HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1968-038 i � ORDIi,�.� C� . G. 68-38 . A�i ORDIT�AI�CE PROHIRITI� G ��RTAI'_. �.; ?:`i�"ERATED TYPES OF I;:OISES � j'JITHITv Ti-iE CITY LIMITS OF Ti3:s CI'iI' 0 t� G�'�PEVINE, T�XAS : PROVID- ` Ii�G A PENAI�TY THEREFORE AI:D A i�`I�i� Or�' �':OT LESS THAIC FIVE NOR �;� . NiaR.� THAN TWO HUNDRED DOLI,ARS i+'OR Ai�:'�' S�?C�� OFFET�SE; ORDERII�G T�iIS ORDINAN C� TO BE PUBLI SHED �S RI:c�U IR�ll :�`-' C ITY CHAMBER AZr D DECLAR- IT�G AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CIT'�' COi?'r'fiIL OF `z'TI:V CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS : � Sec�;io:�. 7_ It shall hereafter l;e unl�wful for arl,y person to make or cause to be made noise of such c1,�aracter, il��te��.sity and duration as to be detrimental to the life or �ie:,�.lt.� oi "a�,y individual in the ett;�. Sectioi�. � It shall. herea�ter be t���:]_aT�rful for ��n�� person to ma.lce or c«use to be made an,y unreasanabltT lo���.d, distu.rbing and ur�necessar,y noise in the city which is offer�siye �to t�;e ordinar,y sensibilities of �' ' the inhabitants of the cit,}l, t�r��:ich no7.se renders the en�o;�ment of � �,,,� life or property uncomfor���bl� or ixlterferes with public peace and comfort. Section 3 4 It shall hereafter be u���lawful for a.ny person to ma.ke or cause . � to be made any unreasonabl,r lotld distLtrbing and unnecessary noise ' 4 1 in the city. ; ae ction 4 The following acts, ��nc� oth�rs,� ��re de clared to create loud, disturbiil� and unnecessarv noises �izd sh��ll be deemed a violation of this ordinance, but sucr� e��;:Llmer��.tion shall not be deemed to be exclusive. (a) The sounding of any l�orr� or si�:r:al device on any auto- � n�obile , motorcycle, bus or otl�e�. vehicle while not in motion, ���, except as a danter si;nal, as m��;T be req.uired by state la.w, if �.nother vehicle is appro-�chi:��� �p�arentl�T out of control or if ��.nother vehicle is bacicin�, st'�rtir,�- o .r turiling in such a wajl a.s li�:el;� to cause a collisio� . Ordinanc�� p�a,;e 7. ( b) The sounding o� :. '�or�� or :�i.�,zzal devl ce on ar�y a.uto- niobile, motorc.ycle , bus or o�:��er vei:icl_e �,�hiSe in motion, except as �� daz�ger s�ignal, as req�.tii:ceci A���,�� �t��:te 1?.w. � � ( c) The playin�• of :.� ;;- -rr:�dio, ���.o:;o;.;ra.ph, or musical in- strurrierit ir� such a manr�er, o.r t,it�; suc�: volume ��.s to disturb the �.,.� peace, quiet, comfort or repos : af persors in any dwelling, apa.rt- ment, i7otel or other type o.;' r�c:s '� �e; ce. , ( d) The keepin� of_ ,, �% �.ir;;�,l o �� �'oT�rl which emits or ma.'�-es an unre�.soi�abl;r �oud, distur��,i-r��� �.