HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1972-001 C}RDINANCE NO. ��-1 A.n ordinance to be known as the Grapevi�e Electrical Code; by providing scope of the provision and purpose entertained; providing definitions; praviding far licensing and registration of electricians and setting standards for qualifications and procedure for regzstrations; praviding for a Ck�ief Electri.cal Inspector and defirzing duties; setting fees ; providing for examination; provzdi.ng for license renewal; � providing for revocation of license, providing far license and registration of contractors; providing for inspection of work perfarmed; requiri.ng surety bond, exempting certain classes of persans from the *� purview of the ardinance; providing for the approva2 of equipment; pro- viding exceptions fram xegistratian; providing for temporary license; „�„�, providing for the creation of an electri.cal board, defining pawers and � duties; pxaviding sta.ndards far examinations; providing :Ear an appeal from decision of Ckaa.ef Electrical Inspector; provicling for permits and inspec�ion; persc�ns qualified to obtain permits; providing for permit fees and billing of fees; providing classes of permits, pxoviding �or revoca�ion of permits; providing for inspection and reinspection of work done under this ordinance; providing far a Certi�icate of Appraval; providing Condemnation of Work; praviding far Appeal of Work Candemned; provida.ng rules af installatian; pzoviding an exception for certairz areas; providing a penalty; providing a savings clause; providing � authority far interpretatian; declaring an emergency and providing for the repeal of all ordinances in co.nflic� with the provisians of this ordinance. Praviding for effective date of same to be J�nuary 4, 1972. Now, therefore, be i� axdained by the City Council of the City af Grapevine, Texas; CHAPTER I �;-- TI TLE AND SCOPE { � SECTION IOI-1 SHQRT TITLE � This oxdinance shall be known as "Th;e Grapevine Electrical Code" and may be cited as such, a�d is referxed to in this ordinance as this code. SECTIt�N 101-2 PURPOSE The purgose af this code is the prac�ical safe-guarding of persons and of buildings and their contents, from electrical hazards arising from the use of electricity for light, heat , pawer, radio, television, signaling and fox all a�her puxposes, SECTIC?N 101-3 SCOPE A. The provisions of this ardinance shall apply ta all installa.- tions of/and work done an electrical conductors, fittings, devices , inotors, appliances, fixtures and apparatus herein after referred to as �telectrical equipmenttt, witk�in ar on public and pr�vate building� and premises, with exceptions as provided herein. � g. pn all installations of electrical conductars or equipmen� h:ereafter made on all existing installations which are altered, all �""� work shall be done in a manner that will can.foxm with tk�e requirements for a sufficient and safe electrical system as herein after described. -1- C. Repair and maintenance work shall be such that if any elee�xical conductoxs or equipment are removed and Ia�er replaced �hey sha11 be replaced in a manner which conforms with this cade. D. All electrical work shall be done by competent persons working under t�e autharity of permits and proper licenses as pxovided by this code. SEGTION 101-4 PUBLIC UTILITIES � A, T�:e provisians of �Ghis ordinance shall not apply to instal3ations used by electricity supply, electric railway ar communication agencies a.n the generatian.� �ransmission, or distribu�ion of electric�.ty or for the operation af stree�� xailways, signals or the transma.ssion of intelligence when loca�ed within or on bu.ildings or premises u.sed. exclusively by , su.ch an agency, provided, however, that such agencies excepted. are aperating under a franchise agreelnent with the City of Grapevine, Texas. SECTION 1171-5 RADIO AND TELEVISICIN STATIONS The provisa.ons of �his ordai.nance shall apply �o a].1 elec�rical equipmen� used for power su.pply ta radzo and televisi.on transm,itt3.ng equigmen�, bu.t shal]. not apply to ather equ.ipment used for radio and �eleviszon transmission. SECTION 101-6 STATEa CQUNTY� CITY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT BUILDING AND PREMISES Buildin,gs and premises owned and occupa.ed by the 5ta-Ge of a a Texas, Coun�y of Tarrant, City of Grapevine and School Districts shall be subject to the provisions of �his ordxnance but sha11 be exempt fram the payment of permi,t fees, This exemption shali be clai.m,ed in writin:g for each a.ns�Gance. S�CT20N 1.01-'7 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFE WORK This ordinance shall not be canstrued to relieve or lessen �he responsibility of Ii.ab�.lity of any party owning, operati.ng, cons�Gruction, ox installing any electrical equ3.pment �or damages to pexson or proper�y caused by any defec� therein, no�: sha31 the City of Grapevine be he1.d as assum3.ng any such liability by reason of the inspecti.on or reinspection authorized hereirz or the certa.ficate of approval and disapproval of any equ,3.pment authorized herein, SECTI{�N 141-8 ENERGIZING CU�2�Ol�tER'S SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTC)RS Only au�Ghoxized employees of the Te�as Power and Light Com.pany will be permi-tted to make -�he initial connection which will en.erg3.ze the customers service entrance cond.uctors. CHAPTER 2 �' DEFINITIUNS SEG'TION 201-I TERMS, PHRASES AND WORDS For the purpose of this cade, certain terms, phrases, woxds, an.d their dexivatives shall be construed as setout in this chapter. Words used in the sa.ngu].ar include �he plural and the pl.ural znc3.uded the singulax. Wards used in �he masculine gender include the �'emi.nine and the fezninine 3.nciuded the znascuiine. - 2 - SECTION 201-2 WORDS Words used in the National Fire Protection Association Standard for Electrical Practice shall, if defined therein� have the meanings assigned them. SECT��:ON 201-3 BUII.�DING USE Words relating to buildings and building use, when not other- � wise sepasately defined, shall have meanings, which conform to the meanings set out in the zoning ordinance of �the City of Grapevine, {. Texas otherwise, they shall have their usual dictiona.�y meanings. SECTION 201-4 CONDUCI�OR Conductor shall mean a wire or cable or other form of inetal suitable for carrying electric current or potential. SECTION 201-5 EQUIPMENT Equipment shall mean conductors� material, fittings, devices, - radio, television; sets, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, motors and the like, used as a part of or in connection with an electrical installation. SECTION 201-6 APPROVE�D Approved shall mean approved by the National Fire Protection Association� Underwriter's Laboratories Inc. A nationally recog- nized testing agency or acceptable to the Electrical Inspection Department of the City of Grapevine, Texas. SECTION 201-7 SPECIAL PERMISSION Special permission shall mean written consent of the Electrical Inspection Department of the City of Grapevine, Texas. SECTION 201-8 ELECTRICAL OONSTRUCTION Electrical construction shall mean and include all work and materials used in installing, maintaining, or extending a system of electrical wiring and all appurtenance, apparatus or equipment used in connection therewith, inside or outside of or attached to any building, structure, lot or premises. SECTION 201-9 ELECTRICIAN Electrician shall mean any person who is engaged in the trade or business of electrical construction and who is qualified under the terms and provisions of th:is �rdinance. SECTION 201-10 ELECTRICAL CONTR.ACTOR Electrical contractor shall mean any person engaged in the business of installing or altering, by contract, electrical conductors � or equipment. It will include any authorized person who sub- contract to do such work, but does not include bonafied employees employed by such contractor to do or supervise such work. - 3 - SECTION 201-].l ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR Elevator contractox shall mean any pexeon, firm, or corparati.on engaged in the business of servicing, maintaining, installing, ar altexing the electr3,cal cond.uctars and equi.pmen.t used to operate, limit or control electra,cally opera�ed elevators. It sha11 include any authoriaed perspn, whether actually doa,ng electrical elevator work or not and any authorized person who su.b-contracts ta do such worky but doc�s not include bona:�'ide em.ployees employed by such «. contractar to do or supexvise such w��k. SECTIt3N 201-12 MASTER ELECTRICIAN r. Master electriea.an shall mean any individual who passess �he necessary qualifa.ca�ion, training, and technical knowledge to plan� Iayo�.zt and supervise the installatian, maintenance� and extensian of electrica], con,ductors and equ.ipment. SECTION 201-13 JOURNEYMAN ELEGTRICIAN Journeyman electrician sha11 mean any inda.vidu,al who posses �he necessary qu.alifications, �raining? and technical knowledge to install, maintain anci extend electrical con.ductors and equipment. Fu.r�her he shall be capable af doing such work in accordance with plan� anci speci�'ications furniskaed him and in accordance with standard rules and regul.ati.ons governing such wark. SEGTION 2Q1-I4 MAINTENANCE ELECTRZCIAN Maintenar�.ce Electra.cian shall znean any individual who passes �he necessary qualifications, txaining a.nd techinal knowledge to �, repai.r, opexate and replace electrical conductors artd equipment in a specifa.c bu.ilda.ng, bua.ldings or pxemises. . SECTION 20].