HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-03-01 Regular Meeting ��Qarch 1 , 1R66 The City Counei 2 met in a regular sessiart an the above date thase preserat were Mayor Noods, �ouncilmen Vand�venter, Huber and Pirkle . Aldemen Parker and Benedict beina absent. The minute of the previous meetin� was read and approved as read. Discussiora was aiven on various governmer�t programs that may be avai2able to the city for Parka, 2and , water , se�t�r, �te. improvem�r�t s. The planning & zoninq board recommended that the rezaning request c�f Dr. C. D. Pittard, Lot 30 in the Doc�l.ey 5urv�y be zoned f'r�nm rrBrr Residential to r�J-K" Industrial . Also recommend�d tta t the 29.Obg acres and the 6.9?2 acres af land owned by ?��Ir. Simpson , Browrt and Randolph be rezoned from 'rA" Re �identia2 to J-K IndustriaZ . Th3s land is formerly !ti�f llis Pirkie place alonq Minters Chapel P.oact ir1 the Bradford Su�vey. C�;z.�{„ �,�,� � � A mc�tion by Cauncil�nan Pirkle , se��?�ded Coun;cf lman Vandeventer to aceept the �oning �oards recommer�dation and to qrant the request for rezoning ta Dr. �. �. Pittard is Lot �0 ir� the �ooly Survey from rt$tr .�� �_K. Aiso to grant the request nf PJ!r. �rown, �tandolph, ar�d Mr. Simpson to re2one their land from "A" Residential to J-K I��dustrial . hJiotiart carried by Counci2men Huber, Vandeventer and Pirkle voting yes with no noes. �'j� ,��=�, ,t� Cou�lci lman Pirkle , Camci 1m�n Vandeventer and the City i�anager was t4 visit some af the Aspha2t Plants in this area and det�rmine if th�y would be ob,jectable to place one southwest of the �ellaire Section of the City. What ever was decfded would be accep�abl� to the Counci 1 . A motian by Caunci 2man Pirkle, s�cc�nded by Counci Imar� Huber to raise the salaries of the Polica Department to the following: per mor�th Iess the uniform al2owar�ce : Chief � i;.7�.Q4 per moz�th Ass �t. Chief 1�.10.00 per month Patrolmen 37�.00 per month after starting at a salary of ��50.00 per month on a probatian;ary period of �0 da��s or 2 months . After this time if patralr�an is satisfactory he would automat�cally be raised to ��7,�.4�' per morath plus his unifarm allowance . Effective as of Iv°arch 3 , ig6b. �1lation earried by Councilmert V�nd�venter, Huber ar�d Pirkle vot3.ng yes with no noes. A motian by Alderman Pirkle , Seconded ?�y Alderman Vandeventer to passan the first readina to the sectta;d reading by art affirmative vote of the members pres�nt ar� the follawing described Ordir�ance Na. ���.� ORllINANCI3 NQ. 66-1 AN C�tDINANCE Ah'2v�XING THE HEREIN�F'S'�R L7FS(�tII3ED TERR3TURY TC� 'I'[iE CITY C�F �RA:�'EVI':Vr, Z�I T1�RRAi�T CUUIVTY, "�'EXAS, AnTD EXT�NDII�TG 'TI�E 13tJUNL)ARY LIMITS t�F SAID CiTY, SC) �l5 TC� INC,'L'tJDE SAID HEP.EINAFTER UESCRIBED YRUI'ERTY VVITH:�N 'I'H� CITY LIA4ITS. 1�HEFtEAS, the City of Crapevi ne, Texas� acting by and under sectinn 1.03 of �rticl+� � Qf its Home Rul,e Ct�arter and Articl� 970a of V. A. T. S. has determined that its boundaries sl�ould be en�ar;ed and extended b�r tt�e anz�exation of additional territary described as fc�114ws, to-wit: A �tract c�f 1�nd in Tarrant Caunty, Texas, described as fo2laws. BEGINNING at t�le i.ntersectiQn of th� �t�st line Q� �3a11 5treet and the North Ri�;ht of fnlay line of the St. Louis and Southwestern kailroad; THL'NC� in a Sautwesterly dire�tion al.ong said North ri�;ht of way line of sai.d railroad tc� its intersection with the East ri�ht of way line of State Fiighway NU. 114, TitENCE in a Southeasterly direction along and with said �ast right of way line of said State �-Iigh�ay 114 to a,ts intersection with the IVorth�r�st ri�;h4 or way line of State Highway 157; TH�I�CE in a Northeasterly directic�n al.ong and �ith said Northwest right c�f way line of said State Hi�hway N0. 1S? to a,ts intersection with the �est iine c�f �3a11. Street; THENCB Nc�rth alon�, and with the West line af c3a11 Street tc� the place o� beginning. A taract of iand in Tar�ant County, Texas, described �s follow�: BEGIt��:��ING at t}�e intersection af the South line c�f �ast Wall Street and the West Iine af State I-?ighway 114 Business Route; Tf-IENCE West along South line c�f East l�all Street to its intersection with tYie East 2�.ne t�f Box AdditiQn, �nd adc�i.tic�n t4 the �ity c�f Grapevi ne, Texas; �#-fENC.�; South along ancl with fl�e E�.st lzne af Box �ddition to ell cornex; T�i�NCE East to an inner corner along and East line of sai� Box Addition; �-iEi�C� South along the East line of 3ox Addition t�� another inner corner; THENCE West to another ell corner in said East line of Box Addition; : T13�NC8 South a.Iong said East line of Box �c�dition and along the lin� of Box Addition if extended South to its intersection with ttie South right of way line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railroad right of way; TFiENCE in an Easterlq direction along and with said 5outh right af way line of said railroad to a point on ��.id right of way SO feet from said west right of waS• line of Sta�e Hi�hway PIO. 114 Business ' Route; THENCB South along the West line of a 2 acre tract of lgnd, more or less described in the deed fron Henry B. Hester, recorded in Vol. 2592, page 5� of the I)eed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THfiNCB in an Easterly direction along the South line of said Hester tract to the West right of way line �f said State Highway No. 114 Busin�ss Route; THENCB in a Northerly direction along and t,aest right of way line of said State Hi�hway N`'. 