HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-05-17 Regular Meeting May 1?, 19b6 The City Cou�cil met in regular sessior� ot� the above date those prese�t were 1tllayor Woods, Cottnc3lmat� Benedict, Pirkle , Hnber arid �m�.s t. Councilma� Var�deventer beiAg abset�t. The mi�ntes of' the previous meetit�g was re�d and appratred as read. l�rs �1.A. Spinks prese�ted to tMe council a �roposed plat of her property along West College Street. The plan�i�g and z�ning be�rd approved �Ei�E �Irs Spimk� plat and the plat i s o� f i 1� in the Ci ty Secretary�s office. A mot3on b� Councilma� Benedict, seconded b� Conncilman Foust to approve the proposed plat of Mrs J. .�. Sp�4nks that had been approved b�r the Planni�g aeid 2or�ing Board. lUiotiat� carr3ed b� Connc�lmen Foust, Huber , Pirkle and Benedict voting yes with no noes. Mrs F.,a,rl Deacon discttssed with the council the operatioct of the Early Birds, which was an organizatio� that was formed last year to he lp the colmr�d ar�d �hi te chi Idren to wor}� and p2ay to-gether ar�d creat a better relationship of the whites aAd colored. Mrs Deacori asked if there were any ob,�ectio�� for the gnupe t� m�et � is� tl�e City Park this year and if the city could fupnish aama toilet facilites for the gro�pe in tY�e Park duri�g their six week peribd, of school. A motiori by Councilman Pirkie, seco�ded by Councilman Foust �or the City to furnish a portable toilet at the Park, a chemical toilet for the 6 week period that the "Early Bir�s" will. be me�ting iA the Park, at�d the city vvot�2d make all arrangements and take care of the expe�3se. Motiot� carried by Co�nci imen Benedict, P�,���e, Hnber and Foust �otir�g ye s wi th no r�oe s. Bids for the exter�sioc� of 1Tine Street east to �i��th Main street were opened and the bids are as follows: '�otal Bid Worth Constr�cLion Ca. �14,531•50 R. �. Gibbins 5,047•91� Texas Bithulitfc 5�3�5•5 Tip Johnson Cor�st. � A motio� by Councilman Huber, seconded by counciima� Pi�kle to refer the bids to the engineer� for their recommendation or1 the bids received. Motion carried b� Cnuncilmen Foist, HUber, Pirkle and Ber�edict votit�g yes wihh r�o noes. The Planning b Zoning Board recom�nended to the Council that the � re��ni�tg request of Mr. Pau1 1lerburgts 2!� acres of land in the J. C. D�.nn Snrvey be re2o��d f rom �A" Residential to "J-K" Industrial . Also tY�at the re2oning request of Mr. Arnold Dobecka be denied o� Lots 11�-15 in Blk 10 of the Bellaire Addition. Askfng that these lots be ch8nged from "A" to "B" Re�identia2l Per Ord. 66-10A. A mot��� by C�u�cilman Huber, secanded by Cou�ci2man Be�edict to accept the Zo�in g Boards recommendati�n a�d to rezone �r. Paul ' �erb�rgts t�act Qf iar�d in t�.e 3. C. I?unn Surve� frQm erA�r R�sider�tia2 to '�J—K" Ir�dustrial , also t�ot to rezcrr�e ar disapprove the rezoni�g of Lots 1�.-15 irt B2ock 14 of the Be3lai�e �ddi'ti�n� from nA" Rss. to "B" Residential , �Iati on� carried b�r Counci lman Foust, Hub�r, Pirkle and Bertedict voting yes with �to nc�es. Mr. G. Lee Perry withdrew his request f'or t�ezc►ni�,g Lc�t lA in B2ack Iflb ir� the Cc►12ege Heights Additic�t�. A mc�tios� by Cot�rzcilman Pirkle, secc�r�ded b3r Ca��cilma�t Benedict tc� b�iy Lots 17 and 18 in Block 1� of th� Origir�al Tc+�arra c�f Grape'�i ne for Cit� �se for a swn af �3:�75•t70, Mation carrisd by Cont�cilmen Ber�edict, Pirkle, Huber ar�d Fca�st voti�g yes with �a n;oes. A motia� by Cau�tei2mat� F3ertedict, secanded by C4�nci2man Fa�at to have the �c�rk done or3 repla�ing a�id rerouti�g the Press�t�e line eQmi�g fran the ].itt2e Se�rer Lift Statio�z b� rereuting it d�+�rn Vi�� street so as to re�iis�e the c�verf lowi �g of the sev�rer dur in�g raiz�s, etc. �iis 2i�e is t€� be Iayed fram c�z�ter 4f th� bicrck b�tv,reer� S. Ba11 street and Nash street ta the cet�ter of the black betweet� Bellaire Dr. a�td Pine S�reet, als�+ replacing the t�r4 p�mgs ir� tMe Lift statio�, ar�d incr�asing the motor size to 3 HP ar�d u�i�g 6�� impellers. Rtlotiort carried by Cour�cilmea� Fo�.st, Huber, Pirkle a�d Ber�edict Vt3tei� ��S �f th r�m nc�es. A matio�t b�r Councilmart H�ber, SGG4t2t��t� � CE}13t3C��.I��13 Pirkis to am:end Trail�r Park Ordinance No.__��� , so as to iraelude an ic�spectiqn fee c�f �1.flQ per mo�th fc�r eac trailer i� the Park, pYd GG-x�' Motior� carried by Counci lma�t Huber, Pirkle, FouSt, Ber�edict votintg yes w�th r�� nc►es. A mc�tio� by► Cout�iclmat� Pirkle, seconded by Caunci lmat� Huber to ame�d f7rdi�tat�ce �c�« 6 —lI by the cha�g��tg the cast csf the lines, or the pro-»rata cost per ront fe�►t wi 11 be char�ged ta r�ad a��,,y��6.-z i $1.8(} ger fc�c�t fc,r water ar�d �1.50 fc�r �e�er pe� fo4t, .�"�atic�n carried by Cour�ci lmen Pirkle, Huber, Ben�edict, an,d Fcaust vatir�g ye� �ith nb zzaes. A motian by Cou�cilman Benedict, seconded by Cour�cilrnan Pirkle ta app�+int the fc�22ov�ring me� to serve Qn the Equili2aticn Br�ard f�r the City: ARr. H. O. Oatis, Mr. Mack Williamson a�id Mr. Jim Wood. Mt�tiart carried �� Counci 2�er� Fc�t�st, Hvber, Pirk].e a�d Banedict voting yes witk� t�o noes. A m�ti�� by Counci2ma� Foust, s�conded by Ca�nci2ma� �iuber to ask the S�ate Highway Department t4 make a traffic caunt along lUlain �treet frc�t C�22ege stree� t� Wall street a�d t�� inter�ectio�s i� bet�een alang l�ai� street. No further busi�ess me t��g ad�aur�ed« ..—� ,.-- � „�-- �,�_ ��' �g �eret,ar� Ahayar