-15 SPECIALIST ELECTRICIAN Specialxst Electrician shall m�ean any indi,vidual who possesses ` the necessary quali:Eica-�ions -to canstruct, repair, install ar maintain specific electxical conductors and equipment u.nder the specific classifica�ion of electrical work far which the sgeciaiist is qualified. SECTION 201-].6 REGISTERED Rega.stexed when used with the wor�.s electrical, contractor, electrica.an, or the like shall mean that the person has made appl3,cat�.on to the Board of Electricians and has satisfied the Board that he is qualified to do the work stated i.ra, the applicatian, that he has paid the necessary xegistration fees to date, been i.ssued a la.censey and tha-t hzs name is carried in the recoxds of the Chief Electrical Inspector as a person authorized to do electrical work for �which he is registered or licensed as defined a,n this code, SECTION 201-17 INSPECTQR �' Inspector shall mean any individual who has been quala.fied and employed by the City of Grapevine as an Electrical Inspector. - 4 - SECTION 201-18 QUALIFIED PERSON Qualified person shall mean one familiar with the constructinn and operation of the apparatus and the hazard involved and one who has satisfactorily passed an examination of the Electrical Board. SECTION 201-19 CITY City shall mean the territory within the corporate limits of the City of Grapevine, or the legally constituted governing body th��eof, its agents and its officers. ., -a SECTION 201-20 AUTHORIZED PERSON 4 Authorized person shall mean any individual, firm, partnership, or corporation registered or licensed under the provisions of this code to do work as permitted under the specific provisions of this code. CHAP TER 3 ADMINISTRATION L1ND ENFORCEMENT SECTION 301-1 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR A. Electrical Inspectors shall be appointed by the Chief Building Inspector with the approval of the City Manager. B. The Chief Building Inspector may act in lieu of the Chief Electrical Inspector. C. The Chief Electrical Inspector or any one acting in lieu of shall be of good moral charactor, shall be possessed of ` such executive ability as is a requisite for the performance of his duties, and shall have a thorough knowledge of the . - standard materials and methods used in the installation of electrical equipment, shall be well versed in approved methods of construction for safety to persons and property, the statues of the State of Texas, relating to electrical work, and any order, rules and regulations issued by the authority thereof, and the National Electric Code, as approved by the American Standards Association. He shall have completed at least two years of �ollege in engineering or related field� and shall have had two (2) years experience in the installation of �lectrical equipment. In lieu of such he shall have had five (5) years experience in the installation of electrical equipment. SECTION 301-2 DUTIES OF ELECTRICA.L INSPECTOR The Electrical Inspector shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance� he may upon application� grant permission :��r the installation� extension� or alteration of electrical con- ductors and �q�;�pment, and shall make inspections of all electrical work as provided for in this ordinance. He shall keep complete records of all permits issued, ix_spections and re-inspections made and other official work performed in :� accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 301-3 AUTHORITY OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS A. The Chief Electrical Inspector and his inspectors shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter any building or premises in the discharge of his official duties, or for the purposes of making an inspection, re-inspection or test of the electrical equipment or installation contained therein. When electrical equipment is found by the Inspector to be dangerous - 5 - ta persons or praperty bec��use it is defective or improperly installed, the persan, firm or carporation owning the electrical equipmen� shall be notified by Certified Mail and shall have any changes or repairs made within a reasonab3e length af �ime as xequ�red by the Electrical Inspector which will place �uch equzp- ment in safe condition. If such woxk is nat campleted wi�hin the periad specified by the Ins�pectar in the natice, the Inspector shall have the autharity to disconnect or order the disconnection of electric �ervice to the dangerous electrical equipment. � � B. In cases o� emergency when necessary �or safe�y to persons ar property, or when electrical equigment may interfere wi�h �he �. work of �he Fire Department, the Senior Officer of the Fire Depaxtmen� at the site shall have the autharity to immediately cause the di�connection of any elec�rical equipmen�. SECTION 301-4 SERVIGE OF NOTICE When any order or notice is issued pursuan:t �a the pravisions of �ha.s Code to any person wha cannot be found a.fter a reasanable search, then such order or notice may be served by posting it in a canspi.cuaus place upon the premises occupied by him or upon the prema,ses where the defects are alleged to exis�. �uch posting of -�he natice shall be cansidered equivalent to personal serv�.ce of such order or notice. An oxder sent by mai 1 in a sealed envelope with pastage prepaid and directed �to the address of the electxical contractor, owner, leasee ox occupant af the premises shall be equivalent �o persanal �erva.ce of such arder, E3sctrical znspectaxs are hereby impowered to attach �o elec�rical cabinets and equip- ment an affical nota.ce or seal to prevent use af electrici.ty, and a.t shall be unlawful for any o�Gk�er persan to place or attach _ such seal, or ta br�ak, cha,x�ge, des�roy, tear, muti.late, cover, remove, c►r d��hexvuise deface or injure su.ch offa.cial, no�ice or seal pasted by an Electrical Inspector. SEC2ION 301=� SPEGTI�.L RULING If a special. ruling by the ;,hief Electrical Inspectar is nece�sar,y to govern Electrical Construction not covered by this Code ar by the Natiax�.al Electrical Code, whereby a1I waring fox simi],ar �ype� o�' electr�.cal constructian w3.11 lae changed in the future, suck� spec�.al ruling shall fa.rst be appraved by th� Board of Electricians of the City of Grapevine. A capy of such ruling sha31 be filed in the Office of the Ch�.ef Electxical �nspector and additional copies shallk�� sent �o each reg3.stered electrical contractor. SECTION 341-6 SPECIAL PF.,�tMISSIC?N The regu.Iations of the Natianal Electrical Cod.e may be modified or waived by special permissian. in speci�'a.c cases whexe such mad3.ficatian ar waaver is reasonable and does not dif�er from the intent of �his orda.nance. Such permission s1�all 3.n a1I cases be obtained from the Ghief Electra.cal. Inspector and con- firmed in wri.ting. A capy of �he permi.ssion s�,all be filed in the Office of the Ch3.e�c" Electrical Inspectax. .a� _ � _ CHA.PTER 4 QU.ALIFICATION, LICENSING AND REGISTRATION UF ELECTRICIANS SECTION 401-I It shall be unl.awful for any person, firm ar corparation� who a.s not licensed and registered as a qualified electrica.an �.n accordance wzth the pxova.sians af this Code to engage in the ' business of electrical canstxuc�ion or to make any repairs, alterations, additi.ans, or changes to any existing system of � electxical conductors, wa.ring, apparatus, or equipment wi�hin the corpoxa�e City Limits af the Ci.ty of Grapevane, fiexas, except as provided in Sections 401»13 and 401-17, of �his Chapter and except as fa3,Iows; any persan, fir�n or carpara�zan aperating zn one or more of the classes of la.cense set aut in this ordin.ance in axzy area which becomes a part af the Ci�y o� Grapevine by annexation or o�herva�ise, and. who is not at the time of annexation licensed �.n such a class or classes, shall apply to the electrical baard fox a �emporary l:�.cen�e. Such temporary license shall be valid for a periad o� s�.