 1'I�ZOVlll1NG I�OR A 1'l�i�'A1�1 Y; p}�U��II�li�G 1�OK A SAVII�GS CLAUSI�; ANI� )�l?CT ARING AN I:M l�?RG)�,NCY. � � BE 1"1- ORDA INEll BY "1 I�}, C1'1-Y COUNCII, OF "�I� ]� C1"1 Y OF GRAl'I;VINE, '1 }�;XAS: ' � SEC"1 10N l, That '1 itle 9, C�hapter 3 of the City Code of Gsap�vine, 'rexas, be, ��nd t�he sai�ne is hei-�by arnel�c3�d by acj��in; rtle fo]]o,�.�in� par�graph: "S�.�eed great�er t�,an 'i1�E >>r',slc�?���1'�D O rniles per l�our � on des��natcd st reets i�ot rea sonable and prudent. " � ilpon tl�e basis of an �n�rinc���rin� ai�d traffic inv�sti�atioll sub��nitt�d to the City Council, the City Council hereby finds and d�tennines that a inaximum prirna facie speed limit h�retofore set for a public street, ra3�j«�ay or h�bh�vay set forth below in the City of Grapevine, `r�xas, is not reasonable or prudent under the conditions found to exist in the City of Grapevine, Texas, at said � . 1 � location, therefore, the City Council hereby finds, determines and declares that � � ���hcn no special hazard exists that�rc-quires a lo�'.er sp��d for co�npliance ���ith the pTovi�ions of this ordinance �nci�or the ]��,'s of the Stat� of Texas, no person s}�al] uperate or dri�e aliy ve1>jcle on the public streets, road��.ays or high��.�a}�s set forth Y�elo�,v in tl�e CitS� of Gra��c�vine, "rexas, at a �rcater specd than fifty-five _ � 55 ) 11��1�s per hour, ui�l�ss othcr��✓ise provided by this ord�inance or subs�quei�t ordinance, ai�d any spc�d in excess of fifty-f_ive _ ( 55 ) iniles per l�our, unless other�,�ise pr�vided by tl�is ordinance or sub�equ� nt ordin��nce, sl�all be prii��a facie evidcnce that tl�e �pced is not r��aso»able or pruc3cnt and is unl����f��l. <<, � .',�;;t:-.�1 _�u�-1 �0�+-1 �:,-i21 (�;;��::>1.,;��ss) , T„i-�..;�t C.��r„ty 3� i i��1�1 �'t:�:i:i(�:1 �vti;-��.6 l�0ili:�i`:.''�'�i, llli=�1 1.1_I�i1Lo Oi: ��."ii)CV1�1C � ilOii-i-�C:Si=C11�1 2. 1•'�9 ���lilcs �o StaLio:1 400;-00 (P���prox. 11G0' Sc���:�����es� oi SI>-114 at 55 ;ri�cs ;c� h��u�. b) ��.�n S�;,�ioa 40G;-00 no�ti��c:s���rly 0.6,��2 �-.ilc to Str.;t;�on 43G�-00 (�^.-;,�,rox. � 7?0' Sot:�i,w�st oi �'::-1_57) r�t 45 ;;�iies p:�r hour. � � C� . IOi�:. 5��:�1011 �r�v-�-�0 110���1�'�S�C��ly �,5�+� TI:.ZL' �O 5��:�101: ��O�r-�fi� 170"L�CI� l'�:;�i:l ly G.S�+� i�ll_iC �O Si-�ii:l.0i7 ��0�'r�5� �lii�CiSi'_CL1.Gi1 W1_�il Si�ll� LG3 3:1Ci ..si:Z St.) at 30 �:�ilus per ;;�;�r. c) :ro:;l Stat�o.� ��u!r-,-50 .�or�i:erly 0.472 r�lile to Station 1002�-50 (I��tersection �•:_�;7 T�OOi J02� u� 3� )i111C.'S i��L 1lOUt'. e) rror.l Sta�ion i097�S7 (I��ersec�ion wi�h Loop 332) northeasterly 0.324 ;;:iic to Stat�on 1115:00 at 35 �,�,�l.�s per l�our. z) :ro.:� St�.cion 1115-;00 no��::east��ly 0.�79 :;��1� to S�at�_on i135-;-00 (A���rox. 1315 ' So�:�i��west o� Gr�;�uvine I,�lce :d.) a� 45 r.