-:.d u,�.:.ecessar,y noise. (e ) The use of any <�u�Lo;_�t�bile , 1�o�Lorcycle, bus or vehicle so o��t of repair or so lo�ded ,��':.ici1 en ' ts ar crea.tes loud or unr_ecessary �ra.-L-in�%;, �rindirl� or r�.tL�_i� �,oise. (:f) TY�e blowin� ol �� .. � ����� I:i ti��. ' st_te attached to any stationar,y boiler, except to �ive .o�i_c�� o:f �:,�,:e t�.r�,c� to be�in or stop t�rorl: or as � w�.rr�ir�g of danger. (�) The discharge i�����o ����e o��e_��: ���i�� of the ex�.aust from a����. E �..� � st�tioa:ary steam engine , .:��t �c'�,�:� r�r,.� l:: tel•�_�l combustion engiLe or �� � motor boat engine, excep� �t�:i:cou��:. •��� rnuf.fler or other device which will . effectively and �f�'�.r.::�: �". � _,�r���.r: �� 1_oud or u-r�usu�l �oises, a�l� o ;�inn� smoke and tl�e esc���_o�. :�:t' .-. ��:�� � �c_�m. ' � � (1z) The dischar�e i-,:to � e o;�e, =� r oi the exhaust i'.rom .�.r�:- E �iiotor vehicle except t���rou��'_ : ;�;,� ""1e:3�, or otY�er device, wliich will f effective�,y �.nd efficie ��:�. :�-�:�r,^��`t �011c� nd urlusual noises arid •�:.i�r:o;Tinn smoke. ! ( i ) The ere etio.r�, i. e1: c�:i.:��; - e;cc� ��.r cioz�, demolitior, alter�tion or repair of �.n,y buildi..�, i; rc::�`.,�e _t;'_ �_ district, other tr�ar, ', l��etwee�l tlie rlour� of 7:UO �i•"'A . �A �� �'�� y'.Ti. on weekdays, eacept ii: t'r�e c�.se of ur�ent riecF:s a".�;;- �_�:.. �L, �� 'L; '�erest of public safety, ,� , for ja�h3_ch a permit sl�all "��e o;-��.i::,ed '='o�;': the director of public , � � wor'cs o� the cit;,�. ( j ) The creatio�,� of' ��_-. �re<{so-A �.u=i_;; loud, disturbira�,� ai�d ui�r.ecessar;T r1oise on an,;� s�l^ec;t �� c�;���.ce� t �,o �n,y school or court . �ri�icl7 is i11 session or ��d,i�� c��: �. ,�o �� ��,;;pit��l; provided, that �� Orr_3 ina�lce I'_�.�:e 2 � conspicuous signs are loc�.ted i�_� stach st-reets indicatin{; that senools, }.iospit�.ls �x�d courts ��re a.dj��.cernt thereto. (li} The cre�tio:n oi �t-.re��so�� �.t�]_e , loud, disturbing and un- ��ecessar;y noises itl can�� ectia:�: ��r� th t':ie lo�.ding or unloadin�; of an�� ,�,�. , ' vel�icl.e, the opening ar�d destruct9.o�: of b�,les, boaes, cre�.tes �.nd �' conta.iners or the soundi�,'.l; o�' r:r;;r be�17. or �ong attached to any buildiri� located ozl az�;r prez�� ' ses ti:rl��oh disturbs the quiet or repose of perso-as occupyiri� adjoi�� ir ,� �rope.rt,� or t��ose occupyirl6 propert;r ��.cross an,�,� street or a11e - ��.� z�;r.iti�1:�: <� t��,o hundred foot radius. (1) The shout3.n.� al.r� er i_;.� of pe;idlers, h�.wlcers and vendors which di.sturbs the quiet �����1 ��e-��.e o:� t_:n nei�hbor):�ood. (m) The use of an,y dr.un� , lo-��.d-spea?-.er or other instrument or � device for the purpose of r�t-t;r�, ctit�.