� (b} months ta all.ow �ime for the appla.can� to prepare for and be exar�ined by the Electrical Board, and shall, en�itle the holder to operate only in the newly annexed area. Tempoxary cextifa,ca�es o�' registrata.on shall not be renewable or transferable. It shall be unlawful for ariy person to faysely represent himself as a 2icensed electrician of a class set out in this Code ox to use the words electrical contractor master electrici.an, electric3an� or wc�rd.s af similar impor� or meaning an signs, cards, stationary or by any manner whatsoever, u.nless said. person is properl.y registered wzth the z�zeaning of �he words used as provided by this Code. SECTION 401-2 CLASSIFICATION OF LIGENSES AND REGISTRATI4N E.ectrical licenses and registrat�.on shaZ2 be in the classificata.on la.sted below: A. Electrical Cantractor B. Ligh�ing mai.ntenance Can.tractor C. Elevator Constractor D. Master Elee�ric�.an E. Journeyman E].ec�rica.an F. Maintenance Electrician G. Spec�.alist E1.ec�rica.an A persan registered in one of these classi.fications shall be permitted to perform the work of that cl,assa.ficatian as here3nafter defin.ed. SEG2ION 401-3 METHOD OF REGIS2RATION Ta secure a cextifa.cate af rega,stration as a qual3.fied and competen� electrician in any o�' the classes se� out in Section 4�I-2, an appli�;a�ian shall be made aut an forms available in `� the Office a:E the El.ectrical Inspector. E'ectricia�ns holding a curren�l.y valid license or certificate of registrata.on from anather city m.ay apply far and receive a �imilar license or certificate of registrat3on from the City of Grapevine wi�hout taking an exam.ination provided �he following condztions are complied with: - '7 - A. Applicant shall submit evidence satisfactory to a majority of the Electrical Examining Board that his license or certificate of registration was issued under conditions not less restrictive than required by the Grapevine Electrical Examining Board for issuance of a license and that an electrician holding a license issued by the City of Grapevine would be permitted to apply for and received a similar type of license or certificate in such other city under reciprocal conditions. .� B. Applicant shall pay the registration fee required and comply with all other requirements of the City of Grapevine �' Electrical Ordinance. If any applicant holds a non-expired Journeyman's License issued by another city with which Grapevine does not have a reciprocal agreement and if he satisfies the Electrical Inspector that he is qualified, he will be issued a temporary Journeyman�s License which will be effective until the next regular examination and shall entitle him to be in active charge of electrical works. Should he fail to take or pass the examination, his temporary permit will be automatically revoked� a:nd he shall thenforth work on electrical jobs only as an apprentice� directly under the supervision of a licensed journeyman or master electrician, until such time as he shall pass the examination except where a license is issued under a reciprocal agreement. An electrical contractor may have laborers or apprentices on any of his jobs� bYzt they must be under the direct supervision of a licensed master or journeyman electrician. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation holding a license to transfer same or allow the use of same, � directly or indirectly by any other person� firm or corporation for the purpose of obtaining a permit to do any electrical work � therein specified. Applicants for a certificate as an electrical cc�ntractor� lighting maintenance contractor or e��vator contractor shall file with the application an affidavit, setting forth the names of the person or persons who are the owners of the business or who are the officers of the firm who own the business, and the name and address of the person who �hall be responsible for the business. The applicants shall appear in person if requested by the Electrical Board, and be examined as provided by this Code. Applicants for Master shall appear in person before the Board and be examined as prescribed in this Code. Any applicant that fulfills the requirements of this Code and pays the required fees will be issued a license by the Chief Electrical Inspector and registered in the records kept for that purpose. SECTION 401-4 FEES FOR EXAMINATION AND LICENSES The fees for examination and licenses shall be payable at the Building Inspector's Office as set out in Table 1. A separate fee shall be paid each time an applicant takes an examination. " An applicant who fails to take an examinati.on following the date of his application shall forfeit his fee unless he notifies the ,� Electrical Board in writing prior to the examination date that he will be unable to appear for the exam and requests to take the next examination. The fiscal year for the payment of license fees begins on January 1 and ends at midnight on December 31st of the same year. - 8 - TABLE 1 EXAMINATION, LICENSE AND REGISTRATION FEES Annual Exam license Classification Fee upon registration Electrical Contractor $50.00 Lighting Maintenance Contractor $50.00 Elevator Contractor $50.00 Master Electrican $10.00 $ 5.00 '"� ` ' Journeyman Electrican $ 5.00 $ 2.50 Maintenance Electrican $ 5.00 $ 2.50 * Specialist Electrican $ 5.00 $ 2.50 Any person desiring an examination at any time other than a regular scheduled examination time shall pay an additional fee of Fa.fty Dollars ($50.00) „ SECTION 401-5 RENEWAL OF REGISTRATION Every license or certificate of registration provided for in this Code shall expire at midnight on December 31st of the year it was issued, and shall be :ienewed by the Chief Electrical Inspector upon request and payment of the required fee, provided that if during the preceeding year the applicant has been convicted of a violation of this Code, it will be necessary for him to be re-examined by the Board. Should any license lapse more than thirty (30) days, the holder shall be considered a new applicant, and another examination will be required. Should the holder of a license or certificate of registration take up another occupation or profession or otherwise indicate that he has abondoned his occupation as an electrician or contractor� he may be required to be examined every two years in order to maintain his license. � , ' SECTION 401-6 REVOCATION OF LICENSE If the holder of an electrical license willfully violates any provisions of this Code or is incompetent to comply with such provisions, he shall be required to appear before the Electrical Board for a hearing and by a majority vote the Electrical Board may suspend or revoke the license of said paxty to assure that the provisions of this Ordinance are not violated by willful neglect or incompetence. SECTION 401-7 CONTRACTORS� LICENSES, AND REGISTRF3TION It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of Electrical Contractor� Lighting Maintenance Contractor or Elevator Contractox as herein defined� without being licensed and registered in the manner hereinafter set forth, and without indicating the name by which the business shall be known. ,, To secure a license as a qualified and competent electrician ; in any of the classes set out in this Ordinance, an application shall be made in writing on forms available in the Office of the �"' City Electrical Inspector and each applicant must submit two recent passport size photographs of himself. Applicants for a Certificate as Electrical Contractor shall file with the application an affidavit setting forth the names of the persons or persons who are owners of the business or whom are the off icers of the f irm, and the name and address of the persons who are responsible for the business. Any person, firm, - 9 - or corporation holding a Certificate as Electrical Contractor shall be a qualified master electrician or shall have continuously in his employ a qualified Master Electrician, who shall have active supen=ision over and be responsible for carrying out the provision of this ordinance in its entirety. An Electrical Contractor's Certificate shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in the business of, and to secure permits for, the installation, addition, alteration, servicing, replacing, removing or repairing of any electrical conductors, apparatus, �--� appliances, devices and equipment. The actual work of installation or alteration shall be under the direct supervision of a Master electrician. �` ' If the Electrical Contractor shall engage in the installation, alteration or repair of any elevator equipment or conductors, he shall obtain a contractor's certificate approved for such work. Failure on the part of any registered Electrical Contractor to correct any defect, error or deficiency in any work installed under the authority of any electrical permit issued to him, within ten (10) ca�endar days after written notification thereof by the Electrical Inspector or within such further reasonable time as he may prescribe, the Electrical Inspector shall without further notice, stop the issuance of permits to such registered Electrical Contractor until such corrections have been made, inspected and approved. In addition therto, the penalty prescribed in