114 !3usiness Route to the place of beginning. A tract of land in Tarrant County, Texas, described as fo1lo�NS: 12.25� Acres of Iand owned by the St. Louis arid Southwestern Railroad in Tarrant County, Texas� Containing 3.20 acres out of the C. R. Mcllonald Survey, Abstract NU. 1013. 7.449 acres out of the Harrison Decker Survey, Abstract N0. 438 more f ully described as follows: BBGINNINU at the intersection of the East line of said b�lcDonald ' Sur vey ac�d the Northmest ri€ht of way line of said R�ilroad; 1�IBl�E South 54°35' ��1est with said right of way line, 2020 varas, more or less, tv the �Vest line of said Decker Survey, THEPJCE South with said �Vest line , 50 varas, more or less, to the Southeast right of way line of said Railroad; THENCE North 54°35' East with said right of way line, 2020 varas, more or less to said East line of said A4c�3onald S�urvey, TIiENCE North with said East line , 50 varas, more or less, to the place �f beginning. 18.050 acres of land in Tarrant County, Texas, �ut of the C. B. McDonal d Survey, ALstract No. 1013, fu��y described in the deed from American Petrofina Company of Texas, to Americ�n Liberty ��ipe I.ine Company, dated b7ay 23, 1962, and recorded in Volume 3707, Page 47 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas/ 49.25 �cres of land in Tarrant Lounty, Texas, out of the Harrison ' llecker Surv�y, At�stract No. 438, and being all of the lanci out of said Decker Survey, describ�d in tlie 5th tract containin� 67.15 acres out of said Decker Survey ar�c� 'the C. �. Mcvona2d Survey, At�stract Na. 1013, in the deed from Contincntal Oil �ompany to Triangle I�a.cilities, Tnc. , dated July 11, 1962, and recorded in Volume 3726, page 643 of tt�e lleed Records of Tarrant County, Texas. WHEREAS each of the abo we tracts of land are wi thin the conf ines of the extraterritorial jurisdiction of said City of Gra�evine , Texa�s. t�THEREA5, the said City of Grapevine had not annexed any territory under said Article 978A during �ittier af the precceding years 1963 or 1964, and during the year of 1965 said city did not annex territo=y under said Article 970A in excess of 200 of its total area� as of the first day of January, 1965, and has not annexed any territory under said Article 970A during tt�e year of 1966�, and, {�1fIEREAS, the area of the above described territory is not in excess of 309'a of the total ares of said citp as of the f irst d�.y of January 1966, and, WHEREAS, after considering the annexation of the above d�scribed territory, the �ity Council of said (::ity of Grapevine, Texas, has unanimously voted to annex said tracts to saicl City of Grapevine � Tex as, and� WHFiREAS', all legal requirements for the annexation of each said tract, including publication and ��ublic hearing, have been heretofore duly, timely, and properly performed and one , and, WHFR�;ASA it is for the publie w�lfare, and for and to the advantag�� gener�l welfare, and benefit of the City of Grapevine , Texas, and of and f or each said tract, that same be naw annexed to the City of Grapevine , Texas: NU4V T1lERF.FURE BE IT ORDAINED BY 'T�-I� CITY Q�J UNCIL Or 'IH E CITY OF GR1�1'E VI NE, TEXAS: That the tracts of land, as above described, be and the sarne are hereby annexed to tP�e City of Grapevine, in Tarrant County, T'exas� and that th� boundary limits of the City of Grapevine , Texas, be and the same are hereby extend�d to include the �.Uove described tracts within the City Limits of the City of Gra;>evine , Texas, a municipal corporation, and said tracts of land, and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to rights and privileges of other Citizens of the City of Grapevine, Texz=, and, they shall bc hereaf ter bound b y the acts and Ordinances of said City. Passed on first reading to the secqnd readi�g by an affirmative vote of all members present on th2 lst day of ^�arch, ig66. �?otion carried by all members, Councilman Vandeventer, Pirkle and Huber voffng yes with no noes. ��r . Bill Reed was appointed to serve as a member of the Planning and Zoning Board. Council discussed the hiring of Nr. Charles Linehan as a policeman, !Viayor "'ood was to talk with the school officials and the two groups to select a representative to approach the City of Da12as and City of Fort Worth asking for representation on the planning of the �egional Airport that is to be in our area. No further business meeting adjourned. i ; � � ' � � . / �� ' �-� � � Acting it ecretary lt?ayor