HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-03-15 Regular Meeting March 15, 19bb The City Coundl met in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor Woods, Councilmen Benedict, Pirkle, Anber, Vandeventer and Parker. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and appraved as read. The following Ordinance�s read the seoond time and is as followss ORDINAIJCE N0. 66-1 �_ AN ORDINANCE ANNE7CING THE HEREINAFTER DESCR.IBED TF,RRITCRY TO THE CITY OF GRpPEVINE� IN TARR.ANT COUNTY� TEXAS, .AND EXTIIdDING THE BOUNDARY LINIITS OF SAID CITY� SO .AS TO INCLIIDT SAID I�REINAFTFR DESCRIBED PROP�RTY WITHIN THE QTY LIMITS. A motion by Councilman Huber, �eoonded by Gbunc3lman Benedict to pass anne�cation Ordinance No. 66-2 on its second reading. Motibn carried by Councilmen Parker, 9ande�venter� Hnber, Pirtle and Benedict voting yes with no noes. A petition for annex�t3on of Mr. Tom ���aldrop�s 23.03 acres of land in the J. L. Whita�an Snrvey was preaented to the council. A motion by Connci7�an Pirkle, seconded by Co�ancilman Parker to �oc accept and adopt the petition of Mr. Tom Waldrop #!or ann�cation by passing Ordinance No. 66-lt oRnlNArrcE 66-l� AN ORDINANCE RECIIPING�TD ANNERING TFRRITO�,Y ADJACIIJT AND Cf)NNTI(3tT0IIS TO THE CITY OF (�AP'EVINE, TEXAS; PR�PIDING THAT THE AREA KNOWN AS THE TCNI WALDROP TRACT OF I,AND IN THE J. L. WHITMAN SiktVEY, SHA?,L B�iE A PART OF TAE SAID CIT7t AND THAT TAE OWNERS AND THE INHABITANTS THERHOF SHALL BE PNTITLED TO ALL THE PRIVILEGES OF OTHFR CITIZENS OF SAID CITY AND BOUND B2 THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND TO BE HERIINAFTER ADOPTLDs� P'ITRTAER PROVIDINQ FOR AMIIdDING AND CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL BOONDARIFS OF SAID CITY HERETOFORE ADOPTED AS AMENDED, AND PR09IDINQ FOR AN DII,CARING AN EMER(3FNCY: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIZ OF THE CITY OF aRAPEVIlJE, TD�AS: WEREAS, A petition for annexing has been duly signed and acknowledged by the individual owning the following described tract of land: A. tract or parcel of land lying and situated in Tarrant County, Texas, being a pa,rt of the J. L. �itman Surney, A-1593 and dezcribed by metes and bounds as follows: BEGII�IJING� at a concrete marker in the southern right-of-way of County road #3119, said marker being ?? feet south of the Southeast corner of the a. B. Qlancellor fiurvey, A-39o, THENCE, along �aid c�unty road South 8l�-52 �ast i56.20 feet to apoint in fence line, THIIdCE, North 89-3t� EAst 917.2l� feet to an iron pin Por a corner, THENCE, South 0-13 East 928.1l� feet for an iron pin in fence line for a oorner, THIIdCE, South 89-25 west 1082.5"1 feet to a concrete marker for a corner, THIIdCE, North 0-23 East 946.?�0 feet to place of Beginnning, Containing 23.03 acres of land more or less. Motion carried by Councilmen Parker, oAndeventer, Huber, Pirkle and Benedict voting yes with no noes. Complete O�dinance on file in the Official Ordinance Book of the City of Grapevine, Texas. A petitinn for annexation of Mr. J. N. Wood� and xife, Mr. Charles Wood� and Wi.fe and Mr. E. T. Simtnons of a tract of land , 2;71�8 acrs of land in the Bruton Survey Was presented to the conncil. A motion by Councilman Huber, seconded by Council.�►an Pirkle to accept and adopt the petition of Mr. Wood, Mr. Wood and Mr. Sim�r�ons tract of land for annexation by passing and approving Anneaa�on Ordina�ce No. 66-5 ORDINANCE N0. 