this ordinance may be enforced. No person other than a contractor, licensed �vith the City of Grapevine shall be permitted to engage in the business of electrical wiring and if found quilty shall be fined according to the penalties. A lighting Maintenance Contractor's Certificate shall entitle the holder thereof to engage in the business or repair and maintenance of lighting fixtures only, and such person, firm, or corporation engaged in this business shall have continously in his �, employ a qualif ied Journeyman who shall have active supervision over and be responsible for carrying out lighting maintenance. The Chief Electrical Imspector shall be notified in writing in the event the Journeyman Electrician is replaced by another Journeyman Electrician who has qualified as required by this Code. An elevator contxactor's certificate shall entitle the holders thereof to engaged in the business of and to secure permits for the installation, repairs and alteration of any electrical wiring and equipment connected with the installation shall be under the direct supervision of a qualified Master, Journeyman or Specialist Ele�Tator Electrician. Every Electrical Contractor, Lighting Maintenance Contractor and elevator Contractor shall have an established place of business. SECTION 401-8 MASTERS LICENSE AND REGISTRATION Any person, firm or corporation holding an Electrical Contractor�s license shall appoint or employ or shall be a �" qualified Master Electrician. Any person who has been appointed or employed as a Master �. Electrician by a registered electrical contractor shall register with the Chief Electrical Inspector in writing on a form to be furnished by the Electrical Inspector�s Office. - 10 - L�hen an applicant has complied with the requirements of �his Code, the Chief Electrica3 I�spector shall cer�zfy him as a Master Electrician to a specific regis�ered electrical contractor by plaeing his name on the contraetor's registration cer�ificate and by identification card issued to the registered master electrician. The master electrician shall perform the work or supervise and direct the installa�ion, alteration, repair and maintenance o� electrical conductors and equipmen� authorzzed by permits issued under the authority of �his Code. When ever a master electrician sha11 leave or be discharged � from the employ �f any person, �irm or corpora�ion wha is required by this Code to appoint or emplay a Mas�er Electrician, a not�ce � in writing thereof shall be given immed�ately by both the employer a�d the master electrician to the Ghief Electrical Inspec�or's Office and the permit privileges o� such a person sha11 without further order or action sta.nd suspended until �he emplayment ar appointment and qualifying of another master electrician a� provided for in this Code. When a Master Elec�ric�an has not acted in the capacity o� a master electrician ar in a supervisory posi�ion an electrical work in the City for a continaus period of two years, he shall be re-examined befoxe he shall be certified as a register Mastex Electrscian. No Mas�er Electrician shall be permitted to u�e his certificate of registration in order to qualify �oxe than one electricai con�ractor's license at any time. Applicants for xegistration as a Master Electricxan shall furnish the names and addresses of former employer�, period of �ime emplayed and in what capaca.ty, proof of which service shall be furnished in a manner satisfactory �Go the Board of Electrica.ans. Every applican-t sha11 be required to answer a re�.sonable number of questions a:n writing to show that he has sufficient knowledge and the �echnical tra,��.ing �o perfarm the work or ta supervise the installationy alteration, repaix and. maintenance af electrical canductars and equipmen-� authora.zed by permi-ts issued by the Elec�Grical Inspector's Office. The Master Electrician, af�er having passed the requ�,red exama.nat3,on, shall be granted a certificate, sk�owing �hat he has the necessary quali�'ications to ,instal�. ar direct the a.nstallatian of elec�rical canductors, devices, apparatus and equipment. It shal3. be unlaw,�ul for any master electrician to permit his n.ame -�o be used or to knowingly perm,a.t hi.mself to be he],d out as the officer ax employee in a superva.sory capacity of any �.ndiva.dual person, firm or corporation holding an electrical con�ractorts certificate unless he is, in fact an officer ar employee and does, in fact, su.pexvise the installation of elec�rical wark performed by such pexsons, SECTION 441-9 J£�T3�dI�°�'MAN LICENSE AND REGI�TRA.TION Every applicant shall be requixed to �.nswex a reasonable number of questions in writing to show that he has sufficient knov�rl.edge and technical trai.ning to perforzn the work. A Journeyman's Electrzcian�s certificate �hall entitle the holder thereof to engage hiznself in the employ of any person, �irm or corporation xegistered unde� the provisions of this � ordinance; provided� however, that nothing herein shall prohibit the employment of a person tvho is the h.alder of a temporary journeymants Iicense issued by the Board of EleCt�iCial�s� a registration card containing a recent photograph af the applicant sha12 be issued �o each reg�.stexed journeyman electrician. .. ��. _ SECTION 401-10 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANS LI CENSE A1VD REGI STRATION Applicant must apply for registration as a Maintenance Electrician. Each applicant not holding a Contractor or Journey- man Electrician Registration Card shall be required to �nswer a reasonable number of questions in writing to show that he has sufficient knowledge and training to perform maintenance work. A Maintenance Electrician Card shall bear the names of the persons, firm or corporation by whom the holder thereof is regularly employed and the place of employment and shall become null and � 3 void and re�-��gistration shall be required each time a change is made in employer and place of employment as a Maintenance � = Electrician. SECTION 401-11 SPECIALIST ELECTRICIAN LICENSE AND REGISTRATION Applicant may be a registered master electrician or may apply for a certificate of registration as a specialist electrician in one of the following classes: A. Specialist sign Electrician B. Specialist elevator Electrician C. Specialist residential Electrician Each applicant not holding a master or journeyman electricians certificate shall be required to an�wer a re:�sonable number of questions in writing to show that he has sufficient knowledge and training to perform the work for the class of electrical specialist applied for. A specialist electrician's certificate shall entitle the holder therof to engage himself in the employ of any person, f irm or corporation holding a license to do the work for which the specialist has been qualified, provided, however, that nothing herein shall prohibit the employment of a person who is a holder of a temporary specialist electricians certificate issued by � the Electricial Board. SECTION 401-12 SUPERVISION REQUIRED In the actual work of installing, maintaining, altering or repa:'_ring any electric conductors or equipment for which a permit is required by this ordinance, there shall be present and in direct supervision of a qualified electrician of the proper classification. Should the electrical inspector find that such supervision and control are not being maintained, the inspector may order the work to be discontinued and the person, firm or corporation to whom the permit has been issued shall discontinue further work until proper supervision has been employed or supplied: provided that nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting the employment of apprentices or unskilled laborers assiting a person duly qualified and licensed under the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 401-13 HOME OWNERS RIGHTS � Nothing herein contained shall prohibit any bonafied home � owner from personally installing electrical conductors or equipment within his own home, or on his own premises, provided that the owner shall apply for and secure a home-owner's permit, pay required fee, do work in accordance with t}�is ordinance, employ no help, apply for an inspection, and receive a certificate of approval. - 12 - SECTION 401-14 BONDS Surety bonds far all electxical cantractors shall be made out to the City of Gxapevine, Texas, to insure faithful performance of all the provisions of this ordinance. Said bonds shall be �or the amount of $I,000.00 shall be renewed each year, sha1� e�cpixe as af the 31st a� December of each year and shall be written for the term of the license only. � , SECTION 401.