HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-04-19 Regular Meeting Apri I 19, 1966
Th� City Couqcil met i� regular ses3o� on the above date those
preseAt arer� M ayor Woods, Co�[nci lmeq �ande�re�ter, H�.ber, Pirkle
a�d Be�edict. CouACilrna�t Parker beir�g abser�t.
TY�� mi�utes of' the previou� meetiAg �as read ar�d appro�red.
The Oath of Office �vas give� tm J. E. Foust, Jr. Piace #3,
�y S. Be�edict, Place #4, a�d Wiilis Pirkle Pl�ce #5 by Mayvr
Woods. These me� were officially seated as Co��cilma�t for the
Cit�r of Grapevine.
Dr. Phillip Whittlesey, Paml Barr�� a�d Dllr. K1ir�geQSmith met with
the co��cii tu disc�ss plans tY�ey had for improving the Austin
Patio Rar�ch by b�aildic�g a restaurar�t, other building to accomadate
people over �ight, etc. , alsA to b�ild reereati �n facilities such
a� swin�ming poals, a!d#�� ��rs� back riding a�ad to b�ild a
Golf Course. Th� bv.i ldng of a Go1� emurse was to iti�olve tY�e
City if it xere agree�ble. The cit�r to tr�+ aad lease X� laqd
fr� t�e U. S. Governme�t and in t�r� lease to the Austin Patio Raach
to build the Golf conrse on. If thi� �ras nmt agreeabie ta try a�d
help th�.se people lease the Goverr�ment la�d far tMis purpos�.
T�ie City assured Dr. Paul Whitt2esey and the others that they
wotxld help in aqy way possible.
Plans for aranexir�g the Joht� Simmo�s place, Corbin Plaee at�d
Datchers place and the iat�d west to tl�� �a Road waa tfl be
started. �,v�'�u1� ]�o�'�
A motioq by� Cour�ci lma� Pirkle, secoAd�d by �out�ci lmaa Huber tm
app�ir�t Chal�les Linehan �s Cit� Jnd ge. Motim� carried by Cou�cilma�
Fcr�t, �a�deventer, Hnber, Pirkle a�d Bez�edi+�t voting yes with �o
A motioq by Cou�cilffiap Benedict, secmr�d�d b� Councilma�n Pirkle
to accept the prelimit�ary plar�s of ope�it�g Vin►e Street tv South
Mai� street and to advertise for bids to have the work done .
Motio� carried by Councilman Benedict, Pirkle, Huber, Vandeventer
and Fous t vot i r�g ye s wi th no noe s.
A mvtion b�r Ceunci lman Hnber, seca�ded by Cou�ci lmat� llandeventer
to rezor�e the 156.62 acres �f lar�d in the P. D. Hudgins and E.
Mo4re St�rvey, �loA� E. Dallas Rd. a�d Minters Chap�l Road from
"A" Residet3tial to "J—K" I�dnstriai . Motior� carried b� Counciime�a
Fo��t, V'andeventer, FiUber, Pirkle a�d Be�ediet voti �,q �es �ith �o
noe s.
Tt�g followir�g Ordinanaace was read to the Councilt
WHEREAS, th� City of Grapevine, T�xas, acting by a�d under sectior�
1.03 of Articl� 2 of its Home Rule Charter and Article 9?4a of
V.A.T.S. bas d�termi�ed that it baundarie� shoc�ld be eplarg�d a�d
��te�3d�d by the a�ae�cation of additional tgrritory described as
foll�rs, to—wit;
Tracts of land ir� Tarraat Count�+, Texas, described as follow�:
BDGINNII�G, at the Southeas't corner c�f Lot 14, Block 11 Scctiot�
1 of G�apevi�� I.ak� Estates, as described in �folume 38�3—I , page
35 of Tarrar�t Cou�t� Dedd R�cords, said b�ginni�g poi�t al�o bei ng
thd iat�rsection of the N�rth lin� of Kimball Road apd the �l�st
liQe of Lake�ri�w Drive; �
THEI�CE, North along and with said West line of Lakevie�v Dri�e and
the East lir�e of said Grapevi�e Lake Est�tes 993 feet, more �r l�ss,
to a poi�t in the East line ef Lot 5, Block 11, Section 1 of said
Grapevi n6 Lake Estates, said poiat beiQg dr�e WEst of the South�vest
cor�,er of Lot 28, Block 10, Section 4 of said Grapevis�e Lake Estates;
THENCE, East alo�ng and with the North line of Forest Hi21s Road and
a Southline oP said Grapevi�3e LakE Estates, 1374 feet, more or less,
tA th� West right of �ray line of Do�t� Loop Road;
THENCE, �out�i 850 feet, more or less, alo�g said West rigl�t of �a►ay
llne o� Dove Loop Road tc� a point due 1Nest of a Sonth�est corn�r of
Lake Forest Addition;
THET'�E, F.,�,st � feet to said Southwest coraer of Lake Fares't
Additio�t; Theqc�, East 749.2 feet, r3orthwest 783. 1 f�et, Southeast
679.? feet, NoP�heast 2�.9,8 feetr; I+��rtl�west E�.�4.2 feet, North 76.78
feat, North l�t�.7.02 feet, Northeast 31�. 13 feet, North�rest 869.79 f�et,
Sc>ut�est 215.4 feet to a point in the So�t�ieast cor�ter of th� L. Post
THEIWCE, contit��.ing around s�t�d L. Post 6.5}�8 acres the following
di�tances; North 405 feet, �Tortheast !�0 feet, West 710 feet to the
Northwest cor�er of the Baker Surve�, also bei�g the Northeast cor�er �
of the Ora Ramsey 9.6 acre tract; .
