HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-03-31 Special Meeting� _��_. �.�, . -�.�.��____
;; The Conncil met in special session on March 31, 1952 at the 8ity Hall '�
'� with the following present: l�yor Tate; Cotu�ci].men Daniel, He�n].ey,Payne,
Shelton, � Yaneey. w. H. Yancey asting as secretary.
Motion made by ��ae and aeconded by Hemi],.ey that the the name of the Fire
Department be pnt on the Chevrolet and International Fire Trucka and that �
� 18.00 be all�orved for eaah truak for this. �otion carried. '
Motion by 3helton an8 aeconded by Payne that the Citq accept the recommen-
dation df Freeze & Nichols and enter into the contract with the Dept of
the Army in furnishing �rater to their headquarters area at the dam as
provided in contract � DA 41 443. Be it futher moced that the Mayor and
Cit� Secretary be authorized to sign this oontract on behalf on the City
and Freeze and Nichols be be retained as the City's Eagineer in this
matter. Motion carried.
Motion by Payne & eeconded by Hemo].eq that the Secretarg proceed te- in �
aotion to obtaia coverage for eaaployees under the Social Sec�rity acta. i
Motion carried.
; �ieeting ad�ourned
YI.H.Yancey, Aeting a8 Seeretary
Special Meetix� held on ApEil 10, 1952 with the Pollowin� present: Mayor
Gordon Tate; �ouncilmen J.J. Daniel, �ohn Hemlep, S.M.Payne, Bill Yancey;
Secretary Mi].lican; Mr. Foy Adams & Mr. Tucker of the Tarraat Coun.ty H�lth
Discussion was held concerning trash and �arabage collect�6on and disposition
for the City of Grapecine;Also includin� dumpin� area near town. Action
�ras defered until later.
Meetin� ad3ournea.
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