-35 INTERFERENGE It shall. be unlawful fox an.y owner, contractor, ar worker �� � ather than the authorized e].ectricia.n, or in any ma�nner to interfere with any electxical wiring being i.ns�alled in or an any building. I� in the course of construction of a building, the wa.ring is in sueh a posi,tion as to interfere wzth its erectaon or compl.etion as called fox by plans, notice shall immediately be given to the person installing the wiring, ar the electrical contractar, and the needed changes will be made by such gersons. SECTItJN 4Q1-lb APPROVED EQUIPMENT It �hall be unlawful for any person to use or ins�Gall any electrical apparatus, material, appl3ance or f�.xture for use in connection with wiring af any kind 3,n �he corpoxate lim.its of Grapevine, Texas, urzless such appaxatus� matera.al, appliance ar fixtures are approved by thi� Code. REF: (Section 201-6) SECTTON 401-17 EXCEPTIONS FROM REGIS2RATI{�N REQUIREMENTS The follawing classes of work may be carra.ed out by persons who are not 1.icensed and registered electr3.cians. a, fihe replacement of lamps, �uses and the connectian of portable devices to suitable recep�tacles which have been permanently installed, b. fihe installation, alterata.on or repairing af any wira,ng devices or equipment far the opera�Gion of signal or �he �ra.nsmission of intelligence, where such wiring, device� appliances or equi,pment operates at a vol.tage not exceedi.ng 30 volts between condu.ctors and do not inc],ude genera�a.ng or transfoxming equip- IT12Ti'�. c. The installation, alteratian ax repai.x o�' electra.cal wira.ng, devices, appliances, and equipment insta�led by or for an elec�rical public sexvice corporation operating under �. f3C�.Chise fxom the ci�y wkzen for the u.se of such corporation in the generation, transma,ssian, distribution, ar metexi.ng of the electr�.cal en.ergy ar for the use af such a corpora�Gion in the opexatian o�' street railways, n signals ar the transmi.ssian o:E intelligence as specified in Chapter 1. � d. Any woxk involved a.n the tnana�'ac�ure or test of electri.cal materials, devices, appliances or apparatus. - 3.3 - SECTION 401-18 TEMPORARY LICENSES Temporary permits for Jaurneyman and Maintenarace Elec�rica.ans may be issued only unti3 the next regular examination night, upon submission of evidence af quali:Eica�ion� anci payment of license fee. CHAPTER 5 ELECTRICAL BOARD � SECfi ION 501-1. ELECTR ICAL EUARI? � A Baard of Elec�ric3.ans is hereby cxeated for the City af Grapevinea Texas, to be known as the Electri.cal Board and shal], consist of five {5) members to be appo�.nted for two years by the Mayor and Ci�y Commi�sioners. SEGTION 50].-2 QUALIFICA.TIQN OF BOARD MEMBERS The persans selected to sexve on the E1.ectrical Board shall be qualifa.ed and determined as fallows: ].. One memlaer shall be appoin�ed �'rom the personnel af the powex and light company franchised by the Ci-�y of Grapevine. He shall be fama.liar wi�h the require- ments of the National E1ec�rical Cade and the rules and regulati.ons of said company and whose appaa.ntment has been appxoved by that company. 2. {3ne member sha11 be rega.stered electri.cal con- tractor and who sha1.1 be a rega.stered master e],ectrician. 3. One member shal]. be a xegistered jaurn.eyma.n electxician and not an employee of any other member of this Baard :� (in the evez�t tk�is anember becoxr�.es an emplayee of another member of this board in excess of 94 days, he shall tend.er his resi.gnata,on as a member of this boaxd. ) 4. One member �ha11. be a general contractor. 5. One member shall be appointed from any profession or �xade. 6. The Chief Electrical Inspector af the City of Grapevin:e shall be a membex of the board withaut voting privileges, and shall be permanent secretary. Faur (4} members o� the Board at any ane mee�a.ng shall consLitute a quarum, anci recomm,endations or changes to th3.s code will requ.ire the approval af a majarzty of the erztire board. SECTION 5Q1-3 TENURE OF OFFICE �, . The members of the Electrical Soard, shall ho].d office for a term o� two (2) years. Any member o�' the Board xnay be removed far cause by the governing body of the City of Grapevine upon � recommendation if such removal of a xnem.ber or znembers �.s �or the best interes� af the public. - 14 - SECTION 501-4 COMPENSATION The members of the Electrical Board shall serve without compensation. SECTION 501-5 POWERS AND DUTIFS The Electrical Board shall select a chairman and vice- chairman at the first meeting of each calendar year and shall prescribe a procedure and order of business for hearing appli- �"'° cations by persons desiring to engage in the electrical business within the City of Grapevine, and for hearing appeals from the decisions of -�he Chief Electrical Inspector. The decision of the �yr � Soard shall be final. It shall be the duty of the Electrical Board to fix at reasonable intervals of time, the date of examinations for persons applying for electrical licenses. They shall make reasonable rules relating to the method of requiring exam- inations and re-examination by such applicants. It shall be the duty of the Board to pass upon the qual- ifications of all persons, firms, or corporations, applying for licenses to do electrical work as defined in this ordinance. The Chief Electrical Inspector shall issue a license and certificate of registration to any such person� firm, or corporation that this Board certifies as being qualified to perform the duties of the class of license in which he has applied for provided that the required fees are paid. Electricians holding a currently valid license or certif- icate of registration from another city may apply for and receive a similar license or certificate of registration from the City of Grapeva.ne without taking an examination provided the following conditions are complied with: A. Applicant shall submit evidence satisfactory to a majority of the Electrical Examining Board that his license or certificate of registration was issued under conditions not less restr�,ct�.ve than required by the Grapevine Electrical Examining Board for issuance of a license, and that an electrician holding a license issued by the City of Grapevine would be permitted to apply for and receive a similar type of license or certificate in such other City under reciprocal conditions. g� An applicant shall pay the registration fee required and comply with all u'i.her requirements of the City of Grapevine Electrical Ordinance. Any person, firm, or corporation may file an appeal with the Electrical Board for a review of any decision of the Chief Electrical Inspector, provided that such appeal is made in writing within five (5) days. After such person,firm, or corporation shall have been notified of such decision by the Electrical Inspector. Upon receipt of such appeal the said Boaxd shall proceed to determine whether the action of the Chief Electrical Inspector complies with ' this ordinance and within five (5) days shall make a decision in accordance with its findings. The decision � of the Electrical Board shall be final. - 15 - SECTION 501-6 RECORDS The Electrical Board shall keep a minute book in which shall be recorded all transactions and business of the Board. The minute book and other records shall be kept in a manner designated by the Electrical Board. The Chief Electrical Inspector shall keep a record of all persons qualified by the Board to whom a license and certificate of registration has been issued, provided that he shall not be responsible for the record of any person whose registration has � `� not been renewed and thereby lapsed for a period of two years. � w SECTION 501-7 EXAMINATIONS The Electrical Board shall prescribe a reasonable examination of a uniform, fair, and impartial nature testing the knowledge and skill of each applicant to do electrical work� involving the installation, alteration, repair and maintenance of electrical conductors and equipment. Examinations when required shall be in writing provided: 1. That should any applicant make affidavit that he is physically unable to take the examination in writing it may be given orally, provi�.ed that oral examination shall be witnessed by a majority of the Board and attested to the secretary of the Board in the form of a written report which shall be filed for record. 2. That the Board shall conduct examinations with utmost fairness and patience, and should any applicant fail in any examination, the Board shall appraise the applicant, so far as it may be practicable to do so, where in the applicant is delinquent, or fails to meet in a reasonable manner the requirements of examination. 3. That any unsuccessful applicant may make application for re-examination at such time as may be prescribed by � the rules adopted by the Board. 