HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-12-12 Regular Meeting i
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' The G�-�pevine City Gouncil met in regular sessio� at 7 p.m. on Dec. i
12, 1959 with tne foll_owina members presen�: Nlayor Tia Johnson, '
• Councilman A1 Harwell ,, Harold Kaker , Rodney Shelton, Doi� Dalton, a
; Norris Graham, James Nancock �Nater Supt. and City Secretary ft. F.
� kogers•.
The minutes of l �t co�zncil meetinQ �vas read and ap��r�ved.
The following pro��erty owners bein� contigious to thP present City
limits South of Grapevine , met- �Nith the City Lounc?1 and petitioned �
to be taken into the Cit�� limits by a�nexation. The petition was in
order with the names and nro�>erties l�.sted herein; �
R. W. Clowers Rt. 1 , Box 58 A. �uless , Acres 15 Ac. �
; P. I1 Vaughn Rt. 1, l3ox 124 A 12 Ac. �
' Jam�s B. Brown Rt. 1, 8ox 57 A ? Ac. +
L. . Lurrent Rt. l, �oa 124 40 Ac. i
E. �. Uiedeon i�t. 1 Box 127 44 Ac. �
' F. G. Heffley �t. 1, �ox 58 72 Ac. �
� �L. C. liill 3�'17 NSira►nac Ave . Dallas, T�xas 160 Ac.
(�. W. Huf�man Est. Rt. 2, 13ox 58 59z Ac. j
A motion �Nas ma.de by Council man Kaker and motion seconded by Rodney
'�� �helton that the City limits be extended South to include the
, proper�y indetified ahove and that it be unclerstood if r_Aquest for �
) annexation is �rant�d that the here in f!tture inha.bitants of Grapevine
�' be entitled to all tize ri�hts and privile ;es of other Citizens and
� ��.� it further tinderstood that until the City can furnish necessary
� � utilities and otner services the City taxation on ttle above properties
� ', will be at a low t�ken minimum rate , see rdinance in or.din.ance book.
H11 Louncilman voted yes.
� l�ttorneys Peterson and �merson met �vitb the Council anc? snade formal
il application tor ap�ointment as i:ity Attorney' s, action on the app�i¢--•
ation was delayed until further date.
Councilm an Shelton made motion seconded b�- Counc� lman Kaker to i
�� refund C. E. ,jacicson a �70.00 payment 1 or a water t�.p that !.��as never
, made , all voted yes. Along �vith the abo� e action, instruction �iven
� to check and determine numrer of units bein; serve.d presently on
Mr. J�cicsons property.
Councilma:n Dalton n�ade motion seCond by Louncilman Harwell that
yield signs Le iristalled �t Vine and Bellaire St.. All Councilman �
' voted yes. '
Councilman A1 Har_well made motion to have �-tty Secre ary w lte a letter �,I
to the Niotoro la Coznmunica tions an d E lec troni cs I n c. a n y
maintenance contr�ct that the City of Grapevine may have wit them, '
!, motion seconded by Norris Gr�ham- all voted yes.
Councilman Kaker cnade motion seconded �y Councilrnan Shelton that in
lieu of a tax on dir��ctory a.dvertising and miscellaneous char�es I
made by the Southwestern States 'Teleqhone Co. �n moves installations
' etc. that the asses�ed valuation within the Lity be ancreased in �
I the sum of $8, 335. retroactive to January 1 , 1959. Voting Aye
Councilman Kaker, Shelton, lialton, Harti�ell , veting no, Louncilman
1�'orris Graham, motion carried.
A mtoion ti,Tas made by councilman Shelton second by Doil Ualton that
the Mayor contact the ctate Highvaay �?atrol tc� ascertain if they can
assist in an}� way in the control of tratkice at inter.se< tion of
High�nlay 121 and Ball and Highway 157 , all voted yes.
An addition to a building at location �ast 1 31ock 58B-1 Wm. liooley
sur. vey owned b�� Bill Tlillic�n was d�.scussed, havin� had se ���ra1 j
c �mf�l�ints from p�operty owners residing near the abo�-e, the
councilman reviecved the zonin�? rec�uirements and feel that tne above
does not c�mr>ly with Section B" City Zoning Crdinance , and in acidition
the type Luildin� t�eing constrY:cted is n�t suitable and is not to
the best interest ot other pro��erties adjacent there to. The
possibility of a. ��iolation of the zoriing ordinance , and the constru�- ;
tion of a building titiritl�out obt�:inin,a, a building ;�Prmit will be l.00ked
into r�fore makin� a c�ecission.
Sever. al residents a-�d pr_o��erty ov,rners have complained o,` waste �il
and �r.ease ;etting onto their �ro4�erties from the �osden Station �'
III� T K m d '
i owned by James �[�wn loca ted at 21b E. I�.vV. FIv,y. Counc�lrnan aker a e
motion s�conded �y A1 !-�arwell that water supt. James [�ancock make �,
nece�sary inspect?�n of �he al�ove and see if the�� can work out with !
i�ir. Brown corrective mea.s�_�res on ti�_e ahove , all council.men voted yes..
postmaster Stephens made a rc�quest that the City pave streets �t new
Postoffice location Jenkins and Texas streets. Councilmen Kaker
���' �- �:1 Ni h n i n f o r m i n ���
made motson that (:ity Se _retary ,e.t letter to r. Step e s g
him that the �ity Louncil voted neg�tive on the al�ove request. ,
Niotion s�conded L�y Rodney Shelton, all voted yes.
Cour.ci?man llalton made motion seconded by.�,,S� ton that police i
sut?ervise at intersection of Hi�hway 157��'`�?i�21 , Traffic. control �
i to be at hours school ciismissedJin afternoon. Sug�Tested that the Y�
'"ayor contact state hi�hway ��atrolman f or any a�'ditional aid they �
may t�e able to o�t er.
�� ��1�;ETIP;G avJ�:�u�;n�,r.�:
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City Secret y
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