HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-09-17 Regular Meeting September 17, 1963 The City Council met in regular sessi�n on the above date thmse present were May�r WoOds, Alder�en Parker, Vandeventer, Huber, Pirkle, a�d Benedict. . The minutes •f the previ0us meeting was read ana approv�d as read, The prmpos�d bud get for 1963-1964 was reviewe� an� a motion by Alderman Huber, seconde� by Alderman Beneiict to adapt the Du�get for 1963-64, summary mf th� bud get is attached, M�ti�n carrie� by Aldermen Benedict, Pirkle , Huber, Vani�venter, and Parkar voting ye s wi th no noe s. A l�ter frsm the Grapewine School Beard, signdd by the Presiient, Mr. R. W. Fiowers, r�qucsting th� city to instali tw• mercury vapmr Iights at each eni of the off street,front parking area, at the Canmm� Elementary School en West C�l�ge street. This matter was te be emnsidered and stuiy was t� be made by the council �n tl�is re�uest. Mr. �cofi�d, City �ttorney, explained that he was ic� the precess of drawing up an amendment to our present sub-divisien ordinance to include the extra-territorial limits of the city. A mmti�n by Alderman Pirkle , sec�nded by Alderman Hub�r to ir�struct the city attorney to �raw up an Or�inance preventi�g Pool Halls frm� op�rating within the City Limits of Grap�vine. Motion carried by Aldermen Parker, Vandeventer, Huber, Pirkle, and Benedict votir�g yes with no noes. A petitian fr� J. R. Bass requesting that 8.33 acres of his land alor►g N. Dove Roa�i be br�ught into the city limits of Grapevine was read t0 the councii . A moti�n b� Alierman Pirkle, secmnded by Aldermarr Benedict t• accept Mr. J. R. Bass petition and that his land be annex�d into the City Limits of Grap�vin� by Ordfnance ,# (,3-//. Motimn carried by Ai�lerman Parke�, Benedict, Pirkie, Vandevenet�r, and Huber voting yes with no no�s. John Telf�rd presented a letter addressed to the Carps of Engineers requestir�g permissi �n to use water fr@m the Ccrps 0f Engineers well in the Silter Lake Park Area. A motion by Alderman Vandeventer, seconc�ed by Al�erman Pak�e to apprmve Mr. Telford �s request sub�ect ta the apprmval of the Cerps of Engineers. Motimn carried by �►ldermen Benadict, Pirkle, Huber, �landeventer and Parker vmting yes with no noes. Mr. Telfmrd als� presented ta the conncil � letter asking that his rent on the lease la�d that he n�w has and operates his busin�ss an be l�wer�� ta 3�� of the gr�ss inc��e plus �100.�0 a year. His pres�nt rent is 5�� of tMe grsss incorne of his op�ratimn. A moti�n by Alderman Pirkle , secmnde� by Alder�an Huber to approve his request sub�ect to thd approval of the Corps of Engineers. Moti�n carried by Aldermen Benedict, Pirkie, Huber, Vande�enter and Parker vmting yes with no noes. No further business meeting ad,�ouraed. rr^ . � � e y Mayor �