4. That nothing herein contained sh all deny any applicant the right to be heard on any new application at a later time� provided that the applicant shall comply with the other provisions of the ordinances and rules adopted by the Board. Upon passing an examina-�ion the Board shall issue to each applicant a certificate certifying that the applicant is qualif:�ed. CHAPTER 6 PERMITS AND INSPECTION FEES SECTION 601-1 PERMITS REQUIRE,D It shall be unlawful to commence� begin� or proceed with the installation, or cause to be installed, electrical conductors or equipment within or on any building, structure or premises (publicly or privately owned) or to make or cause to be made alterations in or additions to, electrical conductors or equip- ment until an electrical permit has been -obtained, as herein � after provided, except that no permit shall be required for the following electrical work: Exception#1 That the replacemwnt of lamps, fuses or the connection r�� portable electrical equipment to permanently installed receptacles. Exception#2 The installation of electrical conductors, or equipment for or by a public utility in the generation, transmission, sale and use of electrical energy or in the transmission of the intelligence as outlined in its - 16 - franchise. Exception #3 Woxk 3.nvol.ved in the z�arzufacturi�g, repaai.r, ox testa.ng of electxical equipment or appasatus a.n the course of manufacture. SECTION 601-2 USE OF FERMTTS It sha11. be unlawful for any persan ta in�tall, al.ter or repaa.r any elec�rical canductors ox equipneent by autharity of a perma.t issued to and for the use o�' some o�her person. It sha11 be unlawful for any person �o secure or furnish a permit for �he *� � 3.nstallationx alteration or repair of elec�xical conductors or equipment ta any pesson z�at entxt].ed to such permit un:der the � ,w provisions of this code. SECTION 601-3 PERMITS AND INSPECTION OF OLD WORK Upon the application of atay individual the payment of $4.00 inspectian. fee, the Electrica3 Inspectax shaZl inspect ald wirang ar electrical woxk a.n an.y exista.ng resa.dence in. the caxporate 3.imits o� this Cxty. Cazr�r�ercial or Indu.strial Bui.ldings will be charged accarding to the site of the jab. SECTxON 601-4 CORRECT ADDREfiSFS Electrical Contrac�ors or authoriaed representatives must in. a1.1 cases give carrect address upan all applications fox permits and a.nspecta.ons, and. whenever an incorrec� address may be given, a charge of $1,50 will be made to cover cost of second �rip to the correct address. SECTION 601-5 PERSONS QUA.LIFIE�D TC7 OBTAIN PERMITS Pexmits wi�.1 be issued only ta contractors wha are la.censed with the City of Grapevine as pxav�.ded in this ordinance. This does no� prohibi.t bona�'ide home own.ers from obtain3.ng a permit to do work in or an thea.r awn ho�ne. SECT�QN 60I.»6 BTLL�NG OF PERMIT FEES All electra.cal permit fees shall be ba.11ed on the last day af each month and a statement sent to �he Electrical Contractor and all biZ�,s shall be payable on or before the lOth of �he follawing month. Failure to pay such �harges a.s herein provicied shaZl forfei� -�he rights af such persons, �irnr.s or carparations to obtain o�her permits or otherwise engage in the install.ation, repaa.r and main-�enaa�.ce of electrical conductors or equzpment until such :�hasges are paid. Fees for the ins�allatians of fix�ures� not specified an wark sheet covering fees or ariginal per�a.t must b� paid by party ha�ging them, separate permits and wark sheet must be �'illed aut. SECTION 601-7 INSPECTIflN FEES The fees to be charged for inspection of any electrical work in the corporate la.mits of Grapeva.ne, Texas, shal.x be as fol�.c�ws; �- (1) Ma.n�.mum fee per permit . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.0� min. (2) Services-Rated capaca.ty of serva.ce equipmen� or switch per ampere . . . . . . . .$0.02 each (3} La.ghting and Power Circuits . . . . $1,50 m3.n, Fa.rst 4 Circu.its ��=ext 46 Ca.rcuits . . . , . . . , . .$0,25 each 50 for $13.00 Al,l over 50 Ca.rcua.ts . . , . . , . $0,10 each (4) Current cansu.ming Outlets: First 25 Outlets . . . , . . , . . $1.25 min. � 1? � Ne:��t 25 Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.05 Eaeh 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . $2.50 All over 50 Outlet� .. . . . . . . . . $0.02 each (5) Gasoline pump, electrical range� dryer, Hot Water Heater, room air conditioners or space heaters First 3 outlets . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 min. Al1 over 3 outlets . . . . . . . . . . $0.50 each (6) Fixtures, Ceiling fans or Neon and/ or Cold Cathode Transformers for Interior Lighting: First 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25min. �' " A1.�. over SO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.02 each � (7) Electric Sign Circuits: �� Each neon transformer is considered as 1 circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.25 each �8) Motors fractional H. P. Ventilating� cooling or heating, fans permanently installed $0.50 each 1 H.P. to 5 H.P. . . • • • • • • • • • $2.00 each 5 H.P. and above . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 each (9) A fee of $1.50 will be charged on each reinspection made on all work which is turned down on the first inspection. (10) For any inspection not herein prescribed a minimum charge may be made at $1.50. SECTION 601-8 CLASSES OF PERMITS There shall be two (2) classes of permits for electrical work as follows: l. Specific permits 2. Annual permits for lighting maintenance contractors The Chief Electrical Inspector shall keep complete records of all permits issued and inspections made and other offical work performed un�.er the requirements of this code. '� The applicant for a permit shall represent that the statements contained in said application are true and correct and any misrepresentation or false st�tement thereon shall be grounds for revocation of the applicant's certificate of registration and cancellation of the permit issued. The work indicated on the application shall be performed only by the applicant and no other person, firm, or corporation shall perform any of the electrical work shown on the application. The Chief Electrical In�pector may revoke any permit obtained by fraud� misrepresentation, or in any way contrary to the requirements of this code. SECTION 601-9 SPECIFIC PERMITS Specific permits when issued shall apply to a specific installation� alteration� addition� or replacement of electrical conductors or equipment to be done within a specific single building, structure, or premises. A specific permit shall be issued for each installation and alteration of electrical conductors or equipment where application for such permit has # been made in accors�ance with the requirements of this code; provided that the applicant meets the requirements as set forth �°- � in Chapter IV of this code and that the fees be paid as set forth in this chapter and provided that the right of a home- owner to secure permits as set out in Section 401-13 shall not be denied. � - 18 - SECTION 601-10 ANNUAL PERMITS FOR LTGHTING MAINTENANCE t;ONTRACTOR Any person, firm or corporatian registe�ed as a la.ghting m,aintenance con�rac�or �hall make application �'or an annual permit at �he Office of the Chi,ef Elec�rical Inspectar. The annual permit shal]. be issued 3.n lxeu c►f specific permits for individual lacations, however, th� Chief Electrical Inspector shall be furnished, in, writin.g, the address of each location where l.ighting maintenance wark zs ta be done before the work is �°- °� stax�ed. If the work is not done in campla.ance with the requ3.re- . ments of the code, the Chief Electra.cal Inspec�ar may suspend all rights conveyed by the Annual Permit until such tizne as a11 '� ' deficiencies have t�een corrected. Natice af such suspensi.on shall be in writing and addxessed ta the person ta whazn the arinua]. perm�.t was issued. Specif�.c per�its shall not be i.ssued to any person, firnx or corpora�ion who or which holds an annual permit. SEGTI4N 601-11 LIMITATION t�F PERMITS Each specific permit a.ssued by the Chief Eleetrical Inspectax under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitat�.an as�d becom.e nu.11 and vaid if the work authoxi.zed by such permit has not been. started within 6 months from the date of the issu.ance of such pe�nit� or if the work au.tharized by such perm3t is suspended or abandoned at any time for a period a�' one year after the work is s�asted. Before su.ch work can be started again., a new permit shall be obtained. SECTION 601-12 REVOCATION OF PERMITS The Chief E1ec�rical Inspector shal,l have the right �Go declare a permit null and vaid a.f there has been. ma.srepresent- � W ation of facts or any va,olation of the prov3sions of this code or for any o�hex just cause. SECTION �O1-13 FEES AND INSPECTIONS FOR CIRCUSt , CARNIVALS, ROAD SHQWS E�{HIBITIC�NS, UONCESSIONS AND TENTS FOR RELIGIOUS MEETINGS FOR PUBLIC GAT'HERINGS. Cireus� , carnivals, tent meetings and other �.nstallation� af si.milar nature shall employ a registered cantractor in a supervisory capaci.ty who shall be xesponsible and obtaa.n permits in the name of each owner, exhibitax or operatar, :�vr alI electrical work done on the premises o�her than the plugging i.n of approved portable 1a�rtps and appla.ances; Na eZectrical work except tha-� covered by Section 40].