HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1969-046 ORDINANCE NO. 69-46
WHEREAS, due an d lawful notice of hearing to consider a
- change in �he zoning regulations of the City of Grapevine,
Texas , has been heretofore given;
THAT , Title IO, of the City Code of the City of
Grapevine, Texas be amended so as to add the follawing
chapter thereto, to-wit:
provide flexibility in the planning and development of pro-
jects witta corrzbinations of uses car af specific physical de-
signs such as office centers , combination apartment and re-
tail centez� shapping centers , medical centers with office
and housing elements, speeiai industzial parks, housing de-
velopments ar any similar large-scale develapments, a "PD" ,
Planned I3evelopzaent District is provided. This district 3s
in�ended as an amendment �0 2ae applied to the i�istrict Map
under an amendment to the Zaning Ordinance. Cer�ain maximum
and minimum standards are specified for various use categori.es,
and cextair� provisions such as yards, caverage, and building
spacing are to be detexmined by �he particular design.
Specific development candi.tions and schedules can be enforced
with respect to a "pDrr � planned Dc�velopment District and fai.l-
ure to adhere ta a deveZopmen�G schedule can be the basis for
remaving part ar all of a "PD" , Planned Development District,
fram t�e Zaning Distr�ct Map, Besides the puzpose of achiev-
ing flexibility and variety in the physical pattern of the
City of Grapevine, this district shauld encourage a more
. efficient use of apen space and appropriate use af land. It
�,,. ,
is included sa that cagni�ance may be taken af the surrounding
proper-�y and t�e proper protectian of such property be pra-
vided far in locating and approving any "PD" , Planned Develop-
ment District.
IO-11A-2 Applicable Uses
The uses of land applicable to a P�.anned Development
District are thase that can be appropriately developed as
integral land use units such as;
{1} Industrial Parks ar Districts
(2) Office Complexes
(3� Gommercial or Service Centers
(4� Shapping Center�
{5� Residential Development of Multiple or Mixed
(6� Plny apprapriate cambination of uses which znay
be planned, developed and operated as integra�.
land use units by a single owner or combination
of awners.
10-11A-3 Application and Procedure
(1) An application �or a Planned D�velopment District
may be made to the City Planning and Zc,ning
� Commission in the same manner than an applica-
tion for any amendment to the zoning ordinance
is made.
(2) The City Council of the City of Grapevine, after
recommendation by the City Planning and Zoning
Commission and after public hearing and proper
notices to all parties affected, may authorize
the creation of a Planned Developm ent District
on sites of five (5) acres or more to accomodate
various types of developments an d combinations
of developments as enumerated in preceding
10-11A-4 Uses Permitted
A Planned Development District may be approved for
any uses or combination of uses listed hereunder. The uses
permitted in any specific Planned Development District shall
be enumerated in the ordinance establishing such district.
(1) One-Family dwelling (detached)
One-Family dwelling (attached)
Two-Family dwelling;
Multiple-Family dwelling;
(2) Community unit development, conforming housing;
community unit development, variable housing;
(3) Boarding or rooming housing;
(4) Hotel or motel;
(5) Accessory building, residential ; community
center, private ;
(6) Off-Street parking, incidental to main use;
(7) Servant or caretaker' s quarters;
(8) Swimming pool, private;
(9) Home occupation;
(10) Apartment accessory uses;
(11) Electrical substation; electrical energy
generating plant; electrical transmission line;
fire station; gas line and regulating station;
local utilities line; local transit station or
terminal ; radio or television or microwave
tower ; commercial radio or television trans-
mitting station; sewage treatment plant; tele-
phone exchange, switching and transmitting
equipment only; telephone business office;
utilities installation, public or private, not
listed; water stand pipe or elevated storage;
water reservoir well or pumping station; water
treatment plant.
