HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1966-005 �3455 / � �r��I��tc� �vo. 66•5 ._r.____ .t-.�i nr:1Iv��C:� F? aC:�IVI:� .aP1�'� .^,PdI�S��'�ING T�"ITORY �1DJAC��PI'I' .�ND CONI'IGU�Uc 'T� TH'.: C ITY nF GRAP a��:'f Ts ', T.-�.u��: P'?�VI�IlVG TH1�T TH� �R� KNOd�1N .AS TH� .�. ;�. 'a"���UD, C�i�tRL�5 `�;OOD, �Pd�' „�.Yv:�`� �. �� ��.'. T. ��I��'.:ON`' T'?.:�CT C�F LAND I N TH:� �'TA.' 3RUTGN SUR.V�Y, SHIaLL �3:�— CCp`� A �'f^:RT OF THE `.`.AT� �I TY �PJ'?� T�-t.E1T T�i_. O`.`�'Nr�'� �1P1�? TH: IAIHF,DITl�I�?T`� TH:�:CF "�I-z.fi:LL 8�:: '�NTITL�.L TC �'�LL T�i:� :='=?IV'IL�G���'� CF CTH�::' CITI?-Td:; OF �:-=;1J CSTY AI�(L� '3CU?`�:� '�`.' TH:� ACTS ��V'� ORnINANC��a r3C�1;t IRI .�FF�;CT �?1VD TG $:; :�:.:F�.;.��T�', p,�PT;�:�:FL�T'i�? ?�siOVIil1i`�'.r �i;�� :����?���5 P�� f�,ND COR?� :;CTi?�3G TH� c�FF iC I AL ROUNna�?i x�� oF a.AI� CITY �:�:F::TC:,FQ^;: 1ti�OPT ;i', ti> .�;ParT1�:; ,:�� r���s�� �,,;r- VI�I:`3'G 1'O�' �3I`d� "?:?C I..`iR 1 P�r ;;hJ -;�r[::RCr'�NC:Y: �;'��'H�"R�:,�1", a petitior3 for artnexir�g has beert duly sig�ect and acknow— ledged by th� individua3 owning the fol2owirig d�scrib�d traet c�f 2and; :^t tract or parcel of iand lying and situat�:c� in T�rrar� �:aunty, Texas, bei�g -� part of the 'r'Ym Bruton `:urvey, as dEscribc:d by m�tes and bounds as fo2lov;ts: �:_�Ir�;�'�IPdG at an iron irz the Sauth liris af a pub2ic road �ncl th� `�°lest lfn� �f the ;Um Bruton �urvey 25 feet Sauth of the rJarthwest corr�er, s�.me beinr, the �torthwest corn�i' of a tract of land c3eedec; �o :3. ?'. ''{all as r�corded in Vo2ur�e 1rA7, :'ane !�52, �`<.:R�r�r�t ''auttty �Jeed 'tiecords. TH=��IC :�: with the �outh line of said road TJort�: 89 d�arees �'� !:^inutes :'aast l;.9C�.& teet to an iron, the North North�u�st corner ofi a tra.ct of land ' =�^c�ed to thE State of Texas for gro;�osed right af way of :�tate Hiehway 11);_ as recorded f n Volur.:e 3�3?_, Page 20�, T�.rrant �ounty �eed F'�cords, TH_�`1C�: with said right of way line `.=�outh 23 degr�es 4� min�tes east 28.; f�et to an iron at the bec�inning of a eurve to the r°i�ht. THEidC:� Southw�sterly �Ionc; saia curve with a r�dius of 6?�.� �eet, through a cer�Lral angle of ls1;. dagrces 13 minutes i;.2 s�cc�r�ds � c�is— tar3ce of �21.98 feLt to an iron, said curv� having � s�.b chc�rci which bears :�outh �;3 degre�s �;-3 m=inutas `t:'est a d#stance oi �C�.�. 22 feet. TH ;�dC � ::ou'th 7� degrees 5o r�irzutes ','lest 9_?_.tr feet �o �.n ir�n in �;he `:';est 1in� of said B. �'. :°Jall tract. TH�:I`JC:: vJith `�Je�t 2ir�e of �aid ��aa11 tract �tor�h Q rle,rz::�� 2,: minutes ',',�est ?I}.3.t;. f�et to thv place of bec�inning, cor�t�zinir�cz '�.r't.� acres of land. 'iH�'.�.nS, said tract is contic?uous, ad,�acent anc in th� �xtraterri- torial ,jurf sdictic�n of th� City of Grapevine, Tnx�_v, ``�'H::r ::.�5, saic� r'�:`.3.tion �eras �uly, Iawf�,�lly an� properly f.�r�sented to the Ci ty Counci l, ar�d �>'IH,�t?;�.�� �, after hearin� such petition anc� the arc;uments fvr �nu �.