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ORD 1972-025
_�;', ;,;-; O��L?:INANCF NO. ?2-25 t�N OF?I=IN��iCE ALX�F'"i ING T�iF C�i_'DC;ET FOR TF�E CITY � OF GF?AFEVINE, TE:XAS , �OR THE FISCAI_� YEAR BE- GINNIN�� UCTC�BER l , 1'a72 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER =}t�, 1973: LEI;'YI'�G 'rA}CFS FUFZ THE YEAR 1.�72 TO � I?E ASSESSED O?� AL.L, TAXA,i3LF PROPERTY WITI-�IN THE i,.I?�iITS UF THE CI.T�` OI� GRAYFE'.TNE , 'I'E.k�S: A:�TD PRO�`IDING F'ENAL.T:i�_ES A,'�D INTEREST FUR DELINQ[JENT � TAXES, r�l�;D PROVII?INC� FOR THE INT�Rr1 AI�L� INTEFZ- � � DEF'�I�tiTMF�rT AtiD }��!ND 'I'I:ANSFERS , AND PROVIllING F()I2 1'f{E INVEST�IF�.:�T OE� IDt,E FtJ�:P.S: t�r�IERF��S , ri��t..i�r� of a put-�lir� hc����i��c� on the Bucl��et f�r the Gity : �:�x� ��r�apev:ine , Texas �"ox� the ?"i�-,ca1. year 1��7'�'-7=3 tivas heretofore � ���c�lisl�le�� a�t least f�ive �lay5 in a;_ivdi��:e ot =ai.d lzearirzg , arid � � 6v1':E:RE.�a� , a �aut�lic hearir��y ti�,a� t-lulv held ar�ci a.tl irlterested p��r:,�>ns tivE�re qiven at� c�pportur�it;y to ��e 1-,ear-�j for o.r aga.inst .;��1�. i i.em t.t7�reir� , . � � � ��1C:?tn�, I°HE��E��t)hF.,, I3E I'I' URI)AI,�ED sY TH� CI"iY COLr!�ICIL OF THE CIT�' r�F� �.;(,'.al'EtiItiE., TFX�1S: � � S�:CTION 1 . f"r-.��t: <� t.�x .i� ller�b;r leviecl u�����1 all tax�al�le pr�perty in the City E,t ��s-<a��evi.rie , Texas for_ the year, 1�7?, at th� rate uf �l._"30 per � � C)r,�-� �fiur�ldr�<:�� Lc�11�rs ($1C}O .C'C�) valuation . � � � SEGl�C��N � . `i�;rat Yi;ex�e �t;all be and t:tiere i.<- he:rel�y 1.eviF��� the followiraca *:�xc�s c�n eac-Y�a c�t�e l�uncire<! (:,�1C)U .O�_3 ) clo�.l.ar.s valuation on a'11 � :a.��:��le propexty tti�ithin ttie Cit:y o.E G�apev.i.ne, Texas , to be � ,t,_�E���,E-rj az���t r_�Ullect.ecl by the '1'�.�x AssE���,or arid Callec�tor t:or � � ?"}iE' yE�ctl` 1.��.�' * i�I1C� '_=�d1C� t��XE"_� taYE.' tU �)E' a_`=�:�E'_SS2C1 c�T1C� COII.eCt�C� ',.(.)x' 'tl"2E} �:)UT'�Q�iP_ }'lE'221T1�3f tP_C St:l�)Ulc�tE':il �:O-t.ti�11t : _ l;:ii Fr,�r fi:he Genera.l r�uT��-1 Ieviec� ori � tl�e �1.00) .UO val uai�i.un .7�ic � t,�>� F�<�1' the Ir�terest an<i S.i«kinc� F�t.�i�l�.i . . � � � l.evied on �r�e 51(�(�.t�>(.� valua�t.ior7 .2`��, � � � TOTAL 1_E.t%Y 1 OC� '�• � �� SECTION 3. T�.�.