HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1965-021 L}F"i:����C� ��`♦ 6.,...,�.�.?1 .►t� c. �..�);� 1�C��- ' AN C�RJI�tANC: ANN;::�aING TH�, H�.RuI}Y�+�2r.� ���CF�IB�:� T:.Rf�ITGRY Tt� 'THti CITY UF GRAP�.�lINW, ;N TA�F�NT CdUNTY, Tc.::�tAAS, AAtD �}�T:.:N�ING TH� ;���UN�ARY LIi��ITS �F �AI � CITY, SC A� TC� IAiCLU�� S�IU H�R�INAFT�:� D�SCRIB�:� PF4P�.RTY �+ITHIN TH�. CITY LIt�ITS, A�J �,;CLARING AN :.��.?�G�NCY a�H�Rr,#��, th� City of Grap�vin� , Texaa, acting by �►r�� und�r :�ectian t.a3 of Artic�2� 2 of i �s Home Rule Chart�r and �rticls 97�a s�f V.A.T. S.his deteraalned that its houndnries should be �nlerg�d artd extended by the anr��xatior� of additivnai t�rritory d�scrib�d s� fo2low�, to-witz -- Tract of land be�inning �t ir�terssction aF �outh 3ine oi' ;'^~�f Coils�te �trest with '���t line of Ball 5treet, ;�. ,, �' THr.�IC�. South 320 var��, mcre or le�a ta Idarth right c�f way ' '' i i n� nf �t. Loui s 3 5'�tRFi. , �, � ;� ° TH��NC:: in �outh �west direct�Qr� along and with said ric�ht af ��a.�` way 1 f ne 112f} varas mvrs or le�s to tha Atorth :.ast ri�ht of way I� ��� �� of �t�tts Hwy. 1�1�.; , t=` � TH�I�C� !n �tvrth �ieat dir�ctic� with said North �=.a�t r#ght of way 13 ne of �tats Hi ghway 11�. to Lh+� �outh ri ght of way 1 i ne of We�t North�ve:t l�vy. ; 'TH�NC:: �st �long said South liRe o�' �est NorLhwest Hi�hw�y te� the P�'orLh �test CBrn�r of th+s i. 12 acre Lra�t ;�wn�c� by �dw�rd G. Jur�cart and de�crlb�d irt �ta�rra�ty C�sd R�cord folum�r 3Q38, Pa�e 30'j o�' �he �a�d Record TarranL CnunLy, Texas, TH;..�tCE Aiarth 595 var�s, more or lsss tc ths �ouEh �r��t corner �af �1. 15 acre tract canveysd by J. L. Tillory to Jsck L. ��in �t ux, TN�.A�C�. �aast �.,�0 vsras m+�re or l�ss, to Lhe �test lir�e of �7ov� Road; TH.�'.�AiCE South nnd SouLh iast a lor�g ss i d �de st 13 na of �cve toad ta th� Nc�rth l i r�e e�f wa l t Str��t. TH�I�G� �est and �outh We�t alor�g sa�fd Norlh line af �tail :�tr�e�. ,I tc the i�+�st lina of Crest,vi��r �rive iP �xtendsd; TH�dC� 5auth �In�►g said �est lin� of Cr�stview �riv� to the �outh Iin� cP Co21e�� �tre�t. TH�tC� :ast, slong :aid South 1lne of Call�ge to th� pl�ce oP begin�ing, 2�ss and �xcept, _ The Q.52t3 acr: tract a�►naa by Tam Y. ;�t�ph��ts �t int�r��ctfon of �,he ���t line of i)cvs Rced and Narth line of u�all ��reeL pr�- � }���''" viou�ly s�nnexad, �nd tess a�d except 1.6�ib5 �cre Lrsc� o�vned by C. :�. Pfttard cn Morth line c�#' �ali �tr��t, pr�vioualy er��ex�oa. � 49.