HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1971-020 Ord. 71-20 � �N Ohi)1NANCE DIP.F;C��':CNG PU73L7C�TIUN OF' NOTI:CE TO BIDi7�F�S F:U� TI�E Cll�Y OF G�'.t1PL�rTNL �_ THE �T�TE OF 1:�X�1S . � � CJU�tTY UF TARP.AT`TT . � CITY OF GRAPE��INE . Wf��REAS , the City Counci.l f�.r�ds that i_mp�ovements as set out in tr�e notice here�nafter_ px�escribed are ur�ently need.ecl by the City of_ Grap�v�..ne, Texas , in orde�- to perform its �ssen.w tial municzpa7 functions . WJH�R�AS , iL- is hereby of�ici_a1_1y four�d and determ.ined th.at a case ot emergency or uxgent pub7.ic necessity exists wk��i�ch ' requires the haldi ng of the meetir�g at which i:his Ordinance i:� passecl, such emergency or urgent publzc necessity being that �� the advertisement to bidders should be published as soon � � as po�sible and wi_thout de1_ay for n�cEssary a.nd ur_gently need::d pu�lic improvenients ; and that said r-r�Eting was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given, aI1 as r�quirEd by Vernon' s Ann. Civ. St. , Article 6252-17. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CT.TY COUNCIL OF THE CI�.�Y OF GRAPEVTNES T�XAS : 1. That a�tached hereto and marked "Exhibit A" is a fo�m of the "Notz_ce ta Bidders" , the fo-rm and substance of wl�.ich �„�„ ax�e hereby adopted and approved. � - 2. Tha� the City Secr.etary shall ca.use said Notice to Bidde�:s to be pUblished .�.n substant�.ally the form attached hereta, i_n a rlews�aper of genexal circulatio�l pt1bl.ished i.n tlle City of Grape�ine, Texas , on �he san�e day in each of t�o conse- cutive G�eelcs , the date of the f�.rst pvb7_�cat.�on thereof to be ��„` at least fou�teen (I�+) days prio-r_ to th: time set for receiving � bids as shotari in said Notice to Bidders. 3. That this Ord:inance is hei-eby finally passed on first reading as an emerge��cy measure, to be effective imrnediately, - such emErgency being that the issuance of the Time Warrants �hich are to be authorized and the corrstruct�on of the irnr�rovements advertised for are required as soon as possible, for the ii�mediate preservation of the public peace, health, or public welfare. � � � � NOT:�C� '1'0 ��DDEItS . AND NOT�CE OF II��TEI��Z'I4N TO �SSUE TIME WARIZANTS C ZTY OF GRAI'EV IN�, TEXAS , MUI�TICZPA�� 5��lN'�I'�I��f� POGT1 AND I3ATHI�OIIS�; � TH:CS P�LQJEGT eansists oi canstruc�i�g. � (1} a publ_ic s�azir�-ni�g paol af 4873 sc�.�'t. su�faee ar_ea ar�d fixed �ool equa..pm�n.t, with perime�er concrete deck. {2} � mason�y a�?.� t�aod fraf}le ba�hhause of 1400 sq. �t. with sep�.rate m��.z ary.d wamen' s toil�t/dress:iL��.g facilit�es . {3� a ger:imcL-er masonry and steel wire fence with 1.igh�ing. SEALEv PROPOSAL� for fur���sh:ing all labor an.d mater�als �o con.s��uct th� above praj�c� an a city-�awned praperty at the nor�l�west quandrant of �he intersaction o�' Hood Lane and Dove Road in Gx'�.pevil�e, T�x�.s, wi:�.1 be received by the Cifiy Manager at 4�5 � Main St�eet, Grapev�ne, Texas , unt�.�. 2 :00 c�'c7_ack P.M. ,� D.D. S.T. , on Jun� 24, 1971, a�. cThicl� �i�ne th�ST w�11 be opened az-t.d r�ad aloud. Any bicl recei-v�d aft:cr closing ti..xne wi11 be returned �,,, unc��enee�. � PLAI�S AND SPECI�lCATZC7i�S may be obtained from the of�:�ce �of TBS Arch:i.tecfis , �nte�rnata_oria�. BL�.ilding Sys�ems , Suite 900, 3000 Diamo��d Park Drives Dal1�s , Texas, 75247. A depos:�� o� �wenty-�'ive dolla-rs ($25 .00) , whicl� i��ay be in the form� of a check on �he �irm' s business banking accvunt ar a �ertified or cashi�r' s check made payabl.e �o the Archi,tec�, wi11 be requ�red f or each set of Pl.ans and Sp�ci�icat�ons, FULL DEPC}SITS wi�1. be re�urned to those bidders c�ha sub- mi.t a campeGitive bid a� the time and place specified and wha re-- �urn the P1ans and Specifications �o the Axchitec� in goc�d condi-- . �ioi� wi�hin fourteen days �rom the date of openin;. FuZ1. de��osi� wi.1� be returnec� to those bidders �Tha receive Plans and Spec3_fica� �ions by deposi� , but disca�.T�r they- tiai11 not be at�1e �o suhm�,� a. bid and return �he PZans anel Sgeci�ica�ions �o th� Ar_ch�.