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1950-08-11 Regular Meeting
r . ....... . ... , ._.. .:.,_: . . . . .._ : _---°-`-- .. . .. .. . __ ,__.,_ .. . , ._ f. .. . . . . . . . . , The re�ular meeting of the �ity Council of the z�ity of t�r�peviae was he18 on August 11, 1950, with the following being �resent: Gordon T�te, �d�yor, �.�.Uaniel, S.u�.Payna, J.�.�tarr �c Bill Y�n�ey -- `I'here were no minutes, no bills read. Tne folaowing bills were paid. �rs. Gertie hurst, 6 d�ys �t City Hall � 30.00 a�o.Lauig So �+e �y �0 4p sewer line under tr�cks - 10.00 So.Western St '1'el 15 LU c�.11s 3. 60 rent 90� 4.50 �i.".�crug�s labor 24.00 �ond hes. �d 400.01 �ue B. �ullins yep. on 4�a envelopes 20.16 `Iex.r � Lt �o �Li�ht� �c Yower 229.64 i�.ti.acru��s L�bor 18.04 Bill �illican D�owing �ts. x Park 87.00 James �uckner i�is. bill 8.05 Briggs-�eaver set 3/4� Die 120 f`t serv. pipe 40.65 �1. �. acrug�s La t�o� 15.00 W. J. Henderson �al less VYri 14.10 135.90 W. i.narwe11Ss1 less 4Lh 2.80 127.20 i►u. LBn�ley �sl less '�iji 5.�30 1�4.20 �.�.Ytiilliams 5a1 less �euri 8.20 156.80 J.V'r.�sarnwtt Night watch 25.00 ,v�rs. �ertie llurst Liorary 10.00 l�ctell �0 123 f`t 2" pipe 47.24 �. �. Scruggs labo� 24.00 � tixtell �'o �94 t�t. 3/4" Galv pipe 36.99 , B.M.i�a11 �qu�lization bo�rd 5.00 I �.Vti.Green " 5.00 '� �-. �. Woodall "- 5.00 W. J. Henderson Ice for July 4.6b Dalton. 5. St� Oil � Gas pickup 29.45 n�. Lan�ley �Cilling 12 dogs 6.00 C. �t. a�illican Son work �t shop 9.50 Gity Garage �ut�iler oc `rail pipe -- pickup 11.25 D. lti, Box ina. on picxup 37.50 BUIVJ) l�t�U�lr,,vtr.[V'1' �,�lvl� * 5:outhwe�t �ompany - fin&1 payment on contract on 1046.18 �aater x sewer extension. �Olmu�ue +�d j o urned ��