HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1974-020 ORDINANCE N0 . 7�-ZG AN OAflINANCE CLOSING, ABANDONING AND VACATING A PORTION OF AN UNNAMED STREET IN THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TE�AS, AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED; ANO DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the owners of property abutting "Unnamed " Street in the City o� Grapevine, Texas , have requested the �,:�, rigf-it-o�-way of "unnamed" Street, as I-iereinafter described, be closed, abandoned and vacated; and �` WHEREAS, the right-o�-way of said street as hereinaf ter described is not now needed for upblic street and will no-t be needed in the future for a public street; and WHEREAS, the closing, abandoning, and vacating the right- of-way of said street will relieve the City of Grapevine, Texas, �rom the cost snd expense of maintaining said property : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GFiAPEVINE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That the right-o�-way known as "unnamed" street more particularly described as follows : BEGINNING at an iron in the Southeast corner of Lot 6, in the Ellis Subdivision, as recorded in Vol . 388D, Page 499 DRTC; THENCE North 0 degrees 30 minutes West 164 feet to an iron in the Northeast corner o� Lot 3 of said Ellis Subdivision ; THENCF�NB�-3Z��39 �Fee-t to an iron in the Northwest corner of the tract of land deeded to E.C. Osborn � - as recorded in Vol . 2914, Page 235 DRTC; THENCE South O degrees 30 minutes East 165 feet to an iron in the Southwest corner of a tract of � � land deeded to Harold Young as recorede ih Vol . 4891 Page 348, ORTC; THENCE West 39 �eet to tl-ie PLACE OF BEGINNING. be, and the same is hereby closed, abandoned and vacated for public use, and the same is hereby closed, abandoned and vacated insof ar as all public right, title and interest in and to said described portion of said right-of-way is concerned, subject to and centingent upon the owner o� abutting property removing and relocating any exis-ting City of Grapevine utilities into a city easement to the satisf action and approval o� the City Manager of tf-ie City of Grapevine. SECTIDN 2. That the Mayor , be, and is hereby authorized to execute a Quit-Claim Deed to convey the hereinafter des- cribed property to the owners of the property abutting said right-of-way, who have of�icially declared by af�idavit t�iat they each are the right�ul Fee owners of th�c :right-of-way vacated and abandoned by this ordinance and that tl-iey know of no otl-ier parties wf-io own property abutting said rigl-it-o�- way. �"" SECTION 3. That the terms and provisions oF this ordi- nance shall be deemed to be severeble and that i,f the validity of any section , subsection, word, sentence or phrase shall be i-ield to be invalid, it sl-iall not a��ect tl-ie remaining part of this ardinance. SECTION 4. The Fact that right-of-way of said street is no longer needed by the public for public usage or traveling V�'HEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the zoning change, that the public demands it, that the public interest clearly requires the amend- . ment, that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and, � WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, does find that the change in zoning lessens the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers ; promotes health and the general welfare; provides adequate light and air; prevents the over-crocvding of land; avoids � ° undue concentration of population; facilitates the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and ather public requirements; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas , has determined that there is a necessity and need for this change in zoning and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the property requested for a change since this property was originally classified and therefore feels that a change in zoning classification for the particular piece of property is needed, is called for, and is in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the City of Grapevine, Texas, and helps '"� promote the general health, safety and welfare of this community; NOW� THEREFORE� � _� . �*�•�� � BE I`r OR�AIItED BY TI� CITY Ct�JBiCII, OF T� CITY 4F E�II�APT�VII�E� TEXAS: S8CTI08 l. That Ordinance No. 70-10, a Zoning Ordinagce oP the City of Grapeviae, Texas, passed on April 7, 1974, be, arad the same is amended and changed in tl�t the use of the Yollowi�tg described propert�, to-wit; BEII� all that certain traet or parcel oF land out o� the 1�orth portion of a �1$.1�F acre tract of laad out of the He.irs of A. Foster Survey, Tarrant County� Texas, conveyed by W. D. Deacon, et al, to Dellwood Developament Compa�y by deed dated �,:� May 17, 19�, and recorded in Vol. 2713, Page �t?4, of the DeeB Reaords of Tarrant Cocinty, Texas, aarl being aare parti- > cularly described as follows� to-wit: � BEa�G at an iron rcd in the present South line of the Keller-Grapevine Road, said poiat bting 676.3 varas West and 1�.2 varas Sottth of the N. E. coraer of Heirs of A. Foster Surv�y; T�CE S. 1° 28' E. 35�•9� �• �o an iros rod for corner; TI�[CE S. 88° 02' W. 291.5 ft. to the begi.nning ot a circular curve to the right; said curve hav3ag a central angle of ?3° E)8' and a xadiva of 25 f t.; TF�TCE in a Northwesterly dire¢�ion alattg �he arc ot said cuxv� to the right 31.9 ft. to the end of said curve; THENCE N.18�50' W. b8.5 ft. to the 1�eginning of a circular ac�rve to the right, said curve having a central angle of 51°59' and a radius of 25 ft.; THk�1(� in a Northeasterly directioi along the arc of said curve to the right 22.7 ft. to the end of said curve; �C� �t. 33° 09' E. 23.i8 �t.; T�1Cg PT. 27° 22t g. i79.22 t't. to the beginnir�g of a circular ���: curve to the right, said curve having a central angle o� 61° 39' and a radius of 150 t't.; T�HCE in a 14ortheasterly directioa along the arc oY said curve to the right 160.fi �t. to t he end of said curve; T�BTCE N. 89° Ol' E. 100.2�► ft. to the POINT OF BEGIP1�tIY+iQr= a�d cor�taining 2.26 acres af la�ad, more or less. � and woUld create a hardship or bUrdeh upon the City of Grape- vine to keep open and maintain such street creates an urgency and an emergnecy for the immediate preservation of the public health, sa�ety and general welf are which requires that this ordinance shall take e�fect immediately from and a�ter its passage and it is accordingly so ordained. �� PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF � GRAPEVINE , TEXAS , this the _�� day of ` ��C.- , 1 974. � � % �- ,1" :', . . _ ,� 1>f i"�_.r MAYOR ATTEST � // �/'.%"j�{ . �'/i/L/f�� /YJ���1 C TY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: /�...��._� - % ,,,�,� CITY ATTOFiNEY � ��