�5 acr�s out c�f ths H, ��cker Survey, Abstr�et :�io. ���, ownsd by Triung2e Facf litf�s �.nd d��crfbed ir� d�ed r���rcis ww�►►iume 372b, page 6�.3, �ed Record�, Tarrant Caunty, ?exas. f}.�671 acres out of C. H. I�irpon�►ld Survey, Ab�tract 1413, u+����ci by Am�rican Pstrofina, ir�c, and dascribed in ►�arranty :3��d R�cord Volume 3�79, P�9� 5y�, �ed F�ec�rrr�s, Tarr�nE �ounty, Te�as. F�ge 1 27.357 acre� aut af Lhe C. B» Mc�onald Survey, Abstract I413, aw�ed by Aa,�rican Libarty Pipa2ins Co. and Qescribed in ��lum� ��Q7i Page ��i I?atd ReCOTd�s �►r��nt Cau�ty, TBxas. ----___�_.`, Tract +aP laad beginnSng on Sout� 2ir�s oP B. B. Jc�hr�scn Surv+�y, Abst�act Sb9, a�t th� h�c�rLh v�€est �o�rnsr cP tht 29.66 acraffi ovrned by ° �F��`°'� ta�.ss �lisabsth Vf lbf+g and descriAsd in Warre.+�ty i.}eed Valume Il�.b, �' � �. F #���"' F'ags t�63 , :��d Recards, ?irrar�t C�uttty, Texaa. r' �� ' � �� _�� ,.,�� " '� � TH�'PtG: �uth �$b.5 vsraa, �ncra or iss� to Morth lirte cf �.at �, �3lc�ck 1 +�1' Lucas Add#tion. TH�+tCc SouLh :�a�t a2��g Nvrt,h lise of Alack I, to �Ir�rtt� �:�st ecrc�ar ct Lot 7, in �aid Biack i; 'TH�iCE �outh a2cr�g r".aat iin� cP s�id lot 7 tc North line c�f t�s�st Notthwest H�.; T�i�+tC� �est a2n�g said N+�rth lin� of west Northw�st Hwy. t� �uth �est corraar caf tract craned by �'loyQ Phi 12tpa; TH�3+iCE North to Scuth �t��L cornsr of f� acr�� Q�rn�d by L��r� �,. Vilbi� snd d�scrihe�i in VQ2u��s ll�.f�, Page �.6I, �esd �t�cerda, 'i`a�rrant� County, Taxaa; ?H�+tCE r.�st to �asE 2ine of Scribn�r Street; Tl��`NC� South with satcl �:,�ts� lit�� of Scribner 3tre�et to Sauth �e�t carn�r at 8 ser�s c�r�tsd by Bob G�skilt end deacrlbsd in `�Va�ra�Ly �esed Volu�� �319, Pa�e �.(}6, �sd R�cords, '�hrrar�t County. T�xas; TH�IC� �:aest to Seuth �st c�rn�r of aaid 6e�ki 11 tract, Tti�iCE North Lo NQrth Ga�t ccrner of said Gaaki 12 Lract, �i TH;AtC�. �eat tc W�st 1in� cf �cribrt�r SLrett. TH.�fC�. A�orth a3ong �e�t iir�s of Scribner Strset to Narth �st cc�rnar of ssid Vi3big 2$ acr�r� �ract. TH�C� �'�at along IVnrth 2f na of Vi lbi� 29 acre tract to plac� ot' bagt nrt�n�. r_____.--.--� B�f3IN�tI�iG on wsst Iine ot' A, �'. Leonard �urvey, Abatract 9�.�, at �c�uth We�t corn+�r cf ,�3.74 aeres �vn�d by Be�sie Brack �nd d�- scrfb�d !n '►varrantyr ?3�ed V�lume 2C�70, Pags 20?, d�a� �eccrds, Tarrant County, Texa�. ���� ?HrNC�, Marth along seid �I��t line ot Leonard Survey T�fl var�� �,.� mors cr iasa tc a�o�t `�estwr2y NQrtt� �tsst Cor,��cr of Brack 9.46 scr+�ffi / s :'-` tra�ct da s�i i�a�d i n �C �+�d Vc lum� �52 i , Pag� �66, t7�ed R�c�rd s, �fl Tarra�nt County, T�xas; TH�:�►��: I�orth �;aa�t to mast :.,astsriy North wsst ccrnsr of �aid 9.