�?ains't Lhe s�me , th� �':ity Counci 1 has unanir�ou5ly vote� to c�rant such �'etition, and to artncx s3id tract to the City of' '".�rap�vine, Tex.as, �nd �'�HL�'.�y a, a12 le�a3 requirements far the a�nexation of said tract have been heretofore duly, timely, and proper2y �erfor�ed a�d done; and , ��dH�t�:AS, it is for the pub3ic v�relfare, and fQr ar�d to t�.� advantage of the g�neral welfare to hsve fire and poliee protect3ort, and ber�e- A it af the City of Gragevine, T$xas, and ef �rtd for said tract, that same be n4w annexed to the Citv of Grapevine, Texa� : NG�`r' TH'��"�:FCR,�, p:-�.' IT �RD.�Ifd'�D F3Y TH:.; CITY CC�Us'�CIL OF THE CITY OF GP.�`,��:VIN:;, Tr��:A�: That the said tract of lan@, as above de�cribed, be and the same �re hereb�r annexed to the City of Grapevine, irt Tarrant Gounty, Texas, and that th� boundary limit� of �he C.fty of Grapevine, Texas, be anc� the same are h�reby extended to inc2ude the above cescribed traCt withit7 the City �.imi�s of the City of Grap�vine, Texas, a municipal corporation, and said tr�cts of land, and th�; future in- habftants thereo�' sha12 hereafter be entit3ed tc� rinhts arid privi- leges of ather c i t��ens ��f th� City of Grap�vi n�, Texas, arlc', they shall be hereafter bound �y the acts and �::,rc�inances af s�id city. It being nece�sary far the pub23c welfare that this ordinance of annexatias� be rtaw pa�sed in that �aid territc�ry ta b� ann�xed is novT without, ad�quate police ar�d fire protection, creates �n emer- r�ency and public necessity that the rul� requirirt� this orclinanc� be read on two several days b� dispensed �ith, and this ordinance sha 11, accord i nc�iy, be now placed �n f ts secar�d ar±c� f i n�2 r�ad i na to its passa�� and same sha12 b� in fuli farce and eff.n,c�, from and after its pass�ge and apprava�. Passed by at� affirmattve vate of a2I msm2aers of the City �.aur�cil, thi s the 15t�. d�f R�tarch�, 1966 . �. - ='�PPraved : ' �/�-�` �2�.._. ::'.ayor ,1 TT:::�T: �� . �` _ �,�- `-,�"�,��r �> J�%- � � n �' ecre ary .�pgroved as to form arld Iegality: >'"�' . . �.. ��� s a';�;,^. +:s� s �..�:. Ci y Attorney � b � 't y � , 0� O H c+ � �c-+� . I � GdO � K ¢ �.' o '�J Fi t+i • . ._.�._„ �p � p A • N �..�yp' '-WC H��iy�i0� � "Qi � � ¢. '1 � � f4� � (fl � � � H ��. . ..�..� 1 � � cwn, O� � � � �. � ' � i � . �"�'� � L� ►'! O �! . � ? � � 'L7 �+ u�i ��rJ t� �7' '. � � � t�D �b � � tA � '41 � I-' O `. O � f1. f�]. � �� �' -�", � _. : . . . _ � . w • . . , C.. ri� �'-���, ; b R . . � . ... . . . c: "f�;i� tft�. . . . �. . . .. � . . , ,�.� ,�-Y ��4�'1����� � � s k � . MaR . _ �o ��� .y ,� '�„� �e , y ��� ��tr«r�.t�a ,}�Vi�R ,�8 t95.� 1�,'�i�� .. ��r: , �� �-��°-�C 0 .�.,, {" 5�,.,� � . R,:",�,7'6 nf r+���ox.} . .e� :. �; ;,.,, � ; ;'_,,;'•.`� n.� Rs�a�F ::rid �e:�l r># a(fice„ at �`s,rt �'r�. , � �,�'4 �ai fit�uY@ vkii:r<�az, Vf'r. t;. "Rk:D" Ct)�j'I '; �zlecjt �',,,�o���rv,,- �;auz�t, TUnrant 4.:�,•7 F ,� �_ ,.. �..,.,.�'.��.-,.�. ,�. .,._.. �"' �.