HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-10-05 Regular Meeting October 5, 1965 The City Council m�t in regular session on the above date those present were Mayor �oods, Aldermen Benedict , Pirkle , Huber , Uandeventer and Parker. " The minutes of the previous me�ing was read and approved as read. A petition for annexation of Mr. J. B. Tindle and wifers 150 acres of land in the C.C. Hope and H. S. Hope Suweys, in Tarrant County, Te�xas, was presented to the council . A motion by Alderman Pirkle , seconded by Alderman B�nedict to accept the annexation petition of Mr. J. B. Tindle a�d wife by Ordinance No. 65-18. Motion carried by F�lderman Parker, Vandeventer, Huber , Pirkle and Benedict voting yes with no no �s. �Complete Ordinance on file in the official 0rdinance Book of the City of Grapevine . A motion by Ald2rman Parker, seconded by Ald�rman Huber to defer actior� on the tractor bids until next meeeting so more study may b� given on these bids. A�otion carried by Alderman Benedict, Pirkle , Huber, Vandeventer and Parker voting yes with no noes. The Charter Commission present�d the �oposed Charter to the City Conncil with the following message : "The Charter Commission is preparing this Charter, finds, decides, and declares that it is iU���K�fl�� impracticable to segregate each subj�ct so as to permit a vote of "Yes" or "No" on the same for the reason that the �harter is so constructed that in order to enable it to work and function it is necessary that it should b adopted in its entirety. For these reasons , the Charter Commission direets that the Charter be voted upon as a whole and that it sha21 be submitted to the qualified voters of the �ity of Grapevine at an electiqn to be held for that purpose, on Tuesday, the 16th day of November, x. D. , 1965, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the � lectioq, the City �ouncil shall cause the City Secretary to mail a copy of this charter to each qualified voter of the City of Grap�vine , as appears from thelatest tax collector roll . That this publication constitutes a true co�ry of the proposed Charter for the City of Grapevine, Texas unanimously adopted by th� members thereof and same is respectfully submitted. A motion by Alderman Benedict, seconded by Alderman Pir�lz to accept= the proposed Charter from the Charter Commission and to call an �lection for Nov�mber 16, 1965 so as to vote upon the Charter as presented by th� Charter Commiss�on. Ordinance No. 65-19. Motfon carried by Aldermen Parker, Vandeventer , Huber, Pirkle and Ben�dict wting yes with no noes. Mr. Claude Smith, in canneetio� with doqs, suggested that 2etters be s�nt to each residence in the City advising them that they ha ve to ke�p their dogs on a lease ar penned and a2so have a place bui3t to hold dogs and that people may bring their dogs and put th�m i� this pe� if they da not want the dags. And if they do not put their dogs up or bring th�m and put them in the pen, that they �� fined for violation af th� ordin�nce. Mr. Smith agreed ta furnish his e�r, if the Gity wi22 furnish the qasoline, drive araund and 2ocate the dogs that are i� viloation with th� Ordiance and report them ta the Pa2ice Departmer�t. A motior� by Aiderman Huber, seconded by A2derrnan Ber�edict to thank Mr. Claude Smith for his suggestian and that the council would take his suggesti�n under advisement and study. Motion carried by Aldermen Benedict, Pirkle , Huber , Vandeventer and Parker vot,ing yes with na noes. Jesse Williamsor� , gave a report on the cdrditian a�" the well, pumps and st�rage tank 2acat�d ar� the carner Qf� il�f�in and HLit�t73t"1S stre�t,. Adv,ising that t e pump was to have some extensiv� repairs on it and was advisabl����x��►�zxa�e not to operate the we22 and pump unti3 these repairs could be corrected, ylso the iQ0 ,000 gallon water storage tenk has rusted on the inside and needs sarzding and re— paintinq on the insdde to help with the taste and oder of the water that is caused by rust. City �,ngineers were to be contacted and ask to make a study of the well and storage tank and actvise the city of the best way to correct the prob3em, also estimate the cost of the work th�t would be requf red to be done . Discussion was given by Viayor Woods on the city participating 3.n the cast of plar�ning for the Dc,wntown area devebpment program. A pub2ic hea ring was heid by the 2oninq Board and City Council an a rezaning request by P�4r. John Tweedell to rezane his 3. 1� ecrss of land in the A. F. Leoa��rd Survey, on t�e north side of Peach street fram "Ar' ta "C & D" . Also P�4r. G. Lee Perry ask that Lot 2 F� 2 frt Black 5 of the Starr Addition be rezoned from r'Bt' to f'C & D". The zaning board recommzn;dEd to the Cvuncil that the re2onina reque� far��"'�_ se two pieces of p�perty be granted. , A mc+tion by Alderman,�'i�ecortded by Alderman Pirkle to accept the zor�ing baards recommendatipn and to reZOne the twa parcels of property ta the request�d 2oning as from "A" to "C & D" and from 'fiBr� ta '"C 8� D". Motfar2 carri�d by Alderman Parker, Vandeventer, Huber, Pirkle an;d Benedict voting yes with no noes. Request for a 4-way stop sign at the corner of Wall street and Dooley street, and a request for a stop sign at the intersection of Texas Str��t and Ruth street on the south side. At t�is time no action was taken, Discussion was given nn installing a traffic siqnal light at the intersection of South Main street and College street. Mayor Woods was to talk with the State Highway Depa�tment about installing this light. Discussion was given on the tax penalty of Mr. Tillery and the valuation of Mrs Berry �s property but th� council has no authority to makz any changes in the Ordinance gov�rning penalty or in the tax roll valuations as they had been appnued. No furtger business meeting ad,jounred. ---- �--- y e ary h�ayor <