-17 sha].1 be done by othex than xegistered electricians of -�he proper classification. Temporary feedexs, cixcuits and mains sha11 be considered as sepaxate secandary wiring and a permit sha11, be ob�tained by the elctrical contractor installing the feeder for each "� coneessianaa.re or exhiba.tox whose electrical load a.s connected to said feeder, circuit and/or main. � Permi�s sha11 lae of a temporary natu.re and the applicant shall state on his request the period of t3.me the service is requared and sha11 remove, ar app].�.w and receive a written �X't211S].OTI of time for the wiring so approved a� the termination of the �a.me xequested. .» 19 - All wiring used in conjunction with public assembly shall be reasonably safe to persons and property and the Electrical Inspector shall satisfy himself that the work is done in a manner to render it safe from fire and electrical shock. SECTION 601-14 DECORATIONS FOR HOLIDAYS, FAIRS, PROMOTIONAL OR ADVERTISING EVENTS All electrical decorations installed on public property �- or on streets� alleys, areas, or sidewalks accessible to the public� shall be installed and maintained during their period �-. ,. of operation by a registered electrical contractor4 Permits shall be obtained for each contact made to the permanent wiring of the installation stating the length of the festoon, the wattage connected, and when requested by the Chief Electrical Inspector, plans and details of the electrical installation. Permits shall be limited to a specific period of time, at the termination of the period stated� or for any valid reason, in the judgement of the Chief Electrical Inspector� the decorations shall be removed by the person� firm or corporation obtaining the permit. SECTION 601-15 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR TRAVEL TRAILERS AND MOBILE HOMES All electrical installations installed for use by and for travel trailers and mobile homes shall be installed by a registexed electrical contractor in conformance with the provisions as set forth in Articles 550 and 551 of the National Electric Code. CHAPTER 7 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS �° SECTION 701-1 INSPECTION REQUIRED On any electrical installation for which a permit is required, it shall be the duty of the person, firm or corporation making the installation to notify the Electrical Inspector, who shall inspect the installation within forty-eight (48) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays of the time such notice is given. SECTION 701-2 COVERING WIRING When any electrical equipment is to be hidden from view or covered by the permanent placement of parts of the buildings, the person, firm or corporation installing the equipment shall notify the Electrical Inspector and such equipment shall not be concealed until it has been inspected� approved or authorized by the El�ctrical Inspector. Where concealment of electrical equipment proceeds continuously, the person, firm or corporation installing such equipment may apply in writing to the Chief E�.ectrical Inspector for periodic inspections� but concealment �� of such work shall not be done until the contractor has received notice that such permission has been granted. � - 20 - SECTION 701-8 RE-INSPECTION When any electrical work or wiring is found to have been installed without proper permit or not in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance� the City Electrical Inspector or his assistants are hereby authorized to cause the removal of the fuses or cutting of wires, or otherwise render the system inoperative until such work or wiring is re-inspected and approved. When any rough in or final inspection is turned down by �' the Electrical Inspector, the Electrical Contractor must make a new application at the permit office and pay the re-inspection � ,w fee �efore the reinspection will be made. SECT�OI�' 701-9 CONDEMIVATION If in the judgement of the Chief Electrical Inspector, after inspection, the electrical conductors, appliances or equipment in any building or structure are unsafe or danger- ous to persons or property, the inspector has authority to cause such wires or appliances to be disconnected from the source of electrical energy supplying these conductors or equipment and may at his discretion seal the control switches for same in an open or disconnected position where upon he shall give notice at the site and shall also notify the electric utility company serving the premises. Therefore, it shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit electric current to be supplied to the electrical conductors, appliances or equipment so sealed until they have been made safe and the inspector shall have issued a certificate of approval to that effect. When the electrical inspector condemns all or part of any electrical installation, the owner may, within five (5) days after receiving written notice, thereof, file a petition in �`-°° writing for review of said action of the electrical inspector. The electrical board shall at once proceed to determ.ine the facts and within five (5) days shall make a decision in accordance with their findings. CHAPTER 8 SECTION 801-1 BASIC INSTALLATION REGULATIONS STANDARDS FOR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS All electrical equipment and materials installed or used shall be reasonably safe to persons and property and in con- formity w:ith the provisions of this ordinance, the applicable statutes of the State of Texas and any rules or regulations issued by authority thereof. Electrical equipment and materials approved by Under- writers Lab�ratories or similar recognized testing agency shall be prima-facie evidence that such equipment or materials are reasonably safe to persons and property. � SECTION 801-2 TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY'S RULES AND REGULATIONS ""'= Rules and regulations of the Texas Power & D.ight Company relating to service and meter installations for the kind and character of service to be rendered as passed and approved by the governing body of the City of Grapevine from time to time, are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. The Texas Power & Light Company shall be required to furnish written notice of any changes in rules and regulations or additions thereof to each registered electrical contractor and to the City of Grapevine. _ 22 _ SECTION 701-3 OPENING OF COVERED WORK The Electrical Inspector shall have the authority to demand building contractors to open such work that in any manner conceals electrical wiring that has been closed without his knowledge or permission, and in no case shall the inspector issue clearance until he is �atisfied that this work is in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. The Inspector shall also have the right to refuse to issue a clearance on any wiring that is concealed in such a manner that he cannot '"� � fully satisfy himself that it has been done in accordance herewith. �. .� SECTION 701-4 CONNECTION TO INSTALL,ATION Upon the completion of electrical work and when notified by the electrical contractor, the Electrical Inspector shall make a final inspection and if found to comply with this ordinance, a written notice shall be given to the Texas Power and Light Company indicating that the work has been done accord- ing to the provisions of this ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make connection to supply of electricity or to supply electricity to any electrical equipment for which a permit is required, or which has been disconnected by the order of the Electrical Inspector, until a notice or approval has been issued by the Electrical Inspector authorizing the connection and use of such equipment. SECTION 701-5 COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS The City Electrical Inspector may be called upon as many times as necessary to inspect portions of new commercial or `� -�- industrial buildings in the course of construction upon request, in order not to delay construction, and must inspect such work within 48 hours from the time notice is received, Sundays and holidays excepted. SECTION 701-6 COURTESY INSPECTIONS When a public or mercantile building is vacated the Electrical Inspector must satisfy himself that there has not been any additions to wiring of such buildings that might be CONSIDERED HAZARDOUS, There will be no charge made for clearance covering such buildings and clearances will be issued as often as necessary. SECTION 701-7 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL When the Electrical Inspector completes a final inspection of an electrical installation and finds that it conforms with the provisions of this