#��ect in goocl condit�.on not 1a�er than �ou-r�een days prior to bid open�.ng. NOT LESS THAN i�he general pr_evailing ra�e a� per haur wag�� for work of a similar chaxae�er in. the locality aizd C�t� of �, Grapevine, Texas , and nc�t less tha.i�. the g�nEral prev�.a.lii�.g ra�e of pe� hotzr wages for legal hol.idays a;�d overti�ne work, sha11 b� ` pazd to a11 labaxers , �aork�nen, and emplay�es �ni�1_c►yed on �he con� "'�""' struction o� the project, c�h�.ch th� Ci�y �ounc�.l o� th� City of Gra�evin�, Texas , has ascertained and here f i��ds �o b� as fo1���a� : F t � . % � t CLnS��F�C���TI ON P�R H�UP� FATE, i �� , i Asbestos Workc-r.� � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x , � . $ 6 .22� . � Bo�1cr��ak��s . , a . o . . . d . . . . . . . . � o . . . . . 6.50 ' �"""' $ricklayc�rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . am . . 6.48� � 3. '' : Carpent�:cs . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . o . . . . . . . 6. 172 ; � Cemerzt Mason.� . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 65 � EZec�rac��.1 Wo�Ice��s . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.87� , E�evator Con.strucLo� s . . . . . e . . . . . . . . < 6. 972 � F2oc�r Cc��e-ri��.�; Wo-rkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 74 F GlaGzer_s and G1ass 'GtiTarkers . . . . . . . . e . 5. 95 � Hais�in� and Partaule Eng�ne�rs. . . . . 5.$0 � Hoisi:ing and Portable En�:ineers . . . . 0 5. 17� �ronwo�k�rs . s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 782 Laborers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 88 Lath�rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eo . , . . . 6. 18 Millwrights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . 6.50 Painters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.48� P1as�erers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.86-3/4 � Plum.bers and Pi.pefi��ars . . . . . . . . . . . . b.59 , Roaf�.rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .00 , She�� M�tal Worke�s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.022 Maxb�.e Set�ters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50 � TerLazza ti�or_kers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20 Terrazzc, Hel�aers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60 ' +�^ Tile�et�er� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20 � EACH CONT22ACr.� wil1. be awarded to th� lowast res�aansib�e bidder. A cash�er' s check, cer�i�ied check, or acceptable bid ; bond payable to the City in an a�no��nt of not �.ess than 5°ln af tl�e ; largest poss�ble to�a1 af �h� bid �ut7xn�..t�ed must accompany each � bid as a guarantee i�hat, if a�a�arded �he contr�.ct , the bidder tai11. ; pro,nptly enter into a ct�ntrac� and execute the bond requ�.�ed. I Each success£u1 bidder w:�11 be requi.red to give goad and suffici�nt boi�.d in the ful�. amount of ��ie con�ract �r�.ce �or �he faithful pexfoz�mance of such cantract, and a payment bond, executed by some surety company authorized to do busii�ess in thzs � ��a�e, in accorda��ce wi�h �rti_cle 5160, Rev�sed Civi1 S•i.atutes o:� 1.925 , and amendineni:s �here�o. The Ca.ty oi' Gra�avine, Texas , reservcs the right �o rej eci. an�T and a1.1 bids and to raaiti�e �.n,�= or ar_ alI irregulari�i.es . Na bid may be wi�.hdrawn after the closin�; tin�e for the receipt o£ bids, for �hirty (3G) days . B�D �iOI�DS of unsuccessf_u:l bidders wiZl be r�tuxr�ed upo� award o� the c�ntra.cts and b�Ld bai�.ds o� th� suc�ess�ul bidders �* wi11 be retur��ed wh�i-� �he pP��arma�ce bond is furnished. � THE GITY C4VNCIL of �Ghe City of Gra.pevine, Texas, intends to issu� Tinl: Warran�s for the Cii:y to pay far a11 or a part of the contr�.ct pri.ces , and for the purpose o: paying a.11 or a Part a�' tl�ie �rchi.tect` s fees , Financia.l Advisar' s f�es, �nd ins�ection �.nd te��ing fees . The inax�.mi�m amc�tzn� of G�Taa��ant ind�btednes� ta be incur�_ed �s $100,�UO .OQ, the in.tex�st rat�e such Time �aarrants are to bear is 6%s and the m�xfmuin maturity dat� of such War�a�zts is tweiity (20) years fr`om their date, The City has a coinmitrnent from First �outlz�,rest Company, 900 MQrcantile Bank B�uilding, Da11.as , T�xas, 75201, to pu��chase said Warrant� from t.he corztractors so that said W�rrants sha1Z be deliver�d ?''