(12) Church or rectory;
(13) Co11Ege, university, or private school ;
(14) Cemetery or mausoleum;
(15) Community Center;
(16) Convent or monastery;
(17) Day nursery, kindergarten or day camp;
(18) Institution for care of alcoholic, narcotic or
psychiatric patient; hospital, general acute
care; hospital, chronic care; institution of
reZigious , charitable, or philanthropic nature;
library, art gallery, or museum (public) ;
nursing home or residence home for aged;
(19) School, public or denominational ;
(20) Bar, lounge, or tavern; eating place without
drive-in or curb service; eating place with
dancing or entertainment ; private club with
dining and bar service;
{21} Bank or saving� and laan off ice; clinic,
medical or dental ; laborat�ry, medical or
dental; labaratory, medical or dental; labora-
toxy, scientific testing; medical appliance
fittings and sales ; of�ice, professional or
general busine�s; aptical shop; s�udio, artist;
studio, drama, speech or dan ce , or music; studio,
display of art� and decorators objects ; studio,
recording and broadcasting;
(22) .Animal clinic or hospital (househald pets, no
outside runs) ;
(23) Garden shop and plant sales, display ar green-
house; Pet shop (sma11 animals and birds) ;
veterinarian' s of�ice (no hospital) ;
(24) Art needle work; barber and beauty shop, clean-
ing shop, �mall cu�toms shap; cleaning shap,
commercial; cu�tom sewing and millinery; handi-
craft, ceramic sculpture ar similar art work;
hand weaving; health studio;
(25) Key shop; laundry or dry cleaning (self-service) ;
laundry, commercial ; laundry cleaning pickup
and receiving station; photography studio; shoe
repair; tailor; travel buxeau; upholstery shop;
(26) Antique shop, enclosed; �ood store; bakery or
confectionery shop (retail) ; book and stationery
store; camera shop; cigar, tobacca store (new} ;
hardware and sporting goods, �obby shop and art
supply stare; paint and wallpaper store; retail
stores and shops othex than listed; �ool ren�al ;
(27) Amusement, commercial (outdoor) ; amusement,
commercial (indoor) ; country club, private
membership; club, private business; fair-
grounds ; golf course, commercial; gol� course,
public; park or pla�ground, public; recreation
club or area , private; rodeo; theatre (enclosed
building) ; billiard parlor ;
(28) Airport or landing field, bus station and termi-
nal ; hauling and storage company; heliport;
motor freight terminal;
(29) Auto-laundry; auto glass , �uffler and seat
cover shop; auto parts and accessory sales
(indoor only) ; auto sales (indoor display) ;
auto sales or storage (outdoor display) ; auto
repair garage; auto painting or body-rebuilding
shop; parking, commercial lot or garage; service
�` station (motor vehicle fuel) ;
(3Q) Fix-it shop and appliance repair; furniture re-
pair and upholstery; job printing; laboratory,
manufacturing; lumber yard; lithographer or
printing plant ; monument sales yard; open
storage (visual screen) ; petroleum projects,
storage and wholesale ; plumbing shop; maintenance
and home repair shop (no outside storage) ; con-
tractor' s or maintenan ce yard;
(31) Sand, gravel , or earth (sale and storage) ; ware-
house or covered storage;
(32) Light manufacturing and industrial uses ; heavy
manufacturing an d industrial uses.
10-11A-5 Hei�ht, Floor �rea, Densitvx Parkin�� and L�adinq
The maximum height, lot width, lot depth , floor area,
lo� area, and maximum off-street parking an d loading require-
ments, for uses praposed, shall be established for each
��` � Planned Development District, and sucka standards and require-
ments shall com.ply with or be more restrictive than the stand-
ards established for the specified type uses in the particular
districts in which they wauld ordinarily be permitted under
the general Zoning Ordinance.
IO-IiA-.6 Froceduxe far Establislaing Standards
In appraving the develapment plan and the ardinance
establishing the Planned Development District , �he City Council.
shall, after recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion, speea.fy such maximum height, floor area, densi�y, and
minimum off-street parking and loading standards wi�hin the
� 3imits af those specified in the distrzcts far the specified
uses involved, as is appropriate far the deuelopment. The
Ci�y Cauncil shall, after reco�nendation of �he City Planning
and Zoning Commission, establish the standards for yards ,
signs, building spacing, site coverage, access, screening
walls ar landscaping, bu�lding area, open space, pedestrian
ways, public or grivate streets, and alleys to be abserved in
the Planned Development District, and such s�andards shall be
specified in the ordinance establishing the district.
10-1IA-7 Development Schedule
(1) An applicatian for a Plarznecl Development District
shall, if the applicant desires or the City
Planning and Zoning Commissiorz or the City Council
requires, be accompanied by a development
schedule, indicating the approximate date on
which construction is expected to begin and
� the rate of anticipated developr�ent to comple-
tion. The development sche�ule, if adopted
and approved by the City Council, shall become
part of the development plan and shall be ad-
hered to by the owner, developer, and his
successors in interest.
(2) Where a development schedule has been required,
the Building Inspector shall report annually to
the City Planning and Zoning Commission the
actual development accomplished in the various
Planned Development Districts as compared with
the development schedule.
