HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-02-03 Regular Meeting �
I i
' Regular meeting af the City Council of the City of Grapevine , Texas ;
was held on February 3, �959, with the fol. lowing merrtbers present: '
Mayor Joe D. Clark; Aldermen Doil Dalton, R. T. Eidson, Norris L. t
Graham, VJm. H. I�aker, t� R. F. Shelton; Secretary Hugh Nfillican. ;
Minutes of the meeting 4f January 20, 29�R , were read and approved. '
' �
Alderman Kaker moved that amendments to refunding contracts for ;
facil :ttfes within Beliaire Addition, Section tB�; Sky Harbor Addition, �
Section tB�; and Lakeuroo�t Acres be approved in which said amendments �
pravided that any repayment shall be based on an. income af �b�,00 �
, per annum per customer, of which $4�.00 is water income and �18.00 �
is sewer incame, instead of being based on the average income from E
' all custcamers, In the invividual contracts, the ba�e amount on
which the amendment is based sha21 be:
Bellaire Addition, Section tB � - ,�0� of $b0,00 or �30.Q0, '
Sky Harbar Addit3.on, Section B - 54r� of �60«40 ar �3Q.OQ,
' Lakewood Acres, - 3� I/3% of �t�2.0a or $1�..00 (Addition has ;
no sewer facilities. ) '
Motiat2 was secanded by Al.derman She2tQn and pa�sed.
Alderman Kaker moved that the City proceed to secure b3.ds for the �
purchase af gasoline in bulk quanities with the bidder furnishing
� tanks and pumps. Matian secanded by .l�ldermar2 E�dsan anfl gassed. ]
Alderman Eidson moved that the degosit required by the water and �
sewer departm�nt for service guarantee be set at �10.00 for ai3 �
custamers. Motion seconded by Alderman Dalton and passed. �
� The following bi11s were approved for paymentt �
Thc�mpsan Printir�g Service � 130.9� far Palice Office Expense ;
Wilkins Florist 5. 1� for F],owers ( Police Other �
Expense} f
With the above approval , the 19,�q operating budget is to be amended �
as fallows: �
Trartsfer of �10.00 from C7ther Fa3.ice Expense to Po2ice Office �
Expense, �
�ppropriatic�n of � 1,�.00 for the purchase of desk Iamp far City �
Hall O�fice to be charc�ed as Equipment Purchased - '
Administrative. ;
Appropriation of �350.00 for the purchase of water meters to �ae ,
charged as �apital Eperiditures. ',
The selection of a Police Chief was delayed until next meeting.
, Alderrr�an Eidson moved that all emplc�yees of the City must take their ,
vac�t�ons '��t= the�:".time they ue withaut exceptian, Motic�n was
, seconded by Alderman Shelton�passed '
Alderman Shelton moved the John Baze be paid the sum of $300.00 as
payment af accrued vacation which had nc�t been taken. Motion seconded
by Alderman Kaker and passed. �
; Meeting A �ourned. '�
City Secre ary �