�; <��Ltertion bv the creation of noise to any performance , s:�oti1, s�le or displa,y of inerchandise as t� attract customers to �,. p"t��ce o:C ��u�3_�iess. �.,,� (n) Th� use of inec'�-��:ic 1 loud--spe� ��ers or amplifiers on a trucics or other movin� ve;�ic_l �;,� i'or �t' e ����rpose of advertisin�; an�r � � ' shoti•r, sale of di.splav of.n�; :��c :�.:�cl.ise . 5 � , �ectio« ,� � It sha11 hereafter Le �,_�., l���t,;C�z1 i'or � ���,r vehicle to be equipped � fi . , � with ��nd for any persor� to �_lsF= u��a� �, vel��_!cle ���z;; bell, siren, ' } . , compress:�o� or eghaust wl7istle , e.:cet�t �Li.��t vehicles oper�ted in � � the performance of duty b,-;= l����� ::l�iorr.r,l;,e,;t officers, fire department 4 � a.nd �.mbulanee,s majr attac'� ��r_d �lse =�_ l,el;,, siren, compression or exlz<4ust ��thistle. • � . ry r �eCtiOc� u It shall 'nerea.fter be ��.7�_l.�.t°r�'ul for �._�,�T persori to s�rilfu7_ltr or ' l:noti�air.�l�- 1�arL-or or keep o�: l�i_:�; prer7i' ses or elsewhere ar.:- animal , � � of :�.,y =��i7;.d that m�.::es or c:re--t�.. �:-�_ ��_..re,_ sonable disturb�,nce of � '`""" ti�e peace of the r�eigl�bors o�� occl.��=.�_.tU o�' ad�acezit premises or ' people livi�i� il� the viciz�it,- ��_���o:i o�.• suffer or permit such �_,.nimal to rn�.'��:e or cre�ate t.r� �,s ;,:.1 �oi�;e;s 1_��� howlin�, barl��-in�, ba�rling ar otller�rise. . O:e�ci 7_n�a.:��ce Pa�'e 3 d • A person . sl�all be ucc;i;.�.�c; -�� '�r>.�re ,�ri:'-_�!�.11 ; ar.d ;�row�.r�g1Y viol.�ted tl,e terms o� �' i.� s�;�� F'�o . i:L' � �.��' persor sr,� l.l have �e�r. ���o�i.�ied �y tk�e i��ei���,:�ors or t', c c',iie:�' �_� police or nr.�-r police oriicer of such disturb��}�:c�� r� �?:r<�.7_]_ ;� �-,�e refused for �� perio;d of t�•rert;T-fo�lr hovrs to cor,_•� , � -:,v_ci d:i.s� ;.r.�,.�;z1ce �1id prevez�t its �,� re currel�ce. � , ;�e c:��`.c� . rl , Ci ��n,r person sha.11 f: c� vi�:�ted o:' jriol,�.tii1� <,..r.l;;� of the �;.b�ve se ctions, he sh�all ' e l��.�t� �� - io` sdemeazlor �nd �'ir:ec� not less than iive: : o� ��.��r:: �;,�,- � �tt;o hundred dollars. The f�.ct tha.t the C` � c�:;' ;a��^ �c";r��-^ ,r_d its citizens <_,.re � r�os�.� lei�z� pla.�u.ed b,y -r�oi��� a:'' ;l�c�.� ���o��i_1,.�_ted n�.ture cre��.tes ai. P emer�e-r,c;�r, �=��d tl�is ordi. cc; �.�1: 17_ � c :�:Z.('ective irom alld �fter � d��.te o�' publication a.s �ro�ri�;.e�, ` � t?�e ;'� i,�� Cl�ar.ter. "� � PASSED AZdD APPROVE� o ::'i. ���-u :-•e c�.i t.�is ,,,��� da,y o� .�ec� rn�� � � . _ : . ��r _.� A.:D. i � � I ���. � - �- , --_� � . . _ � , �. . _ . � _ , ---- . _ l _t -�--� _ �� - - _ . . -�r,� �; _�t: �. of Grapevine , Texa.s , ATTEST: � G�C:.s�l�a��......._.�,w_.,... � ' t,� Se cret�.r,y . API'ROVAL ` �,,, R C�_ty Attorne�l _....�__ 0 � G_^d_il,�ncr: p. M� �, ,