�t tl�e City i��Ianac�er be ari<i is hereY�y duthorized to make in.tra ai�d iritE�r dep��rtm�nt fun<1 rr��nsters durinc� the fiscal 'year as t�ei;omes nec��sa.ry- in order to avoi.d oti°er expenditures of a r���ar.ticu�lar ac,c�unfi� . . SECTIO`� 4. T}�<�t- t��c� Ci.-t5r ?��ariacaer is auttlori_zed to iriti�est any f�ra��S not neecie:-1 �or ctarr_e:i�: use , whett��r operati.r:�c� furads ar bond funds i_�� �ni te<3 States T�r�asu.ry �r�i lls , Cert it:icat�.es of Deposit. , S,ivir�c�s A�cour.ts , arid��or Ticne Depo:�it t,p�n �ccc�lznt iri Olfic.ial C:i. t._,; De����i tc�ri_�s . Intere�t �u`c�.rize�� t rom suc=�i investmerits may �_:� �:i�,�_3c;�i.tF�d tc� the General I��unc�. � SfiC"i'I�)N '� . �! <�x�s le�,�iec3 1:�y tPii�; ordir�ance ����<�1.1 b��� �_ltie arli� payable on ;;��t.�_�,�,�r 1. , 1i�7� , c.n�t shall �t�e,cc�me delinquezit �n the �first day <�i� i��F:�rt.�ar;,� J_�7�, if �,iripaici; u��c�r� r.axes t�ecoini_r�e� delincauent , � ��i pc�r�al�r.y o� 1.0°"� af such �}e].inr.�uer��t taxes :��1'��:ll accrue ai� the �'r"� r �>�t �+<ay ��1� l�c�brt.�ar.y. Inter_���t_ upon cie.li_r�c�u�r�� taxes and �,st>��,,�lf iE•�= _�t��satl accrue at tY��e r��tEz c�f �>`"� �,F�r a��n�zrr� commencizly �t- r,,�r.._ ti��� �iat� r�f r�eli.nc�uenc;y. Tr�e Ci��y o1� Gr<��evine is here- �,-,- .�iztt�c}ri�c:•;7 to acic�pt any anei �.x11 1<.�qal. remeciies provided �y ; Y�c_; i<c�vise�.i Civil Statute:� �>t ttiE� Sta.te nr 'Ic�xas and the :,r �i?E,�Y=i rie C:.i 1 y Ch�:�rt e t as pr;.��, ided iri A.rt i�:1e 9 , Sec ta_on 9 . ?5 T C,i [: i.��iE' E��lir�)O�iC-' OL COZIeCf�l.Tlia i�Et.L1TIt�UC?T�:t; ti_17CL�S . �F C'?`I C):v Fi . ''::;,f� .� �:ic 1, t.'7a t t l��e r i_�cal ye<�r l>e«i.n� e,ri i;c.tc:�ber 1 , 1972 , re- �t '-i rt� ; r l;<a t r tt i:= O"x-c3inar�ce t>e c:.:f f eet ive up��i: i i s passa<�e :�nci <:t�i�,j,riori to preser��e the public. pe<.�r.e : pro�_>e.rt.y, tiealth :�r�d .�.,.fcry,� ��t�i�� t7�c� rul.es re�t.�i.rirics or�irzances be reaci aricl passed � - Un.� tc:rc� separa�te ��at�5 is f��r��_,�� su��ae:�i�:�e��� ��,��,� �t.tzis or�inanc� � � �����:,�1.1 r>>� iri Ft.�7_1 to x-ce an��i e.t f ec t- .�"rc��r: ;_xr.d az�t�r .it;� passage � ��r����� :xc���p�t ic�ri . F'IaSSLI� t���:I� APF'u0�'l:D 'rH IS "T;{E� 1_'- fi :� [i.�Y i)� SE>ptembe.r , 1972. A3'F'1ZC.71'El_;; . �' ' �- - � �' -�, .�. �r_,�� � 1�Iatiro r A';TI�S'T', -£ ., , City Sc�_�:retary ��