�.6 scre tra�t, TM'ENC: �.aat to most Northsr2y Nortn �aa�i carner of !�$. ib acre Lrect c�rned by �ry �,i�il �.�tsts, bsing 69.b8 acras dsscrib�d in �arranLy I?�ed Volume 236, Fm�� 27, �eed R�ccard�, Tarrnnt County, 'Texa�, leaa U. S.A. 1snd; TH�tC� Sau�h �a�t alc�ng Nerth �a�L line eP said 1�8. 1� acre �.ra�t 73� v�►r�a, mars ar leaa, to 1�arth i�ne oP �tall 3.8 acre trnct de- scz�i�bed i�t Voiums �.40, P�ge 99, 3e�d Recor�s, T'arrant Co�rtty, T�xas; TH�iC� :..nst 124 �rera�, mare cr l+rss, ta Wa�t lin� of +�all 53 acr� trscL d�acribed 3n V�oium� 2,'�t,�, Pags t��5, Deed Reccrd�, 'Tarr:nt CounLy, �'�xas, less iand tak�en by U. S.A. THr�z, c�sandering �icr�g U. S.A. line t0 �teat lfne cf �oaiey Ro�d, Pa ge 2 TH�E �outh a ioag �s ffit t i ne of Joo isy Road to North �:.s st cornsr oP Gra�p+�vine Cemetery, 'TH::NC� �est to i�orth corr�er thersof, THi�;,I�Cc. South ta �iorth line vf '�tildwood Jrivs, TMENCE :�orth �astsrly and r:.ast �lon� North lina cf i�iidw8od ;?riv� ta .�crth W'�st ccrnsr of 2b.b3 acrs tract own�d by �r�. Ruih Cain �aid �mrr�er being 393.8 varas �eat of llb.� �cre Lrsct describsd in Votum� 6t�1, Pa$s 9U, �eed R�cords, Tarr�nt CounLy, T�ac a s; TH�NCE �outh to Atcrth lin� of �'e�t Alorthweat Highway a�td SguLh We�t co�n�r �.ct i� af 8tock 1, of L�kecr��t Additian, '1'�i:,N�� �$�t a2cng �atid �iflrth iine af West Martttiwest Highway to �t+��t line of �oiey Street. TH�tCE Ncrth �icng �te st 2 i ne cf .�o l�y Stres R� tc So�th 1!ne ot Peach Strsst if gxt�nded and �outh �,aat corner cf �t�il 8.80 a�r� truct dascrib�d in Va1u�a �bb, Pag� 329, of a�id Desd P.�corda; TH�TC� �aat alor� �outh 2in� of Psach 5trset ext�r�d�d tt� Sauth 4.a '�►est corn+�r of said .8t? acre tract mm�nd wsat itne oP Ncrrth �.R�.irt ��r�et� 'TN�IC�' AinrLh aiong �sst lfns of ?�fn Str�et to North <;ast ccrner of 1�rs. �Aarvir� Langlay I.3� acr� tract; 'THENC�, �lest alvng �test lina o�' �aid tr�ct and Noc�h line of �4rs. ��rvin Langi�y 2,25 acre tract to ita Atarth ��st Corn�r; TH�.:��:� :�c�uth atong �'��t If�t� c�P 9aid 2.25 �cre tract tc� N�rrth :vast corner cP Ltoyd Titiery I.b6 acre trsct; TH�tC:: v��eat to Narthwast ccrn�r of said Tillsry l .bb aer�� tr�ct� 'fHENCE �outh Lo an inn+�r corr�sr of Tiilsry tract d��cribed in volume �9�.6, Fage 655, �eed ;R�cord�, 'Tarrant Ccunty, 'Texas. TH�tC�. �asL to mo�t South Northaaat corr��r theceat'; TH�ICw South Lo 5outh ::.�st corner th�raof on PQa�ch �Cr�st, TH�NC�' �test alor�g '��st line crP Fea►ch Str��t to �outh �t�st corn�r thsreof, T��1C� North to North t��st carner thersof, TH�TC.