code, he shall, if requested to do so, issue a certificate of approval authorizing the use of the � installation and connection to the supply of electricity and shall send written notice of such authorization to the agency '� '' supplying the electric service. - 21 - SECTION 801-3 CONFORMANCE TO PLANS The installation of electrical equipment, within or attached to buildings or structures shall be done in accordance with plans and specifications previously submitted to and approved by the Chief Electrical Inspector. Complete descriptions of proposed work may be required by the Chief Electrical Inspector. When drawings are required they shall be to definite scale, showing area in square feet, load (befofe applying demand factors, demand �actors selected, computed load, (af ter applying demand '� factors) , the point at which service connection is required, size of the services and subfedders, location of service switches �, and center of distribution, the arrangement of circuits and the - number of outlets connected thereto. SECTION 801-4 TEI�IPORARY INSTALLATIONS Temporary installations or installations may be installed during course of construction for lighting purposes, etc. , pro- viding such installations have been approved by the Electrical Inspector and authorization for a temporary connection has been issued and wiring is in a safe condition. SECTION 801-5 TEMPORARY SERVICE POLES Temporary service on poles for construction purposes shall be adequately braced, safely constructed electrically, and ground wire shall extend from meter base to bottom of pole, looped back up and stapled every 11 inches. The wiring shall be no less than 8 gauge, no less than 2 outlets and shall be safely fused. It is the re- sponsibility of the Texas Power & Light Company to inspect and approve temporary service poles prior to connection of the power. Specifica- ��. tions for temporary poles may be obtained from Texas Power & Light Company or from the Electrical Inspectors Office. i ��r+ 1•� SECTION 801-6 WIRING IN THE FIRE DISTRICT � ` F Wiring for light, heat or power in all buildings hereinafter erected, and all structural additions to existing buildings in the f ire district of the City of Grapevi ne, Texas shall be installed in rigid metallic conduit, or electrical tubing shall be reqta.ired on wiring for light, heat or power in the following installations (whether located in or out of the Fire Zone) : a. Any commercial building in excess of two stories in height shall be wired throughout with s aid conduit. b. All commercial garages. c. Al1 theatres and all public or private meeting places with greater than 200 person capacity. d. In motion picitu.re studios. e. In storage battery rooms. f. In hoistways. g. In any hazardous location. h. In poured cement concrete aggregate. 'l �""'` -23- CHAPTER 9 PENALTY SECTION 901-1 PENALTY Any person,firm or corporation vialating any of the pxov3.sions of tl�is oxdixa.ance shall be deemed guilty of a mi.sdemea,rzor and upon canvicti.on thereo� shall be fined in ara.y sum not to exceed two hundred dol3ars ($200.00) and each dayrs violation sha11 constitu�e a separate and dista.nct affense. CHA.PfiER IO GATC�-II.IPfES � � SECTI4N 144I-1 CATCHLINES The catchiines of the several secta.ons af -this ordinance a.mznediately following each Ghapter, Section or Subsec�a.on Let�er or Number ase intended as in�re catchwords to indicate �the con�Gents of the Chapter, Sectian or Subsection and sha11 nat be dee�ed or -taken to be titles of such S@C'�1.OTkS� nor as any part of the sec�Ga.on, nox, unless expressly so prova.ded, sha7.l they be sa deexned when any of such sections, including the catchlines are amended or re-enacted. C��iAPTERl� SAVINGS CLA,USE SECTION l101-1 SAVINGS CLAUSE It a.s hereby declared to be the inten�ion of �he City Counczl c�f �he Gity of Grapevine, that �he Chapters, Sections, Faragraphs, Sen�ences, Clauses and Phrases of this orda.nance axe severable and if any Chapter, Secta,on, Paragraph, 5entence, � Clause or Phrase of this ordinance shall be declared unconsti�utional, such unconstitutzonality or 3.ra.va3.idi�y shall �``'�` not affect any of the remaining Chaptex, Sections, Paragraphs 9 Sentences, Clauses or Phrases o� this ordinance, since the same would have been. enacted by the City Counca.l w3.thout �he incarporation in this ordinance of any such uncans�itutional ar invalad Chapter, Section, Paragraph, Sentence, Clause or Phrase. CHAPTER �� STA�NDARD AUTHORITY SECTI4N 120I�1 STANDARD AUTHt3RITY In �he event wording or inten�ion of any secta.on of this ardinance is not clear or �he ordinance is silent, then the rules and requirements of the Nation�.l Board of Fa.re Under- Writers for the ins�allatio� of electrical, wiring and apparatus lcnown as the 'tNa-��.ona1 Electxic Code 19?1 Editianr' shall be used, and where interpretatioxy, o� the City o�' Grapevine, 2exas ordi.nance a.s guestioned the decision of the Electrical Board having jura.sdi.ctia�n of same shall be final. � CHAPTER 1� EMERGENCY w� '�� SECTION 1301-I EMERGENCY The fact that the City of �rapevine does not have an orda.nance providing for modern methods for electrical work - 24 .- . creates an urgency and an emergency in the preservation of the public;Peace� safety and general welfare which xequires that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas This 4th day of Januar5r lg�� , Attest � ` � , �„ � � I- . .� , , . � City Secretary'� <l� y�`���� ` Ma or , .,-.. __, ; - %' ,�6,. ���.ti�����= y ,-�,..� � Approved as t form V'� I , City Attorney ��;P��-���--� , � ' ��' �.�.a � � �: - 25 - , . �. . OKDINaNCE ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING CON1'RACTS � THE STATE OF TEXAS , COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF GRAPEVINE , We , the undersigned officers of said City, hereby certify as follows : ,� 1. The City Council of said City � convened in REGULAR MEETING ON THE 4TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1972 , at the City Hall , and the roll was called of the duly constituted officers and members of said City �ouncil , to-wit : C. W. Vandeventer, City Secretary Willis Pirkle, Mayor Doil Ee Dalton R, T. Eidson �, Lee R. Thompson Phillip Parker A1 Harwe 11 � and all of said persons were preser.t , except the following �` absentees : on e , thus constituting a quorum. W ereupon, among ot er usiness , the following was transacted at said Meeting : a written ORDINANCE ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING CONTRACTS was duly introduced for the consideration of said City Council and read in full . It was then duly moved and seconded that said Ordinance be passed ; and, aftEr due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the passage of said Ordinance, prevailed and carried by the following vote : AYES: All members of said City Council shown present above voted '�Aye". NOES: None . 2 . That a true , full , and correct copy of the afnresaid Ordinance passed at the Meeting described in the above and fore- going paragraph is attached to and follows this Certificate ; that said Ordinance has been duly recorded in said City Council ' s minutes of said Meeting; that the above and foregoing paragraph ` ` is a true , full , and correct excerpt from said City Council 's minutes of said Meeting pertaining to the passage of said Ordi- i nance ; that the persons named in the above and foregoing paragraph ,�F.,� are the duly chosen, qualified , and acting ofticers and members of said City Council as indicated therein; that each of the officers and members of said City Council was duly and sufficiently noti- fied officially and personally, in advance , of the time , place , and purpose of the aforesaid Meeting , and that said �rdinan�e would be introduced and considered for passage at said Nleeting , and each of said officers and members consented , in advance , to . the holding of said Meeting for such purpose ; and that said Meet- ing was open to the public , and public notice of the time , place , and purpose of said meeting was given , all as required by Vernon' s Ann. Civ. St . Article 6252-17 . 3 . That the Mayor of said City has approved , and hereby approves , the aforesaid �rdinance ; th�t the Mayor and the City Secretary of said City have duly signed said Ordinance ; and that the Mayor and the City Secretary of said City hereby declare that their signing of this Certificate shall constitute the signing of the attach�d and following copy of said Ordinance for all pur- poses . . SIGNED AND SEALED the 4th day of January , 1972. �� : - , . d � ' � �� . _ �„ -.». � �6�� _������'.� , �- � ' _ �t; . _ z- _ , , '� -� �f���.. '� City Secretary Mayor (SEAL) . I, tY:E undersigned, City Attorney of the City of Grapevine, Texas, dr hereby cPrtify that Z apnrov�d as to legality the attached and tollowing Ordinan.ce prior to its passage as aforesaid, City Attorney