THENCE, continuing around the Ramsey tract the following distac�ces,
Northwest 848.20 feet, Southwest 579.5 feet, Northwest 289.t� feet;
fiHE1�10E, W�st 50 feet to a point bei�g the Northeast cor�er of Lat
1 of Sgctio� 3 of Grapevine Lake Estates;
THENCE, co��inui�g arouQd Grapevine Lake E�tates the follo�ring dis—
tances; �Test !�l�.5 feet, Sc�uthwest l�29.6 feet, Sot�th 712. 10 feet,
�Nest 239.� feet, to apoint in t�e East 1.ine of a 15.78 acre tract
owr�e d by Pan 1 Ve rbur g;
THENCE, contin�i�g aro�and th� said �arburg tract, North 27l� i`�et,
W6st 25� feet, Idorth 45o f eet, V�lest 159 feet, sc�uthwest �.65 �'cet,
W�st 17� feet, to a point being the `�outheast corner of Lot 15,
Block 3, Section "An of Placid Peni�sula Addition;
THENCE, cor�tinning around Placid Per�i�sula Additior� North 4�0 feet,
�1�st 376 feet, ?�orth 87.8 feet, Nort�west 128.� feet, Sc►�th.west
128.1� feet, Southwest bl f�et, Smutheast 1.27. 1 feet, Sc�tth�est
25b feet, South 53� feet, Southea5t 225 feet, sout�ieast 408. 1 feet,
Southwest �.3� feet, East 650 feet, South�+vest 875.7t� feet, East
855•3$ feet, South 2.l;.9.89 feet to a point inthe North ri ght of
rva� of Kimba 11 Road atid the �le st ri ght of �ay of Red Bird Lane;
'TNENCE, coatinuit�g along said North line of Kimbal2 Road, East 50
f�et to apoiqt bei�ig the Sov.thwest corr�er of a 6 acre tra�t ovvned
by Jerry Wilkes;
THENCE, aiong the South line of said i�ilkes tract and said North
line of Kimball Road 9�1. 19 feet to a p0int beir�g the Sauth�ast
cor�er of said Wilkes Tract also bei�tg the South�vest core�er of
Lot 16, Block 11, Second Sect,fi�i of Pl.acid Peninsula Additio�t;
TI�NCE East cor�tic�uing along the said North line of Kimball raad,
l�84 feet more or l�ss to the place of beginr�ing;
LESS AND EXCEPT the followi�ag lots of land which are included ;
�ithi� t�ie above described propert�;
Lot 7, Sectic�� 3, Lots 1,4,5,6 arad the West haif of lut 2 in
Block 2, Lots 6 a�ad 7 in Block 5, Lots 5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12,aad 13 of
Biock 11, E.ots 6,7, 10, 17,20 and 22 in Block 7, Lots 3�4,5,6, 11, 22,
13 a�d 1�. in Block 9, Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12,1$, 19,20,21,
22,23,21�, 26,27,at�d 28 in Block 10, in the �rrapevi�e Lake Estates
Additiot�. Lot 6 in Block 1 of Placid Per�i�sula Additior� ar�d Lot 7
i� Black 3, Lots 3,1.}. atld 5 in Block 5, Lots 1,2,3,9,12� 15, 16, �9,24,
21,22,23,�!#. and 25 in Block ?, Lots 3�4�5,.6,7,8,9, 1�, 12, 13� 1�-, �5,16,
17, a�d 18 in Block 8, Lots 3,4,5,?,8�9, 1�, 11, 12, 13, 1�., 15, 16, 1`j, 18,
19,�0 a�d 21 in Biock 9, Lots 2,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11, 12, 13, Z�}., 15, ib, 17 a�d
18 in Block 10� Lots 1�3�1.{.�5�6�7i8,9, 1�, 11, 12, 13, i�. and 1,5 i�3 Block 11�
aiso 13.48 acres of la�d in the Whitman Survey, Abstract #1593, Tract
8�8ti1 2C2 ir� Placid Per�insula Addition.
A m€�tior� by Cou�,cil.man Benedi�t, secantded by Cou�3ci2m,au P�rk2� t�
pass the abave C►rdianance N4. 66-8 frcm its first readf�g tc► the
secos�d readi�tg. l�totio� carrie�"��t,c�uncilma� Ber�edi�t, Pirk2e, Ht�.ber,
V'andever��ter and Fo��t vc�tir�g yes �ith �o r�oes.
A mcatior� b�r Cour�cilman Pirkle and secra�;ded by Cov,r�cilman Benedict to
purchas� a tape recc�rder far the cit� use. �fatic+nt carr�ed by
Cour�cilr�� Ht�ber, Firk�;et Vartdvene�er, Foust, as�d B��edict votir�g yes
wit� aQ nQes. A recarder v�as to be purcha�ed at the least possible
cost �ith what is required to give satisfactory service.
A mc►ti�+r� by Cau�ci Ima� Pir�2e, seco�ded b� Cc�nnci 2�an Fou�t t� apprr��re
tl�c additio� of o�� paid fireman, ma�i�g of � total af three paid
fire�er�, �dotian carri�d by Ca��ci lma�3 Be�tedict, Pirkl�, Iiu.b�r,
Va�dever�ter and F�ust vatit�g �es �rith n;o r�c�es.
Plot pians for t�e progased �ew B�srrus Snger Ma�ket w�s appraved
by the arunc3, 1.
Ma�or Wraods gave the counci 1 a review caf his cab�ectiw�e� Sm�Ct�ts fc►r the
comfng ysar far the City,
�ta further business me�tin ad,�ourrteet.
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