� West t�c placs of b�g#nnir��. 7� �cres, �c�re cr le�� out of ths '�ti2lia� aradfcrd Survey, Abstract IVc. 131, owned by F. �. 1'ucket Jr. �t nl , and beln� that p�rt of the � acrs tr�ct d$scrtbed in deed recorde�3 in 1Jo2ume 3�i3, PaB� 169, ��ad R�cc�rQs, Tarrant Co�n�y, T�xas, �ytr�g t�orth cf StaLe fiv�ry. No. 21�.. 1 a�re, more or less, ou�C r�f the wi l l#sm Bradfard �urvey, Ab- atract Aic+. 133, c�wn�d by Joe N. Box, �nd b�#ng that part cf ths 20 acre tracL a�scribsd !n de�d reeardsd in Volume 321t , pac�e 338, �e�d ��cords, 'T'arrant Caunt�, Texas, lyirt� htcrth of StaL� �iwy+. ��. 214 and �aL of Scuth l�xin �tr�et. 5« 1 acrss of lsnd vut af �he �Ii l liam �Jra�dford 3urvey, Abstract �Io. 23t, awned by Ffrst Na�ianal Bank oP Grmp�vins, deacrtbed ir� cleed reccrded in Vclum4 38�7, P�g� lt�?, ��eed Records, T'arrant CQ�nLy: T�x�s. Ps ge 3 1� acres, �ors or less, out of th� �iilia� BradPord �urvey, Ab��ract No. 131, and th� Jc�athan B. �ay 5urvey, Abstract No. 530, and b�ing that part of thr 64 a�rs tr�ct dascribsd in d�ed record�d in Vo�u�e 3334, Pa9e 89, geed ReCards� Tarrant County, Texasi �ying Ncrth aP State ?�ty. ��. 11�. 27.205 acres cut of th� �. �aore Surv�y, Abstract Na. 1C329' ow�ed by M. B. Rud�an et a!, and b�in� the l�l�. 11 acrs tract de- acrfbed in Volu�s �5$7, P�9� 5��. ��d Recordffi T�►rrsnt �nunty, T�xaa, le�s ths 16.945 acrs� a�rn�d by Rsalesco, Inc. {�ickes) . 4 acres c�f 2and cut� Qf ;.;ater �tccre :�urvey, Abatr�ct NQ, 1029, owne�d by Hugh Les Higgina, et ux and dsscrib�d in Volume 3199, Ps�� 2�t}, Deed Rscords, ?arrant County, Texa�. 2$.2� acres of l�s�d crut oP the BBB d Cr�R CQ. Sur`vey, Abstract P3o. 205, described in Vo2urne 21�.�, Pag� 544, �eeci ��cords, Tarrant Cvunty, T�x�t�. A21 that certain tracL ar gnrc�l of lanct ffiituated ir� T�rrant Caunty, T�xas, beiRg part ct ths BBB b CRR Co. Survey Ab�tr�►ct 2t35, and bsinc� more particularly d�acrfbed by metes ar�d bourtds aa �'cticws: B�'t"rI1VNING at th� s�id Soutt�rest corner of the B8B � GRF� �a. Survsy, :�id bagit�ninc� point b�in� in the approxi�nate certter 2irte of County �?o�d 30�.0; TH�1Cz ;Vorth 817,7 fe�t tc� a nail in tha �pproxima.te c�n�er line of County �oad 30t�0 fvr � corner, said paint bei�g !n th� Sauth 2ine of a tract aP lac3d d�edsd tv the City of Qrrap�vir�e for a 1if t stati4n: TH��NC:. �uth 88 d�grses t#2 minuLes wast 125 feet to a�n iron pin F'cr corr�► , TNr�+IC: North 144 f��L tc� sa ircn pin far cQrAer; I, THc.N{C� North 88 d�grees !�2 minute� `.