" (3) The City Planning and Zoning Commission, if in
its opinion the owner or owners of property are
failing or have failed to meet the approved
schedule, may initiate proceedings to amend the
Zoning District Map or the Planned Development
District, by removing all or part of the Planned
Development District , by removing all or part of
the Planned Development District from �he Zoning
District Map and placing the area involved in
another appropriate zonin g district . Upon the
recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning
Commission and for good cause shown by the owner
and developer, the City Council may also extend
the development schedule or adopt such new
development schedules as may be indicated by
the facts an d conditions of the case.
� 10-1IA-8 Development Plan Required
An application for a planned Development District
shall include and be accompanied by a development plan which
shall become a part of the amending ordinance an d shall be
referenced on �he 2oning District Map. C�anges in the develap-
ment plan shall be considered the same as changes in the Zoning
Distriet Map and shail be processed as required: exeept that,
changes of detail which do not alter the basic relationship of
the proposed development to adjacent property and which do not
alter t�e uses permitted ar ��crease t�e density, floor-area
ratia, �eight, ar coverage of the site, ar which do not de-
crease the off-street parking ratio, ar reduce the yards pro-
vided at the boundary of the site, as indicated on th e appraved
development plan, may be authorized by the Building Inspector.
Any applicant may appeal the decision of the Building Inspector
to �he City Planning and Zoning Commission for review and de-
cision as to whether an amendment to the Planned Development
District ordinance shall be required.
The Development Plan Sha11 �nclude:
{1) � scale drawing of any propased public or private
streets and alleys ; building sites ar bu�lding lats;
any areas proposed far dedicatian �r reserved as
parks, parkways, playgrounds, utility and garbage
easements, school sites, street wi.clening, street
changes, arzd the point� af ingress and egress from
existing public streets on an accurate survey af the
boundary af tract and topography with a contour in-
terval of not less thar� five {.�) feet, ar spo� grades
where the relief is Iim.ited.
(2) Where multiple types o� land use are propsed, a
Iand use plan, delinea�ing the specific areas to
be devoted to variaus uses , s�all be zequired.
"'� (3) Where building complexes are proposed, a site plan
showing the location of each building and the mini-
mum distance between buildings, and between build-
ings and the property line, street line andJor
alley line shall be submitted. Far buildings more
than one (1) s�ary in �eig�t, except single-family
and twa-family residences, elevations and/or per-
spective drawings may be requixed in order that the
relationship of the buildings to adjacent proper�y,
open s�aces, and ta ot�er features of the developmemt
plan may be determined. Such drawings need anly in-
dicate the height, number of floors , and expasures
` for access, light , and aix.
(4} A plan indicating the arrarzgeznent and pravision af
off-street loading where required. Such a plan may
be presented as a ratio of off-street parkzng and
off-street loading area to building area, when ac-
co�npanied by a typical exam�3e, indicating the
feasibility af the arrangement proposed, and when
the areas where the example would be applied are
dizTtel�si.oned o�2 the drawing of' the entire site. Any
special traffic regulation facili�ies proposed or
required to assure the safe func�ian of the circula-
tian plan shall alsa be showri.
(5) A designation of the maximum building coverage of
the site shall be indicated upon the site plan.
(6) Screening and landscaping plan shall be required,
where such treatment is essential to the proper
arrangement of the development in relation to ad-
jacent property. Such plan shall, when required,
include screening walls , ornamental planting,
playgrounds, wooded areas to be retained, lawns,
and gardens if such are determined to be necessary
by the City Planning and Zoning Commission.
(7) Any or all of the required features may be in-
corporated on a single drawing, if such drawing is
clear and capable of evaluation by the Planning
and Zoning Commission and interpretation by the
Building Inspector.
' (8) Every Planned Development District approved under
the provisions of this Ordinance shall be considered
as an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as applicable
to the property involved. In carrying out the deve-
lopment of a Planned Development District , the deve-
lopment conditions and the development schedule, if
required, shall be complied with, and such conditions
as are specified for the development of a Planned
Development District shall not be construed as condi-
tions precedent to the approval of the zoning amend-
ment, but shall be construed as conditions precedent
�� to the granting of a certificate of occupancy and
compliance as required.
Should any part , section, paragraph, sentence, clause or
phrase contained in this ordinance be held to be un-
constitutional , such holding shall not affect the validity
of the remainin g portion of the ordinance, but in all respect
;f:, ,,
shall remain in full force and effect.
VOTE OF ALL MEMBERS PRESENT ON Q�y���,,,,*�, � , 19�.
/i l!%o. � /� �rL,
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C ity Secretary
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City Attorriey '
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