HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-10-18 Regular Meeting i
October 18, 1960
The City Council of the City of Grapevine met in regular
session in the City Hall of Grapevine, those present were Mayor
Tip Johnson, Alderman Harold Kaker, A1 Harwell , Travis Matthews,
Floyd Deacon , and Ed. Hayward.
A letter was received from the business men along the E. NW Hwy.
in reference to dirty, greasy water running down in front of '.
their business �s. Mayor Joh�n.son talk with n"r. Feltts office �
in regard to this, and they advised that this situation would ,
be corr�ct�d and would not happen again, and if it �id to notify
his office at once.
The Council approved Natkin & Co. request that contracts 2, 3,
8 5 be written into one performance bond , instead of a bond for
� each contract , this was done by a motion by Alderman Deacon,
seconded by Matthews, motion carried. '
Mr. Bob Nichols recommended to the Council that the following '
changes be made in the plans submitted by H. Leslie Hill on
Sunshine Harbor Addition:
1 . Additional consideration should be given to the connections
of the various streets to Loop 10. The plans as now drawn ,
provide for a 5 inch asphaltic ,junction between the sub- ',
division street and Loop 10. We believe that this asphaltfc ,
surface will be difficult to maintain an:d will not prove �
satisfactory in the long run. It is requested that you etither
install culvert pipe of adequate capacity in lieu of these
valleys, or if this is not practical , provide concrate ',
valleys to permit the water to pass over the intersection. i
2. On the plans showing the street ,juncf.ion with Highway Loop
10 , detail A and Detail B, show extensions to existing �
culvert pipes underneath th� hig'�way. These extensions �
provide for rather sharp bends in the extensions which we �
feel is undesirable. It is also noted that the headwalls i
at the upper end of the extended conduits approach the ,
existing end of paving on Loop 10. This would make future '
expansion of this road difficult. TY�e City respectfully
requests that lyou restudy this method of handling the
drainage in an effort to find a better sol,ution.
3. Y�ur attention is directed to the typical paving section
shown on 'Sheet 1 of 1� for Easy Street. This indicates a
distance of 27 feet back to back of curb. The City has
adopted a standard of 31 feet back to back and you are
requested to conform to this minimum width of 31 feet.
1+. Your attention is directed to the same typical section as
referred to under No. 3 . This plan shows a 7Z inch base
as per F.H.A. Sk-110 specification. We would appreciate
your changing this specification to 7z inch base course j
er State Hiahwa De a�tment s ecification Item 21 or
, 3�
P ., Y P P i
. �
� better quality. The l.2 inch aspha�ttic cancrete wearing surfaee
shauld be chancted from F.H.A. SL-301 to Texas State Highway
Department specification, Item 31?, Type D.
5. The typical curb and gutter sectian , shown on page 1 of 1�.,
for Easy Street s'�ould be altered to indicate three #1� bars af
reit3forc£ng runrtinq 2anaitudina2ly, twa af these hars �rt th� curb
section and the third in the gutt�r section. The curb and gutter
should be installed r�rt a 2 inch minimum sand cushiort.
6. Inasmuch as there are no r�ritten specificatinas attached to
these p2ans, we wnuld advise �he Ci. ty wil2 expect the paving �
work ta be done in accardance with good and accepted practices.
Prar�Pdures as employed by �he State Hi.ghway Department wi 11 be
corxsidered as acceptab2e .
7, The developer and/or his paving contrector will be expected �
to furnish the �i ty a Mai rttenance Bond cc�vering thi s wark far a
period of ane year.
The following comments ar� made in connection with the water
system improv�tments:
l , Inasmuch as specifications are nvt attached to the plans,
the deve2oper wi � l expec� to have this work performed in aceord-
ance with generally aecepted good con� tructian practices, The
City now has under cr�rttract certa3n w�ter and sewer impra�rements
in the City and the specifications used for these pro,jects will
servie as a guide in the Cityrs inspectdron of the water improve-
ments in the �unshine Harbor Addition.