�" to the coz�tx���ci�or on app-roval estimatss an.� Warrar�ts sha�1 be delivered for prof�ssior�al services wa.th �he stipula�:i.on that � said holders wi11 �_m.Yuedi.ately delive�+�° said War_rants to said Firm of InvestmLn.t Bankers and receive in cash th� p�r value thereofe THIS NOTICE is issued and given pursuan.t to an Ordinance passed by the ��ty Council of the City of G�ape�crine, Texas , on the 8th day oi June, 1971. CITY OF GRAP�VINE, TEXAS : By: _ MAYOR � � � � �' � - c��:�r� f'lca���z: rc��t - OP�DTNATvCE D1:REC7'1NG PU����TCA'!':L�T�7 U� N�TTCF, Ta B:CDDERS Tti.L? ST�11E QF TF?7:1,S , COl.+Nl'�r 4F 7.'��iI�i�T . G:C`I'Y Ol� GR��P1�t�_�=T�L . �tie , the v.ndersigned o�ficexs oi said City, her. eby cer�ify as follati,rs : . 1. The City Council of sazd City convened in . SPECIAL M�E'TTNG ON THE 8TH DAY OF JUNE, 1971, at the City Hall , and the roll i•ras called of_ the duly constituted officers and members of said City Council , to-�wit : � CoW. Vande>>e��'cer_ , City Secre�ary Wi11is Pirkle, May-or � Doil E. Daltan R.T. Eidson �"" Lee R. Thoin�son Phillip Paxlcer A1. Harw�ll " and all oL said persons were present , excepi. the following absen�ees : � thus constituting a a�uort�m. jV�iereupon , among other business , the following was tra.nsacted at said Meeting : a written ORDSNANC� DIREGTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO BIDDERS was duly introduced for the consideration of said City Council and read in ful1 . It was then duly moved and seconded that sa.i_d Ordinance be passed ; and, after due discussion , said mot.ion , carrying with it the passage of said Ordinance , preva.iled and carried by the fo7lowing vote : A1'ES : A11 members of said City Council shown present above voted "Aye" . � NOES: None . � 2 . That a. true , full , and correct copy of the aforesaid Ordinance passed at the Meeting described in the above and fore- going paragraph is attached to and follotivs this Certificate ; """°' that said Ordinance has been duly recorded in said City Council ' s minutes of said Meeting ; that the above and foregoing paragrapll �. is a true , full , and correct excerpt frarn said City Council ' s minutes of said Meeting pertaining to the passage of said Ordi_- nance ; that the persons named in the above and foregoing paragraph are the duly chosen9 c{ualified , and acting officers and members of' said City Council as i.ndicated therein ; tha.t each of the officers and members of said Ci�Ly Council was duly and suffi.ciently noti- fied officially and personally , in advance , of the time , place , and purpose of the aforesaid Mee�ing , and that said Ordinance would be introduced and considered for passage at said Meeting , and each of said officers and me;nbers consented , in advance , to the holding of said Meeting for such purpose ; and that said Meet- ing was open to the public , and public notice of the time , place , and purpose o£ said meeting was given , all as required by Vernon' s Ann . Civ . St . Article 6252-17 , 3 . That the I�4ayor of said City h�.s approved , and hereby approves , the af-oresaid Ordinance ; that the Mayor and the City Secretary of said City have duly signed said Ordinance ; and that the Mayor ancl the City Secretary of said City hereby declare that their signing of this Certificate shall constitute the signing of the attached and following copy of said Ordinance for all pur- � poses . SIGNED AND SEALED the gt� day of _�rie _, 1971. % / f% � f ������%l�'�Z-c�...,�-�.��,.-�<� - �� ����<<�- City Secreta.ry Mayor (SEAI'�� Z� the uride.r.szgned, City Attorn�y of the Cit�y of. Grapevine, `!'exa�, du hercJL-y ce��tify tl��a�: I a�proved as to 1egalit�= the a�t��chr� a��d �0�[.7_o�-��ing Ordinance pr_i_o � to its pass��e as a�ores�.id. ,,� ��/��'.�,�--�_-�_..�'�=--=�1��_ -- CitSl �ttorn��T