��st t2� fe�t �€� � nai 1 f n tha epproximate ceqt�r Iine of County Road 3c?ttC?; TH;�+iC�, North 2b2 feeL tc� a ��i i fbr cornarj TH�iC� South $q d�gseea 31 min�tes s;�tat � it�1.3 f�et to an iron pf n for corner; TH�NC,; South 0 degr�e s 32 �i c�ut�s W�st I 171.2 fe�t tc� �r� i ron pi n Par corner; TH�.t�iC� �lest 12�1.2� feet tv th� plac� of be�inniet� �nd ccntaining �4.663 acres with tJ.b20 s�cr�� in � of Cou�tty F?oad le�vine� a net total oi' 34.�t�? acrea. LaTS Qf lartd aut of the A. �cster �urv�y, Abstract t�o. 518, owned by �Ars, Hsisn Crsi�hton and d�acrtbed fn W�S, Volume 23�3, P�gs b38 and Voluma 1t�12, Page ib2, �a�d Rsccrds, Tnrrant Ce�ur�ty, Texas. 4.312 acra� of land out of Lhs Ambrose Foster 5urvey, Abatract 53$, d�seribsd as followss B�YNNING at an fro� pit� tn th� NQrtt� line of �rrey Lane 1C?4 P�eL Ncrth 87 d�grees 30 minutea i�est of the Southeast ccrner oP a� tract ot iand deedad to V. H. Yancey �s recorded in Vc�lun�e 25�.7, Pags 2�9i Lot 9T, Tarr�.nt CounLy ��d R�cards. 1'HENC� North 8� degres: 30 minutea �1e:t 13'�.2 fest to an iron pis�, the 5c�utt� c.aat cornsr af Hlack �, !�ellwood Acrs� Addltior� tc ther City cf 4rapevin�, T:x�s. . Pa�e 4 TH�ICL North 1 degres Q� �in�teffi .;�►at 150 fe�t L� �n iran pin. 'TH�NCE Sc►uth 87 d�grse� 34 minutss �nat 135.7 feat ta an irtin pi n. TN�'NC� South Q dagrses 3� mir�utes �iest 1�0 fest tt� iha p2�►e� of begf�ning, and, WH�R�'A�, ench of the abnv� tracta of land are withln th� conftn�s of ths �xtraterrttorial ,�urisdicticr� of safd City of Grapevin� , T�xas, aAd, `�v�i�R�S, trie said City of Grapevine haa not ann�xed arty territory undss �aid Artic2e q70a durtng efth+�r af th� preceedin� y�ars 19b3 cr 196�. ar tht yaar i965 and is Lherefare entitled ta nnn�x during the yesr I9b5 an area not tn sxcess of 34� of its total �r�a �s of the ffrut d�y of January, �96�, and, WHi.R;,A�, the �r�a af ths ab+av� de scrlbed torri tary I s not i n sxcaas of 30� a2' th� Lata2 area of said City a� cf the first day af January, 19�5, s�d, WH��t�'AS, �ftar conal+�ering t�t� �nn�xatlon of Lhs e►D�v� describ+�d tsrr3tory, ths City Ccuncil vf s�tid City of Grapevine, Tsxa�, has nr�animously v�teQ to annex s,�id tra�is to said City of Grapevtn�, 'Texas, and, wN���t�:AS, all l�gat rsquir�ments for the annexttion at' e�ch said tract, inciudiq$ AvblicaLicn anc! pubEic hsaring, have bser� h�retof"or� duly, tim�ly, ar�c! prflperly psrformed and dane, and, �H�:Rr'A5, !t is for th� public w�Ifare, and fQr �nd tca the aad- vant�g�, gensr8l wslfmra, and ber��fit of th� ';ity of Grapevinc, 1'exas, i and Qf �nd far each said tract, Lhat saane b� naw artr�exad to th� Cf ty a�" 4ra ev!ne Te xa s: P . ��C::�' '1`M*EREF�F�, �� t T �F�.