66-5 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING AND AIJNEXIN(3 TERRITORY ADJACFNT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE� TEXAS: PROVITJING THAT THE AREA KNOW AS THE J.N. WOOD & WIFE, CAARLES WOOD AND WIFE AND E. T. SIl�IONSTRACT OF LAND IN THE WM. BRUTON SIIRVEY, SHAI�L BECOME A PART OF SAID CITY AND THAT THE aWNERS AND THE INHABI- TANTS THF�tDOF SHALL BE IIJTTTLID TO ALL THE PR.IVII�EGES OF OTHER CI`PIZII�TS OF SAID CITY AND BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EI�F'ECT AND TO BE H�tEINAFTFR ADOPTED: FITRTHER PR.�TIDING FOR AMENDING AND OORRECTIPIG THE OFFICIAL BOIINDARIES OF SAID CITY HERETOF'�RE ADOPTID AS AMENDID, AND PRAVITIING FOft AN DECI,ARING AN a+IERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO�JrTCIL OF THE CITY OF C�FE'V�BE, TIICAS; WfiEREAS, a petitidn for annexing ha.s been dulg signed and acknowledged by the individual owning the following described tract of land. A tract or parcel of land lying and situated in Tarrant County, Texas, being a part of the 1�M.�,.Bruton���- S�rvey, 7�EZ�4 and described by metes and bcunds as follows; B�INNING at an iron in the south line of a public road and the west line of the Wm. Bruton Survey, 25 feet south of the northwest corner, same being the northwest oorner of a tract of land deeded to B. R. Wall as recorded in Polune 1037, Page Lt52, Tarrant County Deed Records. THENCE, with the south line of said road north 89 degrees Lt9 minutes west 490.8 feet to an iron, the north northwest corner of a tract of land deeded to the State of Texas for proposed right of way of State Highway 11l� as recorded om volume 3532, page 205, Tarrant Connty Deed Records. THENCE, with said right of way line south 23 degrees 1�9 east 28.5 feet, � n�� to an iron at the beginning of a curve to the right. THII�TCE, southwesterly along said curve with a radius of 676.2 feet, through a ' central angle of 1.tli. degrees 13 minutes !t2 seconds a distance of 521.98 feet to an iron, said curve having a sub cho�'d which bears south 53 degrees L�3 minutes west ' a distance of 509.11 feet. THIIdCE, south ?5 degrees 50 minutes west 92.l� feet to an iron in the west line of said B. R. Wall tract. THIIJCE, with west line of said Wa11 tract north 0 degrees 23 minutes west 31�8.4 feet to the place of beginning, oontaining 2.7l�8 acres of land. Motion carried by Councilmen Benedict, Pirkle, Htiber, V'�ndeventer and Parker voting yes with no noe�. Complete Ordinance on file in the official Ordi.nance Book of the City of Gr�pevine, Texas. A motion by Councilman Pirkle, seconded by councilman Benedict to authorize the transPer of $25,000.00 from the the Utility Ftind to the Qeneral Fund as needed. Motion carried bq Councilmen Huber, Va�deQenter, Benedict, Pirkle ; and Parker v�oting yes with no noes. A motion by Councilman Pirkle, seconded by Conncilman Benedict to pass and . adopt Ordiaance No. 66-3 Ordinance No. 66-3 AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO BEIN THE DTIGHT TIME, OR OTHER INAPPROPRIATE TIMES, IN, OR ABOUT ANY P[JBLIC OR PRIVATE BUILDINGS OR PREMISES, WITHO�JT RIGHP OR P�9ISSION AND UNDII� StJSPICIOUS CIRCOM�STANCES, OR TO SLEEP OR LOUNGE IN PIIBT,IC PLACES, FTXING ' PIIJALTIES FOR VIOLATION THERDOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGIIdCY. Motion caxried by Councilmen Paxker, Benedict, Vandevent er, Pirkle and Huber voting yes with no noes. Complete Ordinance on file in the Official Ordinance Book of the City of Grapevine, T�cas. No flarther business ting ad�ourned. ���) � �� , ._.. � ��-`'---L+`?��1� ��' - , � '% ayor Ac`t n � e e