2. The City of Grapevine will furnish an 8 inch water main at
the north edge of the Sunshine Harbor addition between Lots 24 �:
and 2� of B lack A. Yc�u are requested to provide a utility
easeraent between these twc� b2acks so that when yau construet a
�ine from your north property line to Easy Street it will be
within a 4ttility easement. The City desires th�t you construct
an 8 in�h llne �'rom your n:arth property li ne to Easy Street. ,
It is our understanding that you do nat prapose to l.ay the 13ne
to the west of Rainbow Trail nor south on Rainbow Trail . At the
time yau propose to do this work, the City would like ta recon-
sider this matter with the thought of inereasing one or the other
llne to an 8 inct-� �.�ize. It is our understanding that the
deve2opers wil2 expect the City of Grapevine tc� pay the invoice
cost difference between an 8 inch size and the size shown on
yaur plat.
3. The City h�s standardized on Mueller Gat� Valves, Mueller
Improved Fire Hydrants, Muell�r Corporation Cocks and Mueller
Curb Stops. Yau will be expected to comply with this stand- ',
ardizatian. �
)�.. The water mains shnuld be hydrostatieall� tested for leaks.
This test should be in accordance with the American Water Works
Associatian specifications and the test period should be for a
minimurn of three hours. ;
�. The water mains shov.ld be sterilizsd and te�ts submitted to ;
the State Department of Health for bac teriological analysis.
The steriltza#.ion should be continued until free samples are
; �r
6. Concrete blocking with 2,000 psi concrete shauld be placed �e-
hind al2 fittings, fire hydrants, ete,
7. Careful attention should be given to the backfilling o� '. _
trenches lying under streets to be paved. This backfil3 s�iould
ei�her be tampe� to a 95� pro�tor density or lthe excavated
mat�rial remov�d and replaced with sand and water �etted. The
simple backfilling of the ditch with natura2 material and �ett-
ing will not be deemed as satisfactory.
The following comments are made in connectipn with the sewer system: j
1 . 5ince the City of Grapevin� will provide sewer se�vi.�e to the
Addition at Jackson Street, it will be necessary ta regrade Line
C and Line E.
2, We would appreciate your having yaur surveyor ver�fy that the
smal2 area between your east property line and Stat� ighway i2�
and north af Dooley Street can gravity into the mar.�.���� at Sta.
0�00, �ine B, If this area cannat be served by gravity, we wou2d
apprciate your calling this to our attention. �
3. No details are shown for the manholes, These manhales shauld
be constructed in accardance with the City of Grapevine �s stand-
ard details.
4. The backfflling of trenches under areas to be paved shall
comply with the pravisions set forth under the water system abeve. .
A m�tion by Alderman Deacon, seconded by Alderman Kaker to accept
the recommendations of Mr. Bob Nichois, City Engineer, Mation
carried. Mr. Nichols to write Mr. Hill of the required changes
on water, sewer, and street p2ans,
A lPtter ta Mr. J, Pawers Mobile Station in reference ta ad�ust-
menton IqS� and 196� tax �s advising him that no action aan be �
taken by the Cauncil at this time as the Board o� Equ� lization
had approved the tax rendition and assessment, and the Council
has certified the tax rolls.
A report on additianal street lights for the High School and the
3unior High �chao2 as requested by �r. W. O. Echols was reviewed, !
The City has a standard p�Iicy in the residential area to request
T. P. L. to �nstall Street Lights at each street intersection.
A rnotian bypMatth�ws, seconded by Alderman Kaker ta advise the
school of this and also advise them that streets lights for the
intersections east and west of the Cannon E2e�entary �cho�2 is
now in process. Motion carried. Alderman Hayward declined ta .
The Mayor advised the Cauncil of the condition ^f the sidegalks
& steps put in by �r. Owens far the new Post Of�ice bui3ding on
T��xas �treet. Mr. Griffith of the Postal Department infarmed the
Mayor that the Fostal Depart��nt would not accept the sidewalks
and steps as they are . A letter was to be written ta Mr. Owens ;
re�ecting the sidewalks and steps.
