HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1972-019 Oa:D�:�TAa�C�, :�0. %%-19 Ai4 O�:DI.NANCE A�.�'TE�SDTNG T.-?E �01;ING O�UINA'_�CE A.��TD 'i�-IE ZO�,TITvG MAP O�' 'Tr�E CzTY ��H GRAPE��r�NE, TEXAS , SQ AS TO CHA.IVGE TE:E _7,ONTNG DISTRICT O'r` GE%�TAIN PROPERT" OF PERRy �-�AGER TO "SPECIFIC ���SE PEIZ�ITT FOI; C(���'11�'i�;;`vITY ;�i�SI:<vE�S DEVF.,L.OP"yiEa�T; PLAGING A � OI`�s`E �EAR LIMIT OI�d SAI:D PEtZMIT; AND PitOVIDTI�TG F � FOR A SAti IT�I�S CLA��SE. v'4i�iF���"A:7 � C�,_!�_ .�ti�Q t�tti1'a:lil. I1(� �"1C":£ C)i� PUi?11C:. ��E'ct:t"1Y�CI �CJ C:C)Y?S1�iE?i a zonir�L� c,l.ancae on ;..�ie below :iesci:i'�:yed ��roT�ert:r t=as �.��eti ;�ereta- �ore �iven ; anci, WHEREAS 3 thE: Pl�ax�zniiig �nd Zot�ing Co�r�r��ission oi� +ne City o� CUrapevit7e , Texas , iias oz� the 6t1-� da;% o{ June , 197� , re<�omrneri��ec� a c.�zancxe of� tY�e :.orlit�g cl.assi�ic.ation of tt�e ��eloU� c�ese.r.ibec� prapert;�, so that trze entiret.y thereof s1�a11 Le a part al the °1C--�" Comrnutlity �us_iriess Zonin�7 L`istrict oi tiie C:it:y of L�rapevine , 1'exas ; ivC)Wg THEnEF'ORE i5E IT JRDAINED F?Y THE CIT;' COE'��C;IL OF Ti-IE �+�'""'" �IlY Or' G4;APEVI���E, 'I:EXl�S ; � �ECTIOI�; 3. T?-i�Ty d ��?E�C1I 1C� i.%S-C' PGX1711�_ y LO� USE.'S Ir1 �CC:O Ct��T7.G2 L1`l"i't? -Cj1� �P(�—',_�� �.UT11T11U1"11_t�.� T�US1.I22SS I71S�;:C1_C�; �1YOV1.SL011S lt1 SE?Cf:lOil Seven oi t�1e City ' s Zonii�c� Ordinan'�e No . 7C7-1Ct, is here}ti,Y au�tl�oiized �or the rollouFir�c <i�scri��ed �ract oi latad. A trac.t at .Land in the P � i:. Splane Survey A-l��3, v^1. D. Sf�epher�.� Survey A-139= at�d t.�e H. Decl�er �urvey A-438 ; more part.icularly described as £ollows a �EGI.�Ti�1In�G at a point �_ri t:ti�e �tiest lirie of tj�e W. D. Shepheri� Sur�.rey :in the soutn line of Coun�ty Road 303Q; THENCE Iv� ?4� 4�L ' E a1.o11c� f�k�e so�zt:r�� line o� C'ourzi,y Road 3030, 1 ,C�3��.0 �eet; Tii�NCE So�.ttla ��t�.C� Leet �to 21�e nor�tn 1i.ne o�' t,Yae (�J. D. Sr�epi-ierca �urv��y`s T,�Fl��CE S �ya �i� ' W 9Ut:� te�. : ; TIIE���iCF. So1i.t�i 1�5,0 EeP_ty '.L'z�Ei`tiCE We�;t 1.J^5.0 i"eeY; TI?�:�10E ?v t<9�� O? % W 1.1� .7 feet:; T�iE:�:t�E �: l�a 4�' F "3�57.4 zEet: �o �.'tie � sc�ut.t� line of C,aur�ty Road 30;�0; TI-'��iCE 5 ?f;o �2F E 119.c; fee+ ta t'r�e pla�:e oi �egirnizzg , tr.act. contai_ning � 10 .0 acres niore or 1ess . (L,ocated ozi :`-iustane� Drive East: of In:iiar7 ;I_il.ls ;�,ohil.e �-��me Par':) . SECTIOr�; II Tl-iA'I', said Speci:�ic t_;se Permit slzall tern�inate after a per�_od of one year fram the date ot the execution �f the re- c1izired acceptance and agreemerzt , iz no buitdi.ng perznit has been issued tor t:he development of any port ior� of the �3escribec� � ; property. �rrr SECTION III Shoulci any part , section , paragraph, sentence , clause ar p�.rase contai.ned in tnis ordinance be hel.d to �>e unconstitutional , such holding shall not affect the validity of the remainir�g portion of the ordi_nance, but in all respect sha11 zemain in full ��rce arid effect . PASSED ON FItZST R.EAI�ING TO THE SECOND READI�7G BY AIV AFFIRP�'IATIVE !�`^� VOTE OF AI_L NIEMBERS� PRES.r:NT ON June 5 , 1972 ____ � � PASSED Al`dD APPROVED OlL ITS SECOND READING i3Y Aiv AFFIRr'IATIVE VOTE OF ALi. f��1Fi�IBERS PIZESF�v'T O�d �� June 20, 1972 � APPI;OVED a �.,�-��� -- �iayo r AT`rES`�': C:ity S£-cretar_y APPROVED AS TO F'ORl�� AND LEGALITY: ':� ;.� r' ' /r� ��.:. /--Y^-%___-` .__.�--__---- Ci ty Attorr�Py :� � �a. .;,:,,�,