�7A I NED IIX ?Nr C I TY COUNC IL t�F TM�` C I TY Q� ,��'CV�!':..i�l!'�L� t ��,��i ThaE �h� tract� nf landf �s a�bove de�crib�d, b� ar�d the �a�me are h+�reby anr��xe� ta t�he City of Grapevine, in Tarrant Cc�unty, T�xas, a�r�d that th� b�undery li�it� af th� City of Grapevin�, 'Texa�, be and th� ssm� ere herfby �xt�nd�d tc► tnelude the ebove dsscrib�d tr�cts w!thf n th� �'i t• Lta�! s f �,�e C t of Gr sv � Texa a mu� c i a 1 t e� i a i rt s ! �' Y P , , P ccrporattan, an� s�#d �r�cts of land , and the t`utur� ie�habltar�t� th�t`aof �ha21 hsreaftar ba sntit�ed to rights s�nd prlvi ls�e� of �t,her �itizen� caf the City of Grapevirte , Tex�s, and, th�y �shall be h�re�ft�r bcund by tha �ct�: �nd or�ins�css of sa#d city. It bsing n�csss�ry for ths p�blic welf�rs that Lh#� arddnancs of annex�tion be ncw pa�sad, cr�ates an amsrgency and publlc �ecs��fty that Lhe rule requiring thf� ordir�enc� be r�sd cn three sev�ral days be dl�p�n�seri wtth, �r�d this ordintanca shall, acccrdir�g�y, ba ctvw p3aced on it� third ar�d fir�al r�adir�g to its ps���►ga and �ams �hal ! be ir� full force tnd eff�ct fra� and �fter ita p�ssugs an� �epproval. Passed b an aff f rm tive wote af t mes�bsr r sent of Che Ci L Y �� � � � P� 9 Y Cour�cil, tnis._��day of _. �,._� ��._-��,,,,�� �9b5. , a ���,'!`s �, or -%` : �� ��--� ; . � - �--� _ ��,��� , � s y Yot �� � .� t�q�ed as to fcr� and t�ga:titys _�, � y or sy Page 5 — ��..���... �' ..., _ �� � _� -"' �° cv o7 � � � .� � '��'s�?f .,.;.�e�,�;ti...� � � � ��� (>� � �" n Q F--a� .. � . � � .+-1 .,.� -l-) H � . � . � 'Y'i -43 �� ,.:. �` � „ � � �C,� Y� �°°�i � (� `{� � ��+��/� E"'t �� t +"` � _ �^+ .`, 'r�4J . i+'�r"ad + � � {.f� O {} � (�Y��{i�{-i-� . T �a �.-�—_"�' ��� ' ( , Q1-� ` ...J E i .,,,,.r.�.M,M,a7+1V/�. �7 .�-i � �-i ii„`i:� '� �'�.��� 1. � G.l'-+ �+I(�} W-i �'3... � {� N C�iCEI .�•�- (� N N Ct� �-'� s(�., , � � � � ��' � :.�� � .��.. �;�., �� ��i��- �� ��„ . �, \� >_ �I 4��:'�'�� s-;,,-- ; , #.�,;:, l � °:,_ '�.- .,.,_ _4r, ,,. r 'i, �+�. f.w. . .� . , �, E.h�d» i : ..c i.t . .. , `�,ri ,��;. � :�r , �: i�: .i+,, _ ., .._ , ''J t.,'t. : r . , t'.,.. e b. .. � . � :!' �ts..r : r . .. ry_ . .,... . < .� .,. . . ..,. . „ .. :: c : eS'"` x; ... C,:.ez_i. .v;z-a.v. fi'.Y �-�.z`Ia_.!t ���t' a_ _�. . .... � , �..� �s; . . . f'n!`�iT �Y��,'r'�; C �, ^'� ,.� .»,.�.L�.iw.�,���VtI6� . ..,.._.. . Iy!`�� � ��rj .. '� V�£f�Ut-�f� �..�'�. 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