��les p�:r hour. . o) rro:: S�a�ion 113�=,-0G ::ort'��:�5��rly 2.2u9 :;�iles �o S�acion :2�4-�0 � , ,_y Lir,e) �.\OY��E�Si: C.li=y L�,�.�i,S OL l��a�i:V1i�� � c.�1S0 1�_.:i�.:ii:-:Jd1�uS �'.OLi:1i. • a� �5 :i111�.5 ?�Y .:Ou�. ,`�1'�� � ���},'V� 7. � �IJ •`� (11 ��711�:!1��(' ) 1:j��(':3�.`� 1�](_).`;C' j�i �!'�') ` ;�_';)S� �3llfj � >!1��� 7�1(:`.� 7• .• . l�r�����i �,i�_�n�, ��f r3)l ��i ���r:� �i��r,s ,�i�� :;� �:ti��i�s ��t il��� (�ity (,�-�,)�� ��f (�� ,����;-vi���, 'l ��x�s, �i� c��n;7i�:C �,�-ith the ��ro�>j �;iuns l���reuf, 1�i�t :.1�,�)l i» ;�o ����y rc���r�al ,�n�� 1>> o�,ri��u,�s ,• , nf ��1y o� ui����n��c or �;�:'c�i��» vf tl�c (�ity (�o��c uf �r,�l��_��->>>c, '1-�a:�s, ���;t�l�li��l>>»; a "S��h��ol I��ne" in :�n � r�°�3 cov�.i �-�� 1�y il�i�� ��r�ji�;�;;�_�c, � �:�� S):C�1 1(�N 3. �lhe City T,i,���,��;cr is h�-i ��}�y ��� 1 : c��r�cj t �� �-�use al�pi�,��la:�Ce �i�;ns io be posted �t l��� son�b]e ��,t��l����ls to.��p��lise rhe ��ublic ��f ti��e :��t_���d liin�t and �ive �hel�» no�i�.e �l��re��f. � S}?C'l�l(�N 4. l�ny person vioJa�>>1� or fa�]ing to co�l-�ply �u�th any pi-ovisio»s of �his or�;inance s1�all be fi»��d upo�1 conv�ct��n not ]��ss ih��n �ne )�o]]ar (�1 . 00) nor mor� i)�an `1-wo i�i�n�;rc-� )�ollars (�200. 00), SI:C"1-lON 5, It is herc�by dcclar�d to be the in��nr�on of rhe (>>ty Council �- i � of thc Cit}� of Grapevine, "Icxas, tl�at t}�� sec�ions, paza�ra�hs, scntc-�ces, cJauses and ��hlasc�s �f this �rc�inance ale sevel�able �nd if a»y phlase, c7ause, s�n�cnce, para�raph or s�ction here��i should b� c�r_cJa7cd unc�>nstit��r;nnal, snch uncanstitutionality or i����al��ity si�all not aff�ct an�� of the rel�naininb pl�rases, claus�s, s�ntences, paragraphs or scct�ons of this ordinance, since rhe same �:�eu7d h�ve bcen el�actF�d �y t_he C�ity Council ���iil�out the inco� porat�on in this orc3inance of any such unco»s��iutional or invalid phrase, clause, sel;tence, pazagl-aph or scctSon, • S}�C;'110N 6_ "1� he fact ii;at ti�at the C�ty Co_je �f Gr�p�v�ne, "lexas, � - • and oih� r orui„?r�c�s and re�uJat�����s of ti�e Ci��� of Grape��ine, "r�xas, are (� i��ad�quate to control the s�e�d of vei�icles ���itl�in �he co��po� ate liinits of the i 1 • r � � ' City of Gr�pcvine, Tcxas, creatt�s an cm�1-�cncy ,or the in�mediate presez��at�on of th� public bizsi_ncss , pr_o��eri.y, heal_t=h, safety, and gen�ral welfare of the pl.zbl� c w}Zich r�qui_res that t.his ordi.nanc� shall become effect.iVe frc�m �3nd after the date of its passage as pr.ovi_d�d by the Charter of the City of � Gr_apevin�, `rexas, and it is accordingly so ordai_ned. PASSFD AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Grapev.ine, T�xas, this the /,;�-" day of — `_��-_� , 19 _j�. ,, � f - ; � ,� MAYOR ^ ATTEST: , CITY SECRE` RY y APPROVED AS TO FORM: . .. � � .:�, ;.;k ,. � , ' »,, . Q sC_ CITY ATTORNEY ,`� ,