-___ _ __ ._ �
A letter received from Ann B. Lancaster, Edger Lee Lancaster, Jr. ,
W. D. Deacon, and �. E. Deacon in reference to bringing in a part
of their land west of Ridge Road and the west end of College
street, into the Cit,y Limits for development. This was tabled
for furth�r study. ( letter on file in office of City Secretary)
Discussion was given on extending sewer and water lines in Dell-
wood Acres , this was tabled for further study and additional ;
informatinn. '
Mr. Nichols gave the council a bid from Natkin 8 Co. to do the '
following work:
1 . Laying sewer line in Dellwood Acres --------------$ 17,557.00
2. Laying Water line in 'r "
from the school west ----------------------------- 4,287.00
3. Laying sewer line frmm lift station to
Hill � s proper�iy with the same specifictions
as the lines he is now laying -------------------- 4,08�} .00
• �S
�.. I.aying water;�'�down Eckley street to Hillts
property ----------------------------------------- 5,011 .00
Natkins total bid for this work in Dellwood Acres and to Sunshine
Harbor additions was $ 3Q,93° .00 . ',
Mr. Nich�ls was to study these prices submitted by Natkin � Co. ,
as t�ey were several dollars more than Mr . Nichols �stimated;
and report his finding to the council .
Mr. Nichols was asked what it would cost the city for his
company to draw up specification and requirements concerning
tge laying of water & sewer lines , the construction of streets,
curbs and gutters within the city aR�xasi�ssas for new addition to
the City. The City needs specfic specifications �or the developer ,
and the contractors to go by. ,
Alderman Deacon reportFd his findings on the alleys in Block 14
of the Grapevine SurvFy� The City does own the alleys in this
blook, and they are on record in the County Clerk�s Office in
Tarrant Coun�y, As dedicated alleys. Alderman Deacon suggested
to the council to sell th2se alleys to the abutting property
owners for a consideratinn large enough to cover all expenses,
such as cost of the deed , cost of surveying, cost of title , and
a amoutit sufficient to cover time spent on this. Alderman
Deacon advised that he had contacted a few of the owners and
they were in agreement to this. A motinn by Alderman Kaker ,
seconded by Alderman Hayward to commend Alderman Deacon for his !
time and work spent on this and authorize him to continue on !
' with this and also to handle the alleys in the block directly '
!� across the street the sarne way. Motion carried . The cost of �
the surveyor was $75.00. �
, {
� ��
; Bids were received on a � ton Pick-up and a 2 ton truck with a
dump bed . The following are the bids :
Hudiburg Chevrolet Inc.
1961 chevrolet z ton Pick-Up and
a 1961 chevrolet 2 ton truck with ;
a 5 yd dump bed -------------------------------� 4�991 .90 ✓ �
Bill Howell Ford Co. �
1960 Ford � ton pick-up and
a 1960 Ford 2 ton truck with
a 4 yrd dump bed ------------------------------ 5,029.71
Tom Maggard Motor Co. i
196o Ford � ton pick-up and 4
a 1960 ford 2 ton truck with �,
a 4 yd dump b2d . ------------------------------ 5,025.00
Bids were received on 5treet equipment as follows : ;
MpQdy-Day Co. ;
' Roller -------------------- � 2,665.50 i
� Broom -------------------- 882.00 �
Asphalt Pot ----------------- Z 39 .00 ' I
� 5,941 .50 (s9.�o.��) .i ,
Berry Bros.
Roller ----------------- $ 2, 890.00 �I
Broom ----------------- 980.00
As halt Pot ---- 2 931 .5� �
p ------------- '
� , 0l •50 �
Less 5� 340.07 �
� 6 �460.43
Martin-Lumby Co.
Roller ------------------ � 3 ,365.00 �'
Broom ------------------ 1 ,285.00
Asphalt Pot ----------------- z,982.00 �
Less 10� , .00 ,
� 6 , 858. 80
` I
A motion by Alderman Kaker, seconded by Alderman Matthews to
'' accept the bid af Hudiburg Chevrolet Inc. for the 2 ton pick-up
� and the twa ton truck with the 5 yrd dump bed, all 1�61 models.
Also the bifl of MpQdy-Day Cos �OF the roller, broom, and asphalt
pot, mation carried.
'Itiv� pieces af the street equipment , brmom and asphalt pot are
F.O.B. Da11as and the roller w311 be sent to Grapevine. A
mot�an by Alderma� Ka�er, seconded by Alderman Deacon ta emp2ay
The Johnson Construction Ca. to pick up the equipment in Dallas
and de2iver to Grapevine at a price af �60.00, motion carried. `
Thz Streets that were to receive asphaltic cancret� were reviewed
and W. Worth, E. Texas, Daoley, and Eckley was to be widened if
possible and the following streets was to reworkedt �hurch,
W. Worth, E. Wall , E. Texas, Daoley, and E. Frank2in.
No fur�her business meeting ad�aurned.
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